#people keep bringing up Princess Diana too
brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
I know many of the rumors regarding the Princess of Wales have waded into full on conspiracy theories so I’d like to ask a few things for context: in the past few years, in general, which conspiracy theories have gained traction? What/whom have those theories sought to hurt/destabilize? Who benefits/loses when those theories become mainstream? I believe thinking about/answering these questions gives a lot of context to the current BRF situation.
Anon submitted this last night/Thursday evening...a little prescient if you ask me!
I'm not sure if these questions are rhetorical, but I'm going with the assumption that they're not and it's up for discussion. I'll give my thoughts to them, but I'm going to answer them as if today's statement hadn't happened, because it's a huge game-changer in for all the conspiracy theories.
Which conspiracy theories have gained traction? The ones that also have been around the longest and keep resurfacing time after time after time:
Kate has an eating disorder
William has a temper and takes it out on her
William is cheating with Rose Hanbury
William/the BRF doesn't like Kate and don't want her around
Kate the racist
What/whom have those theories sought to hurt/destabilize? The Waleses's marriage and the public's admiration/adoration of Kate.
Who benefits/loses when these theories become mainstream?
The Sussexes benefit. Their relationship/family unit looks and is perceived to be stronger, despite body language to the contrary. They look free, happy, and unbothered by the monarchy's machinery.
The Waleses lose. They look unhappy and trapped not just in old-fashioned gender roles (angry cheating husband, docile forgiving wife) but in an antiquated system suppressing their individuality and autonomy.
But also the flip side of it is true:
The Waleses benefit. More public support from people who see Kate as being unfairly attacked, and further co-opting of the Diana narrative that made so many people empathize and support her over the others - the abandoned wife, the unsupported/left to fight for herself princess, the more-popular-than-the-royal married-in of whom whose husband's family is jealous. It only helps Kate (and William) transcend the Diana legend and come into her own.
The Sussexes lose. They lose total control of the Diana legend that they want and claim exclusively for themselves, and they lose the ability to show/tell everyone they've fixed Harry's "genetic trauma."
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I really don't think Charles's camp has had a role in the recent onslaught of conspiracy theories. His supporters may have participated to finally lift Charles and Camilla on pedestals higher than William and Kate's and with brighter spotlights for once, but I don't think they ventured too deeply into the cesspool that came up with the worst theories. They don't want Kate to reach Diana levels of fame, popularity, and support that overshadows Charles and Camilla's work today or brings back/makes Diana's ghost loom even bigger over BP and dredges things up that Charles and Camilla would rather remain forgotten.
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Ok but Yandere turtles HCs with a reader who calls everyone hun , sweetie , love (just pet names ) love to see what you come up with 🐢
Considering the situation, this is going to be romantic
I have never heard of anyone who uses hun in my life. Like ever.
🐢 Anon I think...I kinda guess when I see the different emojis (when they're not like hearts or faces ofc)
Tw: Implied arson, mention of dead bodies, implied murder, guilt-tripping,
Yandere Turtles with MC who Calls Everybody Pet Names
Loves it but also hates it
It makes him feel special, but he heavily, heavily dislikes it when you use it for someone else.
Doesn't he have a higher priority compared to others? Isn't he your special boy?
Pouts and whines for you to only call him such names. You better listen to him because he will start punching people.
If you do designate the names for him, he's nuzzling your head, his long ass tail is wrapped around your ankle, and is just so happy.
If you don't do so, however, he'll keep hurting people so I suggest you end it quickly if you don't wanna see a dead body in one of the sewers' tunnels.
Likes traditional names like sweetie and darling.
*you call him a pet name* "Can we cuddle? Hm? Oh right, enemies."
Honestly, I don't think he would take it to heart at first. But over on it annoys him.
He would call you back with a certain name. He tries to make it like an only 'you two' type of thing so that it psychologically tricks you into developing a name for him too.
If it's successful: he's smirking, moving an eyebrow muscle, all that cockiness.
If it doesn't work, he's guilt-tripping. He makes you pity him so that you stop calling everybody else the labels and reserves them for himself instead.
I feel he would really love the fairytale names like prince or knight.
"Am I not special to you? I thought those names were only for the two of us..."
✦Princess Diana✦
Actually, I think he would be disgusted.
But! If you do it in a praiseful way he's going to be soaring over to Antarctica.
Honestly doesn't mind too much the fact you use it in daily conversation.
Maybe keep a name or two just for him and he'll be happy.
He's a drama queen at times (we love it) so for a rare moment, he might grab your hand or give you a hug. Oh and don't forget the leg stims.
He reacts the most normally of the four, considering his already lucidness and inexpressiveness to certain things.
Enjoys names that are nouns, ex. Genius or Scientist.
"Ooh call me that again! It brings such joy to my nonexistent ears!"
Feeds into his delusions.
Only such a kind person would call everybody those names. He doesn't mind your trait at all, since he believes you can do no wrong.
If you gave him a specific name for him, however...He's going to go crazy for it. He'll claim it as his completely and if you call anybody else the name he's going to get rid of them somehow (time to get the gas and lighter again).
He reacts a similar way Raph does overall (for the specified name at least).
Loves any name you give him, but does prefer more cutesy ones.
*Fire burning in the background* "Now only I can be called 'honey'! It's not like you weren't worthy of them anyway~"
The amount of chaos I hold in my hands is concerning...But this blog was never calm in the first place anyway!
- Celina
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celticcrossanon · 7 months
I am sorry but I am getting scared because of the things people have been saying about William and Kate. I should probably take time away from here now because I’m seriously overthinking things, particularly because of this one blog here who has been warning Wales fans of a coming storm.
But you know what I think? Charles is the problem and always has been. I don’t even think Harry is the problem. There seems to be a lot of accounts that now think both William and Harry are the problem and puts the blame for their behavior on their Spencer-ness. Yes, William and Harry are grown men now and should be held responsible, but the fact of the matter is they’ve both had problematic upbringing and had a traumatic experience. Instead of helping them, their father has only ever used them and thrown them under the bus. These people want to deflect the blame to Diana, but the truth is Charles played and plays a large part too. I see it clearly now, everything that’s happening right now is just an extension of the Charles and Diana war. Harry is just as much a victim of these circumstances. Charles used triangulation, yes. He tore the brothers and their wives apart. Charles really is the biggest problem in all of these. I don’t care anymore, I hope both brothers realize that their father is the real enemy and just work together to bring the house down. What are we even fighting for trying to keep the institution alive? Is it even a beacon of good that it needs to stand the test of time?
I am seriously anticipating something being revealed in the upcoming days because that blog has been warning us. I’m not looking forward to the monarchy ever being able to put up a facade of peace again. My rose-colored glasses are now off. Some people are even beginning to think that Beatrice might become Queen. I’d rather see the monarchy be abolished.
Hi Nonny,
I think that having a break from social media would be a good idea for you. Take some time off, do things you like, and don't follow or think about BRF stuff. We all need breaks to keep our sanity and our perspective.
As for the other things you mention, just because a blog says something does not mean it is going to happen (including this blog). The only storm I expect to see happening in the future is the big reveal that Lady C has been promising us, and even that may turn into a nothing burger. Otherwise, I just take it day by day. That gives me more than enough things to think about and comment upon.
I don't think that any one person is 'the problem' in the sense that of they were gone, everything will be rosy again. I think that what we are seeing is a lot of people with very different agendas trying to make their vision come true in the world, or at the very least hold space for the vision to manifest in the future. As not all visions can be true at the same time, there are power plays and clashing egos and manipulations and machinations all over the place. Right now we are in the storm. In time, like everything else, it will pass and we will be able to see what is standing at the end of it.
I like having a monarchy and a king as my head of state, so I want that to be preserved. I'm certainly not going to start tearing it down until the people of the UK have indicated that that is what they want. They are the ones with the most voice in the ongoing existence of the monarchy as far as I am concerned.
Monarchies don't have to be beacons of good. They just have to exist and function as a form of government together with the parliament. Expecting anything else of them is like expecting every president to be an angel of light and goodness, and we all know that is not the case.
It would take the deaths of King Charles, the Prince of Wales, his three children, Harry, his children, and Prince Andrew for Princess Beatrice to be in a position to inherit the throne. I can not see that happening in the future.
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stigmvtas-archived · 10 months
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welcome to marina, CARNELIAN ST. GERMAIN ( nonbinary, he/they ) ! they are a TWENTY FOUR year old who has lived on the island for THEIR ENTIRE LIFE. word on the street is they’re currently living in PROSPECT HILL and works as a WAITER / FISHERMAN. everyone also says they look a lot like JONATHAN DAVISS. what do you think? — JAMES, 24, THEY/THEM, EST.
full name: carnelian laramie st. germain.
birthday: july 4th, 1999.
astrology: cancer sun, pisces moon, virgo ascending..
sexuality: bisexual.
currently listening to: rock n roll victim by death.
last known location: [[[cannot be found]]]
brief history.
the st. germains have lived in marina since forever - years and years of one shared houseboat, and a scattering of ships all belonging under their one family name. every st. germain born on - board of one; never in hospital.
they live modestly, make their fair share of wages through fishing - what their family has always done, and will likely always do. it's good money, brings them enough to get by and then - so.
carn is the youngest of four; the baby of the family and well - loved on hand - me - downs and the protection of their siblings' collective reputation.
there's a long - known superstition running throughout their family; that they were cursed by a sea witch once, that one member from every generation of their small family would lose their mind, and thus their life. carn always took it for granted - an old tale the older members of their family would spin to scare the young'ins into taking better care of one another.
death; it isn't until his uncle's sudden and unexpected death during their childhood that the curse feels real to carn. he's always been carn's favorite, the same gentle temperament and easy smile - but he changed in the few months prior to his death; would come around confused, or angry - sometimes wouldn't say anything at all but stare, and stare. until he could stare no longer.
anxiety; it becomes a genuine fear of carn's - the passage of time and the deterioration of the mind; jumpstarts their anxiety, a struggle since childhood. keeps them from truly living - from exploring what life could be outside of marina. wants to spend as much time with his family as possible before the "curse" transfers to one of them.
still hasn't done much with his life. figures he'll either have time or just. die. weird acceptance of it - working part time at the diner but mostly on the family's fishing boat, trying to ignore their increasingly irrational thoughts.
facts & temperaments.
terrible at falling asleep - is often up late, looking up to the sky and drawing their own made up constellations. doesn't bode well for their early shifts fishing, or their late shifts waitering - but they're well liked enough that it doesn't matter.
people's princess. the diana of marina. gentle and thinks often of others before himself. gives a little too much just because he thinks that's what's right. believes very firmly in the concept of being a good person.
self medicates <3 loves weed. loves a good #420. dabbles in other good but infrequently because their anxiety sours anything else and makes him think he's like genuinely going to die soon.
anxiety; always in a constant state of sudden doom but it's near impossible to tell because they're all smiles and cool exterior. hates to worry others with their irrational thoughts.
a bit compulsive. has had the same meal at the diner since childhood, goes to and fro' work the same path everyday - hates change, and hates changing; hates everything new.
big on vintage stereos and the like. makes mixtapes for their friends and for every possible scenario and every possible feeling. it's their biggest love language.
can be a bit too idealistic as a way to combat like. the fact they think everything will go wrong and everyone will die and that he thinks something's out to get him. skeptical of others despite this, and despite the one (1) superstition he believes in.
can be a little self righteous in the sense that they think they're always right - can be a little too smug about it; but they're always well - meaning, always wants what they think is the best.
virtuoso don't let him pick up an instrument 'cos he'll start riffing and it will always end up being ska punk. astrology whore; reads the horoscopes religiously and is way too into it.
usually wearing a leather jacket and boots and their natural hair in all its beauty n glory. has too many earrings to count, and just as many tattoos.
falls in love with people everyday. a big lover. can't help it - always finds something about people to be interested in.
