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saunteringvaguelydownwards · 2 years ago
The way you rec fics is delightful ! Do you have more in mind of that *pining with a side of therapy* type of fics (or maybe even heavier on the therapy side lol) ?
Aww, thankee kindly!
🕷️ (Asker's Choice)
SG - Intimate Strangers by @thornedrose44 SuperCorp no powers AU where they're both on a crashing plane and think they're about to die, so they decide to fall in love and be completely honest about their regrets and hopes in these final few minutes. Then oops, they don't actually die, so now what? I literally just rec'd this author in the last post, but "pining with a side of therapy" immediately made me think of a line from this fic that did like +10 psychic damage when I read it because of how personally attacked I was. (If you decide to read this, it's the section right after Sam asks Lena "What's not real?")
SG - We Deserve Only Good Things by @thornedrose44 Lena and Kara save an alien from a species renowned as diplomats and negotiators, so as a thank you the alien is going to fix their friendship, basically giving them couples therapy. And they do this by having the kid versions of Kara and Lena appear to the other randomly so they can process their shit and see where the other is coming from. You know the line from Buffy where Cordelia yells "OMG what is your childhood trauma?"... this is the answer in fic form.
SG - let all your damage damage me by @searidings Kara has wicked PTSD from being in the Phantom Zone, and disappears for a few weeks, saying she needs space, eventually letting Lena know she's at the Kent farm in Smallville and asking her to come. There's trauma, there's hurt/comfort, there's pining which leads to using sex as a way to avoid dealing with your issues, which is obviously super healthy and not at all a problem...
MCU - The "Use Your Words" 'Verse series by SmutLover (tumblr?) Lighter on the pining, heavier on the therapy, very funny but can get pretty serious. It starts off with Tony Stark basically looking at the end of CA:TWS and going 'holy fuck we need professional help' and hiring Sam Wilson to move into the Tower to be the Avenger's shrink. Lots of domestic Avengers Tower stuff, goes pretty hard into how badly the Russians fucked up both Bucky and Natasha, radically reworks Age of Ultron, some really interesting examinations on the ethics and personhood of AI. The pining is between Coulson and Clint, who had a relationship pre-Avengers that Nick Fury fucked with post-Avengers, and also between Steve and Tony, with Steve/Tony/Pepper being the eventual goal. This one is a LOT, like a smidge over 600k words across 6 stories.
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cloudbellsv3 · 2 years ago
It's funny because I like Pepper and I like Pepperony, but my biggest guilty pleasure trope is the Pepper/Tony + Steve infidelity angst fest. I eat it up every time.
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themculibrary · 1 year ago
I'm trying to find this pepperstony fic which is like 90% smut. I don't really remember the details of the smut but Steve's kinda like Pepper and Tony's boytoy (I think). Anyways, the fic ends with them waking after a night of sex and Steve making breakfast and taking Morgan to school. I've been trying to find this for a while and I just need to know if it has been deleted so I could stop searching
I don't think this is right at all but it's the closest I could find:
Does anyone know what this could be?
And Beyond (ao3) - AlchemyAlice T, 32k
Summary: In which death isn't exactly what Tony expected it to be, Natasha finds gainful employment, and Steve finds a home--and a path forward--where he least expects it.
Endgame fix-it.
- Tori
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bthehufflepuff208 · 4 years ago
I’m sure I’m not the first one to suggest this but....
There should be a website or something in which people can post fanfiction prompts for any fandom and authors can visit the website and search for prompts by fandom and pick and choose what they like.
Like, I know fandoms have certain events at times where people give prompts to certain writers, but I think there needs to be a website which has 24/7 access for all fandoms, for fanfiction readers to post prompts they want to see written and for fanfiction writers to search to see if there are any prompts they would want to take on.
Because I’m not the greatest writer, and I have had IDEA AFTER IDEA ever since I started reading fanfiction in middle school. And I think it could also be great for fanfiction writers who maybe want to write but not have an idea, or can use it to be inspired, having many choices in front of them. 
But this may already exist, so if it does, someone let me know?
If not....it needs to exist.
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unsettledreads · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pepper Potts/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Stan Lee Additional Tags: Threesome, Threesome - F/M/M, Gift Giving, Kept Man, Light Bondage, Relationship Issues, Happy Ending, stan lee superhero yenta Summary:
The gifts from Tony and Pepper are nice, and Steve secretly likes showing off signs that he belongs to them -- until some offhanded teasing from Clint makes him wonder if they're gifts from his lovers or payment for services rendered.
