#political hetalia
irithnova · 1 year
A lot of people assume that in a hypothetical situation, if Mongolia could bring back one of his past leaders back to life, it would be Genghis Khan. Whilst that would be fun, 
1) Genghis Khan is from the 13th century and so wouldn't know what the hell was going on.
2)Wouldn't look good for diplomacy to say the least (if we're being serious about this resurrection thing)
3)I don't think he dwells on the past all the time and acknowledges that that time has passed 
4)You could argue that he died "happy" because upon dying he wasn't aware that his empire would soon crumble after his death so he'd rather leave it on that chapter 
5) Also uh… the dude was buried in secret for a reason 
So. Who would Mongolia bring back? Someone a bit more modern actually.
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By many Mongols, Zorig was labelled the "golden magpie/swallow of democracy." During the 1990's democratic revolution of Mongolia, he was a politician who played a leading role.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall on December 10th 1989, 200 activists - led by Zorig, conducted a protest. They called for a free-market economy and free elections.
The next month, in January 1990, Zorig began organising weekend protests in the centre of Ulaanbaatar (capital of Mongolia) - Sukhbaatar square, with his fellow Mongolian Democrats. 
As January became February, the protests became larger and rowdier, to the point when the communist government at the time debated using violence to put an end to the protests.
Soldiers were eventually sent in and they began scuffling with the protesters. Sensing imminent violence, Zorig made himself visible to the crowd by sitting on a friend's shoulders, pulled out a megaphone and called for peace. By doing this, he effectively mitigated the oncoming violence. An image of this event has become a powerful and famous symbol of Mongolia's peaceful revolution.
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Zorig ascended to the People's Great Khural in June 1990.
His political journey continued to unfold as he clinched victories in the State Great Khural elections of both 1992 and 1996. Initially, first as a minority member. During his second term, Zorig joined the ranks of the Democratic Union, spearheading Mongolia's first non-Communist government since the historic Communist revolution of 1921. 
However, even amidst this triumph, Zorig voiced concerns regarding the rapidity of free-market reforms implemented after the Democrats assumed power. With unwavering conviction, he foresaw the potential consequences of such reforms, fearing that they would exacerbate societal inequalities and plunge many Mongolians below the poverty line.
In 1998, Mongolia found itself grappling with a political crisis that gripped the nation. As April unfolded, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj assumed the mantle of Prime Minister. Seizing the opportunity, he sold the state-owned Reconstruction Bank to the privately owned Golomt Bank, which incidentally belonged to the Mongolian Democrats. This move was met with strong opposition from members of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, who protested by staging a walkout. 
Elbegdorj's tenure was cut short as he was compelled to resign, lacking the necessary parliamentary majority to sustain his position.
In the wake of closed-door meetings and extensive deliberations, political parties strived for a compromise candidate to assume the role of Prime Minister. S. Zorig, who had been serving as the Minister for Infrastructure, emerged as the consensus choice. The announcement of his appointment was slated for Monday, the 5th of October, signifying a new chapter in Mongolian politics under the stewardship of this respected and pragmatic leader.
Just three days before the announcement took place, death descended upon Zorig. His apartment in Ulaanbaatar was broken into by two assailants, who subsequently tied his girlfriend up and held her hostage, and bided their time until Zorig would inevitably enter.
Upon entering, he was viciously stabbed. It was fatal.
What's peculiar is, the assailants robbed his apartment of… A bottle of vinegar and soy sauce before fleeing? (Priorities…)
His death was a huge blow to the optimism about the future that a lot of Mongolian people had.
At the time, some members of Parliament were asked about this tragedy. One of them, Hashbat Hulan, stated
"This is the end of the romantic phase of Mongolian democracy."
Mr Jargalsaikhan, who was the director of the Buyan company who dealt with cashmere, stated,
''He was an honest, principled and educated person. These qualities of his were not liked by some people.''
Indeed, when many Mongolians were asked about Zorig, they saw him as an honest, intelligent man.
There were various rumours and conspiracies surrounding his death, and can you blame Mongolians for latching on to some of them? The fact that he was assassinated just three mere days before his ascension to the presidency could not be seen as a coincidence after all.
A testament to his honesty was unravelled when his widow - Bulgan, tearfully confessed during an interview that Zorig was being offered bribes - and that he adamantly refused them. Had he not refused, she speculated, he may have lived.
Others believe that he was murdered because once he took his place as president, he would expose the rotten underbelly in Mongolia's sell-off of state industries, or that he might even have exposed the misuse of foreign aid. Others believed it may have been the Russian Mafia! However, the precious rumours stated are far more plausible - and it only made the debacle even more tragic as Mongolia lost, potentially, one of the best presidents he could have ever had.
