#marigold fey
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ladykailolu · 2 years ago
Remember the Marigold getting murdered Scenerio
Imagine it’s the 3rd day of trial, Phoenix is defending Godot
(bonus is it’s with the help of Maya who managed to spirit channel a particularly determined and bitter Mia)
and Phoenix has finally found out who the real killer is
A older (16) boy who went to the neighboring high school, who Marigold caught dealing drugs before stabbing her
And as Phoenix presses him to get him to confess on the stand the boy finally snaps and says
“It’s that bitch’s own fault she’s dead!”
“All she had to do was shut her mouth!”
“I told her I would let her go with no issues if she kept her mouth shut!”
“But that stupid girl just had to keep going on about how “I had to pay for what I did””
“Going on about “upholding justice” like her stupid whore of a mother did, and like her idiot uncle or something would do, and like her fool of father would want her to do”
“If anything, her father should go to jail for raising her to be a god damn idiot!”
“My parents raised me for success, and I wasn’t about to let some dumb bitch fuck it all up”
How would old Godot, sitting in the defendant’s chair, and Uncle Phoenix at the defense table react to that
(And Ghost Mia for the bonus)
The knowledge that she died trying to make them proud of her
[I’ve been watching a lot of homicide documentaries and things in courtroom outbursts]
Poor Marigold Fey was in the wrong place, wrong time. This reminds me of the Aiden Fucci case--a 14 year old boy who killed 13-year old Tristyn Bailey via 114 stabs.
Mari probably caught the guy meeting up with someone else near a forested area and tried to run away to notify the police, but he caught her by the wrist and dragged her into the woods. Then stabbed her until she stopped talking or make any kind of sounds for good. Mari had died at the scene long before anyone found her body.
Imagine if on day 1 of the trial, it began as a missing person's case. Marigold wasn't found out to be dead yet, but she was missing and hasn't come home in quite some time. She missed classes which was entirely unlike her, and Godot, whom she lives with, hasn't seen her come home. Throughout the trial, Godot is upset, mind racing, trying to think of where she could be and what happened to her. It's tough simply not having answers of what happened to your own child. At this time, the most likely suspect was Godot. He was the closest one to Mari, and Mari wasn't known to have enemies. He must have done something to her, right?
They don't have a body or any signs that there was violence or bloodshed during the investigation, so they don't accuse Godot of murder. Yet.
Then they find Mari's body, cold and lifeless, stuck with several knife wounds all over. It's a bloody, tragic mess. And when Godot hears of the news not just of his daughter's violet death but that the blame was being focused on him, his heart breaks. There's simply no coming back from this. He could never heal from someone so dear being ripped from his heart again.
At first, it's his bitterness and anger that keeps him fighting, but by day three when the truth is revealed, Godot is simply burned out. He has no more energy to fight. Only despair. He lost everything all over again, and when he's found not guilty and allowed to walk as a free man again, he'll never feel free. He'll never feel okay again. The whole point of living, to work his coffee shop, to stay among the living was to support his daughter. It was pointless now.
I imagine that after this trial is over with, after that kid was put away for life, after the funeral for Marigold finally ended, and she was laid to rest, something changed in Godot. He looked older, frailer. Quieter and lived like a shut-in. Feenie tries to check-in with him, but Godot hardly responds. He essentially fades out, and the memory of him stays a memory for Pheonix, Maya, and everyone else who knew him.
Every father's day and every one of Marigold's birthdays and major holidays, Godot visits Marigold's grave to lay flowers at her tombstone and spend some time with her. And he prays. He takes comfort in knowing that Mari is up there with her mother, and someday, he'll be with them too. He hasn't touched her room since her death was announced. Her bed was still unmade, her clothes strewn over her desk chair for days since Godot told her to put it all in a laundry basket. He would never touch any of it as if he was trapped in a delusion that she would come back home someday.
