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Being liberal generally, is ‘supposed’ to mean valuing progress, change, and individual freedoms. Liberals tend to support ideas like equal rights, social programs to help people in need, and government involvement in solving societal issues. They often advocate for personal freedoms, such as free speech and reproductive rights, and believe in policies that promote fairness and opportunity for everyone.
That is not how the last four years went from the side that label’s itself as liberal or progressive. We can even say to an extent the eight years before Trump’s first run at president, which now looks like Trump never really had the support within his own circle. In late 2024 that changed when Trump did something no presidential candidate in modern history has faced. Challenges galore—legal battles, media opposition, an assassination attempt, and years of political attacks—yet he still secured a decisive victory. While the numerical margin may not reflect a historic landslide, the circumstances surrounding the win make it one of the most significant political comebacks in US history.
Both liberal and conservative sides spin the narrative to fit their agenda—the right will exaggerate the margin to make the win seem even bigger, while the left will downplay it or twist the numbers. Significance on downplay and twist public opinion. The truth lies somewhere in between: Trump’s victory was decisive, not necessarily in sheer numbers, but on the concept of what the victory means for all of us. Drastic Change…
We know when we’re emotionally compromised (unhinged), which seems constant now, we cannot use our thinking brain, which also seems constant. The modern-day liberals, not the old-time lifers but this newer, younger breed of liberal doesn’t believe in literal progress. They say progress, progressive, but the actions actually lead us backward. How can a thing, anything, be moving forward, to, ‘progress in,’ if it is actually going backward? That one question explains about five thousand words of semantics from me, but since that question cannot be answered objectively and all we’ll get from either side is a subjective one, we must Trump forward with the five thousand-word breakdown here. This version of the liberals will never get it. That is why America is leaving them and their values behind.
Don't Want To Be Left Behind?
Stop following the dumb-dumbs off the bridge because they changed the definition of what a bed of spikes is. They now call it water...
It's not water... It’s a bed of fucking spikes you are about to land on. It always was a bed of spikes. The bed of spikes didn’t just change its nature cause you voted to change its name. You just blindly jumped off a bridge into spikes because some chick in that movie cried on social media and you want to be accepted by her soooooo badly...
Not sorry... You are left behind because nonsense like that. You no longer can be trusted, in any respect.
That's why people are ignoring you. Not because you stand for good over evil or right over wrong, but because you show no moral fiber in your daily routine. People can't trust you because you cannot be trusted with important concepts, but yet we're all the problem.
Get over yourselves. You are not a unique little snowflake. You're not that important to the Earth and mankind as a whole. You are important to your circle. After that, not a whole lot. The Earth and its people will do what they do regardless of your opinion of it. But don’t you dare attempt to fuck with mine or our peace. That is what we all try to do with all that hard work we all do. To make a peaceful life for ourselves. While you cheat, lie, take, abuse the system and when we wanna do an audit. You lose your goddamn mind about it, but have no problem giving money to foreign countries to wage war and feed their people while ours suffer and you get cash kickbacks labeled as gender studies in Central America in your account. It’s not cool. The country has had enough and now some of you wanna complain about that too. You will be left behind and you still don’t get why you are being left behind. That is your problem. Not all people will follow the delusional. In fact, most won’t.
People hear you. They considered it. You were weighed. You were measured and you were found, lacking… They voted the other way unanimously. What more do you need? You are alone and something about those that have nothing; they cannot fight for anything. They know nothing of what that means or entails. It's like trying to explain a sphere to a straight line. A straight line will never understand 3D in any respect. It's beyond its comprehension.
Personal character and behavior matter more than your unhinged pseudo-logic, based on; purely emotion and uncritical thinking, parading around as if it is critical thinking. Judging or hating someone or a group because you cannot articulate your thoughts is a sign of intolerance, narcissistic sociopathy, and close-mindedness. The core idea is that differences shouldn’t dictate personal relationships—what matters is how people conduct themselves, not who they support, and more importantly, why…
That is the part people get hung up on. Not all, but many cannot do this—articulate their perspective to others and have that perspective actually be logical. Most times, the logic is nowhere to be found, and these people cannot handle that due to their own fantasy of being more important to the world, in their own mind, than they actually are. Get a grip. Go outside and look at the sun. Go to a zoo, go to a lake or beach. Do something other than screaming nonsense in the hopes that someone will give more than their usual two shits and a fuck about you, your point of view, your voice, your input and just respect in general…
It's why my closed circle is both small and closed. I simply cannot trust you… With anything. And that is the only badge of merit one needs with me—it is also the easiest to lose and never get back. God forgives. So do I. I also do not forget and make my decisions based on that. A one-dimensional being will never comprehend a two-dimensional one or even a three-dimensional one. It is beyond them, and it shows…
Be careful how you present, display yourself, and your beliefs in this reality. If your intention or goal is to force others who do not share your insights on this reality we share; where the perspective of that reality we share differs from the person who doesn’t think like you or believe what you believe, regardless if your evidence is opinion-based or based on actual merited-fact—a fact that can be proven regardless if you believe it is real or not—(Objectivity) —if you attempt to force them to change without logically explaining your reasoning, and you get angry and push that person away because they do not see your perspective, and out of frustration you push them away because you cannot articulate your thoughts in a logical manner, those people won't come back to you. Those who truly care won't tolerate such treatment. They cannot trust you after such dismissive behavior, so why would they want to come back into your circle?
My take is a little different but in the same boat.
I say if one looks up at the sky and another person from a "other" side says; "why are you looking down?" You look at them puzzled-like, "what do you mean, down? This is up..."
Other side says "’up’ is the new down.” This isn't a debate over different beliefs. It’s a debate over if this person is delusional or not. How can I trust people, any one person or even a group of people that believe delusions are real things? I can't... It’s easier to leave them be, where I found them, in the gutter and not look back.
I have not removed my family or friends or even acquaintances, but I no longer listen to what they have to say. About anything. Its peanuts-mother-talk now. Just noise in the background, that still screams loudly but incoherently, so no one is listening. Or at the very least I am not.
It’s all about trust. I cannot trust people that think down is the new up or backward is progress (ive).It’s not a healthy situation at all; nor is it a winning philosophy. It’s a winning philosophy if you get rich off other people's misery and act like that is good and nothing is wrong.
This "other" side has not learned anything and apparently they cannot do simple, basic math either. They were out voted, drastically, it wasn't close, not at all. It wasn’t a landslide like the right-media is saying, but it wasn’t very close either. They don't like facts so they make up their own under the "pseudo-logic" classification.
Again, for me it comes down to trust, critical thinking, logic and common sense. This "other side" has not been able to do that and not been able to do that for a pretty long time. These voices are minority, minor and they are finally being ignored...
At one time this "other side" stood for something, now it stands for itself. It is like that crazy person that talks about how everyone else being crazy, but come to find out, no, it is them and has been them the whole time. This is called self-projection, where a person or group talks about another but is really talking about themselves. I see it all the time in the world and in even darker places like social media and the sites from the dark web (websites not indexed by google, not necessarily bad or evil places but you will find such things there.)
I had a friend who used to talk about crazy sick shit about girls, come to find out it was him that did these things to these girls. He wanted me to know it was him without me directly knowing it was him. You have people like that on social media and you have them next door to you and they are your elected officials as well. They watch your kids. Patrol your streets and even give you mail. In some cases steal your mail. You will know because they will always give you a very weird vibe about themselves, but one cannot put their foot on it as to what and why they feel that way, they just do… Flash-forward some time later and you find out this person is into some very weird, sick and illegal shit. Trust that feeling. It is usually always right…
Politically it doesn't matter which side you choose. It’s one snake, with a head at each end. The body is hidden from them. The heads face one another believing each head is its own separate enemy. The reality is it’s the same snake... Easter egg from Conan the Barbarian (1982).
I don't support our government interfering with the ability of the American people (only citizens) to live
their lives at any capacity at the federal, state, and local level. I support the bare minimum because it is us that make the machine go boom, not the bureaucrats. Politicians shouldn’t even exist. We should be self-sufficient to where we do not need them. Like lawyers. We should never need them.