For two whole months, the Mongolian government was trapped in a crisis, before the mayor of Ulaanbaatar was finally declared the new president in place of Zorig.
Candlelight vigils were held, a statue was erected in his memory, and the Zorig foundation, a "a Mongolian non-profit organisation promoting democracy through social action, youth activities, and good governance programs." was established shortly after his death.
To this day, many Mongolians speak highly of Zorig and admire his honesty, intelligence, and peaceful conduct. There's lots of "what ifs-" that emerge during discussions surrounding Zorigs death.
At the time, Zorigs death came as a huge shock to Mongolia. This almost perfect candidate, brutally killed just three days before he could ascend to the presidency. It would be a lie if I said it wasn't a slap in the face to Mongolia's somewhat optimistic vision of the future at the time. It was an incredibly stressful period as his plans that were so close to fruition were so swiftly snatched away from him. 
He doesn't enjoy dwelling on things that upset him because honestly what use is there in that? He's a very forward driven person after all. Also he has a tendency to overthink when he falls into these pits and that's… Not good for anyone LMAO he'd rather be using his brain power for something useful (like fighting people on Reddit and quora) rather than giving himself reasons to drink himself into a stupor (which he kind of does anyways but… no one wants to be sad and drunk).
But even now, sometimes he finds himself pondering on the "what ifs" of Zorig's presidency after a particularly stressful day, or when he's staring blankly at a politician he despises, or maybe even if he's just doing nothing and the thought just enters his mind out of seemingly nowhere.
Rose-tinted glasses or not, Mongolia considers the loss of Zorig as a great loss to the country as a whole. 
So yeah. Mongolia, being pragmatic, would probably bring Zorig back if he were given the chance to resurrect any past ruler/potential ruler.
Anyways Zorig meme from r/Mongolia (I think the girls vs boys meme is... Kind of stupid but uhh this meme is sort of relevant to my point ig):
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This comment also made me cackle a bit
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Let me say: Of course not all Mongols love Zorig I mean it's a country with millions of people. We also can't say definitively that he would have made a good president. However generally he is held in high regard. I am also not trying to spread a political agenda with this post, this post simply is trying to encapsulate the general feelings that Mongols have towards Zorig and towards this tumultuous time.
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coeur-de-fruk · 3 months
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what the fuck is a kilometer
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tejennnn · 1 month
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Happy 79th Independence Day our himbo!!!! Hope you will get better as a country and enjoy the nasi goreng harem 🇮🇩💖
Parody of this meme lul
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(Update) just woke up so got more energy to add the details:
🇮🇩: nasi goreng kampung
🇲🇾: Malay sambal fried rice
🇸🇬: Singaporean chicken fried rice
🇹🇭: Khao Pad with basil
🇻🇳: Cơm Chiên with lạp xưởng
🇱🇦 (peeking): Nam Khao
((Sorry Piri you're not seen here 🥹))
Also food stall staples - tea glass, round tissue container (green) and kerupuk tin (blue)!
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jaynuu · 4 months
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FrUK if they did the couple portrait challenge
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ianduncankinnie · 2 months
I often post about Palestine but I'd like to take a moment to talk about what's happening in Bangladesh.
TL;DR Students killed for protesting the government's quota system. Students are being arrested and murdered for speaking up about their deceased friends. Everyone is being threatened by the government and many social media platforms are being banned.
All I'm asking is to spread the word. Please. International pressure really works for our nation. We're dying here. UNICEF reports 34 children dead. There might be more. All reblogs and likes and shares are appreciated. Thank you. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.
A movement protesting the government's quota system put forth by the father of our nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. This was placed in the first place to help the grandchildren of those who fought in the Liberation War of our country to get government jobs. We have a terrible job market here which is why many highly educated people leave the country. On 16th July, While protesting, a Student named Abu Sayed of Begum Rokeya University was killed by the police. This only stoked the feelings of injustice between the students.
During a press conference, the PM was asked about the quota for the grandchildren of veterans. Her response? "If we don't give jobs to the grandchildren of Veterans, will we give jobs to the grandchildren of Razakars?" Razakars are the people who collaborated with the Pakistani Forces to bring down the Bangladeshi freedom fighters. They betrayed the nation for their own gain.
Imagine calling the youth of your nation traitors.
Imagine calling almost 14 million young people who can't find a job despite their credentials betrayers.
Imagine cursing people who are protesting for job equality under a government with the all time highest corruption in the history of this nation.
