#please send help thank you
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angeltiique · 5 months ago
chat i am sooooo delusional but i swear my favourite regular from work fucking flirted with me. i could just be misinterpreting it but also i dont think so !!!!!!!!!! guy asked for garlic bread and the small serving is 2 slices that makes a heart shape and this is how everyone gets it, but of course this asshole (/aff) is like "a heart shape? did you do this for me?" LIKE HELLO?? HELLO???? HELLO??? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HOLY SHIT i dont know how i didnt lose my mind i was feeling miserable and im still not doing great but he always cheers me up i am such a FAGGOT 💜 same guy who also will wait for me when im busy so i can take his order! ME!!!! he either knows what hes doing because im probably soooo readable or he is genuine which is crazy. this is an old man btw. i love him.
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evilgoodguys · 6 months ago
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he’d forgotten how much he missed that smile.
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wijdan309 · 26 days ago
Dear friends,
On our wedding anniversary today, I pray to God to return my husband to me, release him from the occupation, and return him to me safe and sound, sooner rather than later. I ask you to donate to me to face the difficulties that I and my five children are going through.
From a poor situation of food, medicine and water, we live in a cloth tent that does not protect from the severe cold and rain, and I am a war victim and I need daily medications, examinations and analyses to undergo surgery abroad, and our situation is also difficult, we do not have the minimum requirements of life from food
Please donate to me so that I can bring and buy healthy and useful food for my children to build their bodies after they became thin and weak from lack of food in the war.
Please contribute, participate and donate. Every donation from you
It makes a big difference for us
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #370 )✅️
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@ot3 @mangocheesecakes @good-old-gossip @dragon-master-kai @vakarians-babe @prinnay @neptunerings @paper-mario-wiki @newsfrom-theworld @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness-blog @buttercuparry @westaysilly @sunflowersmoths@nieyaoevents @finalgirlabigailhobbs @normal-thoughts-official @flower-tea-fairies @mephal @mothfishing @theaethernetconnection @90-ghost @gaza-evacuation-funds @northgazaupdates2@treeen@keikuri@archivist-goldfish @loook-back-at-it @lookineedsleep@a-scary-lack-of-common-sense@ot3 @reminded @neechees @ankle-beez @paper-mario-wiki @khanger@treesbian @pigswithwings @mobiused @poss-um @possiblythebesteyesintheworld @noble-kale @a-shade-of-blue @chokulit @neptunerings @heydreamchild @dlxxv-vetted-donations @segamascott @autisticmudkip @shadowedskies178 @rowansugar @t-800terminator-blog @greggorylee @wellwaterhysteria @theleechyskrunkly @notlikingbestgirl @inkxplashes @ragtoons @blackcherri-stuff @ajloun @@irangp @sayruq@froggonoboggo
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peace-hunter · 30 days ago
Question for baby prime Orion au: how do the rest of the gang take that Orion is the "lost" prime. Because here's the reaction I think they'll have:
D-16:oh primes my friend is a prime and I punch him in the face yesterday!?
Elita: oh primes, this trouble making bot is a prime!?
B-127: one of my new friends is a prime, this is awesome!!
"How well am I taking that one of my friends is actually a demi-god?" reactions from best to worst:
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you're pretty much right with Bee. this has been the wildest day he's had since forever, he's very much just along for the ride and he's kinda just "this may as well happen :)"-ing through everything. he's also lowkey clinging to the one (1) good new he's gotten from this whole affair for dear life. like. he could freak out about the fact his entire life has been a lie and he's been working himself to death for a tyrant that's betrayed their entire race to their sworn enemies. or he could be happy his new best friend is extra cool now. so. y'know. glass half-full half-empty kinda deal.