Do you think that if Maya or Pearl channeled Mia and let her speak to Godot that Mia would say that Marigold is doing ok now? Would Mia even know? Or maybe they would channel Marigold and let her talk and describe where she is. Or maybe the ghosts simply don't know where they are and their memories are limited to the physical world.
Either way, it'd be sweet if Godot could talk to Mari from time to time. It might be another reason to live--if he could only hear her daughter's voice. Even now, Godot spends a lot of time sipping coffee and thumbing through Marigold's scrapbook, looking over her baby pictures, her kid pictures, her quinceañera pictures, etc, etc. She was a princess through and through. His princess.
And sometimes...Uncle Feenie and Aunt Maya join Godot in visiting Marigold's grave. She was buried next to her mother, Mia. And they reminisce about Marigold, all the cute stories of her childhood, that time she spilled the coffee beans all over the kitchen floor, the way she looked just like a princess during her quinceañera, her first dance with her father, all those pictures she drew in crayons of everyone close to her, how bright she was.
Her mother would be proud of her. Her father most certainly is.
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xolboragainandagain · 5 months ago
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Adding OCs to the works in your brain is way too fun honestly
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And some very vague plot ideas but only with Hershel and Merigold
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This part of the story might change, but IDK
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lilmisskiwi-art · 9 months ago
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Attack for @dandelionarcade of Marigold~
Peanut is won over by tasty treats
Peanut & Fey belong to me
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relicsongmel · 1 month ago
Sister Iris' Name
WARNING!!!!! Do not be fooled by any seemingly serious analysis to follow. This is a Shitpost. Proceed if you dare.
There’s a lot to be said about all the reasons I’m utterly obsessed with Sister Iris but by far the funniest example of my Kin-Adjacent Projection is one of my theories regarding Iris’ real first name that somehow manages to have quite a bit of substance behind it despite the fact it’s a straight up Meme Headcanon
I have a lot of thoughts on the Iris Name Drama and while I’m not 100% committed to the idea that “Iris” is just her temple name, one idea I DO like is the notion that if Mr. No-First-Name Hawthorne went to all the trouble to cut all ties to the Feys. If he made sure his daughters would never again be associated with that matriarchal society by virtue of replacing their last name. Who’s to say the twins’ first names weren’t changed as well, in a sort of final fuck-you to Kurain (and especially Morgan)?
I know it sounds odd but given how miserable Iris and Dahlia’s life in the village must have been as the powerless daughters of the woman who failed to become Master, I don’t think it would have taken much convincing for them to want to start over with wholly new names (that’s precisely what “Melissa Foster” does later, in fact). It also makes for a more believable explanation of Mia not recognizing Dahlia as her long-lost cousin in Turnabout Beginnings (even after learning her “true” name—to say nothing about not having seen her in eleven years).
Iris and Dahlia not being the twins’ original names also explains why the two don’t fit into the Fey naming convention of having a first name that starts with the letter M. And before you ask about Pearl, her being an exception to this rule actually makes sense thematically, because her name breaking the pattern is indicative of Morgan’s intent to use her to break Kurain tradition and dethrone the main family. The twins, however, are a different story—Bikini states that Misty took Morgan’s position about 20 years prior to BttT, and since Iris is 25 according to her profile…that means she and Dahlia were born back when Morgan still thought she was set to inherit the Master’s seat, and her eldest daughter would also eventually succeed her. To put it simply, Morgan would have no motive or reason not to follow tradition at the time she had her first children, if losing out to Misty was the true source of her bitterness and contempt for Kurain culture—and what eventually drove her to plot murder over it (I’m sure some would argue that she was always just a Spiteful Bitch but to me it’s a lot more interesting and tragic if she wasn’t).
“Wow Mel, that’s a lot of background and thought-provoking analysis! What’s your conclusion?” Lol. Lmao even. All this to say, there is absolutely nothing stopping me from saying Iris’ birth name…is Melanie Fey.
