#Selenite of S9
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ahollowgrave · 5 months ago
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-- home sweet home.
I have been thinking a lot about Selenite's apartment and the vibes. She likes to keep the overhead lights off as much as possible, there is almost always some old sappy romance playing on the TV, a door open for friends to wander in and out as they please. She doesn't like to be alone too long!! But it is also her home and she will be comfortable. A bonus shot, just for you:
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thefreelanceangel · 6 months ago
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"Wait, that guy?"
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Manx stared at where Selenite pointed."He seriously wanted you to read the bones to tell him if his erection would come back from the dead?!"
( @ahollowgrave let me borrow Selenite, so she and Manx could hit up a party and gossip)
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ahollowgrave · 6 months ago
oooh, ok if you insist!! her name is Selenite and she's a shard of my WoL/RP OC Odette!
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Selenite, or Nite to friends, is a fortune teller (using bones) and perpetually tired young woman! She specializes in death omens but is happy to peer into the future for most questions! There is always a wait list to see her and she makes an effort to lessen people's fear of death. She chose to remove her regulator following the loss of someone important -- not that she can recall them, only in the vaguest of ways. On the very fringes of a few groups like Oblivion, supportive of their mission(s) but unwilling to commit fully. Her eyes were not compatible with living in S9 and so she had them altered -- this part is pretty self indulgent because... cool eyes are cool! Incredibly chill, pro-bit, maker of questionable choices. Almost always has a coffee or energy drink (the ones that make you gay) nearby. Quick to make friends, quick to make space for people.
xiv tumblr indulge my brainworms show me your solution 9 ocs
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whitherwanderer · 4 months ago
Edgy Ask Meme: 21, Ivih!
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
[ edgy ask meme ]
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Lmao I did request "targeted asks" from you, huh?
I discussed this a bit in a previous ask, but yes. Ivih was born with levinsickness, which we see affecting a young kid in Everkeep, as well as a hyune cleaner working in True Vue.
Pulling right from the other ask:
her days range from good (able to stroll down to True Vue with friends as long as she takes regular breaks) to awful (body pains, headaches, and paralysis enough to require in-house help)
Fortunately, Everkeep is well-equipped to accommodate people born with the condition, relatively frequent as it is. There are elevators to circumnavigate stairs, ramps into most places, and benches all over to take a break when she needs one.
Ivih also has mobility aids she uses on a regular basis. Most notable is a wheelchair, which she mostly pushes herself around on, but for the days when even that is hard to manage, she can switch it over to an electrope motor. The frame is her favorite color: bright fuckin' fuscia. It has stickers all over it from her favorite brands, bands, and she may have disabled some of the safeties on it so that it can reach some, let's say, unsafe speeds in areas where there are no guard rails, which is most of S9.
On days when even getting out of bed is difficult, Ivih has a few resources she can call on. Pure headcanon here, but I figure Everkeep has services in place that dispatches assisted living nurses to help out those who would benefit. But more often than not, she prefers to call on friends. One miss Selenite (@ahollowgrave) has been such a helping hand, and Ivih counts herself as lucky to have people as reliable and gorgeous as Nite.
All that is INSIDE the dome, however. Outside is a whole other story. With ambient aether that doesn't lean as heavily into lightning, Ivih's symptoms are drastically reduced, and she can function almost completely without the mobility aids that she normally relies on. What she'll struggle with out there is a set of different issues: restlessness and recklessness while she tests (and very quickly finds) her limits. Not to mention what would happen if she ever was hit with lightning-based magicks or discovers that, even in arid Shaaloani, there is a monsoon season with spectacular thunderstorms that will affect her just as severely as a bad day in the 'keep.
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stardrinker · 5 months ago
Will you listen?
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to my sad gay playlist?
tyty as always @ahollowgrave, Selenite is a favorite (as are you)
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ahollowgrave · 6 months ago
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-- it feels better biting down.
see also:
Selenite: Go fuck yourself. Sulfur: Fuck me yourself, coward.
Also an additional shot of Selenite's expression because I love how done she looks:
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ahollowgrave · 6 months ago
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-- Nite's Knight. (feat. @iron-sparrow's stalwart Obsidian.)
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ahollowgrave · 5 months ago
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-- soft spot.
[with the incredibly charming Tourmaline from @darcar!]
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ahollowgrave · 6 months ago
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more of Selenite.
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ahollowgrave · 6 months ago
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-- selenite.
been playing around with her! I think I like these eyes, which means I am leaning into her having replaced her Special Eyes with something less migraine and nausea inducing!
