sparkssystem · 2 years
Our Soulbonding Technique
For permanent resident soulbonds.
Lie down in a place where you won't be bothered, preferably dark and very quiet, with your eyes closed. Think about the multiverse and the infinite possibilities of things that exist out there. Let yourself float into that, away from this world, potentially getting to the point where you don't feel connected to this realm or your physical body at all. When you feel connected to the multiverse, directly talk to it (not out loud with the body's voice, but with your thoughts). Introduce yourself to it and state your reason for being there. Ask it for help connecting you to whoever you're trying to soulbond. You do not have to have a specific soul in mind, this works for "someone that fits this description" or "a version of this character I know".
The multiverse will then do 1 of 2 things if you've connected to it properly and it wants to help you. It will either kick you back into this realm with a new person in your system (who will show up either immediately or within a few hours), or it will present you with options.
If it gives you options of souls to choose from, these are going to be visible to you as soul orbs. There are a few ways to go about getting a feel for who these souls are. If you are good at reading auras or feeling energy, you will be able to tell the aura/energy of the souls. If you have a history of doing in-depth soul work, you might be able to look through the soul's memories. If you can't do either of these things, and have no way to tell what the souls are like, feel free to ask the multiverse for help deciding or to decide for you. When you make a decision, thank the multiverse and say which one you'll be taking, and then focus on the soul and connecting with it, and snap yourself back to this realm. The soul should now be out of the orb form and with you in your system.
Note: Like all soulbonding methods, this might not work for the first few attempts. It also might not work for you at all, but we have seen a decent success rate with this.
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interstellarsystem · 8 months
We're on our way to go camping and OUGGHHH my phantom wings are CRAMPED. There's so much stuff in this car and it's worse than just a regular car ride. Cars are not made for harpies.
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Sorry, but I am not being nice to someone who doesn’t “believe in my existence” like I’m a religion or smth
-Etho (he/it/they)
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[[whisper the wolf, g-going live with ori and the blind forest...]]
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Everyone else in the system: yeah I'm butch
Me: 💅💅💅💅💅💅💅
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phoenix-sys · 1 year
Pspspsps are there any other Aussie plurals on Tumblr? Looking to make more Aus plural friends/moots! #nosyscourse #plural #system #proendo #endosafe #didosdd #osddid #plurality #melbourne #aus #australia #pluralsystem #sys
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oh shit oh fuck
jesus fuck we forgot this blog fucking existed. gotta update so much shit - Raven
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bridgehouse-clan · 4 years
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When you catch all personalities in 1 single screenshot
- Ann/Andey (host)
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systemliberty · 4 years
For Endogenic System Awareness Day (Which is April 15th)
What are Endogenic Systems?
(This is to clear up the misinformation about endogenic systems)
Endogenic systems are systems who become plural though natural neurodevelopment, not because of any traumatic events, intentional acts (tulpamancy), or spiritual experiences or beliefs. Note that this does not necessarily mean an endogenic system never gone through trauma, never attempted tulamancy, or does not have spiritual beliefs, but only that these things are not the cause of becoming a system. 
(In the case of tulpamancy, it means they were already plural before adding tuplas to the system, though some may consider the act to re-classify them as a “mixed” system). 
How is this possible?
Various hypotheses and explanations have been put out by endogenic and non-endogenic systems alike, including theories of dissociation and human neurology, but as of now we don’t have any concrete answers as to how it happens, only that it must be possible because my systems already live this way. I have heard there’s a study happening with tulpamancy, which if true, also may led to studies of other system types. 
What’s the difference between endogenic systems and non-endogenic systems? 
Endogenic systems, by definition, did not become systems because of trauma, intentional acts, or spiritual experiences, so they do not meet the definition of traumagenic, tupla, spiritual systems. However it is possible for a “mixed” system to have both endogenic and traumagenic members, both endogenic and spiritual, etc.
Do Endogenic systems choose to be systems?
Most Endogenic systems have existed as systems for as long as they can remember in early childhood, before their brain could let them make such decisions.  Choosing to create a headmate through psychological (or less commonly spiritual) means is tulpamancy, thoughtform, a paragenic system, which are a whole different part of the plural community. 
Are Endogenic systems dangerous or a*usive?
Not as a category. Of course there are some endogenic systems who a*use other, just as there are non-endogenic systems and singlets who a*use others. But there is no reason to think that just because someone is in an endogenic system that they will automatically be any more dangerous than an non-endogenic system or a singlet.
Why do you say “endogenic systems” every time? Why not just “endos”?
“Endo” is already short for endometriosis and endocrinologist, which can cause confusion. In addition, abbreviating “endogenic” to “endo” was polarized by anti-endogenic elocutionists attempting to turn endogenic into a slur, not by endogenic systems themselves. 
Why do endogenic systems use DID/OSDD terminology? Why not make their own terms?
Most modern system terminology (such as plural, multiple, system, traumagenic/endogenic, fictive/factive, and so on) was coined by endogenic or spiritual systems, and then graciously shared with the DID/OSDD community. If a traumagenic system claims to own the word traumagenic, they are in fact the ones committing an act of appropriation. If an endogenic system does feel compelled to or comfortable using DID/OSDD terms (such as introject or alter) it is because systems of various origins have more commonalities than differences, and this we, think, should be celebrated.  
