#preferably read it cause the manga its so good
kokushibe · 1 year
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bmpmp3 · 2 years
one thing that sucks as a person who loves comics is how i like. can barely read text that has too many words bolded? like okay they do that thing in a lot of print comics (not as universal nowadays depending on the comic but still very common) where they strategically bold various words in basically every text bubble, i think it comes from when printing could get kind of messy and tiny in these little 10 cent superhero comic issues and bolding specific words for emphasis help get across what the character is saying even if there’s printing errors or its too small to read? its probably a great idea in practice but unfortunately im a fool and too many bolded words (more than like 1 or 2 a paragraph) mix up my head and then i just read Only the bolded words and also backwards for some reason?? comic text formatting can be mysterious at times.................
#just got a new phone because my old one was dying (possibly from being 6 years old. possible from me dropping it multiple times per day)#and first of all. phones are tall and big now. this bitch is a full inch and a half taller than my old one#WEIRD to get used to but now that i have all this screen space and the cpu power to handle it i started reading webcomics again#i stopped for a while cause i started only liking to read comics on a shitty phablet from 2012 that cant run its own built in browser#let alone webtoon or tapas or anything like that. drm comics only on that guy LOL#and while page-based comics i still prefer on my lovely shitty phablet#the scroll comics are not Horrendous on my new phone#(i think i would prefer it on my phablet still but unfortunately that thing doesnt have the computing power ;-; )#sometimes a little small but mostly pretty good depending on the comic!#its interesting to get used to!! for a long time the only vertical long strip webcomics i had read were that one jumpscare comic#you know the one. also the comic Bastard (very good!! i really loved it)#i used to read webcomics religiously tho like before the long strip format got popular in the english speaking world#i LIVED on smackjeeves. i LIVED THERE.#anyway what im saying is i started reading more webcomics rather than just print manga and comics that were published 15 years ago#i started reading something called gourmet hound? very fun!! types of stories i like to read: very 00s shoujo manga#theres so many fun comics on this earth!!!!!!! i love comics!!!!!!!!!!! aaaa (explodes)
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
First of all: Long Live the Queen! Hope you're doing great, your stories are a real delicacy... I first discovered your Tsunami fic when I was in my jjk era, but your Arsenic Blues woke up my inner pjo fan. So eager to see how this all unfold.
But for now, time for the Rankings!
My personnal RoR favorites based on the manga only:
1) Shiva--> Not in the harem, but I had to place him somehow. Was searching for a Shiva fic in the first place. Love the himbo energy. At least it's good to see he's one of the "sane" one in your story.
2) Anubis--> Same, feral himbo doggo energy, can we ask for more?
3) Beelzebub--> Noo don't unalive yourself Bb love u so pretty haha🥺
4) Hadès--> All Hail to the King, here for the BigBro energy
5) Poseidon--> Mytho/Pjo fan here, of course he's one of my favorite gods, but I'm not a fan of his RoR portrayal. He's pretty tho.
6) Apollon--> Too effeminate for my taste, I was rooting for Leonidas anyway.
7) Loki--> U ugly ass, stinky ass, nasty ass bi***
Now, the interesting part, the Ranking based on [Arsenic Blues], as for now, until chapter 31:
1) Beelie Bestie 🤗! It seems you will soon give us reasons to hate him, but for now he's my personal favorite. Hope he will overcome his current difficulties. Fun fact: I tried to translate "Beelie" in my language, tried to find an equivalent nickname, I found "Bébou" (pronounced beeboo, another way to say "baby"). That’s so cute!
2) Loki--> I know it's unlikely but... is this bad that I really want him to take Percy's virginity 😳? Your writing is soooo good, it made me root for him of all people. Everyone loves a good outsider, and since he doesn't want to kill Percy anymore, he climbs up the ranking.
3) Anubis--> Favorite from the manga, I was sooo happy to see that u included the doggo. Didn't appear yet, but I have really high hopes for him. Beware the Allmighty Knot!
4) Poseidon--> This is a dark fic, I understand the appeal, the taboo of the incestual relationship, but since he's already her father, her family, the one who has authority over her, I think he has an unfair advantage compared to the others. This is the reason he's kinda low ranked, but I really loved the relationship he built with our best girl. Embrace Fatherhood (but not too much😰)
5) Hadès--> Same here, too much authority over her, doesn't have the appeal of the gradually evolving relationship. Creepy old  uncle, hope your non-existent liver bursts. For now, he's the one who had the most "action" with Percy, so it seems unlikely that he will have her virginity as well.
6) Apollon--> Well, at least he's funny 😅. I'm sorry, but based on his pathetic simpy behavior, I have to give him the stamp of the "Whiny Little Bitch" of this story. Don't worry tho, there always have to be one in a fic, and he's not as bad as his Tsunami counterpart (Yuuta you nasty motherfucker I had faith in you-).
7) The Seventh--> Seeing the results of the poll, it seems I'm one of the only weirdos who voted for Ahura Mazda. Raa would be awesome too, but I have to say I was disturbed when I first saw that angry buff dude in the spin-off. For me, Raa was still that muscle mommy from the webtoon/manhwa Ennead (read Ennead. Ennead is good for your health). I just want the 7th to not be Cu Chulainn. I know I would still love it if you include him (cause ur writing is golden) but that's just a preference of mine.
I hope I'm understood. That's a big ass message, my thoughts are all over the place and my home country is known for having a shit level in english.
If you're interested I could do the same kind of ranking for Tsunami/Bloodflood. Have a great day, Peace!
the anime did him sooooo good, he's so hot there, i'm glad they didn't fuck him up like LOOK AT HIM
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also, YES PLEASE you're free to give me your own bloodflood/tsunami rankings too!!!
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nanamin-nah-nanamine · 3 months
hi!! i saw you were doing matchups! (i really love your work btw❤️)
a little about me:
- 5’4, she/her, Black, im pretty small, no ass no tiddies (okay a little tiddy but. theyre small.) just vibes LOL
- personality wise, i’m very quiet, more of a listener, unless you get me talking about something im super interested in. im a bit of a space cadet, pretty forgetful & distractable but I try my best to pay attention, and I write down important things about people I care about to help me remember things. i’ve been told I have a bit of a RBF, but I become very bubbly once i’m comfy with someone. also I love to laugh, once i’m comfy I tend to make a lot of jokes with people.
- hobbies: crochet, cooking, gaming (I love a good visual novel or an RPG, depends on my mood), & reading books & comics/manga
- im a programmer for work, so im very into coding/tech
- style: I have to “dress up” for work, so during the day im in pretty basic office attire, a blouse + skirt combo or some nice pants, maybe a dress if its nice out. I love gimmicky/cute accessories, so I have lots of earrings shaped like frogs, vegetables, butterflies, etc, I love me some cutsey stuff. but my preferred state of being is pretty casual/comfy, usually a crop top or a hoodie + sweatpants/baggy jeans.
You sound absolutely adorable
I am going purely based on vibes 🔮 buttttt I think you would look absolutely cute with🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Suguru Geto!!
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I feel like since Sugu is also quiet and a good listener you two would work really well together. I really think he prefers a bubbly and cute partner and he wouldn’t mind guiding you and reminding you of things bc bro you’re his baby girl😭
I think he’s one of the characters that also prefers someone shorter than him and he’d find your height difference and overall physical differences to be adorable. He’s definitely picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder if you catch an attitude with him.
