#please give me recommendations if you know anything like this 🙏🙏🙏
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seilnakyle · 3 days ago
do you have any dickbabs reading recommendations (especially if they're babs focused)? I read batgirl year one and some nightwing too, but I would love to delve deeper into their relationship
thank you sm in advance 🙏
They just don’t do slow burn in comics like Dickbabs anymore ♥️
If you’re coming right off batgirl year one (masterpiece. Redefined my life. Forever altered my brain) I definitely recommend you read Nightwing Year one as well, (starts at issue #101 of Nightwing (1996)
In this list I have included everything I can, but If I missed anything significant please feel free to let me know!
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Detective Comics (1937): #359
The Batman Family (1975): #1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20
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Robin Year One (2000): #4
Batgirl Year One (2003)
Nightwing Year One - Nightwing (1996): #101-106
Nightwing (1995): #2
Nightwing (1996): #0.5, 7, 14, 16-18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 37, 38-87, 88, 89, 100, 104, 109, 117, 153 (this isn’t EVERY issue Babs is in but all the important ones)
Batman Chronicles (1996): #9
Some of the best and most beautiful dickbabs moments come from birds of prey, and they give a great look into Babs’ side of things too! I recommend reading Bop and Nightwing alongside each other (If you can!) And I alos recommend you read some Batman arcs like Cataclysm, No Man’s Land and Bruce Wayne, Murderer? They show Dick and Babs working together and with the batfam. Fun Fact and slight spoiler for the ending of No Man’s Land, The ending scene where Dick and Helena randomly kiss was supposed to be between Dick and Babs, but someone messed up, and Rucka kinda just thought Dick was a horndog so no one fixed it 💔 there is still some good Dickbabs moments within that arc tho
Birds Of Prey (1999): #8, 19, 20, 23-61, 71, 76, 86
Robin (1993): #71
Gotham Knights: #17, 18, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43
Harley Quinn (2000): #10-12
DC One Million (1998): #1 , 3
DC Universe Holiday Bash (1997): #2
Batman: Black Mirror (they aren’t together in this but it’s still important reading for their relationship imo and a fascinating/thrilling Dick!bats story with lots of Oracle besides)
Nightwing Annual 2 (for the conclusion of the proposal from Nightwing #117)
Li’l Gotham (2013): #1, 7, 10, 17
Convergence Nightwing/Oracle #1-2 (for the wedding. This is how pre-boot ended as far as I’m concerned)
New 52 Reboot:
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Nightwing (2011): #4, Annual 1
Batgirl (2011): #3, 18, 21, 30, Annual 3, 45
Grayson (2014): #2, #12
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Nightwing (2016) #1, 2, 3, 15, 44, 45, 46, 47, Annual 1
Batgirl (2016): #7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25
Dark Nights: Death Metal - the Last Stories of the DC Universe: #1
Batman (2016): #55
Batgirl (2016): #43, 50
Nightwing (2016): #50, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 (ongoing)
Batman (2016): #100, 104, 118, 126, 127, 128, 137, 141, 145, 146, 148, 149,
Batgirls (2021): #7, 8, 10, 12
The Flash (2016): #787
Future State: Nightwing (2021): #1, 2
Future State: The Next Batman (2021): #4
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021): #13
Saved by the Belle Reve (2022): #1
Tales of the Titans (2023): #1
Titans: Beast World (2023): #2, 3, 4, 6
Titans (2023): #6, 7
Batman / Santa Clause: Silent Knight (2023): #1-4
How to lose a Guy Gardener in 10 days (2024): #1
Super-Pets Special: Bitedentity Crisis (2024): #1
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Thrillkiller (1997): #1-3
Young Justice (2011): #22, 23, 25
Earth 2: World’s End (2014): #1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10
Earth 2 (2012): #29
Batman: White Knight (2017): #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Batman: White Knight: Batman Day (2018): #1
Batman: Curse of the White Knight (2019): #4
Batman: Beyond The White Knight (2022): #1, 4, 6, 7, 8
The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries (2021): #4
Dc vs. Vampires (2021): #1, #2, #3, 4, 8, 12
Batman: The Long Halloween - The Last Halloween (2024): #1
Batman: Dark Age (2024): #4, 5, 6
The Boy Wonder (2024): #1
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imagine if instead of praimfaya, the 100 s4 picked up from azgeda taking control of polis and the 12 clans. they declare war on skaikru and all the clans that resist them and let’s say they take clarke as a prisioner of war because she’s wanheda so people will follow her.
and roan is injured so azgeda is being led by a “villain” character, maybe echo, another prince, or have ontari survive (???) and he has to be smuggled out of the city for his safety.
but it’s just expanding on grounder culture and history and all the clans and how an actuall, full-blown war changes and shapes the characters.
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leighlew3 · 1 year ago
But I’ll refrain from direct spoilers for now. It’s mildly spoiler-y maybe but very generalized and I’m gonna talk around some stuff. 😅
The nutshell?
It’s legit SO fun. It’s a fun, funny as hell, really ENJOYABLE time at the movies. I laughed. Got misty. Felt feels. And wow… THE CAMEOS!!! 🔥
This movie is for everybody. Families should have a great time. But fangirls especially will LOVE. Highly recommend for a SMILE. 😸
Cool action. Great music. Lovable cast (I will adore Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan forever). Laugh out loud moments. I loved it. It didn’t unnecessarily waste time nor stretch anything out. It’s just under 2 hours and it WORKS.
Look, yeah it’s blah blah random plot lore lore etc but it opens up for the future while giving a blast of a ride in the present (and nods to the past). 😉
Go. Now. 👍
And stay for the mid-credit scene!
Lastly, IMO, it’s all very queer coded. Baity even. THAT 🎶 scene was the one iffy thing for me. Kinda silly, and really felt like a “no homo” for the straights but a wink wink and super coded for the LGBTQs. “Marriage of convenience” … 🤐💀 Anyway it’s pretty clear Carol and Valkyrie definitely hooked up. And we all know Maria was so totally her partner before, because come on already… Monica is her dang daughter, that “Aunt” shit ain’t flyin’. And Kamala is hardcore CRUSHIN’ on Carol. 😂
Also one of the cameos at the end. Of all characters they chose the one people are also shipping with another female character, played by an actress beloved by the sapphics for her previous queer roles? And the cats?! So many cats. 💀 Plus Valkyrie in a suit? SAPPHICS RISE.
This entire movie was a whole fruit basket but in a way that slides past heteronormative audiences so “families can still enjoy” (🙄) but that’s a whole other ramble (or rant) for another day.
In the meantime… it’s so fun, y’all. Please GO. It’s important to support projects like these or they’ll keep pulling back on women and POC in these things. Even though the strike impacted promotion and the butthurt fragile misogynists are trying to review bomb (as always). It’s legit a fun time and if you hated it I have to just assume you hate fun, so. Go. See it. Spread the word. 🙏
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blueesnow · 1 month ago
Camus' Birthday (Year 1) Voicelines Translation.
