#poor moxxie
I have some questions.
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Not sure Moxxie wants answers.
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this-fine-day · 1 year
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Moxxie really be the most serenaded character in all of Helluva Boss. Everyone wants a piece of him.
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liongrl321 · 7 days
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look at what i found on google lol
these is the same picture lmao
i dont usually like to repost things but i had to
this is such a cool parallel
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drama-glob · 1 year
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Just the absolutely heartbroken look on Blitzo's face hurts, and to see that he's really trying right here to reconnect with her, but it's clearly too little too late. :( I'm guessing he's mainly trying to do better because of what happened with Stolas (and possibly what he'll try with Fizz if he hasn't attempted it already since I know there's the rumor going around that he was talking with Fizz on the phone in this episode). I'm still betting aside from Blitzo not being there for Barbie after their mom died, the other likely scenario is he most likely caused the accident that got his mom (and possibly dad) killed and maimed Fizzarolli. Hope the next episode will show more since he still don't know why Barbie hates Blitzo so much, but the effect remains nonetheless. ;_;
*Moxxie burying his face in devastation is understandable given how he spent 5 days on this and still didn't kill the target. :(
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araminakilla · 1 year
I don't want to be rude but SHUT UP.
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Viv liked this tweet. Could it be possible? Is there a little chance we are going to see Striker working for Crimson and his shark mafia (if Crim gets more sharks)
I don't know what to say but... yes! Bring it on. I wanna see the interactions of these two imps.
I wanna see Crimson TRY and want to have Striker's horns for trophies when all collapses... only for him to utterly FAIL.
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justanotherhh · 24 days
me: dammit stolas you can't just walk away from someone who's struggling to connect with you, even if they're doing so through the poorly processed means of yelling insults, you've gotta give them time to work through it and not need to control everything
also me: [is aware that i also need to engineer situations to go perfectly and if someone started yelling at me i too would immediately get triggered and leave the situation and cry and if i had portal-making powers would yeet them to another continent, never mind just outside the door]
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moothemotherfucker · 1 year
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“He can get hurt?”
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crocsfroggo · 1 year
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no one talk to me he's just trying to help and and get closer to his sister and she just doesn't want that :( poor blitzø, I can't imagine how painful it is to be away from your sibling for so long...
I wanted to understand what he did that was so bad to deserve her scorn
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anxiousandpessimistic · 9 months
Wylan: Does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad, single, life? Kaz:It actually does
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mothsgotghosts · 6 months
Being homophobic and liking borderlands is crazy because how are you gonna be homophobic when you like the gay game. literally so many characters are confirmed queer TWO GUYS GET GAY MARRIED???
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lordofdestructionm · 2 months
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drama-glob · 2 days
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EEEE!!! My stickers came!!! ^_^<3<3<3 They're so cute!!! I can't wait to use them!!! ^_^<3<3<3
*I still feel bad for Ozzie getting the raw-end of the deal when it came to goodies since his were made by Fizz. ;) XD XD XD
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vakenart · 10 months
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He smells bad…
This is the beginning of my Atlas Au, before Tim starting working for Rhys ;) and he was staying with Moxxi as she was paying him to work for her bar :P
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be-trans-throw-hands19 · 10 months
Moxxie: *screeches*
Blitzø: *screeches louder to establish dominance*
Stolas: should we uhm…do something?
Millie: No, i want to see who wins
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helluvah0tel-a · 5 months
@themosthatedbeing asked:
[ standing over a body ] " oops. "
"What the fuck did you do this time Mox...." Blitzø started before trailing off, his eyes flicking from the body of a demon up to the male that was definitely not Moxxie.
"You're not Moxxie." He said suspiciously as his eyes narrowed as his eyes looked over the small figure in white, not realising this was the King of Hell himself.
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(Took most of the dialogue from this as it’s one of my favorite scene in gaming!)
Nick: “Jasmine, you’re fifteen years old. You should consider eating something other than boxed Mac n cheese.” (Takes out a container from his bag) “I brought you food for lunch-”
Jasmine: (Jumps back in alarm) “OH GOD WHAT IS THAT?!?
Hancock: (Also goes flying back in fear at the green monstrosity)
Nick: (Calmly at the two Drama Queens) “It’s a salad.”
Jasmine: (Dives behind a confused Danse) “WHY IS IT GREEN IT LOOKS LIKE THE DEVIL!!!”
Nick: “Just calm down, doll.”
Hancock: (Examines the offered dish) “Eh, she’s got a point. It looks like you shredded a Super Mutant then tossed it into a bowl.”
Nick: (Lowly) “You’re not helping.”
Danse: (Crosses his arms) “I don’t see the problem here, it looks fine to me.”
Jasmine: (Climbs onto Danse’s back like a monkey and peeks over his shoulder) “It’s staring at me!” (Points accusingly at it)
Danse: “It’s an inanimate object. I highly doubt it.”
Nick: (Dad tone) “Jasmine. I need ya to do me a favor and eat some salad.”
Jasmine: (Jumps onto the coffee table like a cat with her back arched) “NnnnnnNo! No, no no!”
Nick: (Heavy sigh) “Hancock, hold her arms. Danse, keep her mouth open.”
Danse: “Roger that.” (Picks Jas back up from the table and sets her down on the floor)
Jasmine: (Takes out her Murder Mittens) “No! YOU FOOD FASCISTS!!! YOU CAN’T-”
Hancock: (Holds the girls arms behind her back so nobody gets mauled)
Danse: (Keeps Jas from closing her mouth on his fingers)
Nick: (Starts feeding his feral daughter the salad) “Cmon kitten, work with us here…”
Jasmine: (Aggressively hisses and snarls) “AAARHGHFHFHFH!!!”
Hancock: (As he struggles to keep her under control) “Don’t let her bite you too hard, Danse. Baby sister gets a taste for blood, we’re gonna have problems.”
Jasmine: (Teenage grumbling as she folds her arms and sits on the sofa) “I can’t believe you made me eat salad!”
Nick: (Slight smirk from his spot next to her) “It wasn’t that bad, now was it?”
Jasmine: “No it wasn’t! It was tasty! That’s the PROBLEM!”
Nick: (Pats her head) “I’m sorry kiddo, it had to be done for the sake of nutrition and keeping ya healthy.”
Jasmine: (Grumpy kitten noises but she allows herself to be petted)
(Considering Jazzy regularly bites peoples fingers off, I think it’s too late for the blood thing, Hancock)
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