#plural gimmick blog
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turnitsysclusive · 4 months ago
i love you systems who call your alters "headmates"
i love you systems who call your alters "voices"
i love you systems who call your alters swears
i love you systems who call your alters things that are silly, weird, or normal
dont let anyone tell you what to call them <3
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mississippi-official · 5 months ago
I stream every Saturday at 8PM CST!!!
I made a state blog bc it seemed fun
Mississippi is my home state!!!!
Talking tag: #Mississippi speaks Ask tag: #Mississippi answers
I'm aroace and a minor!
I'm @theposttaster and @thatacefrog is my main
Am also plural
Plural blog: @ever-growing-system (they need to talk)
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classpecting-posts · 3 months ago
i would like to thank you for your blog single-handedly being the reason we’ll probably end up with homestuck fictives
From one System to another, you're welcome. :)
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the-hydra-sys · 1 year ago
Hey moots! Starting a gimmick/ask blog called 'tales from systok', rb or comment if you're comfortable with me @ing you in the intro post for a boost :)
(non-mutuals can also rb/comment :))
Edit: @tales-from-systok
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are-they-plural · 6 months ago
It's time for *wheel of fortune voice* are! they! plural!
Submit your favorite characters and see if they pass the collective plurality test! Run by the haunted doll system.
Submit your headcanons below for peer review:
Extra headcanons will be put at the bottom along with reasoning:
example: is Care from Petscop plural/does Care from Petscop have OSDD? Reasoning: Care is heavily theorized to be Paul's younger self, but he has a lot of memory loss surrounding his time "as her". She suffered heavy trauma between the ages of 4 and 5 that could cause a system to develop. Has 3 different "forms"- A, B, NLM. Extra: Care NLM is the system's trauma holder, and Paul is the host.
I am not a medical professional. I cannot tell you if you are plural. I can point you to resources, but that's the extent of my ability.
Syscourse is not welcome. I will not engage.
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is-this-plural · 7 months ago
oh! for the plurality playlist we'd like to suggest All Night and Human in the Evening by Fox Stevenson as they're very much pluralcoded to us. Broken Man, Sandblast, Like That, and Don't Know What kind of ring true as well but to a lesser extent
See, you're looking for our sister blog, @is-this-therian
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tales-from-syscord · 1 year ago
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helloooooo - Fry from @gohan-but-plural
Nice to see another system 'round here
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the-scribbles-painter · 1 year ago
Could you scribble on my blog? :3
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@plural-void's blog has been Scribbled on!!
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turnitsysclusive · 4 months ago
a reminder that the host isn’t the only person in the system who should be respected and made to feel comfortable.
the host is not ‘the important part’, we are all completely conscious and capable of our own thoughts, feelings and our own boundaries. our brain created us because it decided that we are all important and needed.
the host is not the only member of a system you should care about.
Note: this includes "Cores" or "The Original"
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mcyt-fictives · 4 months ago
Introject/kin poll event!
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Thanks everyone who’s reblogging and liking our interest check post! We’ve seen enough interest to start preparing now- though we won’t start the event for another week due to the holidays and college finals.
It would be really appreciated if you all would reblog this post to get some more traction! We’re a really small blog so it helps a ton.
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𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓭𝓸𝓮𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓴?
Until the 12th of December, we will be accepting nominations for characters from all Minecraft related media (minecraft, mcyt, mcrp, mctv) to add into the lineup. We will also be adding anyone who was not nominated that we know we have seen a lot of online.
The event will be a series of polls where two characters go head to head to see who has been kinned/introjected into more systems. The winner will go in to the next round. Each round will last a week. I’m sure you’ve seen gimmick blogs like this (such as @/sonic-fankid-showdown)
Due to the way polls work you’ll only be able to vote for a character once even if you have multiple of that character introjected (ie; you can only vote for Ldshadowlady once in a poll but you can vote for her again the next round)
At the end of the event we’ll get to see who’s the ultimate introjected/kinned character!
Please nominate a character using our askbox, commenting, or reblogging this post. We would prefer if you reblog to get it out there!
No limit of characters you can nominate! The more the better!