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xjoonchildx · 7 months
Wait wait so they ran away? They didn’t run away? He just left after that night? She’s still in that soulsucking place? What happens when the kid grows up and looks like our lord and saviour jung rather than the biatch king? I’m so confused
Side note, I love this story smmmm thank you for writing it
they didn't run away. and i know that's what a LOT of people were expecting but please hear me out: you have two people who are both very much bound by their notions of honor.
the queen because of her rigid upbringing and her fear of ever bringing shame onto her family. lord jung -- AHEM HOSEOK -- who loves the king despite everything and would never cause a scandal by absconding with his wife. no matter HOW MUCH HE WANTS TO and NO MATTER HOW MUCH he has to smile through gritted teeth every time he sees them in public together.
you may not have seen the other ask I answered regarding this, but i took a lot of inspiration from the story and rumors regarding the one-time prince and princess of wales (although if the rumors regarding the current prince and princess of wales are true, they're not faring any better 👀).
as much power and influence as diana had at one time, she still endured her husband's blatant philandering with as much of a smile as she could muster. and she did it for a long time -- until she was presented with the very modern option of getting out. that's not an option our OC has given the time period she lives in.
as to your question about what happens when the baby looks more like lord jung than the think? just smile and nod as is the famous theory about that aforementioned royal couple. so she will find happiness where she can. when she can. and her secrets will be what keeps her warm at night 💕
also lysm too thank you for reading!
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ladykailolu · 1 year
Headcanons for Marigold
Mia Fey was working on a scrapbook with pictures of Maya (it’s got her baby pictures and stuff). After she died, Maya took it and tries to keep it going, and when Godot gets out of jail, Maya let’s him have it.
Marigold carries her mother’s magatama everywhere, though she doesn’t always wear it
Godot teaches Marigold to speak Spanish
Marigold becomes a defense attorney when she grows up,
If she somehow met Sadie Mae and the gang, she would be good friends with them
Personality wise: child Marigold is a rather quiet kid, having a rather shy disposition. But when it counts she’ll go from 0-100
Fun facts about Adult Marigold
She has a fascination with poetry (when she’s particularly cocky she’s speak in haikus) [she has fixation on metaphors like her dad]
She’s graceful. Shes like an elegant princess, like princess Diana
Like princess Diana, she’s the people’s princess, as she is very caring and sweet and cares a lot for other people (like her mom she wants to believe in and defend people)
She can be a bit full of herself (she knows she’s a girlboss like her mama and she’s a bit cocky like her dad) She also knows she’s hot, and that she can get it and wears it on her sleeve a bit
Like a princess she’ll have a vibe of, oh all the commoners want me, but they can’t have me or be me. Fufufu
She knows she’s that bitch, but she’s not a bitch, you feel me?
She knows she’s just the most perfect young girl (her daddy told her so himself, plus I heard, mommy thought so too so 🥰)
I think it's possible that during visits to the prison, Godot would teach Marigold her next Spanish lesson lol. If the prison's fine with it, she could bring her Spanish textbooks and the like, or simply a notepad and paper and write down a few things. That's also sweet that Godot gets to look through the scrapbook and see Marigold's baby pictures and Mia's family. It's almost enough to make him feel that Mia was there with him. And he catches up on Marigold's history. She was a cute baby. Has her mother's smile. And Maya tells him all these stories of when Marigold was growing up back when Mia was still alive. And considering that Godot said that he had nothing else to live for when he lost Mia and everything else, well, now he has quite a big something to live for, doesn't he?
Why does Marigold aspire to become a defense attorney? Runs in the family? It'd also be cute if Auntie Maya gave Marigold a locket with a small picture of her mother inside, so Marigold can still know what her mom looked like. She has no idea about the father, however.
Awww, but considering that she's shy, it would be cute if she got all shy and clammed up when first learning Spanish from Godot. But learning from him has built up her confidence. And during these sessions, he introduces her to the beautiful world of metaphors, and when they're apart, they write letters back and forth with a little bit of poetry here and there, and that's when Marigold practices haikus.
Since she's gonna be a defense attorney, she needs a rival to put her into her place from time to time. Who is that rival prosecutor?
It sounds like she's really loved and she knows it, which is awesome given the circumstances behind her parents. Even when Godot was in jail, Marigold still had Pearl and Maya and Feenie. And when Godot is out of jail, she visits him regularly, checking up and catching up. She'd hate for him to feel lonely.
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fancoloredglasses · 1 month
The Once and Future Thing (Even more fun with time travel)
[All images are owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros-Discovery. I hope I’m too small-fry to sue…]
I have made no secret that I’m not a fan of series that use time travel as a gimmick in episodes (although using it as a gimmick for the whole series can be amazing if done right) But sometimes it can be used to bring together characters that otherwise couldn’t meet to make a compelling story, such as the subject of this review. If you would like to watch the episode, it’s available on Max or behind your favorite paywall.
This episode takes place after Hawkgirl betrayed the Justice League and Earth to her people, the Thanagarians, but rethought her loyalties and helped drive the Thanagarians away, renouncing the name Hawkgirl and going by her actual name (Shayera Hol) The betrayal strained her relationship the entire Justice League (especially with her lover, Green Lantern John Stewart. They split up, with Stewart later starting a relationship with Vixen)
We open to a house, where Enid Clinton is looking (screaming, actually) for her husband David, who is hiding in the garage.
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David then shows off his collection of historical artifacts…that he stole…from the past.
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[QUICK NOTE: David Clinton is the alter ego of a time-traveling criminal known as Chronos. He was a member of the Atom’s (and later Blue Beetle Ted Kord’s) rogue’s gallery who debuted in 1962…so why isn’t the Atom part of this story?]
Enid berates him for not using his suit to steal things of monetary value or gain future knowledge that would make them rich. She demands to know why he needs a time machine if he’s only going to collect junk.
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Sounds like marital bliss, doesn’t it?
Elsewhere (at the Justice League’s Watchtower to be exact), John Stewart and Batman discuss their various love lives, with John asking Batman about his relationship with Princess Diana (AKA Wonder Woman) Batman insists that he doesn’t want a relationship with Diana, who is…
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Before Batman can make things even more awkward, the intruder alarm sounds. Someone is breaking into the team members’ dormitories!
And who is our intruder?
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It's Clinton (can we just call him Chronos?), who is stealing Batman’s utility belt. Unfortunately, he is ironically too slow and Our Heroes confront him, so he opens up a portal and jumps through, with the heroes in pursuit.
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The trio emerge from the portal in the middle of the desert and Diana wonders where they are…just before they’re confronted at gunpoint by a trio of cowboys!
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Cue the intro!
(Thanks to Lance Simmons)
[QUICK NOTE: Bartholomew “Bat” Lash (debuting in 1968) was a “pacifist” (he never used firearms unless necessary) and a very charismatic scoundrel in the Wild West who tried to do the right thing when confronted by injustice]
Later at the town jail, Lash is trying to work out an escape plan. Unfortunately, the man in the next cell isn’t helping. The Sheriff thinks they’re being too loud and tells them to keep it down, then…
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The Sheriff is so scared he runs into the wall, knocking himself out. The “ghost”, of course, is complements of John. Diana tears the door off of Lash’s cell and tries explaining (stretching things slightly for 19th century sensibilities) that they’re looking for a man who has incredible machines, who Tobias is likely working for.
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It turns out Lash’s neighbor is Chronos, who was robbed by Manning six months prior when he first emerged. Tobias has been stealing future tech to help him rule Elkhorn, such as the strange pistol…
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…and security cameras. Whelp, time to go! Diana frees Chronos (who just wants to go home, even if it means being arrested), but Manning’s hired guns have the team pinned down in the jail!
Fortunately, Lash’s friends have arrived to even the odds.
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Sheriff Ohiyesa “Pow Wow” Smith
[QUICK NOTE: Pow Wow (debuting in 1949) was a Native American serving as Sheriff of Elkhorn, Oklahoma (the same town Manning took over)]
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El Diablo
[QUICK NOTE: El Diablo (AKA Lazarus Lane, introduced in 1970) was possessed by a spirit of vengeance after being left for dead by bank robbers, and became a vigilante known across the west (seems like he and Batman would have a lot to talk about)]
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…and Jonah Hex (voiced by Adam Baldwin)
[QUICK NOTE: Jonah Hex (debuting in 1972) was a former Confederate soldier who had a change of heart and surrendered, but was subsequently betrayed by the Union commander he surrendered to. He survived as a bounty hunter, wearing his Confederate uniform as a mark of shame (along with his disfigured face)]
Now that introductions have been made, back to our story.
The gunslingers make short work of Manning’s goons. With that out of the way, Pow Wow explains how Manning came in with his weird devices and took over, running him out of town. Manning then enslaved the town. Pow Wow found Lash, Hex, and El Diablo to help him take the town back.
(Thanks to The World’s Finest)
[NOTE: Jonah Hex indeed has experience with time travel, as he was brought to the future in the comics]
With the help of the gunslingers, Our Heroes make short work of Manning’s mecha. The Pow Wow calls out Manning.
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Manning pulls out his weird-ass pistol, but Pow Wow’s backup destroy it with their normal weapons (and a power ring) Pow Wow challenges Manning to a brawl to settle it, but…
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Pow Wow chases after Manning and…
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He’s got guts, I’ll give him that. Pow Wow manages to ground the Pegasus (another robot) and takes down Manning.
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With that, John destroys all of the future tech with his power ring. As Batman prepares to set the time belt to return them to the present, he accidentally lets Chronos get too near to his time belt.
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Well, here we go again! The Justice Leaguers enter the portal before it collapses, emerging on a street where they are met by…
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Well, these guys look familiar. Obviously, the Joker never re-emerged in this timeline, since Bonk (also voiced by Adam Baldwin) is still alive.
Fortunately, whenever they wound up has its own heroes as well.
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Batman, Static, and Warhawk (AKA the Justice League)
Warhawk immediately recognizes John, calling him “Dad” (hooboy) as the credits roll on part 1. Onto the conclusion!
(Thanks again to The World’s Finest)
Well, the Jokerz have certainly gotten some upgrades!
Static doesn’t seem too worried, since Batman lived through the events they’re about to go through…except Bruce doesn’t remember any of this happening.
Elsewhere, Chronos and Enid are chewing out the Jokerz. It seems that someone tipped off the Justice League that the past Justice League would be arriving, and he knows who was responsible: Chucko! Chronos punishes him by sending him through a time portal to the time of dinosaurs (specifically, the day they went extinct)
With the traitor out of the way, Chronos sends the Jokerz to deal with the Justice League.
(Thanks to Blue Kryptonite)
With that in mind, the Justice League track down Enid (who’s livin’ it up in an Egyptian pyramid) However…
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…the timeline warps again, turning John into Green Lantern Hal Jordan (voiced once again by Baldwin. I’m guessing he worked cheap) However, Enid is more than a bit pissed at Chronos and tells the Justice League exactly where to find him.
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The jail where the League found him in the Old West. Kind of fitting. As Hal scans the jail, he changes back into Green Lantern John Stewart.
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With that, the Justice League moves in.
(Thanks again to Blue Kryptonite)
First, don’t worry. Batman will be fine, since he has an appointment with Amanda Waller in about 15 years. Second, that hand at the end of the time tunnel is a nod to Crisis.
So…did it work?
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…looks like it. However, only Batman and John have any memory of what happened (since they were at the epicenter at the Dawn of Time when it happened) Then John sees Shayera enter the cafeteria and remembers Warhawk.
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Tune in next time for As the Watchtower Turns.
And what of Chronos? Well, Batman’s programmed the belt so Chronos would be stuck in his garage with Enid yelling at him in a never-ending time loop.
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Poor Enid, being stuck with him for all eternity.
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lunarsilkscreen · 3 months
Starstricken and Awe
A person that has made it into the cultural subconscious had a strange superpower over other people. Like a form of authority that radiates from them.
Unless they're seen as a the town fool that you should throw tomatoes at them when you pass by.
This might be what created the original air of "God given Authority".
But what is it? What gives celebrities that air of authority? That kind of power over people?
I'd liken it to the same feeling you get around elders, or authority figures, or just managers and their managers and their manager's managers.
Anxiety. Lots of it.
"Wow, this person is *famous*!"
And this makes think about Princess Diana. Why? You might be asking.
If she were any other person, she'd likely have survived. The media blames it on the paparazzi, the doctors blame it on the chauffeur, the U.K. blames it on the Royal family... And all of those *might* be true...
But what about the physicians who see this member of another country's royal family show up in their friggin E.R...
What kind of pressure must you feel for that? You'd think an E.R. doctor would be sensible enough to keep their shit together long enough to stabilize a patient.
