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hey guys! i really missed roleplaying but really don’t feel up to returning to any of my other muses. i just created a new muse, ninny from the moomins series, at @seafrightened ! so if you’re interested in rping with me there, i’d love to interact! she’s very similar to ella, just sans the wings. yknow. fae instead of harpy. i really hope to be able to talk to my old friends again, just with this different muse <3
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hey guys im sorry ive barely been online. life has been kinda hectic and i just havent felt like coming online at all. ive just been kinda discouraged at some of the sexism and clique-y-ness in the community.
i don’t know if this hiatus will end ever but you can catch me at my ig if it doesn’t. i love my muses a lot and i have some v good friends here so i might come back when life calms a bit. if i don’t, then i’m sorry, and thank you guys for the good run on ella, iris, and molly.
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"No, was not Ella. Bird pooping mission? Ella is not directing this. Ella was not directing this, nnnnno.”
#words words words (ic);#toliiberate#listen. pls humor me#i doubt iggy has a car but. pls just humor me this is too funny to me
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a fun fact about me: im doing a photobook art project on harpies but i procrastinated on it for two hours because i wanted to draw more harpies :^(
#admin;#i need to do! my! work#im rly proud of this photobook tho aaa#its about female anger and comparing it to harpies (which u must know i love)#theres been a lot of...... sexism........... from some ex friends and i am directly @-ing them with this lmao
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toliiberate a réagi à votre billet “ive had this blog for over a year and a half now. for that whole time,...”
it just means that she gathers all the pigeons she can find and has them shit on ur car
she would
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Meg nodded at that. “Friends who don’t eat each other does seem like a pretty reasonable thing to want.” Then she tapped her chin in thought. “Have you ever tried to start a huge anti-bird campaign here at camp? I’m talkin’ full-out strike. I’m sure there’s plenty of campers who would join that.”
“That’s just an idea though… But, yeah, the garden. Maybe I could even spring up the proper flowers for the burial. Just for the occasion.” If she was going to bury some nuggets, she might as well go all out. Meg just hoped that no one went to go plant something later on only to find chicken nugget remains. That would be awkward to have to explain.
"Friends who are not eating each other, yep-yep,” Ella agreed, scowling slightly at Meg. “Ella is not anti-bird, she is not. Anti-bird-eating is all Ella is asking. This is all Ella is asking! Only one? Piper McLean is not eating birds. Or any other meat, yes, this is called vegetarian.”
The tiny monster shrugged a bony shoulder in direction of the strawberry patches, indicating Meg follow her. Ella moved in a strange jerky way-- being half Nereid and half bird left for the very unusual body shape of the harpies; human torsos and bird legs together weren’t ideal for walking. Ella sniffed around a bit, sharp eyes narrowed, before pointing at a patch of dirt.
“Here. Here!”
#words words words (ic);#garbagewaif#// who in the rp community has not done that at least once lmao dw#fhgsdf just call out your own muse for her puns just do it
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We’ve even got half-sibling harpies
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ive had this blog for over a year and a half now. for that whole time, ive had ella threaten to call the bird police on people when shes upset. i dont really know what that means honestly
#bird police?? does that mean the other harpies? does that mean literal birds? what am i writing#admin;
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Get the image of a chicken wearing a tiny police hat out of your head, Meg, the bird police is serious stuff. As if to prove that point to herself, she threw her hands in the air to surrender. “Alright! Bury the nugget, I get it!”
Meg threw a look to the chicken nuggets that was almost wistful. Burying her lunch… No one could have the nerve to say that she wasn’t a considerate person after that. And as she scooped up the nuggets so she could find proper burial ground, she tossed a look to Ella. “See? No need for bird police. I can handle the fowl play.”
"Ella will not call the bird police. No need for bird police, Meg McCaffrey is saying.” Ella solemnly repeated, nodding firmly. She eyed the remaining nuggets the way a person might look at a friend’s coffin, with teary-eyed sadness.
“Ella is harpy, see? Harpies eat demigods, they do! But Ella does not eat demigods. She is friends with demigods, she is, so she does not eat! Yes! Ella is wishing demigods would not eat birds with equal respect, equal, equal, equal.” She wrinkled her nose at the pun. “Ella is a foul fowl, Meg McCaffrey. Come to garden with Ella for burying, okay.”
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“Pink slime?” She wailed, her eyes welling up with tears. The thought of her fellow birds, turned to goop solely for the purpose of human consumption-- the harpy didn’t understand what Meg was saying. Being from ancient times when McDonald’s didn’t exist, she likely never would.
