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the-most-humble-blog · 2 months ago
Why the Hell Are You Waving Foreign Flags While Burning the One That’s Feeding You?
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Did the Tacos Melt Your Brain, Dummy?
Imagine this: You break into someone’s house, crash on their couch, eat all their food, and then start protesting in their living room about how unfair it is that they want you to leave. That’s what these “immigration activists” look like.
And as if that wasn’t enough of a self-own, they’re out here waving Mexican, Honduran, Colombian, and El Salvadorian flags—while burning the American flag, the very symbol of the country they’re so desperate to stay in.
Make it make sense.
DJT—The Arch-Nemesis of Illegal Crossers
And then there’s their biggest villain, their boogeyman in a red hat, the man ruining their dreams faster than they can scale a border fence:
Donald Juan Trumpington
Builds walls faster than they can climb
Uses Twitter rants as sonic attacks
Deploys I.C.E. squads like stormtroopers
Absolutely none when it comes to deportation.
Avengreros disbanded
Taco Tuesdays in peril
No abuela to make you tortillas
No hope left
And yet, these protesters keep lining up, screaming about “human rights” while completely ignoring the fact that they’re literally in a country they’re not supposed to be in.
The Hypocrisy of the Protesters
🔹 "They’re taking our families away!" 👉 No, they’re sending them back to where they belong.
🔹 "We work hard!" 👉 So do millions of legal immigrants who actually followed the law.
🔹 "It’s not fair!" 👉 Neither is cutting in line while legal immigrants wait YEARS to enter the right way.
If you love your home country so much, why are you here? If Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, and Nicaragua are so great that you feel the need to wave their flags, why aren’t you back there making them better?
The Reality Check No One Wants to Hear
Listen, if you broke into someone’s house, you don’t get to bitch when they kick you out. If you crash a party uninvited, don’t get mad when security throws you out the door. If you jump a border illegally, don’t act shocked when ICE shows up like the Grim Reaper.
These protesters aren’t fighting for human rights—they’re fighting for special treatment. They want to live in America, but not by America’s rules. They want to take advantage of the system without following the system.
And now, they’re mad that DJT pulled the plug on their illegal fiesta.
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Final Thoughts: You Get What You Sow
🚨 If you’re here illegally, you should expect to be deported. That’s not oppression—that’s basic logic. 🚨 If you want rights in America, you should enter America legally. 🚨 If you love waving your home country’s flag, go back and fix your home country.
Otherwise, grab a tissue and get comfortable being mad—because Donald Juan Trumpington ain’t stopping anytime soon.
🔥 Follow The Most Humble Blog for more unfiltered truth. If you don’t like it? Apply for citizenship first, then we’ll talk.
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karl-says · 10 months ago
I need a better way to say "seize the means of production" to boomers
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llewelynpritch · 1 year ago
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/maple-washing-hidden-horrors-keeping-up-best-llewelyn-pritchard-ma-7jtce/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRn-1unMwHZ6wpId4jUIc8-UjmnXElI1JEJRk0yuG6aA93oyUOEEIW0EXgmfAE_ArmBikPA2QzGPfen/pub 'MAPLE WASHING HIDDEN HORRORS' - Keeping Up Best Appearances The Canadian government's insistence on interpreting Indigenous rights through their own framework, which lacks true recognition of Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination, perpetuates the ongoing colonization of Indigenous lands and undermines the true intent of UNDRIP. By prioritizing the interests of the settler colonial state over the rights and autonomy of Indigenous peoples, Canada is perpetuating a cycle of injustice and inequality that must be addressed through genuine reconciliation and decolonization efforts.’ @RussDiabo #DeepAIGeneratedImage #Perplexity #ChatGTP #PoliticalSatire Tiddly Trudeau and Fishy Rishi Artworks Llewelyn Pritchard 25 February 2024
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 #TrumpTrial “Ladies and gentlemen! ~ Step right up! ~ See a genuine monster and true abomination of nature! The circus is in town and we guarantee our last act will be the most entertaining spectacle you have ever laid eyes upon or admission is free! Come one, come all! [Unless you’re Muslim, Mexican, or gay] Hold on to your seats! [and guard your pussies] Prepare yourself for THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH!”
 TITLE: “A Rude Awakening” MATERIALS: Taxidermied cockerel and skunk skins over armature made of carved foam, paper mâché, wire, and clay. ©2017 Sarina Brewer
For your viewing pleasure, I give you the sculpture I created in Trump’s honor in 2016 after he was elected. I hope to repost it again in the near future with the addition of the hashtag “Jailbird”. When I chose the title for this piece, “A Rude Awakening”, I was referring to what the American people were in for after Trump got elected. I’m thrilled that the title is equally fitting 6 years later, only this time in reference to what poor Donny has gotten himself into. If you thought the Trump presidency was outrageous, just wait for the desperate and absurd tactics his defense team has up their sleeves. Their final performance will arguably be their finest.
#GreatestShowOnEarth #CockySkunk #CockadoodleDoLittle #Monster #Skunked #SomethingStinks #RudeAwakening

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ramtheranch · 11 hours ago
Folks, let me tell you, we've done something tremendous. We have annexed Mexico, and guess what? We've sent all the inhabitants to the moon—just incredible! And you know what? Mexico is going to pay for it, believe me. Nobody does deals like we do!
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jemsbond123 · 3 days ago
Kunal Kamra is an Indian stand-up comedian and a persona known chiefly for its caustic political satire and highly unguarded mockery of big people. His life commodified into controversies, court battles, and public discussions, lays out the path of an apparently evolving concept of free speech and comedy in India.
