#plot hole black hole
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wack-ashimself · 11 months ago
Sorry, but the new fallout series sucks so far...
just starting episode 3, but they are doing so much backdrop/atmosphere, that real relatable characters and story are non existent.
You just don't give a fuck about anyone. They're all shitty, boring and/or 1 dimensional.
I mean, the fucking old store lady & her friend had more (at least original) personality than all the others combined.
And I know it's based on a FPS, but the violence is more over the top than accurate while zany. Difference between I killed a whole town vs my gun is a fucking cannon that no one else seems to have.
Just...here's the plot flaws SO far. Spoilers.
1-The vault just blindly accepts a previous message that the other vault they are letting in lost their leader. FINE. I guess at the end of the world, you don't question if an overthrow of leadership can happen. But how come these vault people YOU HAVE MET BEFORE (cuz clearly they have done trades in the past) are ENTIRELY NOT RECOGNIZABLE? Aka, how did you NOT think they weren't murderous thieves when you never met or heard of a SINGLE ONE? WHY WERE THEY ALL NEW TO YOU?!
2-Why did the solider get the position of his injured friend? Especially after he was accused of harming them? At minimum, the most qualified person should go, and HE IS NOT IT. Makes no sense. Also, why were they bullying him at the beginning? Just to make us have sympathy?
3-Why did the main bad guy let those other vault dwellers live? She killed ANY AND EVERYONE, but those 4 can be spared? Why? Was there a maximum of kills she would allow?
4-If I knew a man was buried alive, and unburied spasticly to be basically tortured, why would I think he would be peaceful to strangers that unburied him? Especially knowing he's a mutant?
5-The dog. OMFG, the DOG. Plot hole black hole. No one double checks the dog weights? Why did he want a dog in the first place? How was he able to sneak the dog to his private lab (and did he have 2 positions)? Clearly, STRICT rules, so WHAT was his excuse? THE PLOT NEEDED IT? How/what did he feed the dog on such extreme rations (even water)? What about the dog's waste (smell & clean up)? The dog NEVER barked EVER in the months/years growing up? Why was that guy in his lab out of no where? How did no one smell dog in such a dirty place (where you KNOW that dog did not bathe)? How did he get ALL THE WAY OUT with the alarm blaring, from HIS lab with a dead person, then an AI turret miss every god damn possible bullet, AND no one chase after him (since the turret went off, they know which was he escaped*)?
6-If she was told being a vault dweller is bad, why the FUCK did she continue to wear her bright shiny clothing with the labels? At minimum, take the dead people's clothes OR dirty yours up.
7-The dog, PART 2. Dog is stabbed, quits moving, but can still be brought back to life. FINE. But now he's AUTOMATICALLY LOYAL TO THE GUY THAT JUST THREATENED HIS OWNER AND STABBED HIM?! And then when they find the owner's body, the dog doesn't bat a fucking eye? The dog was saved by him, raised by him, loved by him, killed for him and died for him, but now, fuck the owner? FUCK THE DOG! Sell out whore.
8-This isn't a plot hole, just stupid. If you're dying, do not threaten to lie & get killed the person holding your life saving medicine. That is fucking something a child would understand! Ok...maybe a teenager. lol
*Know what I hate about these shows? They have this advanced technology, some beyond ours right now, but it's....stupid technology. Outta Idocracy or something. Like it can do amazing things, but fucks up all the time. Like the power suit; never thought to put guards around the vulnerable neckline? SUITS OF ARMOR DID THAT!
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raine-world · 1 year ago
When MatPat came on screen I freaked out (in a good way) and got so light headed I missed the entire conversation and almost passed out until he said "But that's just a theory-" which shocked me out of it like a sleeper agent code word
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meg-noel-art · 18 days ago
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was sent some lovely base poses sooo -- Fankid Family Portraits! Caitlyn with Corinne and Jinx with Cass! 🤩
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ultravioletbrit · 3 months ago
“familiar” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 228 words
Regulus has been in France for six months. Six incredible months, but he was more than ready to be home. However, as soon as he stepped foot in London, something didn’t feel right. He just felt… off.
The journey to The Potter’s house wasn’t long, but Regulus couldn’t sit still the entire time. The taxi dropped him off and Regulus took a deep breath that didn’t reach his lungs. But he was certain that as soon as he was inside, he would feel like he was home again. 
Regulus opened the front door to the house that has always been his home, and everything was the same. The way the door creaked when he closed it, the subtle smell of vanilla and cinnamon, the various shoes lining the wall and the familiar jumpers hanging on hooks. The house was exactly the same, but Regulus didn’t feel like he was home.