On 17th July the broadband connection centre in Mohakhali was burned down. Mobile data services and communication were shut down by the PM. After 11 days the internet was properly restored.
On 19th July, A National Military Curfew was put in place by the Prime Minister to mitigate the unrest.
But that was last month. If you need details I highly recommend sources in Bangladesh like the Daily Star or reputable like Al Jazeera. The quota has since been lifted. Lives were lost. But it was for a good cause, right?
Well no. There's still a curfew in the capital. Several districts like Cumilla are still under attack. The government warns of not spreading misinformation yet still lie about the severity of the issue. The police are arresting those who protest as well as those who speak up. The students are demanding for the resignation of the PM. The PM obviously refuses to apologise or even acknowledge the deaths of some 147?
or is it 200?
They're not counting how many they're killing. They're not letting anyone else count either.
It is midnight here. This morning as in 4th August 2024, the students have called for a non cooperation movement. The Ruling Party Awami League will also be holding rallies across the nation tomorrow. I do not know what is going to happen to me. I do not want to think of what will happen to my family tomorrow. I don't really care. What I'm truly scared for is the future. As these protests do not end well here.
Precedence says the PM will eventually resign. Every student protest of our nation has ended in momentary success.
What comes after is usually a military regime. A caretaker government until a next government is chosen in a supposed election. Even then if they decide to hold an election. The caretaker government is usually run as a dictatorship. It was true for the 60s. It was true for the 90s. I don't doubt it will happen again.
I'm graduating next year. My niece is still new to the academic system. I wish her the best. My grandmas and grandpas are dead. Nobody left to pray for me. My aunts and uncles are growing old. My cousins can't speak up for fear. My mom is so tired. My dad is angry. I'm unsure if I will still be able to post the next couple of days.
All I'm asking is to spread the word. Please. International pressure really works for our nation. We're dying here. UNICEF reports 34 children dead. There might be more. All reblogs and likes and shares are appreciated. Thank you. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.
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nyeobium · 3 months
Russians falling at terminal velocity
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Don't worry, they're gonna be fine. They're russians, they know all about snow! /ref
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ellavei · 2 months
The world in Hetalia is probably like this
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shtoproishoditemae · 2 months
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forsoobado137 · 3 months
Nations and Elections
I wonder what goes on in the minds of nations during elections. I picture that they aren't allowed to vote because of their nation status, but they still feel the tension, frustration, and anxiety of their people.
What would their symptoms be? Moodswings? Maybe nausea? Dizziness? Insomnia? Maybe even psychosis? Do they take medicine designed specifically for nations and their election symptoms? Or does the medicine not work because of their inhuman nature?
Damn, America is gonna experience EXTREME emotional whiplash in the next few months. He'll go from USA USA USA #1 BEST UNDEFEATED COUNTRY RAHHH🦅🦅 during the Olympics to the chaotic mess that is an American election.
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ask-pakistan · 3 months
I think 13 y/o me would be happy to see the amount of APH Pakistan content available in the fandom so far , seeing some recent activity makes me want to draw Umer again~ <( ̄︶ ̄)>
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stirringwinds · 11 months
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sketched some casual modern nedpan and gardens, because the flower theme lends itself well to them both doesn't it? imo kiku's going to always keep short hair after the meiji era, but in the present day, i'm sure he still wears yukatas at home✌🏻
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anglophile-alfred · 12 days
One of the fields of my degree is legislative policy. I swear, if I ever become a politician or something, my time as a Hetalia fan will be my tightest-held secret of my entire being. The launch codes? Sure, here you go. Have them. Just please don't tell the New York Times about my UKUS and RusAme fanfictions, I'm begging you.
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moscowwitch · 1 month
Russia loves good comedy
None:.... Russia: I build residential complex and called it "South Park" and also made a tombstone for Kenny McCormick infront of it.
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Alfred: that's why i adore u, baby.
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ifindus · 7 months
I loved your mexico design!✨ now how do you imagine Colombia to be like?🇨🇴
Thank you! ✨ I have a lot of love for Latin American countries, but I'm obviously no expert on all the nuances and cultural stereotypes😅 here's my first go of Colombia tho:
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mcnjushcge · 1 year
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ukrainian hetalia fans try not to be sinophobic challenge FAILED
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ellavei · 2 months
France: Why did you do that to me? I have treated you badly so many times, and somehow, you still sent letters to me, cooked for me, slept with me? Do you really think if you act like that, I will always be haunted by your warm affection and craving it more? You understand that is actually psychological torture, right? Are you insane, Spain?
Spain: Poor my dear France, let me get you something to help with your hangover tomorrow.
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