#people need to remember that even looking at an executive funny is a good way to get your teeth pulled out
Between Dazai calling Oda a "balm for the soul" to Mori and him giving Akutawaga a whole lecture about how he couldn't beat Oda in 100 years.
I love the mental image of Dazai just going into tangents about how great Oda is around other mafia members and them being completely baffled when they meet him, and he's like the most underwhelming person ever.
Mafioso: "Why does one of the top five executives never shut up about you?"
Oda: "I really don't know. He's been like that since I tied him to a bed and force-fed him porridge"
Mafioso: "YOU DID WHAT!?"
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yannaryartside · 1 year
Carmy and Luca teach the same way
and who may be the reason
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Soooo I have this crazy theory, about what made Luca and Carmy teach the way they do in the present.
Luca and Carmy have a lot of things in common, like their passion and drive (and those tattoos omfg) but I want to bring some attention to how they treat the people who work for them, particularly when these people are making mistakes.
There is this scene in s1x02 in the new york flashback, you see a cook struggling with a sauce and asking Carmy for revision, and he just says something like "Not ready chef, again" he doesn't call her stupid or screams at her, he just gives the instruction even when they are in the heat of service, giving her the opportunity to correct her mistake, while the executive chef (a piece of shit) sends her home immediately, and then proceeds to insult Carmen. From what I have heard, the behavior of the executive chef is pretty common in the industry at this level, and Carmy comes from an abusive household, so who tf did he learn patience from?
Luca also has a "Not right chef, again," with Marcus, while practicing decorating a dessert. He gives him the opportunity to try again, he doesn't insult him or screams either.
You may think this can be their respective personalities. We know Carmy is gentle and generous at heart, he really wants to see people around him be well. But it seems tooo intentional to make both of them say pretty much the same line to somebody they are mentoring.
Both Luca and Carmy give compliments when they like something, and give direct instructions and explanations, even to people who are total newbies, like Marcus (Luca) and Tina (Carmy). Even when the norm in this industry is to make people feel bad so (hopefully) they are too afraid to make mistakes again, preserving a cult to toxicity.
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I think it may be HER.
Again, it seems too intentional. The only thing in common between Carmy and Luca is working for her, and both preserve the motto: "every second counts", in their respective businesses. Like, It is a nice motto, but it may have some other feelings attached to it.
Why the fuck did they cast Olivia Coleman, one of the most wholesome and funny actresses now, that tends to be cast in "mother" roles, for this? They also gave her a sweet name: Chef Terry.
Just imagine the young and hungry Carmy and Luca working for this sweet pie. The only time we see her in "Forks" she is sharing a personal story with a person she has never seen, Richie, and is dedicating time and diligence to a task that is way below her pay grade. Carmy and Luca were both "comis" in her restaurant, also known as line cooks, and their roles were like a soldier to a general, they were not making orders, just regular-ass cooks in this great place. They probably had the opportunity to see Chef Terry give orders and pep talks. Probably both shocked at her personality and approach to her business.
All of her employees have this "service" mentality, instead of an "I am gonna look good and smoke you" mentality, that Carmy mentioned in his monologue. All of them have this motivation to make others happy, and they support one another, they support new ideas and crack jokes in their spare time. Like, all their scenes with Richie (that, sorry, had no talent or reputation for them, they just wanted to respect another fucking human being that wanted to improve) speak volumes.
Carmy and Luca could have learned from Chef Terry, that you can build people up, instead of tearing them apart. I think that would make sense.
Man, and if it comes in a time when Carmy needs to remember how to be a good leader, from the most "mother" chef he has ever work under? Like man....
btw I really recommend this page if you are confused on the hierarchy of the kitchen:
Anyway, this may be a little of a stretch, but I just think it may be really wholesome, thank you for reading!
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abiiors · 2 years
im back again!
could u try to do a thing where reader tries to attempt the gaslighting thing from tiktok on matty
- esp with the like "do you ever wish you were tall" or "have you ever thought of trying to make actual music", or something like that
maybe even confuse him abt if u actually are a thing or not to the point he gets extremely jealous n clingy
Look at him!!! He’s so soft and pretty, how am I supposed to be mean to him? 😭😭 But for you, I’m going to give this a try…
I hope you like it ❤️
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Can I come over later?
His text from a few hours ago is still fresh in your mind. The excitement about him coming over has since doubled, tripled because you have a plan forming in your head. 
An evil plan brewing more like…
You can’t help but laugh giddily as you put on your nicest dress possible, as you scour Pinterest for the best “sultry makeup inspo”. You can’t help but laugh as the doorbell rings. 
This has to be strategically executed, it absolutely needs to be perfect. You have to greet him exactly like usual, with a smile and a kiss.
He raises an eyebrow when he comes in, eyes you from head to toe appreciatively and then pulls you in for another kiss. 
‘You look gorgeous, baby…’
You blush, shyly say a thank you, but the confused look on his face is back. 
‘I thought we were just going to stay in today?’
‘Well…yea, we are. I just thought I’d go out with Nick after you’ve left?’ You deserve an Oscar for the performance you’ve been putting on so far or at least an Emmy. 
His eyes narrow at the mention of another man’s name. ‘Who’s Nick?’ he tries to be all cool and nonchalant but you can already see the cogs of his brain working overtime trying to place that name. 
Nothing’s going to occur to him, however. Because Nick isn’t a real person, he’s only a prompt for this prank. You let him mull that over in his head for a bit as you make your way to the kitchen. It doesn’t escape your notice how he follows you like a puppy. 
‘Oh, Nick?’ you try to look at him through innocent doe eyes.
‘Yea, do I know him?’
‘Oh well, I don’t know. He runs that bakery in town, remember? I always talk about how much I love their brownies,’ you prod on. Even sigh wistfully for dramatic effect. 
Matty, however, looks like he’s swallowed sour milk. 
‘And what are you doing with him?’ 
You shrug in response, turn around to grab some mugs from the shelf. You even make sure to stand on your toes to grab them from the highest shelf. It wouldn’t hurt if he sees how good your ass looks in these jeans…
‘He said the bakery was going to be closed today,’ you fiddle with the mugs, try to find the right ones, stall time so you won’t have to look at him during this part. ‘I asked him if he could teach me how to bake, so that’s what we’re doing today.’
You turn back to him and smile cheerfully. 
‘So is he teaching a class?’ he asks hopefully, ‘like with multiple other people?’
‘Oh, no,’ you smile excitedly, ‘this is a special one-on-one.’
‘A special one-on-one?’ his jaw hangs open slightly as if he can’t believe what you’re trying to imply. For a moment you wonder if you’re going too far but this is just starting to get funny.
You click your tongue, ‘you know what I mean…’
There’s a beat of silence when you’re both silent. He’s trying to figure out what to say and you’re trying to hold the laughter in.
‘Baby, I could teach you how to bake,’ he grumbles, ‘Fuck, youtube could teach you that.’
‘Yea but he’s a professional,’ you laugh and press a chaste little kiss to his cheek. ‘Besides, do you even know how to make brownies?’
‘It’s not like it’s rocket science,’ he rolls his eyes. ‘And what’s so good about this guy anyway?’ 
‘He’s French,’ you answer as if that explains everything. Matty can make of that whatever he wants to.
You turn around, put the kettle on and start walking away to get some snacks but he’s not about to let you… Not so fast.
In one smooth movement, he hooks two fingers in the back pocket of your jeans and pulls you flush against his chest.
‘I don’t know what you’re trying to pull but you didn’t seriously think you were going to a special session with this dickhead, did you?’
The possessiveness in his voice sends shivers down your spine and makes your mouth go dry. 
‘Especially not looking like that.’
His mouth hovers just above your ear and you know he felt that shiver just now. 
‘No?’ you try to sound confused but it just comes out breathy.
‘Yea, no French asshole is about to get one-on-one time with my girl,’ he declares. And just like that he’s back to being annoyed and huffy.
Your already-weakening resolve breaks instantly as you turn to hide your face in his chest and burst out into a fit of giggles. 
‘Oh god, you really…you really fell for it,’ you try to get the words out between giggles and he frowns. 
‘What do you mean?’
‘You,’ you jab a finger in his chest, ‘Matty Healy who is almost chronically online doesn’t know what a TikTok trend is?’
You look at his face, see him go through all five phases of grief at once. You can feel the tears running down your cheeks, smudging your eye makeup but his face is just too funny. 
‘You’re an asshole,’ he mutters but holds onto your waist just as tightly 
‘Grouch,’ you tease as you stand on your toes once again and start peppering kisses all over his face. ‘Would it help if I say the clothes and the makeup are for you?’
‘Whatever,’ he rolls his eyes, looks at a random spot on the wall but he hasn’t exactly pulled away from you. If anything, he’s leaning into them. 
‘And would it help if I say Nick’s not a real person?’
‘He’s not?’ Of course, that piques his interest but he’s quick to put the annoyed mask back in place, ‘I mean, yea sure. Why do I care?’
‘You really don’t care?’ you pout, press a feathery kiss on his jaw. To his credit, he manages not to close his eyes and sigh at the kiss. 
‘Are you mad at me?’ you look at him through your eyelashes and even make your lip wobble for the added effect. 
That’s the trick that does it. He stops focusing on the wall and looks back at you again. 
‘This is so unfair!’ he grumbles. ‘I can’t even stay mad at you.’
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thevoidstaredback · 6 months
Hi i don't know if you take writing requests but if you do could you write a villain with mind reading powers?
I most definitely will take writing requests! Though, I won't write anything that makes me uncomfortable. Villains, though, I can do.