-You can look at it again on the Event Log, Mini-Event section (for the other boys messages to him) and Talk section (for a one-on-one conversation with you and him) in Idol Page.
-Also the translations might not be fully accurate since I'm not that fluent on jp/en, so if i ever made a mistake do correct me🙏
<You (Player)> Camus: I'm truly honored to receive your celebration words. It touches my heart more than any other celebration. Camus: It is my duty to provide you with an exquisite time to repay those feeling. You will surely accompany me, won't you?
<Otoya> Otoya: Happy Birthday! I bought you my recommended ice cream as a thank you for everything! Camus: How thoughtful of you. Alright, time to give it a try. Go and prepare the drinks. …Two would be fine.
<Masato> Masato: Happy Birthday, Camus-senpai. I'll bring you some sweets again as a token of my gratitude for you. Camus: Hmm, Hijirikawa's homemade, huh. Anything that you brought is never off the mark, so I'm really looking forward to it.
<Natsuki> Natsuki: Happy Birthday! I'll prepare a special tea party just for you, Myu-chan-senpai! Camus: Very thoughtful of you. The tea that you brew is always delectable. Well then, I shall prepare the finest sweets for it as well.
<Tokiya> Tokiya: Happy Birthday. While there seems to be a lot of special occasions today, please be careful not to consume too much sweets. Camus: Even without you telling me, I always make sure to take care of myself. Therefore, today should be no different than the usual.
<Ren> Ren: Happy Birthday, Baron! I found a cafe you might like the other day. Let's go there together. Camus: I assume that you will prepare the car, right? If so, I don't mind going. You should be grateful.
<Syo> Syo: Happy Birthday! I think it's amazing how Camus-senpai can do everything so well! Camus: You're impeccably well-mannered as a kouhai. The only thing left is for you to tone down that smothering attitude a little bit.
<Cecil> Cecil: Happy Birthday. Although Camus' advice can be a bit twisted, it can be helpful too sometimes. Camus: Hmph, if it's helpful then that's good to know. Try to put words in your mouth to express your gratitude more honestly, Aijima.
<Reiji> Reiji: Happy Birthday! I rely on Myu-chan who always stick to his own belief☆ Camus: It's an unquestionable fact that I have a strong presence. However, you should learn to have some dignity before you rely on me.
<Ranmaru> Ranmaru: Happy Birthday, Camus. I won't complain no matter how much sugar cubes you use today. Camus: Oh, you sure came up with something good, Kurosaki. Without further ado, let's quickly put ten cubes in it… no, maybe twenty.
<Ai> Ai: Happy Birthday, Camus. Perhaps I could learn a thing or two from your sophisticated language and behavior that you show to your fans. Camus: Good observation, but it's not enough. I'm sure there are plenty of other things you could learn from me.
<Eiichi> Eiichi: Happy Birthday. The way you act as a butler and entertain others is truly magnificent! Camus: I'm glad to know that you're pleased with this side of me. Let's both work even harder for the sake of our young ladies, shall we?
<Kira> Kira: Happy… Birthday. I spotted a dog bowl… with a nice color. I wonder if ceramics… would be fine to you. Camus: It seems like I can count on your aesthetic sense when it comes to pottery. I'd love to buy some. Introduce me next time.
<Nagi> Nagi: Happy Birthday~☆ Nagi knows a lot about trendy sweets♪ Shall I tell you my recommendation? Camus: Why, of course. Thank you very much. …Now, please tell me more about it immediately.
<Eiji> Eiji: Happy Birthday. Please allow me to gift you a variety of sweets too! Camus: I will always be waiting for you, Young Master. I hope you'll also practice your conversation skills in a smooth way.
<Van> Van: Happy Birthday! Not only do you have an air of elegance on stage, but you also have elegant hobbies as well. Man, you're so amazing~! Camus: That would be an ideal goal for a noisy and single-minded people like you. You should learn from me to the fullest.
<Yamato> Yamato: Happy Birthday. You do horse riding, right? I'm also interested in it. It seems fun to ride it fast. Camus: You have a pretty good eye. I don't know how far your ability is, but feel free to give it a try.
<Shion> Shion: I heard that you own a lovely dog. I'm sure he's waiting at home to celebrate with you… Camus: And I heard that your hobby is bird watching. Perhaps we might have a good conversation regarding animals.
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scp230kinnie · 1 year ago
Hi im so glad I found someone still writes for hunter😭Could you do a hunter x goth reader or if you don’t feel like writing that I will take any hunter content literally😭❤️‍🩹
Hunter Sylvester x Goth reader Headcanons
No warnings aside from being cringe and not proofread🙏 mostly gn!
⚠️ I AM NOT A GOTH PERSON so please feel free to let me know if I get anything wrong😭
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Have fun reading
At first he really doesn’t like goth music 😭
He says it’s not metal enough for him or something
He learns to accept your music taste, knowing he’s not gonna change anything
He does try to get you to expand your music taste a bit
(By giving you metal recommendations)
Lowkey he would to do corpse paint on you, and he would maybe be willing to let you do trad goth on him in return
He’s not a fan of the style himself, but he thinks you look absolutely freaking majestic
You always catch him staring at you or watching you do makeup
He shows you off to all his (3) friends for sure
“This is my amazing gf/bf 💪”
He will learn about the subcultures and stuff just for you
On the days you don’t do full read goth and just do like regular eyeliner or something, he’ll be all goofy like “who the fuck is this chick😦”
Shit bro he will buy you whatever clothes and accessories you want (with his dads card duh)
He will also (try to) help you do your hair
He doesn’t have any “goth” clothes, seeing as he’s a metalhead, but same goes for my last set of Hunter hcs, he will give you his hoodies and maybe his band shirts if you wanted
Painting each others nails🫶
He’s not good at it but damn right he’s gonna try
I just KNOW if you painted his nails he’d fuck it up instantly. Like it’ll still be drying and he’ll already smudge it in like 5 minutes
If you dye your hair, (light haired alternative people know😔) he will probably try to help
He has really low patience with it tho
If you have really thick or long hair he will straight up just give up
Idk how many times I’ve said it but he WILL try to learn your favourite songs on guitar
Back at it with the “serenading” thing but it’s just him flexing his skills
When ur not around he will try on your jewelry just to see how it looks
Will steal your rings if they fit him
Same thing with earrings
I’m like 90% sure he canonically has his ears pierced so if you have nice earrings he will take them and wear them with pride
I am not goth, once again. But I am some kind of alternative, and I know that a lot of these people have like spikes that they put on clothes and stuff
So he would definitely want you to do that with some of his stuff
That’s all I can think of for now 😇 keep them coming guys
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chickentendersandketchup · 21 days ago