I don’t know why but I’m really thinking cult era Suguru😭 if he calls you a monkey you better pop his ass tho🤨 cause we don’t play that around here
I’m thinking cult era particularly since he’s making a lot of money and he’d definitely want to fund your hobbies and need for cute things. His card is your card. I could also see him getting you a lot of custom kimonos because you gotta match his fly bbg😭
He’s buying you the nicest computer on the market for your coding and gaming. No you can not refuse, he will make you take it.
His casual style is also very comfortable as we’ve seen in the manga/anime so when he’s not before his followers I think you two would have a lot of matching sweatsuits and pajamas inside the house.
Activites you do together…
•I’m seeing a lot of parallel play, after a long day of killing people he just wants to curl up in bed with you while you two read🥰
•he’s taking you anywhere you want to go on rainbow dragon. You just gotta say the word, you could be in Paris for your lunch break and back at the office with ten minutes to spare😭
•shopping!!! This man is completely at your service, you just gotta take his card while he holds your bags.
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melodrangea · 1 month
when one does not want to write, one does it anyways and picks a favorite character!!
i'm not sure if you meant as a person or as a significant other so the voices are telling me both!!
(and again I'm a faker that hasn't read the manga so if I contradict something I apologize)
Kilik Rung Headcannons
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As a person
-southern boy!!! nobody can convince me that Kilik isn't from Tennessee or Louisiana
-probably has a lot of fighting experience, always throwing himself into martial arts, jujitsu and even boxing!
-he has a commanding yet calming presence, making him impossible to ignore and a shoe in for being a meister
-if he wasn't a meister he would most likely be a police officer
-odd one but I feel like he doesn't like fruit, don't know why but do not go near this man with a fruit
-i love him and I'm sure he eats his veggies but with all the candy he consumes natural sugar just doesn't taste as good
-is the total opposite of only child syndrome! he definitely has older siblings
-also is a total family man, loves his mom, loves his grandmom, is always home for sunday dinners etc...
-doesn't have a favorite music genre, listens to a little bit of everything but prefers music with a more upbeat vibe. will go from Bon Jovi to Sia to the my little pony theme song, he does not care
-early riser!! sorry to night people but Kilik is up with the sun and in bed before 10 pm
-will not admit it to anyone but Kilik is the biggest pokemon fan you will ever meet. knows all of the different shows, regions, regional variants, gym leaders etc...
-ironically can't stand pokemon go since he let the twins play once and they almost walked into the middle of the street for a shiny lotad...
-speaking of twins i also believe that he legally adopted them when he turned 18 since they don't have parents ( i think lol )
-you best believe the first time they made him fathers day cards he cried
-will obvs let the twins decide if they want to keep being weapons or not. like if one day thunder says she wants to quit Kilik would be totally fine with it
-he is unfortunately a gym rat, you want to find this guy just look for the barbells, he doesn't work out for looks, more that he wants to better himself and become stronger
-is a canonic tired parent cause I said so
-listen he loves fire and thunder like his own children but mans is TIRED
(went on a lil rant there so onto romantic headcannons)
As a significant other
-bro is seriously SLEPT ON
-honestly one of the best partners for people of all different personalities
-if you're more shy and introverted he is very encouraging and ngl appreciates the peace and quiet
-if you're loud and rowdy so is he!
-if you wanna be a bit of both even better for the guy!
-also does not have much of a preference appearance wise
-if you want to date Kilik Rung you do have to prepare to be around the twins a lot
-he will never ask or try to shove you into a parenting role with them but the twins are just always around unless Kim and Jackie or Harvard are watching them (Ox cannot be trusted to nurture children...)
-he can cook a little bit, its nothing like mama's sunday dinner but he can get by
-he is very reliable, you need help with homework? he'll try his best or find someone else to help you. you need help picking out an outfit? not quite his thing but will give you an honest opinion (with lots an lots of compliments)
-it's hard to have a bad day with Kilik around, he's just so calming and uplifting that it's hard to feel bad for yourself around him! but on the offchance of a rough day he will do whatever you need to make you feel better. he can go on for hours about how he finds you absolutely perfect or he could sit and listen to you rant with a hot beverage
-cuddlebug!!!! you can't escape him! he has a spidey sense for you being in a 200 foot radius! you're always either holding hands or he has his arm on you somehow
-will also not let you carry anything! he knows you can carry your bag but why should you when he's right there??
-you and Kilik would be one of those couples that genuinely seems to always just coexist in perfect harmony
-you're not apart that often because he doesn't do much that would make you want to be apart anyways
-one of Kilik's flaws is unfortunately his adherence to logic, to him there is nothing that can't be solved, there isn't any emotion or insecurity that doesn't have a reason
-so he might accidently mansplain your feelings to you a bit (he's too used to gentle parenting I'm afraid)
-would so be a sucker for matching anything (though i think he'd prefer rings or earrings)
-most dates would either be things like hiking or study dates! with the occasional spontaneous dance class ;)
and that's all folks!
god i love Kilik sm
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arwainian · 2 months
Reading This Week 2024 #30
This week took me to the very final page of the notebook I have been keeping my reading journal in since last October! which is very convenient, but also now i have to dig around my book shelf to find what half used notebook i want to convert toward this purpose. As a heads up I skimmed some articles this week I wont be including, but there will be a subsection in started/ongoing on books from the library that I've tested (lots of holds coming in at once) and whether I'll pick them up again or not
quick question, this log jumps between different genres pretty wildly [academic work on sexual violence to cute romance manga back to academic work on sexual violence]... would anyone prefer if i also sorted by genre/type? or are we cool with me mostly sticking to the timeline that i actually finished reading stuff? because my life and reading experience really does flip back and forth between these things
settle the tab by blacksatinpointeshoes on ao3 reaching a point where I can return to friends at the table fanfiction after the post-project break is such a godsends bc there is so much good fic to catch up on! this fic by bsps (if you remember, an author i really loved during the reading project) is about Grand Magnificent being miserable and drinking martinis, a drink for people who hate themselves
The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang, audiobook read by Emily Woo Zeller this book was blurbed by Shelley Parker-Chan, author of She Who Became the Sun which I am obsessed with, so I picked The Water Outlaws up on a whim when I saw it at the library a few weeks ago. i ended up having an easier time starting the audiobook just because it fit well with my chores and errands after I returned from visiting family. if you like badass women and chinese-inspired historical and fantasy action, go check this out! I had a good time
"Toward Acknowledging the Ambiguities of Sex: Questioning Rape Culture and Consent-Based Approaches to Sexual Assault Prevention" by Tuulia Law, Ch.12 in Violence Interrupted: Confronting Sexual Violence on University Campuses a really loved reading this. it gives a good history of various feminist approaches to sexual violence, and says some things that have been on a mind in my research. love to have a place where i can justify and cite my opinions (btw, cause the title is ambiguous, its about acknowledging that Obtaining Consent(tm) does not always prevent sexual harm for various reasons, and consent-based approaches often individualize the broad social issues at play
A Sign of Affection, Vol. 1 by suu Morishita, translated by Christine Dashiell shojo romance between polyglot boy and Deaf girl. not really feeling the chemistry between the leads, but I finished the first volume for the lush art and how sign language is represented in static images. not sure if i'll continue with further volumes but i might check out the anime
"Thinking Woman-to-Woman Rape: A Critique of Marcus's "Theory and Politics of Rape Prevention"" by Kelly Anne Malinen a very incisive critique, a great and critical literature review on different feminist theories of rape (including radical feminist text with their gender essentialism). i will definitely be using this in my writing!
