#percy is whipped
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valewritessss · 9 months ago
Percy waking up with no memories but that he hates a bitch named Ares and that he’s wifed up
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justaz · 9 months ago
percabeth hang with the kanes rather frequently and can’t help but fall into the parental role toward them. percy already had the idea of his and annabeth’s kids looking and acting like the kane siblings but when he sees annabeth admonishing them for doing something stupid and them going “yes mom” all sarcastically, it really drives the point home.
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imdead770 · 1 year ago
Percy "put your minecraft bed beside mine" Jackson
Annabeth "making an architectural masterpiece" Chase
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liesmultixxx · 7 months ago
annabeth: *pouring her heart out*
percy: *nodding*
(internally: the earrings!!! oh my gods the love of my life looks so wonderful😍😍)
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not him focussing on little details because he’s just that whipped
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mediumgayitalian · 5 days ago
"It reminded me of you."
Will looks into his cupped hands. He purses his lips. He opens his mouth. He closes it. He opens it again.
"This is, uh." He clears his throat. "It, being this fish skeleton?"
Nico nods. "Yes."
Will waits for an explanation. With none forthcoming, he looks up, intent on asking for it directly, but his tongue does completely numb in his mouth, jaw softly unlocking. From the late afternoon sun behind him golden rays shine directly into pools of what has become spun copper and amber brown; spools of shining wire surrounded by shining white. It takes him time uncountable to register the wide, round soporifics in front of him are in fact Nico's eyes, cradled in the light, watching him.
"What," Will tries, mouth dry, "uh, what? Why. I mean." He holds up his hands. They're shaking. "Fish?"
"That's you," says Nico, crowding into Will's space. Will makes a noise that can be registered only by bats, dolphins, and bush crickets.
Nico's callused hands encircle Will's wrist and his soul ascends, exiting from his body, floating away gayly away until Will snags it by the ankle and yanks it back to his mortal body. Dad, if you can hear me, I cannot stress how much you owe me and how badly I am calling in that favor. SOS. SOS. SOS. SO --
"It's small, see. Delicate."
"I'm -- six two?"
"Yeah, physically." Nico pokes at the tiny little spine. "But you're, like." He makes a squishing motion with his hand. "Crushable, you know? You just go around feeling your feelings at full force. All over the place. Delicate."
Will is pretty sure he's ghasting. Is that what it's called? Flabbering one's ghast? When you just -- kind of stand there, slack jawed, wheezing like a doofus? Maybe he is a fish. "Nico, I've got --" He makes a swooping gesture in front of his nose, trying and visibly failing at indicating a plague mask. "You know? I could poison you."
"Yeah, that's why I picked one that died from whirling disease."
Nico returns to the fish skeleton. He points out the eye sockets. "See here? The fish had shallow orbits so it probably had big eyes like you."
"I have big eyes?"
"Duh. You are ninety percent eye. Everyone looks at you and it's like bam. Blue. All you can see."
Will begs the red to recede from his cheeks. He can hear the echo of his father's cackling, all the way from his stupid dork ass nerd ass lame tryhard chariot, and the red continues to rise.
"You -- like my eyes?"
"Hey, look here. You can see its -- are you looking? -- you can see its heart cavity. Cool, right? Your heart is going really fast."
A high-pitched noise comes out of Will's throat, sourced from somewhere in his kneecaps, probably. They're wobbling enough.
"Yeah, I -- uh, best believe I noticed."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm vibing. Chilling, even. One could even say I'm maxing, relaxing, acting all cool. If there was a basketball net outside of a school I would be totally shooting right now."
"You're acting weird," Nico accuses.
Will laughs out loud. No, like, really laughs, it comes out of his stomach and then his knees give out and he barely manages to catch himself, hunching over, veins hot rod boiling and stomach writhing and face the color of a gently polished tomato. He may have passed.
"Oh, my gods, something kill me."
"Whatever, weirdo. Come back over, I want to show you why the rib cage is representative of your repression issues."
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luvingsolace · 2 months ago
I think we as a society should stop considering Nico di Angelo as cool and accept he’s actually a fucking loser
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splankie · 11 months ago
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is blowing up a volcano after ur first kiss couple goals
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sunshines-child · 1 year ago
Before TV show: Haha Nico has 2 blonde himbos busting their asses for his attention. After TV show: Haha Nico has 3 blonde himbos busting their asses for his attention.
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moodyseal · 11 months ago
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TOApril Day 19 – Haunted
"Am I making you feel sick?"
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accidentallyycreated · 7 months ago
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Fun fact: percy actually wanted to annabeth to think of him as some cool guy. He wanted to impress her (and she told him he drooled in his sleep.poor boy😭)
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kittenscookie · 21 days ago
🪽✨Hermes~✨🪽 and May
M.E Hermes: *Gently takes May's hands*
M.E Hermes: ...*Kinda Nervous* Darling, we've been seeing each other for awhile and there's something very important I've been meaning to ask you...
May: Yes...?
M.E Hermes: *Deep Breath*
M.E Hermes: Would you like to meet my boyfriend...?
May: ...The dead blind prophet?
M.E Hermes: The dead blind prophet yes.
May: Sure.
M.E Hermes: *Giggles as his earwings flap about happily*
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m4gp13 · 7 months ago
the other day we were discussing on the server about demigods using more magic transforming weapons like riptide and demigods using weapons associated with their parents and I would like to submit for the class Ethan using a whip that's disguised as one of those rulers that can fold in half, because Nemesis is associated with whips and measuring rods
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neverjustblue · 9 months ago
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not a fan of this piece but I love you hazel
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liesmultixxx · 1 year ago
Annabeth “I secretly had a crush on him since we were twelve years old” Chase really said
I hAtEd YoU aT fIRsT yOu AnnOyED mE thEn I toLerAtEd yOu fOr a fEw yEArs
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✨peak percabeth delusion✨
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mediumgayitalian · 23 days ago
It is normal for infirmary medics to work a night shift.