I will warn that this is gonna have some heavy topics, so here's your Content Warning: Affair outside wedlock, intense invasions of privacy, briefly implied transphobia, threats/execution of threats against a school/students
You wanted a villain, so here's a tragic villain with a backstory. Lemme know what you think🖤
(Like all my stories, this is not beta read/peer reviewed)
The Outlier
Max had known since he was a kid that he was special; stranger than other kids. For as long as he could remember, he was different; the outlier.
The first give away was the way his parents looked at him. Side eyes when they thought he wasn't looking. Whispers when they thought he couldn't hear. Smiles that didn't seem genuine, and only got faker as he got older.
The second tell was the looks he got from other kids. Girls weren't supposed to like the colour blue. Girls weren't supposed to like action figures and bugs. Good thing he's not a girl, then.
The third, and biggest thing, was that he could hear voices. They didn't usually talk to him directly, and were mostly whispers in the wind. When he told his parents, they told him it was cute to have imaginary friends. His parents were his parents, so they must've been right when they said he'd grown out of them.
But the voices didn't go away. They only got louder.
By the time he was ten years old, he could match the voices in his head to those of his classmates. The one always thinking about how cute Joshua is was Cindy's voice. The one constantly thinking about lunch and recess was Ethan.
All of the voices were so mundane and never really strayed from their normal thoughts. The bigger voices, though, the voices of adults, were interesting to listen to.
His teacher, Mrs. Kingston, only ever had three topics on her mind: Anticipation to get away from her students, her next lesson, or how cute Mr. Spring - who is not her husband - was.
Shame. Max liked this teacher. Oh, well.
As Max got older, the voices got louder, but he could still ignore them as though they were white noise. He'd even managed to figure out how to focus on one voice, making it louder while the rest faded out.
That's how he found out, in middle school, that the eighth grade chemistry teacher, Ms. Adam, was planning to blow the joint. Literally.
Her class had been working with some chemicals that, while mixed in small, were harmless, but were deadly in large amounts.
She, apparently, was on a downward spiral and no one knew anything. Well, almost no one. Max had known Ms. Adam was going through some stuff, but he'd always filtered her out. Not his circus, not his monkey.
Regardless, he needed to tell someone. If he didn't, then the whole school would be blown up by the end of tomorrow! As much as he hated school, he had grown attached to some of the people here. Besides, he quite liked living in spite of everyone he didn't think he deserved to. It was funny to watch them turn red.
Maybe that should've been the first red flag.
The second the bell rang, he was in the halls and quickly moving to the principal's office. He'd know what to do! He's an adult! He's the adult in charge of the rest of the adults, so they had to listen to him!
But adults don't believe children. Children don't know any better. Children don't know anything.
But Max did. Max knee everyone. Max knew people and their thoughts better than anyone else. And Max knew, for a fact, that the adults had failed him.
He managed to get thirty-two students out and to the far side of the field before the building went up in flames.
It was that event that ultimately brought him to where he now was.
He'd always been a smart kid, using other people's inner dialogues on top of his own knowledge to get things done. In a year, he amassed a following of other kids. Kids that had been failed by adults. Kids that shouldn't have had to grow up before their time. Kids who had only ever wanted to be kids.
Together, they grew. Together, they quietly took over the crime ring in the city. Together, the planned for expansion into the world. Now, together, they would take over the city. Then, together, they would work to take over the country.
If the adults were going to fail the children, then there was no need for them. The system was broken by adults who intended for their children to fix it, so the children were going to fix it. Adults had no place in the new system.
Max became The Outlier. The children he'd taken on as his own, despite being younger than a lot of them, became The Mavericks. Adults all over had become The Unwanted.
The Outlier would not allow The Mavericks to kill. He would rather have the blood haunting his nightmares for all eternity than to let even a drop stain the hands of a child. A group of older kids, however, disagreed. They named themselves Bohemians and they became his generals. They became the kill order. And The Mavericks never knew execution.
There were some who opposed the ordered death of The Unwanted, but they were few and far between. If they spoke too loudly, they became a part of the Court. They spoke in favor of adults, acting as their jury when brought before The Outlier and Bohemians. They never won a case.
Max had made it known, when he had taken over the city, that it was adults that had failed him - them - so it was adults that would pay.
Children were innocent, unable to do any wrong. They were to be protected from the people that would only continue to fail them.
But, quietly, in the privacy and secrecy of his room, Max dreaded the day he'd grow up. It's inevitable, he know, but he still fears that he'd become like them. He didn't want to be an adult because he didn't want to fail anyone.
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deathbyoctopi · 2 years
The year is finished, so it is time to look back and go through the best AO3 treasures I found these last 12 months!! And since XueXiao has been the bane of my existence ever since i discovered it, I decided to make a top 10 list of them! 
So these are (in no particular order) my favourite (song)xuexiao fics:
- the backyard is full of bones by @veliseraptor  A thoroughly enjoyable what-if with Xiao Xingchen being a bit smarter about the wounded man he found. Extremely well paced and written, it eases into the enemies-to-lovers dynamic perfectly, and it depicts characters so believable and well-rounded that it practically feels like canon. 
- I promised you a garden by @lady-of-the-lotus  A short snippet into an alternate timeline where Song Lan’s consciousness is trapped in a paperman and forced to bear witness to the yizhuang’s (very sexy) domestic life. Cute and frustrating and very, very satisfying. (One of those where Song Lan’s not having a good time, which might be one of my favourite tags). 
- Now that I see you by @10holmes​  Don’t usually go with unfinished projects, but this one is an absolute treasure which’d need to work very hard to go awry, so of course I’ll have it here. We have a double canon divergence with Not Blind!Xiao Xingchen, and Amnesiac!Xue Yang!! Which make for a delightfully angsty relationship as they both tiptoe around each other, all while battling with internal turmoil, conflicting morals and a misplaced low sense of worth. A fic absolutely worth keeping track of. 
- The prisoner of Jinlintai by @fieri-sentio-et-excrucior  A rather recent project that had us in tethers for a month and a half (!) with the very sexy prompt of Xiao Xingchen being framed and arrested by the Jin, while a certain guest disciple with a sweet tooth was still around... Another enemies-to-lovers with a wonderfully natural evolution in their relationship, with the extra treat of a rich and entertaining world building that could easily sprout a few spin-offs. 
- Nothing but a way of shading blood by @veilchenjaeger​  This one is very recent, but it shoot up to my top 10 immediately, both for the marvelous writing style and the perfect way they executed the prompt. It provides just the right amount of anguish in Xiao Xingchen, before and after certain discoveries are made, and the diplomacy game with Jin Guangyao and his minion just adds an extra flavour in an already spicy mix. 
- Heaven has a road but no one walks it by @silvysartfulness​  The second (and last) ongoing project here, but just as deserving of the spot. This book-sized treasure is a long journey of (re)discovery, of a slowly kindling relationship with wonderful twists and turns. The slow pace balances out perfectly with some intense (and, in one occasion, thriller-like) action scenes. Also, it was the fic that made me see SongXueXiao with a more favourable opinion.  
- lie back and let me unlock you by @veliseraptor  A short and extremely sexy xuexiao roll in the hay, with the amazing prompt of Xiao Xingchen being (quite shamefully) aroused at the thought of his old enemy Xue Yang, and good ol’ Chengmei offering to rolplay. The result is even more unbelievable that what you can imagine! 
- On the topic of cold by @andreri25  A cute little snippet in the early days at Yi City, where Xiao Xingchen almost dies from hypothermia and Xue Yang has to keep him warm. So what if he takes advantatge? Daozhang won’t remember, and he does need some hot friction after all! It’s wicked and cute in equal parts, because Xue Yang starts off really concerned (even if he wouldn’t admit it or know why, really) but changes gears when the danger is over...
- Final victory by @fieri-sentio-et-excrucior​  A funny concept very well executed, particularly in the emotional response both Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang give at the different turns of the plot. Daozhang discovers that his old enemy is in town, killing people, and after recovering from the surprise, Chengmei offers his help to hunt him down. Cue some well-placed deceit and a cruelly cute happy ending. 
- it hurts at first (but it ain’t that bad) by @veliseraptor  Yet another change in dynamics with Xiao Xingchen discovering his mysterious friend’s identity, if only this time because Xue Yang flat-out tells him (well, he thought he was done for anyways). What follows is a wonderful deluge of arguments, moral dilemmas and Xue Yang’s particular brand of twisted social logic that allow a deeper (and less deadly) reprise of their last canon conversation. Just lovely. 
Which one of those I like best? I don’t know. I don’t care! They are all fantastic. 
AND, since this year was also the first I started actually writing some original content, and not only devouring other artists amazing works, lemme put them here as well >w<
- Phantom Threat  The foregone conclusion of all the fix-its that have xuexiao become an item (sans hidden identities, that is), in which Song Lan arrives at Yi City and does what he should have done in canon and talks directly with Xiao Xingchen, to reveal the terrible secret... which he already knows about. 
- To carry a bit of yesterday  A small slice of life in the Three Year Bliss, where Xiao Xingchen wants a family portrait and despite being quite contrary to the idea, both a-Qing and Xue Yang end up complying. It has amazing art by @wrathyforest​, too!! ^-^
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AND FINALLY, just a few non-xuexiao fics I also loved to the moon and back, but have little-to-no connection other than belonging to the mxtx universe. 
- You’re stuck with me by LikeAFlamingKiss_Consume  A delightful jadecest with dark!Lan Xichen (well, dark!Everyone and their mother, it’s a fucked up AU) and a reluctantly horny Lan Zhan. 