"The Font of Liberty" by Elizabeth Porter Birdsall, narrated by C.J. Lavigne on the Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast i kinda forgot what this is about.... newspapers in Les Miserables era France?
Go For It, Nakamura! and Go For It Again, Nakamura! by Syundei, translated by Amber Tamosaitis the art style for this is charming, the disaster gay is at absolute maximum disaster for comedic effect, and it really does get you shouting "just make a move! you have a good chance!" at this shy teenager's crush on his outgoing classmate/friend
"Sex Wars and the Contemporary French Moral Panic: the Productivity and Pitfalls of Feminist Conflicts" by Cornelia Möser provides a much needed outside perspective on the U.S. feminist "sex wars" between "pro-sex" and "anti-porn" camps, and reminds me of the need for a multiplicity of approaches: what feels empowering for some overlaps with what feels oppressive for others
Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J. Brown, audiobook read by Yu-Li Alice Shen if you are not, like me, a graduate student familiar with writing on anti-black oppression and on asexuality, a lot of this stuff might be new to you. but me as I am a lot of this felt like fairly obvious comparisons/parallels/intersections, so reading it was a bit tedious. however those chapters were worth getting through for Chapters 10 and 11. Ch.11 gives a pretty thorough amateur history of different namings of asexual experiences in theories of asexuality prior to the internet age (its not new!), and Ch. 10 does a really beautiful and compassionate re-reading of the lives of Langston Hughes and particularly Octavia E. Butler through asexuality and aromanticism
Gyo: The Death-Stench Creeps by Junji Ito, translated by Yuji Oniki the volume I read also included "the enigma of amigara" fault as a backup story! excited for the shelved by genre episode on it. made me go eugh.
You've Always Been There by kingofwickedskulls on ao3 if you really wanna leave, I'll never make you stay by hornyonside (birdlord5000) on ao3 first is pickman/collette hookup, second it jesset/brnine hookup, both are nice!
Just Sex? The Cultural Scaffolding of Rape, Second Edition by Nicola Gavey maybe the best book I've yet read on rape culture, and specifically on the gendered aspects of all kinds of sexual violence (pressure, coercion, etc) and let me be specific that the praise I am heaping on it is specifically for the 2nd edition, which in a completely new chapter contextualizes the way the arguments of the 1st edition were written and limited by its time of publication, as well as eloquently expanding on some of the arguments which had at first given me pause with reliable qualitative research. this makes me want to go out and write a gender based analysis of sexual violence against and among trans people, like Gavey calls for in her acknowledgement that a lot of her argument relies upon presuming she's talking exclusively about cisgender subjects
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle, audiobook read by Mara Wilson reading this for queer lit book club! currently on audiobook for the sake of doing chores and not reading everything with my tired tired eyes
How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe by Charles Yu reading for sff bookclub which i have been absent from for a bit! this is short and written in an experiemental style, so I'm excited to get deeper into it
Boys Run the Riot, Vol. 1 by Keito Gaku, translated by Leo McDonagh, Status: DNF This is a manga about a closeted trans boy, Ryo, starting a fashion branad with his cool slack off held-back-a-year classmate Jin. It was very cool to see a manga with a trans protagonist, but I'm not interested enough in the fashion stuff to stick it through all the volumes, and the art style didn't grab me enough to want to finish this one... Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid, Status: to be continued! the cover of this book was done by an artist i like so I'm checking it out, first chapter or so it promising fairytale inspired stuff Black Water Sister by Zen Cho, status: to be continued! looks popular, its queer modern fantasy i think? first chapter is intriguing
Reading Plans:
continue with book club reads more articles on sexual violence there's a book on feminism and foucault i need to read i have stone butch blues out from the library i am slowly crumbling to dust under a pile of books please help
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miniminininiminim · 3 months
This is a rant about JoJo fans' emotional intelligence, "reading comprehension", and "can't 'Just Listen to the Song'.
To all those who chose to read this rant, hello. I'm miniminininiminim. Honestly, this was supposed to be for content for my alternate account (as a Vtuber). I'm also scared of the sexism and racial things going on ( I know I know these things are light for you for some people but the amount of being scared of things isn't always the same for different people right?). Please, Please, Please take this with a grain of salt again this isn't a generalization of people in the fandom nor the totality of the fandom itself. You can always love the series on your own or not interact with the fandom's likes, dislikes, rants, etc. I do not have any relations with Araki (though my bloodline is also fucked up due to colonization) so any of the "this is said by Araki" are from the interviews, and written works of him I read online. This is my opinion as a reader, writer, and fan (slightly).
For those people who are just passing through, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (which is a fancy way of telling JoJo's Strange Adventures they actually changed it to Bizarre) is a manga series that was released on Shounen Jump and eventually Seinen in which the demographic of the readers might also affect the plot as it is released. (Much like any novels ya read *coughs looks over Twilight who have drafts that were totally removed from the book*). Thank you for reading this anyway. And have multiple parts that is run by one generation much like your typical government (just kidding).
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This is a simple plot. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's doesn't need to be complex. It doesn't need to have strings all over. Much like fairy tales and short stories. I think even without the other parts (if Mr. Araki stopped from part 1) this very much stands on its own. Although you can say that oh Part 5 is just a simple story of a person who is a descendant of Dio Brando. There will be some tiny questions here and there if the watcher/reader can't turn their brain off for a while (although honestly we sometimes need to do that cause sometimes in fiction there are different morals that are standard in society in the fictional world). Like who the hell is Dio Brando? Like even if you ask this on Part 3 y'all still get questions that only Part 1 can answer. Questions like: "Where did that wrath from Dio come from?" "Is he always that prideful?"
The audience for Phantom Blood isn't made for audiences during this time. If Araki had done it today it would have changed some things.
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As a reader, I appreciate the background stories and details that weren't mentioned in the anime. It gave a sense of more background on why Dio's blood boils over Danny (just to mention one instance).
Being a watcher, it still gave a smooth thing as a SIMPLE story (again a story needed not to have all strings of reasoning/plot to be a story). But with the change in media and of course what is being served, the preferences of the consumers also change. I had an experience of a person arguing with me in a TikTok video I posted and they bragged they read all the parts and said they've read it more than me (which is slightly insulting but like I don't take it to heart) and that David Productions didn't cut scenes. I understood the cut scenes reduce the budget but I still hope that people would have read it without any cuts. It fills more gaps and gives some characters even more character like Erina's growth of being careful, Jonathan's likes and dislikes, etc.
But then again it will always depends on the willingness of the individual person.
In the plot, all I can say is what may be good for now doesn't mean it'll be good in the eyes of the future people.
Look Part 1 isn't my favorite part but I can truthfully say as a simple story (for a later than planned as a trilogy (yes it is only supposed to end on Part 3) this is a good short origin story/prologue.
People often criticize a hamon as boring or something but always remember that Araki is just starting to this kind of system (well he did some like Gorgeous Irene and the one with Poker on its title). And when you read Part 7 it is still tied to the nature that was brought up in Part 1 with of course the system that people now enjoy cause it is visual (hah, I'm really tired from this shit- Like why- why do you need to be always be drawn when- hah anyways I understand- I understand- there are different kinds of learners(I studied that shit in school).
I understand.
I completely understand. We have different opinions.
This is honestly taking all my energy.
See these types of learning are different. And these might be the issues these part truthers face.