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hddnone · 5 years ago
Title: Bedtime Tales for @marvelpolyshipbingo Square : B5 - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Rating: Teen Pairing: Pepper x Steve x Tony Warnings: None Summary : Steve almost missed bedtime, but he makes it. He's there - home, exactly where he wanted to be.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22241629
Steve skidded his motorcycle to a stop on the gravel. He turned off the engine and dropped the kickstand. 
The quiet in the wake of his bike’s roar felt oppressive.
The silence was accusatory. 
Steve practically leapt off the bike and then bounded up the porch steps. The setting sun had told him that he was running late, and he still didn’t dare look at his watch to figure out exactly how late. 
He threw open the door to the house.
Pepper was there. 
Steve started with his apologies, already wincing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m late, very late and -”
Pepper started toward him, alarm on her face. “Steve, is everything alright? Are you okay?” She cupped Steve’s face in her hands, searching his eyes for answers. “Is someone hurt?”
Steve winced. The thought to lie, to create some emergency, flitted through his head. He had a reason for being late - it just wasn’t a good one. 
“I’m sorry,” Steve repeated, hands circling Pepper’s thin wrists. She felt fragile under his touch, though Steve knew she wasn’t. “No, it wasn’t - everything is fine. I just lost track of time with Sam. I’m sorry.” 
Pepper sighed in relief. “Oh, honey, that’s okay. We know your friends want to spend time with you.”
She smiled at him, and Steve’s heart eased. 
“I know,” he said softly. “I just - am I too late?” 
Pepper’s hands were still warm, her fingertips wrinkled. That meant bathtime wasn’t too long ago so maybe - 
“Relax,” Pepper ordered, patting his cheek before dropping her hands. “We aren’t going to toss you out over missing one bedtime.”
Steve swallowed. “I know,” he said, which was mostly the truth. They were far enough along in their arrangement that he wasn’t walking on eggshells. 
He just wanted to be sure to make the least amount of mistakes possible. He’d already made so many before they’d ever started this, and sometimes Steve didn’t know if he’d ever make them up. 
“But I didn’t want to miss it,” Steve said. 
Pepper leaned forward and kissed him, her lips soft and still carrying a hint of her smile. 
“Go on up. I’m sure they’re still awake.”
Steve returned the kiss with a quick peck on the corner of Pepper’s lips, and then darted up the stairs. 
He’d meant to leave the Compound earlier, but his conversation with Sam had taken a turn and he’d gotten caught up. Sam had so many questions and concerns since Steve had passed on the shield - all good, fantastic questions that Steve wished that he’d had someone to ask when he’d first taken up the role of Captain America - that once Sam opened up and started sharing, Steve couldn’t have stopped him.
Steve hadn’t wanted to either, it was just - the timing hadn’t worked out tonight so that he could support Sam how Sam needed it and be back home in time for bedtime. Hopefully there was still time and he could have both. 
Steve had every confidence in Sam, with the shield, with the title of Captain America, with the responsibility. Eventually Sam would have that confidence in himself, too, and Steve was excited for Sam to have that moment. But Steve - Steve was so relieved to not carry that weight anymore. Sam had everything under control, and if not Sam then Bucky and Sharon certainly did. Steve caught enough stories during their weekly lunches that they all have together to know that. 
Steve wished them all well, and he rarely felt the need to go out in the field alongside them anymore. Handing over the shield to Sam and stepping down had given him plenty of time for other things, and he was grateful for that. 
The second door on the left was cracked open, lights still on. Steve knocked softly and pushed the door open. 
Steve’s heart melted at the excited smile on Morgan’s face. She clapped her hands together and beamed, her damp hair clinging to her face. 
“There he is,” Tony said from where he was kneeling next to Morgan’s bed. He levered himself to his feet with a smile. “Told you there was hope. Steve is simply too fast.”
“Did you run the whole way?” Morgan asked, her eyes wide. 
Morgan, like the little scientist she was, loved testing out Steve’s limits. Afternoons in the backyard had her putting Steve through a whole manner of tricks. How high could Steve climb? How high could he jump? How high could he jump with Morgan on his back? How many stuffed animals could he hold at one time? How many toys could he juggle? 
The important questions of how the serum affected Steve.
“I did not run the whole way,” Steve gently denied. “I used the motorcycle your Dad built for me, so I was much faster.”
“Did you use your helmet?” Tony asked with a knowing look. 
Steve didn’t want to lie, so he didn’t answer. Instead, he pulled Tony close and kissed Tony’s temple. 
“That’s what I thought,” Tony grumbled. 
“Genius,” Steve teased. 