- Blood array by @giraffeter​  Though it could technically be a xuexiao fic, the actual fucking here is between Demonic Gremlin Team Extraordinaire! Xue Yang and Wei Wuxian, sooo... doesn’t count. The fic is entertaining, very sexy and their interaction is marvelous to follow! 
- Despite warning signs by @extrapenguin​  A surprisingly cute and light-hearted Xue Yang/Mo Xuanyu little treat, from their days as Jin disciples. A happier alternative reality for both of them, with fluff and smut in equal parts, which never fails to make me smile. 
- Qi Rong’s day off by @ahintofblue​  Too bad the only tgcf fic to make the cut is a very, very nsfw alternate outcome of the mausoleum scene from book 2, but what can I do? The writing’s so smooth and engaging, it’s rough and cruel and I loved every single minute of it. 
I have the gnawing feeling I’m still forgetting something, either here or in the xuexiao part... but until I discover the way to check which fics I left kudos in, I either go through an ocean of titles from my ao3 history page (that won’t even let me filter!!!) or I just wait for my two braincells to click one day. Oh, well!
Thanks for reading, and to all writers, THANKS FOR WRITING!!! I love you all. Have a happy new year!
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The age-old question: Is Kokichi the villain?
Ves: this one whiplashes back and forth from objectively correct to SO SO WRONG so much idk how to feel
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Me: well, they're right on their main point and simplified some things to get there and at the end he's an anti-hero, not a villain
Ves: i get being frustrated with woobfication but acting like the cast NEVER treated him unfairly is. UHHHHH Kokichi Is An Asshole, But! - my thesis statement also "bragging about how he got two people killed without a hint of genuine remorse" not a HINT!? NOTHING?? YOU CAN'T REMEMBER A SINGLE THING FROM THAT POSTTRIAL THAT SEEMED REMORSEFUL TO YOU!? 'start looking at him as a villain instead of a clueless victim' this is NOT a zero sum game both of those options r wrong
Me: they treated him Like That before he earned it and in his speech at the end of the 4th trial there's a portion when he says he's just stepping up to what's expected from him
Me: he was asking to be executed too, but sure, no remorse
Ves: what are we defining as remorse?? because that seems like literally the most remorseful a person could get to me oohhh i forgot remorse can mean REGRET yeah he's not very regretful neither is gonta! they're both crushed w guilt but that's not the same i guess
Me: the whole. everyone believing him when the lies fit what they want to see. bullshit he's a liar until he's saying he's evil, until he's taking something back, because surely he wouldn't lie about lying without saying the catchphrase
Ves: yeag like,,,when it's 'half my lies are told with good intentions' and 'i'm just trying to give gonta good advice, he'll get killed being so naive' and 'monokuma is going to make you suffer for cooperation like he did kaede' and so on and so on…. that's DEFINITELY a lie guys
Me: he left room to be seen through, he gave hints, he gave so many opportunities for them to get it, that he can't be doing it openly, but they went in with pre-packaged distrust specifically for him I love the theory that Tsumugi had them brainwashed to be opposed to him as a default to push him into his role
Ves: you're right but i wouldn't even describe it as HINTS, he has TWO SEPARATE MONOLOGUES about the danger of public cooperation that honestly monokuma should've clocked [sob emoji] but that's getting more into danganronpa writing than kokichi's morals i love giving him stuff that makes them inherently unnerved by him from the beginning
Me: this is also related to how much of "script" I believe there was for the game, I think they were given cues for how they're supposed to feel, little unconscious suggestions, a vague outline set with motives, nothing actually set in stone, the flashback making machine wouldn't need multiple options if there was a whole defined script that's expected to be executed to a t
Ves: i always thought tsumugi's claim that everything was scripted didn't. make sense. but i can never really feel out how much of it was
Me: she gave them roles, and then left them to improvise, she also has a lot of lines that cue you in on what she wants you to think of other characters, she wouldn't need to be doing that if she already controlled what you thought of them, but she's checking in, if you'll agree
Ves: truuuuee the way she talks about gonta always makes me shudder and the way she talks about kokichi always makes me giggle SNDJBHSHF she's sooo bitchy about him i love her
Me: she wants to shoehorn him into being a classic antagonist so bad and he just doesn't fit, like, I could swear she makes a reference to Nagito at least once when talking about him
Ves: THE WAY SHE TALKS ABT RANTAROU FITS THAT REALLY WELL TOO she KEEPS bringing up him being the fanservice character a playboy and he keeps shooting her down
Me: She fucking hates Rantaro and it's so funny, what did he dooo that finally puts her calling him a normie in a context, he ruined a cliché she was trying to pull, that's punishable by death
Ves: it's like when she yells at shuuichi in the FTEs for trying to say she isn't plain
Sini: I will say this, even though he did in fact show remorse in that instance I can’t blame the others for still being bitchy and pissed with him. Even if he had a good reason, which he did, what he did was still majorly fucked up. He was an asshole throughout the whole trial, an asshole to Gonta until that one moment, and then led him to his brutal death. I’m not saying how they treated him at that moment was good, but they aren’t really going to be thinking too rationally after all that. Ig one thing you could say is that they tend to not treat other culprits like Kirumi that way, but in that case I’d say they should’ve overall had written the characters reactions post trial or what not differently in general
Ves: oh no i absolutely think how the characters treat kokichi after ch4 is justified. i just think the op's casual dismissal is. UHHHH shoulda specified i was talking abt them and not the cast, sorry! kokichi was absolutely an asshole and deserved to get treated like one, but i think op fell too in line with the characters
Me: it was a situation where everyone sucked, nobody ever could begin to be equipped to deal with this shit, and so, nobody handled it well the end of the world was involved
Sini: Yeah, like, he’s a liar. Everyone only assumed he must be lying when trying to be helpful or didn’t mean well when he was spitting straight facts. No one bothered to listen to him. I get he’s an asshole, but fuck man, they cozied up to Maki. Wth is her excuse?
Ves: maki is the wall i always run into here maki is just as mean as he is and FARRR more dangerous but. her being an assassin was added later than her being a waifu
Mauri: i love maki. but in canon why the fuck did everyone love her she choked him out after he revealed that she was a fucking TRAINED KILLER and no one was worried abt that ??? kodaka dont make every single female character waifu bait challenge (almost impossible bc miu my love my life)
Ves: they literally cut to the next day when they're all looking through her lab and not ONCE do they comment on how that debacle…ended. DID ANYONE HELP HIM???
Sini: If Kokichi was a girl, I swear, things would’ve been a little different
Ves: if kokichi was a girl but written the same ppl'd say he EATS BABIES if he was written like kodaka likes to write women he WOULD eat babies but it'd be like, fine
Sini: Kokichi literally revealed a threat to the cast. And yet they still treat him like he’s this big villain….WHAT? Okay, but literally people treat Celeste better than Kokichi. Celeste is worse than Kokichi in everyway (personality wise)
Me: Celeste is evil in such a simple way, it's easy to brush over she's just greedy, a materialistic girl in a materialistic world, who could blame her? murder? god forbid women do anything
Sini: She’s very slay, but it’s just shitty cause you know people only excuse her cause she’s a cute girl
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edgarbright · 4 months
Ikemen Vampire Main Route // Charles chapter 23 thoughts
tl;dr Charles and his story are driving me insane and I love it so much
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I was ready to murder Vlad if it turned out to JUST be a dream lol (MC's reaction and response at the end were so on point so thank you, girl.) I hadn't completely forgotten that moment two chapters ago between MC and Vlad before she suddenly woke up in the mansion (I am an Ikerev Loki gal, after all, so this isn't my first fake reality rodeo) but the church scene was so good it kind of pushed that moment to the back of my mind.
Because at the same time, I remembered the preview trailer where they showed Charles's CG of him bleeding out in the church while the voice over had him apologizing for his crimes and for being born. I thought this was going to be the moment.
So the MC and I were both in denial that he was dead while she feels his body going cold in her arms :')
And all the while MC is talking about the things Charles wasn't able to experience, like seeing the sunrise over the ocean, and that she needed to keep her promise with him. She asks Le Comte to bring Charles back.
Cue me nodding my head and getting intrigued at the idea of Charles being freed from the Cult of Vlad (affectionate) and getting to live the idle, wealthy lifestyle of one of le Comte's collection.
Except le Comte says he can't, he can't, because he can't sense any desire to live coming from Charles. (And the way le Comte said it breaks my heart because you could tell he regretted being unable to help.)
At last, after trying so hard, Charles had truly and utterly given up on everything. And he did it in the most horribly perfect way: as the God of Death, as a man who had experience executing thousands of people with both axe and guillotine, he killed himself with one perfect strike.
(And while I greatly appreciate the fact Cybird acknowledged his expertise to let him die with such quick precision, insert a hundred more pictures of the crying hamster here because my heart is broken!!!)
Fun fact: between Ikevamp and Ikevil, this is the third route in a row that I've read that has dealt with a suicidal Love Interest (which, hello, Cybird, that is a wild stat??? why do you have so many LI like this??) At this point in the story, however, I feel like Charles has the route that has best handled the topic in a narrative-rich and nuanced way.
Charles is so incredibly tragic and real that he's looking for hope to the point of endangering himself. He's sweet and funny and wildly friendly. He's also drowning in his tragedy and so he clings to people who might save him, such as Vlad, someone he even calls a God, someone who promises him a better world, a world where he doesn't have to experience the things that hurt him, a world where he can be happy and loved and accepted. I was thoroughly entranced in the scene where MC gets kidnapped (at last lol) and she sees how easily Charles defaults his will away to Vlad. Even though Charles asks questions several times which show his hesitancy and doubts, it becomes clear he isn't seeking truth. What he really wants are reassurances that this is right, that this is OK, that he's not making a mistake.