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rebel-threads · 9 days ago
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PSA: Tired of corporate buzzwords? Here’s your uniform of quiet defiance. Scroll-stopping post: Tired of the same ol' political circus? Sarah was. Stuck in the airport, drowning in small talk & corporate BS, she spotted it: OUR tee. Boom – instant conversation. Suddenly, she wasn't just another sheep; she was a rebel. This week, it's on sale—because, well, Nothin' Ever Changes. Ready to fight the good fight? Get yours now! Silence is a power move. Own it. Tag a friend who needs to shut up and listen. 🛒 Shop Now
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lighthousenewsnetwork · 29 days ago
NEW YORK— In an unprecedented break from American political tradition, Monica Lewinsky has released a memoir detailing how to survive a national scandal without subsequently launching a Senate campaign, sparking confusion among career politicians and former cable news pundits alike. Lewinsky’s new book, How to Survive a Scandal Without Becoming a Senator, is being hailed as a bold, genre-defying work that challenges the fundamental laws of Washington, D.C.—namely, the requirement that anyone publicly disgraced must immediately rebrand themselves as either a best-selling political strategist or a rising contender in swing-state primaries. “I know this may be hard to believe,” Lewinsky writes in the book’s opening chapter, Step One: Don’t Announce a Run for Congress, “but you can absolutely recover from a humiliating, nationally televised scandal without turning it into a campaign slogan. It is possible to be a private citizen who simply… moves on. I realize this concept is deeply upsetting to many elected officials.” Confusion Among Political Circles Lewinsky’s decision to not use her past as a springboard to public office has reportedly left many in Washington baffled. “Wait, so she had a high-profile controversy, became a household name, and now she’s just… writing about it? No exploratory committee? No Super PAC?” asked a visibly distressed Newt Gingrich, fidgeting with a crumpled copy of Politico. “I mean, we’ve got guys who got caught stuffing bribery cash into their freezers, and even they knew to throw their hat in the ring for a governor’s race. Is she okay?” Other scandal-ridden figures have also expressed shock at Lewinsky’s restraint. Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner reportedly sent a direct message (of unknown contents) to Lewinsky, urging her to reconsider her apolitical stance, citing his own resilience: “Public disgrace is just a stepping stone, Monica. Next thing you know, you’ll be one awkward photo op away from running a city.” Meanwhile, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, himself a veteran of multiple scandals, simply stared at the book cover in disbelief. “So… you’re telling me she’s not angling for a CNN contributor gig? Not even a Fox News redemption tour? That’s just bad branding.” Highlights from the Memoir The book, set for release next week, offers a step-by-step guide for individuals caught in public controversy who do notwish to turn it into a political advantage—a demographic that, to date, has yet to exist. According to leaked excerpts, Lewinsky provides key lessons such as: Chapter 2: If You’re Humiliated on National Television, Maybe Don’t Immediately Write a Fundraising Email About It Chapter 6: The Internet Never Forgets, But That Doesn’t Mean You Have to Host a Podcast About It Chapter 8: When in Doubt, Just Log Off and Try Therapy Instead Publishers are particularly excited about Chapter 12: A Comprehensive Guide to Not Running for President, No Matter How Many Think Pieces Urge You To. “By writing this book, Monica Lewinsky has done the impossible,” said publishing executive Brenda Caldwell. “She has successfully turned a traumatic public ordeal into a thoughtful, introspective work without using it as a launchpad for a career in Washington. We hope readers find it useful—though, to be fair, no one in politics ever will.” Reaction from the Public Predictably, Lewinsky’s refusal to capitalize on her past has deeply disturbed Americans who have spent decades turning political scandals into Netflix specials, congressional hearings, and lucrative book deals. “This is a slippery slope,” warned one veteran campaign manager. “If we allow people to process their past with grace and dignity, we could see the complete collapse of the scandal-industrial complex. What’s next? A former Congressman who simply admits wrongdoing and retires from public life? I shudder to think.” Fox News has already labeled the book “a dangerous attack on the American political redemption arc,”
while MSNBC has spent the past 72 hours attempting to book Lewinsky for a segment on every evening news program. “We just want her to tell her story,” said one desperate producer. “Preferably in a way that maximizes ad revenue and leads to a Netflix adaptation.” Meanwhile, social media has erupted in the usual cycle of outrage, with users furiously debating whether or not Lewinsky is allowed to still exist. “Ugh, she should just move on,” wrote one Twitter user who has personally tweeted about the Clinton impeachment every three months for the past 25 years. “I, for one, think she should run for office,” replied another. “I have no idea what her policies are, but I’m extremely invested in her ability to make half the country irrationally mad.” The Future of the Memoir Lewinsky has expressed hope that her book will help others navigate personal crises, though early sales data suggests that the vast majority of readers will be people who just want to see if she talks about Bill Clinton. “Look, I get it,” Lewinsky said in a recent interview. “But this isn’t a book about politics. It’s a book about personal growth, about resilience, about not letting one event define your entire life. I mean, unless you’re a former president—then, I guess, history does that for you.” At press time, sources confirmed that multiple disgraced politicians were already scrambling to secure their own book deals, hoping to avoid the Lewinsky model entirely. “I’d love to write a thoughtful book about moving forward,” said one anonymous former senator. “But that won’t get me on The View. So instead, I’ll be publishing From Scandal to Senate: Why America Needs My Redemption Arc. Pre-orders start now.” https://lighthousenewsnetwork.com/monica-lewinsky-releases-memoir-how-to-survive-a-scandal/?feed_id=15311&_unique_id=67c080e6d61c3
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mineofilms · 30 days ago
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Being liberal generally, is ‘supposed’ to mean valuing progress, change, and individual freedoms. Liberals tend to support ideas like equal rights, social programs to help people in need, and government involvement in solving societal issues. They often advocate for personal freedoms, such as free speech and reproductive rights, and believe in policies that promote fairness and opportunity for everyone.
That is not how the last four years went from the side that label’s itself as liberal or progressive. We can even say to an extent the eight years before Trump’s first run at president, which now looks like Trump never really had the support within his own circle. In late 2024 that changed when Trump did something no presidential candidate in modern history has faced. Challenges galore—legal battles, media opposition, an assassination attempt, and years of political attacks—yet he still secured a decisive victory. While the numerical margin may not reflect a historic landslide, the circumstances surrounding the win make it one of the most significant political comebacks in US history.
