#pjo stheno
nyxvamps · 1 year
Gorgon (Stheno) Child OC - Aggie:
Has about 35 locs (she is black), naturally a dark brownish red, that will morph into snakes when prompted. (this could work with any type of hair. The more sections of hair you have, the more snakes. so if you had your hair in pig tails, you'd get two snakes. if you had your hair loose, it could be any number of snakes depending on what the magic of the world decided was 'clumped' up enough.)
mostly symmetrical patches of reddish brown scales along the arms, legs, stomach, back, and face.
sharp and pointed teeth that are mostly at the front of the mouth. still has molars and some flat frontmost teeth.
The ability to turn people to stone. This has to be a conscious decision so making eye contact with someone will not immediately turn someone to stone.
Is able to make people "freeze" with her gaze. This means that when she uses this power, people will feel compelled to not move and stay frozen in place out of fear. It usually goes away when eventually once Aggie stops looking at them, leaves the area, or if they are snapped out of it by an outside force.
Venom. Not only do her snakes have the ability to inject venom into others, so does Aggie. It is only lethal in high dosages, but one short bite could leave someone paralyzed for a few hours.
Enhanced physical abilities. Naturally stronger, faster, and more agile than others including stamina and endurance.
Enhanced healing. Since she can't ingest nectar or ambrosia, she has to deal with healing the old fashioned way, but good thing she heals much faster than the average camper.
She is someone who, at the beginning, tried to be optimistic about her situation but eventually was brought down by it.
before she was taken to camp, she was a very happy child. Stheno treated her amazingly and she loved making friends. She laughed easily and smiled at everyone, but camp made her cold.
She does it because, very early, a few campers pretended to be her friends just to humiliate her infront of the rest of the camp. Receiving minimal punishment from Mr. D. She no longer allows people to get close to her, not that many try.
There were actually a few campers that genuinely wanted to be her friends, but Aggie was so scared of being hurt again that she shut them down and avoided them until they gave up. This turned into a rumor of Aggie being mean and cold so people stopped trying.
Now she is very introverted. She prefers training by herself under Chiron's watch, but there is only so much she can do by herself.
She loves researching. She has gone through every book the Big House has and has notebooks upon notebooks full of information that have been used on quests throughout the years.
She's very kind when she is given the opportunity too. She never speaks badly of others and always says yes when asked to help. Is this because she knows that if she acts anyway but friendly, it will only turn out badly for her? Probably, but also, she doesn't see a reason to be mean. It takes more effort to be mean and rude to others than to say some nice words or take a few minutes to help out.
Very goofy and nerdy. She actually holds in her laughter when she hears others tell stupid jokes and puns around camp. She collects pokemon cards and has a DnD character full scripted out with a 20 page backstory. Likes collecting rocks and also has a pet jumping spider named penny.
Can be very sarcastic and witty. She loves friendly banter and is quick to shoot a comeback but usually people mean what they say to her so she doesn't try when she is at camp.
Her chosen weapons are daggers and she also has a whip that magically appeared in her cabin one day after a meeting with her mother.
She sneaked a cat into her cabin a few years ago and has been raising it ever since.
Has a tense allyship with the Hunters of Artemis. Since they are more powered than many of the demigods at camp, they train with her when they visit.
Wears sunglasses around camp because most people refuse to look her direction if they can see her eyes.
Has slowly rebuilt her cabin over the years to fit her liking. Added on an extra room, made the outside look very nice. It looks like a whimsigothic dream. All purples, black, blues and golds. The inside is very homey. Everything inside she found at thrift and secondhand shops in NY. A large comfy couch that's a dark brown. Some flowy white curtains. A used coffin as a coffee table. multiple shag carpets in different colors. nothing matches but it all fits.
Regularly sneaks out of camp to teach herself how to drive and to actually have normal interaction past a few strained words.
Has named all of her snakes and instantly knows which one she is talking to. And yes, she can talk to her snakes. She can talk to all snakes, actually.
Has snuck a magic cup and plate into her cabin for when she doesn't want to deal with the pavilion.
has so much time on her hands outside of training that she has taught herself italian, spanish, german, mandarin, asl, and japanese. She isn't completely fluent, but she has been able to hold conversation with people she encounters outside of camp.