okay #long rant I don’t know if anybody will see this but like I just want to rant and ask for recommendations. I’m really really SOOOO tired of reading like jungkook or bts fanfictions where y/n is “just a girl” or toxicity fanfics of the girl coming back when they do the most god awful thing ever because she loves him or allowing the behaviors to happen constantly. I get that it’s up to the writers on how they want to portray y/n but let me tell you I have read so many fanfics where it’s all the fucking same and at some point you get irritated bc it’s nothing new!! Sometimes it’s fine I guess but like guys I really just want to read a GOOD angst worthy fic where y/n can stand up for herself and doesn’t fall for the same old tricks that we see which is like “you always come back to me” stuff idk. I’m having such a hard time trying to find different fics on here. we constantly see this/variations of this manipulation cycle in fanfics and slowburns. I need y/n not to be on that bullshit like when she eventually chooses to be with said person like I’m really meaning like standing on business ten toes fuck you and that’s on period type shit imma make you work hard asf if you want my aura. Like make jungkook hot sexy dom or whatever you want BUT also make y/n a smart girl that don’t play like that either to the point he’s groveling needing her so bad bc her aura is just that insane and fly and fuck like this girl is nonchalant FINAL BOSS even tho in her heart she does care. Like idkkk I want to see more powerful y/n characters that understand who they are and aren’t just meant to fall into the tropes writers always give them of them being a girl. Sometimes it gets me so frustrated to equate the emotions of femininity and the emotionally maturity of a woman navigating through that with a y/n that’s constantly making the most dumb stupid mistakes you’ve ever seen. Like yes this exists in real life but don’t act like the other side don’t exist too 😭🙌 Women are smarter than dat too yall… where’s the fanfic of a girl who has never done anything but is still very emotionally mature in navigating new sexual experiences for HERSELF and not just toxic love showcase. Does this make sense? Idk I’ve been really frustrated with being on tumblr trying to read fics but it’s just so difficult to enjoy a story sometimes when you just KEEP seeing it. And obviously there’s the choice of just exiting out and leaving the story like yea no shit I am doing that. It just fucking sucks bc like everyone else I also want to feel fulfilled and engaged and invested too but I feel like I’m going crazy. Does anybody PLEASE have any recommendations like this like I want really good angst/heartbreaking a bit but a happy ending and it’s one where y/n can stand on business. Like shit is so serious for me I’m coming out the trenches to beg for some recommendations. I hope I explained it correctly bc there’s so much I want to say but I don’t know how to word it exactly either without offending other readers/writers. Where are my y/ns that are feminist as fuck bruh 😭🙏
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z-v06instance · 7 months ago
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" NO ONE HOME, BUT THE VOID IS LOUD " a z-v06 (pressure, roblox) ask blog
you've been in blacksite long enough to confidently say you know how this place works. you learn more and more with every painful retry of the same mission: gather the crystal. so, yes, you can confidently say you understand this place, that you know how each of the creatures that lurk the halls of blacksite function. or so you think, for in front of you sits an open locker. you've seen these lockers, infested and plagued by that sickly darkness that you can feel the gaze of lingering on you. it preys upon the ones who are more idiotic than others; the ones who see its eyes and still run to it for safety. you've seen this before - you've seen all of this before. you've looked the void in the eyes, and it has felt like death. yet here you are, looking the open locker in the eyes, waiting for the suction cups of those octopus-like tentacles to latch onto you and pull you in. yet it does not try to grab you. it does not try to harm you. it simply watches you. for the first time you call out to the void. the void answers back.
for your first visit to this blog, it is recommended that you look under the cut. please note: currently this blog is on an indefinite hiatus. i apologise.
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" THE VOID BREAKS US, THEN RESHAPES US. " the following sections are ooc ;; dividers by @/saradika
📼 ⎯ hey hey heyy welcome to my lil rp askblog :3 this is like. my first askblog in 5-6 years im rusty as fuck n barely remember shit. 🎬 ⎯ im the mun, itris, but haley works too! after seeing all the pressure askblogs pop up i decided to be a so called "free thinker" and make one myself. 📼 ⎯ how old am i? what's my main? what are my pronouns? what are you, a cop? i'm not tellin' you that! (all jokes aside, i only feel comfortable answerin one of these: just use it/its or ey/em!) 🎬 ⎯ considering there's like jack shit regarding the lore of the void-mass puddles (afaik), a lot of this blog will be headcanon heavy! (..mun is also neurodivergant and that may slip through so mun is sorry if it does. muse is not intended to be neurodivergant) 📼 ⎯ english is not my first language and i have dislexia so. im so sorry if shit i say doesn't make sense or my spelling is wackers 🙏 i also make up words sometimes without realising it. i am so sorry 🎬 ⎯ i dont usually use tonetags, so ask me if you need me to clarify my tone! 📼 ⎯ aaalright i think this is enough rambling. ya think it's time for us to hop onto the actual muse info?
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" PLEASE, PULL ME FROM THE VOID. " this section is about the askblog. it includes muse info, rules, and anything i think is neceserry.
* buckle in, this section may be long. as if this entire thing wasnt already longer than i intended...
🌌 ⎯ this blog will contain profanity and mentions of canon typical death/violence. other possibly triggering topics may come up along the way, so please, view this blog with caution. feel free to ask me to tag things. 🔮 ⎯ please, and i mean PLEASE, no sexual stuff (i know why some of you people like tentacles). mun isnt interested in rp-ing that. the only exception are sexual jokes as long as they don't go too far. threaten to fuck the void's mom if you want! (i am not going to question how you'd be able to do that) 🌌 ⎯ ANY interaction is fine by me! feel free to interact as any muse, whether that be an oc, another pressure character, or someone from a whole other fandom! 🔮 ⎯ feel free to claim any anons and ill make a special tag for you (if you aren't on anon ill give you one too)! i may forget to tag some posts tho so if i ever do just. lemme know LMFAO 😭 🌌 ⎯ if im uncomfortable with an ask, ill delete it. but honestly there's not really much that im against. 'nd also lemme know if i ever do somethin that makes ya uncomfortable too!! 🔮 ⎯ unless stated otherwise, anyone who sends an ask will be treated as an expendable ! :3 actually on the topic of asks pls make it clear if ur ask is towards me and not the z-v06 instance otherwise ill answer ic 😭 🌌 ⎯ im alright w/ m!a's i fucking LOVE m!a's 👍 🔮 ⎯ if i randomly stop posting one day assume the void got me.
MUSE INFO [written ic, but not as the z-v06 instance]
🔮 ⎯ this instance of z-v06 answers to anything you use to refer to it. it has no sense of identity, therefore does not have a name or pronouns. it is up to you to call it whatever you'd like. though, i'm not sure if it has the ability to care. ...note to self, see if the verbal z-v06 instance is capable of emotions and feelings. 🌌 ⎯ fascinating.. the instance you've stumbled upon appears to be showing no signs of hostility. though, i'm sure that, just like the rest of the monsters that roam blacksite, if you provoke it, it may become more violent. 🔮 ⎯ it seems to be capable of remembering things you tell it. perhaps it can remember faces too.. 🌌 ⎯ not much else can be said. i suppose you'll have to interact with it in order to find out more about it.