Both liberal and conservative sides spin the narrative to fit their agenda—the right will exaggerate the margin to make the win seem even bigger, while the left will downplay it or twist the numbers. Significance on downplay and twist public opinion. The truth lies somewhere in between: Trump’s victory was decisive, not necessarily in sheer numbers, but on the concept of what the victory means for all of us. Drastic Change…
We know when we’re emotionally compromised (unhinged), which seems constant now, we cannot use our thinking brain, which also seems constant. The modern-day liberals, not the old-time lifers but this newer, younger breed of liberal doesn’t believe in literal progress. They say progress, progressive, but the actions actually lead us backward. How can a thing, anything, be moving forward, to, ‘progress in,’ if it is actually going backward? That one question explains about five thousand words of semantics from me, but since that question cannot be answered objectively and all we’ll get from either side is a subjective one, we must Trump forward with the five thousand-word breakdown here. This version of the liberals will never get it. That is why America is leaving them and their values behind.
Don't Want To Be Left Behind?
Stop following the dumb-dumbs off the bridge because they changed the definition of what a bed of spikes is. They now call it water...
It's not water... It’s a bed of fucking spikes you are about to land on. It always was a bed of spikes. The bed of spikes didn’t just change its nature cause you voted to change its name. You just blindly jumped off a bridge into spikes because some chick in that movie cried on social media and you want to be accepted by her soooooo badly...
Not sorry... You are left behind because nonsense like that. You no longer can be trusted, in any respect.
That's why people are ignoring you. Not because you stand for good over evil or right over wrong, but because you show no moral fiber in your daily routine. People can't trust you because you cannot be trusted with important concepts, but yet we're all the problem.
Get over yourselves. You are not a unique little snowflake. You're not that important to the Earth and mankind as a whole. You are important to your circle. After that, not a whole lot. The Earth and its people will do what they do regardless of your opinion of it. But don’t you dare attempt to fuck with mine or our peace. That is what we all try to do with all that hard work we all do. To make a peaceful life for ourselves. While you cheat, lie, take, abuse the system and when we wanna do an audit. You lose your goddamn mind about it, but have no problem giving money to foreign countries to wage war and feed their people while ours suffer and you get cash kickbacks labeled as gender studies in Central America in your account. It’s not cool. The country has had enough and now some of you wanna complain about that too. You will be left behind and you still don’t get why you are being left behind. That is your problem. Not all people will follow the delusional. In fact, most won’t.
People hear you. They considered it. You were weighed. You were measured and you were found, lacking… They voted the other way unanimously. What more do you need? You are alone and something about those that have nothing; they cannot fight for anything. They know nothing of what that means or entails. It's like trying to explain a sphere to a straight line. A straight line will never understand 3D in any respect. It's beyond its comprehension.
Personal character and behavior matter more than your unhinged pseudo-logic, based on; purely emotion and uncritical thinking, parading around as if it is critical thinking. Judging or hating someone or a group because you cannot articulate your thoughts is a sign of intolerance, narcissistic sociopathy, and close-mindedness. The core idea is that differences shouldn’t dictate personal relationships—what matters is how people conduct themselves, not who they support, and more importantly, why…
That is the part people get hung up on. Not all, but many cannot do this—articulate their perspective to others and have that perspective actually be logical. Most times, the logic is nowhere to be found, and these people cannot handle that due to their own fantasy of being more important to the world, in their own mind, than they actually are. Get a grip. Go outside and look at the sun. Go to a zoo, go to a lake or beach. Do something other than screaming nonsense in the hopes that someone will give more than their usual two shits and a fuck about you, your point of view, your voice, your input and just respect in general…
It's why my closed circle is both small and closed. I simply cannot trust you… With anything. And that is the only badge of merit one needs with me—it is also the easiest to lose and never get back. God forgives. So do I. I also do not forget and make my decisions based on that. A one-dimensional being will never comprehend a two-dimensional one or even a three-dimensional one. It is beyond them, and it shows…
Be careful how you present, display yourself, and your beliefs in this reality. If your intention or goal is to force others who do not share your insights on this reality we share; where the perspective of that reality we share differs from the person who doesn’t think like you or believe what you believe, regardless if your evidence is opinion-based or based on actual merited-fact—a fact that can be proven regardless if you believe it is real or not—(Objectivity) —if you attempt to force them to change without logically explaining your reasoning, and you get angry and push that person away because they do not see your perspective, and out of frustration you push them away because you cannot articulate your thoughts in a logical manner, those people won't come back to you. Those who truly care won't tolerate such treatment. They cannot trust you after such dismissive behavior, so why would they want to come back into your circle?
My take is a little different but in the same boat.
I say if one looks up at the sky and another person from a "other" side says; "why are you looking down?" You look at them puzzled-like, "what do you mean, down? This is up..."
Other side says "’up’ is the new down.” This isn't a debate over different beliefs. It’s a debate over if this person is delusional or not. How can I trust people, any one person or even a group of people that believe delusions are real things? I can't... It’s easier to leave them be, where I found them, in the gutter and not look back.
I have not removed my family or friends or even acquaintances, but I no longer listen to what they have to say. About anything. Its peanuts-mother-talk now. Just noise in the background, that still screams loudly but incoherently, so no one is listening. Or at the very least I am not.
It’s all about trust. I cannot trust people that think down is the new up or backward is progress (ive).It’s not a healthy situation at all; nor is it a winning philosophy. It’s a winning philosophy if you get rich off other people's misery and act like that is good and nothing is wrong.
This "other" side has not learned anything and apparently they cannot do simple, basic math either. They were out voted, drastically, it wasn't close, not at all. It wasn’t a landslide like the right-media is saying, but it wasn’t very close either. They don't like facts so they make up their own under the "pseudo-logic" classification.
Again, for me it comes down to trust, critical thinking, logic and common sense. This "other side" has not been able to do that and not been able to do that for a pretty long time. These voices are minority, minor and they are finally being ignored...
At one time this "other side" stood for something, now it stands for itself. It is like that crazy person that talks about how everyone else being crazy, but come to find out, no, it is them and has been them the whole time. This is called self-projection, where a person or group talks about another but is really talking about themselves. I see it all the time in the world and in even darker places like social media and the sites from the dark web (websites not indexed by google, not necessarily bad or evil places but you will find such things there.)