Regulus felt a warmth against his back and strong arms wrap around his waist. He instantly melted into the touch as he felt soft lips graze his temple.
“Welcome home, stranger.” James whispered with a small kiss.
Regulus instantly turned to face James and wrapped his arms around his neck bringing him in for a tight hug and James hugged him back just as fiercely.
Regulus buried his face in James’ neck, and James was right; Regulus was finally home.
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sunlit-mess · 5 months ago
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changetheprophecy81 · 10 months ago
When you talk about SWM, ppl just focus on defending their favs, but imo the thing thts majorly overlooked is how it creates a major plot hole in the pensive system. Technically, Harry dives into Snape's memories, and even then we can see every second of what the marauders are doing, even though Snape isn't looking at them and is said to be immersed in his own paper, both during and after the exam. Even worse, how tf cud he have heard exactly what the marauders were saying even tho they weren't sitting remotely close to each other? Adding on, Snape only tries to get his wand out when james calls out loudly to him, otherwise he would hv known tht james and sirius were coming for him if he could hear them all along. The whole goddamn chapter is named 'Snape's Worst Memory' and yet we witness stuff even Snape couldn't see/hear when he was actually going through it. As much as I love the fact that we get a glimpse into what the marauders were like at Hogwarts, I do wish it was shown in a way tht actually makes sense (as I do with 123693674 different stuff in this series......)
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rudamaruda520 · 5 months ago
Something no one talks about is that at the bottom of the stairs to the astronomy tower there is a well known secret spot with a schedule where everyone books when they want to be there a month in advance and that's why it's always empty.
Everyone just sticks to their schedules.
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lime-bloods · 4 months ago
so long as I've been talking gravity, it feels like I'm obviously missing something by not talking about the Green Sun, which formed the gravitational center of Homestuck's cosmos long before black holes became part of the equation. it's emblematic of Lord English, obviously, the villain who keeps our heroes gravitationally bound to their homes, but that felt too simplistic... I think I've hit on something more solid, though.
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Cascade, part 6.
in the sense that the Green Sun - being composed of the rendered-down remains of both of Homestuck's universes - is a very literal representation of the comic's incestuous slurry of ideas, Dave and Rose emerging from the Sun's radioactive green sludge very much reads as their being reconstituted from ectoplasm. indeed: Hussie suggested years ago that to "die spectacularly in an explosion of green fire" is actually a requirement for reaching the god tiers without a dream self, and while this doesn't turn out to be exactly true, the central premise remains; the old self must be immolated completely to make way for the new self. in this exact same way, trolls find themselves gravitating toward the cocoons they were born from and are completely destroyed via explosion in the process of ascension - for Dave and Rose, the Green Sun is the figurative birth-cocoon they return to in order to be broken down into slime and built back up again.
(so it's interesting, at the very least, that the very same black hole that usurped the Green Sun's position as the center of reality is now the cocoon Vriska Serket finds herself trapped within - complete with lain-thick imagery of fire and death!)
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p. 2728
compare as well the Matriorb and Tumor, obvious visual twins which also serve the same purpose as malignant growths which must kill their previous host so as to give rise to a new brood. for Rose, in particular, the gravity that keeps the suburban family unit together - the Green Sun's gravity - is also the gravity that pulls her toward the familial role Sburb has lined up for her, that of the mother. and the icons of the Green Sun hidden, womb-like, within the guts of Rose's planet tell us everything we need to know about the role the Green Sun is supposed to play in this motherhood destiny.
(from Hussie's commentary in Book 5, p. 271: "This is another one of those things that makes it feel like this quest is narratively what is demanded of her [...] it's supposed to feel that way to her, and has a strange sense of obligatory gravity surrounding it.")
Scratch's deception regarding the Green Sun then takes on a characteristically insidious subtext: he's tricking Rose into giving birth. and not just to the Green Sun, or to Lord English, but - in the characteristically incestuous, cyclical nature of things in Homestuck - to her own ascended self! and as such, in the inverse: when Rose flies out to the Furthest Ring believing that she's about to defy the role Sburb has laid out for her by aborting the Tumor, she's also unknowingly setting out to abort herself - a "suicide mission" in more ways than just one.
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maxdibert · 2 days ago
Eileen and Tobias died early. Probably by the age of 18, Severus. I don't think he would have gone to a death eater if his mother had lived. Tobias Muggle And I think his parents died early and that's why his house is in terrible condition.