Tony squeezed Steve’s arm, his look both admonishing and fond. “Okay, then, I guess this means it’s story time for munchkins. Do we have any munchkins here?”
“Me, I’m a munchkin!” Morgan said. She grabbed The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe from her nightstand, where Steve had set it down after last night’s chapter. “Story time, Steve!”
She wiggled to make space on the bed. 
“Story time for Munchkins, as read by Steve,” Steve narrated. He stepped over to Morgan’s bookshelf and bent over to scan the titles, pretending that he was choosing. “Let’s see, what shall we read today.” He ignored Morgan waving her book at him. “Hm, so many choices!”
“We’re reading this one,” Morgan demanded as she slapped the book on her bed. “We’re on chapter seven.”
“Oh, right!” Steve slapped his forehead. “I totally forgot. We’re in the middle of a story already.”
Morgan harrumphed at him, not amused. Tony hid a smile behind his hand from where he’d faded to the shadows of the doorway. 
Steve shrugged out of his leather jacket and tossed it at Tony, since Tony was going to hang around. Steve got comfortable on top of the covers, in the open spot that Morgan had left for him. 
Morgan thrust the book into his lap, and Steve smiled as he carefully cracked the book open and removed Morgan’s sparkly blue unicorn bookmark from its place. Unicorns were a new phase, and - since no one could be certain unicorns didn’t actually exist - Steve knew that Nebula was under strict orders from Morgan to keep her eyes peeled during her space travels. 
Steve took a breath, gathering his courage for the reading. The character voices were a requirement, and Steve had needed practice at dropping his self-consciousness as well as the voices themselves so that he could give a worthy bedtime story performance. By now, though Steve had gotten plenty of show time. Steve still thought that Tony did the voices better, but he knew that wasn’t why Tony watched. 
Steve glanced up so he could catch a glimpse of the warm, fond smile on Tony’s face as Tony watched them. 
Yeah, Steve would watch too, if the positions were reversed. For now though, Steve was granted the gift of telling Morgan a bedtime story, and it was one that he didn’t want to give up. 
Morgan snuggled into his side, and Steve lifted his arm to help her get comfortable. 
“Chapter Seven,” Steve started. “A Day with the Beavers…”
When the chapter was done, Steve placed the bookmark in the pages and set the book aside. It would be ready and waiting for tomorrow night. 
Steve gently slid an almost-asleep Morgan down until she was properly situated with her head on the pillow. She grumbled, but her eyelids were closed and she only twitched. 
Steve eased himself off the bed and turned Morgan’s lamp off. The room wasn’t completely dark - an Iron Man night light glowed softly in the corner. Steve quietly made his way out of the room, shutting Morgan’s door behind himself. 
Tony had disappeared sometime after four pages, and Steve hoped Tony hadn’t done anything terrible to Steve’s jacket in return for not wearing a helmet. 
Steve found Tony and Pepper on the couch in the living room. No motorcycle jacket was in sight, and Steve eyed Tony. Tony grinned back, and Pepper twisted her lips in amusement. She went back to the book she was reading - probably more composting ideas, Steve guessed, as Pepper’s legs hid the title. 
Steve took a seat on the couch with them. They’d left the middle cushion open for him, which he appreciated. He liked having them on either side. When they climbed into their shared bed every night though, they had to take turns. Pepper had drawn up a schedule. 
“And how are Peter and Susan and Edmund and Lucy today?” Tony asked. 
“They had a wonderful day with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver,” Steve replied with a smile. “Well, Edmund didn’t.” Steve wrinkled his nose. “I think he’s still with the witch right now.”
“Oh no,” Tony gasped. 
Steve rolled his eyes. 
“Am I the only one who knows how the story ends?” Pepper asked as she flipped a page.
“Please,” Tony scoffed. “Of course I know how it ends. It’s been out since Steve’s been born.”
“No it hasn’t,” Steve protested. “I checked the publication date and I… uh, I meant to read ahead, so I’d know what was coming, but -”
“Ha!” Tony crowed, poking Steve’s shoulder. 
“Just because you looked up the children’s names before Steve came down doesn’t mean you know how it ends,” Pepper said, amused. 
“Give me two minutes,” Tony said, pulling out his phone. 
“Cheating,” Steve said, swiping it away and keeping it out of Tony’s reach. 
“I’m not stopping you from looking it up,” Tony said as he climbed over Steve to try to reach the phone.
They fell onto Pepper. Pepper sighed, but Steve could feel her chest move in a silent giggle of laughter. Tony gave up, but stayed on top of Steve and so Steve stayed on top of Pepper. 
