#precious pupp
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I can HEAR this gif
Precious Pupp (1965)
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suddenly had the urge to to write a little smthhhh while listening to my 2016 music 😭.
our fluffydutch/german!farmer taking his precious earthyblack!reader along to the farmers market with him! and reader getting in a bittttt of trouble 🫢 (nsfw next part 🤭)
come on!!
Oh my ... there goes Mr teddy bear.. having to search for you again as you've wandered off to search for the animal section here. at this point teddy is really considering getting us one of those little backpacks with the leash on it (😭).
oh poor man can't even catch a break as he shopped. oh, but as he stress bought, you popped right back up next to him with something.. exotic?!
"bubba look! i bought us a ferret!" you giggled happily, showing off the long furry animal
as you thought your husband would be happy with what you had spent your money on, he couldn't even crack you a smile. sighing as he rubbed his forehead he tried to have remorse for what he now considered his bit-bimboed wife.
"Hun.." he sighed "we don't .. need anymore animals.. " he continued, sighing as he let you down
"but.. bitte?" you politely begged, tugging at he sleeve.
he knew you absolutely didn't need any more animals on your already packed farm but oh.. your eyes.. your small begs.. how could your man just say no to you!?
"you really stress me, schatz" he sighs once more, his words being your indication for a yes.
you giggle happily and peck his cheek, hugging his side as he continued shopping. pointing out a few things he missed on the list.
"i don't need your fuckin' help, puppe" he chuckles, placing the missing items in his basket. you giggle once more, placing another warm kiss on his face.
ah .. there you go again.. not too far this time though! you saw a snack stand not too far away and slipped right from his side.
"hm.." you examined the vast variety of self serve snacks and candies in front of you.
"hi sweetheart! well aren't you a cute one? here, this one is on me, get what ever you'd like, doll!" a tall man approaches from behind the stand, handing you a medium sized plastic bag. you smile sweetly at his kind compliments then brightly at his kind gesture of paying for whatever you grabbed.
as you began scooping and using the little tonsil to pick your candies the (guessing) owner began small talk. and oh, you just wanting to be oh so friendly, you complied and replied.
"so.. see some stuff you like?" he chuckles, sucking on a toothpick he had sticking out of his mouth
"mhm!" you giggle, adding more things
"gon' on and fill it up sweetheart" he encouraged, waving his hand out to let you know it was okay
you nod, looking around at the other options, picking up a few pieces of cotton candy and some gummy eggs.
"do you have any popcorn or chips? I thought I saw some when i came over here" you give a warm smile, as you picked and put some sour belts into your bag.
"oh yeah, yeah hold on.." he turns around and bends over a bit to pull out a popcorn machine. "I'll make some popcorn for you doll.. only for one thing.." he said, plugging in the machine.
"hm? I'll do it!" you giggled, stopping to look up.
"I just want oneeee.. little kiss right here" he pat the middle of his cheek with the bed of his index finger.
"oh umm.. hold on, I'll go see if my husband will let me!" i place the bag down on his stand, turning around quickly to go grab Teddy.
"wait, you have a husband?" he asks rather quickly
"yes! just please, stay right there!" you happily walk over to teddy
"bubba! can I give that man over there a kiss for some popcorn" you point to the man. "he said he'd give me free candy too!" you giggle happily, looking up at him as you hugged him
"a.. kiss.. for popcorn and.. candy" teddy sighed "the woman you are princess.." he huffs, paying for the groceries before walking you two over to the man's pop up shop.
bitte(german): please
schatz(german): darling
puppe(german): doll
hiiii!! i would rlly RLLY love it if you guys would recommend and request stuff, I've had writers block for a bit after I posted the first fic so I'm kinda bummed out and idk what this is 😭😭😭. yes there will be a next part after this and smut is included so mdni and yep... please send in requests ..🧸
#yvies fics!#cod mw2#kpop#cod 141#141 x black reader#ghost x black reader#black reader smut#black reader#miguel o'hara x black reader#farmer x black reader#kruger cod#kyle gaz garrick#john price x black reader#john soap mactavish#john soap mctavish x black reader#simon riley x black reader#simon ghost riley#konig#cod smut#rudy parra#connie springer#gojo satoru#john price#cod fanfic#cod mwii#mod mw2#call of duty nikto#alejandro vargas#alex keller#vladimir makarov
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Trick or treat

Granny Sweet from "Precious Pupp"
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4 gegen Z re-watch (Part I)
[super long post; use J on PC to skip it]
Ich habe beschlossen, noch einmal die ganze Serie zu schauen und Notizen zu machen, weil ich selbst die wichtigsten Details vergesse und das Ganze ist ein bisschen in Live-Blogging ausgeartet. Vielleicht interessant für den ein oder anderen an einem Tag, an dem man ein bisschen Langeweile hat.
Hier ist Staffel 1, Episode 1-7:
Wichtiges total belangloses Zeug, das man in einer FF in einem Nebensatz einstreuen und sich freuen kann, dass die FF dadurch näher am canon ist, als wäre sie nicht ohnehin schon so weit von ihm entfernt wie die Erde von der Sonne
Julia, Karo und Leonie sind nicht aus Lübeck
“Die Kinder werden ihre Sache gut machen”, Jonas Worte zu Hedda (Are you sure about that?).
“Wir sehen uns bald wieder.” T.T
Leonie ist sieben (!) Jahre alt und im Taxi zur Welt gekommen
die Lehnhoffs und die Sörensens kennen sich vorher schon und hassen sich
Familientreffen: Julia verliebte sich in Sasha
Hedda ist Großtante von Julia: Erbe kann nur angetreten werden, wenn alle ein Jahr lang gemeinsam im Haus leben
100.000 Euro pro Person ist das Erbe plus die Villa
family bonding - it’s cute :D
Julia ist 34 Jahre alt wtf
Karos und Leos Papa ist tot
Leo vermisst ihren Vater D: Karo auch, traurig
Jona legt ihnen die Löser aufs Bett, aber erklärt er ihnen irgendetwas? Nö.
seit ewigen Zeiten gibt es Wächter, die den Mut besitzen, sich Zanrelot entgegenzustellen
Zanrelot paktierte mit dem schwarzen Abt für Rache am Herzog von Braunschweig, doch das Mordkomplott schlug fehl und ein Fluch verdammte ihn in die Unterwelt
Wer hat diesen Fluch ausgesprochen?