(He is an executioner through and through: someone else makes the choice for him. It's not his place to judge or decide.)
But in this way, Charles is just so wildly victim-coded to me in that I can clearly see him accepting abuse if it were called by any other name. When he speaks of his house calls, when he offers to let MC do anything--anything!--she wants to him, when we witness the group of men he lets beat him up (because he could have kept his truth without letting them abuse him), I dread to think what violence has been done to him in the dark streets of Paris that he has accepted in the past under the guise of the word love.
So the fact chapter 22 and 23 showed Charles realizing the solution to all his moral and ethical and emotional turmoil is to stop struggling and die, and that the story actually lets him succeed--albeit in a "highly possible future" scenario that Vlad reinforces will surely come to pass again at some point--hurt me in the best kind of way and I'm looking forward to how this route ends.
But Charles's highly probable suicide also brings up the question of why did Vlad pick Charles, of all people, to bring back as a vampire? Was Charles simply an ideal follower? Because the the key promise Vlad makes with Charles seems to make Charles somewhat useless for his plans: Charles won't have to kill anyone. What use is a perfect executioner who refuses to raise the sword?
The dynamic of Vlad, Faust, and Charles is wonderful though and I hope Vlad gives us a straight answer for the reason of his original experiment of MC teaching Charles love.
(Maybe helping Charles was Vlad's true experiment all along.)
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lazyrants · 2 months
Pixel TV (prod 212)
Original airdate: February 15, 2007
Story by Magnus Scheving
Written by Noah Zachary, Mani Svavarrson, Magnus Scheving
Directed by Jonathan Judge
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Mark Read, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess
If someone randomly asked me to name the ninth episode of season two of LazyTown, it'd take me forever to remember what it was. So, Pixel TV is pretty much unknown to me.
The episode begins with Sportacus going to his screen, and Pixel is on his screen, telling him he's live in four seconds. Sportacus tells the camera that LazyTown is always moving and so are we. Then he does a buncha cool moves.
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In his house, Pixel is managing his antenna and is talking to the LazyTown people on his TV screens. He's set up a LazyTown TV channel with good moves, good food and go, go, go! Stephanie will be doing Sportscandy, Bessie and Milford will be doing news, Ziggy and Stingy will be doing their cooking show (probably the funniest segment), and Trixie's doing a talk show (that's why she called Loud Girl).
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Everyone has LazyTown TV, even Robbie, and for some reason, the LazyTown theme song plays on his television. He changes to Bing Bang, he changes to Sportacus eating, he changes to Pixel. And at the end of it all, he says.. 'they have their own TV show?!' and doesn't he know it.
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Robbie decides if they can have their own TV shows, he can too - since he's handsome, talented and smart. If you're so smart, try actually coming up with a plan that works. Anyways, he has a mini TV that fits on his arm, and now it's time for Stephanie's show. He says he needs a disguise and goes to.. an empty purple box. It makes more sense when you see all his disguises being dropped via a chute.
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Colours is performed, and that song really annoys me because mid-way through there is a random cut to Sportacus. I am all for Sportacus scenes, but I'm also all for LazyTown songs. During the song, Robbie steals almost all her Sportscandy, leaving one strawberry. LOL.
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Due to that, she cannot make her Sportscandy Rainbow Smoothie (for some reason she keeps on breathing during every word. Sportscandy *sigh* rainbow smoothie.) & Pixel is going to switch to the news so he gets into his Rob R. Robley costume.
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When Stephanie turns the camera on (she films and and has her own TV show.. remind you of a blue elf?), Milford doesn't talk. Pixel tells him to go. He asks, 'Go where?' 'You're on!' 'On where?' Haha. I love this season. Then Stephanie tells him the camera is on and to start reading the LazyTown Good News - Three butterflies on the sports field, and new flowers. This town would be so peaceful if it wasn't for Robbie. Speaking of Rob, he shows up with a fan, that blows away his wig and notes.
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It's even funnier when you think that someone who was helping write this episode (I'm guessing Mani) said 'Let's give Milford a wig purely to blow it off.' XD! Now, Robley takes his place (Bessie is visibly angry, showing that she doesn't like him purely to use him).
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So he announces a buncha lies - Sports Candy makes you sick and all sports has been outlawed forever. By Pixel's request, Stephanie switches over to Bessie's weather show. But Rob takes that pole thingy Bessie's holding and grabs it so hard she falls.
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Rob says 'let's take a look at the weather' & signals for Stephanie to pan the camera up. Once she does, he says 'let's take a look at the weather' once again. WHY IS THIS FUNNY? WHY IS STEFAN SO FUNNY?? He takes off the birds, suns, clouds & adds a bunch of storm and rain, telling everyone it's too dangerous to go outside so they must stay inside doing nothing. Now Trixie's doing her yap show.
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She's supposed to have a guest, but doesn't then she starts yelling at Pixel about how she needs a guest. Considering the fact he set up an entire TV channel, I think his brain can comprehend it, Loud Girl. Robbie disguises himself as her guest - some apparently famous dude called Purple Legend. Trixie yells at Pixel as he told her they were gonna have interesting guests (PL got steamrolled!), and PL says he eats ice-cream, cookies and candy all day, sleeps till noon, and Trixie says those are both boring. So, PL jumps on the chair out of anger! LOL!!
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Trixie says if he's so interesting, he should do something like sing or juggle or DANCE, and he decides to do some weird Irish leg dance or something. Trixie is laughing. LITERALLY.
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PL purposefully bumps into the camera, ending the show since the camera broke. And they switch over to Ziggy & Stingy's cooking show, but for some reason, Stingy can't say anything. He tells Ziggy to introduce the show, which he does. They are going to make a castle with apples, and Stingy tells us the ingredients are apples (WOWZA!), 50 of them. Ziggy corrects him by saying fourty-nine since he's eaten one. But they're interrupted by Chef Robert, who cancels them both.
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And he is making the most delicious food in history of food - the sugar candy chocolate candy ice-cream gooey-ooey yummy cake. The ingredients - 2 bars of chocolate, a ridiculously excessive amount of sugar, and the candy. The worst part is that he doesn't even take the wrappers off the chocolate bar, or the lollipops off their sticks. Ziggy says it looks delicious but unhealthy.
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Robert asks if he's a chef who went to cooking school wearing a big white hat. The answer is of course, no, and he yells at him to go away. The next step is to put the mix in the fridge, but he steps on an apple he threw on the ground, slips and falls, and now the mix is on his head. Slapstick moment.
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Anyways, Steph and Trixie managed to get the camera up and running, and now comes the best of all - Bessie's puppet show. I'm being sarcastic, this sucks.
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(During it, Pixel complains since this is being broadcast worldwide.) Robbie sees the puppet show, and he says 'Puppets, now they've gone too far!' LOL. He decides now he has to stop the TV station once and for all, and he does that.. with a gorilla outfit. And the way he does it? Instead of scaring him into stopping it, he CLIMBS UP PIXEL'S ANTENNA AND SHAKES IT.
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The TV's now all glitchy and stuff, but he shakes too hard and almost falls down. Luckily, Sportacus appears (where ya been dude?) to save the gorilla. Milford is going live with LazyTown Good News. This is sure to make headlines! Milford asks the gorilla what he's doing up there, and he RESPONDS with 'I'm breaking this antenna forever!' But when he falls, Sportacus attaches a hook to Pixel's roof, causing it to open so the gorilla lands in his house. Once he does, the head falls off, and it's revealed that Robbie was doing all this nonsense instead of .. just.. not watching TV.
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It turns out well in the end as Milford tells everyone it's just Robbie, Sportacus goes back, & Stingy films Steph doing the Bing Bang. No Sportacus power jump unfortunately. In the lair, Robbie is attempting to forget about the day with ice-cream, but a news report about the day is played on the channel.
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And he yells. THE END!
8/10 - Great plot, funny dialogue!
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softpine · 6 months
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@bb-enablefreebuild LITERALLYYYYYYY i even have this exact image saved in my asa & finn web weaving folder jfksjds it's so them, even the hands 😭
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@forgotten-pixels oh yeah he definitely has a wikipedia page!! his first single was a pretty big hit and even though his other work hasn't been as mainstream, he's contributed to a bunch of other artists' work so he's still well known in certain circles. i also think he's JUST famous enough to get those weird AI generated articles written about him, like "remember the guy who sang [song title from 15 years ago]? this is him now!!" because he's not well known enough for people to realize it's false / clickbait lmao. (btw you never have to apologize for asking questions!! i love them at any time 🥺)
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asa has a regular phone but he may as well not have one at all because he quite literally never charges it or brings it anywhere fjkjsds stevie is the one who's always switching out her phone case & never gets around to putting a screen protector on so her screen is definitely cracked, i think elaine probably loses her phone the most on accident, and jada will say she lost her phone even when it's ringing in her hand because she just doesn't want to answer. if we still had texting limits stevie would use that shit up in half an hour, if that!!
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his intentions were good...... his execution however..... leaves a lot to be desired
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i'm so sorry my brain cannot even think about april fools right now without the dan and phil brainrot fully taking over 😭😭😭 no other pranks exist in my brain at the moment i can't even think of any sjksjd i could definitely see mikaela & danny pranking each other though
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HELPPP this is so funny but i'm gonna have to say casper, there is no way he knows what that is
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thank you for the idea!! i'm trying to avoid sending people a patreon link for written work; even if it's free (and it would be), there's still a connotation that it would cost money and i'm afraid no one would even click the link to read it (plus i've already used my patreon for cc so i'm afraid i would annoy the people who followed me for that content). ughhhh but thank you for trying :(
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i'm really bummed about substack because it looked like the easiest way to accomplish what i want to accomplish but i'm sure i'll find something eventually. thanks for the interest 🥺
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i would love to, but tumblr has a 30 pic limit and also i need to cut myself off at some point because otherwise i could literally spend months on 1 single post lmao 😭
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you were right :P :P
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i forgot about that too!! iirc wasn't it just dependent on the number of sims you have & their ages? asa bounces between caroline's and danny's houses so he would change the difficulty, but the mayfields would always have the highest rating because they also have sadie & the farm animals to take care of!