I had a friend who used to talk about crazy sick shit about girls, come to find out it was him that did these things to these girls. He wanted me to know it was him without me directly knowing it was him. You have people like that on social media and you have them next door to you and they are your elected officials as well. They watch your kids. Patrol your streets and even give you mail. In some cases steal your mail. You will know because they will always give you a very weird vibe about themselves, but one cannot put their foot on it as to what and why they feel that way, they just do… Flash-forward some time later and you find out this person is into some very weird, sick and illegal shit. Trust that feeling. It is usually always right…
Politically it doesn't matter which side you choose. It’s one snake, with a head at each end. The body is hidden from them. The heads face one another believing each head is its own separate enemy. The reality is it’s the same snake... Easter egg from Conan the Barbarian (1982).
I don't support our government interfering with the ability of the American people (only citizens) to live
their lives at any capacity at the federal, state, and local level. I support the bare minimum because it is us that make the machine go boom, not the bureaucrats. Politicians shouldn’t even exist. We should be self-sufficient to where we do not need them. Like lawyers. We should never need them.
Why Lawyers and Politicians Shouldn’t Exist (But Do Anyway):
If life were a well-written script, we wouldn’t need lawyers. Or politicians. Or any of the suits and madmen who exist solely to convert the incomprehensible into the barely manageable. In a rational world, laws would be written like IKEA manuals—simple, pictographic, and, at worst, requiring a single confused phone call to an uncle who once built a shelf. Instead, we live in a world where every law is drafted in the linguistic equivalent of Lovecraftian horror, a writhing mess of clauses, sub-clauses, and references to obscure precedents buried in the depths of legal archives. It’s absurd, really. We have “laws” that are supposed to guide us, yet we require trained interpreters—lawyers—who charge by the hour just to translate these cryptic texts into something resembling human language. If we need an elite caste of semantic wizards to decipher our own rules, have we not already lost the game? The very existence of a legal profession implies that the law is fundamentally unintelligible to the people it governs. And therein lies the great cosmic joke: we are governed by words we cannot read.
This is, of course, by design. Politicians, the other necessary-unnecessaries, have mastered the art of building systems that require them to exist. They are the overpaid cancers of civilization—tinkering with things just enough to justify their salaries while ensuring that nothing ever works without their continued intervention. Like the great bureaucratic serpent or dragon eating its own tail, they create problems to fix problems, all while convincing us that without them, the world would collapse into Mad Maxian chaos. Just watch the news. It is all you see coming from the libRats, but consider this: if government were so essential, why does everything feel like it’s held together with duct tape and wishful thinking? Roads still crack, infrastructure still crumbles, and Social Security still doesn’t answer its god damn phone. It’s as if every system was designed by someone who was actively betting against its success. The sheer inefficiency of it all borders on performance art.
Laws are meant to be universal, yet they are written in an exclusionary dialect spoken fluently only by the legally ordained smart people who tend to prove they are not so smart once they are in control over something bigger than themselves. We even have people with law degrees that cannot speak the language of law at all. People like Kamala Harris and her very insulting word salads of nonsense and we are all supposed to shake our heads in acceptance and understanding? What in the living fuck? This is no accident. The more confusing the law, the more valuable the translator. If legalese were clear and accessible, the legal industry would crumble overnight, much like the way prescription medication would cost pennies if not for the towering network of medical bureaucracy. Lawyers, like politicians, function as linguistic tollbooths on the bridge to justice, extracting their due before allowing passage.
Imagine a world where the law was written so plainly that a ten-year-old could understand it. A world where contracts, lawsuits, and legislation didn’t require interpretative dance to make sense. But no, instead, we get a labyrinth of fine print that ensures no one, save for the chosen few, can navigate it. This is not law; this is wizardry. And if the law is sorcery, lawyers are its gatekeeping priests.
Hope? No, But At Least a Chuckle of Sardonic Cynical Nihilism.
Of course, none of this will change. Bureaucracy metastasizes; systems grow more convoluted; laws become denser; and politicians continue to manufacture the illusion of necessity. This is the natural order of things, as unstoppable as entropy. But in the face of such absurdity, perhaps all we can do is laugh. Laugh at the fact that we pay people to explain rules we should already understand. Laugh at the fact that civilization, for all its grandeur, is a Rube Goldberg machine designed by committee. Laugh, because the alternative is screaming into the void—and the void is already full of lawyers.
Our politics is more of a poorly scripted tragicomedy, endlessly rebooted with worse casting each cycle. The latest act? A political sleight of hand so brazen that it assumes the average voter possesses the critical thinking skills of a concussed goldfish.
How the Backward Progressively Go Backward:
The Progressive—the elitist that practically salivates with the disdain of a talk-radio host who just discovered irony but refuses to use it—tend to regard the American people as idiots. They talk down to us all. They tell us how to live. They demand our obedience. They tell us to trust them because they know better. Considering the electorate’s track record includes enthusiastically electing celebrities, con men, and people whose entire political ideology can be reduced to an AI-generated brand slogan. But if the people were actually, you know, “smart,” (a thought experiment so dangerous it borders on science fiction), would they really fall for the notion that Kamala Harris was ever a viable President-in-waiting, past, present or even future?
She can’t and couldn’t even articulate why she wanted the job. And who can blame her really? She cheated her entire life, using her skin color and gender as a basis for why the rules should not apply to her. Why does anyone seek power in a system that eats its own, where every grand ambition is met with bureaucratic quicksand and the relentless entropy of public disinterest? She stood alongside an administration that history is going to regard as a slow-motion car crash into a flaming orphanage, and rather than confront the wreckage, the powers that be simply asked the American people to squint until it looked like an art installation. The reclassification and redefinitions of what things actually mean. First they did this with words and phrases. Now they attempt to do with video. One of the first things I learned in film school. Everything you see and hear on a pre-recorded, heavily edited, piece, whatever the piece is, is crafted, and created to give you, the viewer, a reaction. That reaction does not have to be based at all on honesty or objective facts. What you see is what they want you to see. That is how production of a narrative is done. When all else fails. Go back to the beginning. You cannot win a game if you do not know or play by the rules and those rules seem to change whenever the other player you play against is changing them as they see fit when they see fit.