But what if they weren't? (Not an accusation)
This makes being a celebrity kind of dangerous, doesn't it? You can't guarantee that people won't just *freak out* no matter *where* you show up...
Or have planned out entire flash mobs for the memes...
You can't even ask people for favors, or gifts, because your celebrity would sway them into giving them to you at their own detriment...
Or yours... Like Gabriel Iglesias and the tsunami of [Chocolate Cake] fans sent him.
If it weren't for the FDA, I'd have suggested he just bring them to one of his concerts as a fan-potluck. But like... That'd raise too many potential legal issues.
Sounds like too much trouble to me.
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The Adventures of Big Dog the Clown, 24th Jan 22
LET’S GET YOU IN THE MOOD, KIDS, IT’S A WILD ONE!!! Background music for your enjoyment. If you’re on mobile, here’s a Spotify option. Want to really set the scene? Grab some snacks! Snacks such as, for example, popcorn, like this popcorn given out to passers-by by Butterkist today in front of Downing Street.
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OKAY so. Last update we had just learned that Will Wragg MP was accusing the Tory party of blackmail! News that came just as I was writing the damn update even. So, let’s pick up from there!
Well, naturally, as the rats are running from the sinking ship, Boris Johnson is cutting an increasingly lonely figure. But hey, you can always count on your true friends to defend you! Up until now, that’s been the job of Nadine Dorres (the galaxy-brained genius behind Operation Red Meat, more on that in a moment) and Jacob Rees-Mogg (a time travelling Victorian dandy too stupid to spot he’s landed 150 years in the future); but now, Tumblrs, in steps your new favourite clown character in this saga: Michael Fabricant.
Now Michael Fabricant is a terrible man who last year described Palestinian activists as “primitives” who are "trying to bring to London what they do in the Middle East", which is frankly the mere tip of the iceberg, if an iceburg were made of frozen liquid shit and melted slugs. He is also, and I swear to god I am not shitting you Tumblrs, I swear this is genuine, he is a real man who has made these real choices - he is a man who appears to very literally be cosplaying Boris Johnson. Look at this:
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He’s also spotted his sycophantic chance to worm his way into the mouldering and collapsing bodily cavity where Big Dog once had a heart, so he stepped up to the plate when he heard this TERRIBLE accusation of blackmail. Oh yes! The hour came and Fabricant was not found wanting! Let’s see his defence!
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Oooooooohhh, with friends like these, eh, Boris. Fuck me, that’s a swing and a miss. Kind of reminds me of those women in the Me Too movement who kept going “If that’s what counts as sexual assault then every woman I know has been assaulted” and lordy, Becky, you’re so close to getting it. Right up to the line. But I see you need to be walked all the way to the door.
Meanwhile, remember how a further 5 MPs are considering defecting as well, and following Christian Wakeford’s example? A senior Labour source has referred to it as Operation Domino, possibly a joke, possibly genuinely what the Tories are calling it, given that they are biologically incapable of just allowing events and actions to go without a shitty little James Bond name.
But anyway, that was all Friday! Let’s see what’s happened since! The lions are performing!
Three Days Ago
We started with a story almost trifling compared to all this. You may all recall that back in April 2020, Big Dog kept telling everyone that covid was no big deal, and boasted about shaking hands with covid patients like he was Princess Fucking Diana meeting HIV patients. Well, he promptly caught it, of course, and supposedly landed in Intensive Care, which... is a suspicious story, actually, because he supposedly ALSO carried on working at the same time, and DOUBT.jpeg. But anyway. Apparently a week before he landed in hospital he was heavily symptomatic with a cough, but refused to isolate. Every time anyone asked him to, he would reportedly thump his chest like Donkey Kong and say “STRONG LIKE BULL”, which is obviously a totally normal and ordinary thing to do.
(This chimes with a later story that also came out last week when he had to do his second period of self isolation. Staff set up a cat run so he could get from his flat to his office and could talk to him through the open door, no contact. But he literally would not stay put and kept wandering out and walking up to people, so they had to put two chairs across the office door to keep him in there, like trying to trap a pet one room so it won’t come and piss on your floor. The National Scot ran with the headline “Covid party row: Downing Street staff used 'puppy gate' to control 'big dog' Boris Johnson”. When I tell you I laughed...)
Anyway, actual events on the day. Well, unnamed allies of Theresa May report that she’s having a fucking fantastic time watching all of this unfold at the minute - the end of her tenure was a vote of no confidence, complete with MPs crossing the floor, and Boris circling like a shark. So next time you watch footage from the House of Commons, watch as Tessie tries to hide a smile as boot after boot goes in. Mind, she’s also a monster, so it’s great - a real wasp vs nettle fight. Someone is getting stung, and no one fucking cares which.
Up in Scotland, Fiona Bruce hosts popular politics show Question Time. She asks the audience if anyone wants to defend Boris Johnson. 
I am begging you to watch what happened.
And then to round off the day, the news comes that Downing Street insiders fear that Sue Gray has now discovered “damaging” evidence, and with the speed and inevitability of a geological era changing, acknowledge that actually, the Gray Report... “may not”... clear Boris Johnson...
Let’s go and see an elephant in a fez!
Two Days Ago
We go now to Wales for THE MOST GLORIOUS MOMENT
As part of Operation Red Meat, England are dropping all covid restrictions. In Wales, though, healthcare is a devolved matter, so we are not. On the BBC, Naga Munchetty asks Mark Drakeford, First Minister for Wales, if Welsh people are wondering why we’re not getting the easings as well?
“We are a govt that doesn't need to grab headlines to distract attention” OH MY FUCKING GOD
We have now reached a point where rival politicians aren’t even trying to be diplomatic about this. Drakeford just straight up scalps Big Dog. Munchetty is horrified by the candour. Drakeford doubles down. It is beautiful.
And it’s not a lie, either. A poll predicts that there will be a near wipe-out for the Tories in Wales at the next General Election, and honestly, fucking good. 
Meanwhile, Christian Wakeford pops back up! He’s the fickle dramatic bitch that crossed the floor and defected to Labour. He clarifies that, when he was threatened, he was specifically told that if he voted against the government on their preferred policy, they would pull all funding for a new school in his constituency. We all pretend to be shocked.
Rory Stewart, one of the Tories who actually ran against Big Dog in the last party leadership race who has since left politics (but probably not in his heart), declares that the whip system functionally makes the UK an elected dictatorship. We all pretend we are astounded by this brand new information.
Anyway, at this point, The Great Narrator decides to ramp up the tension again, because what more could this scandal need than TWO NEW SCANDALS
Chris Bryant MP is the Chair of the Committees on Standards and Privileges. He’s also a guy who spends a lot of his time on moral crusades against Tories - he was the main person pushing for Damian Green to go, which he did actually win in the end. A bunch of Tory MPs went to him on that day.
And they told him that the problem with the blackmail wasn’t just the whips.
Boris Johnson himself threatened to steal their funding from their constituencies if they didn’t vote the way he wanted
And THAT my friends is Misconduct in Public Office and THAT is a LITERAL CRIME.
...which of course means it’s a matter for the Metropolitan Police so lol 
And then Nusrat Ghani MP comes forward and announces that she was fired two years ago by a Tory whip because her “Muslimness” was raised as an “issue” by coworkers, and it was making them feel uncomfortable.
And THEN Tory whip Mark Spenser suddenly tweets this:
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It turns out that that tweet is not the original tweet, but a cleaned up one because the first one was a dictated copypasta and he LEFT ONE OF THE FUCKING QUOTATION MARKS IN I’M
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And he’d have gotten away with it too, but guess who shows up and rides on in to be a pal and defend a poor innocent defenceless Tory?
Who retweets the original tweet, thus ensuring that it can be seen and screenshotted for posterity.
My god. My god. It’s a shitshow. Tories panicking. PR machines flying. An Islamophobia accusation at literally the worst time. Honestly, the saving grace is that Nusrat Ghani is, ultimately, pretty much a nobody. Imagine if Baroness Warsi said she’d experienced Tory Islamophobia? Then they’d be in trouble.
Let’s check out the trapese artists!
Baroness Warsi reveals that she, too, has experienced Tory Islamophobia.
Oh boy.
It’s looking bad, lads. Michael Fabricant, giddy with adrenaline from all this excellent and effective white knighting he’s been doing, decides to try and help again. He tweets a stern defence of Boris, announcing that Ghani has been plotting against him for a while, hence the timing. He declares that she is using Islamophobia as an excuse for her sacking, when the real reason is that she was “nice, but unimaginative and mediocre”. Gleeful in the knowledge of his excellent stalwart support, he turns two of the words into hashtags, to connect with the kids.
The words he choses are #Boris #Islamophobia.
With friends like these.
Anyway, let’s get back on track with the Gray Report!
So, in the absence of any policing or legal enforcement behaviour from the Met, you’ll all recall that we’re pinning our hopes on Sue Gray and her internal enquiry. Sue Gray is a staffer in Number 10, a civil servant - absolutely she might be corrupt and terrible, sure, but actually, she’s not a politician and honestly, Tumblrs, honestly, if someone asked me to investigate my boss, you bet your fucken ass I’d go for the jugular. And she does have a track record of these getting people fired, so. There’s that.
So yesterday, there are some developments.
First, Sue announces that she will be widening the scope of her investigation - she will not just be looking at parties in Number 10, but also any that may have taken place in the Prime Minister’s actual residence in Number 10.
Second, it is revealed that Met Police officers who guard Number 10 have spoken to her, and given “DAMNING EVIDENCE” lmao I mean that’s a guest list, right? They literally sign people in and out. All she has to do is give them a date and time and they can go “Here are the names of every single attendee.” Bonus points if one of them actually witnessed a party.
Third, officials in Number 10 - so again, not politicians, the staff who work there - announce that they have been withholding information about the parties from the enquiry because THEY WERE FRIGHTENED INTO SILENCE
Fourth, Sue Gray announces that the results of the enquiry are going to be delayed because more and more fucking evidence keeps emerging. Here is a clip of Sue trying to write this report. It is also a clip of me trying to update Tumblr on all this.
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AND THEN fifth, and I’m sure this is in no way related to points 1-4, but Dominic Raab the Deputy PM announces that Boris Johnson will decide how much of the Sue Gray report will actually be published for the public to see.
Meanwhile, Christian Wakeford names the man who threatened to defund his school if he didn’t vote the right way: Gavin Williamson. Ooh! A new spotlight on a new clown! Let’s see what defence Gavin can give!
“I don’t have any recollection of the conversation as described,” he says.
Well then. Sure. As long as you don’t remember it I’m sure it doesn’t affect you and you can’t be held accountable, that’s completely okay then, Gav, isn’t it, you ham sandwich.
A new poll reveals that, of those who voted Tory in the last election, 20% now regret it and would have gone for Corbyn instead.
And to round off yesterday, our friend Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer, announces that we’re getting a tax rise on national insurance tax.
On national television, he refers to it as “the Prime Minister’s tax”.
Back to the main event: the clown show!
One of the David Davises calls for Boris’ tax to be scrapped. Is this another new bit of legislation that’s about to be unceremoniously dropped from the record? Is Big Dog now so unpopular that the Tories can do literally nothing?
But Tumblrs. But Tumblrs.
At 6.15 pm, my husband and I get a call from one of his journalist friends.
“Watch ITV at 6.30,” we’re told. “Don’t miss it.”
So we grabbed the candy floss and settled in to laugh at the noses, and thus we got to watch the breaking news.
Boris Johnson, in June 2020, at the height of the lockdowns, in the conference room of Downing Street where he had stood in silence not three weeks before to honour the key workers who had died while trying to keep this country alive during the pandemic he himself had mismanaged so spectacularly, threw himself a fucking birthday party.
They are barely even denying this shit anymore. Yes, says Downing Street, okay, so a handful of people gathered for ten minutes, but no one went up to the flat
Anyway, let’s round off. The current estimations of the political analysts:
He has a week, if that.
We’ll see!
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Could you do a yandere psychopath Artemis and Diana x villian female reader. the reader is like a hitwomen and the justice league is like looking for us for the crimes that we have done and Artemis and Diana have become overprotective and obsessed with the reader so while the reader is fighting the justice league Diana and Artemis turn there back on the team to save the reader after superman slammed our head into a wall so they both fight the team and took the reader back to themasciray where they keep us safe
Broken Truth: Psychopathic Diana and Artemis, huh? That means they are willing to kill people to have what they want. I can weave those words but I think I'll let Mask deal with this one.