Karos Reaktion darauf, dass sie auserwählt wurden: "Ach du Schande" I love her
500 Jahre seitdem Z in die Unterwelt verbannt wurde
Jona war sich zuerst nicht sicher, ob die Kids das können
“Magisches Potenzial” um Z die Stirn zu bieten
Also haben einige Menschen magisches Potenziel, und einige Menschen nicht
Hedda heißt mit Nachnamen Sörensen und ich denke mal, dass bestätigt irgendwie auch in der Serie, dass Julia und Sascha über Ecken verwandt sind? Großtante von Julia, aber Nachname von Sascha. Cool.
Sasha knutschte mit einer anderen herum nachdem er Julia gesagt hat, er würde sie lieben ohoh
Zanrelot ist den Menschen bekannt?? Die Kunstlehrerin wusste jedenfalls, dass er die Krone der Macht stehlen wollte WTF
Magie können normale Menschen nicht sehen, selbst wenn sie davon angegriffen werden
I’m getting a little soft here about Jona really liking the kids and Leo leaning on him while he puts on her glove
vielleicht ist Leo auch einfach nur so in need of a dad figure, dass sie Jona einfach gleich vertraut
Jona’s the most precious boi ever he’s so proud of Karo for setting fire to the barn
Heddas Haus ist Teil des Bannes, wenn es nicht mehr ist, ist der Weg für Zanrelot frei
Jona ist aber auch strangely aufgegeben - maybe he was supposed to be a traitor far more earlier? or he was always just depressed
Family moments are cute. Julia und Sasha hassen sich / lieben sich
irgendwie denken beide sie hätten sich ignoriert nachdem sie miteinander geküsst haben, weil KARO alles von Sasha gelöscht hat, excuse me?? Karo, wtf?
Kasimir die Puppe(™)
Zanreloten, wtf, glad they removed them in season 2
Löser: Brille kann durch alles hindurchsehen
Türöffner: öffnet jedes Schloss
Handschuh: heilt
Amulett: choose violence every day
Guten Tag, ich bin dreißig und kann diese Folge noch beinahe mitsprechen
(über die schützende Brille für die Sonnenfinsternis:) “Wenn du also nicht wirklich blind durch die Weltgeschichte laufen willst, solltest du Brille lieber aufsetzen” - Otti, i love you
Dinge, die Matreus anscheinend kann: Ein Teleskop fachmännisch ausrichten
Es wird gesungen :) Von Matreus natürlich
Pinkas bekommt einen Anruf sofort zur Sternwarte zu kommen, wird drei Sekunden abgelenkt und vergisst den Anruf komplett… Reife Leistung!
Zanrelot sagt: Gut gemacht, Matreus - WTF
Karo: Los, zur Sternwarte
Otti: Mitten ausm Unterricht?
Karo: Maaan… (und geht weg).
Ich liebe Karo. Sie ist so eine mood und ich verstehe nicht, warum ich sie nicht leiden konnte als Kiddie
Matreus singt erneut :D
“Der Mond schiebt sich zwischen Erde und Sonne - hast du nicht aufgepasst in der Schule?” Matreus, ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass IHR das nicht in der Schule gelernt habt, aber ok. Wann wurde das heliozentrische Weltbild anerkannt? [>>Mit einem entsprechenden Modell und seinem Buch sorgte 1543 Kopernikus für Aufsehen. Die Kirche lehnte dieses Weltbild bis 1757 ab.<<] Naja, so irgendwie vielleicht doch.
“Und du, Matreus? Weißt du es noch?” 10000/10 the most scene ever
und dann schnappt ihm Jona den Mond weg und ARGH they do behave like siblings or exes or people that know each for a long time. I love them
“das wirst du nicht tun” Jona PLEASE, er vertraut ihm immer noch, my poor heart
also I kinda love that Matreus is just a real asshole here; i can fix him you know?
Sasha and Julia also kinda steal the show
ok also Zanrelot verdunkelt die Sonne, weil er Panik und Angst herauf beschwören möchte, ok, kann ich so weit verstehen, aber in the long run? Was passiert dann??
I LOVE dass die Jona einfach mit nem Taxi verfrachtet haben, weil ich nicht weiß, wie die die Statue da rein bekommen haben… also… aufm Dach?? Kofferraum? Ist vermutlich nicht das Seltsamste, das Jona in seiner ganzen Zeit mit den Wächtern passiert ist
Leo kann kein Blut sehen
Kasimir kennt Jona nicht
Ach ne, moment. Ich dachte irgendwie, Kasimir wäre schon ewig da, aber der ist ja mit aus Hamburg umgezogen, also gibts magische Wesen und Kreaturen wohl überall
Matreus fährt Motorrad :)))
Jona zeigt Matreus den Mittelfinger xD
Und Karo schlägt Matreus mit nem Tennisschläger k.o. I LOVE HER
Das ist die Folge, in der Kasimir allen Wächtern hilft und ab da glauben alle, dass es ihn gibt
Otti wird erstmal vom magischen Mond gebrutzelt aber irgendwie ist das ok? idk es wird mal wieder nicht erklärt
Intro ist halt echt ‘n banger, schade, dass es keine Lyrics hat
einige (böse) Menschen sind einfach chill damit, bei Zanrelot in der Unterwelt zu sein
like… he is CANONICALLY a known evil wizard in season 1 WTF ich komm darauf nicht klar
oh ich lieb die große Küche und diese family vibes
Otti, über eine mögliche Bedrohung Zanrelots, der seit ein paar Wochen Wächter ist: "HAHA; guter Witz, Pinkas!" -> forced plot is forced
Leo nimmt tröstend Tims Hand, och sie ist echt zu precious
Magisches Altern wird durch Viren ausgelöst, die übertragen werden, wenn man ein magisches Spiel verliert - kannste dir nicht ausdenken
“Wir brauchen Jona!” -> Jona ist nicht erreichbar, ein Klassiker
Die Pfefferkörner sind eine canon Serie in 4 gegen Z! sweet cameo
“Und wie läufts?” wow Zanrelot, so casual
und omg ich komm nicht über dieses queercoding der beiden hinweg (Udo Kier ist schwul, I know - a queer coded this villain - aber sdfghj what the fuck is going on here?)
