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sassybears · 1 year ago
I would give at least two (2) limbs for The 100: Origins or some shit where we get a full background of Grounders origination and history with more details on Callie, and the first couple Commanders and really how that all came to be, and the growth of Trig, and definitely how Azgeda came to find the anomaly stone and bury(?) it
Like whomever can make this happen, I beg you to pls pls do it
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imagine if instead of praimfaya, the 100 s4 picked up from azgeda taking control of polis and the 12 clans. they declare war on skaikru and all the clans that resist them and let’s say they take clarke as a prisioner of war because she’s wanheda so people will follow her.
and roan is injured so azgeda is being led by a “villain” character, maybe echo, another prince, or have ontari survive (???) and he has to be smuggled out of the city for his safety.
but it’s just expanding on grounder culture and history and all the clans and how an actuall, full-blown war changes and shapes the characters.
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okmcintyre · 2 years ago
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hithelleth · 2 years ago
You created the BEST Azgeda that a fan of The 100 (King Roan) could have ever dreamed of, did you know that? Thank you for providing what the show didn't.
Thank you so much! ❤️ Yeah, the show didn't give me what I wanted so I had to make it myself but I am so glad it also pleases others, such as you. :D
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azgeda002 · 1 year ago
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asli-ask · 3 months ago
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trikruismybitch · 1 month ago
Clexa Fanfics
Hey guys these are all the Clexa fanfics that i love and wanted to share!
None of these are mine and all of the fics i added are completed works unless stated otherwise
A Different Landing by RhinoMouse ****
The drop ship was always going to have problems coming down. Unfortunately for the 100 they ended up in Ice Nation territory where the locals were far less forgiving. With all the wristbands gone and the survivors unable to contact the ark, the ark never came down. Now four years later the surviving members of the 100 have been assimilated into Nia's army. When Lexa calls for the armies of the coalition to march on the mountain Clarke finds herself leading the Ice Nation forces.
[probably one of my favorite Clexa fanfics. The writing, world building, just everything is so well written and interesting. Highly recommend]
Runners From Azgeda by ellaaa25
Clarke and Raven are sisters only one month apart in age. The day before Clarkes 9th birthday, Jaha drops a block of the ship filled with 40 people to save oxygen with no warning. Clarke and Raven are in a pod and land in Azgeda and are taken to Nia. They are beaten, tortured and broken before being trained in the fighting pits of Azgeda to win their freedom as a pair. At age 16, the sisters are still searching for freedom
The Shadow by Clexa1205
Clarke leaves Camp Jaha and ends up getting captured by Azgeda where she comes face to face with Queen Nia and an unexpected enemy. Two years later, after being blackmailed, tortured, and trained, Clarke is forged into the ultimate weapon: an assassin known as the Shadow.
The Ursa & The Heda by SweeTarts151
Spirits are a large part of grounder culture, when Clarke switches places with Finn to spare him his life and get the alliance, something happens that changes her. Changes the way the grounders and her own people look at her. (Warning torture in first chapter)
When a Fallen Star Finds a Home on the ground by LMS (LMS180)
Torn between the hate Clarke felt for this betrayer and old feelings she wished could be forgotten, Clarke made a choice. And before she could live with the consequences of her actions, life pulled her down an unforeseen path. Today the Skai princess’s story is nothing but a distant memory. One long replaced by curious whispers surrounding Azgeda’s mysterious new Heir, Klark. With a new enemy threatening the Coalition’s Western borders, the Commander had no choice but to summon the 13 clans together. As the clans begin to assemble for the upcoming war, many eagerly await the arrival of Azgeda's mysterious Winter Wolf
(my) Destruction Within Your Mouth by KL_Morgan
Clarke loses: her head, her voice, her heart.
Survivals a Fools Errand by Ebozay
Clarke is spared the same fate as her father by being sent to Earth in a drop pod, a metaphorical canary in a coal mine. All in the name of saving what is left of the human race. To her surprise and short lived excitement she finds that the ground is survivable, that she won't burn as soon as the air touches her. But the scarred and brutal people she encounters? Maybe she's a fool to think she could survive life on the ground after all
Where Green Meets Blue by Clexaisbae
Clarke left Camp Jaha, leaving behind a very confused Bellamy. She stumbles through the forest, lost and unsure of what to do but a pair of green eyes pushed her on. At night, after a close encounter with a panther, Clarke was captured by the Ice Nation and now she has to fight her way out, with only a pair of green eyes to guide her out
The White Queen Running by KL_Morgan
Clarke wakes up wearing the tattoos of the Ice Nation.