( OOC )⠀ ⠀||⠀ MUN HALEY ( ANON )⠀ ⠀||⠀ UNNAMED (^ the "unnamed" will be replaced by the anon name if there is one provided) ( BLOG )⠀ ⠀||⠀ [INSERT WHATEVER BLOG NAME HERE] ( IC )⠀ ⠀||⠀ WITHIN THE VOID WE ARE UNDONE ( ASK ANSWERED )⠀ ⠀||⠀ THE VOID ANSWERS BACK
tws will be tagged as 'tw [triggering thing]'
i prolly forgot some tag ideas or whatever the word is tbh so expect this to be edited 👍
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spoonsock · 2 years ago
Show me love pt.1
Part 2
Gwen Stacy x fem! Reader
No Spider-woman AU!!
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This is basically a retelling of the movie “Show me love (1998)” or “Fucking Åmål (1998)”, I just switched the characters but the plot is practically the same. I only kept Jessica’s name from the movie, I gave the rest of the characters other names. I definitely recommend watching the movie! I also recommend reading the synopsis for it before reading this but it’s not necessary to watch the movie to read this.
This is all soooo chaotic but tbh the whole movie is chaotic so don’t blame me if you simply don’t understand some parts because honestly neither do I🤷‍♀️
Considering that this will only cover up like the first part of the movie, I’ll write a part two and possibly a part three, but only if this gets some attention, which I doubt cuz it’s awfully written but still please lmk if you want me to write the rest 😭🙏
Synopsis: After the death of her best friend, Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy doesn’t do friends. She’s sad and a loner, the quiet, weird girl who sits alone at lunch. But she’s also secretly in love with the popular, beautiful and upbeat Y/N, who yearns for an interesting life.
Warnings: homophobia, underage drinking, mentions of (underage) drug use, has some angsty parts, OOC Gwen, reader and the rest of the characters do not really know how lesbianism works, all the characters are dumb little teenagers don’t expect much maturity in this, not proofread whoops, also wrote this when I was sleep deprived so I guess most of it doesn’t make sense
“Happy birthday to youuuu! Happy birthday to youuu!”
Those were the first words she heard when she woke up. Groaning, she opened up her eyes and sat up straight, smiling at the sight of her dad holding a delicious looking cake in front of her.
“Happy birthday dear Gwen, happy birthday to you”, he sang as she grinned up at him and blew the candles on the cake. “Thanks dad”
He sat down next to her when she noticed he was holding some papers in his hands, aside from the cake. “What’s that?” Gwen asked as he handed her the papers. Birthday invitations. Her smile turned into a frown as she gave him a disapproving look.
“Dad-“ “Before you say anything, please, just consider”, he interrupted her, already knowing what she was going to say. He knew she wasn’t the most social person, especially after the death of her friend, her best friend, Peter Parker. He knew she didn’t have anyone aside from him. Not even the girls from the band she used to be in, before she gave up on that too. But then she lost him, and he saw her whole world fall apart. He watched her lose interest in everything that used to make her happy. He watched her lose her spark. And it pained him so much. But he hoped that maybe, all she needs is a little push. She can’t be alone her whole life. So, a party, he thought, couldn’t be a bad idea.
She looked at him, then down at the invitations, and then back to him. “Dad, I don’t have who to give them to”.
“Honey, you have to find some friends. I know it’s hard after Peter’s de-“ Gwen tensed up at the mention of his name and suddenly moved around on her bed to get up, making the cake almost fall down and smudge everywhere. “Fine, I’ll give them out!”, she rolled her eyes before getting up to get ready for school. “Gwen, you don’t have t-“, he was interrupted once again by the aggressive slamming of the door. The cop sighed sadly.
To say that you never had the best relationship with your sister would be an understatement. Sometimes, even the smallest, pettiest things she did would absolutely infuriate you. Today on the repertoire of shit she did that pissed you off was taking the last of the chocolate milk.
“I HATE YOU” you screamed as you poured the containing of her cup right onto her head. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!” She yelled as she grabbed on your hair and threw you on the floor. You kicked and trashed around as your poor mother came in asking what what the hell is happening. “YOU CAN ASK Y/N”, said your sister, Jessica, as she ran out of the kitchen.
“I don’t understand, I am so tired of this! I’ve been working all night!” Your mother said, as you looked down in shame. “Sorry. We didn’t mean to wake you up”
She sighed, “What was it this time?”
“She took the last of the chocolate milk” you answered quietly, feeling guilty. “She took the last of the chocolate milk?” She repeated, disbelief in her voice. You nodded and started swiping the spilled milk off of the floor with a piece of paper with your foot.
You got ready and exited the house, about to make your way to school, when you saw a guy with a moped who you recognized as Jonah.
“Hi”, he said. “Hi, you live here?”. “No, just had to do something here. You want a ride? You can take the helmet” he offered but you rejected, claiming you’ll walk and hoping he’ll leave you alone.
“You coming to Christian’s tonight?”. “Maybe”, you replied while still heading off. You heard him mumble something but ignored it.
Taking out the stuff from her locker, Gwen saw a classmate she acquainted sometimes. She remembered the party invitations before deciding, fuck it, she’ll try. So she went up to the girl in the wheelchair, who’s name was Marie, and gave her the invitation. “Here”, she said, “I’m having a party apparently”. Thanks” replied the girl.
“You? Having a party?”, asked one of the mean, popular girls, who’s name Gwen didn’t know and frankly didn’t want to know. “No”, she said quickly and tried to stop the girl from taking the invitation from Marie, but she wasn’t fast enough. The bitch took the card and started teasing Gwen, but she grabbed the invitation back and shooed her off. She was about to go back to her locker when she heard a certain voice. Your voice.
“Jessica, I’m so sorry, I’m such a fool. I promise to never spill chocolate milk on you”, you hugged your sister tightly and continued to apologize, feeling genuinely sorry. Gwen didn’t know what it was about you that made her like you. She wrote songs about you, she wrote about you in her diary, she dreamed of you and all that stupid shit. It made her so confused. You had a reputation of being with so many guys, it didn’t make sense to her as to why she was so attracted to you of all people. But it is what it is, and she continued to stare at you as you talked to your sister.
In class, she wrote your name over and over in her notebook, drawing stars and hearts around it, while you were bored to death in another classroom, not even attempting to listen to what the teacher was droning on about.
During lunch, you sat with your “friends” and talked about how you wanna go to a rave or something, complaining about how bored you are, unaware of the certain blonde staring at you, sitting a few tables away, next to Marie. “You are so boring!”, you exclaimed to no one in particular before laying your head on the table.
“We could go to Gwen’s party”, one of your associates, the very girl who teased Gwen just a few hours ago, mentioned. You knitted your eyebrows together in confusion. “Which Gwen?”
“Gwen, aren’t you having a party?”, the girl turned to Gwen and sneered at her, while she tried not to listen to the bitch.
“Everything is so boring! I hate my life!”, you cried out, ignoring whatever was happening around you.
“Gwen!”, the mean girl continued yelling at the blonde as she got up. “Gwen, we’ll come to the party!”. Gwen flipped her off and ran out of the cafeteria. You didn’t bother to raise your head even when the other girls from your table started yelling at the blonde.