Pepper carded her nails through Steve’s hair, and Steve closed his eyes in relaxation. Her scratches sent warm, pleasant tingles down his spine. 
“How is Sam?” she asked. 
“Does he need anything?” Tony asked next.
Steve grinned. He wished the best for Sam, Bucky, Sharon, and all the rest of the Avengers who continued to run missions and save the world. And he would answer the call if they needed him, but for now - 
For now, Steve was happy to be home. 
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heamarvel · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
Mod Pepper attacks with yet another snippet! This time it’s a Suspense prompt for February 12: Merpeople in rare PepperStony flavor:
“Did you bring the snacks he asked for?” Pepper asked her husband.
Steve nodded. “And the supplies from Strange.”
Pepper sighed. “If he really can manipulate the curse -”
“If anyone can do it, it’s our Tony,” Steve squeezed her hand as he put the car into reverse and set off down the driveway.
When they arrived at the cove where they had first met their merprince, Steve unloaded the car and Pepper headed straight for the water. She found Tony sunning himself on a rock and went straight to him.
“Hello love,” he whispered and pulled her in for a kiss. “Steve?”
“Coming,” she whispered. “Carrying all the supplies.”
“Are you sure you two want this?”
“We want you, Tony,” Pepper confirmed. “If you want to stay mer, then we still want you. If you want to try humanity, then we want you. We want you.”
Steve arrived then and handed Tony the satchel from Strange. After examining it, Tony nodded. “Okay, then let’s begin.”
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obsessed-lepus · 6 years ago
Me: *enjoying my life*
Person: who do you ship Tony with?
Me: uhhh... well,,, do you happen to have 4 hours to spare?
Person: arent 4 hours too mu-
Me: no. Even with 4 hours I wouldn’t have enough time.
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betheflame · 5 years ago
creator tag game
tagged by my darling @onlymorelove
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
1. And I’ll Give You A Safe Place to Land
My first fic written since 2008 and my first fic in the MCU fandom. What a kind and lovely reception I got, even though I wrote a rare pair and didn’t even know it! 
Love is complicated but it always wins.
Before the suits and the super soldier resurrections, Pepper loved Tony. Then he ended up in a cave and got brave enough to tell her he loved her, too. Then Steve showed up and needed a family, and then Peter needed one, too.
Then there was the Winter Soldier and trips to Wakanda and battles against Thanos and through it all, they all needed a safe place to land.
(Complete fic that's essentially my re-write of the Tony & Steven centric MCU canon (Iron Man 1 - Endgame) with SIGNIFICANTLY more smooching and guaranteed happily ever afters.)
2. Turns Out, I Have a Rose Garden
The reception on this political AU still blows me away. 
President Steven Grant Rogers was gearing up to run for president again and he had yet to deliver on his major campaign promise from the first term: reverse the effects of climate change by at least 40%. Luckily for him, billionaire genius inventor Tony Stark had just the technology to do it.
Less luckily for Steve, he was totally into Tony, who had no idea Steve was gay because essentially no one knew Steve was gay. If Steve has to choose between a second crack at the office or a first crack at true love, which one wins?
3. He Used to Be Mine
My first Stucky fic - it’ll always be close in my heart for that reason. I loved creating this world and giving Bucky his happily ever after. 
Steve and Bucky were it for each other, until life happened. Now, nearly 20 years later, they meet again. Bucky's boyfriend is an abusive jagweed, however, so Steve has some work to do.
Love, however, might be complicated, but it always wins.
4. A Teddy Bear That Smells Like Family
My version of a EG fix-it, that brings our folks to the afterlife and heals a lot of old wounds. I loved, loved, loooooooved writing this and think it’s probably some of the best prose I crafted the entire year. 
Nat & Tony meet at a bus stop in the afterlife and take a ride through heaven and hell.
Eventually, everyone else does too.
5. Sobriety Chips and Salsa
The most emotional hurt/comfort I could bring myself to write for the POTS server event. I’m pretty fucking proud of this one, folks. 
Sure, they all knew Tony was an alcoholic, but he had it basically under control, right?
Or, the story where he absolutely didn't, but eventually does, and both he and Steve remember the meaning of their vows.
Now, I basically tag everyone because I love these posts and want to know what you’re proud of, but off the top of my head, the folks that haven’t been are @hogwartstoalexandria @iam93percentstardust @dresupi @sablier-bloque @em-dibujsb @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @stargirl222 @avengersnewb
If you are seeing this and you haven’t been tagged - I TAG YOU! 
