#phineas and ferb one-shot
cartoonybus · 2 months
i hope in the revival we get a couple of sibling moments between candace and ferb
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pnfoutofcontext · 1 year
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 4 months
By far my favorite running gag in Wonka is how his hat works exactly like Perry the Platypus’ hat where he can just pull literally anything out of it and none of it could ever realistically fit inside of a hat but you just accept it. This dude has an infinite glass jar collection
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anima-letters · 8 months
Esto es parte de una dinámica que hice en un grupo, me faltarían dos dinámicas más; así que esperen otra aportación en español a este fandom. Con algo de suerte, ya actualizo mi fanfic que no está abandonado, solo está en una larga edición (?)
Rostros conocidos pasean por la sala de conferencia, gesticulando entre un mar inconsciente el mismo sentimiento que le hace hervir la sangre desde que se volvió por primera vez espectador de la indiferencia y la decepción injustificada, la cual solo aumenta cuando los gestos impropios cambian a un gusto genuino de interés cuando el foco de atención no está colocado sobre la “decepcionante” figura, la cual se esfuerza de una forma tan inhumana por encajar con su propia sangre, que hace que respirar sea tan incomodo por la electricidad desagradable que quema los nervios de su piel.
Perry podía saber perfectamente qué dirían, como lo harían, podría incluso recrear conversaciones enteras sin esfuerzo alguno, dado que ni siquiera necesitaba que ellos hablaran directamente con él para reconocer las comparaciones que formularán con sus palabras; porque pareciera que, sin importar cuánto cambie el mundo, ellos no lo harán. Al menos, no de la forma en la que deberían.
Siempre serán la marca permanente en un mundo que ha sido destruido y reconstruido cientos de veces; e incluso si quisieran fusionarse entre las múltiples metamorfosis que el ex científico malvado ha desarrollado, son incapaces de encontrar la forma correcta de hacerlo. 
Porque esta es una historia escrita para repetirse eternamente, sin importar todas las variables que existan. Porqué por toda la eternidad habrá un vencedor y un perdedor, habrá una forma de que lo más paupérrimo de la humanidad sea lo único que merezca Heinz Doofenshmirtz…
¿Por qué habría de hacerlo? ¿Por qué alguien debería aceptar aquello?
Inclusive ahora que el mismo Roger lo reconoce ante su familia, ante Danville, ante las propias sombras de Doof, nadie parece impresionarse por una verdad dolorosamente obvia: Heinz es bueno, algo torpe, y un poco, tal vez bastante dulce, un consuelo para aquellos que caen y una inspiración para quienes no han parado de levantarse desde el primer tropiezo.
Pero nadie se impresiona, nadie lo dice, ni siquiera lo reconocen. Tan solo pasan de largo el evento, como una reunión familiar en la que solo destaca lo infamiliar que es; porque no es ellos en esencia, solo la genética los ata.
Y duele; duele porque sabe que para él, hay algo más que simplemente una herencia de adn.
«No importa, estoy acostumbrado» le habían asegurado cuando lo invitaron, prometiéndole que este no era un problema, específicamente, su problema. 
Le aseguraron que era como una pequeña trágica comedia familiar. Una anécdota más, otra historia traumática que contar cuando la noche se vuelve insomnio.
Ya había sobrevivido a ellos, estaba trabajando sobre eso; podía hacer esto otro día más. Ya lo había demostrado, lo había visto con sus propios ojos.
Confiaba en Doofenshmirtz, como quizás nunca confiaría nadie más en el mundo; reconoce su fortaleza, su inteligencia, su resiliencia…esto no debía ser un problema.
Pero lo era. Nunca dejaba de ser su problema.
Lo fue desde que lo asignaron como su villano, lo fue cuando se volvieron nemesis, se volvió completamente su asunto cuando, en las más íntimas confesiones, lo convirtió en su roca, su estabilidad, su lugar seguro. 
La inestabilidad, aún entre todas sus peleas, confió en que defendería lo que era bueno, que siempre haría lo correcto; que ya no había porqué temer, porque por algo era el mejor agente secreto. Siempre estable, confiable, imperturbable. El mundo podría caerse y juró, con una convicción que haría temblar al más fuerte, que nadie tiraría sus cimientos.
Solo que sus sentimientos dejaron de ser una base sólida de indiferencia desde hace mucho tiempo.
Así que erupciona cuando finalmente encuentran el límite de su única excepción.
Después de tantos testimonios positivos en la entrega del reconocimiento dirigido al ahora entrañable profesor de ciencias, la atención recae al resto de la familia una vez Roger culmina su discurso; ninguno habla, permaneciendo inmóviles como estatuas. Su existencia es únicamente comprobable de forma física, porque anímicamente, están en otro plano de la realidad. Lo que lamentablemente incluye a las figuras paternas, quienes solo observan en silencio al primogénito de la familia.
Y no merecen verlo con ojos tan fríos, mucho menos cuando  espera, con una esperanza ingente, una mínima chispa de orgullo implícito.
Logra respirar algo más que malestar cuando su padre ofrece una breve y vaga frase que reconoce que lo ha hecho bien, lo que le otorga algo de esperanza, misma que desaparece en el instante en que su madre hace un movimiento de hombros, tan sutil que es imperceptible para cualquier espectador que no esté acostumbrado a los movimientos más mínimos.