“Mum, it isn’t a rave, it’s just a normal party!”, Jessica tried explaining to your mother, who caught you both in the lift while you were half naked. To elaborate, you have no mirror in your house so to see what you look like you have to use the mirror in the escalator. You were getting ready to go to Christian’s, you took off your pants in the lift, looking at yourself in the mirror, waiting for Jessica, who you told to bring you your skirt, but she forgot, and as the two of you were arguing in the lift, the door of it opens and reveals your mother who sees you hiding behind your sister in a tank top and underwear and throws a tantrum, saying you can’t go out.
“You can stay here together and have fun, while I’m at work. I bought chips and soft drinks”
“Well done, Y/N. Welcome home”, your sister says sarcastically making you roll your eyes.
The moment your mother leaves you start rummaging through the medicine cabinet, complaining how you wanna do drugs. “None of those will do anything”, Jessica retorts making you pout and spit out the random pill you put in your mouth. “I’ll do something else then. I’ll fall in love”, “I thought you already were. With that Italian guy?”, “He wasn’t Italian. Maybe Bosnian. Whatever. I’m not in love with him”, you speak as you lay your head on your sisters lap when suddenly the phone rings. Jessica answers and says it’s the guy you saw this morning, Jonah. “He wants to know if you’re coming to Christian’s. He’s in love with you.” You make a sour face. “Ugh!” You groan. “What? I thought you wanted to fall in love?”, “Not with Jonah Hult! There’s no way I’m going to Christian’s now. I’d rather go to Gwen’s”
Your sister turns to you with wide eyes, “To Gwen’s? Are you braindead or what?” You throw a hairbrush at her. “What if there’s nice guys there?”, “At Gwen’s?”, your sister asks again. “Might be! Please!!” You give her your best puppy eyes and she looks at you before tsking “Fine, fine”. You squeal in happiness and kiss her cheeks.
Gwen and her dad sit in their living room in an awkward silence.
“No one’s coming dad, let’s just eat”. “Have some patience Gwen”, he tries lightening her up. Soon enough the doorbell rings and it’s Gwen’s classmate, Marie. Chief Stacy helps her with her wheelchair and they all sit together in the living room. Gwen opens up the present Marie got her, a bottle of perfume, before saying how she can’t accept it. Something snaps inside her before she yells at Marie, calling her a crippled idiot and saying how she never even wanted to be her friend, while her dad tries to stop her. Marie goes home and Gwen storms to her room. Her dad tries to comfort her while she cries and yells at him, about how she has no friends, about Peter’s death, about something being wrong with her, about wanting to die. She lays there as chief rubs her back not knowing what to do or to say, then finally proposing to go eat the special dinner he prepared for her party when she calms down.
They eat peacefully until the doorbell rings again and Gwen shakes her head, telling her dad to not let in whoever’s there. He tells her to put away the dishes while he tells off the people who came. Gwen does as told then goes to the bathroom to wash her face. Her eyes are puffy and red from crying and she looks like a mess. She hasn’t looked this bas since Peter’s death.
You ring the doorbell a couple of times. No one answers and Jessica urges you to leave it, until the door opens and, the person you suppose is Gwen’s father, let’s you in. He gives you some wine and tells you to wait in Gwen’s room so you go up there. You fill up your two glasses with wine and clink them together while looking around the room. It’s filled with posters on the walls, there are many cds and books on the bookshelf, and there is a drum kit in the very middle of it all.
“What party is this? Are we the only ones?”, your sister asks you and you shrug. “Why complain, Jess? We’ve got wine and everything”, you smile at her. “Yes but like…….Okay, we’ll drink the wine and leave”, “Deal”, you say as you continue to sip on it happily.
Unbeknownst to you, Gwen gets out of the bathroom to see her dad sitting on the couch, watching the TV. “Wasn’t someone there?”, she asks. “Yes, but they weren’t hungry so I gave them some wine and sent them to your room”. Confusion arises in her “And who was it?”. “Y/N and Jessica”. At the mention of your name, panic wakes in Gwen.
Meanwhile, in her room, you see some notebooks sprawled across her work table so you rummage a bit through them, but one of them falls down and opens on the floor, giving you access to what’s inside and the contents of it do surprise you. Inside of it are written poems and you can tell they’re beautiful even though you don’t get to read them fully because you suddenly hear the door knob shuffling. But whoever is trying to enter is unable. “What the-, open the door!”, you hear from the outside.
“Did you lock the goddamn door?”, you turn to Jessica but she just gives you a look and starts giggling. She runs to the door, “I’m just ummmm….I’m just-I’m just changing!”, she tells Gwen on the other side and you accidentally let out a loud chuckle. “You’ve got a skirt on!”, you whisper-yell at her while still trying not to laugh. Gwen sighs and leans on the door, waiting for you to finish changing, apparently.
“Have you heard she’s a lesbian?”, Jessica asks you. “What! Really?”, you reply and your sister makes gagging noises saying how that’s gross.
The wine made you a little tipsy and you don’t think it through before you start speaking to the door.
“Gwen, is it true that you-“, Jessica quickly covers your mouth while giggling her ass of with you.
“Aren’t you done yet?”, comes from the other side of the door and Jessica tells her you guys will be finished in a second.
“I think it’s cool”, you say and receive a blank stare from your sister. “Cool? Are you serious?”, “Yeah. I’m gonna be one too when I grow up”. “Come on”, your sister tsks at you.
“Open up now!”, Gwen yells and you turn to Jessica. “Let her in, she’s nice”
“If she’s so nice, go out and neck her then, Y/N”, she challenges you and you chuckle.
“Okay. And what do I get if I do?”, “If you do what?”, “If I neck her.”, “You’ll get AIDS probably”, your sister says matter of factly.
“If I kiss her, will you give me 100 bucks?”, she laughs and your request and offers 20 bucks, to which you agree and tell her she’ll have to leave.
“You won’t dare to do it, though”, she sneers and you whisper bet to her as you unlock the door and let the blonde in and your sister out. She doesn’t even acknowledge Gwen as she leaves the two of you alone in the room.
“Hi”, you tell her and she says hi back while picking up the notebook from the floor and putting it away. She leans on her worktable and avoids eye contact with you while you intently stare at her. The wine made your vision just a tad bit blurry, but even through clouded eyes you still admire the blonde’s beauty.
“Why can’t you sit over here?”, you ask referring to her bed on which you are sitting. “Why, what for?”, she asks back with suspicion laced in her voice. “There’s something I wanna tell you”, you answer knowing damn well you ain’t got nothing to say, you just want the 20 bucks.
“Can’t you just say it?”, she crosses her arms and you look around, catching Jessica’s eyes. She’s in front of the room watching you through the crack of the slightly opened door. You try not to smile when you see her and put a fake pout on your face. “I-I just don’t want Jessica to hear it”, you fake out a stutter, inwardly laughing at how stupid you sound.