Once has an entire conversation with Lord Hermes without even realizing it. He had heard of the gorgon child at the camp and found her in NY to see for himself if she was going to be a danger to his children.
Has done all of her own piercings. Its just her ears and nose but her skin is denser than a normal humans and she doesn't want a mortal piercer to question why they can't get the needle through.
Has some snake tendencies: Likes to lay in the sun for hours. Doesn't really have the best sense of smell unless her breaths through her mouth. (snakes smell with their tongue). Usually eats a really big meal and doesn't need to again for a few days. Can literally go hours without blinking.
Her mother doesn't know where theses things come from since she doesn't have any tendencies like this, so they assume that it's the fates playing with them.
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medievalatkinson · 8 months
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muriel and beano are a sisters goal fr
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immortalyouth88 · 5 years
Drawing the.. GORGONS!
How I imagined them according to what I read until chapter 1 in The Son of Neptune.
Still in progress!!
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empathy-lynx · 4 years
The Son of Neptune Timeline (SPOILERS) -Made by Yours Truly-
2010 (Year 5 in Riordanverse)
• 28th - Nico turns 13 (not stated in book)
• at some point - Percy wakes up and trains with Lupa at the Wolf House
• 3rd - Piper turns 16 (not stated in book)
• 19th - Percy gets chased by two gorgons Stheno and Euryale, sisters of Medusa; Percy escapes and stumbles upon an old “hippie” lady named June; she says he can either carry her across the borders of a camp across the highway, or escape to the sea to live a long happy life; he decides to carry her across the border of Camp Jupiter, which is the Little Tiber, and loses the Gift of Achilles; he then defeats the two gorgons by using his water powers; the old lady reveals herself as the goddess Juno, and says that Percy is a son of Neptune and that he’s been asleep for months; he’s interviewed by Reyna, who is confused by his memory loss, then by Octavian, who lets him join the legion; Nico arrives at Camp Jupiter and Percy seems to recognize him, but Nico says they’ve never met; after being left alone, Nico tells Hazel he does know Percy; Hazel has a flashback of her birthday in 1942, talking to her father Pluto who tells her a descendant of Neptune will get rid of her curse; she returns to present day, and her and Frank invite Percy to join the fifth cohort; night = during the Roman war games, Percy impresses everyone with his fighting skills and instincts; Mars shows up after the games end and claims Frank as his son; Mars then gives them a “prophecy” and says that Frank will lead the quest to find and free Thanatos, and Percy must accompany him; Frank also invited Hazel along and she accepts
• 20th - morning = they have a senate meeting about the quest; afternoon = the three set off on their quest, using the only “ship” (rowboat) in the Roman navy, the Pax; night = they make a stop in Mendocino, California, and get attacked/separated by karpoi (grain spirits); they defeat them, then see the giant Polybotes and a monster army heading toward Camp Jupiter; after they pass, they stop in a little shop called R.O.F.L., in which they meet the goddess Iris; they are then surrounded by 3 basilisks, which Frank goes out to fight alone, and he uses the spear Mars gave him and summons Gray, an undead warrior who finishes off the basilisks
• 21st - morning = they arrive in Portland, and discover Ella the harpy who has red wings; they end up finding Phineas, who wants to keep Ella captive; Percy makes a deal with him using two bottles of gorgan's blood, if Phineas won, he would get his sight back, and if Percy won, Phineas would tell them where Thanatos was being kept; Phineas accepts, thinking Gaea will protect him, but ends up crumbling to dust [from here on Percy starts recovering his memories]; they leave, taking Ella with them, soon discovering she may have read and memorized the Sibylline Books; night = Frank gets to experience a flashback with Hazel, afterwards Frank gives her his life stick to protect
• 22nd - morning = they wake up in Seattle, and head to the Amazon’s headquarters to find Hylla, Reyna’s older sister; Percy and Hylla recognize each other from Circe’s island three years prior [during SOM]; she almost kills him until Hazel says they were sent by Reyna; the boys are imprisoned, and Hylla tells Hazel of her predicament, and they come up with an escape plan; Hazel helps the boys escape, and they have Arion the immortal horse pulls them to Vancouver; evening/night = they arrive at Frank’s grandmother’s house, which they find out is surrounded by ogres/Laistrygonians; Frank summons Gray to make a distraction so that they can sneak into the house; Frank speaks briefly to Mars before Mars puts him to sleep
