teddy. 23. header is "herons in summer" by n.c wyeth (1941)
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worlds slowest fanfic author tries really really hard
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Bro absolutely COOKED with this.
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y’know for me it straight up doesn’t even occur to me to unfollow someone when they stop posting whatever it is i followed them for. unless the thing they’re posting about now is somehow actually actively upsetting to me i just accept it as a part of my life now. i’ll just scroll past it like i’m driving a car and dodging an obstacle on the road. and that part of the road is my daily commute and the thing stays on the road forever and i swerve around it every day for months instead of ever taking the initiative to get it removed. it just adds flavor i guess
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the way how you losers use second hand dysphoria as an excuse to genuinely be nasty over other trans people and their autonomy is disgusting and it's something you gotta suck up and learn to not do. you cannot act like everything and everyone should accommodate your comfortability because that's a slippery slope into reactionary thinking and also I'm sure other people don't like being told their bodies make you feel bad. grow up.
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mutuals I fw all of u heavyyyyy We can all go to the gas station Get a couple Red Bulls Together N sit on the curb listening to my ipod. Feel free to chainsmoke next to me I’m chill.
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mentally taking a drag of my mental cigarette because I don’t smoke but life has been very smokable lately
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honestly now that you mention it, i sure am.
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love episodes where the plot is "Character tries to take a vacation, but, despite everything, their job exists over there too"
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White people love to be like "I avoid Black people because I'm scared I'll accidentally be racist to them" and think it's 1) somehow not racist to do this 2) a normal thing to do and admit
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if being gay was still in the DSM you people would argue about how you have to be diagnosed with gay or else you're fakeclaiming
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we need to ban the word hyperfixation okay... you have a HOBBY you have an INTEREST
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I think kids should be taught the joys of wearing headphones on public transport very early in their lives
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picketing terf conferences is OUT, releasing 6000 live crickets into the audience of a terf conference and watching chaos erupt as everyone scrambles to evacuate is IN
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How do y'all shorthand "and"?
I always use ampersand (&) because it's fun, but I feel like I'm in the minority for that.
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