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yes definitely!! just please credit the original mesh creator if applicable (i always list them) 💝
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i forgot to answer this when you sent it, but i did read it right away and it made me smile, so thank you 💖💖
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it really is the most attractive trait a person can have to me fjkjsds did you ever hear from that guy btw?? 💕
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THANK YOUUU kisses you back one thousand times 💖💖💖
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@minamill ILYYY 💞
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@morrigan-sims thank you!!!! 🥺
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zoroara · 9 months
Here's a question I'll probably have to sleep with one eye opened for. Rip my poor soul, I know the Varia are gonna hate me for this one 🤣 But I thought it was fun, so *shrugs*
If the Varia members could have any other occupation that isn't mafia based,what would it be? (This question includes everyone *waves at the ocs you have*)
Oh boy is that ever a question, well that's pretty easy for the OCs at least So I'll start with them. For the non-ocs take em with a grain of salt because there's no perfect fit past what they're already in there is going to be HELL with them either way.
Vittorio is the absolute easiest, assuming a weapons manufacturer is off the table because while that can exist outside of the mafia, that is very similar to what they are already. But any sort of mechanical work would be a job they'd love.
Silenziatore is a bit not quite what you'd expect. See Silen absolutely loves animals, even tries to play with the box animals when their owners aren't around. He's decently good with people and if it paid decently well he'd be pretty okay with working at a pet shop or even a pet groomers. You're not supposed to try and cuddle the animals at the zoo even as a zoo keeper so it's probably best he doesn't work there however.
Nascosta Okay that's a doozy, there's actually a lot of jobs they could work if they weren't so ready to beat the shit out of people for slights. But they absolutely love attention, both for their strength and looks as well as showing the fuck off, are a fantastic actor and fighter, so the logical conclusion? They'd make an amazing wrestling heel. Not the immediately thought until you remember they need to be as physically strong as the people they mimic and they sure are able to mimic the other varia executives. They are hiding muscles with their mist flames.
Tyr is really funny, especially since I actually ended up with an au recently with it, because it's out of left field. See no job except the one he currently has would every work out for him so he'd be deeply unsatisfied in everything. So he'd actively seek out a job he absolutely hated but was good enough at to keep, because he's the type of person if he can't be happy he may as well be downright miserable. So he'd end up in a library, working in a quiet little place, shelving books dealing with people, so on. It's a jarring sight for sure, but he at least does a good job
Now onto the Canons, again the easiest to place first:
Honestly I think the Levi could thrive in any work environment, he is constantly early, always on top of things, his only issue is he's sometimes a little clumsy and can occasionally get lost without some sort of guiding system, like in the drama cds. Of course I don't think he'd like an office job and probably needs something more physical as with most of Varia honestly. He's probably do a good job in a more government position having to deliver documents and things.
Mammon literally anything that handles money and gets paid a lot, fuck they could probably just be an accountant, or maybe run a fucking insurance firm you KNOW they would get so much out of that. Life insurance? you know it. Good god would they bleed you out. I think that's too much power to give.
Lussuria's pretty straightforward too, I mean in his little interview section he was apparently the youngest body building champion, he could easily go back to those sorts of championships if he wanted, or maybe some sort of modeling career. He has some good options for sure. there's also another potential depending on how much medical knowledge you believe Lussuria to have, he could potentially be a pathologist.
Squalo, ohhh Squalo, see I have, funny answers for these ones and more serious ones. Though with his tolerance which while yes he's constantly being pissed off he's also just. constantly being prodded by his co-workers he probably could make it in anything literally less stressful than the current job he has. But regardless, with his sword skills, either competition wise(he really could be an Olympic level fencer if his dumb ass would like be satisfied with not killing his opponent), or teaching wise are potentials. I did have a really funny au where Squalo lost his memories and ended up working at an aquarium, mostly taking care of the sharks.
Now Xanxus and Bel, oh god these two. Buddy, buddy I don't think they can HAVE jobs outside of the Varia. Do they have some form of skills that can be used in other jobs? absolutely. Can they tolerate/take orders from other people? absolutely the fuck NOT. The best you can do with Xanxus is stick him in SOME sort of leadership role where he won't be bothered and pray to god he doesn't come and kill you anyway. Bel? Dear lird. I don't even think you can do THAT.
He needs to have some level of respect for the people above him and unless you're a violent fuck like Xanxus is that sure isn't happening. He may be a prince but I don't even think he's anywhere fit to be in the position of a leader.(I know Rasiel would agree with me there). Those two are best fit right where they are and honestly it's doing the world a favour by keeping them there.
Edit: Upon further consideration if we consider freelance an option, Bel could likely work as an Ice sculptor with his skills and thanks to being able to be choosy once he gets as a popular option he'd be able to do what commissions he thinks are cool.
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A Lark Among the Wolves and Dragons: Chapter 63
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Chapter 62.5
Now we're gonna shift gears and focus on the Lady of Larks this chapter. It's a doozy.
"Oh, I don't recall walking through this part of town," Jaskier grimaces as he takes note of the more destitute of King's Landing's citizens walking passed the two of you as you make your way through Flea Bottom.
Some more people were out in droves begging for coin and food while others were selling meager trinkets to make a living.
"Some thing haven't changed, I suppose," you say, "it'll look a little nicer when we reach the Street of Silk and then towards the Red Keep." "Please tell me you weren't staying in around here prior to your time at court," Jaskier says, now spotting some shady looking characters giving them strange looks.
"No, I didn't," you assure, "but I would make frequent visits to the local taverns to perform. That was where the money was at for me. That and the brothels. Men are more apt to pay for drink and pleasure when there's good music to accompany such base activities." "Hmm, true enough," Jaskier says in agreement.
"I will say, something...does feel different," you admit. "How so?" "I don't know," you shrug, "something different in the air, I think."
"Well then, what exactly is the plan?" Jaskier inquires, "I imagine there are still contacts here in King's Landing you can reach out to if assistance is needed." "Not...well maybe," you say, remembering, "not exactly a contact that offer assistance, but maybe someone who can offer a place for us to lay low until sunset. That's when we infiltrate the Keep and look for Aemma."
"Uh huh, swell plan," Jaskier deadpans, "but how exactly do we get past the guards?" "The Holdfast is filled with secret passageways, remember?" you point out, "we took one of those passages in and out when we...tried to escape the first time around. I used them more than once when I needed to go into town without anyone knowing."
"Alright then," Jaskier concedes, "you know this place better than me. Lead the way."
Shockingly you remembered the way around better than you expected, having been gone for 16 years and all. You lead Jaskier to the Street of Silk. Given the time of day, not many people were out, most of the brothels weren't even open just yet in fact.
"Hey, look over there," Jaskier points to one side of the street towards a brothel that was just opening up. You look over, keeping your hood over. Indeed you see who it was that was walking in, a hood pulled over his head despite his headband concealed around the points of his ear. "Hey, it's the half-elf," you say, "I can't remember his name." "Ser Ivan," Jaskier tells you. "Oh right, Ivan," you say, remembering.
"I didn't know Westerosi allowed elves to become knights." "They don't," Jaskier deadpans, "that's why he keeps that headband on. Funny though, I don't recall him ever taking an interest in that kind of thing." "What?" "I mean it's just, when I first met him in Flotsam, when we went into that tavern with Ser Crishin Clot and Vernon Roche and the Blue Stripes, there was a time when women from the local brothel showed up to 'advertise' as it were, and Ivan just...really looked uncomfortable," Jaskier explains, "He wouldn't even look at the men trying to feel up the girls."
"Hey, isn't he in the Kingsguard, like Ser Criston Cole?" you realize, emphasizing Criston's correctly pronounced name. "Yeah. Why?" "Kingsguard oath forbids their knights from partaking in carnal pleasures," you explain, "If Ivan gets caught soiling his white cloak, he could be executed as punishment."
"...there must be an explanation," Jaskier leans in to whisper, "must be incredibly important if he would risk his neck to come all this way out here. I would say perhaps it's love but...Ivan didn't exactly strike me as the hopeless romantic type either."
"Well we better get moving," you say, "we'll leave Ivan to his antics and hope he doesn't get caught by the wrong people."
You and Jaskier continue your trek till you find the brothel you were looking for. To your surprise, when you and your brother went around back and knocked on the door, the madam Dinah was still working here, and she was quick to embrace you the moment she recognized you. After quickly explaining your predicament, she takes you and Jaskier to the secret room in the upstairs.
Unknown to either of you, someone in the brothel had gotten a good look at you and had stolen away back to the Red Keep to inform a certain Master of Whispers that the Lady of Larks had returned to King's Landing once again.
When word finally reached Lord Larys Strong's ears, he had decided it was in everyone's best interest that this piece of information not go public just yet, but to wait until you made the next move. 
As dusk began to settle in, you and Jaskier took this as your cue to leave the brothel and make your way towards the Red Keep. The streets were a little more crowded at this point as more brothels opened up and more clients began to make their way for drinking and nightly pleasures.
Jaskier keeps the men at bay who would attempt to solicit you if they mistook you for one of the working girls.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jaskier questions once the keep was in better sights, "I can always go in. You can go back. I'm sure I could find my way in." "It's a labyrinth in there," you point out, "it's easy to get lost." "But what if...you run into him?"