And then back to the emotional content.
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If I were to tell you this the first time I read the JoJo manga. I would have told you their background stories were the same but it was slightly twitched.
No one understood them as a kid and even outcasted. Then they eventually found their own family, ambition/goal and place.
I can concise their story with that. But when you think about it some people like Tenmei "Noriyaki" Kakyoin more than Giorno "Haruno Shiobanna" Giovanna.
It is because again of the demographic and the personal experiences. We can never like something if we can't relate to them and we cannot dislike something just because we cannot relate to them. Ya, get me? It is based on the preferences of people.
But there is something to think about this. The lack of emotional empathy is just giving: "Oh this guy is powerful uh must have a tragic story and must be the reason why they're trying to huhuhu ugh wait- wait I don't care about that- I only care about the plot/power (or literally whatever)" Like bitch the fuck- Concise-ing a character just because of their power is an insult to the writer (maybe it's just what I believe).
I'm just kidding do whatever the fuck ya want. We ball.
But reducing Giorno, and Jolyne to just they did nothing?
Ya know, there is a thing called law of inertia.
"an object or mass will remain either at rest or in motion in the same direction, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force"
I think it applies to these characters.
If it wasn't for Giorno, Bruno Bucciarati would have succumbed to his grief and can't do anything. Same with the other members. That's why it's golden wind ya know. People always say that Bruno is the mom of the group. I see Giorno as the one who filled the gaps that Bruno forgot. An instance is when Narancia got scolded, Giorno pointed out the brighter side of it. Fugo understands that Giorno isn't the kind of man who just spewed out words. (Hello JoJolands fans! I know you've read this kind of line from Dragona to Jodio).
Literally me when my brain is actually braining and I thought I cooked:
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Jolyne became also a catalyst with the arrow as a tool to make the characters gather of course with different missions they wanted to achieve in life.
Emotional empathy and reading comprehension may work together in a story. If you understand the plot, and the characters then you should understand the emotions and feelings that are shown in the story itself. A person may have strong reading comprehension skills and fully understand the plot and characters without experiencing a deep emotional connection to the story. If one lacks the other that doesn't mean the person who doesn't have one component doesn't also mean they cannot do the other thing.
Having empathy isn't a forced thing nor it is innate to us neither reading comprehension. We might and may not experience it cause it is indeed subjective, and also reliant on our whole totality as a person.
Much like Araki's works being interpreted like how the song from "Just Listen to the Song" a manga by Mr. Fujimoto was interpreted to different things such as political message etc. when it is just a song intended for the person he likes. Mr. Araki's works could be interpreted as political messages when it'll come out as an anime shortly or a religious message/threat. And now when JoJoland came out the scene where Dragona is being sexually harassed or the scene where Jodio calls Dragona "he". The people would impulsively react to these without even rereading considering the culture is different from that of the West. Impulsivity leads to misunderstandings and overanalyzing might lead to different truths the author never thought about opinions happen.
Araki once said that he didn't thought that his art in Part 3 predicting an incident in America (if you know ya know). I myself as an author have written stuff that I was surprised cause it became true but I didn't think of it that much when writing I just thought about "the reality".
We don't overthink. Then again interpretations will always be different no matter how we said no.
I'm getting philosophical gee
Being ignorant to these things that i mentioned about is a good way but then again ignorance isn't always a bliss. This is merely my opinion. I decided to declutter my mind. And I honestly thought I'd lose my shit and get whole ass angry when writing this. I'm slightly calmer hahah.
But like I hope ya get me.
My opinions may or may not change tomorrow or in the future but then again. This is my opinions for now.
Thank you so much for reading this. I'm honestly sleepy writing this. I need some peace of mind. Please consider reading these stories, and always keep an open mind for different opinions. Thank you for reading my yappings.
Sorry for the grammatical errors, I'm not a native English speaker.
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vibeechecker · 11 days
Hello! I really love your HSL analysis and I am curious to read your thoughts about Taiyou! It's the character that shocked me the most (and I'm truly sorry for him!!), his arc is really disturbing. But the end of the manga confuses me a bit, do you think he has a chance of healing? Or is he doomed to be obsessed with kid!Shio and become a predator? 😟
I’m not gonna lie I didn’t know what to put for this for a while. I have so many mixed feelings for Taiyo, but a lot of the times its dislike. Not just as a person, but as a character. I think the manga did a lot of good things but sometimes those pros fall flat with Taiyou. With Satou, the story touches topics of how a victim of abuse can become an abuser themselves and gives so much time and effort into explaining Satou and how she became this way. And with Taiyou its just feels like “i was abused and now i abuse” which is such a terrible and harmful stereotype with abuse survivors and survivors of sa. I know there is the “to be pure” depth behind his character but the way his scenes go from last seeing traumatized, to the next scene him being weird about little girls. Its a huge whiplash that just makes it feel like “trauma makes someone an abuser.” I just wish he had more time put into him, with the in betweens having small buildup so not the whiplash. You can still cause the shock and plot twist without having it just go to ‘abuse’ and then ‘abuser.’ But in general, I wish he had more screen time type-a thing. That and I think some of his characterization was ruined in the anime too. I have icks with the anime adaptation sometimes (but thats a diff story). The main thing I wanna note is how the manga did an amazing job with telling and focusing on the impact of the characters with the topic of sa and not making just bad r*pe scenes. It always cut off before the sa happens and then focuses on the aftermath. But thats diff with the anime, specifically with Taiyo. Idk why they showed more with his scenes and it kinda just felt icky. Plus they kinda got rid of some of his character. He’s more aggressive in the manga and shows more of his more terrible side. Feel like could and maybe would be good aspect of showing more addictive side and the anger shown when said addiction is filled, a side of the obsession that Satou doesnt fully show (bc rather, she fully shuts down). Idk if anything makes sense, my brain is fried. Might make a more detailed post later. And Idk which ending i prefer. I think the manga ending works well bringing back the concept of keep the missing poster in his pocket but the anime ending could also work, but mainly in the manga version because of Shio’s last words to his. But thats with content no covered in the anime, so I’d say manga ending for him is better. As for whats better for him?? I honestly have no clue. I feel like MAYBE manga just bc staying alone in his room would fuck him up and could make his obsession worse. But idk. And to if he had a chance at healing? He could. Without Satou, tbh, there’s no one from our knowledge to enable him. But at the same time, the way the manga was going UHHH. Possibly. I think there’s a chance Shio words could change him, but tbh I think they just broke him more and made him more delusional so not entirely sure.
Sorry if this post is HH ngl my brain is frying as i type. I’ll make a better post about it later or some day over time. I need to re-read hsl again.