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tonystarkbingo · 5 years ago
Chapters: 3/8 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Iron Man (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pepper Potts/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Obadiah Stane, Happy Hogan, Nick Fury Additional Tags: Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, POV Pepper Potts, BAMF Pepper Potts, Pepper Potts Feels, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Feels, BAMF Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Feels, Protective Steve Rogers, Explicit Sexual Content, Indian Tony Stark, Hindu Tony Stark, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Pepper Potts' Mother's A+ Parenting, Smut, Dirty Talk, Self-Esteem Issues, Tony Stark Has Issues, Steve Rogers Has Issues, Pepper Potts Has Issues, Grief/Mourning, Friends to Lovers, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse Series: Part 6 of Ladies of Marvel Bingo 2019 Summary:
Virginia Potts meets Tony Stark three years after she starts working in the accounting department of Stark Industries. She’s had the name of two soulmates written on her wrists since she was eleven years old. One says Anthony Edward Stark and the other says, Steven Grant Rogers.
Virginia knows that Anthony Edward Stark is her boss, her top boss, the guy at the highest end of the totem pole, and she knows that Steven Grant Rogers was Captain America and he’s been dead since 1945.
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persephonesfill · 1 year ago
having pepperstony thoughts will elaborate later
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innanzituttoticalmi · 6 years ago
"Bet you two bits if you sleep for at least five hours you'll thank me when you wake up," Steve replied, trying to lighten Tony's sulk. "Okay, can you explain to me exactly how much two bits is?" Tony asked. Steve reached into his pocket and produced a quarter. "Holy shit, I haven't seen cash money in months," Tony said.
Come At Me by Closer
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buckybarnesbingo · 6 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pietro Maximoff/James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton/Bruce Banner, Pepper Potts/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Pietro Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Helen Cho Additional Tags: This Fic is a Blender and Canon is a Smoothie, Pietro in a Skirt, Jealousy, Misunderstandings, Boys in Skirts, Interventions brought to you by Wanda Series: Part 1 of Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019 (Round 1) Summary:
Pietro Maximoff has the laugh of an angel. He carries himself quickly and yet so gracefully, laughs with his entire body, smiles with his entire face, and he's maybe the prettiest little thing that Bucky has ever seen.
He is also egregiously unavailable, but Bucky can live with that. He can.
Square filled: K1 - Misunderstandings.
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juuls · 5 years ago
Does anyone have any A/B/O recs where Tony hides that he’s an Omega? I know I’ve read quite a few, of varying lengths and ratings and filthiness, but that was a couple years ago and I’m not having much luck finding them again since the fandom exploded in size haha (yay though!). Any Tony ship, really, but I’m big on the Stuckony, Stony, WinterIron, IronStrange ships. Het or slash or femslash. Anything, really, I don’t care as long as it has Tony hiding being an Omega! Thank you, loves.💋
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xwinterdreamsx · 3 years ago
The Wonder of It All
Tony/ Pepper/Steve | Post-Avengers (2012)
Falling in love with your teammate is a serious complication when you’re already in a serious relationship with your CEO. Luckily for Tony, Pepper will tell him what to do.
Read on AO3
Ch 2.
Steve was sitting on a couch in the communal floor of the tower reading a book on politics in the 21st century. He’d rather be reading the book on the most influential artists of all time, but he was trying.
Trying to adjust to this new world, and all the knowledge that was required.
Trying to be on the communal floor as often as possible so that he could tell himself he wasn’t hiding. Even though he was.
There was no guide for this. No measure of if he was doing well. Just the unrelenting impression that he was out of sync with everyone.
“Oh Captain, my Captain.” Tony dropped down onto the couch beside Steve, who startled. He must have been really lost in his thoughts if he hadn’t even noticed Tony’s appearance. He didn’t make a quiet entrance. Ever.
“Tony.” He acknowledged neutrally. Speaking of feeling out of sync, he never felt quite so lost as when he spoke with Tony. He doubted that was a man out of time thing. It seemed like more of an intrinsically Tony thing. His presence was overwhelming. Steve was never quite sure how to interact with him without saying the wrong thing. The fact that Tony could talk rings around him while Steve tried futilely to catch up did not help any.
But it was another thing Steve was trying to do. Talking to Tony without getting flustered and one of them snapping at some perceived slight. It had gone rather well the last time, there had been no incidents despite a few near misses. It had Steve feeling rather hopeful, all things considered.
So he didn’t bristle at Tony’s sarcastic opening. He wasn’t being disrespectful. Just Tony, he supposed.
“How are you doing, Cap? Everything meeting your needs?”
“Uh, yes. I’m fine?”
