#pigeons be warned
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may12324 · 1 year ago
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Gale, the Wizard of Waterdeep
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shalmonsdraws · 4 months ago
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lowpoly commish 1 of 2 for @awkward-parabuteo !
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homeofhousechickens · 1 year ago
Hey i have seen them getting more popular on tumblr and interacting with a lot of you guys and I want to let you know that floof9000 is a very unsavory individual. They have abused multiple birds and I think they may still be a minor? (Or not anymore? Its been a few years) so i suggest you just block and do not engage in any way. Yes this person has been reported but unfortunately their target of choice doesn't have many protections and they are actively enabled.
My biggest fear with them is that them interacting with people on here will give them legitimacy so they could possibly get their hands on more rescue birds or at risk birds which they have a history of making disappear or abusing. They sometimes stalk and harass people (and rescues) with their partner as well which is why I think everyone should just block and ignore.
DO NOT sell them any birds or point out any at risk birds to them or give them any breeding advice. I firmly believe this person should not have access to animals.
You guys know I normally do not make these kinds of posts lightly or often but I am growing concerned at the number of casual interactions with bird blogs I'm seeing from them. I'm making this post unrebloggable so it doesn't escape containment please keep yourself and your birds safe by blocking them.
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They have this habit of getting birds then the bird will get sick or have strange behavior then it disappears like what happened to Puffin the bird above. I think it's a cycle stemming from the positive attention they get on social media.
This person admitted to letting their pigeon eat foreign objects but the objects he mentioned are not possible for a pigeon to be able to naturally try to eat such as coins and baby carrots
They also likely plucked Puffin because it's true that pigeons can have severe molts in the neck area but it very rarely looks so uniform and there would be no reason for the skin to be inflamed and bruised.
I suggest just blocking this person and moving on I have known about this behavior since 2020 and I have seen nothing that suggests this person has changed.
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scarapanna · 15 days ago
[WIP] Another one/silly
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I'm close to finishing it so might release this animatic later today!!!
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alchemyfire · 5 months ago
Frev Halloween story
Transformations of a demon
When the demon Fouché saw her coming, he sneered scornfully. This will be easy, he thought. He turned around three times and suddenly transformed into a cute black cat.
When Charlotte Robespierre came to the door of her house and was about to enter, Fouché meowed loudly to be noticed and brushed against her shoe. Charlotte smiled at him, took the kitten in her arms and gently scratched his chin. "Oh, you're a handsome little boy," she smiled and carried him home to pour him some milk.
"Maxim," she knocked on her brother's door on her way to the kitchen and waited a moment. No answer came, but that was not surprising, because Maximilien, a famous wizard on the side of truth and virtue, was usually too busy with work and his own thoughts to notice his surroundings at such times. For the past months, he thought of nothing else but how to bring happiness to the people.So she opened the door and quietly entered the candlelit room.
Her brother walked past a table covered with pages of his spells in progress, flipping through a wizzard book, pausing every now and then in front of the chest of drawers to consult his magic pigeon sitting there on a perch. Some time ago, he finally managed to summon the spirit of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and it subsequently took up residence in the body of Maxim's favorite pigeon. They often had discussions all night long. Even now they seemed preoccupied with more important issues than worrying about what was for dinner tonight.
"To invite people to the pure cult of the Supreme Being is to strike a fatal blow to fanaticism. All fictions disappear before the truth and all follies fall before reason," Maximilien was saying taken by the idea.
"All the sects will merge themselves into the general religion of nature," nodded the pigeon.
Charlotte stood in the doorway, listening in admiration. Even the kitten in her arms pricked up its ears and, in tension, sharply dug its claws into Charlotte's arm. She screamed and dropped the kitten to the ground.
"Evil has entered the room," said the pigeon, flapping its wings violently. Maxim turned to Charlotte and frowned disapprovingly.
"How dare that bird call me evil!" Charlotte hissed indignantly, turning and slamming the door behind her.
"She's just my sister," Maxim turned back to the pigeon incomprehendingly.
"Not her, but the cat," Jean-Jacques pointed his beak at the table, where the cat had jumped up and was now curiously sniffing the written texts.
Fouché was startled for a moment when four suspicious eyes focused on him. He backed away, knocking over the ink bottle in the process. His paws then left dark spots on the text-covered pages, which instantly burst into flames.