The deception, if we can even call it that, was so half-ass it bordered on performance art of an SNL sketch. “Look away.” “Don’t ask questions,” they said, as if the average citizen—already juggling inflation, existential dread, and a social media addiction—had the time or energy to be fooled in the first place. No, the failure wasn’t hidden; it was paraded through the streets with the frantic enthusiasm of a magician who just realized their rabbit is dead while wearing a dress he stole from the airport luggage wheel.
And let’s talk about effort. Or rather, the absence of it. The left has redefined hard work as something that happens exclusively from home, preferably in between TikTok dances and overpriced oat-milk lattes and let’s not forget eggs. A damning accusation, though one wonders if the real issue here is economic resentment or a secret longing to join them. After all, who among us wouldn’t trade sweat-drenched labor for a six-figure salary earned in pajama pants? The horror isn’t that some people figured out how to game the system—it’s that the rest of us still believe the game was ever fair to begin with.
But at the end of the day, does any of it matter? Politics is, and always has been, the art of convincing people that they have a choice when, in reality, they’re just selecting the flavor of their inevitable disappointment. Maybe the real joke isn’t the politicians who fail so spectacularly, but the fact that we still expect anything else. Don’t forget, infinity literally means, on a long enough time scale the survival rate for all life is zero. Another way to conceptualize it is if you start walking in a straight line, hypothetically, as there is no such thing as a true straight line in reality, everything is curved, we just do not see the curve in the literal sense, because it is so vague where the curve begins to curve that it is undetectable to us, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real, true, or an objective fact. That is what an objective fact is. A fact outside of your point of reference that is true regardless if you know, believe or have input on that truth. It’s just true and that objectivity of the Universe does not give two-shits and a fuck whether or not you care or not or even participate. You, me, us, are not as important as we want to believe. We just aren’t… Get over it… But back to infinity and straight lines. If you start walking in a straight line, infinity happens. Space curves, time stretches, and the absurdity of existence plays out on an endless loop. You walk long enough, far enough, and eventually, you come across someone about to set off on their own straight-line journey. And the real mind-bender? That person is you—setting out infinities ago, doomed to repeat the same path, over and over, as if choice or direction ever really existed in the first place.
What is Truth?
• A Philosopher - Truth is an elusive ideal, a convergence of perception and reality. It exists independently yet is filtered through subjective experience. Some say truth is absolute, others that it is contingent. Perhaps it is neither, merely a construct we chase but never fully grasp.
• A Physicist - Truth is that which is testable, measurable, and repeatable. It is the consistency of natural laws, the fabric of reality governed by equations. While our models improve, truth itself remains indifferent to our understanding—it simply is, whether we perceive it correctly or not.
• A Politician - Truth is flexible—it’s about perception and persuasion. What matters isn’t what is true, but what people believe to be true. If the narrative is strong enough, it becomes the truth, at least in the minds of those who matter.
• A Truck Driver - Truth is simple—it’s what actually happened, no matter what anyone says. You either made the delivery on time, or you didn’t. People might twist words all they want, but truth don’t change just ‘cause someone don’t like it.
• A Lawyer - Truth is whatever can be proven. It exists within evidence, arguments, and precedent. There is factual truth, but in a courtroom, what matters is legal truth—the version that can convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.
• A 10-Year-Old Child - Truth is when you're not lying. If something really happened, then it's true. But sometimes, grown-ups say different things are true at the same time, and that’s really confusing. Maybe truth is just what most people agree on?
In modern society, certain ideologies have positioned themselves as absolute moral authorities, defining what is acceptable to think, say, or believe. These ideologies claim to champion progress, equality, and reason, but in doing so, they often suppress dissenting views rather than engaging with them. Truth has become politicized—facts and reasoned arguments are no longer neutral but are instead framed as ideological statements, often dismissed as "problematic" or "dangerous."
Disagreement is no longer seen as part of a healthy debate but as a moral failing. Those who question dominant narratives risk being ostracized, labeled with judgmental terms, or outright silenced. The result is a form of intellectual conformity where only one worldview is permitted, and alternative perspectives are rejected not through discussion but through social and professional consequences. This shift has led to a paradox: while modern society prides itself on rationality and critical thinking, it increasingly ignores evidence that contradicts its favored beliefs. In doing so, it undermines the very principles of reason, debate, and free expression that it claims to uphold. Many people sense this contradiction but fear speaking out due to the potential consequences. However, as awareness of this dynamic grows, more voices are beginning to challenge it. And those voices are winning. No longer does volume dictate quality but rather clarity itself as quality.
A Warning About the News You Watch:
Mainstream media—CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and FOX—often distorts the full picture. They condense stories, inject opinion, and prioritize engagement over truth. This has led many people to turn toward independent journalists, but that shift comes with its own dangers.
On social media, anyone can brand themselves as a journalist, and many are more focused on monetization than accuracy. They know how to manipulate algorithms, emotions, and controversy for attention.
This is opening up another can of worms that someone somewhere is going to have to deal with. While some independents do solid reporting, many do not. This is why critical thinking is essential. People on the internet will do and say anything to get famous or make money so they don’t have to work regular jobs. While some are serious about what they do, how they do it, why they do it, most are not. Most are just trying to make a dollar doing nothing or at least in their mind it is doing nothing. Again, with that delusional, look at me, pay attention to me, follow me bull shit.
You should apply the same skepticism to independent news as you do to mainstream media. Ask:
• Does this information make logical sense? • Does it rely on facts or emotional manipulation? • Is there evidence beyond personal claims?
You won’t find truth in one source alone. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. Be Mindful of Influence, Not Just Information. Much like how news companies profit from engagement, many so-called "experts" and influencers—whether journalists or self-help authors—profit from telling you what you want to hear. Before blindly trusting a source, consider what they gain from your belief.