An M name. French for “the dark one.” Symbolic of how her character design is meant to mirror Dahlia’s—dark hair and dark pink clothing, contrasting with the fact she still has a light of goodness inside her…unlike her sister. Her sister, who has bright red hair and white/light pink clothing, masking her much darker true self underneath. The tragedy known as Dahlia Hawthorne Marisol Fey.
Another M name, Spanish for “Mary of the Solitude,” but also containing the word for “sun.” The sun, the center of the solar system. The Master of it. Marisol, daughter of the fallen Master, with nothing left but her blinding light. And if her light can’t lead as it was meant to…then the only thing left is to use it to burn the world to cinders.
The vengeful sun, Marisol…and the dark moon with no light of her own, reflecting the light back, in hopes that maybe the sun will see she’s still worth something.
Melanie Fey.
I, Melanie Relicsongmel, can make a well-thought out and justified explanation for headcanoning Iris’ first name to be the same as my own and the fact I can get away with it will never not be hilarious to me. Never ask me for any Iris meta ever again because clearly I cannot be trusted with this kind of power. Don’t say I didn’t warn y’all
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thingsasbarcodes · 6 months ago
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The Umbrella Academy 3x06 - Marigold
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lovevalley45 · 3 months ago
callie realizing glen was riding marigold really got me,,, emily did not even let murph finish before she was like 'fey step i'm ambushing this fucker'
there is smth so special abt having the one specific baddie in a campaign u want dead at all costs
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number-8-thewriter · 4 months ago
Background information/Changes Summarized:
• The Swedes are still alive and came with the umbrellas at the end of season 2.
• The only sparrows still alive are Ben and Fei. I like Fei.
• Luther and Allison are NOT ex’s whatsoever. They have a complicated relationship as siblings.
• Jennifer has been rewritten completely, even down to the name.
• The keepers have been rewrote to be more cultish, with references to the umbrella academy, the sparrow academy and even the comics.
• Five doesn’t get lost in timelines for 6 years, due to the fact it was mentioned the timelines are the SAME day and time. If it’s 6 years in one timeline, it’s 6 years in our timeline.
• Luther still has his ape body, since it was a genetic modification and not an effect of the marigold
• Stanley is also here and alive. He was rewrote into the new timeline as Lila and Diego’s adopted son.
• Since Fei lost her powers, she is completely blind. She’s gotten used to a seeing eye dog, though.
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vuldak-juneau · 2 months ago
who: @alessiathepath where: wherever miss Alessia lives when: After her personal quest notes: Let me know if you need changes
So much had happened since the last time Juneau had last seen Alessia. There were times she doubted whether or not the witch actually considered them friends given the time that passed between their infrequent visits. However, Alessia seemed to be just as lacking in social graces as Juneau was, and somehow that allowed things to fall right back into place the moment they saw one another. Even so, Juneau’s stomach was in knots as she knocked on the familiar door. 
“Who did you say lived here? Your friend, Alessia, right? You should tell her this garden could use some work. I bet you could help it, it could be so pretty, especially if they just planted some Marigolds. But not me of course–the flowers. The actual flowers. Oh! And pansies and tulips and–” The little Moss Kitten prattled on and on, endlessly from the safety of the hood of Juneau’s cloak that served as something of a hammock for the tiny fey creature.
“If you behave, I’ll take you to the garden center and you can pick out anything you want,” Juneau bribed Marigold. “I brought you here to meet Stupid, not to critique the landscaping.”
“Anything?” Marigold gasped.
Juneau nodded in confirmation, but her attention was quickly captured by the opening of the door and the face of the familiar witch. Juneau opened her mouth to speak, but the moss kitten placed her paws against Juneau’s boney shoulders and made herself known to Alessia first. “Hi! I’m Marigold! Are you Stupid?”
"Well? Answer her," Juneau prompted Alessia, amused by Marigold's antics. "Are you?"