“Remember all systems are valid and deserving of love and understanding, and acceptance.” 
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autistic-moonbeam · 4 years
Hi! I am Micki!
You can also call me Moonbeam. It's a nickname my wife gave me.
I am the host of a (most likely) OSDD 1b system.
I am (self dx) autistic, adhd, dyspraxic, dyslexic, and I believe I have social and general anxiety disorders. I have an eating disorder and some form of depression.
I am 21.
I am genderfluid, nonbinary, and genderqueer.
I am pan and demi sexual/romantic.
I am an age regressor (completely nonsexual). I regress to cope with trauma, my various disorders, and for fun. I love toys and always have.
Some of my special interests are:
Doctor Who
Torchwood (new, just started watching today)
Dragon Quest
and a whole lot more.
I know a lot (especially about random subjects.
I love midevil history and wanted to be a knight. Wanted to rescue the princesses
I'm a girl a lot of the time. Sometimes a boy.
I have a build-a-bear pawlette named Bunni.
I am a kinnie.
I kin:
Pinkie Pie
Julia (Sesame street)
The 11th and 13th Doctors
Brown tabby long hair
Horses(especially Clydesdales and other drafts)
A brown and grey timber wolf
Some kind of big cat
Those are the ones I can remember right off the top of my head.
My favorite color is purple, followed closely by orange and pink. I also love pastel rainbow.
I love rock music,as well as a variety of others.
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ohanasjunkdrawer · 4 years
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Bringing back an Easter tradition! Drawing the boys as adorable bunnies doing devious deeds. ...ok granted it's a littleeee late for Easter but *cough* art is hard when your work hours increase and you get zero sleep ok? x.x Still wanted to do this though, it's been too long. It was super fun, and starting this year we even have an extra bunny member! From left to right: Elijah, Alex, and Elias ( @judezumester ) menacingly devouring a chocolate bunny! >:D -Sake #easter #easter2020 #art #drawing #coloredpencil #easterart #easterdrawing #eastertradition #bunny #bunnyart #bunnies #demonbunny #vampirebunny #rabbit #rabbits #rabbitart #easterrabbit #easterbunny #cannibalbunny #chocolatebunny #plurality #headmates #pluralart #pluralpride #pluralsystem https://www.instagram.com/p/B_77LEOpbOc/?igshid=nkp0hj3gm40b
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interstellarsystem · 3 years
We're going to get our psychologist to help explain our system to our parents soon. We want to come out to them in hopes that they'll understand and we can be happier. Does anyone have any ideas for questions we should be prepared for when coming out to the parents?
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clockworths · 2 years
I love how all the adults/older people in my circle were co-con with me throughout childhood but as soon as I became an adult all my littles start being co-con... 😅😅😅
I guess it's because I have the freedom to buy things and do things as an adult that I never got or wanted to have as a kid. And because my childhood kinda sucked too.
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systemliberty · 5 years
People with DID/OSDD do not own the word “system”. In fact most of the terminology used by DID/OSDD systems were coined by Endogenic systems. No one kind of system owns and any of the terminology words.
People that are anti-(any type of system that’s not DID/OSDD) use the idea that “DID” and “System” are synonyms which there NOT and then accuse all types of systems of “faking DID/OSDD”
If systems saying they’re Endogenic, or anything other type of system then they’re not claiming to have DID.
You can’t fake something you don’t claim to have in the first place.
-Virgil Sanders
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systemliberty · 4 years
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systemliberty · 5 years
Dear Anit-Tpye-of-System that’s not DID/OSDD!
Hey! Listen here all you anti-any type of system that’s not a DID/OSDD one, you’re hate is a bunch of bullshit and useless. Other systems like mine(a Quiogenic system) do exist! If we didn’t then why do we! We didn’t ask to be system...be like this, most of us didn’t ask to be here like this. Just like DID/OSDD systems we didn’t ask to be this way. You hate we people call or say DID is fake or They’re just crazy, you hate the sigma around DID, or hate when someone calls you fake. Yet the second someone calls you fake, or crazy, YOU GET SO FUCKING OFFEND! YOU GET SO PISSED WHEN PEOPLE SEE PEOPLE WITH DID AS MONSTERS AND ABUSIVE! YOU’RE ONLY PLAYING INTO THE ABUSIVE MONSTER TYPE SIGMA WHEN YOU ATTACK PEOPLE WHO ARE JUST TRYING THEIR LIVES AND FIND OTHERS WHO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON IN THEIR MIND AND PEOPLE WHO MIGHT HAVE BEEN THROUGH WHAT THEY’VE BEEN THROUGH. So you should just stop your pathetic hate and MOVE THE FUCK ON WITH YOU LIVES!!!! I can’t sit here knowing that you’re abusing people for just existing! It’s sad and pathetic that feel secure and safe you have to abuse and attack others who are different from you even in your own community you do this. Think about what you’re posting or saying cause you’re actions have consequences. You should know that words hurt more than any knife ever could. I don’t give a shit about that fact this probably offend you. It needed to be said! 😡🤬😡🤬 -Virgil Sanders from the Omba Tribe System
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