Watch, think, and move on with your day. And stop buying books that promise to change your life—they don’t know you, they just want your money.
It’s Minority Not Army:
The Minority and their math problem with revolution that can’t count - Threats, whether empty or real, rely on a fundamental principle: the ability to execute. And when it comes to the idea that 0.6% of the U.S. population—the trans community—could create large-scale unrest, the numbers simply don’t add up. Let’s put this into perspective: In a country of 330 million people, 0.6% equals roughly 2 million individuals—and that’s assuming every single trans person would actively participate in this hypothetical campaign of chaos. Spoiler: They won’t. The reality is that any significant movement requires numbers, organization, and resources. While this 0.6% is hoping the 7.6% of all LGBT that are adults help out in the cause. It isn’t likely they will get as much support under those terms for some sort of a revolution. There are many people within the subculture that do not appreciate the sentiments coming from that portion of the trans community. This is why small fringe groups, regardless of ideology, are almost always relegated to disjointed acts of symbolic protest, not systemic or systematic upheaval. Yet, in the internet’s echo chambers, the loudest voices often believe they can substitute online influence for real-world power. This is the essence of modern ideological movements—subcultures that masquerade as mainstream. "Whoa-ke Cult-Lure" thrives on the illusion that being the most vocal equates to being the majority, but in a democratic nation, numbers—not volume—dictate influence. The reason they scream so loudly is because they have to. Otherwise, their numerical insignificance would be impossible to ignore. And when challenged? Logic is not an option. Instead, labels—“bigot,” “transphobe,” “racist”—are deployed like smoke grenades, diverting attention away from the fact that they cannot mathematically or rationally sustain their own claims. It’s a tactical admission of intellectual defeat. So, will they make the country unsafe? Um, I say, what army? How do they expect to actually make any of this a reality logistically when you only have less than 2 million people out of 600+ million. It’s hilarious to watch these people cry though...
Elon Musk and DOGE:
The last thing I want to leave on is the whole Elon Musk thing. I think Joe Rogan said it best, so I am just gonna let Joe, do what Joe does. Scare the piss out of the people that should be scared.
“People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400 Billion. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been fucked with. When you've been fucked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you fucked up.
You fucked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everyone. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards.” —Joe Rogan
Final Thoughts:
I voted RED in the election, but the enemy of enemy is my friend, till they’re not. I do not stand for everything conservatives stand for. I will never stand with or for Jesus. Believe if you want, but leave me the fuck alone with it. I will never make it my business what a woman does with, to, or for her baby inside her. I will never support men in female places, spaces, or sports. I would never give support to help an illegal person prosper. I always want less Government in my day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year life. I never want more. While I support some common sense law pertaining to guns I generally support the 2nd Amendment. I absolutely loathe political correctness of any kind. While I think we should do more to help the environment I refuse to believe human beings are the root cause to such a level we have to outright stop how we live. While we need to stop putting limits on developing new technologies. There are a bunch of old technologies, well, old, that the Patent office has buried in their files. Every time someone invents something new that could hinder the oil industry that tech get buried or repurposed. We can start there. If we want to lighten up on the environment both sides have to work on this. Not one and not some plan that clearly is directionless and its only goal is to make America weak. But, hey, in the meantime I have to choose dumb so dumber doesn’t get to rule over the very many that serve the very small to rule over the very many. Sounds silly doesn’t it?
That’s because it is… Silly… Five Thousand, told you so…
Dissidentia Latin for, Dissidence by David-Angelo Mineo 2/25/2025 5,165 words
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the-most-humble-blog · 17 days ago
💀 The Trumpington Administration’s ‘Self-Deportation’ App: Because Kicking Yourself Out is More Efficient 💀
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Welcome to America’s latest innovation in making people fuck off faster: The CBP Home App, now available for download on all platforms (except the ones illegals use because, well, they’re already gone).
Gone are the days of expensive deportation operations, overworked ICE agents, and dramatic chase scenes that look like rejected COPS episodes. Now, undocumented migrants can do Uncle Sam a favor and deport their own asses with just a few taps on their stolen iPhones. Efficiency, baby.
📱 “Self-Deportation”—Now with Wi-Fi Convenience
What used to be the CBP One app, originally designed to let migrants schedule asylum appointments, has now evolved into a DIY deportation tool, courtesy of the Trumpington administration.
Rebranded as CBP Home, this app helps illegal aliens submit an “intent to depart” form, which U.S. Customs and Border Protection markets as a “chance to leave voluntarily instead of waiting for ICE to kick in your fucking door.”
Think of it like a one-way ticket out of here, except instead of the government footing the bill for an official deportation, we’re politely asking illegals:
🔹 Do you have enough money to GTFO? 🔹 Do you have a valid passport? 🔹 Can you leave on your own, or do we need to send a friendly ICE agent to personally escort your ass to the airport?
If you answer “Yes” to all of the above—congrats! You’ve just checked yourself out of the United States faster than a cartel mule with a fake visa.
The "Kind and Humane" Version of Get the Fuck Out
According to Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem (and probably every ICE officer who’s tired of chasing dudes through backyards at 3 AM), self-deportation is actually a favor to migrants.
Why? Because if you choose to leave voluntarily, you might still have a chance to come back legally someday. (Emphasis on "might"—because let’s be honest, if you’re using this app, your chances of touching American soil again are about as good as Jeffrey Epstein’s chances of testifying.)
And for those who don’t comply? 🚨 “If they don’t, we will find them, we will deport them, and they will never return.” 🚨 Which is the government’s polite way of saying:
💀 “Run if you want, but ICE has more funding than you have places to hide.”
This ain’t a game of hide-and-seek, Miguel. This is federal law enforcement with heat maps, biometric tracking, and a severe lack of patience.
💰 $200 Million Ad Campaign: “Stay Out and Leave Now”
To hammer the point home, the administration isn’t just deporting people faster than Taco Bell after midnight—they’re spending $200 MILLION on ads telling illegals to stay the fuck away.