Mask: Already working on it - Let the words weave together.
"Another 5 bodies came up: A Politician that was taking bribes, A Crooked Cop that was killing innocent people, a Drug King Pin, A Mugger, and an adultering husband that was planning on leaving his wife and 4 kids with not a single cent to their name," Batman said as he placed the tablet on the table and sat in his chair before looking at the screen, showing the screenshots of photos of the crime scenes.
"It's getting bad out there, Bruce, we still haven't found any trace on the killer other than the fact each people had something engraved on their bullets." Clark said as he passed the pictures to Diana, who looked at the photos with trained blue eyes, something about this killer's work made her think; that the killer wasn't just going around killing everyone around or random innocent people, they were killing people who have sinned or people who were corrupted to the core. Diana looked at the pictures with a small smirk on her face before she opened her mouth to speak.
"What do we really know about this killer? Any facts at all?" Diana asked as she looked up from the pictures to the people that shared a room with her.
"All we know is that the killer is a female; an eyewitness saw a slender figure running on the rooftop with a sniper rifle, far too fast to be a male and they noticed their chest before she disappeared into the night, never to been seen again." Bruce said, Diana nodded but in her mind, she was smirking.
'A Female that kills the taint in Man's World? This is interesting.' Diana thought with a mental smirk; she needed to find this woman and take her for her own but she needed to make an investigation of her own and the oracle on Themyscira was going to help her find the one she wanted.
Diana departed for her home the next morning with copies of the images in her possession as she walked along the streets of Themyscira with a gleam in her blue eyes as she walked into the Oracle's Temple with a sack of golden apples in one hand and the photos in a folder in the other hand. She gave the Oracle the apples before opening her mouth to speak her request.
"There is a killer that travels between Gotham and Metropolis that is killing those that are tainted and unjust, I want to find her before the Justice League does to make her my own." Diana spoke to the Oracle who looked at Diana with shock in her eyes but she knew not the question the words of the Princess and began looking at the photos before her eyes began glowing.
"The Killer is planning to rid the world of a man that has committed a grand sin tonight where the light doesn't shine and the rats and cats love to scurry." The Oracle spoke before her eyes stopped glowing.
"An Alleyway. Thank you, Oracle." Diana said as she turned on her heel to leave the temple but stopped when a familiar figure stood in front of her, "Artemis. What do you want?" Diana asked with a dangerous gleam in her eyes.
"You are planning to take a mate, I can tell, and your mate is dangerous; I want to aid you in bringing her here." Artemis smirked, Diana opened her mouth to speak but her intercom sounded; it was Clark.
"What is it, Clark?" Diana asked.
"Diana! We found the killer but we can't take her down, we need some help." Clark said before the intercom went out. Diana's eyes went wide as she broke off into a sprint towards her jet with Artemis behind her; she wasn't going to lose her mate, there was no way she was going to let her 'friends' take her away from Diana.
It was at the border of Metropolis and Gotham City when Diana arrived and she as well as Artemis watched as Superman punched Diana's Mate in the face, launching her into the wall, causing her to slump off the wall and land on the roof. Clark was going to walk over to her when Diana and Artemis dropped off the jet and stood between the killer and Superman with their weapons drawn and pointed at the man of steel.
"Diana, what are you doing?" Clark asked with wide eyes.
"You're not taking her away from me, Clark, away from us; she belongs to me and I won't let her rot away in jail." Diana said as she threw a smoke bomb on the ground and filled the area with smoke, the rest of the Justice League began choking when Artemis and Diana attacked them. They used a Kryptonite Shard to down Superman before they attacked Green Lantern and removed his ring. Hawkgirl tried to strike them with her mace but Diana's shield deflected it and she was knocked out. Bruce was able to dodge hand to hand combat with Artemis but Diana came up behind him and punched him in the back of his head, knocking him out. Once the last member was out, Diana tied the killer up in the Divine Lasso before she and Artemis flew up to the jet with their prize in tow. She was theirs. Finally theirs.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Wit All the things coming out about her costars, I remember awhile ago Z had an interview where she said she culdnt get away wit sum of the thing her white (or white passing) peers culd n all this drama is a perfect example. The amount of white (pro trump loving) folks defending sydney is ridiculous n honestly prob got her more fans wit certain uber conservative ppl. If that happnede to Z she culd nt get away wit that tbh. Sum ppl wonder why Z keeps it private.. this is why
No comment on Sydney and her family (I mean, was it really a surprise that they MIGHT be Trump supporters??🤨). She's from Spokane Washington lol.... Look at the voting demographics of this area.
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But just because her family might vote a certain way, or may have certain views, it doesn't automatically mean that she shares those same views. 🤷
But anyway, like you said, Z isn't going to be afforded the same "leeway" as some of her white counterparts.....And she knows this. Kristen Stewart was out here having a whole affair while publicly cheating on her actor boyfriend, and was photographed getting it on with her married Director in broad daylight...🥴 Yet now, she's played the late Princess Diana in the film "Spencer", and even got some Oscar buzz for her role lol.
Melania Trump posed NUDE in her past, and people were STILL claiming how "classy" she was as a "First Lady".... Yet, Michelle Obama wore *gasp* sleeveless dresses while she was in the White House, and that was considered "scandalous". 🙄 Melania did the same exact thing, and nobody said a PEEP! 😒
Janet Jackson got blacklisted after her performance with Justin Timberlake because he accidentally tore off her costume a little too hard, and ripped off the lace bra underneath to reveal her pasty. Even though HE was the one who ripped off her garment, JANET was the one who got thrown under the bus, blacklisted, and has yet to really recover from that in her career. It changed the whole trajectory of her career imo.
Don't even get me started on how Kim Kardashian had a whole SEX TAPE out and actually became FAMOUS off of it... 🙄 She and her family got enormous fame due to Kim's sex tape.
I don't think I need to bring up Shia Labeouf, Robert Downey Jr., Britney Spears, and others who have still been given chances, or roles and also bounced back from a horrible scandal/hard life. Look, I'm all for someone cleaning up their lives and being able to overcome hardships. I love "comeback kid" stories. I'm happy when someone can climb up from the ashes and get their life right again. 😊 But like, there are just so many examples that woc aren't usually given the same leeway or "benefits of the doubt" when hardships or scandals come their way. Where was the same compassion when Whitney Houston was suffering from drug abuse? She was basically made fun of, ostracized, looked at as crazy, and was a media spectacle.
Anyway, let me stop because I'm going on a tangent. 🤦
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Voices {Diana Prince x Fem!Reader}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 2343 Summary: Jealousy is hard to tame, even in an Amazonian Princess. Warnings: Smut.
Diana had never been the jealous type. That was until had come along and joined the Justice League, the only other female in this male-dominated group. You weren’t quite as powerful as Diana, but you contributed a lot to the team, and knew how to handle yourself in a fight. Your powers of creating a force field had saved the ass of each one of these lunatics at least once. Even Superman had owed you a debt of gratitude for your powers, all of which you took with a grin. But out of all of them, the one that you seemed to be the closest with was Bruce - and that is where Diana’s jealousy came in.
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You, like Bruce, were also from Gotham, so there had been that instant connection there. You would often talk about restaurants, about high school, about people and if there was any overlaps in where you used to hang out. It turns out you used to frequent some of the same places, despite being from totally different backgrounds. You two could often be seen talking and laughing around the coffee machine, or going out to dinner - which made the tabloids go wild. The rest of the league knew that you two were just friends but Diana had always suspected something.
She had originally thought that she would be the one that you would bond with, given that you were a woman. And yes, you two were friendly enough but it wasn’t quite what she had pictured. You would catch eyes in the hallway and nod at one another, and you worked well out in the battlefields of the world. When she saw you with Bruce, your voice would flow through her head like music, while Bruce’s was grating, like nails on a chalkboard. It affected her relationship with Bruce, which had once been friendly but now, being around him just felt like the annoying co-worker.
You and Bruce came into the Batcave from going out to dinner, and you were talking about the couple who had been sitting next to you. “I think it’s romantic,” You were saying about them.
“I think it’s convenient,” Bruce was shrugging off his jacket. “I know a thing or two about gold-diggers, y/n, and that man was one of them.”
“Sometimes, Bruce, I think you see the world in too dark a light,” You said, finally noticing that the others were gathered around, with only Diana and Barry eavesdropping. Cyborg was hooked into a supercomputer, and Clark was in his ordinary Clark attire, looking at his phone. “Oh, was there a meeting?”
“No, I was just bored,” Barry said. There was a flash of yellow, and he was standing right beside you, offering you a bag of chips. “Hungry?”
“Just ate, but thank you. I don’t think I could take another bite,” You protested. Bruce did the same with an elegant gesture of his hand, and you went your separate ways. Bruce went to hang up his jacket while you strode over to see what Clark was doing. Diana was sitting alone at the table now, watching the way that your dress moved about your body. She admired it on you. It was white and gold, and reminded her of home, though this was much more formal than functional. The sleeves draped over your shoulder, exposing the soft flesh of your collar and arms. As you bent over to peek at his phone and see who he was texting, she caught the curve of your breast, and looked away quickly, face glowing red in shame.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to look. But rather, she wanted you to be the one to show her, of your own free will. She wanted you to ask her to unzip the dress and watch as you stepped out of it, completely bare. These thoughts clouded her mind to the point where she didn’t notice that Barry had slipped into the chair beside her and was staring at her, grinning.
“You’re so obviously in love, just go ask her out!” He said, a little loudly. Diana shushed him quickly, and darted her eyes back to see if you had noticed. But you were teasing Clark about his girlfriend, Lois at this point and didn’t seem to have overheard.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Diana said, turning back towards Barry. “Isn’t there some marathon that you should be running?”
“Ouch, you get mean when you’re jealous.”
“I am not jealous,” Diana said, though she knew that it was a lie. Jealousy was a snake that was making it’s way through her nerves, and if she didn’t do something about it soon, she was afraid she was going to burst. The toxicity was unscrewing itself.
She stood up and made her way to the bathrooms. There were two, side by side, neither of them labeled as male or female because it seemed stupid. Just pick a bathroom and use it. She went inside and ran some cold water over her hands and patted at her flawless face. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw the red coming across her cheeks. She saw that glint in her eye that she didn’t like. Though alone, with the only sound being the pipes, she thought she could hear your voice. Laughing. Then Bruce. Probably saying something witty. Oh, I’m Bruce Wayne, I’m rich. I’m Batman.
She splashed herself again, trying to get control over these negative emotions. She dried her face with some paper towel and went to step out, planning on leaving the Bat Cave since she wasn’t needed here, but when she opened the door - you were standing there. You looked startled by the door opening, but your open mouth turned into a frown. “Are you okay?”
You pushed your way into the well lit bathroom with her, and closed the door behind you. Your hand then went to her forehead, reaching up because the Amazonian woman was so tall, and tried to feel for a fever. “Do I look sick to you?” Diana asked, raising an eyebrow, but let you touch her skin, her face. It brought that heat back but it was a different kind.
“Well, your cheeks look a little flushed, and you have been more quiet than usual,” You said, stepping back with a frown. “But you don’t have a fever, so hurray for small miracles.”
“Good,” Diana said with a nod. “But I could have told you that I’m not sick. I don’t get sick.”
“Of course, your immune system is probably as crazy powerful as you are,” You chuckled. “Is there something else wrong then? I mean, you look amazing as usual but there’s something up with you. If you wanted to talk about it, you know I’m here, right?”
You were just so nice, it was hard for Diana to really comprehend it. She only wished that you were this nice to her, and not to everyone else, as cruel as that seemed. In what was at first meant to be a reassuring motion, she put her hands on your arms and rubbed up and down, and then up, past the thin off-the shoulder sleeves, to your shoulders. Once she had started, she found it hard to stop.
“You’re here, and that’s part of the problem,” She admitted. You tilted your head in confusion, exposing more of that beautiful neck that so tempted her. The way that she was looking at you - with eyes ablaze - it was a wonder you weren’t running off. “I have to ask you a question, and it may sound a little strange.”
“Of course, what is it?”
“Do you have feelings of any sort for Bruce?”