Ah, of course, I focused on the Evans and the Potters because they directly affect Harry's path in the story, but the same thing happens with Severus. And I suppose it’s the same with Sirius too—I’m not sure when Walburga and Orion died, but when he comes out of Azkaban, they're clearly already dead. Which doesn’t make sense because aren’t witches and wizards supposed to live longer than Muggles? So why do we have characters who are barely in their 30s and their parents are already dead? Let’s say Lupin’s parents die when he’s in his 20s, fine, but then at 33, he has no parents anymore—what? It’s true that many people lose their parents for various reasons before reaching 40, but isn’t it super convenient that literally EVERYONE from the Marauders’ generation lost both their parents before 30? I mean, wtf??
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jesncin · 6 months ago
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can I get a YEEEHAAAW!!!
Haha they're already doing the "marginalized villain is too extreme in his methods for justice" nonsense but I'm honestly just so happy to see him that nothing is knocking me from this high rn
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ao-ihinata · 3 months ago
Genuine question ( and I may have already asked this before or someone else has already talked about this but )
In the last chapter of TQN Jude talks about her and Cardan dancing and it's only the second time they danced with the first time being moments before the coronation blood bath and I know we all remember the Hunter's moon revel that had SO much chemistry during Jude and Cardan's dance and I wanna know if this was just a mistake or the dance in TWK does not count for some reason ??
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random-remzy · 5 months ago
*distant explosion*
Master Wu: "Ninja...I have something..." The Ninja: *anxious trembling* The Chicken: *rapid clucking* All of Ninjago: *furious praying* The other 15 realms: *silent panicking* The Overlord: "Please don't-" The fandom: *hyperventilating* The fucking lego franchise: "no- please- nonONO N O-" Master Wu: "...to confess."
*cosmic scream*
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randomnameless · 2 months ago
Why did KT go out of it's way to state that Clout wiped out all the houses that tried to leave the Alliance only to ignore it for the rest of the route
Literally what does it even add other than making Clout look like an evil, power-hungry dictator whose cruel actions are never acknowledged by the story or characters
Maybe it was to paint Fraud as bootleg copy of Best Dad, who also erased Hrym when it wanted to say Adrestia goodbye and join the Alliance?
Of course, actions having consequences is a concept alien to Fodlan, except when it's to bash some Northern barbarians, or to give more fuel to "Church BaD".
Fodlan's plot is... foggy at best, which is why some people earlier theorised that we have a lot of fanworks about it, whenever fans are unhappy or not satisfied with plot threads, they tend to write fanfics/come up with HCs, and that's how we got 5 years of Discourse (tm).
Did Hans 2 exist? Did Supreme Leader have agency? Why Supreme Leader never offered the same offer of service she offered Leopold to Ludwig? Is Bernie dad an asshat for beating up the assassin who wanted to murder his heir? Is Rhea keeping Colonel Sanders locked in the Abyss? Why Uncle Thales didn't target Enbarr with Javelins in Tru Piss, or pulled out Nemesis from his tupperware?
We will never know.
I joke a lot about the 10k years of lore, but let's be real, any game with plot threads as vague and weirdly hanging as the ones existing in that verse would have been roasted to oblivion if it didn't benefit from the same "circumstances" Fodlan did.
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wafflinglumos · 1 year ago
This fandom loves making Dumbledore seem like the most evil guy around, but he’s just very morally grey, he didn’t know Sirius was not guilty, because Sirius CONSIDERED himself guilty, which, he kinda was, inadvertently of course, but still.
Dumbledore didn’t manipulate Remus into following him, because Remus felt indebted to him due to Albus allowing him to go to Hogwarts.
Dumbledore didn’t want another Grindelwald, so, he did everything to stop it, which meant that Harry would have to be the one to stop it.
Dumbledore doesn’t manipulate people into following him, or blackmail them, because he doesn’t have to. Who would question one of the most powerful wizards in the world?
One for the many and all that.
Obviously not fair towards Harry, but genuinely let’s think about what would’ve happened if Voldemort HAD won?
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greenerteacups · 11 months ago
Are there any other wizarding families that are underexplored in canon and pique your interest in a similar way to the Blacks?
This is a unique function of what food my brain worms like to eat, but no one's doing it like the Blacks. The drama? The intrigue? The Gothic horror? The prodigal sons and lost daughters and killers and sinners and martyrs and saints? The wizard Catholicism of it all? The story of the House of Black is the best book never written.
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infiniteinoblivionn · 1 month ago
my biggest issue with black doves is how Helen is always off doing her own thing with hardly any excuse. how wallace hasnt gotten sus yet is real odd. she’s literally off for hours all the time just… shopping?
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