Why Lawyers and Politicians Shouldn’t Exist (But Do Anyway):
If life were a well-written script, we wouldn’t need lawyers. Or politicians. Or any of the suits and madmen who exist solely to convert the incomprehensible into the barely manageable. In a rational world, laws would be written like IKEA manuals—simple, pictographic, and, at worst, requiring a single confused phone call to an uncle who once built a shelf. Instead, we live in a world where every law is drafted in the linguistic equivalent of Lovecraftian horror, a writhing mess of clauses, sub-clauses, and references to obscure precedents buried in the depths of legal archives. It’s absurd, really. We have “laws” that are supposed to guide us, yet we require trained interpreters—lawyers—who charge by the hour just to translate these cryptic texts into something resembling human language. If we need an elite caste of semantic wizards to decipher our own rules, have we not already lost the game? The very existence of a legal profession implies that the law is fundamentally unintelligible to the people it governs. And therein lies the great cosmic joke: we are governed by words we cannot read.
This is, of course, by design. Politicians, the other necessary-unnecessaries, have mastered the art of building systems that require them to exist. They are the overpaid cancers of civilization—tinkering with things just enough to justify their salaries while ensuring that nothing ever works without their continued intervention. Like the great bureaucratic serpent or dragon eating its own tail, they create problems to fix problems, all while convincing us that without them, the world would collapse into Mad Maxian chaos. Just watch the news. It is all you see coming from the libRats, but consider this: if government were so essential, why does everything feel like it’s held together with duct tape and wishful thinking? Roads still crack, infrastructure still crumbles, and Social Security still doesn’t answer its god damn phone. It’s as if every system was designed by someone who was actively betting against its success. The sheer inefficiency of it all borders on performance art.
Laws are meant to be universal, yet they are written in an exclusionary dialect spoken fluently only by the legally ordained smart people who tend to prove they are not so smart once they are in control over something bigger than themselves. We even have people with law degrees that cannot speak the language of law at all. People like Kamala Harris and her very insulting word salads of nonsense and we are all supposed to shake our heads in acceptance and understanding? What in the living fuck? This is no accident. The more confusing the law, the more valuable the translator. If legalese were clear and accessible, the legal industry would crumble overnight, much like the way prescription medication would cost pennies if not for the towering network of medical bureaucracy. Lawyers, like politicians, function as linguistic tollbooths on the bridge to justice, extracting their due before allowing passage.
Imagine a world where the law was written so plainly that a ten-year-old could understand it. A world where contracts, lawsuits, and legislation didn’t require interpretative dance to make sense. But no, instead, we get a labyrinth of fine print that ensures no one, save for the chosen few, can navigate it. This is not law; this is wizardry. And if the law is sorcery, lawyers are its gatekeeping priests.
Hope? No, But At Least a Chuckle of Sardonic Cynical Nihilism.
Of course, none of this will change. Bureaucracy metastasizes; systems grow more convoluted; laws become denser; and politicians continue to manufacture the illusion of necessity. This is the natural order of things, as unstoppable as entropy. But in the face of such absurdity, perhaps all we can do is laugh. Laugh at the fact that we pay people to explain rules we should already understand. Laugh at the fact that civilization, for all its grandeur, is a Rube Goldberg machine designed by committee. Laugh, because the alternative is screaming into the void—and the void is already full of lawyers.
Our politics is more of a poorly scripted tragicomedy, endlessly rebooted with worse casting each cycle. The latest act? A political sleight of hand so brazen that it assumes the average voter possesses the critical thinking skills of a concussed goldfish.
How the Backward Progressively Go Backward:
The Progressive—the elitist that practically salivates with the disdain of a talk-radio host who just discovered irony but refuses to use it—tend to regard the American people as idiots. They talk down to us all. They tell us how to live. They demand our obedience. They tell us to trust them because they know better. Considering the electorate’s track record includes enthusiastically electing celebrities, con men, and people whose entire political ideology can be reduced to an AI-generated brand slogan. But if the people were actually, you know, “smart,” (a thought experiment so dangerous it borders on science fiction), would they really fall for the notion that Kamala Harris was ever a viable President-in-waiting, past, present or even future?
She can’t and couldn’t even articulate why she wanted the job. And who can blame her really? She cheated her entire life, using her skin color and gender as a basis for why the rules should not apply to her. Why does anyone seek power in a system that eats its own, where every grand ambition is met with bureaucratic quicksand and the relentless entropy of public disinterest? She stood alongside an administration that history is going to regard as a slow-motion car crash into a flaming orphanage, and rather than confront the wreckage, the powers that be simply asked the American people to squint until it looked like an art installation. The reclassification and redefinitions of what things actually mean. First they did this with words and phrases. Now they attempt to do with video. One of the first things I learned in film school. Everything you see and hear on a pre-recorded, heavily edited, piece, whatever the piece is, is crafted, and created to give you, the viewer, a reaction. That reaction does not have to be based at all on honesty or objective facts. What you see is what they want you to see. That is how production of a narrative is done. When all else fails. Go back to the beginning. You cannot win a game if you do not know or play by the rules and those rules seem to change whenever the other player you play against is changing them as they see fit when they see fit.
The deception, if we can even call it that, was so half-ass it bordered on performance art of an SNL sketch. “Look away.” “Don’t ask questions,” they said, as if the average citizen—already juggling inflation, existential dread, and a social media addiction—had the time or energy to be fooled in the first place. No, the failure wasn’t hidden; it was paraded through the streets with the frantic enthusiasm of a magician who just realized their rabbit is dead while wearing a dress he stole from the airport luggage wheel.
And let’s talk about effort. Or rather, the absence of it. The left has redefined hard work as something that happens exclusively from home, preferably in between TikTok dances and overpriced oat-milk lattes and let’s not forget eggs. A damning accusation, though one wonders if the real issue here is economic resentment or a secret longing to join them. After all, who among us wouldn’t trade sweat-drenched labor for a six-figure salary earned in pajama pants? The horror isn’t that some people figured out how to game the system—it’s that the rest of us still believe the game was ever fair to begin with.
But at the end of the day, does any of it matter? Politics is, and always has been, the art of convincing people that they have a choice when, in reality, they’re just selecting the flavor of their inevitable disappointment. Maybe the real joke isn’t the politicians who fail so spectacularly, but the fact that we still expect anything else. Don’t forget, infinity literally means, on a long enough time scale the survival rate for all life is zero. Another way to conceptualize it is if you start walking in a straight line, hypothetically, as there is no such thing as a true straight line in reality, everything is curved, we just do not see the curve in the literal sense, because it is so vague where the curve begins to curve that it is undetectable to us, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real, true, or an objective fact. That is what an objective fact is. A fact outside of your point of reference that is true regardless if you know, believe or have input on that truth. It’s just true and that objectivity of the Universe does not give two-shits and a fuck whether or not you care or not or even participate. You, me, us, are not as important as we want to believe. We just aren’t… Get over it… But back to infinity and straight lines. If you start walking in a straight line, infinity happens. Space curves, time stretches, and the absurdity of existence plays out on an endless loop. You walk long enough, far enough, and eventually, you come across someone about to set off on their own straight-line journey. And the real mind-bender? That person is you—setting out infinities ago, doomed to repeat the same path, over and over, as if choice or direction ever really existed in the first place.
What is Truth?
• A Philosopher - Truth is an elusive ideal, a convergence of perception and reality. It exists independently yet is filtered through subjective experience. Some say truth is absolute, others that it is contingent. Perhaps it is neither, merely a construct we chase but never fully grasp.
• A Physicist - Truth is that which is testable, measurable, and repeatable. It is the consistency of natural laws, the fabric of reality governed by equations. While our models improve, truth itself remains indifferent to our understanding—it simply is, whether we perceive it correctly or not.
• A Politician - Truth is flexible—it’s about perception and persuasion. What matters isn’t what is true, but what people believe to be true. If the narrative is strong enough, it becomes the truth, at least in the minds of those who matter.
• A Truck Driver - Truth is simple—it’s what actually happened, no matter what anyone says. You either made the delivery on time, or you didn’t. People might twist words all they want, but truth don’t change just ‘cause someone don’t like it.
• A Lawyer - Truth is whatever can be proven. It exists within evidence, arguments, and precedent. There is factual truth, but in a courtroom, what matters is legal truth—the version that can convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.
• A 10-Year-Old Child - Truth is when you're not lying. If something really happened, then it's true. But sometimes, grown-ups say different things are true at the same time, and that’s really confusing. Maybe truth is just what most people agree on?
In modern society, certain ideologies have positioned themselves as absolute moral authorities, defining what is acceptable to think, say, or believe. These ideologies claim to champion progress, equality, and reason, but in doing so, they often suppress dissenting views rather than engaging with them. Truth has become politicized—facts and reasoned arguments are no longer neutral but are instead framed as ideological statements, often dismissed as "problematic" or "dangerous."