Jona is so cute, like literally so so cute
Jona muss verreisen, weil die Antwort Zanrelot zu besiegen, jetzt in London liegt
Zauberer von damals umgezogen, oder was? Also gibt es überall auf der Welt Magie?
i kinda really really love the Sasha/Julia scenes now they are so cute
Jona: Vertraut mir, ich bin euer Freund.
Das würde natürlich jeder sagen, dem man vertrauen kann.
19:06 - dieses schlecht mit Microsoft Word eingefügte Logo der Hallmer-Firma like… Budget von 5€
Die Börsenkurse des Bösen!!!
Und plötzlich: Jona.
Also wirklich plötzlich. Wie ist er da reingekommen? Hat er da gewartet, bis die Kids auftauchen? Ist er ihnen gefolgt? Warum hat er seine Gitarre dabei? Was ist der Plan? Ich bin so verwirrt.
Matreus dramatic as fuck Auftritt als die Tür sich öffnet, mit in die Hüften gestemmten Händen, this is so fucking funny
Jona überwältigt casually den Wachmann und bindet seine Hände mit seiner Krawatte zusammen. You know. As if he does this every day. Sorry, ich weiß, dass Matreus ein halbwegs trainierter Magier ist, aber Jona würde ihn an jedem Tag der Woche fertig machen, wenn er nicht durch seine Zuneigung zu ihm davon abgehalten werden würde (Matreus: oh no… don’t throw me against a wall and pin my wrists above my head and kiss me - uh, I meant KILL me - fUcK)
Was Jona NICHT tut: den eigentlichen Bösewicht, der kurz später erscheint, überwältigen. Da ist Jona natürlich mal wieder nicht da. Er kann ja auch nicht alles alleine machen.
Karo chose violence that day. Zielt sie auf den Bauch? Nein. Auf die Beine? Nein. Mitten ins Gesicht.
Continuity! Es wird über das Ziegenrennen nächste Episode gesprochen! Und Jona geht tatsächlich nach London
Ich habe gegoogelt und es gibt kein echtes Ziegenrennen in Lübeck :(
Schon wieder eine Erwachsene, die mit Zanrelot zusammenarbeitet! WHAT? Das ist so wild
Warum können Zanrelot und Matreus in der ersten Staffel nicht einfach mal mit einem normalen Abstand nebeneinander stehen? Not in a shipping-way. Sondern wirklich in einem: "wtf 2004 Deutschland queer coding kann nicht die Antwort sein - way". Ich weiß aber zu wenig über queer coding. Trotzdem.
Ok, aber Zanrelots Lachen kann Erdbeben auslösen, ist ziemlich cool
Sascha: "Der Mann mit dem Döner ist da!!" Er weiß, was wichtig ist.
Außerdem: Videoübertragung hinunter in die Unterwelt, warum nicht
Super kleines Detail, aber die Fotografin sprich mit Matreus (ofc, Z ist sich natürlich zu wichtig, um selbst mit ihr zu sprechen), aber die Fotografin sagt: "Es ist eine Ehre mit Euch zu arbeiten, Matreus. Und mit Zanrelot."
Da kann man doch super zu viel rein interpretieren, dass auch Matreus zumindest unter den menschlichen Bösewichten der Stadt bekannt ist? Als… idk. Zweitklasse-Zauberer oder so. Aber halt wichtig genug, um ihm in den Arsch kriechen zu wollen, so wie diese Fotografin.
Matreus has ONE braincell und selbst die funktioniert nicht
Er sitzt in Zs Stuhl, schaut auf die Überwachungskameras (die die Unterwelt ofc hat), dass Z in seine Richtung kommt und springt erst vom Stuhl auf als Z durch die Tür kommt - was hast du erwartet, Matreus?
Julia und Sascha sind so involvierte Eltern, wenn sie wollen. Das ist echt sweet, wie sie Leo und Ziege anfeuern. Halt die ganze Dynamik ist sweet
“Gute Arbeit, Matreus”
Ok, aber ihr Verhältnis war gut in season 1?? Also… gut im Sinne von: nicht ganz so scheiße wie später, aber again: Matreus wird gelobt!
Ich bei jeder Szene, die in der Lübecker Innenstadt gedreht wurde: OH mein Gott, da war ich! :D :D :D
Das 500. Lübecker Ziegenrennen?? Das wird doch bestimmt ein Mal jährlich ausgeführt, oder?? Jona und Matreus hätten in ihrer Kindheit an einem Ziegenrennen teilnehmen können??
Moment. Die Fotografin sehen wir nie wieder. Hat Pinkas sie getötet? Oder Zanrelot?
Ok, die Logik, wie und was machen die Löser eigentlich?
Obwohl… Pinkas hat ja den Türöffner-Löser. Und er öffnet fix ein Portal in die Unterwelt, durch die er die Fotografin schickt. Also gut, sagen wir mal, das ist gelöst.
Ziege hört einfach AKTIV zu, wenn da die Kasimirpuppe “Mäh mäh mäh” zu ihr sagt xD
Leonie: "Wenn du willst, dass ich überlebe, halt einfach die Klappe" (stößt Karo zur Seite) Ich liebe Leo
Leo belebt die Maus wieder :’)
Hey! So was wie canon: Es gibt einen Verschlusszauber! Und der kann scheinbar NICHT von Pinkas Türöffner gebrochen werden, dazu brauchen sie ihre gemeinsame Kraft?