I like this hair, also, though the front clips pretty heavily into her face so I'm not sure it'll stay but for now it is very cute. I also like this makeup though I may toy with making eyebags and more of a 'yesterday's makeup' look.
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She also has a.... tattoo?? of sorts. IDK what to call it. Not pictured, you'll have to trust me. Also got nine-ish outfits set up for her.
Anyway. I like her !!!!!! a bonus tall:
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ahollowgrave · 8 months ago
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her name is Selenite and she knows when you die (:
(97+ MSQ)
9!Odette...........obviously....... I don't have much, BUT: What I do know is that she's a fortune teller who specializes in death omens. I imagine in a place like Alexandria it's nice to know when Death approaches. You know, to stock up on souls. Idk! I just like that there is a fortune teller in S9. The NPC is reading cards but Selenite will be casting bones. I don't think this is her final look but it's all vanilla and very cute. The vanguard healer/caster shoes are heelies and she's def rocking them btw. She's thrown herself off the stairs more times than she can count and yet... She doesn't wear a regulator for [reasons] and I think she's an informant of some sort for Oblivion. Not a full blown member or anything, but certainly on the fringes. Maybe romantically linked with a member but quiet-like. She's conflicted about her work. I also know she's connected with @iron-sparrow's reflection, of course of course of course! Hires them to be security for her storefront, sometimes draws eyebrows on their faceplate (helpful), soulmate stuff.
She's still tumbling, you understand! So all of this is subject to change but I'm having fun. Big, big, big thanks to @archaiclumina for the all the links and help with looking at cool rocks!
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ahollowgrave · 6 months ago
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-- brunch gossip. (feat. the absolutely stunning and charming Manx from @thefreelanceangel!)
Some bonus shots where I was playing with angles !!
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ahollowgrave · 2 months ago
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@oneiroy was kind enough to help me restore Odette's gap! And I asked for a version for Selenite, of course (': Thank you so much for your help, friend!
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thefreelanceangel · 5 months ago
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"Trust me, the shop is closed for the night."
{HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ahollowgrave! <3}
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ahollowgrave · 6 months ago
-pokes you gently- so what's it like getting a reading from Selenite and how likely is she to tell you outright when you'll die? For reasons :)
(Mentions of: Bones, Animal Sacrifice below the cut.)
The reading room is small and cramped -- Nite prefers the word ‘close.’ Scarfs dyed hues of blue are draped over the light sources, casting a watery mosaic onto the low ceiling. The smell of incense hangs in the air, hazy. There are no windows and only two doorways; the one you just came through has a fall of fabric serving as its door. As it drapes shut behind you it muffles the waiting room and the city beyond, making the sounds distant and otherworldly.
The center of the room hosts a small, round table with a lip around the edge. Two equally plush chairs face each other over it. Shelves line the walls, each one filled to bursting. Jars of buttons, of coins, of metal shavings, bags of varied materials and sizes, some with drawstrings open and their contents spilling out: dried seeds, teeth, bits of bone. Locks of hair carefully glued and pinned into intricate knots or frames or braids. Bits of rock and brightly gleaming crystals in wide-ranging hues. Feathers and scales and claws of beasts. Not to mention the trinkets; Lockets, charms and their bracelets, rings, keychains, and necklaces fill the empty spots, or their own jars, or hang precariously from the corner of shelves. It is hard to take it all in, truly. As your eyes adjust they find that Nite is already waiting for you. A low, pastel light emits from her hair and in the quiet room, barely audible, you can make out the whirring of her eyes as they focus on you, take you in.
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(I talk about bones and animal sacrifice from this point on!!) What happens from here depends so much on the customer and their question! Nite uses bones in her reading in the forms of Osteomancy and Scapulimancy. The former is when one is ‘casting’ with bones and other objects and diving things from the way the objects fall. The latter is divining the future from the markings on the shoulder blade of an animal; often an animal sacrificed in the name of the question asker.
Her strongest, clearest readings are done via Scapulimancy. However, because this involves venturing outside of the safety of S9 most of Selenite’s customers don’t reach for this method. Mostly, hunters or fighters of The Arcadion. Thankfully, if a client truly wants a reading done this way, Obsidian (@iron-sparrow's S9 beauty) is happy to do the perilous part for them. For a fee, of course! Maintenance isn’t cheap, even if being done by your best friend.
So, most of Selenite’s readings are done via Osteomancy.