“That a question?” Tony grinned, and Steve couldn’t help but notice how much his face lit up with the expression.
“No,” Steve murmured. “I’m fine, really.”
“Mmm, keep saying it and you might start believing it, huh? Well, be sure to let me know if that changes.” Tony winked. “Anyway, I was thinking you might like to go to this art show with me and Pepper.”
“You… really? Why?” Steve was honestly dumbfounded. That was the last thing he’d expected Tony to say.
Tony shrugged. “Seemed like it’d be something you’re into.”
Oh. That was, nice? Was Tony being nice right now? It certainly seemed like it. “You wouldn’t prefer to go alone? You said how much you value your alone time with Pepper.”
“Ah, but not at art galleries. Trust me, you’ll be a much better art companion then me. I’m just going to say that I went.”
“Not a fan?”
Tony shook his head. “It’s all very… static, isn’t it? But Pep loves it, so.”
There he went again, surprising Steve with his sweetness. He’d come to expect Tony’s clever, sharp mind. His caustic retorts. Arrogant showboating. An inability to take anything seriously unless the fate of the world was at stake, or at the very least, the city.
But this man? Who spoke of his girlfriend with such affection, and a generosity that seemed to belie every other thing Steve had noticed about him. It didn’t seem to fit. Or maybe it did, and Steve had just been getting him wrong.
“In that case, I’d love to.” He smiled warmly, looking forward to seeing more of this Tony he’d been missing. That and getting out of the tower to see some beautiful art might be nice.
He wasn’t quite sure what was behind Tony’s invitation and didn’t buy his casual attitude. But he very much doubted there was anything nefarious about any ulterior motives he may have, so he wasn’t about to question it.
“Excellent.” Tony clapped his hands together and rose from the couch. “We’ll swing by about 11:30 to pick you up. You’ll be here, I assume.” He noted dryly.
Steve’s face heated at Tony’s assessment. “Not hard to figure out, huh?”
Tony hesitated, looking as if he might be debating whether or not to respond. “You could stand to get out a bit more, Cap.”
That was likely a gross understatement. It probably had a lot to do with why Tony had thought to invite him anywhere. They weren’t that close. Steve didn’t mind if it was. He appreciated the gesture that it so clearly was. It seemed that Tony didn’t show his thoughtfulness with words so much as he did through action. Steve could understand that.
“I know,” he started wearily. “I just…”
“Don’t know anyone? Nothing’s familiar enough, yet everything is?”
“Something like that,” he agreed, relieved not to have to form some kind of explanation. Tony’s simplistic explanation said enough.
“Not a problem. Hey, there’s this great burger place you’ll love. Not too extravagant, I promise, but delicious. We’ll go there beforehand, yes?”
Steve opened his mouth to tell Tony it wasn’t necessary, but the look on Tony’s face stopped him. He was excited to introduce Steve to some spots he thought he would enjoy. He couldn’t deny him that, didn’t even know why he would want to.
“Sounds great, Tony. Thanks.”
Tony waved a dismissive hand. “I have inventions to invent. I’ll be seeing you, Cap.” And with that he left as suddenly as he appeared.
Steve had kind of hoped he’d gotten over his tendency to make a fool of himself by now. He wasn’t a kid anymore, he’d been through a war, worked very successfully with women in his role as Captain America, and looked nothing like the boy who’d been routinely dismissed by beautiful dames.
But some things never changed. He was still the same as he always was, underneath it all. Which of course meant stumbling over his words the minute he was introduced to Pepper Potts.
“He-hi. M’am. Ms Potts.”
She chuckled, a light, sweet laugh. “Pepper is just fine Steve. If I can call you that?” She raised a delicate brow in a teasing question.
“Of course,” Steve felt a little foolish. It was just meeting the girlfriend of his… friend? Colleague? Guy he lived with? There was no reason to be nervous.
She was just so very pretty and poised. Pepper had a confidence with an underlying kindness that he immediately liked.
“Great. Everyone knows everyone.” Tony looked up from where he’d been tapping away at his phone. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.” He wrapped a hand around Pepper and Steve’s shoulders, shepherding them towards the lift in that overly familiar way of his.
It was the sort of thing that would usually tempt him to bristle, but Steve decided to let it go. It was possible he was also a little bit overly sensitive when it came to Stark. He needed to not always think the worst.
Tony may be bold, and in your face, but he also hadn’t been anything but overwhelmingly generous. With his tower, his resources, and now his time.
He was making overtures of friendship, and Steve thought that it might be nice having Tony as his friend.
The burger place was, in fact, delicious. Steve let out a satisfied groan when he finished his last bite. He’d done nothing but focus on eating from the very first taste of his burger.