She looks at you for a second before mumbling a fine and sitting next to you. “It’s just that”, you move closer to her. “You’re so pretty”, her eyes widen slightly when you say that but before she can react, you grab her face and kiss her passionately. She finally starts returning the kiss as the butterflies erupt in her stomach but you accidentally catch Jessica’s stare again and suddenly break contact with Gwen and run out of the room. Your sister grabs your hand, “Jesus, Y/N, you’re insane! That’s is so disgusting!”, she laughs as you two leave the house and run as far as you can, leaving Gwen in her room to process what just happened.
You kissed her. Y/N kisses her. But then you ran away. Your laughter and Jessica’s words suddenly echo in her mind. “That is so disgusting!” All the butterflies disappear from her tummy and that awful feeling in settles in her gut. She feels…humiliated. She guesses you probably ran of to all of your stupid bitch friends to tell them how you kissed Gwen and how stupid she probably looked.
Tears appeared in her eyes. She wanted to scream and to yell and to beat you the fuck up for making a fool out of her. But you were God knows where laughing and making fun of her. Gwen laid down on her bed and let out all of her tears, as if she hasn’t cried enough already tonight. This was the worst birthday ever.
I’m impulsively posting this and I’ll regret it in the morning.
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lunarriviera · 2 months ago
Hi...In Silent reading/MoDu/Jitd...they were some books mentions i think....can you name them..like i know Lolita...lol i need something to read so...pls if you can 🙏💖💗😊
HI HEY HELLO so there are yes five books! that the five arcs of Mo Du have as subtitles—well, technically each arc is titled after a main character: Julien (Sorel) from The Red and the Black by Stendhal, Humbert Humbert from, yes, Lolita by Vladimir Nabovok, Macbeth from Shakespeare, (Piotr) Verkhovensky from Demons by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and (Edmond) Dantès from The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. There is very nice meta about these five texts here, and a hilarious throwaway joke here. (I thought there was another meta but can't find it; if anyone knows it, please link?) However. While I recommend these four novels and a stage play, I can't say that reading them is anything like the experience of reading Mo Du. In fact as I've been tiresomely wailing to @hunxi-after-hours and everyone else, nothing is like the experience of reading Mo Du. I read Criminal Psychology and Po Yun and they were both intensely frustrating to me in different ways. Sure, they're crime danmei, but neither of them has anyone as intensely traumatized and gorgeously brilliant as Fei Du, nor anyone as uncompromisedly upright as Luo Wenzhou, nor the pacing and reveals that Mo Du does, to say nothing of its absolutely insane balls-to-the-wall level of plotting.
Other Priest danmei are great (Sha Po Lang and Tianye Ka my loves), other danmei are fun (Kaleidoscope of Death, Tailhook, His Honey, and Descent from an Altitude of 10,000 Meters were standouts for me this year), but nothing as of yet has done for me what Mo Du does. Meatbun and NPSS are both similarly bonkers and Cyan Wings apparently has analogous depth of character, but to be quite honest I still don't know how to address the hollow void inside, and I've tried. You can read The Secret History by Donna Tartt, The Last Samurai by Helen Dewitt, Saga by Bryan K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples; you can read the Captive Prince trilogy by CS Pacat, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susannah Clarke, A Winter's Tale and A Soldier of the Great War by Mark Helprin, Angels by Denis Johnson, JD Salinger's Glass family novels and Jeannette Winterson and Barbara Kingsolver. There's lots of things to read: David Foster Wallace and Karl Öve Knausgaard and even Cormac McCarthy. Plath and Austen and the Brontës and Morrison and Woolf and Bessie Head. Charles Dickens is much better than people give him credit for. Tolstoy, of course—though Dostoyevsky is funnier, and more like Priest in that regard.
Just realize that nothing is Mo Du and, you know. Reread Mo Du, I guess. If anyone wants to send in recommendations, now's the time!
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ask-aftermath-jevin · 3 months ago
Introduction 💙
"... oh, uh. Hello, internet. I am Jevin. I am primarily doing this for, mm... personal reasons. We had recently gone through a tragedy. Fun Bot recommended thinking about other things besides the whole.. disaster. I'm not used to a lot involving the internet, so I may be a bit slow. Sorry. Feel free to say or ask whatever you'd like."
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Hello! I/Mod have never done an ask blog before, and my motivation for things tends to be wonky, but I wanted to give this a try! This is a bit of an impulse thing. I have another account but this one IS a main blog for simplicity and to not be associated with my other acc. I'm very new to actually posting and interacting on this site beyond just liking stuff. I also will probably primarily use text for replies, but might also use images with some if I'm in the mood for that. If you recognize me from my art style, no you don't /j
ALSO WARNING IM SO SUPER NERVOUS.. If you are nervous then I likely am too but I don't bite I prommy 🙏
📘 Rules 📘
🔵 This is not my character! Jevin and anything sprunki belongs to NyankoBfLol. However, a lot of my own headcanons and interpretations are thrown in.
🔵 Mod is an adult, but is NOT willing to do anything NSFW.
🔵 Basic DNI criteria. Don't be weird.
🔵 I'm okay with basically anyone interacting. Any anons or fandoms or timelines. Anythings on the table for now! :)
🔵 All questions are to be addressed to Jevin, but you can ask about other characters.
🔵 NO FORCED SHIPPING WITH MY JEV PLEASE!! This particular Jevin is aroace.
🔵 If I ever do anything wrong, please feel free to let me know thru a message or something!
💙 Character Information 💙
🔵 He is bird-like in appearance, though it isn't generally seen from the cloak he wears. Hadn't thought about what exact bird. He also has feathers on most parts the robe would hide (sides/back of head and most of his torso (front/back/sides). They're soft, but he does have some insecurities about them.
🔵 He WAS a cultist, but isn't anymore. He wasn't aware of it being a cult at the time of being a part of it. He is aware now. Said cult was run by and revolved around Black. Jevin was super devoted to him until the events of horror mode happen (a big sacrifice that killed a lot of the residents). Though not being in it anymore after the horrors, he deeply regrets having supported him to begin with.
🔵 I am currently unsure about character ages, but he's probably anywhere from around late 20's to early 30's?
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💻 Tags 💻
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howlsofbloodhounds · 6 months ago
Omg I can't believe I forgot to add this. It's Delta anon again and I found two songs that reminded me of Delta in the whole murder situation we put him in. The first one is called 'Monster' from the Epic Saga.
I say this because it reminds me of how he first feels guilt for the killing, but then the guilt worsens because he thinks he should be able to be strong enough to do whatever is needed to protect his friends, resulting in a moral questioning. So, he settles on no guilt and the promise that they'll do whatever it takes to protect his loved ones.
The second one is called 'Fighting Myself' by Linkin Park.
This song I think plays more into the internalized anger and anxiety of his friends finding out what he's done to protect them, and the other fear of them leaving or hating him for it. There's a certain part in the song that really reminds me of a breakdown he'd possibly have when he's riddled with guilt and rage and the confusion of dealing with all the different sides of his emotions. This breakdown might lead to him finally confessing what he did.
They're both fun songs to analyze if you put yourself into Delta's perspective lmao. I'd highly recommend listening to them!