For reference, Osteomancy heavily features bones (of animals) hence the name! However, a practitioner will mix items of importance in with the bones. Hence all those trinkets! Depending on the client, depending on the question, depending on recent events, and the vibes of the day, Selenite will change out the items in her basket.
Selenite does not wear a regulator anymore and when she realizes a client will meet with death soon she makes a promise -- often just to herself but sometimes directly -- to remember and mourn them. Sometimes she asks for something of theirs on that last meeting and often this gets added to her collection and used when she feels moved too.
Not all her clients are seeking answers related to their death! In fact, few are. But that doesn’t mean Selenite doesn’t know, doesn’t learn.  If they haven’t asked directly she won’t tell them directly! S9 already fears death and grief too much for her taste and she won’t add to it. Truly, this knowledge is a burden and it is not one Selenite seeks to give to lay on her client’s shoulders. Mostly she wants them not to be scared when Death comes.
When asked directly she answers directly.
Thank you for the ask! And your patience in my answering!
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ahollowgrave · 7 months ago
Friend, I know you did not reblog the 22 Dawntrail ask game! So I would like to humbly request more Selenite lore in the near future. Also, what do you think Odette and Selenite would think of each other?
(Teehee after they sent this I DID reblog the dawntrail ask game mentioned. Like a scamp.)
Man, Selenite is still so new she is truly just rolling right along in the rock tumbler! So while I have some ideas many of them are subject to change. Since her first appearance here I’ve already made some changes to her looks and more will probably come! And since S9 as a whole is still so new with limited lore I imagine bits and pieces of her will change as we play more of this expansion. Such is the life of an RP character, tbh, especially an AU version of an RP character!
I have another ask for how Selenite’s readings work, so I’ll save her work for that one.
Her full name is Selenite, friends call her Nite. Does she have a surname??? Probably. Not that you need to know it. 
She doesn’t wear a regulator anymore. Like many of her fellow citizens, Selenite wore a regulator from a young age. It wasn’t until the loss of her parent and the gnawing feeling of missing someone important -- and a few frank conversations -- that she removed it. She’ll never get the memories of her parent back but she hopes to honor them by feeling any fresh grief. 
Selenite’s parent was probably None’s S9 shard. Details pending. 
Unlike Odette, Nite is 100% alive! Wow! A normal heartbeat and body temperature!
She’s def had some augmentations done! Probably out of boredom. I imagine boredom is a big problem in S9.
The one I’m 100% sold on is her hair not being…. Fully hair anymore. To emulate Odette’s hair’s iridescent sheen, Selenite has fiber optic lights woven throughout that emit a low glow. Practical? No. Cool? Very. 
Also since I keep trimming Odette’s hair I think Selenite gets to have the long fantasy hair. You understand. 
The other one is her eyes. Odette can see souls/ghosts/spirits out of one eye and I think Nite could as well (this is from their shared ancient) but maybe had her eyes removed in favor of optics upgrades. IDK!! I just think…. Cool eyes. You underSTAND!!!
I hesitate about these only because she doesn’t wear a regulator and I feel like they are def tied to regulator usage, but this is why she’s in the rock tumbler. Maybe she got them before she took off the regulator and they still work just maybe… not as well. Much to think about!!
Nite makes a lot of her choices based on Boredom. It's not her greatest trait!!! but it's fine.
She sleeps a lot -- almost like she’s sleeping for two. Always tired. As a result, she’s always got an energy drink in her hand and she’s usually looking for additional stimulants. 
Personality wise she is just so chill. She’s too tired to be worked up, man. 
Another reason she’s on the very fringes of a lot of groups like Oblivian, she doesn’t have the passion to join something like that fully but she supports in ways she can. Like convincing people death isn’t that bad, isn’t that scary. 
Chill but also prone to pranks and jokes. Big fan of teeheeheeing over here. She loves a bit.
She’s only left S9 twice and nearly died both times, without her regulator, so she does NOT leave the city anymore. For all her talk about death not being scary it is very much very scary but that’s okay, she just doesn’t talk about those trips. No worries, haha!
Beautiful fat lesbian <3
I do not think she and Odette will ever meet. Maybe in the background of each other's shots or something, so to speak. That said I do love a what if!!!
I think they'd get along great. I think they'd fit together so well they were long lost twins. Not without hurdles, of course. Nite is freaked out by the ashkin thing, Odette is freaked out by Nite's freak out because are you serious? Mostly I think it's a lot of bickering. They'd change each other for good.
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