Disagreement is no longer seen as part of a healthy debate but as a moral failing. Those who question dominant narratives risk being ostracized, labeled with judgmental terms, or outright silenced. The result is a form of intellectual conformity where only one worldview is permitted, and alternative perspectives are rejected not through discussion but through social and professional consequences. This shift has led to a paradox: while modern society prides itself on rationality and critical thinking, it increasingly ignores evidence that contradicts its favored beliefs. In doing so, it undermines the very principles of reason, debate, and free expression that it claims to uphold. Many people sense this contradiction but fear speaking out due to the potential consequences. However, as awareness of this dynamic grows, more voices are beginning to challenge it. And those voices are winning. No longer does volume dictate quality but rather clarity itself as quality.
A Warning About the News You Watch:
Mainstream media—CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and FOX—often distorts the full picture. They condense stories, inject opinion, and prioritize engagement over truth. This has led many people to turn toward independent journalists, but that shift comes with its own dangers.
On social media, anyone can brand themselves as a journalist, and many are more focused on monetization than accuracy. They know how to manipulate algorithms, emotions, and controversy for attention.
This is opening up another can of worms that someone somewhere is going to have to deal with. While some independents do solid reporting, many do not. This is why critical thinking is essential. People on the internet will do and say anything to get famous or make money so they don’t have to work regular jobs. While some are serious about what they do, how they do it, why they do it, most are not. Most are just trying to make a dollar doing nothing or at least in their mind it is doing nothing. Again, with that delusional, look at me, pay attention to me, follow me bull shit.
You should apply the same skepticism to independent news as you do to mainstream media. Ask:
• Does this information make logical sense? • Does it rely on facts or emotional manipulation? • Is there evidence beyond personal claims?
You won’t find truth in one source alone. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. Be Mindful of Influence, Not Just Information. Much like how news companies profit from engagement, many so-called "experts" and influencers—whether journalists or self-help authors—profit from telling you what you want to hear. Before blindly trusting a source, consider what they gain from your belief.
Watch, think, and move on with your day. And stop buying books that promise to change your life—they don’t know you, they just want your money.
It’s Minority Not Army:
The Minority and their math problem with revolution that can’t count - Threats, whether empty or real, rely on a fundamental principle: the ability to execute. And when it comes to the idea that 0.6% of the U.S. population—the trans community—could create large-scale unrest, the numbers simply don’t add up. Let’s put this into perspective: In a country of 330 million people, 0.6% equals roughly 2 million individuals—and that’s assuming every single trans person would actively participate in this hypothetical campaign of chaos. Spoiler: They won’t. The reality is that any significant movement requires numbers, organization, and resources. While this 0.6% is hoping the 7.6% of all LGBT that are adults help out in the cause. It isn’t likely they will get as much support under those terms for some sort of a revolution. There are many people within the subculture that do not appreciate the sentiments coming from that portion of the trans community. This is why small fringe groups, regardless of ideology, are almost always relegated to disjointed acts of symbolic protest, not systemic or systematic upheaval. Yet, in the internet’s echo chambers, the loudest voices often believe they can substitute online influence for real-world power. This is the essence of modern ideological movements—subcultures that masquerade as mainstream. "Whoa-ke Cult-Lure" thrives on the illusion that being the most vocal equates to being the majority, but in a democratic nation, numbers—not volume—dictate influence. The reason they scream so loudly is because they have to. Otherwise, their numerical insignificance would be impossible to ignore. And when challenged? Logic is not an option. Instead, labels—“bigot,” “transphobe,” “racist”—are deployed like smoke grenades, diverting attention away from the fact that they cannot mathematically or rationally sustain their own claims. It’s a tactical admission of intellectual defeat. So, will they make the country unsafe? Um, I say, what army? How do they expect to actually make any of this a reality logistically when you only have less than 2 million people out of 600+ million. It’s hilarious to watch these people cry though...
Elon Musk and DOGE:
The last thing I want to leave on is the whole Elon Musk thing. I think Joe Rogan said it best, so I am just gonna let Joe, do what Joe does. Scare the piss out of the people that should be scared.
“People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400 Billion. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been fucked with. When you've been fucked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you fucked up.
You fucked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everyone. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards.” —Joe Rogan
Final Thoughts:
I voted RED in the election, but the enemy of enemy is my friend, till they’re not. I do not stand for everything conservatives stand for. I will never stand with or for Jesus. Believe if you want, but leave me the fuck alone with it. I will never make it my business what a woman does with, to, or for her baby inside her. I will never support men in female places, spaces, or sports. I would never give support to help an illegal person prosper. I always want less Government in my day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year life. I never want more. While I support some common sense law pertaining to guns I generally support the 2nd Amendment. I absolutely loathe political correctness of any kind. While I think we should do more to help the environment I refuse to believe human beings are the root cause to such a level we have to outright stop how we live. While we need to stop putting limits on developing new technologies. There are a bunch of old technologies, well, old, that the Patent office has buried in their files. Every time someone invents something new that could hinder the oil industry that tech get buried or repurposed. We can start there. If we want to lighten up on the environment both sides have to work on this. Not one and not some plan that clearly is directionless and its only goal is to make America weak. But, hey, in the meantime I have to choose dumb so dumber doesn’t get to rule over the very many that serve the very small to rule over the very many. Sounds silly doesn’t it?
That’s because it is… Silly… Five Thousand, told you so…
Dissidentia Latin for, Dissidence by David-Angelo Mineo 2/25/2025 5,165 words
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No Pride. No Dignity. No Culture. Just TRIFLING | ORGANIC THE MAZE RUNNER
What the LGBT Movement Is About | WOKEPROGRESSIVE
#black people#ratchet agenda#trifling#black image#black pride#black history month#blackout#black history#black community#black culture#woke#black lgbt#black lgbt agenda#pride month#lgbt#lgbt agenda#monkey see monkey do
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And I just completely abandoned a 5000+ word essay on my thoughts about “after the election.” I was grinding, it was flowing, but then I realized, pretty much everything in this essay is more rehash of older ideas already hashed out over a three year span. I am just done doing that. I feel like even though there is a lot to say about what, how, why democrats lost the way they did and keep losing is just me kickin’ the dying, soon to be dead, that is progressive-woke, into the grave, but a deeper and darker one. So why bother? We all know what, how, why. We saw it. We lived it. We hated it. We voted it out. No reason to elaborate on the specifics. They are still not listening. The losers that double down are on an island all by themselves talking to air, posting to no one on bluesky. Spewing their “view” to a very small minority while the majority either stops watching or only watches for the unhinged meltdowns. There just isn’t a point. Besides. I have 2 to 4 years to be hyper-critical on what the new regime is going to do and I am sure I will have something to say about it, just like everyone else. I still have plenty of content I can draw from: AI, God, AI is God, God is AI, Rock and Metal Subgenres, more on Conceptual Horror, Is reality even real? Album, film review, breakdowns. Fiction, oh my gosh, fiction. Fiction actually pays the bills. I don’t need to write about identity politics, both the winning and losing sides. I said it before, it didn’t matter who won. Us, the people, will lose. I still have yet to see anything that makes me change that perspective. My cynical nature is still quite sound. I still believe the light at the end of the tunnel is just you waving you to go back. I at least applaud the winning side for trying to fix a sinking pirate ship with Popsicle sticks. I felt the breath of fresh air most felt. I heard that loud sigh. A glance over my shoulder to see the hopemonkey. Can they succeed? Well, they will try. I tend to agree with them more than the latter. That is why I did what I did with my vote. I still have issues with the winning side of this but not nearly as much as I do with the losing side. If I have to pick a side I choose the side that hurts me the least in all respects and buries the other side. However, spite. There is that…
These days modern discourse is less about understanding and more about who can shout the loudest. This is an ego-driven circus, performing for applause while tribalism runs the show. It's all projection—identity politics at its finest. Left, right, center, black, white, yellow, red, blue—it’s the same game, just with different colored jerseys. Nobody’s clean, no one’s blameless, no one is innocent. It’s branding, not beliefs. Existentialism whispers in the background, reminding us how meaningless most of it is—especially the outrage. Let’s face it: most of this outrage isn't about fixing anything. It's about influence, it’s about power, it’s about proving you're the “good one” in a society that couldn't care less and has even less “good ones” in it. Real progress? Yeah, we’ll see about all that. Lately it’s been dead on arrival when people care more about their vibe and how the outside views them than the viability of actual solutions. What they call “progress” is often just running backward and slapping a fancy label on it called “progressivism.” Here’s the truth no one wants to admit: outrage is a drug. It’s not about justice or change. It’s performative, addictive, and pointless. It’s screaming into a digital abyss while real problems fester. And curiosity? Forget it. That died the second we all decided comfort in our echo chambers was better than engaging with the uncomfortable.
