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tizianacerralovetrainer · 1 year ago
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mostro-rotto · 2 years ago
Le persone che rispondono subito ai tuoi messaggi non sono disperate. Le persone che rispondono subito alle tue chiamate non sono disperate. Le persone che sono sempre lì quando ne hai bisogno, non sempre sono libere o senza lavoro. Forse sanno come ci si sente ad essere ignorati. Forse sanno come ci si sente ad essere soli e non avere nessuno su cui poter contare. Perché forse sono stati abbandonati quando avevano bisogno di qualcuno. Forse ti amano. Forse ti hanno reso la loro priorità. Non prenderli per scontati. Non perderli, sono ORO.
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leregirenga · 1 year ago
Cuando empecé a quererme me liberé de todo lo que no era bueno para mi salud: personas, cosas, situaciones y todo lo que me empujaba hacia abajo y me alejaba de mi mismo. Al principio lo 1lamaba egoismo saludable. Hoy sé que es AMOR A UNO MISMO Charles Chaplin YO le llamo amor propio, amarme como a nadie.
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malefashiontrends · 2 years ago
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(vía LIBERE toma elementos del hip-hop y la calle para su colección Primavera-Verano 2024)
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radicalgraff · 10 months ago
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"A world without trans people has never existed and never will"
Poster spotted in Olympia, WA
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prole-log · 4 months ago
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vague-humanoid · 6 months ago
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many-sparrows · 4 months ago
Howdy folks, the Senate will be considering a major resolution blocking arms to Israel. This is huge and historic; it would block government contracting and about $20 billion in arms and support. This is an uphill battle, PLEASE urge your senators to support S.J.Res114-115. This is maybe the most important piece of legislation relating to Palestine that we have ever gotten and we must seize this opportunity.
This doc has information on the resolutions and their process, as well as sample messages and a phone script you can use. Please, use this moment to hear witness for your neighbors.
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novella-november · 2 months ago
Do you have the Libby library app?
If not, download it to your phone, and under "Add library card" select the button to search for a library and start typing in "queer"...
Sign up with an email, no actual address required, and you are good to go 🏳️‍🌈
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[ID: A screenshot of the Queer Liberation Library Libby main page, showing 6 titles, one of which is an audio book. The titles displayed are the Trans Teen Survival Guide; Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During This Crisis (and the next); We Will Be Shelter: Poems for Survival; Tomboy Survival Guide; A Burst of Light and Other Essays; and Saving Our Own Lives: A Liberatory Practice of Harm Reduction. End ID]
(thank you @teddypoi-qd for the ID!]
EDIT: Here is the Queer Liberation Library's donation page!
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helen--richardson · 9 months ago
"The best part of being fat is being soft and comfy to cuddle with" "The best part of being fat is knowing people like you for your personality and not your looks" Wrong. The best part of being fat is getting to swim in ice-cold water for FAR longer than my peers. My skinny friends can barely last 10 minutes in the pacific ocean without losing feeling in their fingers meanwhile i can be in there for HOURS. I was born to swim in glacial lakes and icemelt streams. Also I float.
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sitronsangbody · 5 months ago
It will never not baffle me how hard society tries to insist that fatness is an abnormality. The average western woman wears plus size clothing. One of the smallest garments on the scale is called a medium. Most people with anorexia are in the overweight bmi category, yet somehow that's known as "atypical anorexia". Fatness is often labeled the cause of a number of diseases, but there are literally no diseases exclusive to fat bodies. Looking at movies and television, you'd think the world was 98% thin people. It's not.
My point isn't that if it was pretty rare to be fat, fatphobia would be okay. Of course not.
My point is that we're surrounded by all these artificial indicators that fatness is unnatural and uncommon and it's just not true?? Humans are not always thin and we've never all been thin and we're not all meant to be thin. Fat humans are a normal type of human. Fatness is a feature, not a bug.
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misguidedghostsofficial · 1 month ago
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benandjerrys on Instagram
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Hero of the Year 2025
I'm calling it early - I doubt anyone will beat The Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde
(I sure hope I've addressed her correctly)
For the most stunning act of bravery, class, integrity, and speaking truth to power that has graced the USA in far too long.
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Not a single shake in her voice as she spoke directly to one of the most vengeful, spiteful, and (unfortunately) powerful people on the planet, while also receiving glares of hate and outrage from the despicable VP and his wife.
It's not the first time she's stood up for what is right in defiance of trump's actions, but while many may speak out on it, there have been scarcely any with the backbone to follow through on the opportunity to do it to his face, and especially on live television. She had her moment, and she didn't waste it.
May she be the inspiration we all take forward with us into the turbulent times ahead.
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arinzechukwuture · 3 months ago
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malefashiontrends · 2 years ago
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(vía LIBERE toma elementos del hip-hop y la calle para su colección Primavera-Verano 2024)
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