(OR: Soulmates, parallel worlds, and Ice Queen Clarke; oh my. Canon divergent from 2x16.)
Clexa Alternative Universes
Blood (Must have Blood) by LexAlexAU
Hunger Games AU
(Just a) Little of Your Love by M_E_Scribbles
Clarke Griffins back in her hometown and working her dream job, as a detective and the leader of Polis Police Department's Search and Rescue. Then she's told to take the SAR to a local kindergarten class for a safety program.
That's where she meets an interesting young girl who takes to her immediately. When adorable handmade cards start appearing at her desk. She goes to the school to thank the girl and runs into a gorgeous woman who begins to invade her thoughts.
Of Sharp Talons and Sharper Eyes by AlexielMN
Daemon AU & Azgeda!Clarke
A Day In The Life of a Demigod by soshy (Sosh_022)
Demigod AU
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daniel-bruehl · 2 years ago
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"Survival requires sacrifice."
Zach McGowan as KING ROAN KOM AZGEDA THE 100 (Season 3 - Season 4)
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bonesofapoet · 8 months ago
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sunrise over the devil's revenge [ roan x you ] author's note: long time no post <3 i rewatched the 100 during my hiatus and my adoration for roan was reignited and so was my inspiration, it seems word count: 2333
Life could be beautiful, here at the end of the world.
When the sun broke apart from the horizon, precious honey golden beams dragged warm fingers across your skin and combed through the hair of your beloved. They were warm, those beams, kissing you awake in the glow of a new dawn, the bright star ascending slow and languid to draw the rest of Polis from its restless dreams.
Pure radiance, was the temperance of the sunrise, yet no rival was it to the crown prince of Azgeda, still sound asleep beside you. Head pressed to your shoulder he stirred as you did, when sunlight brushed over your lashes, traced the dip of your nose and the curve of your jaw. Even stuck in the crossroads between dreaming and waking, you felt him move away from you, though not enough to free his tangled limbs from yours.
A palm glided over your stomach, all gentle and calloused and adoring, tracing shapes and runes across soft skin. The touch began to awaken you further, pulling you from the embrace of sleep into the embrace of Roan, still half confined to the realm of dreams himself. And yet, with eyes as blue as the tumultuous sea, he watched you with a contentment that he has never felt anywhere else, has never felt with anyone else. They met your own as they slowly - ever, so slowly - blinked back the remnants of the night. The sun was bright, those golden streams still caressing your cheekbones, harshly imposing themselves through eyelids now scrunched up against this luminous, unwelcome awakening.
Next to you, Roan laughed rich and smooth, voice still a bit discordant from sleep. You felt it roll through his chest pressed to your side, heard it low in your ear while you adjusted to the contrast of the - was it truly morning, already? Dawn was still young, yet your bones felt the whispers of last night clinging tightly to your memories as if no time had passed at all. You swore it had been mere minutes since you had fallen asleep tucked into Roan's side, his fingers tracing shapes and swirls along your spine just as he had been doing a moment ago.
Gracelessly, and without sparing him another look, you groan and burrow deeper under the covers. "It can't be morning already."
The hand on your stomach ceased the comforting movements. He huffs another laugh, soundless this time. You burrow deeper into his chest, your own heart filling with warmth when you hear the amusement in his voice. "Only just."
You hum, a soft smile pulling up your lips when knuckles begin to trace your cheekbone, down the dip of your nose, along the curve of your jaw, the column of your throat. Your eyes flutter open then, adjusted now, to the bright welcome of the sunlight illuminating ruined, rotting wallpaper and scuffed wooden floors. Your prince - enamored with you, always - in the midst of it all. Those impossibly blue eyes are clear as they meet yours for the second time this morning, and for a moment - fleeting, as it is - you catch a flash of the bitterness he keeps buried deep and guarded close; something that lingered loud and jagged and unspoken between you, in contented silences such as these.
In reality, the precious nights you spent together were never meant to exist. Tensions were high past these walls, outside of this room; Roan was still very much royalty, and Queen Nia was still very much Queen Nia. Everything was a distraction for the Crown Prince of Azgeda, and unwavering loyalty was what she commanded. There was no doubt that anything other than carrying out her schemes for Ice Nation's ascension would get in the way of her projected success.
You were one of those threats, distracting Roan so. Both of you knew that's how this would be perceived, but you were careful. He was careful. It was a necessity, if not for your very safety, then for the sake of what little sanity his mother had not yet stolen.
"Tell me then, Prince Roan," you begin, pushing yourself onto an elbow. You reach to take his hand in your own, holding it safe and sound against your chest. "Is the sunrise as beautiful as you?"