Hope, if you squint hard enough, might still be alive. But let’s not kid ourselves—it’s mostly used as bait. Hope sells. Hope manipulates. And in the hands of really bad actors, it’s just another trick to keep us playing a rigged game. It’s like rearranging deck chairs on a sinking ship and calling it innovation. Cancel culture? Yeah, both sides are in on that racket as well. It’s not about accountability; it’s about control. Say the wrong thing, think the wrong thought, laugh at the inappropriate joke, and you’re canceled. Both sides love a good purge—it’s tribal behavior, plain and simple. And if you’re clinging to facts? Good luck. Those are as rare as curiosity. Today’s facts are facts, get this, till they’re not. We live in a society where people actually believe thinking something is real by default without actually validating its authenticity or not. Be it a thing or even a concept. How many times have you heard this nowadays? We’re together, till we’re not. It’s fun, till it’s not. It’s worth it till it’s not. It’s a thing, till it’s not. Our attention fixated on it either way has zero consequence to it being real or not, by default. What we’re left with are “facts” that are twisted into unrecognizable shapes to fit narratives that only reinforce the self-delusional tribe. Truth doesn’t matter. Just the tribe. The game is rigged to keep you fighting while nothing changes. Just for the tribe.
Schools are now battlegrounds for ideological supremacy, with “progress” being shoved down throats like it’s the gospel. For the Tribe. Except it’s not progress; it’s indoctrination in a shiny package. The elites are clueless, disconnected from the lives of the people they claim to lead. Credentials don’t equal wisdom, and guess what? People noticed. They noticed so much they came out in droves. They’re saying, “No, thanks; go fuck yourself.” The Woke movement? It’s good at making noise, elevating minority issues to mainstream status like everyone’s on board when most weren’t and aren’t. Coercion isn’t progress—it’s manipulation. And the worst part? It’s all underpinned by the same human flaws: greed, hatred, power-lust, codependency, narcissistic-sociopathy. These aren’t ideological problems. They’re human problems, and they’re not going away. The 76,728,186 people who voted for Trump weren’t just casting ballots. They were saying, “This system is broken.” It’s not about left or right; it’s about a system that’s failing everyone. Both sides have bad ideas repackaged, and everyone pretends its gourmet sweet cakes when it’s just dressed-up poop.
So here we are, stuck in a cycle of outrage, tribalism, and stagnation. We’ve traded curiosity for conformity, dialogue for memes, relationships from an app and progress for branding. It’s a sinking ship, and the captain’s arguing over what color the lifeboats should be: brown, blue or pink? But hey, at least the memes are funny, right? The TikToks of Liberals melting the fuck down in their cars are entertaining, but also it is very sad people are actually like this. Even if they are living it up for the camera. Stop pretending your vote is some part of a magic fix for this. It won’t. Stop wasting your energy trying to “save the world” from itself.The world doesn’t care. They are too busy checking their likes and hearts on the media that isn’t so social. Find what matters to you—family, love, laughter—and hold onto it like it’s the last shred of sanity in an insane reality.
The rest? Noise. Don’t be noise.
Life’s too short to argue with clowns. Let the circus burn while you enjoy what’s real. Because in the end, we’re all compost. Make your moments count before you’re part of the pile. When we are part of the pile, it won’t matter what God you believe, color your skin was, whether or not you took it up the ass or like vagina. It really doesn’t matter. I know, how inconvenient for the minority, who we all now can point, snicker and laugh at, like we all wanted to from the beginning. It is no longer weird to not go along with the progressive plan. That is the old normal and how great it tastes that the limbs have been cut off. However, the head is still attached. The new normal should be giving value to learning. Real learning…
In January 21, 1980, Isaac Asimov wrote for his Newsweek column “A Cult of Ignorance/My Turn.” Source in the URL:
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. We have a new buzzword, too, for anyone who admires competence, knowledge, learning and skill, and who wishes to spread it around. People like that are called “elitists.” That’s the funniest buzzword ever invented because people who are not members of the intellectual elite don’t know what an “elitist” is, or how to pronounce the word. As soon as someone says “elitist” it becomes clear that he or she is a closet elitist who is feeling guilty about having gone to school. I believe that every human being with a physically normal brain can learn a great deal and can be surprisingly intellectual. I believe that what we badly need is social approval of learning and social rewards for learning. We can all be members of the intellectual elite and then, and only then, will a phrase like “America’s right to know” and, indeed, any true concept of democracy, have any meaning.”
Isaac Asimov once slammed society's growing love affair with ignorance, warning that too many folks mistake democracy for "my dumb opinion is just as good as your informed one." He mocked the distrust of experts, like saying, “Who needs a pilot? I’ve seen Top Gun twice!” Asimov stressed education was the only antidote to this nonsense but feared we’d rather binge gossip than learn facts. His cynicism oozed: in a world run by science, we can’t afford to act like cavemen with Wi-Fi. Basically, he thought stupidity wasn’t just annoying—it was a civilization-ending event waiting to happen. If he only knew…
“Yeah. Yeah, I got bad news for you. They don't have a monopoly on stupid. You wear "Queers for Palestine" T-shirts... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) ...and masks two years after the pandemic ended. And you can't define "woman." I mean, person who menstrates. You're the teachers' union education party, and you've turned schools and colleges into a joke. You just lost a crazy contest to an actual crazy person. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING)” —Bill Maher, YouTube posting Nov 15th, 2024.
The world’s a dumpster fire of tribal outrage, created by the very ignorance that claims it fights against, and TikTok meltdowns—but hey, maybe while the world burns, you’ll find a nice spot on the beach to eat that apple and just say, FUCK… Stay curious, stay human—hope might just survive the dive.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone…
Inconveniens Latin for Inconvenience by David-Angelo Mineo 11/25/2024 1,852 Words
0 notes
(From 7/4/2024) As I continue to retrospectively convert my written blogs to A/V monolog/podcast-style for a more slipstream approach with my written works. In July I started to get mental and emotional fatigue from our current political landscape, bickering over who is “less-worse” to lead our decaying society. This blog dives into the frustrating, binary political landscape we’re stuck with, where both sides seem to fail us. I’ve tried to understand the madness, but it’s all just fear-mongering wrapped in media spin by people who think of themselves more important to the species than they actually are. This isn’t about picking sides anymore. It's about realizing the system is broken—piss or poop, we’re stuck choosing between bad options. It’s exhausting. After I wrote this I began shifting my focus away from this madness to what I really care about—horror and sci-fi. Let’s get real: the world is dark, nihilistic, and full of existential dread, and I’m here for it. If you want to know more, dive into the 2,388 spoken words of unfiltered thoughts. Stay curious. Stay critical. Don’t be a narcissistic-sociopathic clown… Enjoy Ascende tuum…
0 notes
Another conversion of a written blog to audio/video 7/25/2024. Most of the conversions will be going backwards in number. Just remember that is what a lot of these are.
Very rarely do I ever change my opinion on anything. Oh, it happens. I am just saying its RARE-AF. The only real difference from then to now is actually have stopped giving too much mental energy towards left/right politics.
I may do a deep dive on my personal voting preferences on the ballot, but we'll see how much time that would demand of me. My current logic on anything is if it brings too much stress and is too mentally/emotionally taxing, simply don't do it. Its literally not worth yours or my time.
Zero-Energy Universe Hypothesis - look it up next time you think manifestation is real...
0 notes
Raw is Politics

“Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil’s pawn. Alone among God’s primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother’s land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.”
— The Lawgiver, (as spoken by Cornelius in Planet of the Apes)
As I stated in my last blog, “0.” This is an attempt to be the last blog I will write that involves politics directly. If I ever decide to care again about this subject. I will announce it, but I am stepping away from politics as talking points for the foreseeable future. It’s just too mentally, emotionally exhausting, and frankly, pointless. I’ve been trying for so long to see both sides, defend them, analyze them—but really, it’s just a fight over what’s “less bad.” We’re not talking about choosing the best option here, but the lesser of two sides. If one begins to get physically ill due to these things, it is time to move on and ignore them. We’re arguing over perspective, which we both do not have. And that’s not a way to live. At this point, I’m so fed up that I’m considering not even voting anymore. I mean, does it really matter? We’re all just pawns in a game designed by a bunch of rich assholes on both sides. I know I’ve said this before, and yeah, I’ve failed at it before. I get pulled back in. Most of us do. We all cannot help ourselves. I am just making a conscious effort here to ignore it all. The constant political bickering has drained me. The narratives we follow are illusions—manufactured distractions that make us think we have some influence.