"Gegen Dunkelheit und Neid, für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit kämpft das magische Quartett, denn das sind wir: 4 gegen Z" ist schon ein geiler Spruch
Aber mit dieser gemeinsamen Kraft plus den Spruch können sie Matreus super easy in die Unterwelt zurückschicken - warum machen die das nicht immer so?
ein so süßer Familienbonding Moment again :)
Oh, es ist die London Sache. Warum sind in London Hinweise darauf zu finden, wie man Zanrelot besiegt? Wie ist Jona dorthin gekommen? Mit seinem Boot wohl kaum über den Ärmelkanal. Spricht Jona canon englisch? Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass er keinen Führerschein hat. Was witzig ist, denn Matreus kann Motorrad fahren (aber er hat sicherlich auch keinen Führerschein)
Außerdem Jona in einer braunen Lederjacke. Er hat eine Jacke??
Ok, ich wusste nicht, dass die fucking richtige Adresse der Villa auf der Karte steht?? Also die Adresse, an der die Villa irl steht. Und ich fühlte mich wie Sherlock Holmes, dass ich die Adresse “alleine” herausgefunden hatte
War das in der ersten Folge erwähnt worden? Sascha, Otti und Pinkas kommen aus Rostock.
Jona hat eine sehr schöne, ordentliche Schrift
Warum schaut er sich am Briefkasten um, ob ihn auch niemand sieht, aber schreibt es dann auf eine Postkarte, die jeder lesen kann? Ein Brief wäre vielleicht besser gewesen.
Irgendwie ist es ja cool, dass die Serie es thematisiert, dass Pinkas in der Schule schlechter wird, weil er Wächter geworden ist. So was wie real life problems.
Das Video von Jona ist im D:/Video_Z Ich wünschte ich könnte den Titel vom Video lesen, aber die Quali ist so schlecht
Außerdem hat Jona wohl eine E-Mailadresse
Der magische Kompass ist im Buch
Alter, mein auditory processing funktioniert einfach nicht ohne Untertitel WAS ist da versteckt?
Der Mönch [Anselmus??] hat die Anleitung zur Vernichtung der magischen Kräfte Zanrelot versteckt (??)
Wetten, dass Jona den Mönch noch persönlich kennengelernt hat? Vielleicht war der Mönch mal Wächter, bis die Kirche ihn nach England geschickt hat. Das könnte auch erklären, warum Jona nach London musste, um das herauszufinden.
Pinkas hat ein Futurama-Poster in seinem Zimmer
Der magische Zugang zur Zwischenwelt ist in ihrer Schule. Wo auch sonst?
Wiiiieeee sind Z und Matreus an das Video gekommen? Kann Matreus jetzt auch noch Computer hacken?
Seit 1634 war Z nicht mehr in solch einer Gefahr
Ok ok ok
Der Zauber könnte vielleicht von den ersten Wächtern eingesetzt worden sein, um ihn zu bannen?
Ich wiederhole mich, aber: Was ist die Zwischenwelt?? Da steht ne Tafel rum, auf der “Haustiere” steht und dann werden die Wächter von ausgestopften Tieren angegriffen und von nem Typen in nem Gorillakostüm
Die Zwischenwelt ist nicht für Matreus und Z zu erreichen
Aber Jona könnte? Weil Z und Matreus darüber reden, dass Jona den Zauber nicht gefunden hat und nun die Wächter schickt?
Warum kann Matreus nicht in die Zwischenwelt?? Er kann an die fucking Oberwelt
Z und Matreus können nicht in die Zwischenwelt, aber haben (natürlich) eine Livekameraschalte dahin. Und sie können dort Wesen freilassen? Den Greifer zum Beispiel.
Pinkas ist elf Jahre alt… vielleicht bin ich einfach nur super schlecht im schätzen, aber oh, ich dachte, der wäre mindestens 13 xD
Warum liegen Pinkas Mathearbeiten in der Zwischenwelt?
Die Julia / Saschaszenen sind einfach richtig gut?? Als Kiddie fand ich die Erwachsenenszenen (die nicht Matreus und Jona waren) total langweilig, aber jetzt? Offene Kommunikation? Fehler eingestehen?
Sascha: "Keiner traut mir zu, dass ich die Jungs alleine großziehe"
Julia: "Keine Sorge, du bist ein toller alleinerziehender Vater"
Und das wird nicht als Vorlage für einen Witz genommen!!
Das sind real life relationship goals right there!
Die Wächter dürfen ihre Magie nicht für eigene Zwecke benutzen (so, wie Pinkas seine Mathearbeit damit verbessern will) Denn dadurch verliert sie ihre Kraft! Das hat Jona ihnen erzählt!
A very good boi!!!!! Da haben sie auch den niedlichsten Hund gefunden und ihm einen grünen Pulli angezogen
Pinkas: "Du hast ja auch keinen Vater, der denkt, du wärst unterbelichtet"
Leo: "Ich habe überhaupt keinen Vater"
Wadn JUMPSCARE Hände WAnd Hände
Magischer Hund wird von Weihnachtsliedern beruhigt
Karo beißt der Hand einfach in ins Fleisch, sie ist einfach zu gut
Neuer headcanon: Wäre Karo Wächterin geblieben, wäre sie irgendwann die mächtigste Magierin geworden
Geschwisterumarmungen, sweet :)
WAIT Zappelphilipsyndrom steht im Regal mit magischen Dingen? Ist ADHS / ADS ein Zauberfluch im 4 gegen Z canon?
Es gibt richtige Konsequenzen, wenn sie ihre Magie für sich einsetzen - Pinkas kann weder seinen Löser noch die Gemeinschaftsmagie ausführen, eigentlich ziemlich cool. Wird aber vermutlich nie wieder vorkommen
Zanrelot wird als “böser Geist” von dem Mönch beschrieben, der früher mal ein Mensch gewesen sei
Ok, Zanrelot ist also kein Mensch mehr
Das macht Jona und Matreus dann ganz offiziell im canon auch nicht-menschlich
Leider ist die Seite verbrannt, ich hätte zu gerne gewusst, was die richtige Anleitung zur Vernichtung Zanrelots gewesen wären
“Dieser Jona” - Zanrelot, das ist dein Sohn. Vermutlich so nicht in Season 1 geplant gewesen.