Si no estuviera entrenado, ni siquiera sabría que existió. Y para ella fue un regalo. Un acto más que suficiente.
E incluso si lo era para su némesis, Perry pudo sentir como su propia calma se desvanecía.
Fue la gota que derramó el vaso.
¿Cómo es posible? ¿Por qué es posible? ¿Cómo es que pueden vivir con tanta tranquilidad después de que el cielo nocturno se extingue y no hay nada más que un vacío tan cruelmente normalizado?
Se levanta de su asiento, caminando hacia el centro del escenario; sabe que la gran mayoría de Danville desconoce el lenguaje de señas, pese a ello, no es capaz de contener la necesidad de expresarse, aún si nadie sabe qué es lo que dice. Al final, sus señas solo están pensadas para una persona en particular. La misma persona que lo mira confundido.
“El Dr. D es impresionante” inicia, sintiendo la tensión en sus músculos cuando se sobreesfuerza para que no haya ni una posibilidad de malinterpretación, porque solo importa que él sepa que siempre lo defenderá, que lo protegerá, que estará por el resto de su propia vida su lado. “Posee una de las mentes más brillantes y creativas que he conocido, e incluso si algunas veces puede ser responsable de algunos desastres, no deja de ser sorprendente todo lo que hace. Y no es perfecto, pero sus errores son lo que inspiran, es lo que lo hace merecedor de este reconocimiento. Porque demuestra que errar y creer son dos cosas necesarias para crecer” expresa, sintiendo el peso de su pecho disminuir, perdiéndose en su propio sentimiento.
Solo existen ellos.
“Su historia podría haber justificado tragedias, pero fue mejor que su pasado. Merece ser una figura de inspiración y de salvación…es mi salvación”.
Cuando vuelve a respirar, cuando vuelve en sí, puede ver a la multitud conmovida, al borde de las lágrimas, lo que lo hace sentir confundido hasta que presta atención a las pantallas laterales, las que van traduciendo a texto cada una de sus emociones.
Expuesto, más de lo que ya estaba en el riesgo aceptado, vuelve a su lugar sintiendo su rostro arder, cuestionando cuántos reglamentos de O.W.C.A ha roto en un arrebato. Tal vez debería sugerir un inador para repetir ese día, para sostener con más propiedad su corazón contra su pecho.
Empero lo ve, con lágrimas en los ojos, con un brillo de lucha, el mismo que ha sostenido conforme más lo ha conocido, con el rostro más enrojecido que alguna vez ha visto.
No, no puede arrepentirse de eso.
Es el Agente P, siempre protegerá a aquel que lo necesite.
Heinz lo necesita tanto como su persona necesita a Heinz. 
Así que si debe defenderlo todo una vida, estará junto a él durante dos más para simplemente asegurarse que nada malo vuelva a creer que tiene un derecho innato de lastimarlo. Quizás de esa forma, algún día, ya no habrá la necesidad de hacerlo.
Por tanto, vuelve al asiento de su lado, fingiendo que eso no ha sido un ataque emocional sino más un impulso racional. Lo que fingen creerle, porque puede sentir su burla en esa sonrisa enorme que hace que quiera retirarse para poder respirar algo más que calidez.
La atención sobre ellos poco a poco se difumina, al punto en que están solos en un lugar lleno de gente.
Se siente agradable. Siempre lo ha sido.
El llamado hace que lo mire, con los latidos retumbando en sus oídos.
Asiente, agregando un pequeño gruñido que trata de disminuir su propia vergüenza.
Pero su némesis sabe leerlo demasiado bien.
Así que se ríe, de él, junto con él.
Y las horas ya no se sienten, ni los rostros imperturbables vuelven a aparecer…o no lo hacen hasta que el evento finaliza, cuando es separado estratégicamente del hombre a quien protege, para ser encarado por la mujer que inició la combustión imparable; lo ve, la ve. Ninguno hace un esfuerzo por ser quien inicie una conversación real, después de todo, el ruido es una cortesía innecesaria para una conversación que se desenvuelve en un silencio que deja las cosas en claro.
O casi.
Desconoce si en algún momento fue una de sus expresiones efímeras, o la intensidad con la que su respiración podría acumularse bajo su pecho lo que hace que, inesperadamente, se encuentre sobre una cuerda tensa que lo hace un equilibrista a la fuerza. No mira hacia abajo, ni hacia los lados, solo se concentra en observar al frente, directamente a la mujer mayor que ha lanzado una de las preguntas más complicadas que alguna vez ha recibido.
«¿Eso es lo que sientes por Heinz?»
No le sorprende la incredulidad, no le toma desprevenido que no consideren al científico digno de sus palabras; lo que es sorprendente es que alguien, lejos de su propio círculo de convivencia, pueda evidenciarlo.
Las manos se tensan, haciendo que los tendones se sientan como ataduras que quieren cortar toda circulación sanguínea, empero sus manos se mueven, en una expresión que sabe no entenderá, solo que no importa, porque esa es una confesión reservada para sí, un juramento íntimo del que nunca hablará públicamente de nuevo.
“Sí”, es la primera firma que hace, “lo hago”, afirma.
“Y no permitiré que crea otra cosa”.
Sabe que no lo entienden, más no puede evitar sentir que por un segundo lo hicieron cuando la progenitora bufó, asintiendo con la cabeza antes de seguir su camino junto los demás.