“Oh, gross, no,” You said, shaking your head. Her hands were still on your shoulders, keeping you grounded. “He’s like a brother, especially since we grew up in a lot of the same places. Why do you ask?”
“You two seem very close... very close.” Her hands went up your neck, caressing the soft and exposed skin until she reached your jaw. Your breath hitched in your throat, she could feel it. But you didn’t become meek or shy. Instead, you surprised her.
“Hmm... are you jealous, Diana?” You asked. You didn’t attempt to push her off, or get her to move. In fact, the reason why you had been going towards the bathroom in the first place was easily forgotten. Diana was caught of guard by your direct question, and responded to it with a nod rather than verbalizing. A smile went across your lips - closed lipped, tantalizing. “Then my plan has been working.”
You were the one that initiated the first kiss, wrapping your arms around her neck, bringing her in. She was in her full gear in case something had come up, and her metal breastplate rubbed roughly against the soft fabric of your dress. It was a good feeling though. It was a bit cold - and it permeated through the dress until you could feel it on your nipples, making them grow hard. In contrast, Diana was now feeling the soft, the flowing feeling against her elbows as her arms bent when she came closer. Lips smashed against lips, and that jealousy melted away.
You were the first one to pull away, take a step back and looked over that outfit of hers. The infamous Wonder Woman outfit. Turned into cheap costumes the  world round. “How do you take that thing off?” You asked. Surprising her again.
“Are you asking me to take it off, or are you curious?” Diana asked, pushing her hair out of the way, behind her neck, so that she could get back at yours with kisses.
“Both,” You said, leaning your head back so that she had more skin to get at. Diana grinned into these kisses, and showed you exactly how the form fitting top came off.
Diana felt very comfortable in her skin, and was fine with showing it off - to you. There were plenty of perverts out there who wanted to see this view, but it was only for you. Her chest was heaving with excitement, the pink that had been on her cheeks blushed her tan body. The skirt had come off as well, it being a one piece, and now she was standing there in only her underwear. For you.
You brought her back in for another kiss, this time with no hard breast plate in the middle. Diana’s hands deftly made their way to the back of your dress, and found the zipper. You moaned in encouragement, and gently - so as not to ruin the dress - she pulled it down until it reached your lower back. You shrugged your way out of it, pulling your arms out of the sleeves and let it fall onto the bathroom floor. At least Alfred kept this place spic and span himself. These floors had only been mopped that very morning.
Diana kept the kisses raining down upon you, your neck, your shoulders, your breasts once they were exposed. It was just the two of you in your underwear now, pressed against one another but it never felt close enough. Lifting you with ease, Diana swept you off of your feet and put you up onto the sink. You leaned back against the mirror, surprised at how quick all of this was going on. Both of you were. But neither of you were putting a stop to it. This was what she had been thinking about doing. Taking you from Bruce’s side and showing you how she really felt. This, this was a dream come true.
She kissed her way up one of your thighs, right along the inner skin, got to your underwear and started to pull it off slowly, leading it with kisses among the other thigh, to the calf, the to your pretty feet, bound in heels. Those, she would leave on. Just like she would her own thigh-high boots. “You’re very beautiful, y/n,” Diana said, getting a real good look at you.
“So are you, Princess,” You said with a smile, watching with eyes full of adoration. She existed for your compliments, and made her way hungrily between your legs. She was soft, just like those plump lips of hers, and she was gentle. She was also quite slow, which made you want her all the more. Her tongue was wet and warm and seemed to know exactly where to go to bring out the little whimpers in you. Your hands went to your own breasts, squeezing them. You pulled at your own nipples, making a display of it as Diana watched. Her dark eyes stayed focus up on you as her mouth worked.
As you began to reach your climax, miscellaneous things in the bathroom started to rumble. The garbage can for one, began to shake. The paper towel roll became entirely undone. The soap started to squirt out on its own. The lights flickered on and off as that force-field of yours affected the electricity around you. When you did finally reach it, your legs tightened around Diana, trapping her there as you thrust your hips up and down against her face, mewling with satisfaction.
The afterglow must have been amazing, for you grew a lot more loose and limber afterwards. Once you let Diana out of your grip, she joined you, hopping up onto the counter and put her arms around you, bringing you in for more kisses. These ones were more so lazy, just little pecks, as you started to recover from that rush of emotions. “What about you?” You asked, looking her over with a grin on her face.
“In time,” Diana smirked. “We have all of that in the world.”
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mbti-notes · 2 years
Anon wrote: I see you typed princess Diana as an isfp. It was so detailed that i don't doubt you. Although I've a question, i have found your posts where you're against victim mindset and mentality and you do focus on personal responsibility. For eg an Infj having difficulties with their immature mother, you called out on their judgements, etc. Do you have any thoughts on princess Diana's victim mindset?
Recently i saw a surge of people hating on royals which should be on the system, not people for the most part i believe because of films and series based on the late princess. So wanted to ask whether you would have perceived her mindset as that of victim mentality? As some other people who had been close to her, i read talk of how she didn't wish to be perceived as a victim or martyr.
Also when she expressed herself, shared her troubles was it emotionally intelligent and mature of her? And are we in the wrong for treating it as a black and white scenario? How do you differentiate between one truly being a victim and victim mindset? I understand ones a person, the other a mindset, but could victims have such mindset when those who are not have it too? What is/are the signs you look for differentiation of the above two people?
I don't actually believe that Diana is isfp. I was just playing devil's advocate and arguing that another type was possible. I'm confident that she is Introvert and Feeler but the rest is debatable.
You're using terminology without really knowing the meanings, so clarification is in order. First, martyr complex and victim mentality aren't the same thing; they have different cognitive roots and motivations. Second, there are different forms of victim mentality, so more nuance is required.
1) Someone with a martyr complex willingly sacrifices their own well-being for others. Guilt is usually the main underlying motivation. They could be trying to make up for a perceived wrong through self-sacrifice or self-punishment. They could be trying to live up to some idealized but unreasonable moral standard. They could be trying to please people or attain affirmation in the face of people's disapproval. They could be trying to compensate for feelings of inferiority. They could be trying to cover up low self-worth through actions that are socially praiseworthy or considered morally superior.
To be good at relationships, one should be generous and giving to others. However, a martyr complex goes beyond normal relationship generosity. It is unhealthy because "giving" or "sacrifice" becomes the only means the person has to feel that they are valuable or deserving. In essence, martyr behavior is incoherent because it is trying to make up for a weak sense of self by damaging/destroying the self.
2) Victim mentality is about being trapped in a state of feeling victimized. In the majority of cases, the person has actually been a victim of some mistreatment or betrayal of trust, and they unconsciously learn to use victim mentality to blunt the emotional pain or trauma. It is meant to protect the self from further hurt and pain. However, victim mentality is an unhealthy coping mechanism because: i) the pain/trauma remains unresolved, ii) it creates negative patterns of thinking and behavior, iii) negative social behavior brings disapproval which only serves to reinforce victimhood, and iv) being in unhealthy relationships becomes an accumulative source of pain, in a vicious cycle.
Being neglected, mistreated, or abused teaches you that your needs don't matter. However, your needs are still there, screaming out for attention, so you still have to address them in some way. For example: You might start to believe that nothing you do makes any difference, so you become passive and helpless, resigned to your unmet needs. You might keep seeking for someone to fulfill your needs and then become overdependent on people. You might start to believe that everyone is out to exploit you, so you build thick walls to defend yourself against hurt. As such, common signs of victim mentality include:
low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence
negative self-talk, self-handicapping, self-sabotage
powerlessness, hopelessness, learned helplessness
chronic problems with anger, pessimism, depression
loneliness, isolation, emotional detachment
codependency, envy/jealousy, attention seeking
oversensitivity to neglect, rejection, or abandonment
avoidance of responsibility via blame or resentment
In a minority of cases, victim mentality arises from a persecution complex. Such individuals suffer from paranoia and persecutory delusions, believing that they are constantly under attack despite there being no objective source/evidence of persecution. There are a variety of possible causes of a persecution complex; having suffered past mistreatment may or may not be one contributing factor, depending on the individual. In milder cases, emotional distress leads a person to take small factual details and incoherently knit them together into delusions that stoke paranoia. A lot of things in life cause emotional distress, and we all have the capacity to perceive situations incorrectly when emotionally triggered. In more serious cases, there might be a severe mental illness (e.g. schizophrenia) or personality disorder that underlies the persecution complex.
3) I haven't watched the tv shows and films that have come out about the royals in the past few years. I'm not particularly interested in the royals as individual people, so I don't know enough about Diana to form strong opinions. I possess general historical/cultural knowledge of her but nothing that would make me feel qualified to evaluate her psychology. I don't think she had a martyr complex or victim mentality, but I do believe she was a victim.
As far as I can tell, she was a sensitive person who i) desperately needed some form of normalcy in the midst of abnormal circumstances, and ii) desperately needed to be shown some kindness and compassion in the face of oppression. There's no denying that she had a lot of heavy expectations placed upon her. She buckled under them because they were too at odds with what she, as an individual, needed to thrive and flourish in life. The more she tried to internalize and conform to societal expectations, the more she harmed herself.
I believe that, in the years before her death, she was just starting to come into her own and understand what kind of life she really needed. I believe that she was right to speak out about her experiences and how unhealthy her life had been because her problems were very much symptomatic of an oppressive system. Exposing the flaws of the system is the first step to changing it. And, in order to heal, a victim must acknowledge their victimhood, though it doesn't necessarily have to happen publicly. Whatever her motivations were, at least a part of her intentions were noble, in light of the fact that her sons would obviously have to endure that same terrible system in the future. She tried to educate them about this as best she could at the time.
4) Beware of black and white thinking. Thinking in dichotomies or absolutes when nuance is required is a major sign of poor critical thinking that produces faulty beliefs about the world. Unfortunately, the majority of people are at low levels of ego development, so their perception of humanity is egocentric, and their concept of morality is superficial. This is observable in the common tendency to "pick a side", i.e., look for "heroes" to praise and "villains" to punish, as though life abides by black and white fairy tale rules of justice. If you are prone to black and white thinking, you won't be able to grasp the true depth of people or understand social situations deeply enough to have good social skills. Every individual is multifaceted, motivated by a multitude of factors, and sometimes very complicated in how they interpret and react to situations.
5) Taking personal responsibility is indeed a necessary step in addressing victim mentality. However, beware of how people use the two terms "personal responsibility" and "victim mentality", especially in political contexts. Some political commentators have an ulterior motive to blame victims and excuse perpetrators. In a political context, it is essential to distinguish between the individual and the system. Not every individual suffers equally under the same system. Not every individual is equally complicit or guilty of the sins of an oppressive system. It is counterproductive to overgeneralize and stereotype.
Victim mentality is a term that should be used for self-reflection, in terms of learning to identify and address the real causes of one's pain/unhappiness. Personal responsibility is a term that should be used to raise awareness of the power one has to influence change and be assertive in ending unhealthy/harmful situations. That is how I use the two terms in relation to type development.
Your question seems off-base because victim mentality doesn't mean that someone isn't a true victim. Not every victim develops victim mentality, but in the majority of cases, people with victim mentality were or continue to be victims, and they haven't yet learned a better way of handling their pain and suffering. While they are capable of some very socially repellent behaviors (and it might even be necessary to distance from them for the sake of your own well-being), they still deserve empathy and compassion for the underlying pain that motivates the negative behaviors.
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w-ndrr · 4 years
distraction | diana prince x batgirl!reader (m)
a/n: this is nsfw! viewer discretion advised :) i also don’t write a lot of smut so i will try my very best. thanks for reading! <3 xoxo isabelle
summary: (possessive wonder woman x batgirl!reader smut) after diana and bruce’s little sister!reader have a falling out, they meet again at bruce’s little soirée and they do the thing >.<
word count: hold up idk yet (update ok now i know it’s 4.27k+)
warnings: AHEMMM the tiniest bit of angst, overprotectiveness, jealousy, possessiveness, make up sex? idk, smut; top!diana, fingering, oral, dirty talk?, hair pulling, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, marking, body worship, and her f*cking lasso
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Gotham City was the pride of criminals and wrongdoers. At every corner of any street, there is always a victim at the receiving end of these crimes. It was dark place to be—to live in. The endless corruption in this city felt suffocating to be even a part of. You couldn’t imagine why a person would want to live here. Especially, with a clown always on the loose. But, the Batman has always come to save the day... Usually.