You feel your heart start to race at even the mere mention of the Rogue Prince. You pat your dagger, keeping it close, "...I'll cross that bridge when I get there."
You finally find the secret entrance and push it open. "Ooh, this place never ceases to amaze me," Jaskier states as you and him walk past the skull of Balerion the Black Dread, "this is a little more spooky then I remember. Though probably not quite as spooky as the one castle in Temeria Geralt had to spend the night in when he was dealing with that striga." "Yes, I remember that story all too well," you deadpan, "Right now, I'd rather take my chances with the striga." 
 "Why go through all this trouble to install so many passageways in the first place?" Jaskier inquires. "It was the work of King Maegor the Cruel," you explain, "legend has it that when the Holdfast was first constructed, he commissioned the best masons to build these secret passageways in case there was ever a need to flea this place in the say during an invasion or a coupe. Legend also has it that once the Red Keep was complete, Maegor had the masons executed along with anyone else who knew of these secret passageways for fear that they would reveal those same passageways."
"I'm beginning to see why he was called the Cruel then," Jaskier deadpans.
The two of you then hit an intersection of sorts. "Now what do we do?" your brother exasperates. You give him an incredulous look, "what do you think, Julian? What do people usually do when there is more than one route to take in a labyrinth of all places?"
"If you think I'm leaving you alone and you end up running into-" "Julian," you cross your arms, "I'll be alright. Don't worry about me, just choose a path and follow it. I'll go in the other direction and see where it leads."
"*sigh* fine," Jaskier concedes, "I'll go that way. But I still have a bad feeling about this."
You and Jaskier part ways. You follow the path to the end of a wall. Not sure what was on the other side, you carefully push it open and take a peak through the crack. It looked to be someone's chambers. No one was seen, but there were a couple dimly lit candles. Whoever was living in these chambers was probably asleep, so you carefully creak the secret door open a little more till you could squeeze through and close it behind you.
You turn and accidentally hit your shins against something wooden. You hold your sounds of pain, almost leaning over and losing your balance, but you keep steady. You look down to see it was a small cot you bumped into. A little child of four maybe five years stirred some but remained asleep.
You note the boy's silver blond hair, realizing he was a Targaryen. Part of you wondered who this boy was, or who were his parents. You look behind you to see another child sleeping next to him. It was a little girl who looked almost like the child sleeping close to you. They almost looked like twins.
Perhaps they were twins, they did run in the Targaryen family after all.
You take a few steps away from the bed to see the boy stir some more when one step made a creaking sound. You freeze in place, praying to whatever gods were up there that the boy, that the children would not wake up and start asking questions.
Sighing in relief, you see the exit was up ahead, and you walk towards it, completely oblivious that at this moment Prince Jaehaerys had opened his eyes to see your back as you walk down the steps. At first the boy thought it was a dream, but he rubbed his eyes and saw you were real, especially when you turned at an angle where he could see your face. Jaehaerys found himself growing excited, realizing you were the Lady of Larks his mother had told him about, and believed you had come to sing songs to him and his sister.
The young prince climbed out his bed, at first intending to wake Jaehaera and let her know of the Lady Lark's arrival, but saw you had disappeared, so he quickly changed his mind and ran after you. He would wake his twin later, after he caught up with you.
Meanwhile, Jaskier had found the secret door at the end of his path. He carefully pushed it open and took a peak outside. He could see it was the throne room. There were no candles lit and the place was vacant.
Seeing the coast was clear, Jaskier pushed the door open a little more so he could walk out and close it behind him.
At this point, the Bard was beginning to wish he was making runs for the Temerian spy network then to play cat and mouse in the Red Keep of all places, especially with the risk of running into the man who caused his sister undo harm and trauma.
He walked across the throne room to the other side with hopes of finding another passageway. To his amazing luck he did, and he pushed it opened and walked inside. Jaskier made several random turns before he found another secret door.
He pushed it open slightly and took a peak inside. This time he found himself in someone's bed chambers. The room was dark so he slipped inside and made sure to close the door. No sign of Aemma so far.
Jaskier walked out of the room and down some steps in haste, really having no more desire to run into Daemon than you were. In his haste, Jaskier didn't notice the dimly lit candles in the solar of these apartments, and he found himself making surprised eye contact with a young woman with long silver blonde hair sitting on a couch in the solar.
"Ahh," Jaskier says in shock when he finally realized he'd just been compromised. He could hear Roche's voice in his head, calling him an idiot for getting caught so easily for a spy.
The young woman didn't say anything at first, just merely gave the Bard an initial shocked look.
"Uh...hello," Jaskier greets awkwardly, thinking up all kinds of half-ass excuses for why he just came down the step from this woman's bedroom.
Jaehaerys opened the door to the nursery and looked out with hopes of finding you. You were nowhere in sight.
The young prince walked out and started looking for you, checking every corridor he came across. The boy was so excited at the prospect that the woman of his mother's stories was real, and she had come all this way to sing to him. He hoped her voice was as sweet and soothing as Aemma's was when she sang to him and his siblings.
In his eagerness to locate the Lady of Larks, Jaehaerys didn't see where he was walking ahead of him and bumped into someone.
Jaehaerys looked up to see who it was.
"Prince Jaehaerys?" Otto greets, confused as to why his great-grandson was awake at this, "whatever are you doing up? You should be in bed right now."
"I'm looking for the Lady of Larks," Jaehaerys answered innocently. Otto frowned a bit at the boy's explanation. The man knelt down so he would be at eye level with the boy, giving Jaehaerys a small smile, "it surely must've been a dream, young prince. Now let's get you back in bed."
"It wasn't a dream," Jaehaerys insists, "I saw the Lady of Larks. Mummy sent her. She's going to sing songs to me and Jaehaera and Maelor too."
Otto saw the look in the boy's eyes and realized Jaehaerys hadn't been dreaming. But at the same time, Otto was having trouble believing it was the Lady Lark his grandson saw, as the woman was reported to have died six years ago.
Concealing his surprise, he took Jaehaerys' hand in his, "of course, young prince. Let's go back to the nursery. The Lady of Larks is probably back there waiting for you."
With a blissful smile on his face, Jaehaerys nods and allows Otto to escort him back to the nursery. Otto made sure to have a solider standing guard to alert the others and inform them of the possibility that there were intruders in the Holdfast at this moment.
"Uh...hello," Jaskier greets a wide eyed Helaena, "uh, you're probably wondering what I was doing up there...in your bedroom that is. Uh, you're probably wondering how I even got in there. Well...there is a perfectly good explanation for all that...I uh...I need to think about it."
"...you're not a rat," Helaena states, seemingly random, which took Jaskier aback somewhat. "Uh no...I'm a bard actually."
"I don't like rats," Helaena says, seemingly to no one, "they frighten me." "Yes, well, rats can be scary. I'm not overly fond of them either," Jaskier agrees, "mice on the other hand, that's a different story."
Helaena made eye contact with Jaskier once again, not as shocked or scared this time, "it's good to see you again."
That statement definitely took the Bard off guard. "Again? I'm sorry, I don't...I don't quite recognize you. You're...well the silver hair that's a Targaryen feature. The only Targaryen woman I remember is princess Rhaenyra, you don't quite look like her."
"People change over time," Helaena points out, "we start out as small helpless babies...and then we grow."
Jaskier's eyes practically bulged out when he finally put two and two together, "you're the little tot the queen used to carry around," he realized, "one of them anyway. What was her name, uh, Alicent. Queen Alicent. I'm sorry, I don't quite remember your name." "It's Helaena," the young woman tells him, small smile on her face.
"Princess Helaena," Jaskier says, finally remembering. "Princess...actually it's queen now...I think," Helaena says, "at least that's what everyone around me keep saying." "Who?" "Mother, grandsire...my brothers. If they say so, then perhaps that is so. I'm not sure I want to be queen though. I...I don't know how I feel about it."
"Sounds like something you still need to figure out," Jaskier states, "well princess, or uh Queen Helaena I should probably say, it was really nice to see you again, truly, but I must be going. So, ta ta."
"You're here for Aemma," Helaena says as a statement, causing Jaskier to stop in his tracks. "How do you know?" "She's not here," Helaena informs, standing up from where she sat.
"Yes, I already figured that out," Jaskier deadpans, "which is why I have to leave and go find her."
"She's not here!" Helaena says a little louder, getting Jaskier's attention once again, "she's not in the Red Keep. Not in King's Landing." "What?" "She left on Cirillia the day of Aegon's coronation," Helaena explains, "I...I haven't seen her since."
"Where is she then?" Jaskier asks, almost fearing the worst.
"She's gone," Helaena simply answers, "She went up North. To the Wall I think." "Why would she do that?" Jaskier frowns a little. "The sage told her to," Helaena tells him, "the one who follows the Swallow. He told Aemma to go North. To stop the Wild Hunt."
Upon hearing of the Wild Hunt, Jaskier backs away, makes a 180, intending to go find you and damn being compromised. Before he could, however, the doors to Helaena's chambers were kicked wide opened as Kingsguard knights rushed in and surrounded Jaskier. "Protect the queen!" one shouts, backing Jaskier into a corner.
On cue, the newly appointed Lord Commander walks in, approaching Helaena, "are you alright, your Grace? Did he harm you?"
Helaena said nothing, but turned her gaze to the Bard. Criston approached, finally recognizing who the man was. "Hello Ser Cushion," Jaskier greets casually as if he weren't being threatened by armed guards at this moment, "nice to see you again. Did you get a new haircut?"