Perry podría jurar que hubo algo de orgullo en su mirar.
Petrificado en su lugar, la sigue con la mirada hasta que se desvanece, intercambiado por la curiosidad caótica con la que se ha encariñado.
—¡Te estaba buscando! No podía irme a casa sin ti, eres tú quien insistió en traerme, y- ¿me estás escuchando? —
Lo hace, parcialmente, pero si le da la más mínima señal de que ha ignorado un poco lo que siguió después de esa última pregunta, sabe que le espera un largo camino lleno de quejas sin sentido.
Así que atrapa su muñeca con delicadeza, atrayéndolo hacia su persona para que huyan de la escena.
Ha sido demasiado para ambos.
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Okay, after rewatching Phineas and Ferb Across the Second Dimension, which came out in 2011, I need to know if the first Avengers movie- which came out in 2012- copied it, or if it was just a weird coincidence that both movies have an interdimensional portal with a seemingly endless evil army coming out of it set on the top of a weird looking building in the middle of a city that they have to fly up and close after a showdown with the villain?
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animefankotaro · 2 years
Trans Phineas and Isabella
Phineas and Isabella become friends as soon as they met. Phineas was a smart kid. He was always building things in his backyard with his brother Ferb. Isabella would always give them a helping hand being a Fireside Girl and all. But before they were Phineas and Isabella they had different names that they'd like to forget. When they were little Phineas was a girl and Isabella was a boy. Or least they that's how everyone saw them. Phineas usually preferred pants or shorts. He didn't hate dresses or shorts he just didn't care for them. He kept his hair short for a girl. Linda just saw it as a phase like those emo kids. Isabella could be pretty girly loving dresses. More than anything did she want to be a Fireside Girl. Of course they were called that for a reason and she was a boy so she couldn't join. By spending time with each other they soon found out they were similar.
“Can you hand me the screwdriver next?” Phineas asked Isabella. She gave it to him.
“Hammer.” Isabella gave him the hammer.
“Donut?” Isabella questioned.
“A kids gotta eat.” Phineas took a bite out of it. Isabella giggled.
“Hey, can I ask you a question?” Isabella asked.
“If it's where Perry goes I don't know actually.” “No. It's different. You know how you prefer to have your hair short and wear pants?” Phineas nodded. “Well. Me too. Though rather than have short hair I want mine to be long. I also wanna wear dresses. I- I think I'm a girl.” Isabella said. Phineas looked at her.
“Really? Because, well, I think I'm a boy.” This surprised Isabella. “How long have you felt this way?” Phineas asked.
“A while. I think I realized it when I wanted to join the Fireside Girls but was told I couldn't.”
“I think I've felt like this since meeting Ferb. I always wanted a brother. Now I realize I also wanna be one too.”
“So you feel like you're a boy?” Isabella asked. Phineas nodded
“Yeah. I haven't old anyone yet. Not even Ferb. Though it wouldn't surprise me if he does know. Only you do. It's actually nice to know another person like me.”
“I know. For a long time I felt scared to tell anyone. Now that I know that we're alike we can talk and support teach other. We only have each other after all.” Isabella said the last part with a smile. She's had a crush on him for a while. He was smart, funny, and of course handsome. Though he didn't seem to notice.
“You're right!!”
“I am?” Isabella blushed.
“We do only have each other. Now that we're out to one another we can support each other by telling everyone we know!”
“What do you mean.” Isabella felt a little down knowing he didn't seem to have the same feelings.
“You feel like a girl. I feel like a boy. I'll help you come out and you help me. Than we won't be alone anymore!” Phineas said with glee.
“Tell everyone? I don't know... What if they hate me.”
“Then you'll still have me. I promise. I also know they won't hate you too. Let's do it together!” Phineas held out his hand. Isabella smiled and took it.
“By the way.” Phineas asked. “What's your girl name?”
“Oh.. it's uh... Isabella.” Her heart skipped.
“That's a beautiful name. It fits you.” Isabella blushed. “You can call me Phineas.”
“Phineas?” Isabella giggled. “What kind of name is that?”
“I named myself after Phileas Fogg. For the longest time I though it was “Phineas” rather than Phileas.” Isabella laughed again.
“All right then Phineas it is.”
So the two friends decided to do just that. They decided on Ferb first. They were already practically brothers anyway. They could then tell Candace, the other kids they spend time with, and then their parents. While working on a project Phineas and Isabella told Ferb.
“Hey, Ferb. There's something I need to tell you.” Phineas said. “Ferb looked at him blankless. “I'm a boy. I wanna be your brother for now on. I've always thought of us as brothers rather than brother and sister. My real name is Phineas. I hope we can still be partners.”
“I'm trans too. Except I'm a girl. My name is Isabella” Isabella said.
“You're okay with that, right.” Phineas asked. Ferb was quiet a moment before talking.
“Is that all? I thought you were going to say something crazy like you don't want to build anymore.”
“So you are okay with it.” Phineas was glad. Ferb nodded. Phineas was happy to have Ferb. Next was Candace.
“Hey Candace. Can I make a confession.” Phineas said. Candace got from her seat and walked to Phineas.
“What kind of confession?”
“It's something I've been hiding from you and mom and dad for a long time.” Candace started jumping in place like crazy. She took out a tape recorder and put it to Phineas face.
“Confess up so I can finally bust you!” Candace smiled.