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eclipian · 8 months ago
Minecraft Bee + Tulip Members
pt: minecraft bee + tulip members
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
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Name: Abby , Dixie , Minnie , Daisy , Faye , Mabel , Opal , Sylvia , Blossom , Petal , Marigold , Flora , Ivy , Orchid , Rosemary , Fleur Age: 20 yo Pronouns: Bzz/Bzzs , Buzz/Buzzs , Honey/Honeys , Pollun/Polluns , Hon/Ne , Cy/Me , Ve/Vus , Ne/Bee , 🐝/🐝s , 🍯/🍯s Gender: Genderbumble , Hivensect , Honeyaesic , Honeyial , Honey- , Mielgender , Honeygender , Apianagender , Honeycoric , Beething Orientation: Lesbian , Honeyjectum , Apisregina , Apiscolonia , Cyanohoneyallion Other IDs: Beemcnati , Honeycombperspesque , Honeycorevior , Assigned Bee At Birth , Beevesil , Honeyrooted Species: Bee Origins/Modifiers: Beeipsese , Honeybeegenic Role(s): Beesecutor , Caretaker , Protector Aesthetic(s): Honeycore , Cottagecore , Comfy Cozy
credit: one | two + three
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Name: Dahlia , Azalea , Camellia , Tulip , Flora , Blossom , Petal , Leaf , Fleur , Delphine , Calix Age: 20 yo Pronouns: Fleur/Fleurs , Fae/Faer , Fei/Feir , Flora/Floras , Flor/Floras , Flower/Flowers , Tulip/Tulips , 💐/💐s , 🌻/🌻s , 🌼/🌼s , 🌸/🌸s , 💮/💮s , 🌺/🌺s , 🪷/🪷s Gender: Tulipicnic , Minetulipgender , Fairycoric , Fairypretty , Florafaesia , Floraspinnic , Tuliplexic , Tulipio , Yellowtulipale , Gendertulipa Orientation: Bisexual Lesbian , Faellion , Fairean Other IDs: Faeperspesque Species: Tulip Fae Origins/Modifiers: Faegenic Role(s): Caretaker , Gardentender , Innkeeper Aesthetic(s): Bloomcore , Fairycore , Witchcore
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ladykailolu · 2 years ago
I keep imagining Mia being such a determined girl boss she insists she’s in a fine condition to work, while Marvin and Phoenix keep tryna insist she take maternity leave,
cause she goes all the way to like nearly 9 months, She’s babysitting Nick tryna help him get his badge while showing him first hand what it means to be a lawyer and he’s like,
“Chief, don’t you wanna rest? Stress isn’t good for you”
Just imagine how Diego would feel
The only time they could actually make her take maternity leave and shame her into taking it is when she just gave birth to Marigold. Because...a day after her daughter was born, she was on a Zoom call with Phoenix, chatting about a case, and giving him advice. She even said that she wanted to go down into the office and help him with the case, even if she was to carry Marigold in a little baby carrier and leave her with Mr. Grossberg as a baby sitter when they go to trial lol
Well, both Marvin and Phoenix heard that and went, "uuuuhhhhh....No??"
Imagine one night when Maya was 9 months pregnant and looking like she's very close to popping, she helps Nick study when all of a sudden, she starts getting pains. They're infrequent at first then get more and more frequent until she's in panic mode because she thinks she's going into labor right then and there.
Except she's not just yet. The pain she was feeling was something else, which she found out when she was in the hospital. At that point, she just wanted the labor to be done and over with, so she considered inducing Marigold's birth. The faster she gives birth, the faster she can get into the office and help Phoenix, right?
Diego would probably soft arm muscle Mia around, as in insist that she takes it easy, sits on the couch, puts her feet up, that sort of thing. And he doesn't take no as an answer. He'll gladly work overtime to cover her work if it means that she's in comfort for her pregnancy and taking care of their child. That's where her focus should be. He'll handle everything else. And he would probably say that he's handling the "easy stuff" because Mia's got the "hard stuff". He means it in an admiring way--he admires Mia's strength for handling motherhood.
Could you imagine Diego babysitting Nick and helping him get his badge in Mia's place?