Meanwhile you were running down the halls, realizing the guards were on the alert and had caught sight of you.
You make a couple sharp turns and hide in one corner. You peak from your hiding spot to see you lost the guards. Sighing in relief, you turn and fast walk down the hall, keeping your dagger close. It was clear you were compromised, and you hoped to the gods that Jaskier hadn't been caught. If he had, you were going to have worry about getting out the Keep and find some way to get the man out afterwards.
Hearing commotion of the guards searching for you, you hastily look back to see if they were on your trail again. You turn your gaze forward and practically collide with a soft body that was in your path.
"Ow," you moan in pain, rubbing your head where you made contact with whoever it was you ran into. Upon hearing the guards were in pursuit once again, you quickly pull out your dagger and yank the person on their feet, holding the dagger to the neck, not even knowing who it was, but you hoped having a hostage would give you some kind of leverage.
"Unhand me!" the individual demands, almost slurring his words, "unhand me at once! Do you have any idea who you are threatening, I could have you hanged for this!" 
Right on cue, the guards had finally caught sight of you, and have their swords pointed at you. "Hold!" the leading guard commands, "we can't risk the life of the king!"  "King?" you frown a little and look to see the young man you had hostage. Silver blonde Targaryen hair now becoming more apparent thanks to the torch light. 
"You're the king?"  Aegon gave you an incredulous look, "I was crowned shortly after my father's death. How can you possibly not know? Unless you support my traitor sister and have to come to assassinate me on her behalf" "I haven't been back to Westeros in 16 years," you state with a huff, as you slowly back away, with the young king still held hostage "so, I'm guessing YOU'RE Aegon than. You've really grown, though not quite as tall as your brother. Last I saw you, you were still a little tot. Your hair is a little greasier than I would've expected."
Aegon frowned as he turned as much as he could to get a better look at you, "you're Aemma's mother," he realized, "the Lady of Larks."
Before either of you could say anything else, you feel the heel of a boot make contact with your back, forcing you to drop the dagger and fall to the floor, freeing Aegon in the process. "Ow," you deadpan right as two of the regular guards apprehend you while the Kingsguard surround Aegon to protect him.
"Unhand me! Take your hands off me!" you demand, struggling to break free.
"That's quite enough...Lady Lark," you go still upon hearing that particular voice.
The guards turn you around so you could face the man. "Otto fucking Hightower," you deadpan, almost sneering, "what an unpleasant surprise."
Chapter 64
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injunade · 2 months
black mirror episode scores by me:
s1 e1: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
interesting way to present the series. has a very banskish way of being mysterious with this fucked up twists. It feeds you the crumbs of what will be next; not very in tune with the rest of the series.
s1 e2: ☆ ☆ ☆
I didnt like it. I gave it a chance twice, but is just not my thing. I think that, overall, the whole episode is fine. it makes its point, but I dont like the execution. also the bright colors of the screens makes it very difficult for me to watch. I know its to make the viewer overwhelmed, but still.
Is not really bad, but not my cup of tea at all.
s1 e3: ☆ ☆ ☆
Alright... rather boring and long. good concept. better executed in later episodes; for this reason is rather skipable.
s2 e1: ☆ ☆ ☆
its good... but a bit bland. it could have had a better conflict. that woman was way to sane, I think it needed a squizo turn.
s2 e2: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
damn perfect. I love it so much. interesting as fuck concept, very well executed. I love the liminal space "last of us" sort of vibe. amazing plot twist, not see it coming at all. masterpice.
unnecessary highlight: the girl with the hunter hat is so cute, thanks for that too.
s2 e3: ?????
I cant put stars because I coudnt end it. I find it to be a very bad episode from the beginning, especially after being exposed to the previous episode.
s2 e4: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
there are some parts that I find a bit off, but very nice. Im not sure about the idea of consciousness in an ai to help you out... it seems very forceful,
boys are just having fun with their writing I guess. I do like the concept of direct consciousness in a replicate reality, seems more down to earth. I do find it possible to make people able to see and experience something like dreams in a shared space.
anyway, I did liked it a lot. there are better ones but its basically objectively good.
s3 e1: ☆
anyone. and I mean anyone, even 8-years-olds, could have come up with the plot of this episode.
the pastel aesthethics are almost as painful as the screens in s1 e2. I dont like how is directed, I dislike the main character before and after character development. this episode was a mistake.
s3 e2: ☆ ☆
very fogetable, in fact I almost cant remember it.
the idea is good and I love psychological horror and games but this episode could have been a masterpice and is just ...there.
Also dont put americans in black mirror, sorry not sorry (this was the biggining of evil).
s3 e3: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
fucking masterpice out of a masterpice. fucking top tier plotwist. it has everything, that actor from "the end of the fucking world" who is an out of this world actor, action, suspense, its funny, it has hacking used in a very terrifing and arguable way, it has radiohead (fits like a glove and hits like a truck).
it lets you thinking "the fuck!? really?...but... for real?"
top tier concept. I just love cancel concepts. yeah... feed me those.
s3 e4: ☆ ☆ ☆
Its bad but is good. I will keep saying it: keep americans out of this.
corny, cute, actually made me cry (I think). Obviously based on that viral tumblr 80s pic of two girls playing in an arcade. the person who wrote this has a tumblr account, I dont have proofs neither doubts.
Its an okey experience... (medio goma). but okey, I cant score it with less than 3 stars. Is good.
s3 e5: ?????
I hate action whatever. I coudnt watch it. looks cliché.
s3 e6: ????
ohhhhh.... looks interesting as hell but actually didnt watched it. It was very complex and I just wanted to eat while seeing som light at the time lol.
s4 e1: ☆ ☆
very forgetable, in fact I almost cant rember it fully.
kinda whatever.
s4 e2: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
fuck... this episode. very dark, very on point. terrifing.
this has lit has happened to me. very well writen plot and characters, very real. painful to watch.
s4 e3: ☆ ☆
dense ass episode. Its okey... but it was really difficult for me to end the episode. I just coudnt connect, I didnt care the slightest about the characters. felt like a waiste of time, but I know is not that bad.
s4 e4: ☆ ☆ ☆
It was okey, has this filler episode vibe. It didnt bore me to death, so here you have your three stars.
s4 e5: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I liked it quite a lot. very engaging and I really like apocalypse stories, so yeah. nice.
something about the ending tho...
s4 e6: ☆ ☆ ☆
the atmosphere is nice, I liked the mysterious touch.
could be better... a bit weak. but would watch it again.
black mirror bandersnatch: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
interactive movie? yes.
cool concept, good plot, good acting.
could have been better? ...yes.
(oh, but you didnt... yes. I did play different endings, bitch)
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breezy-cheezy · 10 months
I just want to say it's been delightful watching you get into One Piece. It's been one of my main fandoms for years, but most of the people I was following who posted about it moved on to other things and I didn't have the energy to try to find new ones, so my dash has been pretty empty of it and I mostly just kept up with the anime/manga and not much else. Your enthusiasm for it, and all the art you've been posting and reblogging, has been a highlight of my days. I have a One Piece fanfic I've been trying to finish for years, and I've felt more like writing it in the past week or so than I have in a very long time (haven't actually managed it yet, but maybe soon, I hope). I'm glad you're having fun, and I can't wait to see you get farther in the series. <3
And *I* just wanna say how touching this message is!! 🥺 Thank you for sending this, I’ve been putting off responding because I was hoarding it like a dragon HAHA
I’m glad you’re enjoying the sudden OP onslaught! Part of me always worries, but it IS my blog and I enjoy slapping a bunch of funny pirates on my metaphorical fridge, glad you’re getting a kick out of it too! Perks of a media about as old as me too is that there’s sooooo much content to dig through, it’s very fun! Even if I suck at avoiding spoilers LOL (I will at least try to shield my buddy from spoilers as she also works her way through the manga at her own pace XD)
I hear ya on struggling to finish a fic for so long…for me, with new fandom comes new ideas and we’ll see if I can actually finish these, lmao. I’m glad to hear you’re inspired again! What’s the fic about, out of curiosity? 👀 If you feel like sharing that is!
Thank you, it’s been a VERY fun read, and I hope to watch some parts in the anime later! For now tho manga is easiest for me to consume, and the art is just really nice?? 1000+ chapters used to be so intimidating but now I find it’s hard to put the thing down X’’’’D One Piece good, found family got me good! I’ll be a bit more detailed under the cut real fast (I’ve been yelling at another friend on discord with regular manga updates but I will say this)
Isa don’t open the read more :> :
I just finished Thriller Bark arc and ooooooh boy that was a Time. Zoro you are insane *sobbing* HOW IS HE EVEN ALIVE
Usopp getting to use his anxiety/depression/negative thoughts as a strength against Perona was. SO funny yet SO vindicating, I love himmmmm-
Also the stuff with Brook is one of the things I feel I need to watch the anime on because!!! Music!!! That’s difficult to translate through manga, as pretty as the art is. Same for Chopper’s send off from Drum Island, I wanna see the pretty pink Sakura Blossoms!!!! But yea Brook made me cry. I remember really hoping Laboon would pop up again and BOY HOWDY let the skeleton see his baby whale again I beg….
I just hit the Sabody arc too and spotted Law for the first time! I already know his backstory (oops I’m nosey) and WOW HE’S A LITTLE SH*T HAHAHA funny greasy lookin man good to see ya X’’’D I also love Camie!! Kinda refreshing to see a female character getting to finally make the same (if not even MORE) whacky faces like the boys do hhdfhgjkdf you’re doing great sweetieeeee 😂 (also good to see Hachi again!!)