Roan blinked. Scoffed at the teasing sincerity of your voice, still colored with sleep. Pulled his hand away from your touch and ran it through sun-kissed curls. Even though he broke eye contact with the movement, you caught the beating heart of a smile he tried to hide by slipping to the edge of the bed. His gaze turned toward the windows across the room, yet you lingered on him, and the way tension began to slip across his shoulders like a cloak made of promises.
"I wouldn't know," he says, tone playful in contrast with how he held himself, how he was already beginning to pull away from you, if only just a little. "It's a shame anyway, because they're rarely as divine as you."
As he spoke, a balmy breeze swept through the windows then, rustling the furs still draped across your skin. The laugh Roan pulls oh, so seamlessly from you is carried on the wind, dancing around this little space you call home. It fuses deep and steady with the time you have left in each other's company. It's limited, now that the sun rises higher with each given breath. It's something you push away when you crawl to his side and press a kiss to his shoulder.
"We'll see about that," you say, voice stolen away by his skin. Your lips linger for a moment longer, feeling, ever so slightly, a small thread of tensity unravel from Roan's shoulders for as long as you stay. You would have missed it, had you not been allowed to learn every tell, every way to read your prince the way he had been allowed to learn you.
Another laugh falls through his lips and into yours, as he guides you up to meet him in a kiss that's soft, and another one that's sweet. You pull away with a lazy smile still dripping repose, and drift to the windows and the sunrise beyond.
With a smile in his voice, he says, "Tell me how right I am when you finally catch your breath."
And, well - you failed to, wholly, completely, tremendously - because Roan was right about one thing, at least. Your hands fluttered along the windowsill, textured stone rough under your fingertips to ground you down, down, down to remain tethered to this one, single moment because, oh.
It was breathtaking, this sunrise careening through the sky beyond. It was all vibrant amber dancing with deep coral against the horizon. Strong crimsons embraced bittersweet violets streaking along the treeline as they swept through boughs and branches of laced leaved canopies. It was nature's version of hide and seek, you thought idly. And then your eyes drifted up, and it was enough to draw a startled breath through your teeth, lips parting in awe as you beheld the clouds, wisplike ghosts swirling rich plum-colored shapes that were too, awash in the golden accouterment of the rising sun. The velvety midnight hues were being chased away right before your eyes it seemed, painted into nothing by the saturated paintbrushes of the ancient gods of old.
They've revealed themselves once again, here at the end of all things.
The unfiltered beauty of it all is enough to deepen the cracks coiling out from your heart with new ones beginning to shake themselves awake, separating once more, from the parts of yourself that understand this kind of life is anything other than hell. With every reminder, every breath of life breathed back into your soul, the heartache ran deeper and the rage propelled them farther because there was still raw, radiant love in this world and it was looked upon with scorn.
And yet, somehow -
You found peace even here, in your home built upon ruins, built among the bones of Polis itself. A contrast stark and deadly against the brightness of the careless sky. A reminder, that life was not always war and blood and betrayal and the lingering fear of losing your life in your bed, in place of the ones you held most dear.
It was jarring, these moments. They've been such a rarity since the meeting of Skaikru and Grounders all those months ago.
And yet, you had Roan. The Crown Prince of Azgeda who pulls you back from the precipice of losing yourself in the disarray, the neverending conflict that seeps into the cracks of your bones, your soul, threatening the only way of life you've ever known. Uprooted unceremoniously by the melting of your many cultures, just like everyone else.
War was always a breath away, these days.
He arrives when you need him, always - your prince, your friend, your love - anchoring you to this moment here at your window, as he slips arms around your waist to hold you steady, resolute, calm. He pulls you backwards to find relief leaning against his chest. Perceptive, always, was your prince. Ardent, was he, always. Always, yours and yours and yours.
You wonder, not for the first time, if you will be his undoing. You, his moonlight in the night mooring him to steady land as the chaotic current rages between his head and his heart, his crown and his resolve. You, the one to shatter his claim, forever.
"I'm going to assume by your silence that for once, you're too stunned to speak," he says quietly. Says it with head dipping to rest heavy on your shoulder. It's a comforting weight, this. A kiss, chaste, is pressed to your temple. Though what stuns you, always, is the way he lines the hard contours of his body with tenderness, weaving radiance and serenity through his words when you're alone.  "I'll remember this forever, you know," he needles, "as the day my lover finally falls silent for once in their lives."
