Old World Royals
8 posts
Mumu for Heavy is the Head
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oldworldroyals-blog · 7 years ago
“I’ve heard that the local people are very unhappy” said Beatrice with a frown. “I hope nothing comes of it.” She was thinking not only of herself, but also of her queen. Uprisings tended to result in the death of royals.
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oldworldroyals-blog · 7 years ago
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hearing the news of the countries coming to visit, the princess was glad to have the bodies filling the castle. the last six years had been tough, seeming to draw the life from the residents. but the influx of people, of laughter, it brought a light that the castle hadn’t seen in a while. it still did nothing for the dark cloud that hung over her head, but she was trying at least. 
sitting alone, the german princess cast a look down at the plate of food before her and gently pushed it away, still having no appetite. she’d rather be in her chambers but with the guests, she had to show face these days.
Daniel stood in the corner of the room. He was close enough to be nearby if the princess needed him, but not so close as to be mistaken as part of the group. This was his role in life. As he watched her, he couldn’t help but observe that she wasn’t eating again. He supposed it was because of the grief she felt. Having watched her grow up into a young woman, he couldn’t help but feel protective of his princess. He wanted to say something to comfort her. But, knowing that would be seen as out of line (especially while she was in front of guests) he said nothing. He would wait for her to indicate she wanted him.
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oldworldroyals-blog · 7 years ago
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she   BREATHED   in.    a    shaky    release  followed.  the  current  situation  the  blonde  had  found  herself  in  was  not  an  ideal  one.   NO.    far    from  it.  juliet  agreed  with  the  commoners,  the  war  proved  to  be  indeed  nothing  but  useless.  lives   were  lost   for   a    SENSELESS    cause.   she  then  smiled,  though,  the  feeling  of    sunlight  hitting  royal  flesh was  magical.   thoughts  shifted  from  such  a  negative    subject  to  a   more      positive      one,  which  she  counted  as  a  simple  blessing.   the   day  grew  to  be  a  chilly  one,   yes,    but  the   shimmering   sunlight   provided   a   faint  sensation   of      HEAT. ❛   chilly   today,   ‘innit?   ❜   juliet   inquired   once   the  sound  of  footprints  behind  her  grew  to  be   too    obvious. ❛   be  glad  when  this  is  all  done  ‘n   over   with.   ❜
Having grown up in Norway, Sven was used to the cold weather. But he could sympathize with the princess. “I suppose it is, compared to what you’re used to” he said. “Sometimes I wish it was summer all the time.” He nodded his head in agreement with her followup statement. “War is awful. For people on all sides.”.
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oldworldroyals-blog · 7 years ago
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(charles michael davis, he/him.) i heard that daniel hoffman is a queen's guard from germany. here at german court. over their thirty years of being alive, people will tell you that they’re charming and chivalrous, but some whisper that they’re actually impulsive and temperamental.  i’ve also heard that they’re for the crown. i wonder what’s the truth? only time will tell.
His father is a nobleman
He is the youngest of several sons
Knowing he would never inherit from his father, he joined the military upon coming of age
After a few years, he was offered a job as a guard for the royal family
He was supposed to be a guard for the late king of Germany, but the king passed him off onto Crown Princess Zelda when she was still very young
He basically watched the princess grow from a child into a young woman and is protective of her as a result
He is a real ladies’ man, and has charmed the skirts off women of all social standings
But he also treats the women in his life well and knows how to keep his conquests a secret in order to protect the ladies’ reputations
He is quick to anger, particularly when someone has insulted him, his family, or his princess
He doesn’t always think about the consequences of his actions before acting, especially when he is angry
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oldworldroyals-blog · 7 years ago
If anyone wants to plot, I’ll be around for a while. I’ve got Lady Beatrice Ferrara (intro here) and King Sven Sorensen (intro here).
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oldworldroyals-blog · 7 years ago
Hi! So I posted both my intros, then realized I never introduced myself. I’m Lauren. I’m 28 and I live in EST. I use she/her pronouns. I’m in a few roleplays and am also admin of one I’m trying to get started. I have discord, so if you ever want to chat/plot on there, let me know.
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oldworldroyals-blog · 7 years ago
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(toby regbo, he/him.) here ye, here ye! king sven sorensen has just arrived at court. they’ve traveled a long way from norway. over their twenty-five years of being alive, people will tell you that they’re honest and idealistic, but some whisper that they’re actually naive and vulnerable. i wonder what’s the truth? only time will tell.
He was never supposed to be heir to the throne, but the two brothers who were born before him both died when a great illness swept through their kingdom
He became the king at only twenty-four when his father died from an infection
He always tries to do the right thing and thinks the best of everyone
Unfortunately, this can lead to him being taken advantage of
He believes honesty is always the best policy, which means the people with less than pure intentions can predict what he is going to do
He has a younger brother as well as a sister
He prefers reading and learning to hunting and war planning
He is betrothed to Princess Juliet McCarthy from Ireland
Although he wishes he could marry for love, he knows it is his duty to what is best for his country
He also knows that he wants to be a good husband
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oldworldroyals-blog · 7 years ago
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(rose williams, she/her.) i heard that beatrice ferrara is a lady in waiting from italy. here at german court. over their twenty-two years of being alive, people will tell you that they’re sweet and dedicated, but some whisper that they’re actually shy and passive.  i’ve also heard that they’re for the crown. i wonder what’s the truth? only time will tell.
Her father is Italian and her mother is Russian
She grew up in Russia, as one of the closest friends of Queen Davina Sokolov
She speaks Russian and Italian fluently
She is probably the sweetest of Davina’s ladies and she is very loyal her queen
She is also incredibly shy and hates to make the first move in any situation
She is the oldest of several girls, and feels a lot of pressure because of the fact that her father has no male heirs
Although her family is by no means poor, she wishes to bring more honor to them by marrying well
She often spends her time worrying about the reputation of her queen and trying to get Davina to focus on activities she views as proper for a lady of her station (like reading and sewing)
But she also knows that her queen will do what she wants
Although she is reluctant to admit it, she actually enjoys a lot of the wilder things Davina has gotten her to do (things she would never have the courage to do on her own)
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