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taki118 · 7 months
SuyaLight Master Post Part 17
I really like these two there’s not a lot of content for the fandom as a whole soooo here’s my submission as I get every moment of these two royals who literally share a braincell (and I love them for it) First up this is just on the manga if you are anime only its going to have stuff you havent seen, yes even with what the anime covers (so read it) and there will be spoilers so beware. If you prefer Demon Monk/Cleric/Leo (which I don’t really get) I am sorry this isnt for you. Lets go! Part 1 is here Part 2 is here Part 3 is here Part 4 is here Part 5 is here Part 6 is here Part 7 is here Part 8 is here Part 8.5 is here Part 9 is here Part 10 is here Part 11 is here Part 12 is here Part 13 is here Part 14 is here Part 15 is here Part 16 is here
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So Twilight tries to go on a simple work trip but Suya tags along
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at least this time it was really her fault
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But Twilight realizes just how bad this looks from the outside
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But mostly from how Leo will view it, whom he has to have a video call with
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But he's got a weird supernatural sense that she's around
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Twilight almost manages to get out of this situation but Suya ruins it and Leo like teleports there to freak out on Twilight
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Suya tags along when they visit a like resort casino and I dunno this is cute
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They all get distracted
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Suya is excited about Twilight befriending the owner of this place for her own reasons
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They're just so cute
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But it was a trap and I think its cute they share a bird
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Again Suya has a very good understanding of who Twilight is
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She seems kinda sad for him and his poor self confidence (So she should stick around and protect him from himself haha)
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So the boss who has taken over the demon castle and reveals he's done a better job at managing it than Twilight and Suya judges him (even though Suya isn't making the situation better by constantly breaking and stealing things)
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Someone might say this goes against my point but like again she can objectively look at Twilight for who is is faults and all
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But they find out the Boss really is just a big Twilight fan and did all this to impress his subordinates
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How does Suya know thats what its meant to be?
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So the Boss starts beating himself up showing his self confidence issues are worse than Twilights and Suya is confused by his actions
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But she figures out what his intent was quickly
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She learns....something from Twilight though she doesnt voice it well. Empathizes with others even through something like low confidence is a good trait to have even within a leader. Suya sees that Twilight is willing to let others see his worst side if it will help them.
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Suya seems to sense when Twilight is in trouble for good or bad, its bad here
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See while the Boss was pretending to be Twilight he made peace with Hades and Twilight has to keep up the lie, but he know she might just let it slip, she does causing the two to fight. This causes them to deage a bit and make the line to the underworld thin and have Suyas soul stuck in the underworld........I'm doing my best to focus on the two
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Anyway they go to save her and we get this cause I mean it is kinda his fault
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So they assume Twilights ancestor who started the war with humans captured her, but Twilights just annoyed at how Suya gets herself in these situations
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Turns out all the problems in the underworld are cause by her which Twilight started suspecting before finding her like this
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They try to get her to stop but she won't because she want's to help Twilights grandfather, who has difficulty resting because of the problems he caused in life.
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unitheuniverse · 23 days
I was wondering if I could get a mystic messenger romantic matchup? I haven't seen anywhere that you don't take them in anymore but if that's the case feel free to ignore this♡
Im a 5'6 straight female and have shoulder length ash brown hair and dress mostly in the grunge or punk style(depends mostly where Im going and how much energy I have lol). Personality wise, Im rather social and talkative, striking up a convo with someone and talking about a wide range of topics isnt a problem for me. I tend to be really bold and confrontational when it comes to someone being rude to me or someone I'm close with and am not afraid to be physical is the situation requires it. Most of the time Im pretty nonchalant and prefer to take things with a calm approach. I would say I'm also really good at comforting people, reading their emotions and knowing what to tell them to make them feel better. I have strong morals and will never do something rude, spiteful or revengeful unless its in a very specific and extreme situation simply because I dont see the point in making anyones life harder than it already is most likely.
As for hobbies, I really enjoy reading(mostly classics and manga) and watching shows which mainly consist of sitcoms. I also enjoy taking walks outside or hiking and exploring nature and I always take my dog with me.
I don't really have a type, all of my exes have been vastly different people. The only thing I would have as a requirement is at least some level of emotional maturity and lots of patience.
That's it, have a nice day♡
Yes! My inbox is open. I wish I was able to just tag you but whatever.
With that being said, I match you with…
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Hyun “Zen” Ryu
⟡ Emotionally Mature???? In this game???? What’s next, you want me to catch a shooting star for you? /j
⟡ Okay, all jokes aside, I do believe that Zen in many ways actually fits you.
⟡ Zen is probably the most emotionally intelligent and mature out of the cast. Mainly due to the fact he is one of the few characters actually willing to process how he is feeling and what he is feeling. He is aware of his own self esteem, he is aware of the poor treatment his family forced him through, and reacted accordingly.
⟡ Does he have issues with his self esteem and image? Absolutely. However, is he also aware of the issues the rest of the cast has? Yes absolutely.
⟡ He is actively encouraging the rest of the cast to get better, handle their emotions better, and stop side stepping them through their own guilty pleasures.
⟡ So with that said, let’s talk about how he is with you.
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⟡ Considering the both of you are super talkative and sociable; I wouldn’t be surprised if the two of you just hit it off. You guys just absolutely fill up the chat with just talking about random stuff. Bouncing from topic to topic almost on a dime. Though, this wouldn’t be Zen without him flirting with you a bit.
⟡ Oh who am I kidding, he flirts with you a lot.
⟡ So you flirt and tease back. Considering the both of you just enjoy each other’s conversations and company. It isn’t really out of the ordinary for the both of you to just bounce off of each other. He often jokes about the height difference between the two of you. Which he won’t let up.
⟡ Then, Zen starts to catch feelings.
⟡ Okay, at first it wasn’t really that noticeable. He keeps the pictures you sent on his phone. I mean, you did have such a beautiful style, with clothes that seem really relaxed and maybe show your tastes.
⟡ He will start reading in his free time, yeah maybe it’s a bit nerdy but if you think it’s good then there has to be something about it that is interesting. Maybe watch a few sitcoms while he isn’t working on his acting career.
⟡ It was the Sitcoms that made him realize he was in love with you. It was like just everything made sense in that moment. You can almost hear it click into his brain as he looks towards the TV. It’s glow softly reflecting on his face, causing a slight tint.
⟡ Zen loved you.
⟡ With this information, he tries to ask you out bluntly. To the point where you think he is jokingly flirting with you, like he always does. It just took you back a bit.
⟡ The relationship you have with Zen is interesting to say the least.
⟡ Of course you had to deal with the fact that Zen is a minor celebrity. So often he’d come home late to just fall into you. His speech slurred a bit from exhaustion.
⟡ Hikes are a must. The three of you, your dog included, often go up hiking trails and long winding roads. Smelling the nature as you can hear the chittering of birds.
⟡ He would often try to get you to wear his clothes, like to put his jacket on or something. Bonus points if it’s like, raining, and Zen tries that cover someone else with your jacket thing, yeah that.
⟡ Pet names. They are a guarantee.
⟡ That teasing doesn’t go away by the way. He’d often take pictures of you and save them on his phone. Even if it’s just something a bit embarrassing.
⟡ Date nights consist of late night sitcoms and cuddling. The both of you on the couch slowly holding each other under the blanket as you can hear the laugh track in the background.
Zen had a hard time of practice today. Especially considering it was for a special musical he was going to be apart of. So you weren’t really surprised when the moment he got home he fell into your arms.
He slowly runs his fingers through your hair. The ash brown turning an almost black from the darkness, with a tiny light from the TV lighting the both of you.
His tired eyes flicker for just a moment as he looks to you.
“I love you.”
His lips slowly interlocking with yours.
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 29 days
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For the first time in probably... 5 years? Bit more? Bit less? I rewatched A Silent Voice. I wanted this to bookend the KyoAni groupwatch because it's pretty much their only standalone feature film, and I already know it's good and I like it, so it seemed like a nice spot to finish off with. And, yeah. I feel a little more complete having done this. Also feels like spring cleaning in a sense because I torrented the ITBD release and that was a clean 40GB I've finally gotten to delete lol.