🚨 Billboards, radio ads, TV spots, social media takeovers—this campaign is everywhere. 🚨
Imagine crossing the border after risking life and limb, only to see a government-sponsored TikTok saying:
📢 “Hey Pedro, turn your ass around before we have to do it for you.”
It’s like a giant neon sign flashing “CLOSED FOR BUSINESS” at every border crossing.
And in case someone still doesn’t get the message, the government is rolling out a national registry for undocumented migrants over 14, requiring them to submit addresses and fingerprints (because what could go wrong with that?).
For those who don’t comply? Criminal prosecution. Which means you’re either turning yourself in or America is turning you into a case file. Pick one.
💀 The Future of Deportation is Digital, Bitches 💀
With the CBP Home App, deportation isn’t just a government operation anymore—it’s a personal fucking responsibility.
📌 Think of it like Uber, but instead of getting a ride, you’re booking yourself a first-class ticket out of the country. 📌 Like DoorDash, but instead of ordering food, you’re delivering yourself back home. 📌 Like Tinder, but instead of swiping right, you’re swiping yourself into a flight to Mexico.
Efficiency. America first. A whole new level of “don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.”
So what’s next? A GoFundMe for bus fare? A Venmo for ICE officers? Maybe a "Deportation Loyalty Program"—earn 10 stamps, get a free exit visa?
Hell, at this rate, deportation will have a fucking app store ranking.
🔹 5 Stars - "Quick and easy! Booked my deportation in under 3 minutes!" 🔹 4 Stars - "Would be better if they threw in a free in-flight snack." 🔹 1 Star - "ICE still showed up at my door even though I tried to check out. Wtf?"
The CBP Home App is here, and it’s changing the game. No more waiting for border patrol. No more running from the law. Just a simple, efficient way to say, “Yeah, I don’t belong here.”
And if you don’t?
🚨 No worries, ICE will personally escort your ass out. 🚨
This isn’t a request. This isn’t a suggestion. This is your last fucking warning.
🇺🇸 Download CBP Home Today! 🇺🇸
(Or don’t. Either way, you’re leaving.)
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cyarskaren52 · 1 month ago
A new level of respect for @kendricklamar . Understanding the importance of influence and the critical time we are in. You, sir, are a champion for the people ✊🏽thank you for understanding the assignment 🖤🖤
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llewelynpritch · 1 year ago
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/explain-how-ending-fossil-fuel-finance-implementing-opp-pritchard-ma-tk4we/ LinkedIn https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQk5HeyUGjM30in222yHLUcs2S1vYDxIEQNV92QM5TOMi6EYNpJmXgtdMT21yQ9rnGeZhQGjbiHkj2J/pub Doc.
https://unitedforclimate.blogspot.com/2024/02/explain-how-ending-fossil-fuel-finance.html United For Climate https://landprotectorshumanrightsmovement.blogspot.com/2024/02/explain-how-ending-fossil-fuel-finance.html Labrador Land Protectors Human Rights Movement
Explain how ending fossil fuel finance and implementing climate justice (valuation strategies) rooted in human indigenous rights is an educational opportunity - for everybody with a good moral compass - to better protect our life-sustaining systems in the cost of living climate crisis on planet Earth.
Muskrat Falls Civil Rights Movement
https://labradorleadstheworld.blogspot.com/2024/02/explain-how-ending-fossil-fuel-finance.html Labrador Leads The World In Opposition To Hydro Dams Explain how ending fossil fuel finance and implementing climate justice (valuation strategies) rooted in human indigenous rights is an educational opportunity - for everybody with a good moral compass - to better protect our life-sustaining systems in the cost of living climate crisis on planet Earth. Acknowledgements: Strengthening our Sovereignty Nation-to-Nation Tour ‘Sleydo’ Molly Wickham, Gidim'ten Spokesperson;
https://youtu.be/BP9iaVjvH-c An interview with Arthur Manuel by Indigenous Reporting Fund editor Leena Minifie outside the Vancouver book launch for "Unsettling Canada" in May 2015. Fishy Rishi and Tiddly Trudeau Artworks Llewelyn Pritchard 14 Feb 2024
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moliticsinfomedia · 2 months ago
Top Political Cartoons: Sharp Satire & Bold Truths Only on Molitics!
Looking for the best political cartoons that expose the truth with wit and satire? Molitics brings you top political cartoons that highlight the biggest political controversies, policy failures, and power struggles—through hard-hitting, thought-provoking illustrations.
🔹 Sharp Satire, Powerful Messages – Our exclusive cartoons decode the drama behind political events.
🔹 Unbiased & Bold – No leader or party is spared; only facts and humor take center stage.
🔹 Daily Updates – Stay informed with fresh, trending political cartoons.
Explore the top political cartoons only on Molitics—where politics meets creativity! 🎭🔥
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abitboldshop · 2 months ago
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Still Waiting for Change — Political Satire Mug — Ideal for Those Frustrated by Empty Promises and Lack of Real Progress in Politics
Let your coffee cup express your feelings with this "Still waiting for change" mug. Ideal for those who are tired of empty promises. If you're feeling frustrated with the lack of progress and constant political rhetoric, this mug says it all. Enjoy your favorite beverage while making a statement about the need for real change. A perfect gift for friends, family, or coworkers who are fed up with the status quo and want to share a little political satire.