• 23rd - morning = Frank wakes up to the Laistrygonians surrounding the house; he hears Ella say part of a prophecy that seems to be related to their quest, but part of the page was burnt; the three demigods drive away, escaping, leaving Frank’s grandmother behind (Frank thinks he sees a black buzzard thing fly out of a second-story window, thinking it may be her); they get to an airport, still being chased, where a legacy of Rome is waiting to fly them to their destination, and they leave Ella behind cause she doesn’t like flying (Percy later asks Tyson and Mrs O’Leary to find her through a dream); they land in Anchorage, Alaska, and take a train to Seward; on the way, they get attacked by gryphons, and they seek shelter under a Hyperborean; they continue to walk to Seward, stopping in Moose Pass to sleep
• 24th - on their continued walk, Percy falls into the boggy soil, muskeg, and Hazel jumps in to try and save him; Gaea gives her a vision of what life would've been like if she hadn’t died, as well as the news of Nico’s capture; they arrive in Seward, and stop in Hazel’s old house to rest and clean off; they ride Arion to escape the returned gryphons; he takes them to Alcyoneus’ fortress on Hubbard Glacier; Hazel fights Alcyoneus while Frank uses his life stick to melt the four chains off of Thanatos and Percy protects Frank from shades; Thanatos gets free, and Frank goes to help Hazel, realizing his family git and turning into a bear t=and knocking the giant unconscious; Percy, who’s very drained, makes the glacier collapse, falling over the edge with it; Hazel and Frank tie the giant to Arion and take him over the Alaska border (10 miles away) and kill him; when they get back, Percy is fine, and they collect all the weapons they can into a chariot to bring back to camp, along with the golden eagle; Arion gets them back in 4 hours, during which Percy fully regains his memory; they return to find the camp under attack, and Percy leads them into battle alongside Tyson and Mrs. O’Leary; Percy then challenges Polybotes to a duel, defeating him with the help of Terminus; afterwards, the camp elects Percy as Praetor; evening = the Feast of Fortuna takes place; night = Hera confronts Percy in a dream, telling him he is the glue that will unite the two camps
• 25th - morning = Frank, Percy, and Hazel talk; Percy gets a video scroll from Leo, telling him they are on their way; at a senate meeting, Percy tells the camp of the Argo II’s soon arrival, swearing they’re peaceful; Percy puts one arm around Frank and one arm around Hazel and tells them he wants to introduce them to his other family
SON Prophecies
From Mars:
Go to Alaska.
Find Thanatos and free him.
Come back by sundown on June twenty-fourth or die.
From Ella:
To the north, beyond the gods, lies the legion's crown.
Falling from ice, the son of Neptune shall drown-
(the rest being burned off)
PJO Timelines (links to TLT Timeline)
The Lost Hero Timeline
Mark of Athena Timeline
House of Hades Timeline (not linked yet)
Blood of Olympus Timeline (not linked yet)
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
I was watching an old Disney cartoon American Dragon Jake Long It is so dated that the humor and slang can be cringe, like mega. Also HUGE cultural appropriation in the animation. ANYWAYS the main thing that leads me to you is the incorporating of greek myths in the second season. My head justs put you, PJO and greek myths together. Finally, the first ep of season 2, they combine the furies AND Gordon sisters as the SAME TRIO, just by changing the name of Gordon sister Stheno to Fury Crazy! (1/2
           2/2) we know they are both killer trios of Greek myths, but still different. Not to mention its a show where ALL magical creatures exist, hidden from the mortal eye(kinda), yet the only place we see a chimera is in the deep subconscious of a man yet to prove the existence of said creatures. sorry for the crazy ramble, word vomit on you, just had to get it out. hope you have a good day :)             
Ooooh yeah. I remember when I watched Lilo & Stitch like... two years ago or so for the first time, I really wanted to check the crossover franchises out that I wasn’t familiar with, but damn... it was really hard to watch and I gave up after less than an episode. It was just absolutely not mine and the two points you mention - yeeeah. The humor didn’t do it for me at all and the expressions they used were very... peculiar for me as someone who is not familiar with how Americans expressed themselves in the early 2000s...