But anyway. I've kind of had a bit of an arc with this movie. I watched it a long time ago, honestly think I gave it a 10 at first, and then hovered it down to a 9 at some point, and I'm pretty sure that happened when I read the manga. For a while there I thought the manga was straight up better, primarily because the manga is more. It's longer, there's more time spent on the supporting cast, there's more scenes pertaining to the main cast, there's an entire subplot about making a movie, and it continues for about a full volume's worth after the movie ends. And, you know, that's all a good thing, right? Everyone's fleshed out, there's more time with these characters, their relationships are better realised, it's all good.
But at some point, and I admittedly couldn't really tell you when, I started to prefer the movie. I haven't reread the manga whereas I've rewatched the movie several times which probably caused this, but I noticed that I'd basically forgotten everything that had happened in the manga that wasn't in the movie, and I think that's because I kinda stopped caring. Like the characters are more fleshed out, yeah, but when I'd be remembering the series I'm only really remembering Shouya and Shouko plus to a lesser extent Yuzuru. There's a movie making arc, but do I care? The best part about this story by far is Shouya and Shouko. Two wounded individuals trying and struggling to reconnect with each other but also their desire to live at all. It's a story of guilt and of redemption and of how painful it can be wanting to live despite everything. At some point I'd convinced myself Naoko Yamada and Kyoto Animation made the right call cutting a lot of stuff from the manga, because it gives the story a clearer focus on its best part. Their relationship is the thing that I care about and it's the thing the movie decided was the most important. Just cut the bullshit, the movie's better for it.
And so we get to today's arc, wherein I feel like I've realised that the movie simultaneously cuts too much and yet too little at the same time. It does focus primarily on Shouya's story of redemption and his development with Shouko, but a lot of other things are still kept, sometimes to the movie's detriment. Does the movie benefit from having Mashiba be a character? He's fleshed out in the manga but in here he just shows up, wants to be friends, and then gets yelled at. Shouya and Shouko's whole narrative would feel less muddled without him. Although at the same time he was a fleshed out character in the manga and it'd be better if that came across in this adaptation at all. Like you can cut him and it'd be better or you could have more of him and it'd be better. We're basically in a sour spot where entire parts of the movie don't really work because they should have a different level of focus - whether it's more or less. Entire swathes of this movie feel somewhat meandering because it doesn't commit to either approach. It wants to present everyone faithfully but it also cuts a lot of everyone's scenes to focus on Shouya and Shouko stuff. This leads to this whole thing where certain characters like Ueno and Kawai are really hard to get a read on because we don't spend the time we do with them in the manga. But again if we did it might just be sorta boring? Like do you see the problem I'm having. The movie's caught between a rock and a hard place. There's a perfect version of this story somewhere but it's neither the manga nor is it this anime. Cutting like half the cast is probably my preferred option but that's also a little nuclear and enough of them are important to where that probably wouldn't work. But again it doesn't really work as-is and it mostly works in the manga but it's also a little dull. There is no victory to be found.
And with those very mixed feelings aside that I don't think I communicated all too well, I have in fact lowered my score for this movie once again, and now it is down to... 8/10 lol. Yeah no I can say all that shit but I mean the movie's still an audiovisual masterpiece and has a fantastically written lead pair and tons of very strong emotional moments, like I still found myself crying several times during this rewatch. It's got by far the best depiction of bullying I've seen in anime such that the things it has to say about why bullying happens and what it does to people feel extremely potent and relatable. There are characters I don't love if everything I already said wasn't proof enough but certainly the lead pairs' family members in particular are incredibly likeable and compelling characters that are involved for lots of the strongest scenes in general. There are aspects in which the movie is a little confused and I think should've been adapted slightly differently but god damn if it isn't a gripping story all the same.
That's all from me, bye lol.
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joshhere911 · 1 year
First, i want to apologize in advance for bad grammar and long paragraphs . I am not a writer, but instead a rambler at heart <3 some of this is just me straight up screaming LMAO
I will not really be talking about the anime , since the anime covers most of the manga but is really quick and cuts some scenes (that i honestly thought were the funniest but it may be that i havent seen em before thst makes it funny) so i will peimarily be using the manga and novels (Extra Story of Psychics 1 and 2) as references .
Its in total agreement that saiki is a toootal tsundere, or at least i prefer kuudere for him (tsunderes are often aggressive or soft and generally alternating, whereas kuuderes are cynical and appear emotionless but of course have a soft side . Its just behavior difference but still makes a difference jn my heart <3) and of course what with it being confirmed By him in the manga its like Duh. But we dont necessarily see his soft side ? Bc of course we know his 'soft side' is generally sheep herding his friends and caring for their well being, but he doesnt explicitly like ,, say it . And im not counting what he said at the volcano and also i sort of rely on words so having a BOOK of words that i can grab at and string along to my brain is SO good for me honestly dude i love the books so unibelievebly much
Of course, like in any good saiki media the first chapters are generally getting caught up in his friends shenanigans. I was so delighted to note that it was all in perspective of saiki himself ! The first pov!! I usually dont like the first perspective , but in novels its more expected and also its saiki! (Im insane) anyways , we cant really rely on saiki as an output of his emotions to the reader bc hes an unreliable narrator, he doesn't necessarily speak out his emotions or show them that much .
Anyways, besties being besties !! Saiki quite literally follows his friends around . Everywhere . It still amuses me that even though he can just Teleport away when theyre not looking and they wouldnt find it super suspicious (hes done it before in the manga im like 80% sure) he still hangs out with them and now , in the last chapter of the first novel, we know why !! He usually says its an obligation or a social thing in a typical tsundere fashion , but in the last chapter he feels . Sad . THAT SHIT CAUGHT ME SO OFF GAURD . In this chapter , he stays home due to a premonition of his house being on fire . He takes a nap and wakes up to see kaidou and nendou hanging in his room, saying that Saikis mom let them in while she went out . They ask if hes sick and then go cook ramen for him , and he uses clairvoyance to make sure they dont set his kitchen and then his house on fire (being paranoid after the premonition, and end up caring for his friends safety) and afterwards he ends up esting their ramen and tries to send them home . He ends up getting another premonition in thst moment (doesnt explicitely say it to the readers yet), has seconds of the ramen (bc it wasnt bad) and then his friends go home, stepping on a cigarette bud that would have started the fire.
One thing that gets me when i read this chapter is that after the second premonition, he could have still sent them home ! He now knew the cause (that he now revealed) and he couldve nipped the cigarette himself but instead he lets fate do what it does best and they leave later and step on the cigarette then . Its so interesting ! And !!! Right after that, he claims he felt empty, that his room felt larger and more quiet . Of course, in his typical fashion he tries to reassure himself thst this is what he Wanted, and that he should feel happy that he could have peace and (mainly) quiet in his house now but he just . Doesnt . He says he feels lonely . And he explains thst in elementary and middle school he never had people check up on him at home, and thus he preferred the quiet. He is literally defending himself against his OWN FEELINGS . Oh my GOD that shit made me want to CRY . I feel mang emotions a lot of the time and THAT ? THAT WHOLE SEGMENT AT THE BOTTOM OF WHAT FEELS LIKE A BOTTOMLESS PIT OF LONELINESS WHEN YOUR FRIENDS LEAVE ? THAT MADE ME WANT TO CRY!! And even !! At the end, he says "I start reading a manga in my quiet room." OH MY GOD NO FUCKIN WAY .... first , he reiterates that his room is quiet ! Second, he says he starts reading a manga and considering that nendou had bought a manga for him and then gave him said manga when he first woke up, i like to think that he started reading the manga that nendou gave him !! This is SO important to me because hes being VULNERABLE !! In the manga, He never really expresses negative emotions towards the thought of his friends leaving, infact many a time he tries to play it off as a relief (he sucks at playing it off though) , so the fact that hes being OPEN about his feelings to readers about these emotions of a sort of lasting and lingering and Yearning and the fact that its Most Likely (im unsure but for now i will say that it IS) canon!! Hes so silly !!! My silly little guy! He literally says his friends are destined to be there with him!! Thats crazy!! And he proves it in the next volume !