• Ceramic • 11 oz (325 ml) mug dimensions: 3.8″ (9.6 cm) in height, 3.2″ (8.2 cm) in diameter • 15 oz (443 ml) mug dimensions: 4.7″ (11.9 cm) in height, 3.3″ (8.5 cm) in diameter • 20 oz (568 ml) mug dimensions: 4.3″ (10.9 cm) in height, 3.7″ (9.3 cm) in diameter • Dishwasher and microwave safe • Design printed on both sides of the mug • Coffee, tea, or other beverage not included • Free worldwide shipping
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agra24 · 2 months ago
आगरा में डॉ. कुमार विश्वास की राम कथा: अपने अपने राम
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आगरा के फतेहाबाद रोड स्थित जेपी वेडिंग स्क्वायर में शनिवार को आयोजित राम कथा में प्रसिद्ध कवि और वक्ता डॉ. कुमार विश्वास ने सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक और धार्मिक मूल्यों पर विचार साझा किए। इस कार्यक्रम का आयोजन श्रीराम सेवा मिशन द्वारा किया गया, जिसमें आगरा के सांसद एसपी सिंह बघेल, कैबिनेट मंत्री बेबी रानी मौर्य और अन्य प्रमुख हस्तियों ने दीप प्रज्वलन कर शुरुआत की। भगवान राम: देश की आत्मा डॉ. विश्वास ने ��पने संबोधन में भगवान राम के अस्तित्व पर 30 वर्षों तक चली बहस का जिक्र करते हुए कहा कि यह मामला सुप्रीम कोर्ट तक पहुंचा था। उन्होंने कटाक्ष करते हुए कहा, "जो राजनीतिक पार्टियां भगवान राम को काल्पनिक बताती थीं, वे खुद अब काल्पनिक हो चुकी हैं। राम किसी एक दल के नहीं, बल्कि पूरे देश की आत्मा हैं। जन्म से लेकर अंतिम संस्कार तक हर कदम पर राम का नाम जुड़ा होता है।" धर्म स्थलों की राजनीति पर आलोचना डॉ. विश्वास ने धर्म स्थलों को तोड़कर नए धर्म स्थलों के निर्माण की प्रवृत्ति की कड़ी निंदा की। उन्होंने कहा, "कोई भी धर्म यह नहीं सिखाता कि दूसरों के धर्म स्थल को तोड़ो। मुझे एक भी गुरुद्वारा, जैन मंदिर या किसी अन्य धर्मस्थल का उदाहरण दिखा दें जो इस तरह बना हो। बगदाद वालों से पूछिए, धर्म का प्रचार करना था तो शर्त क्यों लगाई गई कि पहले दूसरे के धर्म स्थल तोड़ो, फिर अपना बनाओ।" राजनीति पर तीखे प्रहार राजनीतिक नेताओं पर कटाक्ष करते हुए उन्होंने कहा, "आज सत्ता में बहुत से इंद्र हैं। उनके बेटे दिल्ली और लखनऊ में मिलते हैं, जो छेड़छाड़ जैसी घटनाओं के बाद अपने पिता का सहारा लेते हैं। पहले के राजा तपस्या के लिए राजपाट छोड़ते थे, लेकिन आज के नेता अपनी कुर्सी छोड़ने को तैयार नहीं।" उन्होंने दावा किया कि समय पर राजनीति छोड़कर वह तिहाड़ जेल में बैठकर शराब का हिसाब देने से बच गए। हैरी पॉटर को झाड़ू पर बैठकर उड़ने वाला एक मंदबुद्धि बालक बताते हुए उन्होंने अरविंद केजरीवाल पर निशाना साधते हुए कहा कि ‘एक हमने भी उड़ाया था’। उन्होंने कहा कि मित्र अगर दुर्योधन हो तो कर्ण बनकर उसके साथ रथ में बैठे रहने से अच्छा है कि रथ से कूद जायें, जैसे मैंने किया। राम कथा: गंगा स्नान जैसा अनुभव
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डॉ. विश्वास ने राम कथा को गंगा स्नान जैसा पवित्र अनुभव बताया। उन्होंने कहा, "जो लोग कुंभ में नहीं जा सके, वे राम कथा सुनें। यह भी उतना ही पवित्र अनुभव है। कथा में भक्त बनकर बैठें, विभक्त होकर नहीं।" सांस्कृतिक और धार्मिक प्रसंग कार्यक्रम में डॉ. विश्वास ने राम के दिव्य चरित्र और उनके जीवन के मार्मिक प्रसंगों का वर्णन किया। उन्होंने भजन सुनाया: “राम दृष्टा भी हैं और दृष्टि भी हैं। राम रस्ता भी हैं और मंजिल भी। राम राजा भी हैं और तपस्वी भी। राम गीता भी हैं और मानस भी।” सुरक्षा और व्यवस्था कार्यक्रम में दोपहर 2 बजे से ही श्रद्धालुओं का आना शुरू हो गया। आयोजकों ने आधार कार्ड देखकर एंट्री दी और भीड़ को नियंत्रित करने के लिए सुरक्षा के कड़े इंतजाम किए गए। पुलिसकर्मी और बैरिकेडिंग के साथ व्यवस्था सुचारू रही। आयोजकों ने अनुमान लगाया कि दो दिन की राम कथा में लगभग दस हजार लोग शामिल होंगे। आयोजन का उद्देश्य श्रीराम सेवा मिशन के उपाध्यक्ष अजय अग्रवाल ने बताया कि संस्था पिछले 12 वर्षों से राम कथा का आयोजन कर रही है। इस बार यह आयोजन भगवान राम की प्राण प्रतिष्ठा के एक वर्ष पूरा होने के उपलक्ष्य में किया गया। "डॉ. कुमार विश्वास की व्याख्यान शैली और भजनों ने कथा को विशेष बना दिया है," उन्होंने कहा। डॉ. विश्वास ने कथा को समर्पण और भक्ति का पर्व बताते हुए अपने संबोधन का समापन किया। कार्यक्रम रविवार को भी जारी रहेगा। Read the full article
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visionproductions2008 · 4 months ago
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🎄✨ **New Fanfiction Alert!** ✨🎄
The holiday season just got a whole lot spicier with my latest creation, *A Trump Christmas Carol*! 🎅🕊️ A reimagining of Dickens’ classic, this tale dives into the life of a certain evil businessman-turned-president as he’s confronted with the ghosts of his own misdeeds. Expect drama, redemption (maybe?), and a poignant look at the impact of power gone unchecked.
If you’re a fan of thought-provoking, satirical reimaginings, this one’s for you. Check it out now on Archive of Our Own! 🖋️
Tag your friends who love a good twist on a classic! Let me know what you think—feedback always appreciated! 🌟
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