But we don’t.
The news and politics do things not to make us think with our brains, but react with our emotions. When the brain is being emotional it tends to shut its ability to critically think off while emotionally compromised. What we’re really given here is a choice between piss and poop. And who wants to choose between those? The real losers are the people who keep playing along, thinking they can change something within this broken system. Living in a burning house while one pretends its not in fact burning with you inside it. I know people might want to challenge me on this, and that’s fine. If you’ve got a different perspective, go ahead, tell me about it. I might listen. I might not, but I’m done pretending this is some peer-reviewed debate where we’re all working towards a better solution. We’re not peers in that sense. We’re not working together in any aspect that could make a difference. We’re just friends trying to navigate a messed-up world. The truth as I see it is, none of this matters in the grand scheme of things. It’s all just noise, self-serving bullshit, and I’m done letting it consume me. I have already been working on projects for the heavy metal band I work with. Been working on fiction projects over commentary. Trying to write some computer scripts, I have no clue how to write. I’ve turned my focus toward more meaningful things to me that are not about fueling the egos of the intellectually and morally bankrupt portion of humanity. I am not interested in having my emotional state on a given day run by either politicians or the FK’n news media.
Politics has become a theater of absurdity, where the only winners are the ones who don’t play. So that’s what I’m doing: stepping off the binary circus. The whole setup is broken, and I’ve realized that my time and energy are better spent creating something new, something that might actually leave an impact, and that actually makes me feel good. Not, “less bad…” The reality is we’re all just bugs in this universe when compared to the infinity of it all, and nothing we do really matters on this cosmic scale. So why waste time on a shit game? Remember E.T. the game for Atari? Yeah, worse than that… I’d rather put my energy into the things and people that bring me joy. That’s where my focus is now—on creation, on things I love, on what little time I have to make a real, personal difference in life. So yeah, I’m unplugging from the political machine. I’m getting there. And I’m okay with that. I have watched approximately less than 15 minutes of media coverage on politics in the last calendar month. I know just as much as I did when I was watching intently.
Absolutely Nothing…
We currently have free speech as a fundamental entitled right shared by all Americans, allowing everyone to express their thoughts and feelings about any situation, in the United States. However, exercising this freedom with good intentionality other than your own personal validation should have higher morality. Not everyone will agree with you, and some will be offended by what you say. Perhaps more than some. Try to think that while you have the right to speak your mind, what is your intentionality behind the words? Your feelings are not always the best guide for making thoughtful statements to make others think; they often don't align with the reality of the situation. Your words, while they are yours, have actions they represent. If those actions do not align with your inner circle’s you may find yourself on the outside, trying to look inside and be shown you are no longer welcome. If that is your intention. I am so so sorry for you. As Bertrand Russell once said, when considering any matter, focus solely on the facts and the truth they reveal. Don't let your beliefs or the potential social benefits cloud your judgment. They may be your undoing when you want support. In a society that is increasingly disconnected even though we are all more interconnected than any species on the planet, we must learn to tolerate differing opinions. If we wish to live together harmoniously, embracing love over hatred and practicing tolerance and charity is vital. This approach is essential for the continuation of human life on this planet. “Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil’s pawn. Alone among God’s primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother’s land.”
As a species we have demonstrated we are nothing more than clever apes with no morals addicted to drama and driven by emotional addictions we do not even understand.
I am a polite person until I am not. Politeness does have its functional value to people who are narcissists. For them it is not extended from emotional generosity, intentionality to put positive vibes out in the world, but is instead a behavior conditioned by circumstance and necessity. They don’t want or need. They’re entitled. It is their divine right to consume this thing, whatever the thing is. They do not engage in polite conversation to soothe or provide comfort. You’re the bug. Not them. You… In this lesson, my purpose is not to offer reassurances. It is to introduce doubt. I am polite to show my respect for our very human interaction. That courtesy goes so far, but I always attempt that olive branch unless I sense something is wrong about the person, situation, their intentionality and that is always right. Some may use it to disguise their fear—an unavoidable byproduct of confronting uncertainty. Fear arises when you begin to question the certainty of your perceptions, including whether the reality you navigate is as stable as you assume. Is the ground beneath you real, or is it merely another layer of constructed belief? This is worth considering. Fear is a powerful force. It can distort your perception of reality, twisting what’s in front of you into something unrecognizable. We’ve all felt it, that creeping sensation that something’s not right. And, truth be told, it’s probably one of the most defining experiences of being human. Fear pushes us into a corner, makes us question everything. And in doing so, it often reveals how much of our lives are built on illusion, on constructs that we seldom challenge.
Take professional wrestling, for instance. Most people think of it as a staged cartoon spectacle—a performance. Yet, for those in the nearly 25 million plus fans out there, the emotions it provokes are real. They blur the line between what's genuine and what's crafted. The fights might be choreographed, the outcomes predetermined, but the passion, the excitement, the anger—those are visceral, immediate. Those bumps are real though. And isn't that a metaphor for life? So much of what we experience is scripted, controlled, a product of forces beyond our understanding. But the emotions it brings out? Those are real. The actions it creates from those feelings are real. The fear it evokes? That's real. Imagine, for a moment, that life itself is a kind of performance—a carefully orchestrated series of events designed to elicit certain responses from us. The structures of society, the media we consume, the rules we follow—they all serve to create a certain perception of reality. But what happens when we start to question that perception? What happens when the veil begins to lift, and we catch a glimpse of what's behind the curtain? Just like professional wrestling, life is full of these constructed realities, carefully crafted narratives designed to keep us engaged, to make us feel and not think. The media, for instance, doesn't just report facts—it carefully shapes them, creates a narrative that elicits a specific emotional response from us. Lately, it’s a lot of outrage often from that response being fear. Fear is a tool, a powerful motivator that keeps us in check, that blurs the lines between reality and illusion, just as much as any scripted realityTV character. And the more fear we feel, the harder it becomes to see clearly.
Politics and professional wrestling share more than a few similarities when it comes to crafting narratives for their audiences. Both rely on carefully constructed personas, dramatized conflicts, and the illusion of opposing forces vying for power. In politics, like in wrestling, the public is often presented with exaggerated characters—heroes and villains—whose battles are staged to maintain engagement and loyalty. The lines between reality and performance blur, with each side positioning themselves as the ultimate champion of the people, for the people, all while working within a system that thrives on spectacle. Just as in wrestling, where the outcomes are predetermined, politics often follows the same exact script of power dynamics and alliances that shift more for strategic gain than ideological purity. The drama of debates, the tension of elections, and the theatrics of policy announcements mirror the scripted rivalries of the squared-circle. Everything being thrown in and used, even the kitchen sink. Both rely on media coverage to amplify the storylines, ensuring that the audience remains invested in the ongoing saga, even as the players behind the scenes may be collaborating more than the public ever realizes. But there's an odd comfort in these constructed realities, isn't there? They give us something to hold onto, something familiar, something that makes sense in a chaotic world. We follow the script, play our parts, and in doing so, we avoid confronting the terrifying truth that lies just beyond our perception: that much of what we believe to be real is, in fact, an illusion, a manipulation. The lines between what’s real and what’s fabricated start to blur, and we're left wondering how much of our lives are driven by fear of the unknown, rather than a clear-eyed understanding of the world around us.
"I put these glasses on, she looks like a regular person, doesn't she? Put 'em on, from Maldehyde-face!" – John Nada, “They Live”
From John Carpenters, “They Live.” John Nada, a drifter who stumbles upon a pair of sunglasses that reveal the hidden truth about the world. When he puts them on, he can see that the ruling class is composed of disguised aliens controlling humanity through subliminal messages embedded in advertisements, signs, and the media. These messages enforce consumerism, obedience, and conformity. The sunglasses represent the metaphor of "waking up" to the hidden realities of the world, exposing the manipulation that is normally invisible to the naked eye. The real “WOKE…”
It’s easy to look at professional wrestling and dismiss it as fake, as a show designed purely for entertainment. The media and politics stole the book that professional wrestling built. Specifically the era in Wrestling known as the “Monday Night Wars.” This war was a fierce ratings battle during the late 1990s between two major professional wrestling promotions: World Wrestling Entertainment, WWE (then WWF), and World Championship Wrestling, WCW. Every Monday night, WWE's “Raw” and WCW's “Nitro” aired head-to-head, with WCW initially dominating thanks to big-name stars signing with the rival promotion, and the edgy NWO storyline. WWE fought back by adopting a more rebellious, attitude-driven, sexy style that resonated with younger audiences. The competition fueled some of wrestling's most iconic moments. It is this book that basically helped drive realityTV to what it is today and now the news and politics use it, play for play… If you watch wrestling for decades that comparison should be obvious. Or is it… Red pill or the Blue pill? How about no pills… How about both sides are poor for steady societal growth and/or taking the moral high ground in this situation?