Batman was the shoulder the people of this crime infested city would lean on. Time and time again, he’s saved his city, delivering justice to the criminal element. But, he was a busy man. Under his vigilante persona, he was Bruce Wayne; he’s got a company to run, a public to satisfy and little sister to protect.
Unfortunately, having a brother like him, you followed a lot of his footsteps and decided to go save the city sometimes, too, which he passionately protested for you not to do so. You were Batgirl. And you told him that he’s got other bigger responsibilities like being a highly treasured member of the his little superhero club, the Justice League.
You’ve met the members of the Justice League. They were interesting people and they were friendly sometimes. One of them stood out, though.
Her name was Diana. Diana Prince. And you had fallen in love with her as did she. Her intelligence and determination to protect everyone was endearing. Not to mention, she was a beauty amongst beauties and you had willingly wrapped yourself around her finger.
Her love for you was undeniable. She wanted to protect you at all costs and if any harm had come to you, she would never forgive herself for not being there. She wanted you safe all the time.
But, as Batgirl, that was something you couldn’t promise.
Sometimes you would come home to her with fatal injuries and she would have to tend to your wounds. And every second, she loathed it. She hated it when you bled. She hated it when you came home with bruises and cuts. She hated it when you would cry when it was too painful.
And after almost two years of being together, the both of you fought and argued and screamed at each other. Out of anger, Diana had admitted to you being weak with no powers. She has faced many strong dangers and she believed it would be hard for you to stand against a villain who possesses powers from beyond. The words that spilled her mouth had shocked even her and she tried to take it all back but, it was too late.
You were livid. She thought you were weak, and you were angry. You stormed off and cried into the arms of your big brother. Bruce understood what Diana was thinking. At some point, he thought of you like that, too. In a way, he still kind of does. And that was okay. He’s your big brother and he should be protective the same way Diana should be.
It had been months since you spoke to Diana; the last conversation you had together didn’t go so well. You were still angry at her, but you also missed her. You loved being with her. Sometimes, because of it, you wanted to just forget about the whole fight and go back.
But, you’re not weak. And you knew that.
Lately, Bruce has been trying really hard to make your days better. He knew it would be hard to do so without the Amazonian. He also knew she was the key to making you happy.
So, he threw a gala in an attempt to get the two of you back together.
You hated parties, whether it contained solo cups, cheap beer, and blaring music or inconsequent polite conversation, canapes, and wine. You didn’t like them. You would usually put on an act as you entered the room; Bruce Wayne’s beautiful little sister. She was charismatic, a little cocky, liked to mingle, liked to drink. All which you are not.
Even though Bruce knew you wouldn’t want to go to a stupid party at the top floor of one of his hotels, it was the only way to get you and Diana into a room together without worrying about world problems. Bruce told her about the plan. You would be angry, she already predicted that, but she missed you. By the gods, she misses you so much. She would do anything to see you.
And when she did, her body ached for you. She saw you through a sea of business men and women and other important people she could care less about. You glowed in that beautiful silk gown and her eyes stuck to you like glue. Your stride, your confidence and your back, on full display, caught the eye of innumerable people in the room and she wanted to hide you—to keep you away from their lingering eyes. You belonged to her.
As she was just about to walk towards you, she heard your laugh. When she looked to the side, there was a man dressed in a fancy, three piece suit standing in front of you with a glass of champagne in between his fingers, just like you.
Bruce walks past Diana and before he could walk away successfully, she grabbed the collar of his suit jacket and pulled him close enough to talk.
“Who is that?” Diana pointed in your direction.
Bruce’s eyes darted to you then to your partner, “Oh, that’s Jamie Harris, one of the head scientists at my Biotech department... Also, (Y/N)’s—”
“Ex. Got it.”
Diana shook her head and sighed. You had only mentioned him once when you and Diana had talked about past significant others.
“What’s your plan, princess?” Bruce raises an eyebrow at the tall woman.
“What do you think I should do?”
“I would recommend just going up to her,” Bruce suggests. “Interrupt them before they doing anything big. You never know, he could be asking her out right now.”
The Amazonian nodded as she turned her head back towards your direction. Clenching her jaw at the sight of you and this short man, she walked over confidently with her eyebrows furrowed. When she got close enough, Diana had to clear her throat to grab both of your attention.
“Ahem,” Diana pursed her lips slightly before putting on a synthetic smile. “Do you mind if I interrupt?”
Diana watched as you met her gaze before immediately taking a large sip of your champagne with your soft, pretty lips. She sees your jaw clench and your eyes glance everywhere but her.
“Not at all,” the man exclaims happily, straightening his posture as he watches the woman that joined them. “Mind I interest you in a glass, Miss...”
“Prince,” Diana nods at him although she could care less about whatever comes out of this puny man’s mouth. “(Y/N). It’s nice to see you again.”
After preparing, you give her a fake smile and say, “I wish I could say the same to you, Diana.”
The Amazonian swears her she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She licks her lips and stares at the floor. She notices your foot tapping against it as if you were getting impatient and her eyes traveled from your feet, to the hand the rested lowly at the curve your hip, up to your collarbones, then to your neck that she missed to kiss so much. Diana felt her mouth go dry. You looked so good. All she wanted now was to take you away from this man and everyone else in this room just to have you all to herself. Her body ached to touch you—to feel your skin against hers.
But, this man was in the way.
“Ahem. Nice to meet you, Miss Prince,�� Jamie gives her a smug smile and puts her hand out to shake hers. “I’m Jamie Harris! You can call me Jamie. A scientist working under Bru—”
“That’s great, Mr. Harris,” Diana says without even giving him a glance given that her eyes were practically glued onto you. “You look stunning, Miss Wayne.”
“She does, doesn’t she?” Jamie butts in with a laugh. “You should see her in the morning! Her does this curl thing and it looks ridicu—”
“I beg to differ, Mr. Harris,” Diana clenched her jaw even harder and glares at him. “In fact, I hope you are not criticizing her hair when you have the same do as Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.”
“I—Uh. W-Who—”
“ A dictator. I’m sorry. I forget you’re a scientist, not a politician—”
Your voice held so much authority over her; it stopped her in her tracks and she stutters only for a moment before turning her head back to you. She swallows the lump in her throat as she studies the look on your face. Your eyes were bold, glaring at her with her brows furrowed.
“A word, please,” you tell her with a sigh. “Alone.”
Diana takes a deep breath in attempt to let out some steam. She feels your hand grab her arm to take her away from the crowds and out into a secluded hall. The moment you touched her, she felt like she was on fire. She followed behind you and watched the way you walk and by the gods, she wanted nothing more than to put her hands on your hips if you’d let her.
After you decided that it was far enough from the party, you turned around with your brows furrowed as you looked at her, her brows furrowed as well. You inhaled slowly as she crossed her arms over her chest. God, she was distracting. You shook your head and closed your eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“What are you doing talking to your—”
“Ex, Diana? What’s wrong with it?” you yell at her. “I’m doing the same thing right now, aren’t I?”
Diana is taken back for a moment. Sometimes, she denies that the two of you actually broke up. You watch her as she brings her long fingers up to scratch her neck slowly. God, it was distracting.
“(Y/N). I don’t like it when you talk to other people who are obviously interested in you,” the Amazon tells you firmly. “It angers me.”
“I can do whatever I want, Diana. The last time I checked, we’re not together anymore,” you step closer to her. “And I’m not weak! I don’t need you or Bruce to tell me what I can and can’t do. I know I don’t have powers like you or Clark or Barry. I know that very well. I know I have to be more careful than all of you because I don’t get a second chance. But, Bruce does the same thing everyday! Why can’t I? I’ve trained the same as he has. I’ve fought the same as you all have! I make my own choices. Diana, I’m tired of everyone treating me like I’m glass!”
After you were finished, you heaved for air and your eyes had brimmed with tears. You had barely taken a breath since you started talking. Diana had watched your chest rise up and down and to be honest, it was really attractive when you did. Diana mentally cursed at herself for thinking about you like that after you had poured your heart out. But, by the gods, you were so distracting.
Diana had only stared at you after your speech and it only made you furious. Rubbing your fingers over your temples, you closed your eyes and let out a sigh.
“I’m done with this,” you throw your hands into the air and attempted to walk past her.
Before you could get away, Diana places her hand on your upper arm and pulls you back. She wasn’t really thinking as much as she was doing. And you weren’t exactly prepared for this next move she had in mind; in fact, it’ll leave you speechless.
Her lips pressed against yours, hardly wasting no time to slide them together with a tilt of her head. Her nose brushes against yours and you sigh into the kiss. God, you’ve missed her. Even if she made you angry, you’ve missed her so much these past few months.
Diana kisses you like you were the finest thing she’ll ever taste. She kisses you with so much force that it’s all you could think about. And when she slipped her tongue past your lips to meet yours, you almost fell weak at your knees, but she released the grip on your arm and pressed her hand flat on your back, pressing you against her front firmly. You held onto her shoulders as you moaned into her mouth. Gods, when you did, Diana aggressively fought the urge to take you right there in this hall.
Diana pulls her head back to look at you. Your lipstick was slightly smudged and your eyes were half lidded as you breathed heavily.
“I’m getting us a room.”
The Amazonian thanked Bruce in her head for throwing this damn party on the rooftop of one of his hotels. So, she dragged you far, far away from the soirée and into a bed.
Before the door even opened into the room, Diana had your legs wrapped around her waist as she carried you in. She almost wanted to kick the door down after struggling to get the keycard through the slot, but it didn’t even matter. She had pressed your back against the door, lips sliding over each other, as she slipped the keycard in.
The door opened with an electronic beep and you were met with a wide room with a large white bed in front of a large window looking down at the city lights almost seventy stories up from the ground. The view illuminated the room dimly and there was no need to even turn the lights on.
Diana closed the door with her foot and slammed you against the wall (as lightly as she could without hurting you). Your hands tangled up in her hair as she moves her lips from your mouth, to your jaw, and then down to your neck. She bit on you lightly before sucking passionately until a bruise formed. And she didn’t stop. She marked you all over your neck. After she would give you a hickey, she would run her tongue over it softly. She would kiss you behind your ear, underneath your jaw, and back to you lips. She missed you so much and she couldn’t wait to mark you all over your body like you belonged to her; and you did.
Diana easily ripped your gown off and slid it down from your shoulders (it’s fine, she’ll buy you a new one). You were pressed up against her and the wall behind you as you held her waist tighter with you legs. The Amazonian rested her head in the crook of your neck as her hand slid down from your waist to your panties. She felt the warmth and wetness through the fabric and it made her groan. By the gods, you were so wet. It turned her on so much.
“Diana,” you heaved.
She waited. It was all up to you if you wanted to continue because, fuck, once she starts taking you, she won’t stop. But, if you wanted to stop, she would stop.
“Diana, Diana,” you whined as you ran a hand through her hair. “Please. Please. Fuck, Diana... I need you.”
Diana immediately slips her hand into your underwear and pushes a fingers into you. She listens to you moan as she presses against your walls. Quickly finding your g-spot, Diana pulls her head away from your neck to watch your mouth open, to watch you gasp, to watch you furrow your eyebrows, and to watch you lean your head back against the wall.
You had said her name ten times already tonight and each time it turned her on. She couldn’t wait to get you to moan and scream her name as many times as she could get you to. She couldn’t wait.
“You sound so beautiful,” she coos. “I’m going to make you come and come until you can’t take it anymore.”
Diana slips another finger into you and you held onto her shoulders as you moan at the sound of her voice and the feeling of her long fingers pistons in and out of you quickly.
“You’re going to scream for me, my love,” Diana whispers in your ear. “You’re going to let everyone know who you belong to. Okay?”
“D-Diana,” you moan.
“Is that clear?”
“Yes!” you yell. “Fuck yes, Diana!”
Her fingers move faster and faster and it keeps you moaning for her. You get tighter and tighter and soon, Diana has to speed up and apply more pressure to bring you closer and closer to the edge. Searing sensations spread from your core and through out your body and the moment she pressed her thumb onto your clit, you come undone.