I do feel flattered that Greek mythology immediately brings you to me! As it should! ^-^
(I know Gordon instead of Gorgon is a typo, but it is a hella funny typo because now I imagine the Gorgon sisters as like the sister-package version of Gordon Ramsey and if you fail them you get turned into stone :D I’d totally watch a strict cooking show featuring Medusa and her sisters!)
I’m sorry, Fury... Crazy. Wow. What creative name. Such inspiration. For fuck’s sake the furies weren’t about crazy. They were of persuasion (Alecto), grudgement (Megaera) and vengeful destruction (Tisiphone). If you want crazy, go talk to Dionysus and his girls. The disrespect. *huffs offended on the furies’ behalf*
Sooo I see you only wanted to vent and didn’t have a point to get to, so hear me out on mine: The Furies, summoned by the deeply seated rage from Medusa and her sisters at the curse placed on her and the whole entire fuckery about how that happened. The two sets of sisters go on a wild, carthargic vengeful rampage together. And then we go on a triple date?? Medusa/Megaera, Euryale/Alecto, Sthenno/Tisiphone?
Personality headcanons to sell you on the ships: Alecto is the oldest of the Furies and like the responsible big sister type. Tisiphone is the youngest and usually very sweet, but reacts to being upset by well destruction so learn to dodge some vases. Megaera, the middle sister who is usually not so much the stand-out with sweet Tissi getting most attention and Alecto being the one always praised for being responsible, so Megaera bonds with Medusa and likes feeling seen.
Additional headcanon because we don’t want this to end in tragic: The Furies are blind. You know, like the saying “blinded by rage”, I do always imagine them sniffing people out, being led by scent more.
And with the Gorgons, I somehow always imagined Sthenno to be very quiet and reserved, while Euryale is a rather loud personality who will also always voice her anger loudly. Medusa... I kind of always liked the idea of Medusa as a nerd, don’t ask me why.
So Megaera/Medusa with like a slight jock/nerd aesthetic? Because I imagine Megaera very cheerleader-esque.
And please don’t ask me how your rant about an old Disney cartoon ended in three Greek mythology wlw ships between the Furies and the Gorgons, but here we are. *shrugs*
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dameronalone · 7 years
Hey i saw you and somebody else talking about star wars characters and mythology and i was wondering what your thoughts were about the prequel characters in the pjo verse
Nonnie i love you so much :DDDDD okay, so:Rey - Rey is without a doubt a daughter of hephaestus, great with mechanics, not so great with people lol. Now, you know i'm thinking foster kid, dropped off when she was little with a promise of coming back - moved around until one day when's she's maybe 7ish at the park she was lured away from the family she was with by a "teenager" cyclops, you know not fully grown but not a baby. She sees what it is she runs the other direction but it chases her down the street until she outsmarts it and kills it. She tells her foster family about the encounter and to be frank they think she's crazy. They take her to a psychaitrist and then send her back to the home when she insists its all real and eventually just runs away a little after her half birthday. She's on her own, just barely surviving and attracting more and more monsters until she is almost fourteen runs intoFinn - Finn is a son of Aphrodite, you know good looks, charm-speak, the works. He was in a similar situation as Rey, but kind of worse bc he was a black kid too and got stuck in a rut at First Order Home for Boys (i read that somewhere, just putting it out there) until when he was thirteen and it turns out that the lunch lady was a gorgon and who, from his angle, looked like she was about to eat this cute guy. Finn didn't know what to do, and has this great idea to shout at her. To be fair, she doesn't eat the guy, but she nearly kills Finn except the guy pulls out a bow and arrow and the gorgon has two arrows sprouting out of her face. All the commotion attracts some fricking Laistrygonians and Finn and the guy - who he learns to be called Poe - get separated and Finn almost dies again because holy crap, he isn't prepared for this, but he thinks he does pretty good because he doesn't die, just doesn't kill anything. But then there is a yell from behind them and a girl about his height come flying from behind a dumpster with a thick staff made from what looked to be the same material as Poe's arrows and takes out the giant that was causing so much trouble. Speaking of PoePoe - pretty boy is without a doubt a son of apollo. I mean come on, a pilot, pretty, good shot - he's got it all. His mother was a pilot and that's mostly is what got his dads attention (we'll pretend in this verse apollo isn't narcissistic, think kes dameron XD) when he was twelve his