How much of what we experience is influenced by carefully constructed narratives, designed to provoke emotional reactions, to keep us engaged, to prevent us from thinking and questioning too deeply? The emotions wrestling stirs—love, hate, fear—are raw and real. We live within narratives created by others, and the emotions we feel as a result of them are very real. Predestination is a philosophical and theological concept that suggests all events in life are predetermined by a higher power or fate, leaving no room for free will. This isn't to say that we should all become skeptics, questioning everything around us until we’re paralyzed by uncertainty. We are not trapped in the matrix. Heck, we could be. We probably are… So what, does it even matter? But maybe it’s worth acknowledging how much of our reality is constructed. How many of the fears we carry are born out of illusions? Like I said above; when the brain is being emotional it tends to shut its ability to critically think off while emotionally compromised. Staying calm under pressure means keeping your cool when things get tough so you can think clearly and handle the situation properly. It’s about controlling your emotions, taking a breath, and focusing on what needs to be done without getting overwhelmed. People who are good at this don’t let stress take over. They stay focused on solving the problem step by step, which helps them avoid mistakes and make better decisions, especially when others are counting on them, like in emergencies or tough situations. When we start to question these narratives, when we confront our fears, we begin to see things for what they really are. And that’s the real challenge, isn’t it? To peel back the layers of illusion and see the world as it truly is—raw, unpredictable, dangerous, and often terrifying. But also full of potential, full of possibilities that we might not have seen before. The fear that once held us back becomes the key to breaking free from the constraints of the illusion, from the limitations of a life lived according to someone else’s script.
How can you choose a side when there are two choices and both sides paint the other as wrong, bad, and evil, all of the time?
In a binary system, both sides cannot be wrong, bad and evil. That isn’t how ying/yang work. When both sides are constantly trashing each other as wrong, bad, or evil, it’s impossible not to be cynical about the whole situation. It often seems like it’s tough to find anything genuine amidst all this noise. Try to ignore the constant bickering and focus on what actually matters on a personal level to you. Forget the bullshit, even if it’s not bullshit, forget it. What can you control about any of that? Focus on that and look at your own core values for guidance. Perhaps some semblance of guidance in a landscape where every side is spinning their own version of reality. It’s also important to question the information coming from both sides. Are they both just manipulating the facts to fit their agendas? They probably are. We cannot even agree anymore on what a fact even is. That word gets thrown around so often now it has lost its core meaning. Facts, means, real… It is the very construct we built everything on –on and at the conceptual level of existence. Understanding the true motivations behind each perspective might offer a clearer view of what’s really going on. I know that is easier said than done, even with a computer and knowing how to look for stuff that isn’t controlled by the legacy media corporations.
Ultimately, choosing a side might be less about finding a “good” side and more about recognizing that neither option is ideal. Aligning with whichever side seems less flawed or has goals that might lead to a somewhat better outcome can be a logical approach. If neither side feels right, it’s perfectly reasonable to dismiss both and focus on actions that don’t get tangled up in their endless, polarized conflict. Unless you are a spiteful cynic like myself… So maybe it’s time we all start questioning the reality we've been given. Maybe it's time we confront the fears that have been placed in our path which seem daunting. What better way to distract people than by making it all about them. Ah, validation on social media, the modern-day equivalent of a pat on the back from a thousand strangers who couldn't care less about you in real life. It's where you post a carefully curated snapshot of your existence—usually more fiction than fact—and wait for the dopamine hit from a flood of likes, hearts, comments, and shares. Because nothing screams "I've made it" like approval from people who are just as lost and insecure as you are. It's a glorious cycle of mutual validation: you stroke my ego, I'll stroke yours, and we’ll both pretend it means something; you know, real. That selfie you took? It’s not just a photo; it’s a desperate plea for someone—anyone—to affirm that your existence isn’t as hollow as it feels. But let's be honest, those double-taps and heart emojis are about as meaningful as a politician's promise. Your carefully crafted posts, dripping with faux authenticity, are just bait for the algorithm, designed to keep you hooked and scrolling. Meanwhile, the social media overlords are raking in ad revenue from your neediness. And let's not forget the comments section, that cesspool of insincere compliments and backhanded jabs. It's like a high school popularity contest, except now, it's open to the whole world, and the stakes are your mental health. In the end, all this validation is about as satisfying as eating cotton candy: it looks substantial, but dissolves into nothingness the moment you try to savor it. So go ahead, chase those likes, rack up those followers, and keep telling yourself it matters. Because in the grand scheme of things, who needs genuine human connection when you’ve got a perfectly filtered photo and a bunch of virtual thumbs-ups?
Power possesses the ability to delve into the psyche of a human being and manipulate us against one another. There is no difference between Democrats or Republicans anymore. It’s just Power, now. It employs social, religious, and sexual issues on us to divide us.
Go to New York City, Chicago, Denver, Seattle, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. What do you see besides the obvious? Lots and lots of bitterness. I see a lot of, ‘alleged,’ smart people who do not have the sense to use that, ‘alleged,’ intelligence and who do not have it mentally, emotionally, and intellectually together. What I see is a lot of people who say they are smart by default based on where they went to school. I see these same people, bitter, living in interconnected boxed right angles, stacked onto one another, like how one would organize the useless things they own and then sit back and be proud of that. Working dead-end jobs, being jealous of others that live free, outside in the sunlight, eating fresh non-processed food. We see the people in the mainstream establishment trying to appear to be intellectuals, but what they are really doing, in doing so, making stupid decisions or saying illogical things. What we are seeing now isn’t just illogical, it is just really dumb. This collective attempts to make minority issues displayed as majority issues and those issues be labeled as normal and/or everyday ‘FACTS...’” They keep telling us everything is great and the country has never been better. It isn’t just black and white. Most people live, work, play and interact with reality in the gray. Only a very small percentage of these people actually live in the black and the white. Go outside, take a look around. Does it matter the person in front of you at the coffee shop voted for Biden or Trump? Does it matter that they may or may not believe in God? Does any of that matter? What is the goal? A goal of self-enrichment and the retention of power? The most effective means to maintain power is through the control of narratives and influence, compelling individuals to believe they are right, good and just.
At the end of the day, my point is simple: be aware of how the media and politics are designed to manipulate our emotions. If we can recognize that, we have a better chance of keeping our heads clear and not letting our feelings take over our understanding of the world. This is my attempt at a final word on the subject. The system is broken, and I’ve realized that my time is better spent creating something new. Something that actually has the potential to leave an impact, even if it’s just a tiny one. So yeah, I’m unplugging. Slowly, but I’m doing it. And after this, I’m hopefully done. No more political commentary, no more wasted energy. Just moving forward with what really matters.
While this all may indeed appear as a complex and manipulative construct, it is not a reason to submit to despair. Even amongst the noise and apparent futility, there exists the potential for change and growth. By directing intention towards meaningful pursuits and embracing value, one may survive. Forward, though challenging, holds the promise of contributing to a better understanding or not…
That’s it…
Rudis est Politica Latin for Raw is Politics by David-Angelo Mineo 8/19/2024 3,857 Words
0 notes

Okay… Let’s get real and let’s get dark… Isn’t that what “horror” is all about?
I am taking an extended break from politics/social media. I will still be here, but I am done defending both sides of this BS. We're not getting anywhere anymore. Both sides are terrible. What we all actually argue over -is over the concept of "less bad." Not which one is better, but rather which one is “less-bad.”
That isn't the way to be.
I am considering not even voting now I am so disgusted and mentally exhausted from this struggle. Probably fabricated by a few different groups of rich assholes on both sides. I might write one more essay on the topic of political theater because I have one started and a lot of notes on the topic. After that, I am making a very considerate effort to ignore both sides moving forward.
I realize I have said that before, a few times I can actually recall. I realize this. I am aware. My failures are obvious.
I am also finally shifting my writing focus to horror/science fiction, telling stories, freaking people out, maybe do something cool, and creating characters over dealing with think-tank BS for Rich Assholes and Intellectually Challenged Groups of People or ICGPs...
We all get sucked into this bullshit and I am just done allowing this to affect me.
I ain't nobody's tool or puppet.