“I know who you are!” cried Maximilien as he extinguished the fire with a copy of Rousseau's Confessions. Then he removed his tinted glasses from his head and mercilessly aimed the beam of virtue that burst from his eyes at the black kitten.
But the demon Fouché transformed into a giant snake before his pure gaze. In an instant he turned and swallowed the pesky, chattering pigeon. His devilish laugh then snuffed out all the candles.
"Jean-Jacques, NO!" Maxim screamed in terror and fainted on the spot. Fouché, still in snake form, curled contentedly on his chest, breathing into his face, the poisonous odor of pretense and slander wafting from his mouth. It already looked like he was going to kill poor Maximilien for good and destroy every memory of him.
"Not so fast demon," the window flew open and a pale angel of death with ice eyes appeared on the windowsill. His arrival was accompanied by the sound of the falling guillotine, and his face glistened in the moonlight with the fresh blood of the last executed traitor.
“Saint-Just?” Fouché hesitated and looked at the angel. "It's none of your business, go away," he hissed, rearing his long body menacingly.
“But yes, it is…,” Saint-Just stepped closer, an iron sword of justice suddenly appearing in his hands. "No freedom, to the enemies of freedom," he thundered and cut off the snake's head with one mighty blow.
Fouché fell to the ground, but an inconspicuous rat slithered out of his dead snake body, unnoticed by the angel as he bent over the prostrate wizard to breathe eternal life into him.
So the demon slipped unnoticed through the open window and disappeared into the darkness of the coming night, for lies and envy will never die either, but will continue to spread their poison throughout the world.
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caberex · 9 months ago
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woke up and chose violence (randomly wanted to draw someone elses OC, despite not doing artfight this year.)
anyway, kakala aukusitino is one of @humanoidpigeon 's OC's, picked at random from their art account. timelapse below, because i actually remembered to turn it on for once (after i had already finished the sketch, oops). slight flash warning for the gif.
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sorry the gif is so weird i usually draw on a 4000x4000 canvas so if i wanna do a smaller drawing i just crop it lol. you can kinda see my process tho which is cool idk
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sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year ago
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watch her run forever
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pencilpavlova · 1 day ago
Perplexed mosquito 🦟
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Oh goodness... 🪶
[Video ID: Mercutio sitting on a high place and filmed from below. His whole head is spikey with pin feathers, which makes his googly eyes look even bigger as he headbobs and looks around in confusion at the washing machine noise in the background. End ID]
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bobcat9 · 13 days ago
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Pigeon Point Lighthouse
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rotten-apple-stims · 4 months ago
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The Informant (Seekers Note) board with Victorian, dark academia, library, and pigeon stims
(requested by @literally-just-there ; stims specified)
(🕊️) (🕯️) (🪻)
(⚖️) x (⚖️)
(🪻) (🕯️) (🕊️)
Proship / Comship / RPF Do Not Interact Please !
( Divider(s) by @thecutestgrotto )
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lovelandfrogman · 1 year ago
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blasetober day 25: parker+megan
ok too tired 4 new stuff today. here’s some icons i made for my art fight page :]
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shitswiftiessay · 1 year ago
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ahollowgrave · 7 months ago
-pokes you gently- so what's it like getting a reading from Selenite and how likely is she to tell you outright when you'll die? For reasons :)
(Mentions of: Bones, Animal Sacrifice below the cut.)
The reading room is small and cramped -- Nite prefers the word ‘close.’ Scarfs dyed hues of blue are draped over the light sources, casting a watery mosaic onto the low ceiling. The smell of incense hangs in the air, hazy. There are no windows and only two doorways; the one you just came through has a fall of fabric serving as its door. As it drapes shut behind you it muffles the waiting room and the city beyond, making the sounds distant and otherworldly.
The center of the room hosts a small, round table with a lip around the edge. Two equally plush chairs face each other over it. Shelves line the walls, each one filled to bursting. Jars of buttons, of coins, of metal shavings, bags of varied materials and sizes, some with drawstrings open and their contents spilling out: dried seeds, teeth, bits of bone. Locks of hair carefully glued and pinned into intricate knots or frames or braids. Bits of rock and brightly gleaming crystals in wide-ranging hues. Feathers and scales and claws of beasts. Not to mention the trinkets; Lockets, charms and their bracelets, rings, keychains, and necklaces fill the empty spots, or their own jars, or hang precariously from the corner of shelves. It is hard to take it all in, truly. As your eyes adjust they find that Nite is already waiting for you. A low, pastel light emits from her hair and in the quiet room, barely audible, you can make out the whirring of her eyes as they focus on you, take you in.