Moving onto the next book :D first , i want to address toritsuka . Though he is fucking crazy , its important to note that saiki Still cares for him !! In the book, first chapter in pov of toritsuka, reita says that saiki looks at him with pity several times and even in saikis pov at the end he feels bad that toritsukas luck is so shit bc his gaurdian spirit(nendous dad) is never around, and even debates talking to the guy . He feels genuine pity for toritsuka , so i cant say saiki is cruel or a distrustful guy bc LOOK AT HIM!! Caring for his buddies !! Even the less honourable and more crazy ones !!! :DD
Back on topic with saiki n his friends! The last 3(or 2 n a half??) chapters are all for one arc !! THE MOST SILLY ARC ! You have probably read it and i dont want to repeat summaries of chapters if yall have, so ill spare yall the big picture!! The chapter thst makes me want to swoon so Badly is the interlude, where saiki is under the spell thing of the parallel! Saiki Kusuo, so hes supposed to be in a dream . In this dream, he is at a festival . No powers . No limiters . He doesnt even know Why he is think of powers or limiters . He thinks hes starting to have 8th grade syndrome . The FIRST person that his subconscious places into his mind to talk to him first was NENDOU! He doesnt know anyone at this festival, all he knows is that this random guy with his face blurred and black out recognized him and is dragging him to a nice hideout . And he lets him !!! Without realizing, in all his thinking, his body moves by itsef, similarly to the chapter "eat all you can!" In the first novel, he just follows and doesn't necessarily register his total surroundings (trusting his body to whoever is guiding him - he can easily fend off anyone that Tries to attack, but right now he is subdued and right now he is a sheep until he becomes a wolf) and he just thinks ! Eventually, nendou leads them to a place to watch the fireworks and is SO genuine with saiki that saiki cant help hut realize just who is leading him, who he trusts the most with his subconcious and honesltly probably dissociating body is Nendou, and he says to Us (or namely to himself but yk) that the person that will Always be there for him, esper or not, real or a dream, is Nendou.
FUCK. i FUCKING LOVE THEM . Especially considering that he had teleported to a parallel universe where Nendou didnt go to PK academy, it brings so much emotion to me knowing saiki truly believes thst he and nendou are like . A destined thing . This could be taken romantically or platonically . i dont think it matters that much, although its probably meant to be taken platonically. its so much more meaningful thst Nendou has changed the course of action in his life because he was just being Himself to Saiki, because no matter what in Every universe (namely the only two parallel universes that he has been to) Nendou has attatched himself to Saikis side and isnt really meant to let go . The only reason why this parallel universe is like the worst ever is Because the Saiki Kusuo in this universe gets Rid of nendou, and then all goes downhill. Our saiki originally thought it was a good idea(in the way that he actually was concerned on where nendou was the ENTIRE time he was in class) before he realized just how shit it is without the power of Friendship . AHHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH !!! This is what caused me to keep thinking of saiki and nendou, intimately familiar with each other and stuck with each other until the end of days, because saikis omnipresence is all for naught without nendous stupidity . In the last chapter, Saiki even says that a life Without nendo is one he doesnt prefer to be in . Saiki is on the Right track, the Most correct pathway ever , from saving the dog in chapter 1 and indulging in his friends antics in every media ever, he is Correct .
The moral of the story is now my head is exploding st the seams with need for more nendou and saiki twinning . I need more saiki listening to his friends, seemingly uncaring but then reciting their stories or giving them gifts based on what they ramble on unknowingly to him . I Need more nendou not really getting social cues, but understanding his Pals uncomfort in certain situations . I need them to be Best Friends . Twinning . Sillies !! I miss them so much and i just i just 💥 im really losing it i love saiki and his friends interacting , he Knows that he Cares and protects Them, but he is like almost Clueless that they love him back and he most definitely doesnt realize or believe he doesnt need Their protection (AND THEN NENDOU COMES ALONG AND JUST . OBLITERATES HIS WORLD VIEW(LAST CHAPTER IN MANGA))
New challenge !!! Take a shot everytime saiki says "my name is saiki kusuo, and i am an esper(psychic)/i have psychic powers(esp)" <3
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the-nysh · 9 months
It annoys me, when I see people complain about bakugou and all might surviving. They claim its bad writing and go they both fullfilled their arcs they didnt need to live any longer. They also call bnha a mickey mouse manga, because there isnt more deaths.
Honestly same. But Hori has been very solid and upfront with his story's hopeful themes and messages, that I've actually been eating perfectly well in the manga lately! And it would've been a huge narrative waste (bc no they didn't, more deaths =/= 'good' writing; you don't just kill a character off once you run out of ideas for them; that's the easy way out, and I'm glad Hori decided Endeavor lives too for the harder route to give the family actual closure; have patience bc the story's not over yet, but yes pls work for it!) and against everything he's writing for if he actually did what those dudes want. Just for the edge. So I consider that a good thing, and I actually prefer how Hori (who's very genre savvy) trolls handles his tropes and subverts common expectations to write what he wants. (Even moreso than ONE sometimes esp during the manga's redrawn Garou arc, where Hori coincidentally used some of the exact same tropes, but by now I can conclude that Hori simply executed them stronger within his own sandbox, and absolutely more than Gege, whose style I just don't vibe with - but you know this already. :'D)
And you know what? You can safely ignore most of twitter's trashiest bnha takes anyway, because most of them aren't even fans who read the story at all - they either hate on it for clout (bc it's popular) or monetized engagement and often parrot misinformation off each other without actually legitimately taking a critical look at the work itself to decide for themselves. That, or they complain because the story is not going the way they want (expect) it to (meaning Hori is against writing just like the other common edgy 'kill em all' trends as seen in aot/jjk/csm - GOOD for him! cause bnha is not that kind of story!!! this should be obvious) and they're bitter/jealous that other fans are still having fun with it, etc. I've already seen it all. So if they're genuinely upset and not enjoying it anymore, then good riddance once they finally decide to leave/drop it, cause that means more food for us and perhaps the fandom itself will become that much more tolerable again. :P
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Story Idea: Lunarians are the 'Original' Vampires
What I'm thinking is that for this SM!AU story idea's premise, because it's not fully fleshed out just bits and pieces to be used as you'd like, one can have it that this is a SilMil AU. Or! It could be an aged-up 'canon' AU. It'd all depend on how you're inspired, dear author-to-be.
Due to the nature of these types of stories and what type of tropes can sometimes be used at the same time, please be aware of your mental health before reading further. You have been warned.