“Bury it! Bury the nugget!” Ella started to cry, loud enough to attract the attention of her Cyclops boyfriend in a minute or two. “Bury it, Meg McCaffrey! Or Ella is going to being bird police, yes?! Yes, she is! Yes! Bird police, Meg McCaffrey! Crimes against birds!”
#words words words (ic);#garbagewaif#// i hOPE THIS WAS OKAY TO CONTINUE LMAO i love meg with all my heart
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why KILL monster… when you can KISS monster…
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not sure if i have ever posted my voice claim for ella but.
#i lOVE that musician i listen to this song. a lot. and her other songs too but this one is my fav#i listen to her music when i draw harpies lmao#admin;
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` there's someone i really want you to meet, but — ` he's worried achilles will scare her, so for now, the puppy can't come near. ` — i wanted to make sure it's okay with you first. ` from his phone, jason shows her pictures of the malamute - wolf dog, still just a baby but big enough to fill his whole lap alone. ` this is achilles. he was a gift from my sister. um. what — what do you think? `
"Ah, ah. Achilles. Avoid the heel, Achilles’ tendon, avoid it!”
For someone so tiny, for someone so frightened of shadows, Ella seemed to take comfort in that which was big. Her first crush had been Frank Zhang, to whom she had presented a feather upon her rescue, until she’d realized Hazel liked him. (And of course, Ella would never betray Hazel.) She’d quickly moved on to Tyson, who was considerably huger and thus preferable. The little bird also latched on to the gigantic hellhound Mrs. O’Leary as a playmate, despite the size difference and the fact that hellhounds and harpies were usually not friends. Ella just seemed to prefer big people and things, as if their size was enough to protect her from the horrors she’d escaped. No one would harm her with friends like these.
So if Jason was worried about the harpy fearing Achilles due to his size, it wasn’t a well-placed concern. If he thought she might not like him due to being a dog, that was also a bit silly, as Ella play-wrestled with Mrs. O’Leary under Tyson’s watchful eye on the daily. No, Ella enjoyed dogs, and especially big dogs.
“Ahk-ill-ees. Achilles. Hello, physical copy of digital photo.” She peered at the picture, trying to make use of the technological words Rachel had taught her. “Ella will meet Achilles. Dogs? Good. Ella likes dogs. Woof, hello. Bark. Dogs say bark, they do. Yyyyep, Jason Grace. Ella will meet Achilles, okay. Okay.”
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( @wingedpenumbra )
Shaw had always found creatures from mythology to be FASCINATING, a strange surrealness hovering about them. ‘unreal’ would only be irony, considering he had dealt with the UNREAL his whole career. there was simply something…. divine about them. pencil gently scratches against paper as he draws the harpy, taking notes of her red plumage so he could color it in later. an offering of CINNAMON ROLES had been made to keep her ( relatively ) still while he drew her, though she was still quite fidgety. his head cranes to the side slightly as she eats, a smile of bemusement tracing thin features as she hurriedly scarfed the food that had been offered to her.
‘ I got you some books from the thrift store if you’d like them. i wasn’t sure what you liked so i just… grabbed some random ones. ‘
There was an oldness about her, despite the young face. Her shrill voice aged her at perhaps 9, her face could’ve been 15, but her eyes seemed ancient. Each movement betrayed her as someone (something) that was beyond mortality. Aella the harpy, with her wings and her babbling words, was a relic of the past more than any ruin or marble statue.
Aella ate as though the food would promptly be taken from her-- her hunger-pang body made it more than clear that was how much of her life had been liven-- and she devoured the books even faster. She clutched at them with her talons and ripped into them with her eyes, reading each sentence as though it were extremely valuable.
“Likes all books.” She mumbled, more to herself than to the human. “Ella likes all books, she is. Yep, yyyep. Why drawing Ella? Why drawing Ella now?” Her brown eyes, all a murky caramel with no whites, focused on him. “Why drawing Ella now?”
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“It depends on which gods you ask.” he answered with a small shrug. “And at what point. Caligula was… much better when he was still a little boy following the legions around.”
"Kahahaaa! Small Caligula. Even horrible humans, yes, even the horrible ones are tiny once! No one is big always, yes. Except Tyson, okay. He is always big and fat and tall.”
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“Caligula did in fact happen.” And if Apollo’s suspicions on who the last emperor was was correct, he was still happening. That was an uncomfortable thought. “He was an experience.”
"Wow. Wow! Ella is thinking, thank goodness, yes, for having been dead. Not so great time for harpies, if not so great time for gods. Arcus says, Caligula, no good, when Ella had asked.”
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"Ella was dead, she was, for much of time. Many thousands of years, she was, oops. Oooops. Lots of history, Ella is only knowing from reading, not from living. Did Caligula really happen? Ella missed Vikings, too. She is glad for this.”
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