Characters with variations are allowed! (Ie; Dream and DreamXD will be treated as separate characters) don’t be shy about giving multiple character variations!
𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮
Dec. 12th - Nominations close
Dec. 18th - 25th - First round
Dec. 25nd - Jan. 1st - Second round
And so on (won’t know final amount of rounds till the nominations close)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Please remember this poll is for fun. It’s not meant to be taken super seriously.
@/ for reach (please don’t feel obligated to reblog)
@fictive-culture @plural-culture-is @does-it-introject @fictionkinfessions @plurality-is-mundane @cringegenic @fictive-confessions
Thank you everyone! Can’t wait to run this event!
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the-capricorn-system · 5 months ago
okay proper intro post!!
hi there, were capricorn system! this blog will be for any amd all system shenaniganery!
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so, meet the crew! /ref
(links lead to longer intros for each headmate btw! -raph)
raphael: our host! it/they/xey! its an angel, and also probably the original of us! we think. we dont know! blog is @theetherealraphael
sapphire: our protector, and effectively the mum of the system! shes a cat therian, she/her pronouns! @sapphirethegemstone
tesco: grumpy, also protector, and does our homework! any masc/neutral pronouns! @gb-tesco-official-new
judge: quiet calm and chill! it/he! doesnt really have a personal blog, but sourced from the gimmick blog @the-gimmick-judge!
lee: also grumpy, hes our negative emotion holder! he/him, no blog yet!
clef: every plural scp fan has a clef fictive, apparently, so heres ours! they/it/other neutral pronouns!
billy: thats me! resident little and psychologist! any pronouns, and please be normal around me! also no blog!
meg: fictive of meg from trials of apollo. she/her, i guess.
jasper: grumpy mc-grumpy face. (hey!) any pronouns, very british (were all british, mate)
samael: a fictive of one of our ocs. she/xey.
[REDACTED]: Wouldnt You Like To Know, Weather Boy?
uranus: fictive number one from solarballs, he/him. accidentally summoned the other two through yearning. ‐:]
neptune: fictive number two from solarballs, any pronouns! :.**3
erebus: fictive number three, only recently showed up. they/them!
venus: fictive number 4... sigh. he/him.
iris: t h e 5 t h f i c t i v e ! i t / i t s f o r m e !
(plaintext: the 5th fictive! it/its for me!)
saturn: SIX???? SIX SOLARBALLS FICTIVES. WHY. HOW. anyway she uses any pronouns!
uriel: another fictive of one of our ocs, xey/they!
onfiel: andddd another! he/xey/it
denmark: hes. the country of denmark, yep. from the gimmick blog @denmark-official. he/him i think?
kay: im a songtive of the song cannibal by kesha~!
martin: basically the most posh asshole ever. he/him
and honorary mentions of our friends!
partner system <33: @nanochittle
big brother! @some-rando-with-internet
little sibling is @pennyroyald!
friendddddds!! @homocidalpotat
@bored-dromaeosaur @meatierbunger
sorry for tagging you guys btw if you dont want this tag lmk!! but uh we just appreciate you guys a lot!
also, please dni if youre anti-endo! were mixed origin!
- billy!
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hermit-permits · 11 months ago
About This Blog:
Welcome to the Tumblr Hermit Permit Office! This is a gimmick blog is centered around handing out permits for different posts, such as cataloging crimes or selling virtual flowers!
It is important to understand that this blog is distinct from the Hermitcraft Hermit Permit Office and should not be held to the same standards. We do not currently employ Permit Office Enforcement (AKA POE-POE) and strive for only the best experiences while issuing permits, unlike that sister location.
Please note that your permit may include additional comments by the Permit Maker (i.e. the runner of this blog) concerning the contents or caveats of the permit.
Like many things, all permits given on this blog are in the name of good fun. No permit excludes others from posting similar content.
This post will be updated as the Permit Maker irons out the specifics of this blog! Bear in mind that this is the first gimmick blog that the Permit Maker has run, so things may be a bit bumpy as we get this show on the road.
And yes, I have a permit for this.
FAQ and taglist under the cut.
Who runs this blog, and what are their pronouns?