Lunarians are the source of the Terrans' various 'Vampire' stories. It's just one of the many reasons it's the people of the Earth's Moon (the Lunarians), not the planets' under their banner though it certainly don't help, that the people of Earth (the Terrans) don't like the most. Thing is, being exsanguinated if they're particularly 'hungry', being put 'under thrall' to keep their food source coming back, actually being ugly when they're feeding or just in general and it's a glamour to lure one in is more due to fear and misunderstanding and jealousy, for those who see them and don't feel they can compare to such otherworldly beings, and a touch of envy, for those who want to be fed from the beautiful creature but aren't for whatever reason. Thing is, it's simply a matter of preference to the individual Lunarian who they give a 'kiss' to: for example, not liking the texture or the flavor or the smell or it could be that it makes them feel a certain way once consumed or it's because of what the person they're feeding from is feeling most at the time that they like or whether they're a virgin or experienced or like the taste of how/where they grew up. Just... they don't go for appearance most of the time. It's just that those who are good looking tend to be noticed as 'victims' most because they're good looking, and some to most tend to be melodramatic about it, and the 'ugly' ones don't want to get into trouble by saying they were fed from too type of situation.)
Another reason is that the 'Werewolves' are also due to the Lunarians in that, through the power of the Silver Crystal (specifically a wish a previous Queen made upon it during her reign; that is, if you'd like to disregard the manga's canon timeline of the Moon's occupation/colonization) should a Lunarian commit one of two crimes (that is, killing an innocent in cold blood or rape) they'll have twenty-four hours before transforming into a mindless, hairy beast to be hunted down and killed. But! Unknown to the general populace, over the centuries there have been a few Lunarians to commit such crimes that fled to Earth, because it's the only planet not part of the Alliance, within the timeframe due to their cowardice found that, having escaped the place whose natural soil radiation that causes said mindlessness and transformation and thus not experiencing it 24/7 once their time limit is up, said transformation only takes hold when the Moon is full and its 'radiation/light' at its strongest.
Due to misunderstandings, lies and prejudice, the Terrans would soon come to assume that the oh-so high and mighty Lunarians were sending their fugitives to the 'barbarian' and 'weak' planet just so they didn't have to deal with their disgusting criminals themselves.
Hell, one could even have it be that the other planets have the same 'problem' in that a Runaway commits The Crime that sends them running to Earth but due to their biology of not being Native to the Planet combining with their respective Planet's Curse, even despite the distance to their home planet when compared to that of the Lunarians, they're the ones who bring such 'mythos' to life. Succubi/Incubi are Venusians, Yuki Onna/Abominable Snowmen are Mercurians, Sirens are Neptunians, Harpies/Tengu are Uranians, Poltergeists/Wraiths are Saturnians, just to give lots of examples that one doesn't have to stick to if they don't want. One can choose other type of 'creature of the night' so long as it makes sense.
Anyway! One could have it be that Dymi's family is the Royal Family of the planet due to a combination of the lores of "Van Helsing" and "(Buffy) The Slayer" coming together in a cohesive manner (in that, there's no One family/person to have such abilities in this time, it's just that they're the strongest of the two come together) because of the Golden Crystal granting such blessings as it 'feels' it needed to protect its people because it didn't have proper sentience to know otherwise until Ren and Dymi start interacting and the Silver Crystal comes 'into orbit' so to speak. Kinda like how two dogs growl at one another as 'threats' until they get a whiff of eachother and become BFFL/Mates.
What do you think? Have I inspired a story? Probably not but if I have, please message me with the title, author and site so I may see what awesome you've created. I'd appreciate it. :)
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yumedoca · 11 months
Ok, it's time for a manga review / recommendation!! I think the last time I did this was for 'Touch' which was quite a while ago, So let's do it!!
If you know me well then you must know that I love gag manga and Takashi Shiina's 'Ghost Sweeper Mikami' was exactly the manga I needed as a gag lover.
I knew Shiina as the one who illustrated the 'Yashahime' manga (I haven't watched or read it but I've read about all about it on the internet and apparently the Yashahime anime isn't good but Shiina's manga is a better version of the story since it fixes some of the issues), but that isn't his original story since its an adaptation of Sunrise's original sequel (based of Takahashi's work). So I wondered what kind of stories and type of characters does Shiina write and one fateful day I stumbled upon the TV tropes page for 'GS Mikami' and being curious since.... and eventually reading it.
'Ghost Sweeper Mikami' is a manga featuring Reiko Mikami, a greedy and selfish exorcist only working in order to receive big bucks, and her assistants Tadao Yokoshima and Okinu, the former being a horny and perverted teenager while the latter is a sweet and friendly ghost.
The strongest point and my most favorite thing about this series is the characters, especially the main trio. Despite Mikami and Yokoshima's main characteristic being negative ones, they manage to balance the others flaw out because they are just as bad as the other. Meanwhile, Okinu has a positive dynamic with both of them, showing of their better sides as well. This balance makes their chapters very enjoyable and fun to read. The recurring cast is fun as well, they all have dynamics which bounces of well on each other leading to great situations causing hilarity and overall a good time.
The comedy is absolute gold and the artstyle is cute as heck (probably my favorite Shiina artstyle, but I do prefer the coloring in the current style more). The main characters have a good amount of character development / depth which they receive as time goes in but I don't want to spoil anything.
As for any criticism, the last few volumes is definitely the weakest part of the series, like I enjoyed the content but I wish it could've been a bit strongly character driven while some chapters could've easily come before the 'final' saga. I also wished the ending was a bit stronger, I guess it was going for a soft ending but the execution ended up being kind of weak.
That said, every series has its highs and lows so don't be discouraged because of the above criticism because it is definitely worth a read for the content, some stories had made me burst out laughing while some had made me tear up. And now I miss the characters so much that I've started watching the anime as well (I'm terrible at finishing anime so I'll probably take forever to complete it, lol). If you enjoy a fun and enjoyable manga with some serious tones in between, then you will love this series. And since I've enjoyed GSM, I should probably check out Shiina's other work, 'Zettai Karen Children' sometime in the future...
Anyways, go read (or watch) 'Ghost Sweeper Mikami'!!
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piracytheorist · 2 years
I don't know how to not make this sound like I'm throwing the Spy x Family manga under the bus (cause look, I don't read it because I prefer watching the new developments in anime form, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate its value, either the SxF manga or any other manga), but there's just something so intense in how Bond's vision of Loid dying was shown in the anime.
In the manga, it's two page-wide panels.
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It's still brilliantly put, don't get me wrong. Anya and Yor keep their original places, going from excited to miserable, and the place where Loid was standing is now empty. His loss would leave a void, to them, to the story, to the peace.
Anime has no panels (most of the time); each shot covers the entire screen. There's just one thing and you focus on it. You can't go back or forward (I mean, you can, if you're not watching it live, but the intent of making a show is for audiences to watch at once at least the first time, not to rewind or fast-forward all the time).
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And it feels even more impactful. There's nothing else to distract you from the transition from happy fake family to broken family. You can't go back up to see the version of the family with Loid in it, because death is irreversible. There's even a shake when the vision changes. You not only see Loid's absence, you feel it.
This was one of the moments that shocked me the most in the anime, had me almost screaming "No!" at my screen - and as someone who prefers that medium, it's why I don't want to read the manga even though I'm dying to know more about the story. Because I want to be impacted by stuff like this. I want to feel like someone punched me in the gut. I want the goods that the manga created brought to me through the impact of the anime. Because it's an adaptation that fully respects its origin!
I mean, that is a testament to how well-made the anime is, how it took an already great setting of story, characters and themes from the manga and puts the advantages of animation to use in order to bring it to new heights. It's a great adaptation and the more I watch the more I appreciate that too.
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