“I'm a boy. My name is Phineas. I wanna be your brother for now on.”
“And I'm a girl. My name is Isabella.”
“You don't hate me do you?” Phineas asked.
“Of course not. It's not much that I do this but come here.” Candace hugged her new brother. Next they told the other kids. They all took it rather well. The FireSide Girls said they would help get Isabella in the group. Now it was their parents. Lawernce, Linda, and Vivian. They were all in the back drinking some iced tea and talking. Both Phineas and Isabella walked up to them.
“Mom. There's something I need to tell you.” Phineas said.
“If it's where Perry is I don't know where he ran off to, sweetie.”
“No. It's something else. You know how I like to wear boys clothes and have short hair? Linda took a sip of the tea.
“It's all right. Your dad and I talked it over. We know you want to be a boy.”
“You do?” Phinieas looked surprised.
“Yes. And we support you. We've known for a while. We were just waiting for when you were ready.” Lawrence said.
“I don't know what to say but thank you.” Phineas smiled. Vivian looked over to Isabella
“Is there something you want to say, kiddo.”
“Yes, mom. I'm a girl. My real name is a Isabella. I've always felt like a girl and will do anything to be your daughter.” Vivian nodded.
“I know. I've also known for a while now. I can tell you've been in my closet. You're Isabella my beautiful daughter.” She and Isabella hugged.
“Oh, mom.”
“And I think it's time I sighed you up for the Fireside Girls.” The family all had tea together and talked when a platypus walked up to them.
“Oh. There you are Perry.” Phineas said.
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isabel3710 · 2 years
I am a pretty huge Ferbel shipper. For those of you who don’t know Ferbel is a crossover ship between Ferb from Phineas and Ferb and Mabel from Gravity Falls. And despite the amount of fan art there is there is little to non fanfiction (I have found a single one-shot and that’s it). So I decided to do it myself and start writing my own fics. 
I posted the first one to AO3 yesterday. 
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comment-exchange · 8 months
332. Good Morning (Phineas and Ferb)
Title: Good Morning 
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53798077
Platform: AO3
Creator: Teenager Forever
Work Type: Fanfiction
Fandom: Phineas and Ferb
Rating: G
Pairing: Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus
Word count: 819
Warnings: none
Number of comments: 0 
Completion Status: complete
Short summary/description:
A moment in the life a top secret spy a.k.a Perry Flynn-Flecther and the love of his life a.k.a Heinz Doofenshmirtz
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dorizard-art · 2 years
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This one physically hurt to draw but we can’t have 2012 posting with fandomstuck
[Image ID: Image 1 shows the personifications of the Homestuck, Super-who-lock and Warrior Cats fandoms in the Homestuck art style. They are seated in a room with a ball pit in the background, and a sign that reads “2012 cringe fandom support group”. Dialogue follows. Homestuck: Where’s Onecler? Super-who-lock: Probably still upset about the sexy-man poll. Warrior Cats: tch, those twittypets don’t know anything! End dialogue. Image 2 shows a personification of tumblr kicking open the door, drawn like the Phineas and Ferb meme and yelling: “GUYS HOLY FUCK”. Image 3 shows tumblr pointing dramatically towards the camera, dialogue follows: The twitter users are coming so we have to make this place as inhospitable as possible. So grab your Tardises and your quadrants and your plinko horses, we’re firing shots to keep the rent down. Image 4 shows a close-up of the Warrior Cats fandom looking in awe. Dialogue follows: Warrior Cats: Oh can we call ourselves tumblr-clan? Tumblr: That’s... the best idea I’ve heard all goddamn day. Maximum cringe, tumblrinas! end ID]
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chio-chan2artbox · 10 months
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Because I love angst, here are some sketches of human Perry and Heinz inspired from this one shot fic:
Comic Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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youngerfrankenstein · 4 months
Anyway my silly long-shot hope for the Phineas and Ferb revival is just, weird Candace and Doof friendship. They’re similar in a lot of ways (whether that’s similar in the “instantly get along” way or “can’t stand each other” way is debatable but I prefer the first) and I think it would be funny to watch them bond over their shared bad luck and neuroses. Also:
Imagine Candace finding out her new friend is inadvertently responsible for so much of her troubles
The exasperation it would cause Vanessa and the stress it would cause Perry
On the other hand, having a teenage girl he talks to who ISN’T his daughter might help Doof figure out what he needs to do better as a dad
Candace one day realising she understands a bit of what the boys are talking about because she’s been hanging out with ANOTHER crazy inventor and having a crisis about it
“Are ALL platypuses called Perry?” “I don’t know but I’m getting deja vu.”
Personal opinion but I just think more inter-generational friendships on tv would be nice
Yeah yeah aside from Perry they’re my favourites and I want to see them interact more. Sue me.
Do I think it will happen? Not really. But I do think it would be fun.
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howlingday · 2 months
Ok but imagine what would happen if Loid and Perry teamed up? No one could stop them.
Okay... Time for something new...
A Phineas and Ferb/Spy X Family One-Shot
"An extended conference overseas?"
"Yes, it's a sort of outreach programs between different countries to share different psychiatric methods." Loid explained to Yor. "I'm sorry this is so last minute. I will try to call you as soon as I get back."