Here’s the links to Fighting Myself and Monster in case anyone wants to give them a listen yourself. These two songs are actually what made me decide to make a little Delta Sans playlist on YouTube, so yall please feel free to rec some songs I can put in there. 🙏
But also i really like the idea that delta would decide to make all the hard choices on color and epic’s behalf, to keep them safe. not because they can’t do it, but because delta doesn’t think they should have to—and neither should they have to handle the burdens and consequences of taking lives.
especially in cases like killer and cross, who are important to color and epic, so delta knows he’d be the one to kill them if it ever comes down to it. even if it makes color and epic hate or distrust him, so long as they’re safe and alive, and not being hurt or taken advantage of or threatened anymore.
Delta’s definitely that friend who you call to help hide your abusive lover’s corpse—assuming delta doesn’t make the ex into a corpse himself, and probably spares you the knowledge of having to know anything—both to spare feelings, and to make you less suspect if police come sniffing around.
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gen13ordinaryheroes · 3 months ago
Hi !!! Regarding that recently popular post of yours about female characters always existing to indulge the male protagonist or to get involved in something romantic I COULDN'T AGREE MORE , I don't know if it's bc I'm aromantic but I'm just so tired of getting into a movie, book, series with well written female characters only for the writers to give them some sort of romance that most of the times serves as a weakness , or is there to show that she is indeed human guys look she isn't a bitch who only cares about her work /purpose etc. Like give me a fucking break , women can have other flaws and weaknesses it doesn't always have to be a romance thing . It's almost like female characters can only make mistakes or act flawed only when it comes to romance otherwise they are annoying and problematic. There are so many media comics, books , anime, cartoons with male protagonists that never got them romantically involved and yet they are considered complex and fleshed out characters. GIVE ME FEMALE CHARACTERS LIKE THAT please 🙏. Sorry for my yapping , could you please recommend me some of your favorite media with female protagonists that dont focus on romance . I'll take anything, I'm desperate 😮‍💨
List compiled from checking my back-issues and polling multiple discord servers. Extremely comics-heavy because this is a comics blog.
(*) indicates that I have not personally read/watched/played/etc whatever is listed, so I can't personally vouch for it.
Also, due to the fact that I am not personally familiar with everything listed, I can't provide relevant content warnings. Some of these are significantly heavier than others. Some of these are parts of larger franchises that may not make since without background knowledge.
Comics/Graphic Novels:
Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld (1983), (1985), 1986 one-shot, Amethyst (1987).*
Batgirl (2000)
Batgirl (2009)* (these get separate entries because they're about different characters)
Birds of Prey (1999)* and (2010)*-- some romance, but it's not the focus
"Most Black Widow runs"*
Botticelli's Apprentice by Ursula Murray Husted*
Champions (2018) -- ensemble cast with multiple female characters. Some romantic plots, but not the focus.
Dark Spaces: Good Deeds (2023)
DIE (2018) -- ensemble cast with transfem/genderfluid lead. She is married, but her wife exists mostly off-screen, and romance isn't a major plotpoint.
Exiles (2018) -- team book with female lead, I don't think there's any romance, though characters may reference past romantic entanglements
Gotham Academy (2014)*
Harrow County (2015) -- I don't think there's any romance with the main character
Hawkgirl (2023)*
Huntress (1989) -- some light romance, but it's not the focus.
Lumberjanes* -- there is some romance between the leads, apparently, but the main focus is friendship.
Manhunter (2004)*
Patsy Walker, AKA Hellcat! (2015)*
Powergirl (1988) and (2009)*
Radiant Red (2022)* -- main character has a fiance but I am told this is not a major aspect
Scarlet Witch (2015)
Something is Killing the Children (2019-ongoing)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015), (2015-2017) -- this does feature some light romance, to memory, but I don't think it's central
Unstoppable Wasp (2017), (2018-2019)* (aspec main character and aspec writer)
Wonder Woman: the Hiketeia
Wonder Woman: Historia
World's Finest (2012)
X-23 (2010), All-New Wolverine (2015), and X-23 (2018)
X-Men (2013) -- almost entirely female cast, no romance
Gwenpool, the character-- I know some of her earlier stuff is rather romance-centered, or at least includes romantic plots, but more recently the character is explicitly aroace, so you might be interested.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 6: Stone Ocean* (some romance, but not the main focus)
Magical Girl Dandelion*
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
"Any Ghibli movie with a female protagonist", Spirited Away*
Witch Hat Atelier
The Descent*
Derry Girls*
Evil Dead (2013)*, and Evil Dead Rise*
Video Games (blanket statement: I do not play video games. I am not personally familiar with any of these.)
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Fatal Fame franchise
Resident Evil 2, 3, Resident Evil 8 DLC: Shadows of Rose, Resident Evil: Revelations 1 & 2, Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Silent Hill 3
Wayfarers series* by Becky Chambers, especially A Closed and Common Orbit, which has 2 female protagonists and 0 romance. Can be read as standalone.
Tamora Pierce's body of work*-- the amount of romance may vary book-to-book.
I hope this is helpful to some extent or another :) -- others are welcome to add their own recommendations in reblogs/comments.
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shiiro-arts · 7 months ago
Hi I saw how you draw natsu head and the way you shade your artwork is very helpful thank you 🙏
I was wondering how do you draw your bodies ? I find the way you draw males and females inspiring /amazing 💗
Can I pls ask for tutorel or step by step guide ? Please (if you’re busy no worries , hope you’re doing ok !)
So, that’s the thing, I don’t really do anything, I just do it, straight up
I don’t know how to explain it, I just start doing it until it looks good for me
I do tend to start with the chest tho
I’m sorry I can’t give more information about it, but I recommend to learn the basic anatomy of the body, like where the limbs start and end, or the typical proportions of them
AND REFERENCES, A LOT OF THEM. I can’t draw without them tbh
I made these extremely fast, that’s why they are so wonky
Again, sorry I can’t help you with this 😅
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ge · 8 months ago
TEEHEE HEE ANYTHING FOR YOUUU its based on the bl cdrama winter begonia which i highly recommend watching so u can see my vision more clearly since idk how well ill be able to fully encapsulate it...its like the only cdrama ive actually finished and it holds a very dear place in my heart.. its all translated on youtube if ur interested (smile
this au takes place in 1930s shaanxi and follows chung myung, a semi-retired peking opera dan (an opera performer who takes on the roles of women in plays) who was once wildly famous and well known for his talent and passion for the arts in his youth until a tragic "accident" struck him and his former troupe, leaving his troupe to fall out of favour of the public eye and into (physical as well as financial) ruin; and tang bo, a wealthy business man from sichuan who became captivated w peking opera after watching a performance from chung myungs troupe for the first time and ends up making an acquaintanceship w chung myung and becomes the troupes main sponsor and avid supporter, helping them rebuild their huashan house as well as their former prominence and fame...
