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Isabel | 23yrs | She/Her | Gravity Falls | Trolls (Dreamworks) | Fairly Odd Parents | Fanfiction Author | Fanartist | Fanfic Masterlist
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isabel3710 · 56 minutes ago
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Into the unknown 🍂
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isabel3710 · 5 hours ago
Suggestions of The Fairly Oddparents: A New Wish Merchandise
@Paramount @Nickelodeon @@NickAnimation
I am reposting what I said on my Twitter Pages
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isabel3710 · 5 hours ago
spring is coming. Spring IS COMING. You will stand on soft grass again, and feel the sun kiss your cheeks and shoulders. you will eat of the same berries as the animals returned from their hibernation. you will hear the air alive with your collective breathing.
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isabel3710 · 5 hours ago
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isabel3710 · 6 hours ago
Update on the Country Branch fic
I'm still working on the next chapter- I'm so sorry it's been taking so long.
But I am getting really close to finishing. I'm hoping to be done by next weekend, if everything goes according to plan.
Just keep in mind that I have five other fics to work on plus college (finals are coming up).
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isabel3710 · 6 hours ago
for country branch au.
What’s your favorite line of narration?
What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
for the musical epic.
what is your favorite song? character(s)? trope?
Sorry this took me so long!
Narration: (This is from chapter 5)
Delta Dawn said it like it was so easy, as if not singing was the easiest thing in the world. Like she wasn’t going against the very thing trolls were made for. But it wasn’t easy, if it was then why had so many foster families in the past refused to suppress their music around him. If it was so easy then why had they forced him to listen or try to make him sing?
But this woman, this woman who he barely knew, this strange troll from another tribe acting like Branch wasn’t being unreasonable or difficult. It was hard for his head to wrap around.
Dialogue: (This is from chapter 7 and not really a line but oh well)
“No I’m telling you” Branch was saying “a knife is number one and a fork is a two.”
“As you’ve said,” Gust said, “but I still think they should be swapped.”
“I think a spork should be number one!” Holly piped up.
“What’s a spork?” Branch asked.
“It’s a spoon with prongs like a fork” Holly explained “so you can eat tons of different foods with just one utensil!” 
“That sounds like a nightmare,” Branch said. 
Gust nodded “Holly, I love ya, but sporks are terrible and should be ranked below spoons.”
“Oh look” Branch said, a tad sarcastic “something we agree on.”
My favorite character is Penelope, she's a pretty cool character in the OG myth. We haven't see much of her in the musical but the little clips online are so cool. Plus her voice actor did such an awesome job with Suffering.
As for characters we've seen... Probably Circe. She's cool and I like her songs.
My favorite song tends to change a lot so here's a list of a few: Luck Runs Out, Different Beast, Ruthlessness, Just A Man, Underworld, Monster.
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isabel3710 · 9 hours ago
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rough drawing based on pacifica's nightmares in the book of bill
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isabel3710 · 13 hours ago
I love your soft Mabel and Stan 🥺 would you take a request for Dipper and Stan?
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I love their dynamic
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isabel3710 · 17 hours ago
My default assumption whenever I see people pitching fits about how characters or ships or the color of the wallpaper or whatever else they don't like must be evil, is that they are a teenager.
They are a teenager who has never used anything other than an algorithmic feed on a social media app to find fannish content, they don't even know where the settings page is, and they're having a real bad time. They have to get up early in the morning, school is awful, all their clique-y peers have been mean to them about their weight, their teachers are impatient, they just got seven hours of homework and their last class was gym. And they are eternally frightened that they're secretly a bad person and their only current recourse against this is to be like, at least I know that pineapple on pizza is a sin.
Approaching things from this angle has never steered me wrong. Even when the person in question is not literally a teenager, they're still pretty much letting their inner kid drive the bus right now.
"A four year age gap is abusive!" okay champ. Screen time's up. Let's get you a protein shake and a nap.
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isabel3710 · 21 hours ago
Ok guys I had a thought on season 2 for fop;anw
What if Goldie returned and became dev���s new fairy godparent?
It feels weirdly perfect. While we’ve never been told what species Goldie is (I theorize that she’s some sort of a hybrid between a fairy and another magical species) since she’s definitely not (fully) a fairy, I do think it would be a fun concept. It would also be extra interesting if dev really remembered everything (which he probably does) it would add a few interesting ideas
Would dev tell Goldie?
Would he be to scared to tell her?
What would dev even behave like with another fairy godparent after he nearly killed the last one?
Would he actually have Goldie attempt to care for him? Or just dismiss her like he did with peri?
How would Goldie even act as a fairy godparent? Would she be the caring figure dev needed, or a crappy one like peri? (Yeah I said what I said)
Plus how would peri react? Would he be glad to be free of dev? Or jealous? I think if it does happen and Goldie is caring for dev, once the news gets out about Goldie, peri had to realize how bad of a godparent he truly was to dev.
I think if that whole arc would happen, I think the whole season would end with either peri apologizing to dev and them making amends (however they don’t become godparent and godkid again) or peri and Goldie both co godparenting dev.
Plus how would the anw team have peri and Goldie act around each other? Since in the spellelementary episodes in the og show, poof/peri was HEAVILY crushing on goldie and I like to think goldie reciprocated those feelings, but how would that be handled in anw? Would they rekindle their romance or just remain friends? Hell maybe even make them nemesis’s?
Overall I really hope they do this for season 2, as it would be so interesting and full of opportunities for character development and world building (plus we can find out if Goldie is even a fairy or not)
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isabel3710 · 1 day ago
sometimes i need to remind myself that i'm writing fanfiction for free and i'm allowed to have a shitty sentence or two
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isabel3710 · 1 day ago
Y/N x Stanley drawing? 👀 like the scene from Swooning over Stans where they go to disco night and their dancing?
Dorky old man dancing? Don’t have to ask me twice
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isabel3710 · 2 days ago
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TAKIN' OVER 2 NITE!!!🗣🔊💅🎉🧟‍♂️🧨✨️
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isabel3710 · 2 days ago
*Puts brief case down on the table and takes off glasses very seriously* “So about that AU we discussed that one time.”
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isabel3710 · 2 days ago
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I don’t know if anyone has ever done this before but, here ya go… The Different Types of Fanfiction! 
I probably left a few out, but these are the most common, compared to their base fiction’s canon plot. Enjoy! XD
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isabel3710 · 2 days ago
S7E1 "Anti-Poof"
Forgotten canon fact: Peri welds when he's nervous (or when he has an arch-enemy to defeat, apparently)
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isabel3710 · 2 days ago
If you've ever been disappointed by dragonfruit, especially if you felt like it tasted like nothing, then I'm like 90% sure you had unripe dragonfruit, which tastes like nothing. There's a small window of time where it tastes amazing. You must have the patience of a hunter. Do not strike until your prey is at its most delicious
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