Hello! I am the Permit Maker, the sole runner of this establishment of the Hermit Permit Office. You may refer to me using she/her. I may refer to myself in first-person plural (we/us); this is to mimic actual corporations using first-person plural in reference to themselves.
What is a permit, anyway?
A hermit permit is a concept introduced in the tenth season of popular Minecraft YouTube series Hermitcraft. The owner of the permit is able to sell whatever is permitted by the permits they own. On the server, these permits are categorized into three ranks--diamond, gold, and iron--based on demand of the item permitted.
Here at the Tumblr Hermit Permit Office, things are run a little differently. Permits are still ranked from iron to diamond, though in this case it's far more subjective, based on the Permit Maker's perception of its "demand" and general vibes. At the end of the day, iron permits just tend to be more specific than diamond permits. Additionally, permits that are collective are usually owned by gimmick blogs (e.g. the Where-Is collective, the fanblog collective) and contain similar permits to each other.
What do you tag each permit with?
Besides the general #hermit permits tag, each permit is tagged with its rank, whether it is part of a collective, the owner of the permit (at the time), an extremely brief summary of the permit in question (<5 words, usually), and whether the permit was requested or not.
Where do I go if I want to request a permit?
Please send all permit requests through the askbox! Requests are open at any time. Additionally, please add a link to the post you'd like reblogged if it is not pinned on your profile or if it is not a permit that is relatively unconnected to your account (e.g. selling virtual flowers). If you do not add this information, your request will be kept in the inbox until you submit a post link.
When are permits posted, and what is your time zone?
The time zone of the Tumblr Hermit Permit Office is EST/EDT. Please assume all times given are in this time zone. Permits are posted every day at roughly 10 AM. This is different from previous bouts of the Permit Office, wherein the queue ran for two or three times a day--hopefully, under this new schedule, we'll be able to stay active longer.
Why are you so inactive?
The Permit Maker is only one person, and running this blog can sometimes take a toll on her mental health. She will sometimes go dormant whenever submissions run out, so do not fret if this happens.
Where's your Where-Is blog masterlist?
While in the past this has been linked under every Where-Is permit, each permit will instead direct the viewer to this pinned post. This does not have every Where-Is blog, but it contains a good deal of them. Deleted blogs will be pruned as necessary.
Tags Used:
#hermit permits for permits given. All permits will be tagged with their category, owner, and rank.
#not a permit for posts that are not giving a permit.
#answered for asks.
#requested for requested permits.
#sister location for anything pertaining to the other Hermitblr Permit Office, @permitoffice.
#nsfw for nsfw permits.
Tags will be updated as needed.
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syscest · 4 months ago
Do you know more smutty system accounts? I'm a system and i want to see more nsft system content 🥺
when we started this blog we had basically seen almost no horny system posting out there in the wild.
the cool thing about having an audience is sometimes we go looking thru our notes and find cool horny system posters there too, tho most folks aren't running their blogs as 100% plural horny gimmick.
we try to reblog good stuff we find in the wild, either from followers or from desperately scouring some pretty barren tags. and there should be some of this on our blog if you go looking.
but we're also wary about like, grabbing someone's 5 note post and putting it in front of our several hundred followers (if we reblog something and you'd rather not have it shown to our audience just shoot us a message and we'll take it down tbh it's no biggie).
also the two systems running this blog do have like, some preferences in terms of kink writing styles, so not everything we see makes it on here.
basically there aren't individual accounts I feel comfortable directing our whole audience at right now, other than the folks you'll see us reblogging a lot from already because we're big fans.
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turnitsysclusive · 4 months ago
Do people forget muscle memory exists
"Why do you and all your alters write basically the same way?"
Perchance because our hand has been writing that way since we learned how to write. Just a thought though
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plural-culture-is · 1 year ago
Plural culture is yes, me and my friend run a multimod blog. A regular blog with multiple people running it. You know, like the thing that a lot of people do. The normal tumblr thing. A completely usual multimod blog. Yes, that. Don'taskaboutitdon'taskaboutitdon'taskaboutit-
Its all /silly though, I kinda want people to find out what our silly little gimmick blog is Hiding lorewise (because of course I made it lore hehe)
- orange of An Unspecified Gimmick Blog :)
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