Also the intro to Celestial Dragons and slave trade is so. Man. This is VILE. The extent of horrors the Government will look away from because they’re Celestial Dragons doing the horrors. AUGH. Gross. The situation is revealed in a really neat way too, very engaging. Sooooo satisfying watching Luffy full on punch one CD in the face tho, BLESS. Love that funky lil dude. He really doesn’t care who you are, he can and WILL punch you if friends are threatened.
ALSO I do see Ace’s execution being set up in the bg. I know in a general sense what….happens to him. I don’t like it, let him out 😭
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m-v-tique · 5 months
💙📘Dolly = ISTJ📋🖊️
The Alex hcs also applies with Dolly as well.
- Stern, quiet, and dutiful. She is more fond to peace and order, rather than conflict and chaos. [ Phlegmatic + Dom Si + SP Enneagram 1 ]
- She prefers to be traditional in ways and tasks. Even as well the rules is considerate principle for students that should be following. [ Dom Te -> Aux Si + Enneagram Head/Social 1 + gut 3 ]
- When it comes to remembering, she’s Sentimental of the past often. Either thankfully or not she couldn’t express it, just by keeping it to herself, never softening her grip. [ Dom Si -> Ter Fi + Phlegmatic ]
- Although looking like she is a doll made from crafts, she isn’t so well nor inclined with creativity. She probably likes to do sewing related works like embroidery. [ Inf Ne ]
- Even if the behavior of Alex is suspicious, as supernatural events might’ve almost occurred in the school she remains loyal by heart. Not even trying to suspect anything from him. [ Wing 2 + Enneagram 6 + hinted Self-perseverance]
- Although being authentic and absolutely having no filter, she displays restrictive or authoritative views or behavior. [ Aux Te + Enneagram 1 ]
- Based off her inspo and treatment she’s possibly passive. [ Non Open-minded ]
- She miss her friend. [ Dom Si -> Ter Fi ]
ISTJ (The Logistician)|| 1w2 - SP/SO - 163 || Phlegmatic (Dominant) || RCOAN
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Dolly is an ISTJ, “The Logistician” Type.
ISTJ’s are private, logical, and dedicated people, mostly to either work, family, friends and acquaintances. ISTJ’s can be very Loyal, Dutiful and honest individuals to depend on, but they can also be too strict, stubborn and often insensitive.
(Introverted, Sensing/Observant, Thinking, Judging)
As a 1w2 “The Advocate”, 163 “The Taskmaster”, and finally Self-perserved and Social as her instinct. Here are the list of things you need to know;
As 1 /One as her head with her Self-Perserved instinct, she displays full dedication of putting out the rules, and convinces others to apply this when entering the school ground. Enneagram 1s are Perfectionistic, they follow their own standards, guidelines, and even principles.
Social 6 are really outgoing and friendly. SO6 are providing individuals and they basically see Friends, Acquaintances, or any type of members as a resposibility. 6 are dependable, they are trusted and as well keep promises or secrets. Which explains why Alex keep her as a good acquaintance.
Gut 3 seems almost confusing but it really fills in the gaps. Since there’s an idea about 3, as a gut the goal here is literally keep an eye, and rightfully achieve what needs to be done when one breaks the rules in the corridors.
Despite of certain events or Olivia/Players lack of conscience, she still remains calm yet serious and isn’t fully angry, which is why she’s phlegmatic.
As completed to Reserved, Calm, and Organized, she may take things seriously since she wanted and needed the assigned rules to be acknowledged by everyone (Ego.). But in actuality, she wouldn’t push that behavior, and remained true to herself. (Accomodating)
And this is a slight mean take on her but she wouldn’t be much of a listener. Unless it’s something important. (Non Openminded)
Other Notes/Trivia:
- Funny enough, Dolly is somewhat almost identical to Principal of the Thing’s Personality Type if you take a long look in Personality database.
- Since the school is under a curse, it’s possible that Dolly isn’t egotistical and just didn’t knew she’s being controlled. (In simple terms she’s Accomodating.)
- She could be in an Auxiliary Introverted feeling/Fi loop. Where basically she questions things in her head when thinking of her friend.
- Dolly is still either ESTJ “The Executive” or current type ISTJ.
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zorkaya-moved · 9 months
‘ no one would know better than i. ’ (oooh from neuvillette)
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It seems some of the misunderstandings have been cleared, but she dislikes the fact she needed a message from Lesser Lord Kusanali herself, it doesn't feel good but she needed to ensure her presence in Fontaine won't be interrupted by the Iudex himself. He's not someone who must be made into an enemy and she, sad as she to say this, must play better (play good) while studying the current changes within Teyvat. The Abyss is starting to act up and as someone who's been so intimately intertwined with it, Zarina Sokolova is one of the only people who can linger in and out of it without concerns. Then again, it is understandable why Neuvillette would wish for her to leave his region without ever returning. However, his wishes are unimportant. The fate of the world is on their shoulders and his little threat means nothing to one who cannot die. Not anymore. Not until she'll be killed hundreds of times. He doesn't have that time. No one does, not him and not Zarina herself.
They are all running out of time and Sokolova doesn't care if the Iudex wishes her dead or not. Currently, they are on the same team. As long as he is against Celestia and the Abyss taking over the world above (Teyvat), they are all good. He cannot judge her for she already was executed in the court of Sumeru. A slice to her wrists, a slice to her neck, she bled all over the courtroom floors and proved them her experiment's success. Wounds heal and even if her heart stops (or is destroyed altogether), she still returns to life as if new. Disgusting, isn't it? But so helpful in diving into risky situations where such important figures like Nahida or Neuvillette or Furina will ever step in.
These morally aligned good-natured people should learn to use others more often... Well, as if the owner of the Abyssal Serpent's powers will listen to anyone but Nahida's suggestions now. Plus, it seems now there is no need to pretend in front of the Iudex, no need to act silly and funny to avoid true issues.
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"And yet, you did not even allow a possibility that an Abyssal Serpent can be defeated by a single human," she muses out loud, looking at the man with her eyes half closed. All too laid-back, the silverette stands next to the window, looking outside at the streets of Fontaine. A beautiful city destined to be drowned until someone will ensure it won't happen. Celestia is cruel, but so is the Abyss. The middle ground will always have something to fight against to survive. But does Neuvillette even allow a possibility of uniting with someone of less justice-aligned individuals? Sadly, the victory cannot be achieved with only good means. The judge and the judged will dance in the courtroom until the end of times. "The history is repeating itself in certain ways, but there is a new change in this day and age, Monsieur Neuvillette. The Traveler and his unknown little companion is something you should know to be a unique variable."
Why is she not talking about herself? The empty shell of an Abyssal Serpent only appears from the shadows, sliding up her leg until it would wrap around her waist until it would reach her arm and become smaller. So small that it would wrap around her fingers, eyes empty and devoid of any intellect as it hissed to show its presence. The shadows will be obedient.
"If no one knows better than you, then please, do share that information with me. We are on the same team," she looks at the snake wrapped around her arm and fingers, its dark scales with silver eyes make her remember how she tamed this beast and erased its 'ego' to make herself the sole winner. "Don't worry, the only things left of the one you've felt are its abilities and subtle hunger; it's primitive now, unable to deny me. I listen to the Dendro Archon, believe it or not. She's seen herself how the Abyssal Serpent has been consumed."
Perhaps, it would be better to find the other dragons and use them as fodder. The ones who do not live with humans. Azhdaha, Apep... The Serpent has shared some names before it was extinguished. As long as she can gather the necessary elemental energy, she can withstand far more than an Archon's wrath.
"Consider myself another variable to tilt the scales into our favor. But know that only Lord Kusanali can ask me for anything without paying the price."
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inkling0121 · 1 year
I'll never understand why leo is so Popular in the tmnt Fandom I mean even before Rise he was everyone's favorite for some reason but he always striked me as the most boring and uninteresting he has funny moments but other than that he didn't have much of a character than being the stern leader.
I wasnt in the tmnt fandom before rise so I'm not sure what it was like, I grew up on 2012 sure but I wasn't online when it aired
However I will say it seems like Leo is the most popular in the rise fandom (followed close by Donnie)
Then in 2012, Leo and Raph are about as popular with each other (from the sides of the fandom that Ive seen)
And maybe it's just the people I follow, but 2003 Leo is the least popular, I think Donnie is the most popular from that iteration followed by Mikey or Raph
As for the 80s, either Raph or Donnie is currently the most popular, however Im way too young to know what it was like a decade ago so...
And don't even get me started on the comics, I havent read much (still hunting down the original comics for free), and I havent seen that side of the fandom much to be able to say
But overall with all the iterations in mind, I genuinely think the fandom is split between the 4 boys pretty good, you just have to look for the people that like the others, maybe its just the people you follow? But I definitely see a lot of stuff created for the other boys
And I don't think he was boring, theres been plenty added to his character when you go in depth
2003 Leo had a deep and intense need to protect his family, to be good enough, he even went through an angry phase when everyone almost died trying to defeat the Shredder
2012 Leo had that space heroes show, was a huge dork, but had great big brother energy (or sister energy if your like transfem 2012 Leo), he also had a bit of a rebellious streak (his crush on the enemy, he snuck out a few times to fight on his own)
I dont remember much of the 80s show cause I only put it on for background noise, and I dont think I need to say anything about Rise
But he does have more personality if you look beyond being a leader, hes an older brother too
I think the reason Leo is given the lead in most movies and shows is because hes the leader and has an interesting dynamic with Raph
Oh and. Dont blame the writers of every tmnt version. There have been plenty ideas for each of the boys that were cancelled BY executives, not thr writers
Show and movie writers like the others as well, but sometimes, stuff gets cut, it happens
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