mother was killed by a hellhound and after he defeated it was taken to camp by another demigod, jess pava, that was the hellhounds real target. He was tracking down the Stheno when Finn found him. While at camp, he had become good friends with Ben Solo, a son of Athena and a guy who quite honestly, he has no idea how on earth his mother was attracted to him, yet here he was. When he found out about his parentage, he had been at camp for nearly two weeks and grew more distant from his father and angry at his mother and the gods for not revealing themselves and letting him know. He let Chaos invade his dreams and poison his mind.Anyway, back to the trio. Finn and Rey are kind of at a loss at what to do with each other until an old guy and a hellhound (a nice one, but Finn didn't like him that much and the feeling was mutual) who take them to Camp Halfblood. On the way, they pick up Poe who is introduced to Rey and who introduces the man and his hellhound as Han Solo, the mortal who saw through the Mist (and perhaps that is why Athena fell for him, but we'll probably never know) and Chewie the Hellhound and crap happens until the actually get there and then Rey gets a prophecy about chaos and her family and she has to find Ben Solo whos gone missing and Han comes too bc he's not a demigod and it doesn't mess with the rule, and also it's nice to have an adult that can drive and pay for food believe them for once. And then they do find Ben, who has a prophecy of his own, and is helping Chaos and starts a whole new warTl:dr Rey is a daughter of Hephaestus, Finn is a son of Aphrodite, Poe is a son of Apollo, and Ben is a son of Athena. this is probably more than you were wanting, but there you have it XD
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wingedpenumbra-blog · 7 years
legionmade a réagi à votre billet: polyphemus in percy jackson: dumb, obsessed with...
i’ve noticed that most of the enemies in pjo are pretty stupid. like, otherwise, it would be really hard for the demigods to beat these super powerful monsters, so they have to be dumb in order for them to achieve it.. it sucks :(((
yEAH thats true?? the harpy aellope (aëllo in pjo) was known for torturing human souls on their way to the underworld but she was a cleaning lady in pjo. the sphinx just talked about random fun facts. kâmpe got some rocks dropped on her and bam, dead. stheno and euryale were sales ladies and medea was a department store owner. the boreads were weird 70s style creepers.
like...... its sad to see these incredibly rich myths of terrifying creatures turned into ppl that wash the demigods’ dinner plates or wears bell bottom pants? i get hes got to simplify it for the kids reading it (i read the series first in 6th grade) but sTILL,,
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nyxvamps · 1 year
Aggie Stories #1
People say that children can be cruel. Mother said they might be. And they can be. Especially when no one stops them. No one ever stops them.
They cut her hair. They pretended to be her friends. To like her and get to know her just to hurt her. Aggie though that maybe it wouldn't be so bad here. That, after a while, the other campers would like her. But they cut her hair.
She's knelt down behind her cabin. Where they left her. Where they left her kneeling in a pile of her own hair. Her babies. Only two are left and they nuzzle franticly against her bloody tearstained face. She has 35. 35 locs that become 35 snakes that over the years became her 35 babies. She spoke to them and feed them and stopped fights between her hair line and crown.
Aggie stared down at the hair, a few had managed to morph before they hit the ground and that only added to the mounting horror in Aggies chest. She really thought that things were changing.
Aggie's age during story:
20 human years = approx. 7-8 in actual age.
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nyxvamps · 1 year
My Stheno Child OC backstory:
Stheno, the oldest of the gorgon sisters, just really wanted to know what the hype was about having a child. She saw the gods and other deities and immortal creatures having children and though, why not?
Made herself look human and chose a random mortal man that she could stand for more than 5 seconds to mate with. Probably offed him afterwards, not gonna lie.
Did not enjoy pregnancy, pretending that immortal pregnancy is anything like a mortal human pregnancy, but the birthing process wasn't horrible. Was disappointed that the child was not born with snakes but a small bit of dark brownish red curly hair. (That would change later.)
The child did have some symmetrical patches of scales down her arms, legs, and back and stomach. And some on her cheeks and hair line. They were all black and dark brownish red shades. As well as orange iris' with slitted pupils. When the child started teething, she most except her front teeth and back molars were at least somewhat pointed and definitely sharp.