Tony looked undeniably smug.
“You were right,” Steve said with an air of exasperation. But he wasn’t really. “Delicious.”
“Told you.” Tony gloated.
Steve rolled his eyes. “I just said so, didn’t I?”
“No bickering,” Pepper interjected teasingly. “Not on the weekend. I deal with enough of that during the week.”
Tony frowned, turning to Pepper and sliding an arm around her shoulder. “The board still giving you a hard time?”
“Yes. And I deal with them so you don’t have to, so you have to be nice to me.” She pouted playfully.
“I’m always nice to you,” Tony practically purred, leaning close to nose into Pepper’s neck. “Mm, you smell good. I’ve been doing everything you need me to, right?”
“Yes, you’ve been very good lately, signing paperwork, not avoiding meetings I need you at. But just because you’re not being difficult doesn’t mean they’re not.”
“I’m sorry.” Tony started pressing light kisses up her neck and along her jaw. Pepper blushed and smiled prettily.
Watching all of this was too intimate. Steve felt like he should look away. This was the private version of these two very public and polished people, letting their guard down in a way they clearly only did with each other. He didn’t know Pepper’s public persona very well, besides a few news articles. But he could imagine she would need to project a lot of strength to be CEO.
But right now she looked open and in love. So did Tony. It was… hard to look away from. They made a very compelling couple together. Both very attractive in their own right, but together—and with the warmth that was shared between them—they were absolutely stunning. The way Pepper’s loose strawberry blonde hair fell against Tony, and her delicate hand buried itself in his short, dark waves. They’d make a beautiful picture. Steve’s hand itched to draw it.
Realising, finally, that he was staring, Steve swallowed and looked away. Giving them a little privacy.
“Tony. Stop.”
Steve glanced back to watch them separate and straighten in their seats.
“Sorry about that, Steve.” Pepper smiled apologetically. A beat later she nudged Tony pointedly.
“Right, sorry Cap.” Tony responded immediately. “Forgot we had company for a minute.” His repentant expression that hadn’t been convincing in the first place quickly shifted into a grin. “Can you blame me, though?”
“Tony!” Pepper slapped his arm, but Tony just laughed. No, he wasn’t repentant in the least.
Steve just shook his head in amusement, but didn’t respond. Outwardly. Inwardly he thought that no, he didn’t blame Tony at all. If he was Pepper’s boyfriend he was sure he’d enjoy being close to her at any opportunity, regardless of who was around.
And Steve needed to shut that line of thought down immediately. Didn’t matter if it was hypothetical, he did not need those kinds of thoughts in his head. Pepper was Tony’s girl, and Tony was his friend, or becoming one anyway. So no. Not thinking that again.
“So, Steve, how are you coping with the 21st century?” Pepper asked curiously, continuing the getting to know Steve theme of the lunch. So far they’d already covered what growing up in Brooklyn in the 30s was like, the war, and how he became Captain America.
Nothing too heavy, not that that could be avoided in any of those topics, but he didn’t linger on the more painful aspects.
“It’s—” Steve hesitated, trying to settle on how to answer that question, eventually giving up with a resigned huff.
“You don't have to answer that.” Pepper said quickly.
“It’s fine,” Steve shrugged. “I don’t mind the question, it’s just not so easy to answer, I suppose. The 21st century is…a lot. Great, terrible. Fascinating, overwhelming.” Lonely. “I’m not sure I… know. How I’m coping. I’m trying to adjust.” He frowned at his answer. It wasn’t a very good one, he probably should’ve just said something about how much everything has changed or something. But this felt more honest.
Pepper nodded sympathetically. “I can’t even imagine. It’s so much to take in all at once, and a lot to learn. It sounds as if you’re doing admirably.”
“I don’t know about that,” he said ruefully. “If you asked Tony he’d probably say I’m doing pretty badly.”
“You wound me, sir. I would never.”
Steve raised a sceptical brow.
“Okay, yes. I tease you from time to time about being a grandpa—” Steve scoffed because it was a lot more often than that, but Tony just continued. “And I was maybe a little concerned that you were hiding out. A bit. That’s not to say you haven’t adapted well. You have. When it comes to the things you need to know to be a good Captain America, I don’t have a single concern. I just think you don’t know what to do with yourself the rest of the time, which, understandable.”
Steve nodded, a smile forming. He appreciated hearing that from Tony. That he could see he was doing well. He had put his all into not being out of the loop so that he could be a good team leader. Figuring out how to fight, how to understand the world so that he could strategize, no problem. How to have a life? Much harder.