People want to know what I am all about. I am a decent, too honest for my own good, dude who suffers greatly for a long periods of time. I am brilliant when I write, while sounding like an idiot when I speak live, in the moment. Scatterbrain is an understatement when talking live. That is why I write long-format, to begin with. So that I can slowly break down, disseminate and assimilate information. I know nothing else. My brain literally works different and connects dots to things in different ways that NONE OF YOU CAN UNDERSTAND. Most of you do not even try. I notice… The only thing that motivates me to be this way is spite.
I have a tendency to push buttons, do things to make others upset with me because I am addicted to the reaction of knowing I made someone so mentally-off their rocker, that they cannot function till I am no longer included in whatever activity we were in. I am more addicted to that in recent years than sex. I literally look at this feeling of spite as something better than sex. I know it isn’t right. My wiring is off. Been saying it, few listened, I am fine with it. That is why I try to stay away from most things or just make fun of everything, or bring some lighter humor to it. I realize it’s only funny if one is a cynical nihilist, like myself. I know most of you probably are not. I will lean with probability on that one. I will assume most of you are not.
So yeah. I hear that. I can lighten up. I can do that. However, if I pee my pants-laugh, I am posting it… I only really care about showing how both sides are fundamentally wrong. That this is a big illusion. We act like reality is supposed to be in a binary world but we're not. We as a species do not understand nor respect 4D… Politically; we get ‘terrible’ and ‘not-as’ terrible, piss/poop. You have to choose which one you want. I want neither, most would never want piss and/or pooh, ever... Yet, here we are. We are supposed to choose one. Now, that to me… Those are the dummies. The ones that concede to this, accept this and vote anyway for piss or pooh. No winner can exist under those conditions and here we are.
If you want to explain your side of that or want to prove that wrong, please, do so. I'd invite anyone to do that. I wrote this as a response to someone who wanted me to look into something political from the right and make a judgment on that.
This isn't a peer review… We are not peers... We are friends... Remember that…
I am too FK’n good for this and so are all of you…
I am sorry this is the world we live in.
This is why I plan to punch God in the dick the first chance I get.
Not kidding…
Nihilists don't believe in belief as the main attribute to make a thing real.
What is seen and inferred by the observer is.
We all should be working to get away from negativity. Not attract it. If these things in reality that macroscopically you cannot affect bug you so much.
I do it...
I am doing it again…
Granted not at the level I should. However, I will start with this and see how it goes. If I feel I need to completely unplug, I will do so.
I have spent the last two weeks working on fiction rather than talking shit about politics that I have no control over and just giving my opinion based on what little I infer from. During some downtime I’d made up memes because they made me laugh. Yes... I am that guy that will straight-up laugh at others' misfortune. I won't apologize for that.
I sin… I sin with intention to sin… I am the worst kind of sinner. I sin because others expect me to be the opposite. Who are they? Nothing and no one... That is the real reality out there.
Do what you love with who you love because, after all this suffering, yours, mine, our impact on the universe is zero... This is a real science theory; known as the Zero-Energy Universe Hypothesis. It suggests that the universe's total energy is zero, with the positive energy of matter balanced by the negative energy of gravity, making everything ultimately cancel out.
Let that sit in for a minute…
Everything you do, and affect in reality will at any given moment of the Universe’s everlasting timeline will equal ZERO. You do not affect Jack… Nothing you do matters from this Point of View. This does not include the fraction of time you do exist in. You affect reality as long as your energy can. Once it changes back to/from/whatever/wherever/everywhere/all at the same time, the influence and evidence of that effect drops to zero. If you are an above-average human, it might last longer. Look at David Bowie. How long do you think some entity, anywhere will be able to know what Bowie did and created? It only lasts as long as it lasts, after that, good luck trying to convert that energy back to its original form.
Reality is never perfect in the concept of what we humans think of as perfection. In reality perfection and infinity are one-in-the-same. That; “on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.”
Remembrance of Earth's Past or known as (The Three-Body Trilogy) by Liu Cixin • Book 2: The Dark Forest
This series is sometimes referred to as “existential horror.” You get lost in the concept of “what if” this could all be at play at some point in Humanity’s near or perhaps distant future. That “what if” this is all some sort of simulation or video game where the plot is so fixed that any choice you make has no impact, imprint or evidence on the outcome of the game. That no matter what you do in the game; you end up at the same boss fight at the end, with the same life, the same weapons, the same everything. It's these types of environments where the lack of realism is felt and where we eventually realize that something is not right with said reality. Human beings possess a kind of intuitive alarm in our minds. I hear my father’s voice, as loud and clear in my mind. I know that voice. He is no longer with us. I hear a voice that isn’t a voice. It is a thought, but we describe it to others as a voice. Others do not hear what you heard. They only know of it because you described it to them. However, they do not actually know for themselves. Another example would be; we trust when we look up at the Moon that it is there, but you, I, most, have never been there to touch, see, step foot on it to know it if is actually there or not. Granted, we do know that it is there. We see it from Earth, we see its impact on the tides. We feel its gravity. Our mind alerts us when something doesn't feel real. That is usually how we know we are in a dream. Some things seem real, some seem normal and then you see a giant spider with I Heart Mum tattoos on all its legs in the sky where the Sun should be. Eventually, the brain will tell you what is real and what is not real. It is when our realities are flipped upside down and inside out, like a tesseract, that feelings on reality become existential horror. If we were in a simulation of reality and everything was so perfect that we’d begin to perceive the artificiality of our surroundings. We already do this. Social Media… It is plastered everywhere on our social media. No shit…
Apply all that to your common sense. How does reality feel right now? Especially with the political arena we are in. Something ABSOLUTELY does not feel right here… Yeah, we mean nothing. God cares not for you, me, your kids, your freedoms, their suffering, your suffering, and mine.
With all that...
All we have are those moments of love with those we love the most.
Become obsessed with that!!!
Not this Bull-Ass-Shit and it totally is.
It doesn't matter who we vote for.
We all lose…
It's ALWAYS been that way…
Love, Respect but even this is fueled by spite more than those other two put together.
That is my great addiction, SPITE…
0 by David-Angelo Mineo 7/25/2024 1,706 Words
0 notes
Ascende tuum...

“Alright You Alien Assholes… In the Words of My Generation! UP YOURS!!!” ~Russell Casse (Randy Quaid), “Independence Day” (1996)
A somber Independence Day… Craziness is all I see…
I live in South West, Florida. A little port-stain called Port Charlotte. Most here tend to be Red/Right/Republican/Trump supporters. So anything Blue/Left/Democrat or against its binary opposite is not ultra-rare among the locals but significantly less than Red/Right/Republican. There are some. They do exist here. I have friends on both sides. I myself identify as NPA, which stands for “No Party Affiliation.” I am not even labeled as an Independent, as they are labeled a political party as well. Independents still believe in this current system but want more choices than two. Me… Yeah. No. It’s broken. Broken is defined as ‘unfixable…’ So what in the hell are we doing??? I took a real serious look at why people are so crazy about these binary choices or at least the one side that is losing this battle. I tried to think like them. I do not think I can actually do that but I did try. I went through the motions. I’d throw on MSNBC/CNN to see and I am just blown away people outright believe this crap. It’s fiction-fear-generating at its worst.
Not that FOX is much better. They do the same damn thing.
They just happen to frame it a way that makes it look ‘less’ crazy-talk than the other side. We cannot get the President, alone, on air, to answer any serious questions without a minion or three to come save him. The other side, we have a rich college frat boy that most will vote for because most agree that Biden cannot do the job, but not only cannot do the job. He never did the job to begin with. His age and his inability to form coherent sentences, right now, did not create this situation. What created this situation was a poor four-year performance, which he still continues to blame the other side for, or flat-out says is not the case, which is now seriously laughable and is a logical fallacy. Probably all of them…
I look at this binary debate about the two-party system as this:
“Welcome to America. Your air is free here. You can breathe as much as you can but every four years we strongly urge you to vote on what odor the air smells and tastes like. You can choose Piss… Or you can choose Pooh… No other viable choices exist. Thank you for your obedience, Citizen…”
Both, piss and poop, smells/tastes are bad for your health, suck and will make you miserable, but you have to choose one so you can have your free air citizens. If you do not choose you will be labeled as a domestic terrorist against Freedom, a fascist, racist, some kind of gender/sexual phobe, choose one, there are too many to list. You will be advertised by the media and social media alike as “part of the problem” why people won’t accept the free air our Freedom-giving Government gives to you all. We cannot ad anymore choices because it’s a problem we cannot solve but act like we got it all figured out and can do no wrong. The other side is always bad, wrong, evil and we are always good, right, and just. Groups of people getting angry at each other because they’d prefer a different odor where almost half but not really half will accept that as normal for us all, is your fault for not picking the correct side of history.