“Dann sieht er den Mord und das darf er nicht” - Julia, i love you. Zwar habe ich keine Playmobilburg (mehr), aber ich finds cool, dass du deine Romane so planst
Sascha entschuldigt sich bei Pinkas und sie umarmen sich :)
Moment, Pinkas hat eine Zwei in der Arbeit? Aber nicht dadurch, dass er magisch daran herumgetüftelt hat, oder? Dann hätte er nämlich nichts gelernt. Oder gelernt, seine Magie falsch einzusetzen. Und oh, mit mehr Zeit und Geld und Motivation hätte man Pinkas bestimmt toll auf die dunkle Seite ziehen können :)
Otti komponiert Songs und will sie dem Rockstar geben
Lübeck ist fast bankrott und der Rapper Collin will die Schulden begleichen, ein neues Rathaus bauen, das alte Rathaus in Montana wieder aufbauen… und das finden alle gut??
Pinkas hat zum Glück Gehirnzellen, seltsam, dass man das mal sagen kann
Ok, Zanrelot ist für die Pleite verantwortlich - die Börsenkurse des Bösen sind wohl wieder gut
Malefiz kommt von malificius = boshaft, latein - natürlich, aber bei Malefiz muss ich immer an das Brettspiel denken xD
Matreus mit der Sonnebrille-Look
Wie lang soll der Hals des Glases sein, Zanrelot?
Zanrelot: Ja
Deal mit Zanrelot: Nächstes Album wird Nummer 1 in Dt. und England, dafür hilft er Zanrelot. Kleine Ziele sind auch wichtige Ziele.
“Zanreloten” werden jetzt wohl auch die Erwachsenen genannt, die mit Zanrelot zusammenarbeiten
“Zanrelotische Steinbrüche” - Was hat der Mann eigentlich nicht?
“Vor allem eingesetzt bei Vampirburgen und Hexenschlössern” - Dass es Vampire gibt, kommt ja nächste Staffel vor, aber Hexen als ein abgesetzter Begriff zu Magier finde ich interessant - vor allem mit dem Stichwort Hexenverfolgung im Mittelalter
In Heddas Buch aka dem Buch der Wächter gibt es einen Zauber, mit dem man etwas in Verträge hineinzaubern kann, plot-convenient
Matreus liest den hinzugefügten Eintrag aus dem Vertrag vor… er kann canon lesen!
“Magische Veträge bleiben immer gültig” - CANON. Damit kann man doch was machen! Was, wenn Jona mit den Wächtern einen Vertrag (keinen Pakt) abgeschlossen hat, dass er ihnen hilft und deshalb immer so müde ist, weil er vertraglich dazu verpflichtet ist?
oh wait
Matreus has green glowing eyes, too!!!
Ok, Andreas springt casually über diesen Schreibtisch als hätte er kein Bockspring-Trauma aus dem Sportunterricht
Matreus sagt: "Du Bastard."
Deutsches Kinderfernsehen.
Außerdem glaube ich, dass Matreus da ein bisschen projiziert :’)
Karo siezt Matreus.
Deutsches Kinderfernsehen.
diese perfect, happy, peaceful family vibes am Ende sind halt meine Schwäche
Und wieder zielt Karo MITTEN ins Gesicht
Und bannt Matreus ALLEINE in die Unterwelt
Was mich darin bestärkt, dass sie die stärkste Wächterin ist
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Early H-B Home Video Releases (1980s)
The format in which I saw most of these cartoons for the first time: the Worldvision Home Video VHS series
#80s#hanna barbera#ruby spears enterprises#ruby spears productions#worldvision home video#vhs#home video#animated series#atom ant#casper and the angels#dastardly and muttley#space ghost#dino boy#birdman#galaxy trio#the herculoids#precious pupp#winsome witch#top cat#the perils of penelope pitstop#josie and the pussycats in outer space#fangface#cover art
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Jesse's Last Holiday: Georgia's Arrival
“And here I was thinking I might not fit in,” Georgia muttered to herself, staring around at the dignities and people of every nationality that filled the foyer of the Hotel Pupp.
Her companion scuttled behind her, keeping as close as possible; shoulders hunched but a little smile on her face as she stared in awe at their surroundings. Georgia suppressed a grin — a smirk — and turned to talk to the receptionist.
“Excuse me. Georgia Byrd,” she said, in way of introduction.
Hopefully, there would be no problem with adding an extra guest to her room. Still, there was nothing wrong with being extra friendly.
“Madame Byrd?” The receptionist’s face relaxed into an easy smile as she glanced up. “Welcome to the Grand-hotel Pupp.”
“Come on,” Georgia laughed. “Y’all really say it like that?”
She could see the same amusement in Jesse’s face — though she hid it better than Georgia.
“Pupp,” the receptionist clarified, her French accent making the word sound significantly similar to a certain dirty English word.
“Pupp,” Georgia repeated to herself — and saw Jesse turn away with flushed cheeks and shaking shoulders as she could no longer control her expression.
The receptionist didn’t seem to understand what was amusing, and continued checking Madame Byrd’s reservation, her eyebrows raising as she found some worrying news.
“I’m sorry, Miss Byrd, but your room is not ready yet. We weren’t expecting you for two more hours.” Her eyes turned to Jesse, not in an accusatory manner. “Or with another guest.”
“Well, I wasn’t expecting to take a helicopter,” Georgia joked. “Or to have a companion,” she winked at Jesse. “But our time is kind of precious to us lately.” She’d spent too long stuck in that department store; she wasn’t going to waste her time now. “Don’t y’all have anything available now?”
The receptionist blinked. But there had been a lot of occasions where a businessman brought along an unexpected female companion. She saw no reason why a woman couldn’t do the same. With a little nod, she turned back to the computer.
“I’ll check it.”
Georgia slowly let out a sigh of relief, leaning on the counter. She’d been worried that they wouldn’t have space for Jesse. Speaking of:
“Don’t that ceiling ever just make you want to cry?” Jesse muttered.
Georgia glanced up. The ceiling was covered in a beautiful angelic mural with gold touches that glittered in the lighting. Georgia found tears already pricking in the corners of her eyes. Was it from the ceiling, or from Jesse?
“I never noticed, madam.”
The receptionist paused with a little wince as she found the list of available rooms.
“Only the presidential suite. It’s 3,000 euros a night.” She swallowed. “About, 4,000 dollars a night.”