Lying to Yor felt wrong, but it was a necessary evil in his life as a spy. The truth was that he was assisting in a joint operation with a foreign intelligence agency, though the whole thing felt like a bad joke to him. Whoever heard of a spy agency under the title of "The Organization Without a Cool Acronym"? Regardless of his feelings, his mission was clear. He was to rendezvous with the agent known as "The Platypus" and provide backup as required.
"Papa?" Anya, his daughter, pointed to picture in her book. Coincidentally, it was a platypus. "Is this a plassapess?"
"No, it isn't." Loid shook his head. "Just because I'll be gone for a little bit doesn't mean you're allowed to shirk on your studies. I expect nothing less than perfect marks when I return home."
"Aw..." Anya groaned.
"Loid, where is this conference being held?" Yor asked.
"I wasn't given the exact details myself, but it's in a region known as the 'Tri-State Area'."
"And that's about the gist of the assignment, Agent P." Major Monogram said through the video screen. "Find out what Dr. Doofenshmirtz is up to and put a stop to it!"
"If it's evil, sir." Carl's voice said off-screen.
"Yes, yes, if it's evil, put a stop to it." Major Monogram rolled his eyes. "We're counting on you, Agent P."
Perry the Platypus gave a salute and left the briefing room.
"I thought the evil thing was implied, Carl." Major Monogram grumbled.
"It doesn't hurt to be sure, sir. Words can be confusing."
"Not as confusing as this finger trap." The major lifted his hands to reveal his fingers had been locked in a threaded snare trap for fingers"
"Did you put your fingers in that trap again, sir?"
"Carl, we've been over this; if I don't do it myself, then how will I learn when I need it most?"
Meanwhile, in the middle of a city in the tri-state area, at an oddly designed building with the logo, Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.~, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz heard a knock at his door.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He opened the door to an elderly man delivering the mail. He was fragile and hunched over. In his hands was a clipboard and a large parcel behind him. "Oh, look at you! You're so old! Why aren't you retired yet? Here, come inside and rest for a bit. I can show you what you're delivering is being used for."
The elderly man hobbled in, his left leg limping with every step. He mumbled something alike to a thank you before being seated on a large loveseat inside a laboratory. Unknown to the oddly kind-hearted doctor, the old man was actual the legendary Agent Twilight in perfect disguise. In front of him was a massive ray-gun of sorts, like in the cartoons Anya watched, with a scope and a trigger beneath. At the tip of the barrel was a missing component.
"So, you're probably wondering what it is I'm building with a mind-tapping helmet." He held out his hands. "Oh, I'm a little rusty. I usually save these backstories for my nemesis, Perry the Platypus, but here goes." Through Agent Twilight's perfect mental imagery, every word spoken became a clear picture of the very sad and tragic backstory of the target. "You see, back when I was growing up in Gimmelshtump, it's a town in Drusselstein if you didn't know, my grandparents would always say something, but mean something else. Like, they would tell me to wash the ham, but what they really meant was marinate it, but it was one of those old sayings that grandparents use and, me being a child, I didn't know what they really meant because I'd only heard it said once." He ripped open the parcel, was handed the mind-tapping helmet, and held it to the device. "And that's when I came up with this! BEHOLD, THE SAYWHAT'SONYOURMIND-INATOR!" He then climbed his way to the apex of the machine. "With this inator, people will say what's on their mind and mean what they really say! Like, say your friends want to hang out and, I don't know, do old person things, like play cards, but the way they say it makes it sound like they want to sleep all day, so they'll say what's on their mind! Here, let me try it on you!"
Faster than Agent Twilight can react, the nefarious doctor was already on the ground and using his weapon on him. He was then hit with the powerful radio waves the machine emitted. He blinked.
"I don't feel any different." He said aloud. "Did this mad scientist's machine really work-" His eyes widened as the doctor laughed for a moment.
"Hey, who are you calling a mad scientist? I'm not mad. I mean, I'm mad now, but I'm not always mad." He looked to the platypus climbing out of the parcel package. "Perry the Platypus, tell him I'm not always mad." The platypus in the fedora chittered. "See? He gets it." At this, he gasped. "PERRY THE PLATYPUS?! Wait, were you able to hear my backstory while I you were inside the- OOF!"
Perry punched Dr. Doofenshmirtz, sending him stumbling backwards into his machine. The machine fired off in a random direction before being taken into the hands of its creator.
"There's no need to fight me, Perry the Platypus. Why don't you just-" He fired the inator on Perry. "USE YOUR WORDS! AHAHAHAHA~!"
Perry winced at the sudden radio waves bombarding him. He blinked a few times. He was looked at expectantly by his nemesis.
"Oh, right. You're a platypus." He then pressed a button on his inator and a net flew out and ensnared Perry. "But I planned for that!" A punch flew in from out of nowhere, knocking the doctor over with his inator. Standing not far away was the old man from before. "What are you doing, Old Man?"
"My name," the mask ripped, revealing the spy, "is Agent Twilight, and on behalf of the good people of Westalis, I order you to surrender your weapon."
"Westalis? Where is that? Is he with you, Perry the Platypus?"
"I won't allow you to threaten the good people of the world with this strange contraption." Agent Twilight said, fully removing his disguise. "Especially while I am assigned to this joint operation."
"Well, I didn't really have anything planned for someone bigger than Perry the Platypus, but I did have this in case he escaped!" With a push of a button, another net of ribbon spewed forth. Unfortunately, the new agent was too fast to be caught and rolled his way over to Agent P, where he easily ripped apart his bindings. "No, no, don't do that! That is so unfair, fighting two against one!" He groaned. "Of all the days for Norm to take one of his 'mandatory vacation days'."