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Dee's reaction is,,,, complicated. obviously.
on one hand holy crap his friend is a prime that's the coolest fucking shit ever he's friends with someone directly related to megatronus prime-
on the other. this is just one more thing he's been wrong about for cycles. everything he thought was true is turning out to be a lie and even if this isn't a betrayal like sentinel's it's still something he has to accept is not what he thought it was. Orion, his best friend, the person he trusted the most, is not what he thought he was.
and even though Orion didn't know (which... is also a point of contention between them with Dee not being quite able to believe one could forget such a thing even as Orion swears over and over again he had no idea) there's still a divide between them that wasn't there before. now Orion is this almost mythological being directly created by their god for greater things while Dee is just... a miner.
now Orion is a Prime. and Dee has just found out what happens when you trust a so-called Prime.
and he also can't help but wonder, as he remembers all those times Orion ignored what he said and involved him in his crazy schemes with no regard for what he thought about it, if it's just in the nature of Primes to do as they wish without considering what it means for everyone else.
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but the real victim here is elita who is experiencing a level of cringe that hasn't been seen in cybertron before nor will be seen again until maybe four million years and a war later during peace negotiations. pray for her.
baby prime orion au
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dollopole · 4 months ago
I should find another hobby
Anyway, if Merlin was set in modern times, Arthur would have called Merlin his “gay awakening”.
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haythemnabhan · 2 months ago
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Every year on this day we celebrate and congratulate Christmas..
This year, as the previous one, we did not celebrate because of the war..
The campaign is going very slowly and we still need to reach our goal.. Unfortunately we lost our apartment, we lost our basic jobs and we lost our benefits too.. and the interaction with us is very weak..
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Now we are in the Gaza Strip in the worst and most difficult phase ever..
Famine is killing our people..and the cold and rain are killing us as well as the bombing and missiles and no one remembers us and the world is silent and has no voice..
Oh people, stand with us..
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@samerpal @sadbiooi @battleofthegarys @illpunchababy @alliterate-accident
@flashingdaydreams @s7ar-sai10r @playstacean @tallytals @monotremesoup
@dlxxv-vetted-donations @ilikefoodandyourmom @i-named-my-cactus-albert
@pogasssm @thethrillbasisindeterminable @agremlinthing @huzni
@bagofbonesmp3 @amigarobot @hussyknee @divorce-enjoyer @treffyfrinn
@lm13y @effen-draws @thatsonehellofabird @neechees @queerpotat
@queerstudiesnatural @maester-cressen @lampsbian @freddyfazbearboyfriend
@sundung @totally-six @shinydreamtacoprune-blog @rad-lightning-boy @sunidentifiables
@groovy-tragedy-girl @aloudlyprofoundduck @comrademango @ami-yonanaya
@trompe1oeil @rob-os-17 @loversdesires @autisticmudkip
@broccoliaskjgnbhb4444 @brokenbackmountain
@ot3 @mangocheesecakes @good-old-gossip @dragon-master-kai
@vakarians-babe @prinnay @neptunerings @paper-mario-wiki @newsfrom-theworld
@a-scary-lack-of-common-sense @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness-blog @buttercuparry
@westaysilly @sunflowersmoths@nieyaoevents @finalgirlabigailhobbs
@normal-thoughts-official @flower-tea-fairies @mephal @mothfishing
@theaethernetconnection @90-ghost @gaza-evacuation-funds @northgazaupdates2@treeen@keikuri@archivist-goldfish @loook-back-at-it @lookineedsleep@a-scary-lack-of-common-sense@ot3 @reminded @neechees
@ankle-beez @paper-mario-wiki @khanger@treesbian @pigswithwings
@mobiused @poss-um @possiblythebesteyesintheworld @noble-kale @a-shade-of-blue