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(I talk about bones and animal sacrifice from this point on!!) What happens from here depends so much on the customer and their question! Nite uses bones in her reading in the forms of Osteomancy and Scapulimancy. The former is when one is ‘casting’ with bones and other objects and diving things from the way the objects fall. The latter is divining the future from the markings on the shoulder blade of an animal; often an animal sacrificed in the name of the question asker.
Her strongest, clearest readings are done via Scapulimancy. However, because this involves venturing outside of the safety of S9 most of Selenite’s customers don’t reach for this method. Mostly, hunters or fighters of The Arcadion. Thankfully, if a client truly wants a reading done this way, Obsidian (@iron-sparrow's S9 beauty) is happy to do the perilous part for them. For a fee, of course! Maintenance isn’t cheap, even if being done by your best friend.
So, most of Selenite’s readings are done via Osteomancy.
For reference, Osteomancy heavily features bones (of animals) hence the name! However, a practitioner will mix items of importance in with the bones. Hence all those trinkets! Depending on the client, depending on the question, depending on recent events, and the vibes of the day, Selenite will change out the items in her basket.
Selenite does not wear a regulator anymore and when she realizes a client will meet with death soon she makes a promise -- often just to herself but sometimes directly -- to remember and mourn them. Sometimes she asks for something of theirs on that last meeting and often this gets added to her collection and used when she feels moved too.
Not all her clients are seeking answers related to their death! In fact, few are. But that doesn’t mean Selenite doesn’t know, doesn’t learn.  If they haven’t asked directly she won’t tell them directly! S9 already fears death and grief too much for her taste and she won’t add to it. Truly, this knowledge is a burden and it is not one Selenite seeks to give to lay on her client’s shoulders. Mostly she wants them not to be scared when Death comes.
When asked directly she answers directly.
Thank you for the ask! And your patience in my answering!
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pigeon-wizard · 1 year ago
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i made a Guzma themed kandi bracelet :3 i really, really, really, like how it turned out! <3
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nickbutnodick · 10 months ago
oh did i ever tell you guys about the hole?
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6. Where would they want to go on a first date? & 21. Your character is charged with a crime they did commit. What was the crime? 💕
aaaaaah thank you so much for the ask, @numenoria!!!! (we won't talk about the obnoxiously shrill squeal this ask elicited from me)
ask game found here. for simplicity's sake (since I truly could ramble on about every last one of my OCs, but I don't want to scare anyone away 😅, I'm using Tilda, specifically as she exists in the modern Rings of Power AU, Old Town Road (insert shameless and embarrassing self-promo here)).
6. where would they go on a first date?
well, I really think Tilda would be happy with just about anything. she grew up wealthy, sure, but a lot of the extra money her parents had was funneled directly into the ranch, so she never really developed a taste for finery and bells and whistles. she'd be fully content going to a local bar that allowed dancing, or going on a ride on her family's land, with something like a nice picnic at the end of the journey.
interestingly enough, this question got me thinking of the contrast with Halbrand's style of living, and a potentially amusing scenario that could crop up as a result 😂.
21. your character is charged with a crime they did commit. what was the crime?
oooh I love this one! so an upcoming plot point for the story is actually the discovery that Tilda's family is in a pretty sizeable amount of debt, and that debt is only going to get worse given all the damage the place took during the fire. in the story itself, she goes about trying to help alleviate that debt in a way that I'm not going to spoil here, without being asked to, but, in an alternate universe of this alternate universe (lol), I could absolutely see her going to any means necessary to get at least some of the money, herself as a way to attempt making amends for how she left, a year ago.
long story short, I'd imagine it wouldn't take too long for her to recall that an old friend's father was heavy into the drug trafficking business. and after that, it wouldn't be too long before she tried roping him into letting her in on the game, so to speak.
after that, given her penchant for acting recklessly, and considering the consequences of said actions much, much later, I don't think it'd really take long for her to wind up behind bars.
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