my au follows the show pretty closely and i was going to keep the political plot kind of vague since i wasnt sure how to touch on it but its a really integral part of the story so im keeping it in, the drama focusing closely on the preservation of the art during the japanese occupation......... not that im ever actually going to write anything for this au but still, it exists in my head and i need to connect the dots so
chung myung, as per always in my canon and aus, is a trans man here and that plays a pretty significant role in his life and lore of this au.. historically, women werent allowed to play in opera so men would take on the female (aka DAN) roles.. chung myung being a trans man playing a dan role is like, for him, a middle finger to the status quo and period typical transphobia he'd face if it were known as well as a spiteful internalized gesture OF 'if only you knew'.. the world would see him as a woman who isnt good enough despite him being the man who is the best.. rubs chin.. im not good w words, this makes way more sense in my head but if u get wat im trying to say then u get it..
they also all have short hair in this au SORRY i know i said i would never give them short hair in any aus i did but it has to be this way for this au, taking place during the chinese republican era where short hairstyles were mandated (this, again, ties into trans chung myung)
cheng fengtai and shang xirui are just so tangchung I CANT EXPLAIN IT YOU JUST HAVE TO KNOW.. wealthy businessman whose had everything fed to him on a silver platter his whole life finds himself unhappy & wanting more from life and lonely orphan boy raised in a strict martial arts setting grows up to be the best at his craft but still wants for more.. cheng fengtai and shang xirui are soulmates.. tang bo and chung myung are soulmates.. can i make it anymore obvious..
everyone in rotmhs has an obvious counterpart in this au, like tangchung are the mcs of course but chung myungs troupe are the mt hua disciples/elders, the great sects/families (sans tang family, which is plot relevant) are involved in the opera scene in some way, the magyo are also an opera troupe in this au LOL..
but one thing i wanted desperately to keep in this au was tang bo and his wife/family/child, which is kind of hard to do since there are literally like no fucking women in rotmhs so i have to make ocs... the subplot in the drama of cft (tang bo) "cheating" (in quotations cuz they never actually crossed any lines but it was obvious there was deep unspoken romantic tension there + the wife suspected) on his wife w sxr (chung myung) is so vindicating to me.. closeted gay people cheating on their opposite sex arranged marriages/spouses for someone of the same sex.. its so real.. so freeing.. gay people trapped in straight marriages, especially in the 1930s.. i really adored the nuances in the way it was handled so beautifully in the drama so i HAD to adapt it here.. its such a guilty pleasure of mine weehehehe twirls hair
the drama ends in a bittersweet hopeful kind of way, nothing bad happens to anyone i just want to put that out there..in case ur worried, no buried gays or wateva
umm well im tired so i cant think of anythign else to say but if u love beautiful costumes, drama, heart aching romance.. IF U HAVE ANY SPECIFIC QUESTIONS JUST ASK CUZ IDK WAT ELSE TO SAY..... please watch winter begonia so we can frolic in the flower fields that are my winter begonia tangchung au...... plugging this again since who knows when yall'll see it again.. goo bye.... (chung myung in 'drunken concubine' play costume⬇️⬇️⬇️)
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newbirdiealert · 16 days ago
Hello! I am fairly new to tumblr!
I wanted to create an account to motivate myself to write more :)
I have had another account before, but i never posted anything, because I have been too nervous, and lately i have been trying to get out of my comfort zone, so i thought this would help:3
I am entirely new to writing stuff and posting it on the internet, if you have any advice at all it would be very appreciated! (You don’t have to though)
I am probably just going to write some silly ideas and scenarios i have.
And here are some things i will NOT write
-racist, homophobic, sexist or anything hating on the human race
-age gaps
-nsfw (as of right now, maybe in the future idk)
And here are some of my fandoms im in currently
-Obey Me!
-Mob Psycho 100
-One Piece
-Love and Deepspace
Thats all of them right now >_<)9
Some things about me :3333
-my favorite color is orange
-my favorite animal is a giraffe
-my favorite food is macaroni and cheese/grilled cheese
-YES i am lactose intolerant, and YES i will NEVER give up cheese, never.
-I like to play games, watch anime, and read manhwa/fanfic
-Yes i have only taken three showers last year /j
-I like all genres of music! (If you want to recommend me any songs, please do🙏)
Thats all i can think of right now 😀
I dont really know how to end this post…
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just-ray · 1 month ago
hi so i know you know a lot abt hair stuff and my best friend lost a lot of hair due to illness (she's okay now) and if there was anything to help with her? she still has shoulder length ish hair but its uneven and thin due to her medications
I'm afraid I'm no biochemist, so I won't pretend to be able to help, especially with hair loss due to illness. I knew someone once with fabulous ginger hair, right down to their shoulders, which started thinning. The same thing happened to me after antibiotics but to a lesser extent.
While I won't facade that I can fix anything, and I'd always caution against people promising "natural remedies" to things like this assuming im going to mentally treat this as Telogen effluvium, my standard recommendations for hair loss from the scalp rather than breakage would be as follows:
-black seed oil. This was a GODSEND for me. It can be purchased online or from costless at tallaight. I would say there's maybe moderate evidence of its effectiveness. There are some very solid studies, but like most things, you can find evidence of anything if you look hard enough. I can say from experience it did work for me, and was a lot more effective than mint/rosemary oil.
-mint/rosemary oil. There was some preliminary evidence that it's as effective as minoxidil, HOWEVER, no one mentions that it's as effective as a dose of minoxidil that they literally never prescribed because it's so low. I still reccomend it, I use the cantu one, but pair/mix it with black seed oil. The use of the oils is said to improve blood flow to the scalp.
-gelatine hair masks. Sound bizzaire but there's some decent evidence behind this. I can't preach for it since I only started using it but check it out. Make sure your sources are reputable.
Idk the logistics like how long to leave it in or whatever, but it's cheap and could be worth a try.
-massage. When you use any of the oils you should always be massaging them in for about five minutes and leaving them for 1-4 hours. I use the oils every time I wash my hair.
-topical caffeine. Works in vitro, but not enough in vivo studies. I can see the logic behind it though so I'd give it a try
-avoid irritants like SD alcohol, benzoates, ect. If you're really picky you cna avoid phenoxyethanol.
-piroctane olamiene in shampoos. Very strong evidence, in fact I think it's definite. You can find them in shampoos like head and shoulders (which im not a fan of), or in moogoo products which are non irritating and cruelty free.
-pretty strong evidence as well behind copper peptides. The most popular serum (and basically one of the only peptide hair serums on the market cheap enough to be used by individuals and not stylists) from the ordinary costs enough to break a bank though, so I wouldn't favour this method.
-when dying the hair, try to avoid the roots and scalp and put the dye only as far on mods and ends as you need to.
-doctor. My prefered method. I had acne for years. Went to the doctor. Cream cleared it up in a week. Been off the cream for months and acne is pretty much still annihilated.
If your thinning is really bad a doctor may be able to help you or send you to a trichologist (which I am not).
-focus on methods that prolong the telogen phase of growth, and do research before you try anything new to see if it's suitable for you.
Things that DONT helo hair thinning listed below.
-castor oil
-coconut oil
-ginger juice.
Actual trichologists/biochemists, please feel free to make corrections/additions !! 🙏
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