Something stirs in your chest as he teases, and it's warm, it's warm, it's warm - but above all, it's what you imagine it might feel like to be safe, truly, in all possible facets of this word built on rocky soil, pieced together with fragile foundations. What's worse - when you notice not only how easily your walls crashed down around your Roan - of course you notice how his barriers of iron ice bloody vengeance tumble into dust at your mere breath filling his lungs. So you faltered, if only a little.
It was all so unpolished, this thing blooming between you.
Roan noticed, of course. Felt your body gain a little more balance of its own, drawing away from the strength he shared with you willingly - he felt it, wracking open the deepening fractures in his chest that he thought you had begun to heal. He held tighter, but only enough for you to notice, for you to stop pulling away from him to gently - always, ever so gently - melt back into him piece by cauterized piece.
He wondered if this was what love only ever was - this fragile, secret thing. Strength in privacy, dangerous while observed.
Except how could something so bright be so fatal?
He questions this, when a laugh, smooth and saccharine spills through your lips. It's effortless, always, around Roan. He notices that too, of course, and it's never lost on him how much easier it is to laugh around you as well.
"You know you're the worst, right?"
Your elbow collides with his ribs, in which he shakes against you with a soundless laugh, breath warm and comforting as it cascades down the column of your throat, tumbles across your collarbone to be swept up in the breeze gone cool, gone just a bit too chilled, as it glides through the windows to coast around your bodies entwined into one. The sun climbs higher in the distance, casting this secret solace into partial shadow, yet the rest continues to remain gilded golden with the glowing sunlight. It blended freely with the vibrant euphoria of a morning spent together, if only until the city began to stir.
And, like always, it happens sooner rather than later.
"I should go," his gaze falls past you, past the alleyways and fallen stone structures beyond the open windows. He acts like looking anywhere other than your eyes will erase the dread creeping up his spine at the thought of leaving you, once again, to slip into his own quarters only to embrace a role that's never fit him as well as you do.
"Yes," you agree. All intonation of your contentment crawls off to the shadows still growing in the corners of your room. They held your heart in a grip of bone, their icy darkness prying open the chasms carving deeper into your soul all the while. "It would be wise if you did."
Roan pulls away, regret gnawing at his heart within seconds, minutes, breaths. He leaves you standing in front of your sunrise fading into blue skies and white, gauzy clouds. You're motionless, not turning to watch him leave as the door clicks open, creaking shut as he pulls it closed behind him.
You always watch him go. Always smiles wide and adoring as he steals one last parting kiss. Yet, today is different. He feels it as he enters his own cold, darkened quarters, feels it fuse into the marrow of his bones and thrum through his blood as it pulses hard and fast through the fissures in his lungs.
He won't see you again, Roan thinks. He's not sure how he knows, but he feels it; that sure presence looming tall and fierce stalking him the same way one does on a battlefield. He thinks about slamming his fist into the wall. Thinks about placing his mother's head on a pike outside the walls of Polis.
He should have told you he loved you.
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dakotaawolven · 5 months ago
Made some The 100 phone wallpapers! Feel free to use if you like! Posting these in two sets since there are more than ten.
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sassybears · 10 months ago
finally decided what I wanted to have as a the 100 tribute on my island and I’m so happy with how it turned out
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shitoreal · 4 months ago
u cannot convince me during praimfaya when Emori Raven and all of them were on the Ring in space that during one of murphy’s tantrums there’s no way that Emori and Raven didn’t hook up.
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okmcintyre · 6 months ago
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#THE100MEME | 4 Minor Characters - Harper McIntyre | Nathan Miller | Madi Griffin | Roan kom Azgeda
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doortotomorrow · 11 months ago
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becho » the tinder box
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The Rooms in The Ring
I just realized that if Emori was rooming with Raven after breaking up with Murphy that means there were 4 rooms in the ring. So now I have to add Raven and Echo being roommates somehow in my story. Which is going to be weird but I'm going to make it work.
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laufire · 2 months ago
💚 Memori
Aaaaand the last prompt, right as the year comes to an end! My 100th published fic, for The 100 :P
“Oh, float me now,” John gagged. “That tasted even worse than I expected, Green.”
He put down his bowl of algae and choked down a wave of nausea. As he looked around, seeing all their expectant faces, he felt himself begin to stumble, out of breath, his vision turning dark, as if the lights had been deemed.
He reached out to knock out Emori’s bowl down. “Don’t- don’t drink-“
“Murphy?” he heard.
“John? John!”
“Oh shit.”
“John? What’s happening? What did you do?!”
He didn’t faint immediately. For what felt like long minutes, John was convinced he was in agony. Set to die in the same wretched place he’d been born, leaving Emori alone amidst its grey walls.
A poor joke, after everything else his short life had thrown at him.
read the rest in ao3.
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