They moved on to other topics after that, and it was a very enjoyable lunch. Pepper talked a bit about what was going on at Stark Industries at the moment and Tony chimed in with things he’d been working on or thinking about working on. It was nice getting the attention off of him for a bit, and learning more about what they both did.
It wasn’t what he’d been expecting, this humble little gallery with unknown artists. He’d expected going to the Met or something he supposed.
Steve wouldn’t have minded that in the least, as he’d been there a few times by himself and the art was incredible. It wasn’t like he never went out. Just not often.
But he found himself charmed by this small gallery with hundred dollar paintings instead of million dollar ones. Like the kind of place he could have started a career in, if his life had gone so very differently.
When Steve looked at Tony with raised brows that communicated his surprise, he simply raised his hands.
“Hey, don’t look at me. I’m simply along for the ride.” With that said, he started circling the room, eyeing up the paintings. Tony didn’t spend long on each one, moving on fairly quickly after a cursory glance. But his eyes lingered on a few, and Steve wondered what it was that caught his eye.
Shaking off the thought for later—perhaps he’d even ask Tony which ones he liked after he’d had a look himself—Steve turned his attention to Pepper, who watched him with a pleased curve to her lips.
“Good choice?” She phrased it as a question, but it was more of a statement.
“Good.” Pepper took a step closer to him, curling her hand around Steve’s as she led him around the room. “A friend of mine runs it, and I thought you would enjoy something a little… low-key.”
“That was thoughtful.” Steve glanced at Pepper. “Tony gave me the impression I was just tagging along.”
“Of course. I wanted to show Cassie my support. But I do like to be efficient.”
“Uh-huh. So you didn’t come up with this just because Tony asked you to?”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” Pepper said, but her smile was too sly to be believed.
“It’s fine. He must think I’m being pretty pathetic if he feels the need to hang out with me.”
Pepper squeezed his arm. “Not pathetic. Lonely, maybe?”
Steve sighed. Nodded reluctantly.
“Tony sees a problem, he wants to solve it. That’s just who he is. He can’t ignore it. But the fact that it even registers as something worth his attention? It means it’s important to him.”
Steve felt warm all of a sudden. He liked thinking of it that way. That he was important to Tony and so worth making an effort. It was much better than the picture he’d painted for himself of Tony simply pitying him.
“Thanks Pep. Pepper. Sorry.” Steve coughed, face hot. They’d only just met, that was far too soon for intimate nicknames. What was wrong with him? Why was it so difficult to just address her without sounding like an idiot?
But he just felt inexplicably close to her. She’d been so warm and welcoming he felt like he’d known her longer. It had to be because of hearing Tony talk about her. That’s what he called her, after all. So it was Tony’s fault it just slipped out.
Pepper simply smiled, not seeming to mind his familiarity.
As they walked she told him the stories of some of the artists, mentioning other pieces they’d done that she really liked. Eventually they caught up to Tony, who was pondering a painting a little more intently than usual.
“Like this one, do you?” Pepper asked, releasing Steve’s arm to wrap her arms around Tony, looking over his shoulder. Steve tried not to frown just because his arm felt a little cold now.
“Mm, yeah. It’s very…controlled chaos.” He gestured to the dark swirling shapes of the painting.
“Perfect for you, then.”
“I want it. Get it for me?”
Pepper chuckled. “Of course. I’ll have it arranged. Are you actually going to display this one?”
“Of course. I like it.”
“As opposed to the million dollar paintings that are just too boring?”
“You have absolutely no appreciation for fine art.” Pepper sighed, but didn’t sound all that irritated. More fond.
Steve watched them in fascination. The way they interacted with each other was interesting. They had very different personalities, and there was a definite push and pull between them that came from that. But the affection that they had for each other ran deep, how long they’d known each other having created a very deep bond.
Tony had a tendency to tell Pepper what he wanted and expect her to do his bidding, but he also seemed to defer to her a lot, like ultimately she was the one in charge. It was a peculiar balance. He supposed that it had a lot to do with their professional relationship.
But the thing he noticed most was that they seemed very happy together. It made Steve glad for Tony that he had that in his life, even as he felt a pang of envy. And grief.
Steve had thought he might have that… once. That after he’d done his duty—but his duty had landed him here, instead. He’d missed his chance with Peggy, and he didn’t know if he’d be able to find something like that again.
Not in this unfamiliar world where he barely felt like he belonged.
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itsasyat · 8 years ago
Is it ok to ship stony and pepperony at the same time ?!!? I'll start shipping pepperstony!!!!!!!!!!
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