This vacation day in question included going to the mechanic for a semi-spa treatment involving oil, rags, and oily rags. Back to the fight, Agent Twilight kept the doctor on his toes, swinging fist after fist, easily overpowering his opponent. Meanwhile, Agent P was altering the inator by turning the mind-control helmet around so that the machine would reverse its effects.
"I cannot fail here. I cannot allow my emotions to get the better of me. I must keep on my toes. I need to keep applying pressure and overwhelm my opponent with quick, but meaningful strikes."
"Ugh! I regret hitting you with my inator." Dr. Doofenshmirtz groused amidst his thrashings. "Why can't you be more quiet like Perry the Platypus?"
"Chkchkchkchkt." The OWCA agent chittered from atop before swinging the inator around and firing it on himself Agent Twilight. Agent P patted himself down before giving a thumbs up to his fellow agent from afar.
"Oh, finally! I didn't think you would ever stop talking!" Dr. Doofenshmirtz groused even more.
Agent Twilight was about to go in for another punch when he was dragged away by Agent P. Looking back to the inator, he saw that there was a self-destruct device placed at the device's weak point. Jumping over the balcony, Agent P held tight to Agent Twilight, the two silently gliding through the air to a safe location. On the winds, they could hear the defeated shouting of their shared nemesis for the day.
"Excuse me, is this your platypus?"
"Huh?" Phineas turned around to see a man standing in their yard, holding Perry in his hands. "Oh, there you are, Perry!"
"I found him wandering around in your front yard, and I thought it was odd to see an animal so far from their home."
"He's not far from his home, he's simply living in a new home away from his natural habitat. We feed him four meals a day, plus treats, and give him as much comfort as possible." Ferb explained in excess.
"Oh, I... see..."
"Yeah, sorry about Ferb." Phineas explained. "He's been a lot more talkative than usual today. It's almost like some kind of radio wave went off and made him say everything that was on his mind."
"That's... quite an imaginative explanation." The man said. "But maybe this will help. I specialize in psychiatric help and this device helps ease those affected by 'radio wave' abnormalities in humans."
"Oh, you mean like brain stimulation therapy?" Phineas asked. "Isn't that controversial?"
"Yes, yes, it is." The man quirked his brow. "But I believe it may be the best way to help your friend."
"Oh, Ferb's not my friend. He's my brother!"
"Ah, excuse me. Now, may I use my device. I promise no harm will come to your brother."
"Well, okay, if you say so." Phineas stepped aside and let the man hold the device up to Ferb before pressing a button. Ferb blinked a few times before the man placed the device in his pocket. "How you feelin', Ferb?"
Ferb gave a thumbs up.
"Hey, it looks like it worked! Thank you, Mr... Huh? Where'd he go?"
"Papa! You're home~!" Anya cheered, running to the door.
"You're back already?" Yor asked. "I thought you'd be gone a lot longer, considering how far you were traveling."
"I was offered a trip on a much fast return flight than the one prior." Reaching into his doctor's bag, he pulled free a plush doll in the shape of a strange creature with a duck bill, a beaver tail and feet, and a strange greenish-blur fur color. "Anya, I found this on the way home. I remember you being curious about platypus before leaving, so I thought you'd enjoy this."
"Thank you, Papa!"
"Oh, that is so cute~! What are you going to name him?"
Anya thought for a moment, then noticed a certain look in his eyes. It was the same look he held when he was in thought of something. Focusing on him, she heard a name said over and over again.
"Percy the Plassypess?" Anya smiled, tossing her plush in the air. "Yeah! Agent Percy the Plassypess~!"
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cherlockgomes · 6 months
Bridgerton: A romantic poem about Indian culture.
As an Indian, Desi representation in the media can be difficult. It dances precariously between romanticism and downright insulting. It stands to change the world’s view on those with an ethnic background, often pushing the “white saviour” agenda forward. Speaking from personal experience, I can attest that it creates an internal battle. Growing up, I watched shows like Phineas and Ferb, where characters like Balgeet or Ravi from Jessie were portrayed as kooky, with exaggerated accents and quirks. While I agree stereotypes can often aid the comedy in a show, repeatedly watching the Desi characters be used as comic punching bags created an air of displeasure within me. I found myself wanting more and more to be like Hannah Montana, with her blue eyes and blonde hair, rather than one of the Patil Twins from Harry Potter. It took years to unlearn the racism I had internalised and finally see the beauty in my culture. 
It is possible to argue that the growing number of comedies starring racial minorities has facilitated racial tolerance. Take, for instance, the second season of the popular Netflix show Bridgerton, which centres around the romance between a viscount and a character of Indian descent, Kate Sharma. I liked the show's appreciation of my culture through romanticism. Three unique scenes stand out to me in particular—the hair oiling, tea brewing, and Haldi.
In the hair-oiling scene, Kate comforts her younger sister by running oil through her dark tresses. Sitting at your mother/grandmother’s feet while she oils your hair is a canon event in every Indian girl’s life. It is an intimate act of devotion and love in Desi culture, as the person takes great pains to massage the oil into every crevice of your scalp as it stimulates hair growth. In Western culture, oily hair is often looked down upon. While I grew up in India and thus had no first-hand experience of the same, I’ve read multiple stories about how brown girls were bullied and belittled for having oil in their hair. Therefore, seeing something as trivial as oiling a loved one's hair being romanticised in a popular show could change people’s perspective on Indian culture, enabling the rest of the world to see it as we do. 