You can feel wetness gushing out of you with each flick of her thumb as your legs shake around her. Diana breathes into your neck as she listens to you pant for air with a shaky breath. She lets you ride out your orgasm only for a moment because she wants to move on to the next step.
You moan as you feel her fingers slip out of you with a squelch. Without breaking eye contact, Diana brings her slick fingers to mouth and licks your juices off, sucking on her fingers like a lollipop. By the gods, you tasted divine. She can’t wait to have more. You gasp as she leans in to kiss you again with the taste of you still on her tongue. Her kisses were far from controlled as she sucked on your bottom lip, biting it softly until you groaned into her mouth.
“Shit, Diana.”
Diana smiles and easily carries you over to the bed and lays on you on top it, near the edge. She stood in between your legs and before she does anything else, you watch her slide out of her dress smoothly down her skin. Her eyes never left your gaze. She was so turned on seeing you laid out on the bed, waiting for her to take you. The Amazonian climbs on top of you and kisses you passionately with a moan as your hands meet her bare back. In a swift movement, Diana slips a hand underneath you and unclasps your bra before sliding the straps down your pretty shoulders.
Her eyes hungrily roam over your breasts and your curves and Diana wastes no time to mark you. She leaves hickeys on your shoulders, down the valley of your breasts, and on your stomach. She was in love with the way you looked right now.
“You look so beautiful, (Y/N), my love,” she says, putting a nipple into her mouth. “Your body was made for me.”
She sucks on it for a seemingly long period of time before switching to your other breast. Listening to you moan as she ducked on your nipples gave her butterflies. She starts kissing your lower stomach at the moment and hooks her thumbs through your underwear, pulling them down at a painfully slow pace. When she finally pulls your underwear off, your entrance is met with the cold air.
“Nobody can have you but me,” she tells you firmly, running her hands down your sides. “You’re mine.”
Diana excitedly pushes your knees apart for each other, spreading your legs for her. She stared desperately, eyes swallowing the beautiful sight of your slick entrance. Your thighs were still wet from earlier and she wasted no time kissing up your inner thigh. They starts off as soft, light kisses before leaving hickeys on the inside of your thighs. You were so close to her entrance but she still hasn’t put her tongue on you yet.
“Diana, please.”
She hummed against you before dragging her tongue up your thighs, tasting your juices from earlier. She used her fingers to spread your pussy lips apart. Her tongue ran up and down your lips, lapping at whatever she could to simply gather your taste. And once she did, gods, she drove her head deeper into you.
All you could do was pant and moan as the woman, with her head between legs, devours you like it was her last meal. You run your hands through her hair before pulling on it when her tongue reaches a sensitive spot. And when you moaned louder because of it, she doesn’t stop stimulating that spot over and over again until you’re a moaning mess for her.
She lapped all the juices that were spilling from your entrance like she was starving as she her fingers kept you spread open for her. Diana’s lips wrapped around your lips and sucked as hard as she could before they moved to another much more sensitive area. She pursed right around the nub of your clit, sucking it into her mouth. She flicked her tongue against it causing you to moan her name over and over again until you came a second time on her tongue.
Your juices spill out of you and your legs tremble uncontrollably as your heavy pants were heard throughout the room, however, Diana doesn’t stop just yet. She continues fuck you through your orgasm, sucking on your sensitive clit before slipping two fingers inside of you, moving at a quick pace.
“Oh, my god, D-Diana! I’m—Fuck! Please—”
You’re screaming at this point as she continues to overstimulate you. Your hands desperately pushing at her head as your legs keep trembling. Pulling her fingers out of you, she pulls her golden lasso from out of nowhere and quickly ties your wrists up to the headboard. Diana spreads your thighs as wide as they could go once while holding your hips down as she goes back to lewdly sucking your clit. Slurping at whatever she tastes, she groaning in happiness as she covers your whole pussy with her mouth. Her hands reach down to grope at your the flesh of your ass and push your hips further into her face.
“God, Diana! You’re gonna make me come,” you shake your head as moan, “I’m coming, I’m fucking comin—— Diana!”
She pushes you into a third orgasm as you arch you back against the mattress and scream her name once again. Diana happily laps and swallows all of the juices spilling out of you before pulling her head up from between her legs. You came twice on her tongue already and you felt drained of energy.
“You taste so good, (Y/N),” Diana licks her lips; there’s a visible shine on chin where your cum was dripping from her mouth.
You don’t have the energy to respond just yet, so you lay there catching your breath. Feeling lips kiss you softly up from your stomach to your neck and jaw, Diana presses her lips softly against yours with the taste of you still on her tongue, but you pull away to speak first.
“What about you?”
“I only intended to making you feel good. Besides, your pleasure gives me pleasure,” Diana shakes her head and smiles, leaning down to kiss you again.
“I’ve missed you so much,” you murmured against her lips. “I barely lasted these few months without you. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to go back to you so badly, but I’m going to stand my ground because—”
She stops you from going any further, knowing it was the lasso making you talk. With a sigh, Diana looks away from your face and unties the golden ropes at your wrists and throws it onto the floor.
You gently place the palm of your hands on her neck just below her jaw, using your thumbs to turn her head and face you.
“I do miss you,” you quickly give her a peck, only for her to chase your lips with hers. “But, Diana, I need you to trust in me a little more. We all get hurt in our battles and we all come back stronger afterwards.”
You can feel her jaw clenching with your thumbs. Her eyes were closed shut and her breathing staggers a little bit.
Diana opens her glossy eyes after a moment as a single tear drops from her eyes to your face, “I am truly sorry for what I said. I don’t think you’re weak at all. You’re strong, (Y/N). And brave. And you’re willing to give your life to save people. I guess I’m just scared of that because—”
“I know, Diana. I understand,” you nod your head as you look up at her, propped up by her elbows so that she could hover over you. “I’m sorry.”
Diana shakes head rapidly and apologizes more. She puts a hand over one of yours which was caressing her face. She kisses the palm of your hand before finally giving in and puts her whole weight on you, placing her face in the crook of your neck where she kisses you softly.
“Are we okay?”
“Let’s just have this moment and deal with everything else later,” Diana smiles into your neck, seeing all of the hickeys she left on you.
You nod your head as your eyes start to get heavy. Closing your eyes shut, you let your self fall into a calm slumber as Diana’s voice was the last thing you hear.
“I love you. We’ll be okay.”
a/n: i’m sorry if this was kind of long and if there’s some errors bc i didn’t proofread this at all bc i’m fking lazy haha but thank you so much for reading!!
xoxo isabelle
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nanshe-of-nina · 3 years
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Favorite History Books || Doomed Queens: Royal Women Who Met Bad Ends, From Cleopatra to Princess Di by Kris Waldherr ★★★☆☆
Welcome to your favorite dream—and worst nightmare. You are cosseted in silk, crowned with gold, and bowed to. Courtiers laugh at your jokes and compliment your beauty, even when you know you’re having a bad hair day. All envy you, but things change. Just years later, even those who admired you steer clear of your path. Your influence is on the wane for any number of reasons. The fault could be yours—maybe you weren’t as clever as you thought in the scheming department. Or it could be that others are scheming against you.
When the end finally comes, it arrives with the stroke of an ax at noon—a topsy-turvy Cinderella tale—or with a drumrolled march to the scaffold. The battlefield may provide you with a convenient grave. Or you might lose your crown as you labor to bring forth an heir to the kingdom. Biology becomes destiny. Best case scenario: You will survive a coup and be allowed to live out your days in awkward exile, where opportunistic stragglers will still suck up to your royal majesty, just in case.
No matter how your end finally arrives, one truth remains: Your fall from grace is not your call, though your actions may encourage it. It is your fate. After all, you are a doomed queen—and, if one is to go by the lessons of history, the only good queen is a dead one.
For too many royal women throughout history, the scenario I’ve sketched here was their dark reality. The members of the doomed queens club—a club I suspect few would care to join—are legion, stretching from biblical times to the present day. Their names range from the infamous—Cleopatra, Anne Boleyn, Marie Antoinette—to those whose deaths are hidden within footnotes, such as Blanche of Bourbon and Thessalonike.
Within Doomed Queens I’ve presented fifty of these lives from around the globe and throughout the ages. While each queen’s final destiny may differ, one fact remains consistent: Despite the perks of royalty, it’s usually not good to be the queen.
What was it about being royal that made so many women so vulnerable to losing their lives for power? Let me count the ways—here is an admittedly abbreviated overview of the doomed queen:
BED, BIBLICAL TIMES, AND BEYOND: It has always been obvious that the female of the species holds the keys to the kingdom—the kingdom of life, that is.Without the fruit of the womb, humanity would crash and burn. Boo-hoo, what’s a power-loving man to do? To solve this problem, mating and relating is safely confined within the institution of matrimony and becomes sanctified with religious rites. The power of female fertility is harnessed, thus creating dynastic succession. Royal women who get uppity with the system get offed. Watch out, Olympias and Cleopatra!
YO, LET’S GET CIVILIZED: Power isn’t enough—there’s money, too. The Dark Ages roll in, disquieting queens everywhere. Men try their darnedest to hold on to property beyond the grave, despite that whole can’t-take-it-with-you dilemma. Salic law, which sprang from the Frankish empire, becomes institutionalized. An excerpt: The whole inheritance of the land shall come to the male sex. But if women can’t inherit property, can they inherit thrones? Over time, Salic law leads to lots of territorial fighting when a male heir isn’t available.
MARRIAGE MAKES THE WORLD GO ’ROUND: No male heir? No problem! To avoid war, the powers that be send their daughters to sleep with their enemies and bear their children, keeping it all in the family. But are these queens royal consorts or royal hostages? The Austrian Hapsburg dynasty, whose rise to power peaks during the Renaissance, is especially adept at this clever little maneuver. Their family motto? “Leave others to make war, while you, lucky Austria, marry.” Like chess queens, women are moved about the game board but are sacrificed first to protect the king—especially if their wombs prove infertile or if they become too power hungry.
POWER TO THE PEOPLE: With the start of the Age of Enlightenment, blue bloods shake in their boots. Power has shifted to the people, as embodied by the press, who no longer respects the sanctity of royalty. Vive la révolution—or not, if your name happens to be Marie Antoinette. Later in history, the media can make or break a reign, as in the cases of Caroline of Brunswick, a nineteenth-century queen of England, and Diana Spencer, a twentieth-century queen of hearts.
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mandoalorian · 3 years
I Believe In Love [Maxwell Lord x F!Reader] — Twelve: Family
Summary: When you find your calling to leave Themyscira, you venture out to the World of Man with intentions of helping and healing a very specific person’s relationship with his son. You’ve heard his voice before, but only in dreams. You’ve felt his pain and anguish and you’ve never been able to relate to anything more. But things don’t come easy for you, and they certainly don’t come easy for him either. [This series contains spoilers for WW84 and is my interpretation of what happens after the movie ends].
Warnings: THE FINAL CHAPTER! very emotional, new beginnings, bullying mention, poverty mention, abuse mention, allusions to pregnancy.
Word count: 3000>
Previous - Chapter Twelve - Epilogue [coming soon!]
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“I don’t know if I could do it,” Maxwell sighed, pacing around in anxious circles. He looked different, in his denim jeans and khaki-green cable knit sweater. It made a change from the oversized powersuits he once donned. Alistair was sat at the dining room table, colouring in, and Max was having a nervous breakdown about getting his haircut. “I’ve had the blonde in for so long.”
You smiled, running your fingers through his shaggy and unstyled hair. When it wasn’t perfectly coiffed, it was wavy and glossy, and smelled distinctly like the freshest green apples. “It’ll be okay. Think of it as washing away all the terrible things that went on in the past and starting anew. Like… turning over a new leaf.” 
You made a very good point. Maxwell knew he had to suck it up and just do it. It would be okay. He didn’t have to be Max Lord anymore, and he didn’t have this television persona to live up to. His main focus now was just being a father, and that’s all that mattered. All he needed to be, was himself. Maxwell Lorenzano.
“Daddy look!” Alistair smiled, waving around the piece of paper he’d spent the morning drawing on. It was stained slightly from his breakfast, and crinkled in the corners for where he’d applied slightly too much pressure when colouring, but all-in-all, it was perfect. Maxwell took the artwork and looked closely at it. Another typical family portrait of you, Alistair and Max. But this time, Maxwell was doting brown hair, and it reminded him of his younger days when he was first starting out as a businessman. “This is how you’ll look when you come home from the salon!”