@chokulit @neptunerings @heydreamchild @dlxxv-vetted-donations @segamascott
@autisticmudkip @shadowedskies178 @rowansugar @t-800terminator-blog @greggorylee
@wellwaterhysteria @theleechyskrunkly @notlikingbestgirl @inkxplashes
@ragtoons @blackcherri-stuff @ajloun @@irangp @sayruq
@appsa @sar-soor @sayruq @stuckinapril @heritageposts @neptunerings
@feluka-blog-blog @malcriada @queerstudiesnatural @rizzyluke @determinate-negation
@appsa @sar-soor @sayruq @stuckinapril @heritageposts @neptunerings
@feluka-blog-blog @malcriada @queerstudiesnatural @rizzyluke @determinate-negation
@tamamita @serial-unaliver @vampiricvenus @punkitt-is-here @2spirit-0spoons
@paper-mario-wiki @omegaversereloaded @nyancrimew @90-ghost
@beserkerjewel @ot3 @killy @prisonhannibal @aimasup
@anneemay @dirhwangdaseul @neechees @memingursa @b0nkcreat
@certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense @sawasawako @vamprisms
@girlinafairytale @spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink @schoolhater
@3000s @annevbonny @fools-and-perverts2 @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain
@wolfertinger666 @taffybuns @valtsv @postanagramgenerator @feluka @fairuzfan
@spitblaze @sentientstump @serirei @turian @acadieum
@hearts401 @miscellaneums @karlmarxmaybe @dishsoapthe2nd @not-too-many-eyes
@timogsilangan @ilovettrpgs @nishikitty @jamesheathridge @endercat
@valiantbarnes @violatine @sumikatt @peachbellini-candle @riotbard @cagandante-communistoide
@meshugenist @rhubarbspring @butchniqabi @lizardbytheriver @binglam @aeonazo
@meshugenist @rhubarbspring @butchniqabi @lizardbytheriver @binglam @aeonazo
@bahrmp3 @fleshdyk3 @emil @anti-democratic-russian-bot @comrademango @kamek
@starsplitter @evillesbianvillain @anissapierce @bakugames @legoyuri @necromancersdoitbetter
@sar-soor @dlxxv-vetted-donations @dlxxv @rebecca-levin-art @tangleslime2
@newporters @neptunerings @nabulsi @malcriada @mauesartetc
@jezior0 @variantsofblue @victoriawhimsey
@aleciosun @khizuo @timetravellingkitty
@rhubarbspring @anyonghalimaw
@memecucker @palestinegenocide
@feluka @tortiefrancis @tsaricides
@visenyasdragon @belleandsaintsebastian
@ear-motif @kordeliiius @brut
@raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish
@theropoda @tamarrud @tamamita
@nabulsi @buttercuparry @fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain
@fluoresensitive @khizuo @lesbiandardevil
@timogsilangan @appsa @memecucker
@malcriada @palestinegenocide
@sar-soor @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist
@feluka @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies
@tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt
@visenyasdragon @belleandsaintsebastian
@ear-motif @kordeliiius
@raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda
@qattdraws @sealsdaily @footlongdingledong @blogsonthefritsnfribbles @hurtz-whale
@toastybugguy @spiltcandycoatedpunkblood @sasukeless
@thejasontoddarchives @u3pxx
@skippiefritz @newsfromstolenland
@three-croissants @pocketsizedquasar-3 @gorillawithautism @el-shab-hussein
@thedigitalbard @therottenkingsreckoning
@timogsilangan @brutaliakhoa @muminshoom
@khanger @knownoshamc @the-awkward @reblobber @theartofanimation
@stillstreet @stalinistqueens
@nabulsi @iloveplantssomuchiwanttobeone
@tboyunt @wildfeather5002
@heritageposts @honeytonedhottie
@h @cheloneuniverse @cheaperimint
@sinhasfluffyheadfur @antinmonyie
@amatteurrwave @awesomepeoplehangingouttogether
@shamelessshepherd @1tsny4nc4t
@fairycandles @girlinafairytale
@fairuzfan @sayruq @palesora
@stil-lindigo @vakarians-babe
@el-shab-hussein @sar-soor
@90-ghost @communistchilchuck
@nabulsi @just-browsing1222
@kaneverse @nightowlssleep
@khanger @babygoatsandfriends
@dlxxv-vetted-donations @neptunerings @mangocheesecakes
@buttercuparry @malcriada
@neptunerings @butchmagicalboi
@appsa @rhubarbspring
@galactic-mermaid @khanger
@jezior0 @lesbianmaxevans
@raatwitch @crapscicle @tortiefrancis
@deathlonging @girlinafairytabe
@littlegermanboy @c-u-c-koo-4-40k
@sweet-honey-bunnies @nevert-the-guy
@heliopixels @akajustmerry
@tamamita @autisticmudkip
@wilwheaton @wellwaterhysteria @paper-mario-wiki @prisonhannibal @razzberrydazz
@officialspec @ot3 @o-lanterns @imlizy @bixels @butchfeygela @buttercuparry