From the corner of her eye, Georgia watched Jesse tense. She had no idea how much money Jesse had in her bag, but it was obviously not enough. Not that Georgia was every going to worry about that again.
“Did you see me blink?”
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Hanna Barbera really liked Don Messick’s Muttley laugh a lot, and trust me, this is far from all the dogs that use that laugh.
What I find interesting is how many characters used that laugh before and after Muttley, and yet it’s always recognized as the Muttley laugh.
Guess it just helps that Muttley is the best character to use it. ;)
#muttley#griswald#precious pupp#hanna barbera#mumbly#Wacky Races#top cat#laffalympics#the mumbly show
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"Not exactly the first person you'd expect to trust, hm? I'm sure your father has told you many tales of me" He chuckled deeply. After all, Owen Matthews was a powerful crime lord who owned a good portion of the businesses within the city and had many powerful people in his backpocket. He could be dangerous, ruthless and many a man had vanished from this life challenging him. Yet here he was, holding Beau like something precious and letting him just curl up as much as he wanted in his lap.
He chuckled gently at the question about making him his pupp, a large hand coming to brush a few strands of that blonde hair out of his face, now the hat was off. "Hm, is that so? Does somebody like feeling completely submissive and helpless for the right man?" He remarked, chest vibrating with his deep voice. The imag that Beau was painting was indeed a dirty one and definitely one he'd love to see at some point. "Mm, thinking about it already? I think you on all fours, collared and leashed sounds like art itself...I'll definitely need to see you like that" He murmured, voice gaining just a hint of hunger in it...before relaxing.
"But that's not all you'll be, I meant what I said. I'm your Daddy now, which makes you my boy and under my protection. I'll take care of you, make sure you aren't wanting for anything. We'll get you some new clothes, you'll move in here with me" He rattled off just a few things as if this wasn't life altering for Beau. "What will I expect? A good question baby boy, that's what we're going to figure out. But most of all you'll be expected to be honest, behave and let me take care of you" He murmured, brushing a thumb against his jawline.
"Tell me Beau, were you taking classes at all - did you have a job? What was your life before...today" He decided to word it. Beau had yet to respond about his father, so he'd drop it for now - but not for long. Owen definitely had to send a message with that.
something in the back of beau's mind whispered that this was a stranger and he should get in control of himself. it was not like him to be so trusting and open with someone. the way oliver had raised him prevented it. he kept others at arm's length, very rarely letting anyone in. he'd learned that it would only end with him getting hurt. the need to pull away and distance himself crept up his spine as owen's hand stroked down it. he had to force the feeling away, attempting to push it to the back of his mind. he was safe. nothing bad was going to happen to him in owen's care. he had to repeat it to himself mentally before it would take. "i want to trust you. i'm trying."
beau flushed at owen's suggestions. he enjoyed the thought of being vulnerable at his daddy's mercy. "i want.. to feel helpless to anything you want to do to me," his voice was soft, hardly above a whisper, embarrassed to admit it. his warm, flushed face pressed into owen's chest, fingers clutching at his shirt. ( the first thing he'd done when his hands had been freed was knock that stupid fucking hat off his head. the fact that his father had been amused in dressing him up, like the gift he was intended to be, made the rage burn in his chest. ) when he'd recovered from the furious blushing, he pulled back slightly. lithe fingers curiously played with the gag around his neck. "you would really make me your pet?" the rubber ball had dried by that point, and his fingertips ran over it as he thought. "your puppy? you'd walk me around on a leash on all fours? and make me eat out of a bowl on the floor?" his voice held no disgust now, only curiosity and the hint of hopefulness that he could allow himself to feel.
beau had already begun the questions by the moment that owen mentioned it. he nodded thoughtfully. "what do you expect from me? what should i expect from you?" he sucked in a soft breath at the feeling of the other's lips on his neck, making a small pleased sound. his mind wandered at the mention of his father, unsure what to think about the matter.
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hanna-barbera Wild West panorama!

Tom and Jerry peeking at their ripoffs, who are pretending to be Native Americans and making it rain. Jinks, you take that headband off, you’re making a mockery of native culture

Quick Draw McGraw lassoing a Buffalo. Captain Caveman, wtf are you doing???

Doggie Daddy telling stories by the campfire to Augie, Ricochet Rabbit, Crazy Legs, and some random animals. I also love how Blast-Off Buzzard is up there, perched on a cactus, looking salty.

Dino being Dino.

An animal jamboree (wtf? Atom Ant x Granny Sweet confirmed? That raises disturbing questions)

Fred Flintstone serving soup. Top Cat looks so short here for no reason. Oh and Huck playing the triangle, love that for him

#hanna barbera#Tom and Jerry#pixie and Dixie and Mr. jinks#quick draw McGraw#Captain caveman#Augie doggie and doggie daddy#ricochet rabbit#blast-off buzzard#the flintstones#yogi Bear#the hillbilly bears#atom ant#precious Pupp#snagglepuss#Peter Potamus#dastardly and muttley in their flying machines#huckleberry hound#top cat
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Granny Sweets headcannon
For an elderly gal having Precious Pupp as companion, nothing could seem more comforting than to see her enjoy those microwave-ready meals for lunch. More or less in the "comfort food" vein, which could be more or less her stylee.
#hanna barbera#headcannons#random musings#precious pupp#granny sweets#lunch choices#hannabarberaforever
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Model sheets relating to the 1960s Saturday morning Hanna-Barbera cartoon, The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show.
Hanna-Barbera always had such great character designs.
#animation#art#animation art#model sheets#character design#production art#hanna barbera#squiddly diddly#winsome witch#hillbilly bears#secret squirrel#precious pupp#atom ant#cartoons
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Granny Sweet.
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I love my pupp so much! Thanks to my best friend Sam for a wonderful photo!
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morphine | seo changbin

─── summary: the only thing that can soothe your overworked body and mind is your boyfriend's body and touches.
─── pairing: idol!changbin x femreader!choreographer
─── genre: smut, angst, fluff i guess
─── warnings: mild cursing, fingering, a little bit of size kink. it's just overall really sweet excuse my softness.