Stheno is surprisingly up to date with the modern world so she picked a house in New York to raise the kid. Why NY? No one blinks an eye at weird shit that happens there. And her human form is a pretty stern and intimidating looking woman so no one was going to mess with her anyway.
She used the Mist to disguise her child's appearance when she was old enough to be taken out of the house. And let her mingle with the mortal world for a few years, learning how to interact with normal humans.
She named the child Agony Thorn. She thought that mortals named their children after things they liked but soon discovered that Agony was not a normal name so calls her Aggie out of the house.
When Aggie turned 9, she turned someone to stone for the first time. her mother was waiting for this to happen but assumed that it wasn't a skill Aggie inherited since she loves looking at people an no one has every been turned before. Until, Aggie got scared after being separated from her Mother on the street one day and turned a person who was cornering her on a empty sidewalk. Her powers need to be a conscious decision. Aggie's only thought was "I want this person to leave me alone" and they did. By dying.
This was the age that other monsters started paying attention to her and it was beginning to be a problem. Many of these monsters, for some reason, do not care that her mother is one of the Gorgon sisters, so they try and hurt her child. So Stheno has to make a choice: continue raising her child by herself where a monster could try and hurt her the moment they are apart, or send her somewhere where she will be safe.
Stheno never noticed how attached she had grown to her child until she realized she has shifted her entire life just to raise her, so she begrudgedly chose the second option. Which meant sending her somewhere safe. And really the only place that is safe for morals with non-human blood was Camp Half Blood. Of course, there was Camp Jupiter, but they still didn't allow people with creature blood into their camps.
Camp Half Blood did, but up until Aggie, it's never actually happened with anyone that wasn't part nymph or harpy. Something more, 'dangerous'. So CHB needed to prove that they meant what they said. Any child with non-human blood would be welcomed and protected.
Stheno requested an audience with Chiron and asked that he house her child. Make her her own cabin if he needed to if he was scared of her hurting anyone, but take her in and protect her. Like he promised.
Stheno could tell that, even if the answer was yes, her child was in for an unfavorable next few years as Aggie learned how to protect herself so that she could survive on her own once she reaches adult hood.
Chiron asked for a few days to deliberate with the head counselors and Mr. D to determine if this would be allowed. They all knew they would have to. They can't say that all are welcome just to turn some away because they are to 'monstrous'. So a week later, Stheno received a message confirming that a cabin was being built for Aggie and that she could start her stay the next month when it was finished. On one condition.
Stheno swear on the styx that she not hurt any demigod while her child is in their custody. She swore never to kill any demigod she encounters. Emphasis on kill. She still has a reputation to uphold.
Moving in was very tense. At 10 years old in human years (she seemed to be growing at half, or even less, the rate of normal mortals. So really maybe 5), Aggie had to witness as an entire camp of demigods watched (in full armor) as she and her Mother walked towards the back of camp near the woods, where the other monsters are kept, to place her things in her cabin. Mother was only allowed in for an hour before she was required to leave. They had a few moments alone in the cabin while her mother gave her a special phone that will allow her to use it without fear of monsters finding her, that Stheno had made a deal with Hecate for. Never dies, can take pictures and videos, has access to the internet.
Stheno left her child with some parting words until their next meeting: "Those people outside may treat you wrongly, but know that that is not because of who you are. But because of what they believe. I have done things that gives them reason to not trust me, but you have done nothing of the sort. Keep your head up and learn all you can. Remember you are a Gorgon and we do not go down without a fight." A kiss to the larger patch of scales on her forehead, and Stheno needed to leave. Escorted to the perimeter.
The next few years, 20 actually, were hard. The other campers always watched her with suspicious eyes and walked on egg shells around her. Never interacting with her unless it was needed for training reasons and she was not allowed to go on quests. When new campers came, they would quickly be updated on her presence, usually with some untrue horror stories thrown in. She sat by herself at the back of the pavilion and never really went to campfires. She went on one field trip to Olympus and was almost blasted by the first god that saw her.
Her mother made her promise to stay until she at least looked old enough to be of legal age in the mortal world. She did, but only because she knew, in the end, this will only be a small part of her life.
When she was 30 human years, around 13-15 actually, Percy Jackson came to camp and finally, it was someone else's turn to have all of the camps weariness directed at them.
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