@virovac @variantsofblue @2spirit-0spoons @27moremoons @kinderes
@halalchampagnesocialist @heydreamchild @halimaidmf @wizardarchetypes
@commissions4aid-international @redbuddi @reginaofdoctorwho @tamamita @littlestpersimmon
@lovetododeku @libertineangel @imjustheretotrytohelp @straycatj
@skunkes @sayruq @the-telltale-heart
@emil @notallmensheviks @opposite-of-aster
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navybrat817 · 28 days ago
Lovelies, please send me good vibes or thots or a fictional husband to get me out of work before I lose it. ❤️
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ali-manar5 · 3 months ago
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Please donate here 👇✏️📚👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🫂🫶
My daughter Haneen is a high school student and needs a calculator and study supplies (stationery) to support her educational journey. Additionally, she requires private tutoring, which costs $200 per month to improve her academic performance. These needs are essential to help her succeed in her studies.
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@a-shade-of-blue @razzberrydazz @ot3 @mar64ds @dev-tawfik @iriyaices @irhabiya @ipsen @tamamita @90-ghost @bilal-salah0 @kyra45-helping-others @soon-palestine @sar-soor @noble-kale @virovac @ankle-beez @nyenyel @g00ngala @gryficowa @acepumpkinpatrick @autisticmudkip @magic-can @mysharona1987 @mauesartetc @nevert-the-guy @determinate-negation @dev-tawfik @chokulit @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @pcktknife @papabay @gazavetters @paper-mario-wiki @akajustmerry @era @palestinegenocide @northgazaupdates2 @ashwantsafreepalestine @vakarian-shepard @flower-tea-fairies @dlxxv-vetted-donations @xxx-sparkydemon-xxx @aria @intersectionalpraxis @commissions4aid-international @turtletoria @littlegermanboy @autismwithoutpremium
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alaamomtoleen · 5 months ago
Will We Survive This Time? 😭🍉🚨
Another heartbreaking displacement, and fear is consuming us—“Where do we go now?” How do we leave when we have no place to seek refuge? Our car is destroyed, and the harsh reality is that we don’t have a single cent to cover the overwhelming cost of escaping once again. We’re trapped, clinging to the hope that someone, somewhere, can help us flee this nightmare.
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Vetted by @gaza-evacuation-funds
Vetted by @gazavetters
@90-ghost @nabulsi @dykesbat @commissions4aid-international @feluka @irhabiya @fromjannah @ot3 @t-ablog @t-800 @lacecap @schoolhater @stuckinapril @meaganandersoncolor @mangocheesecakes @mazzikah @toiletpotato @transmutationisms
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choctalksalot · 7 days ago
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have you ever had one of those shirts that just made you look like a square. like not even an exaggeration, it did not just make you more blocky in build or anything, your torso just straight up gained four corners and developed congruency with your waistline. all because of an oversized frankenfabric device that was probably developed specifically to slowly morph its wearers into polygons, to seed the beginnings of the geometric uprising. has this ever happened to you. actually this is really niche and unrelatable, let’s start this over: have you ever kissed a boy
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burningcheese-merchant · 2 months ago
I can just imagine Matar Paneer learning Telugu from her dad while Pepper Jack refused to, but hen Golden Cheese also learned Telugu and now the three of them have whole conversations in Telugu at, like, the dinner table or smth, and Pepper Jack’s like: “what are you guys talking about?!”
idk I just find that funny-
Pepper Jack would not let that stand for even a single moment lol. I don't really think he'd reject learning it in the first place tbh, doesn't seem like something he'd do; a learning opportunity plus a way to bond with his father, whom he is already desperate to understand and please because he's scared that Burning Spice doesn't like him (not true but he's a child, he doesn't understand)? He wouldn't say no to that.