It is normal for infirmary medics to work a night shift.
Especially if they’re in charge.
Especially if they’re a demigod.
Especially if they’re the most powerful healer in centuries and the Romans — and their war games — are visiting.
“Holy gods above,” Nico shouts, and trudges to the door.
The marble floor is fucking cold on his fucking bare feet (bare, because Solace mutters about his sleeping in boots), the fucking air is fucking frosty on his warmed skin (warmed, because Solace insists on piling his bed with thick blankets), and his fucking sword is far as fuck away in the corner of his dark fucking cabin (far, because of Solace, and his wide, teasing smiles, and his stupid raised brows and prodding questions and teasing dares).
“Fuck this camp and fuck Will Solace,” he announces, wrenching open the door.
“If that is what will make you shut the heck up!” Hazel shouts at his retreating back, pillow jammed over her head. Nico’s face burns bright red as he flees.
It is too godsdamn early in the stupid godsdamn morning for this.
By the stars, it is hardly past two. Not even witching hour. Last summer, Nico wouldn’t even dream of sleeping at this hour. Wouldn’t even consider it. The Nico of last summer would be awake, back straight, boots tied firmly on, sword held in tight, tired hands. Eyes trained on the exit. The Nico of last summer was prepared. The Nico of last summer was battle-hardened and vigilant. The Nico of last summer was badass, and not stomping across the stupid fucking common to the stupid fucking Big House kitchen to get a stupid fucking sandwich because their stupid fucking head medic is a stupid fucking idiot who never, not even once, practices what he preaches.
“I hate him,” Nico announces to nobody. Maybe the harpies. But they steer clear of him, because he used to be cool, and they’re smart creatures, even as they edge the constraints of his death aura and regard him warily.
He really shouldn’t be out this late, flaunting it in their faces.
Whatever. As long as the little kids don’t see and copy him.
He forces himself to soften his step as he approaches the door, wary for all his annoyance at waking Chiron — the harpies may be afraid of him, but the centaur most certainly is not. Not even when Nico threatened a real life zombie apocalypse if he had to clean the stables. (Which stunk. And the zombies in question were no help, because everything is the worst and sucks horribly, and even they were better than Solace, who sat on a nearby rock and laughed himself to tears every time he looked over.)
“I hate him for real,” Nico whispers, still kind of yelling a little.
There is no meal ready in the fridge, which confirms Nico’s theory. He digs around to make sure, shoving aside the Lucky Ranch Of 1998, tossing an empty yoghurt container over his shoulder, and elbowing aside a jar filled with nothing but brine and leftover cucumber seeds.
“Of course I remembered to pack a dinner, you worry too much,” he mocks, in a Texan accent as purposefully offensive as he can make it, “nyeh nyeh nyeh.” He barely manages not to slam the fridge doors shut. “Gods, I hate him to death.”
He stalks over to the pantry and fists a loaf of toast. He holds a butter knife as threateningly as he can manage, glaring at the peanut butter, and assembles a sandwich with his eyes screwed shut and his brain beaming a beacon of hate with enough force to hopefully taste.
“Hate,” he reiterates, then repeats it in four languages just to be sure.
He grabs the plate and stomps over to the infirmary, opening the door quietly because there are sleeping people and he is not a monster. He makes sure to bare his teeth.
Solace, however, does not even startle at the door, and grins brightly at the sound of him. Nico’s eyes ache from the strain.
“Neeks!” he calls, in a poor attempt at a whisper. Nico’s heart immediately softens.
“Absolutely fucking not,” he tells it.
Will pays his muttering no heed. Instead, he beelines for the sandwich, taking the plate in hand and beaming even brighter, somehow.
Spots dance in Nico’s vision.
“You made my favourite!” he exclaims over mouthfuls of peanut butter, which is disgusting. Nico is repulsed by him and his total disregard for manners and tact and etiquette and also Nico’s heart problems and reputation.
“I hate you and hope you choke,” Nico responds.
Will’s infernal eyebrows wiggle. He swallows, polishing off the last of the sandwich because he is a gross freak who eats things in two bites and is horrible, and scrunches his nose. His freckles hide in the folds of his tan skin, and it’s so awful that it makes Nico want to punch him. Gently.
Because Solace is bad at hand to hand, and Nico is not a monster.
“Thank you,” he says, and faster than Nico can follow leans forward and pecks a kiss to his cheek. Nico’s mouth opens. Will leans back and grins. Nico’s mouth closes. Will’s grin gets sharper.
Nico turns around and walks away.
“I really do appreciate it,” Will calls, cackling as quietly as he can manage.
Which is not at all quietly, because unlike Nico, Will is a monster and has no issue bothering his sleeping patients. Also, he wouldn’t know quiet and stealthy if it roundhouse kicked him in the face and stole his organs and will die immediately in combat if Nico isn’t there to protect him. Because he is stupid and Nico hates him.
And his stupid fucking melodic fucking laughter.
“I hate him,” Nico seethes to himself, and dashes back to his stupid fucking cabin.
Hazel laughs at his burning face until she chokes.
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crookedghosts · 7 months ago
percy "annabeth tethers me to mortality" jackson and prince "rayla is my one truth and my love for her is my guiding star" callum oh the men that you are
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