A quintessential experience in a desi household is watching the chai (tea) being brewed as the aromas of its spices fill the air. Desi tea is more than just milky dishwater. It's a delicate blend of floral notes and spice that warms the back of your throat, only to be soothed by the creaminess of the milk. Making it is an art you’re forced to pick up as you watch your family members painstakingly observe the handi (pot) to ensure it doesn’t boil over. Like the hair-oiling scene, Bridgerton brings out this tradition quaintly. In an episode, Kate removes a few spices from a richly decorated pouch and adds them to a strainer suspended above a teacup, along with a handful of tea leaves. She then pours hot water over the mixture before adding milk to it. It is a scene shot in solidarity with close-ups of Kate’s actions to create an almost Wordsworthian romanticism of an activity nearly second nature to my people. Indian food is often criticised for being too smelly or having a flavour profile that’s too strong. Like the hair oil, Desi children are frequently belittled or bullied for bringing cultural dishes to school. Therefore, watching the precision and complexity that goes into making something as simple as masala chai (spiced tea) can change people’s opinions on the cuisine. 
As Indians, Haldi, or turmeric, is a spice that’s ever-present in our lives. It’s used in our dishes and is an answer to almost every disease and injury. As children, we’re urged to drink Haldi Doodh, or, as it’s better known by its gentrified name, golden latte. For centuries, it’s been used to treat injuries. When we get injured, the yellow powder is usually pressed to the wound as it is believed to hold natural healing powers. Thus, it comes as no surprise that we’ve even found a way to include the marvellous spice in our marriage ceremonies. The Haldi Ceremony is performed a day before the wedding. It takes place in the couple’s parental home, where a mixture of Haldi, oil and water is usually rubbed onto the face and upper body by the couple’s close friends and family. In Bridgerton, we see a similar practice carried out by Kate and their mother the night before Edwina’s wedding. The scene is portrayed in an intimate manner compared to the grandiose version you might see in a traditional Indian wedding. Nonetheless, seeing a critical Desi tradition integrated so well into a mainstream show was quite a surprise and a good one at that. I loved that they paid such close attention to detail, going so far as to drape the characters in yellow clothes, which are considered auspicious during a Haldi. 
I watched a beautiful Indian woman cast as the main character in a Netflix show instead of some caricature, and it healed something inside me. I loved that my culture was finally getting the appreciation and exposure it deserves. The way the show’s creators integrated age-old traditions into the storyline instead of repeating harmful stereotypes like with Apu from The Simpsons, made me appreciate the show and its gradual shift to accurate inclusivity.
The entire point of the Romanticism movement was to take seemingly mundane things and describe them in such a way that makes them seem extraordinary. It aims to change the person’s view on the subject by painting it in a remarkable light. Take, for example, the poem “The Orange” by Wendy Cope. It describes the simple joys in life, like sharing a fruit that graces almost every fruit bowl. It changes the way you look at things, and that’s why the romanticism of the Indian culture in something as mainstream as Bridgerton is so essential. It has the power to change how people view Indians and how we view ourselves. 
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Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 83... You have been warned...! 👌
So, to start things off...:
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So while he had the chance, Yuri kicked Twilight's gun out of his hands, and now they stand face to face...
While Twilight questions why he hesitated, Yuri (after calling Twilight "creepy" 😖) thinks THIS to himself...:
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And with that, the two of them square off in AN AMAZING FIGHT!! 😆
After a few hits, Twilight grabs his belt and knocks Yuri with it (and somehow looking FINE AS HELL dress as Yuri...!! 😳):
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But, just like near the end of the "Epic Monster Battle" song from Phineas and Ferb:
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...GETS UP AGAIN...!!"
So Twilight and Yuri keep having this back and forth, where Twilight knocks Yuri down, but he keeps getting back up...!! (Just like in the song... 😖) And then, we get one of my favorite parts of this chapter...:
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(Also, I loved Twilight's comment about being raised by Yor...!! 🤣)
After a few more hits (and Twilight freaking out about Yuri getting back up so much one last time), Yuri is finally down for the count... And it's time for Twilight to finish the job:
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He couldn't bring himself to do it, and just leaves Yuri in the sewer...
This scene isn't only about Twilight having conflicting feelings, but it also shows one of the ways that Twilight still sees Yor as... An innocent civilian... Which means killing Yuri would take away the only "real" family Yor has left... Especially when Operation Strix is over with... And I believe that Twilight just couldn't bring himself to do that to her...
Moving on, we catch back up with Agent Mustache and Nightfall, who decide to change the plan after Wheeler doesn't show at their location...!
Agent Mustache disguises himself as the SSS agent that Twilight (disguised as Wheeler) met up with at the park and as he starts heading out, we finally see where Wheeler's been at this whole time:
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Wheeler went to where him and the other SSS agents were gonna meet up (which tells me that Twilight was definitely the Wheeler that talked to Yuri back in Mission 81...! 😁), but no one showed up. Then, Wheeler spots Gascoigne (the guy that Agent Mustache is disguised as) and heads out...!