But to play along with your idea: if Jack saw his parents and sister talking and enjoying each other's company in a way that he can't partake in or mimic, he'd be so upset. He'd be frustrated and kind of hurt, because A) it comes across as a way to exclude him, and B) it comes across as an attack on his intelligence in some way, and there is nothing Jack hates more than that. He tries to deny it and keep humble, but he does have a bit of an ego wrt his intelligence, and also, he's extremely curious and loves to learn/know things anyway. People communicating in a foreign language in front of him only serves to make him want to learn it himself, because he's dying to know what they're saying lol
So not only would that light a fire in Jack's heart and make him master Telugu all by his fucking self, he'd go ahead and learn a few other languages just to one-up his family. He'll say something in Telugu to his sister, then immediately switch to Tamil when he talks to his mother, then switch to Hindi with his father. All quite seamlessly. With this aura 😎🖕
(except they would all think Jack is cool as hell for doing this lol. Burning Spice especially would be SO proud of his son. And touched that he's gone the extra mile to connect with his heritage. Cue Jack's grudge immediately deflating bc it's obvious his family loves him and were never trying to hurt him in the first place, and now he feels like an asshole because he was motivated primarily by resentment during this endeavor and that's not a good reason to do anything)
It is a funny idea tho. Thank you for the thought experiment, anon :P
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janewayintersection · 1 year ago
going through horizon and the mars mission with kaidan or ashley unromanced is inherently hilarious because it's like having a massive couple's spat with someone you haven't even confessed your feelings to yet
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kenneduck · 5 months ago
I wanted to thank everyone for the supportive messages and asks being sent my way! (I may not have responded to all of them, but seeing y'alls kind messages and pictures of pets has been so heartwarming!) After the events of the past few days, I've felt a month-long weight FINALLY come off my shoulders.
I know from my friends, despite me telling the other party involved to stop using my personal story, that they've continued to use it and even make light of the situation. Though that technically makes this situation ongoing, I feel it best to acknowledge that the other party has chosen to ignore my consent and feelings on this matter. Meaning they have chosen to continue telling the comic despite the lack of permission, and the knowledge of how it affects me. Which is why this situation is over, at least to me.
Despite their disappointing response, I am just glad that y'all support the reasonings for me not being okay with such actions, and why I had to explain the situation the other day. The support and validation to what I've been feeling has been tremendous, and I'm very glad to have fostered a community that understands the importance of communication and permission.
I do request to please not send asks or messages on my behalf to the other party involved. If my own direct asking for them to stop is not enough, then that is that. I do not want or need others to send messages for me, so please do not. I have had their accounts blocked since my previous post on this, so I can move on despite their continued actions.
Last thing, for any followers/mutuals of mine who choose to continue reading and engaging in their comic/work, that is totally fine by me! What I've expressed being upset about starts and ends with the other party's usage of my characters and story, so please do not feel the need to choose sides or anything in this situation. The comic goes WAY beyond me, so I totally get enjoying it! I know this situation has changed the comfort of others and how they feel about their involvement in the comic, but please do not feel the need to change your engagement in it for me.
Thank you!
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hide-your-bugs-away · 1 month ago
i was trying to order a compilation-book of TeenBeat articles from 1965-1967 at the beginning of the month and had to resort to ordering it from a German book store due to it not being avaliable in the UK... and three weeks later (today), they refund me and canceled my order 😐 probably because they were afraid of my power if i had this image in better quality:
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vv1xennn · 5 months ago
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im using oil pastels for the very first time, i need advice please anyone anything im obsessed with these
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cadybear420 · 5 months ago
Hi, I hope you are well. 💙
Please help me donate and share my story, contributions can save lives, 🍉🙏
thank you bravely
My campaign has been verified
Verified by associations! Please share, and donate if you can!
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