Should be noted that only the winners of wars write history. Not the losers. There shouldn’t even be war, yet, here we are… Happy Independence Day, 2024.
That is how I see this. I lean right, sure, but only because if I must choose between the two, (piss and poop), I choose piss over pooh. I have serious digestive issues so I know what one is like on the worst of days and I am not doing that as my free choice for, ‘free breathable air.’ Where we all tend to be fixated on is our definitions of which side is pooh and which side is piss.
That point is, does it even FK’n matter?
So I choose piss over pooh, red over blue but that doesn’t mean I love red, want red, and freely choose red. No. I made a calculated, logical decision based on my own experience with both. I have a very concrete definition of what words mean, what they are at the conceptual level. That is what semantics is… When I step out to walk in the dark that ground is solid. It isn’t solid because I believe it to be solid or have faith that it is. No. It is solid because it is concrete and concrete is solid. Air, clouds, fog, water, no matter how much belief one has or faith that they can, when they take a step out on the dark bottom, it is not solid and one’s foot goes right through. The only time that ever happened in recorded history was the bible and the bible as a conceptual tool for documenting the real story of human history is as follows:
“Back when the Bible was written, then edited, then rewritten, then rewritten, then re-edited, then translated from dead languages, then re-translated, then edited, then rewritten, then given to kings for them to take their favorite parts, then rewritten, then re-rewritten, then translated again, then given to the pope for him to approve, then rewritten, then edited again, then re-re-re-re-rewritten again… all based on stories that were told, orally, 30 to 90 years AFTER they happened. to people who didn’t know how to write... so…” ― David Cross
With that said, if you want to believe a person that said that he was the grand creator’s son and walked on water. Go for it. I don’t have to. Just like a lot of beliefs. Nothing is required by my life to believe anything but what I feel is believable to me. Granted people do this all the time. Most do not do it to the level that I do. Everything to me is about intentionality. What do you or anyone intend to do? Your actions are what one is judged for. What they do is real. What they say is supposed to be real but often never comes into play because they never did the hard work to make it happen.
Back to politics; people should vote for the person they can relate to and support. I seriously doubt most people can look at what we have to choose from, piss or pooh and call that, “that is what I want and that is what I want to support for the betterment of all of us.” Right…
And Winny the Pooh isn’t a homicidal killer…
Only in fiction where the fictional character can be anything it needs to be to drive the story and characters through their journey. The almighty, MacGuffin…
339.5 million People in this country and this is our two best? People need to wake up. I know RFK has no chance to win, but what if he did? What if in some “Twilight Zone” logic the people vote RFK to be president? I think that would be a statement of the common person in our country. Whatever, they are or identify as. Ultimately most people want the same freedoms. We only really disagree on the smallest of things that have been exacerbated by mainstream media and influencers alike. It’s not even a clear half either. Each side cannot even gain 50% or better. If it was 75-25, I’d get it, but what we have is closer to 47-42 with a carryover of the independents. No, these numbers are not exact but you get the point right?
When diving into any topic or philosophy on our politics, stick to the facts. What is a fact? That is up for you to decide… I know what a fact is to me. What a fact is to you may not align with mine. I have accepted that. There is truth and there is accepted truth. The only difference is truth must have its criteria met by the truth happening whether an accepted truth believes that or not. If it still happens independently of this person’s accepted truth, it’s still a truth. It is all about what happens independently of whether a person will accept that concept as real or not. Avoid letting personal biases or desired outcomes influence your understanding. Focus solely on the truth. “Morally, it’s simple: love is wise, and hatred is foolish. In our increasingly interconnected world, we must tolerate differing opinions and learn to coexist.” A quote by philosopher Bertrand Russell at the BBC in 1959. This version of progressivism twists minority issues into mainstream crises, declaring them untouchable facts with no room for debate. The media’s role in this? Massive… They spin imaginative narratives, completely detached from reality, just like propaganda machines of old. It’s all about control, and it’s been creeping in since 2008, folks. Perhaps even sooner. And let’s talk about censorship. Twitter/X, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit. I don’t know who else to mention here. Its ilk are the new wasteland-battleground for free speech. These platforms stifle necessary debates and diverse viewpoints, reminiscent of Nazi propaganda. Free expression is dying, and with it, our ability to solve real problems. When dissent is silenced, society crumbles into a one-sided echo chamber. We need change, but we must be cautious about how we pursue it. Emotional compromise clouds our judgment. We need to highlight diverse perspectives and foster open dialogue to address complex issues. Think logically like Mister Spock. Without this, we’re just wrapping the same mistakes in a new package, called “choose your odor of free air, piss or poop,” doomed to repeat history.
The hypocrisy of the “so-called intellectual elite and their obsession with identity politics.” Eleanor Roosevelt nailed it when she said, “Great minds talk about ideas. Average minds talk about events. Small minds talk about people.”
Your average middle-class American is curious, asks questions, and listens to different viewpoints. They aim to make sense of the nonsensical. Visit any major city—New York, Chicago, Seattle—and what do you see? A bunch of supposedly smart folks who can’t apply their “intelligence” beyond their college credentials. They’re stuck in their bitter, boxy apartments, envious of those living freely outside, eating fresh food and getting all the air and daylight, free of charge. The Woke Progressives try to look intellectual but fail spectacularly with dumb decisions and statements. They can’t even define what a woman is or condemn blatant anti-Semitism on campuses. Their logical fallacies are as bright as our Sun but these people wear those goggles that can make one stare directly into a nuclear blast. The disconnect between this extreme faction and everyday citizens is blunt. They push bad ideas, use poor reverse psychology, and brand dissenters as “anti-intellectual.” But being an intellectual requires actual intellect, not just a degree from a fancy school or even being a bartender turned politician.
This brings us to the concept of controlled dissidence—believing you’re free while being more oppressed than those still plugged into “The Matrix.” Both use red-pill/blue-pill-logic of lies mixed in with some facts; that choice is an illusion. We must recognize logical fallacies and avoid presentism—the tendency to judge the past by today’s standards. Life’s tough. I’m not going to sugarcoat that. This feel-good positivity and manifestation nonsense are just distractions. People need to wake up, take action, and stop dreaming about magical solutions. Your life sucks because you either don’t do what’s needed, or you just suck, period. Want real change? Work for it. Stop waiting for the Universe to hand it to you on a silver platter because it won’t. The idea that not voting for Trump means you’re automatically endorsing Biden or vice versa? Give me a break. This binary thinking—if you’re not LEFT, then you must be RIGHT—is pure nonsense. It’s a forced dichotomy that doesn’t reflect real life, but we’re all supposed to play along. Biden and Trump are terrible choices. Neither understands the common person. This whole system is a mess, pushing narratives most people don’t even believe. The constant blame game between Biden and Trump is exhausting. Biden’s accusations against Trump? It’s just projecting his own administration’s failures. No wonder people are disillusioned. None of these candidates inspire any confidence. The political landscape is a joke, with narratives that don’t match reality and a binary system that oversimplifies everything. Until we break free from this mess, it’s hard to see a positive way forward. But let’s ignore that inconvenient truth for a moment and dive into the fascinating world of guilt by association. Just because someone knows another or even took pictures with them ten, fifteen, twenty-plus years ago doesn’t mean they’re guilty of any crimes. The media and conspiracy theorists might want you to believe that the mere appearance of a name equals villainy, but that’s just lazy, binary thinking. It’s like saying if you’re in the same room as a criminal, you’re automatically a criminal too—ridiculous, right? We should take a step back and recognize the difference between suspicion and evidence. The media sensationalizes and social media spreads unverified claims, but real justice demands solid proof and fair investigation, not just chasing shadows that cannot even agree what a real, fact is, let alone proving it.
More fantasy, and fiction than real life.
Logical fallacies plague political discourse. From ad hominem attacks to false dichotomies, recognizing these fallacies is crucial for sound arguments. My writings often challenge conventional views, sparking discomfort but promoting critical thinking. Remember, I’m not here to please everyone; I’m here to provoke thought. My nihilistic, cynical, and objective outlook keeps me detached from mainstream politics. I write for me, not for validation. Don’t agree? Fine, don’t. If you are reading this, you chose to do that.
“The essence of America, that which really unites us, is not ethnicity, or nationality, or religion. It is an idea — and what an idea it is: That you can come from humble circumstances and do great things.” — Carl Sagan
Ascende tuum… (Latin for “Up Yours…”) by David-Angelo Mineo 7/4/2024 2,388 Words
0 notes