─── word count: +2,6k
another sad/angsty fic i wrote a month and a half ago while my life was in crumbles lmao. it's longer than what i intended it to be because i needed to write this. this is precious to me not only because it's the first time i write smut (and i have a hard time doing that), so please tell me what you think about it. love y'all <3

by now you don't even know how much time you've been practicing the same portion of the choreo over and over again since the only reminder of the passing of time is the deep pain you are starting to feel down your legs, your knees making a stretchy sound and your feet starting to stumble into each other.
but you don't really have the guts to stop now.
it has become a matter of pride to win the battle between you and that choreography that you've prepared for the boys, even when it looks like you're the one who is gonna lose terribly against it. "it's only a couple fucking stupid beats and a turn!" you say to yourself mumbling under your breath. you felt like you hit your second timestamp the moment you feel the sweat beads run not only in the back of your neck and into your shirt but also down your legs, in between your tight jeans as if there wasn't any cloth covering it at all.
you glance at the clock a couple of times repeatedly since you couldn't look at the time properly the first times. 3:17 am. "just a couple of rehearsals and I'll be done" your hands reach for the corners of your shirt to peel it of your body and squeeze it into a ball with almost no strength to do so, your fingers feeling swollen making the joints pop lightly as you rub the piece of cloth upon your skin.
you did a couple of rehearsals and dropped it as you promised to yourself. but by the time you finish the thing you're dropping is your whole weight into the ground almost wanting that it absorbed you and held your limbs together. your breathing is hectic, your chest moving up and down with no control, feeling as if pin needles are constantly pinching in between your ribs and your shaky hands keep scratching the reddened skin of your face as it felt like exploding of heat. you really, really want to cry but again you don't have the guts to. crying over a work that you chose, that you do love and that has brought you so many privileges along the way feels childish. being at 3 am in the studio fighting for your dear life through your work, holding desperately onto your profession to keep your mind off the stupid deep hole that swells into your chest doesn't feel as childish, but it sure is at the end of the day. grasping the surface of whatever that holds you back from drifting away into god knows what. the unknown is fucking scary. in the distance it seems like thick waters that swallow anything that comes in contact to it and never returns it back.
you don't really want to know what happens after giving up. you've never known or plan to visit that place.
your palms search for the wooden flooring to lift you off the ground but your triceps aren't responding to you anymore, and your bra is pinching your skin in that exact infuriating way on your back making you huff out of frustration, even when you don't move or try to. your feet burn inside the sneakers and you wonder what time it is by now, since you can't bring yourself to ponder on how much time you've been laying down. it's been so many hours since you started training.
the door creeks open slowly as if the person from the other side is trying not to interrupt what's happening inside, and your mouth hangs barely open and your lips feel a little chapped but you don't push yourself to lick them as they burn. you must look like a dead puppy right now. the head of the person hangs carefully at the door, and you can see that it's holding some type of toned-down horror, just so you don't feel embarrassed or confronted by your own state just yet. his brows arch a little and he sighs to his insides, biting the inside of his left cheek.
changbin doesn't say a word, neither do you as you observe him from the ground without moving an inch. the silence feels thick. he closes the door behind him and makes his way to your figure, lowering himself to his knees and scoots over to your limp body carefully and slow. you can feel a droplet of sweat falling into the hollow of your bellybutton, his chill and dry palm coming in contact with the skin in your tummy to hold your hip bone, as his thumb graces upon the skin near to it trying to comfort you. you sigh as if his touch was morphine to your pain and the tears collect at the brim of your eyes, your diaphragm constricting and relaxing on a constant rhythm of hiccups making him keep caressing your laying body, looking down at you. for the first time you brought your tongue out of your mouth to lick your lips and swallow loudly. changbin tilts his head barely to the side and looks at you in the eye with fondness, feeling a broken wave of pain wash over him. still on his knees and with his hand on your hip, he slips his free forearm under your body and lifts you carefully with his hand holding your head, as if he was taking a baby close to his chest —and in some way, you felt like that— he rests your head on his shoulder as he brushes your hair out of your face really slow, and without saying a word he tilts his head in that way that he does when he's trying to comfort you: lowering his head and curling his body around yours as if you were a baby, caressing your forehead with the tip of his nose and breathing in your scent, even when you've been sweating for hours. he doesn't even care. you can sense his fingers getting closer to the nape of your neck and it gives you goosebumps in anticipation.
"you know i can't stand watching you like this, right?" he whispers with his voice tired and raspy against the shell of your ear, still moulding his body around yours. you simply nod.
"you're doing really well, love" his voice sounds like purrs and it makes you shrink in his arms. it always feels like this, as if you were tensing your shoulders like when someone is trying to tickle you. his fingers trace lines in between your shoulder blades and they linger a little longer at the rim of your bra.
"you're hurting, aren't you?" his nose nuzzles a little into your hair, with his lips brushing against your forehead. "do you want me to make you feel good, sweetheart?" your rub your tears out of the corner of your eyes smudgy as you nod, making changbin snap your bra open and peel it out of you with slow movements, trying not to disturb you by caressing the reddened skin, outlining the marks your bra left on your tender flesh. his other hand opens the buttons of your jeans and gets them off with a little help of yours, rewarding you by massaging your sore thighs as you turn back to his lap like a minute ago. for some minutes he just holds your overheated naked body close to his while brushing his lips over your face, leaving soft kisses here and there without a worry of time, without thinking about anything else besides keeping your body there, present. only thinking about how much he wants to make you feel good thanks to him. your nipples grace upon his shirt a couple of times making you sigh into the crook of his neck while your breath regulates, guided by the scent of his perfume, helped by the way his thick arms are wrapped around your broken body.
always since the beginning of your relationship a couple years ago, changbin has felt like a shield around you. he just cares without having to think about it since he's a deep-loving person naturally, and nothing bad or concerning has to happen for him to take care and be... domestic. acting as if he has known your routines and behaviour for forever, memorizing them out of daily observation. in the first month, it felt like you've been together since the beginning of times. he just guesses naturally what you need, and he always gets it correct, as if your souls knew each other before your bodies connected ever before. in return, you take care of him from the inside of the shield: you teach him stuff, you help him talk his concerns when he buries them deep inside out of habit, you show him that it's okay to fail, to not meet the expectations people have of him, that not being 'the well-behaved kid' in him is more of a sign of character rather than an uneducated trait.
his fingers trail their way down your tummy and caress your clothed core, rubbing circled motions without too much pressure and you're already squirming in your place. changbin quickly brings his fingers to his lips to lick them right before pulling your panties to the side, drawing thick stripes up and down of your core to spread his saliva as he coos at you in your ear, trying to hush down your whimpers and sobs and enjoying those sounds shamelessly at the same time.