“Wow Alistair, I love it!” Maxwell praised, unable to contain his grin. He held the portrait to his face and showed it off. “What do you think?” he asked you. “Do you think I’ll look good with the brown hair?” 
You giggled and nodded your head, before pressing the palm of your hand flat against Maxwell’s chest and brushing your lips against his. “You’ll look so handsome, I’m sure.”
“Ew!” Alistair cried, pulling the paper from his father’s hand as you kissed him softly on the lips. The curve of Max’s nose nudged against yours and he laughed at his son’s reaction.
“Alright,” you said, pointing your finger. “You better go. Don’t want to miss your appointment.”
Maxwell nodded and took a deep breath. “I’ll see you in a few hours.” he announced.
The second Maxwell left the house, your stomach began to twist. You’d been living at Lord manor for a month now but truthfully, it felt like a lifetime. It felt like you had always been there. You were adjusting to your new life pretty well, but this morning sickness that you had started to get was an unwelcome experience. Amazon’s never got ill, so this was brand new to you, and you weren’t enjoying it one bit.
You rubbed your stomach and took a sip of the glass of water that you’d been nursing. Sliding down to sit next to Alistair, you watched as he finished his drawing, adding a few final perfections. Once it was done, you hung it to the refrigerator and praised him for his hard work.
“Ali, why don’t you grab your shoes and we’ll have a walk down to the Smithsonian?” you smiled, grabbing your jacket that was hanging over the kitchen door.
“Ooh! Is there a new exhibition?” He enquired curiously, hopping onto his feet and fastening his shoe laces.
“I don’t think so,” you admitted sheepishly. “I have to go meet with some friends.”
Taking the bus was a new experience for both you and Alistair. Joe, Maxwell’s driver, would normally drive Alistair around to and from places. But not today. The bus was slightly smelly and the seats were sticky, but by the looks of it, Alistair was having the time of his life. He pointed out the window, grinning, and talked to you about all the different D.C. landmarks the both of you passed as you were driven into the city centre. He might have only been six years old, but that was six years of living in the world of man. You’d only been here for a month, and so Alistair could teach you a lot. 
Driving past the park, Alistair gasped, and shuffled into your body. “That’s the park where we first met,” Alistair pointed. You narrowed your eyes as you took in the sight of tall green trees and shrubbery. He was right. “Do you remember that day? You were wearing an awesome superhero costume like something out of my comic books. And you wore a tiara, and I asked if you were a princess. And you scared my bullies away, and helped me look for dad.”
“I remember.” you smiled, ruffling Alistair’s dark hair.
You remembered asking Alistair what his father looked like, and the only thing the boy could say was ‘strong, cool, and the best dad in the world’. Counting your lucky stars, you were so thankful you had found your forever family. You had come so far from that moment.
“Did you ever tell daddy… about those bullies in the park?” Alistair asked you hesitantly, his voice suddenly small and timid.
You pulled off him and looked him in the eyes. “No. Why?”
Alistair paused for a moment and glanced back out the window. “I was afraid he’d be disappointed in me.”
Your heart shattered in your chest. “Ali,” you said quietly, tears threatening to prick your eyes. “Your father could never, ever be disappointed in you. You know that, yes?”
Alistair nodded his head silently.
“He loves you so much,” you continued. “And the whole bullying thing… I think he’d understand better than anyone else.”
You remembered all the visions you had of Maxwell, even seeing him as a child at one point. You remembered him wearing rugged clothes that were too small for him and how he was picked on for his broken shoes. 
“Really? You think so?” Alistair asked.
“I know so,” you confirmed, pressing a kiss into Alistair’s hair. “Those bullies will never amount to anything if they continue doing what they’re doing. But you are so much better than them. Stronger. Your power lies in your heart, and in the truth, and in love.”
Alistair smiled. “You’re a real hero, aren’t you?”
“We’re all heroes.”
Yourself, Maxwell and Alistair loved trips to the Smithsonian. Diana always organised special access for the three of you, to go after hours when the entire museum was empty. Alistair was admiring the fish in the aquarium, when you noticed Barbara and Diana, and waved them over.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you today.” Diana smiled.  
“It was sort of an impulse thing,” you explained. “Uhm, actually, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”
You pulled Diana to one side and left Barbara with Alistair. “Remember how you said ‘I owe you one’, since I like… got your girlfriend to renounce her wish and kinda helped you save the world by destroying the second dreamstone?” you grinned, trying to hold back a laugh.
Diana rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. “What are you plotting?”
“Max has been… worried, to say the least. We’re going to have to sell Black Gold and it’s a real shame because-- he worked so hard on it. We have some money and well, I haven’t exactly ran this by him yet but I was thinking about investing what we do have into the Smithsonian. Just like what Maxwell promised to do in the first place.”
“You don’t have to do that,” Diana sighed. “The gemology department is doing just fine.”
You shook your head, your smile only growing. “No Di, that’s not what I was getting at. How would you feel about… expanding the gemology department?”
“I’m not quite sure I follow…”
“I’ve heard Barbara talk about how there’s a lack of space to facilitate all the rocks and stones the Smithsonian keeps bringing in. She has a real fear that the entire paleontology department could be shut down and replaced with something else.” You sighed, running your fingers through your hair.
“That’s true…”
“So what if we use the Black Gold building as an extension for the Smithsonian, and have it specialise in all these fancy rocks and gems and stones. We could transport everything over and then we could utilize the leftover funds that Maxwell has, to keep all the palaeontologists and geologists employed. Hell, with a whole new building, we could even create more jobs for people. It would also mean that we wouldn’t have to fire Max’s old employees and-- Oh Di, I just know Max would love it. He really does have a passion for gemology. And his son, Ali… he has an interest too.”
“So I heard,” Diana rolled her eyes, but, to be frank, she liked what you were getting at. An expansion wouldn’t exactly be a bad thing… “It’s a big responsibility though, and it seems you haven’t even spoken to Maxwell about it. You would get funding from the Smithsonian as an institution, yes, but… it would still be Max’s business. Do you really think he could handle that? After what happened to his last business?”
“He’s smart,” you assured her. “And he’s a good businessman. He knows all these things I couldn’t even begin to comprehend. Last time he just got unlucky. But this, this could really be something great. We have the building, and the passion, and enough money to get started. Please Diana… I know you could make this happen. Please.”
Diana spent a moment pondering the possibilities before shrugging her shoulders in defeat. “Alright,” She sighed. “I’ll see what I can do.”
You grinned and squealed excitedly, wrapping your arms around your half sister and squeezing her tight. “Thank you Di!” She laughed and rubbed your back before you pulled off her. “Oh, and Di… there’s one more thing.”
Diana tilted her head and gazed at you with fresh bewilderment. Looking around the museum to make sure no one was around to hear what you had to say, you leaned into the Amazon and whispered a confession you’d been keeping to yourself for the past month. 
Maxwell sat in the chair and frowned upon seeing his reflection in the mirror. “What can I do for you?” asked the stylist as she smacked her lips on a piece of gum. Max wasn’t sure if he could really bring himself to do this, until he remembered your words. This was ‘turning over a new leaf’-- a new start and fresh beginnings. 
“Uh, a trim please,” Maxwell requested before taking a shaky exhale. It was now or never, he just had to take the leap. “No, that’s not everything,” he sighed. “Could you perhaps take the blonde… out of my hair?” The question left his lips with an air of unsurity. Could one even do that? Take the colour out of hair?
“You want the colour stripped?” she asked, folding her arms across her chest. Maxwell supposed that was one way of putting it.
“Yes, I do.” he confirmed.
The stylist processed Maxwell’s words for a moment before shrugging her shoulders. “As you wish.”
As the stylist wrapped Max’s shaggy golden locks into foil, he closed his eyes. He’d come so far since the whole dreamstone debacle. His whole life had been a rollercoaster of up and down events but now, finally, things were evening out for him -- in the best way possible. He’d fallen in love and secured his family and home. The only thing he was mildly worried about, was the issue with Black Gold. But he knew that he’d somehow figure it out, especially now that he had you by his side to help him.
He’d always seen himself as an independent man. He fought hard to be as successful. He escaped his hometown, his abusive father, he ran away from poverty and was discriminated against by upper class white businessmen who told him he could never amount to anything. He proved all of them wrong. Because now, he had everything he could ever want. He didn’t need stacks of money or material possessions when he had you and Alistair. Maybe he wasn’t as independent as he once thought he was. Maybe, just maybe, he liked the company of others. He liked having you and his son around.
In his fight for wealth and success, he’d lost everything that mattered the most. But most importantly, he had lost himself. Maxwell swore that he’d never let that happen again.
As the stylist removed the silver foil from his hair, Maxwell nervously anticipated the result. His once bottle blonde hair was now a chocolate brown colour, and it reminded him distinctly of his youth. Max couldn’t help but feel like he looked younger, and he wasn’t going to complain about that. 
He just hoped you liked it as much as he did.
“I just don’t understand why mommy is taking so long,” Alistair grumbled as he and Barbara waited outside the ladies restroom. “And why did auntie Diana have to go into the toilet with her?”
Barbara stifled a laugh. “You’re inpatient, just like your dad.”
Impatience must’ve run in the family because you were sitting on the toilet seat, tapping your food as anxiety flooded your body. You didn’t expect to be this nervous. You’d wanted a child for so long -- in fact, your whole life to be exact. But now that there was a chance of it actually happening, you were beyond terrified. Maybe it was the fact Maxwell didn’t know about your symptoms, but you knew better than to feel alone. You were never going to be alone.
“How long left?” you asked Diana, who checked her wristwatch. It was an antique from the early 1900’s, something very special and something she kept very close to her heart.
“It should be ready now.” she told you, handing you the stick you had just peed on.
“I don’t want to look.” you squirmed, covering your face with your hands.
“Wow,” Diana hummed, her jaw parting slightly when she took in the results. 
“Wh-- what is it?” you asked, nervously.
“You’re pregnant.”
When Maxwell came home, you were shocked to say the least. His brown hair was absolutely gorgeous, and it suited him better than you’d expected. The deep shade was identical to the colour in his sparkling eyes. Jokingly, he tossed his hair and you let out a laugh.
“I was right,” you giggled, running your fingers through his locks. “So handsome.”
“I love it daddy!” Alistair cheered.
“Thanks buddy,” Maxwell grinned. “I like it too.”
Taking a deep breath, you took Max’s hand and pulled him into the living room, shutting the door behind you. It was quiet in there -- the perfect place to tell Maxwell your news. It had been a nostalgic day, and even standing in the living room reminded you of the time Max first brought you home. 
“Is everything alright?” he asked you, slightly concerned. But your warm smile soon eased him. You felt the need to wrap your arms around him and envelop him into a hug. Max had taken a big step today, and you were proud of him, but now it was your moment. It was now or never.
Harnessing every ounce of confidence within you, you took his hands and looked him in the eye. “Max, I’m pregnant.”
Max’s brown eyes widened and he was completely lost for words. “I-- you-- you’re--”
“Yes.” you smiled, taking his hands and placing them on your stomach.
His shocked expression turned into an elated grin as he processed the good news. “You’re really--”
“I am.” you confirmed.
You didn’t think you’d ever seen Maxwell so happy in your life. He wrapped his arms around you and held you so tight, like he was afraid to let you go. He swore in that moment he would never leave you, or his growing family, ever again.
This was it for him.
This was the start of Maxwell Lorenzano’s new life.
Author’s Note: “I won’t cry” she says while sobbing into her Google Docs document. Thank you all for reading I Believe In Love. It’s a story I have wanted to share with you since I saw WW84 in the theatre, and I just can’t believe it’s finally over. This fic will always have a special place in my heart. The themes and plot points mean so much to me, but not only that, I’ve had the most amazing feedback on this fic and I will honestly cherish that for the rest of my life. I poured my heart and soul into writing I Believe In Love and it honestly one of my biggest comforts. I want you all to know that an epilogue is coming and if you have any requests for these characters I have created, feel free to send them my way. I adore my Amazon Goddess!Reader and I would absolutely love to continue their story at some point in the future. If you’ve followed me on this journey over the past four months, all I can really say is thank you. I love you so so much.
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