After that, Agent Mustache tries to lure Wheeler out, but the plan doesn't seem to be working until Nightfall looks over the area and spots someone suspicious in the crowd... It was in fact Wheeler, and now Nightfall is on the hunt...!!
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Gosh, I just love seeing Nightfall in action...!! She's just SO BADASS...!! 😆 (When Twilight isn't around of course... 😌) The only thing that takes away from this badass image of Nightfall would be her earrings...
That fact will never not be funny to me...!! 🤭
Anyway, Nightfall and the other agents chase after Wheeler and now have him cornered...:
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And then, the chapter ends... And what an incredible chapter it was!! 😆 Mission 83 is shaping up to be a new favorite of mine, as well as this arc thus far...!! 👏😆👏😆👏😆
Honestly, I could probably gush about this chapter for longer, but I think I'll stop for now and just patiently wait for Mission 84...! ⏰⌛⌚ So until the next Mission... Take care and be safe out there y'all!! BYE!! 👋😄
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39 FOR 🧟:
Denny’s big rule is that he cannot pass that line without an unarmed adult. He can’t go outside alone more generally. But one time he wandered off across the line while Karen was working in the garden, terrifying his mother so badly that the resulting lecture might have been more painful than a zombie bite. 
Buck loads the gun and keeps the safety on as he crosses the red line. Denny follows close at his heels. It’s a pretty simple pump-action shotgun. He’s the most comfortable with the shot guns they’ve managed to collect. Chim is better with the rifles. They’re the best shots on the team, but everyone - save Denny - can do it. 
The way seems clear, so they cross the street, where an old wooden staircase off the side of the road leads down a rock face to the beach. It’s not a fantastic swimming beach, but it’s turned out to be great for the fishing nets.
Once on the beach, Buck empties the gun and puts it back in its bag. He rests the bag flat on an old driftwood log. They can’t afford to get them sandy or wet. There are no gunsmiths anymore. Plus, if something comes for them while they’re in the water, they’re likely safe. The zombies are pretty repulsed by water, for whatever reason. 
“You got the bucket?” Buck asks Denny before they wade into the shallows.
Denny lifts it proudly. “Yep!”
“Alright, let’s go.”
Buck and Denny walk through the shallows, checking the trapline, emptying any fish, and resetting them. They’re each marked with some kind of floating buoy. Or, in some cases, other miscellaneous floating things Buck could find in place of a buoy. A volleyball. A life preserver. Two goose-shaped hunting decoys. Denny has named them Phineas and Ferb, one of the cartoons they have box sets for. 
“Do you think zombies know they’re people and are stuck? Or do you think zombies are more like bears?” Denny asks as they work. 
“Like bears?” Buck asks. “What do you mean?”
“Bears are scary and attack people and don’t care!”
“I don’t know if that’s true,” Buck says. “Bears aren’t that mean, Denny. Just protective of their space. Zombies are meaner than bears.”
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ligercat · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @icegirl2772!
How many works do you have on A03?
What's your total word count? 362,045, can you tell I write a lot of one-shots?
What fandoms do you write for? I... do not feel like typing all of that so take a long copy/pasted list from Ao3... Phineas and Ferb (233) Army Of Darkness (Comics) (19) Ash vs Evil Dead (TV) (10) Milo Murphy's Law (5) Evil Dead (Movies 1981-2023) (5) Doctor Who (5) Supernatural (TV 2005) (5) Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) (4) Evil Dead: The Game (Video Game 2022) (4) Jack of All Trades (TV) (4) Hogan's Heroes (TV 1965) (3) The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. (2) Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer (2) The Monkees (TV) (2) Burn Notice (2) The Walking Dead (TV) (1) Addams Family - All Media Types (1) Captain America (Movies) (1) A Case of Spring Fever (Short Film) (1) Toy Story (Movies) (1) Waxwork (1988) (1) In The Line of Duty: Blaze of Glory (1997) (1) Psych (TV 2006) (1) Evil Dead: The Musical (1)
Top 5 fics by kudos: Lonely Night (504), Painting it Better (452), Eternity's Dime (217), Accidents Happen (214), The Call (209)
Do you respond to comments? I try to but I genuinely do not have the time or mental/social energy to reply to all of them.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uh, probably any of the ones where the plot twist is someone's dead.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I do not know.
Do you get hate on fics? Used to, I haven't gotten any in years.
Do you write smut? No.
Craziest crossover? My Phineas and Ferb/A Case of Spring Fever one because it's just crazy no matter how you look at it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Someone's supposed to be translating one of them but after accepting the offer, I never heard any follow up, so who knows.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Tried a long time ago, it did not go well.
All-time favorite ship? That changes bi-weekly. But, uh, currently? I'm on a Sam/Fi/Mike kick.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Eternity's Dime. It's popular, I got whole the outline and backstory and all the world building down I just... lack any and all motivation to finish writing it.
What are your writing strengths? I don't know. Interesting premises? I've been complimented on character voice more than a few times.
What are your writing weaknesses? Other than feeling like all my writing is shit at least once a week? 🙃
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I got no problem with it as long as the scene stays understandable.
First fandom you ever wrote in? Artemis Fowl
Favorite fic you've written? Don't make me choose from among my babies.
No pressure tags: @the-orion-scribe, @tiggymalvern, @unchartedperils, @stealing-your-kittens, plus open tag
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