"i'm gonna make you feel good baby. i promise you. just relax and listen to my voice, is that okay?" changbin shushes you as he returns the circular motions with a little more pressure, while his forearms flex a little around your body. your hips start to barely rock back and forth on an instinct of earning more friction, which earns a soft giggle from your boyfriend. "hmm, this precious body right here has helped you go through a lot, right? let it rest and drift away my love, i'll take care of it for you." he says leaving open mouthed kisses in the crook of your neck and shoulders, taking in your heat and tasting the salt of your skin. his fingers press and move with more velocity while you sigh constantly onto his chest, leaving a thread of his name before your lips. being masturbated by your partner at work in a practice room at such unholy hours should feel filthy and morbid, but somehow you can't even bring yourself to feel that way even when you try with all your strength. it feels therapeutic, and the whole room has shrunken to the size of you both so no one can break the love you're pouring into one another in that exact moment.
your hands grasp onto his sweatpants right above his thighs and you can feel some tension under it. you didn't come in contact with his hard-on, but moving the cloth around made enough friction to make changbin's breath hitch and sigh just right after. "can you feel that, baby? you make me fucking insane. your sweet skin, the way you're moving for me right now even when you're tired" he whispers sweet nothings against your ear. "your precious body and face, your pretty mouth saying my name. can you say it for me another time, sweetheart?" he says a little whiny, closing his eyes. changbin wasn't planning on getting overexcited right now as he was focused on meeting your needs right now, but he couldn't really help it when your exhausted body was draped on top of his, your pussy throbbing at his praises and all the love that poured out of him without trying.
of course, you happily oblige.
"b-binnie" you sigh as he lets a single finger into you, immediately curling up as his thumb brushes your clit without slowing down, the motions making your hips buck up slow and deep. his pace is profound and steady and soon enough you start to moan against his ear, his breathing getting worked up just by hearing you. "another one babe... please, pretty please..." you whimper.
"you work so hard, my love. everything you do is meticulously made and takes so much effort. every word that leaves your mouth sounds like music to my ears and your body moves with so much ease. you know i'm really proud of being your boyfriend, i wouldn't trade that for anything." the contrast between his words, how he held you between his arms and how his second finger was making you jump on your seat was driving you insane. the duality this man could hold within one single body.
"i love to have my fingers inside of you. you take so good everything i give you that i would rather die with me inside of you." he groans a little, hearing the squelchy and wet sounds of your body, making him feel filthy and extremely lucky at the same time, and oh how much did your raged moans increased that feeling. his boner is painfully hard and wet pressing against your thigh on his lap, making him hiss from time to time when your leg shakes and grazes upon it. by now he can feel your core clench and pulsate against his fingers, making him frown and close his eyes on an attempt to hold himself together, but his hips betrayed him as he was slowly grinding against your leg and his arm tightened around your body, holding you flush against his chest. "would you cum for me, baby? just one last effort today, hm?"
you don't have to try too much to get even close to your release. the incoherent blabbering of his name is a big signal to say "yes, i would fucking love to". his tongue runs a long and slow stripe on your neck and up to the back of your ear, pressing your body closer to his as changbin snaps his fingers quicker and his palm slaps your clit without mercy, making you moan brokenly. this was the last drop his glass needed to make him lose his mind over you.
"fuck- i love you, i love you so fucking much, hmm-ah" his raspy voice resonates into your ears, throwing a shiver up your spine by the way you can hear the tiniest whimpers that leaves his mouth, close enough to feel his hot breath on the shell of your ear. not being able to hold back anymore, you cum on his fingers as he helps you ride out your high. "there you go my baby girl, well done, well done..." he whispers spreading the milky fluid up and down your slit, making you sob a little in his embrace. it feels eternal. it's been a minute and he keeps caressing your wet pussy driving you insane after the overstimulation but somehow, you want his warm hand in your panties for forever. "it's alright, it's alright... i'm not leaving anywhere y/n." he says repeatedly kissing your agape mouth at your tiny sobs, slowly kissing your bottom lip and drawing the humidity of both your mouths around on the most fucking sensual manner ever, holding you onto his lap as your body trembles and relaxes onto him.
"i... i love you so much, baby." he then pauses briefly, watching your fucked out expression, and you can't even lie, he was being enough vulnerable with you to show how fucked up he looked too without shame, with his cheeks and lips flushed red and his eyes a little hooded, being completely neglected but so happy to comply all your needs. "i don't want you to ever get to that point of exhaustion again. whenever you train at these hours, you text me. i don't care if i'm in the studio. i will come and help you out. maybe in some more decent way, hopefully" changbin then rambles with his hands all over your body, kissing every patch that he finds free and cools it down as he giggles softly, and you feel as if the pain was slowly drifting off your body somewhere else. into the depth of that void you were scared to fall in.
#dazeracha zone 🎱#stray kids#skz#stray kids smut#skz smut#skz imagine#skz imagines#stray kids imagine#stray kids imagines#kpop#kpop smut#kpop imagines#kpop fanfic#skz fanfic#stray kids fanfic#changbin#seo changbin#changbin smut#seo changbin smut#changbin imagine#changbin imagines#seo changbin imagine#seo changbin imagines#changbin scenario#changbin scenarios#seo changbin scenario#seo changbin scenarios#changbin fanfic#seo changbin fanfic
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baby maya 🌸
#MY PUPP PUP#ISNT SHE PRECIOUS#THANKS TO HER I KNOW WHAT TRUE LOVE FEELS LIKE#shes an ANGEL#australian shepherd mix#i believe ???!!! yes yes
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