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strelitzien-gewaechs · 6 months ago
(i 100% wanted to do this on day one. surely i did not forget it was the 1st yesterday...)
prompt list by beweird : OC-tober 2024
Day 1: Fav Oc
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my fav wet blanket of a man <3
pathetic lil (v tall) fey count who prefers to stare out a window or write poetry (hes also cursed to turn kingdoms into snow and ice unless he gets cured by true love's kiss <- though luck boys never been in love before)
A knight (Delphi) and her handmaid (Marigold) unexpectedly need to stay at his fortress during a snowstorm and Mari (and reluctantly Helleine) decide to try and figure out the mystery that is dating and set up Helleine with Delphi. The only problem is that both Mari and Helleine are utterly hopelessly aroace and do not know how relationships work
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creacherkeeper · 2 years ago
lost township: the homegame
howdy yall :D i made a post like this a while ago that very much needed to be updated and i simply talk about and tag characters from lost township a lot so i wanted to have an easy place to reference for what in the hell im talking about and something to throw at people when i want to infodump. so!!
the game:
lost township is a d&d homegame set in a fictionalized, magical 1880s wild west. its set in the american-equivalent country the democracy of silver and includes all of the magic that we know from typical d&d games. it's based in the town of lost, in the state of undersun, sandwiched between harsh deserts and the mountains
the pcs:
cass bluebell - she/her - human drunken master monk - played by @strangetorpedos
cass is the owner of the saloon in lost and mother to adopted 6 year old davey. she's stoic, fair, and always just a little too weary for all the things on her plate. she took over the saloon about 5 years ago after the murder of her mother by the mysterious assassin the brownbird, and spent years trying to solve the murder to no avail (until recently). middle aged repressed lesbian on main, didn't sign up for this shit - art
divine shook - she/her - aasimar eloquence bard + oath of the bear paladin - played by @masculinepeacock
divine is the schoolteacher in lost and lives with her wife sarah and brother-in-law hawk. former southern belle of the rich intervention family, now barely scraping by as the breadwinner of the household. chronically babygirl coded, ultimate bambi lesbian. is the angel of the deer god of poetry but currently follows the bear god of fire and families and talks to her god like she's her mom (she is in their hearts). currently dating(?) sheriff lizzie - tag
maeve marigold - she/her - kalashtar psychopomp sorcerer - played by kaity
maeve is a former sex worker turned recently hired psychopomp of the raven queen, soon to be doing the psychopomp thing full time. she always has the most insane response possible no matter what the question was and does not know how to read. she also did not know what a psychopomp was when she agreed to be one. is currently under the tutelage of latrowe, the raven queen's current psychopomp, and has been being plagued by dreams and nightmares she knows aren't her own
morel - they/them - firbolg knowledge cleric / spores druid - played by @floralprintshark
morel is the local witch doctor and prophet of the god of fungi and decay. lived on the outskirts of lost for many years, providing free healthcare to the vulnerable townsfolk who weren't safe with the town's stuffy doctor. after pining for years, finally in a relationship with cat after the "unfortunate" murder of her former husband, and jointly raising her daughter kitten and their mysteriously delivered baby juniper. goth sad cow - tag
onion - they/he/she - fey shepherd druid / fey wanderer ranger - played by @paladinbaby
onion is a smuggler and deliverer of changelings who was introduced to the party with the task of safely transporting them from lost to the neighboring state. he's Fey Neurodivergent and a bit of a grumpy messy dyke (gender neutral) who doesn't have a ton of connections but cares about his people very deeply. chosen family with waylon squad and best friends with brandi - tag
will orville - he/him - werewolf gunslinger fighter - played by @punkbarbarian
will is an "investigator" (mercenary) who was brought to town under instructions to find and kill the brownbird and then ended up staying because he is a big old sad puppydog who needed to learn to love again and is. he is so so autism dad on main and cries at the drop of a hat (affectionate). currently dating scruggs, the first relationship he's been in since his husband was killed 13 years ago - tag
the npcs:
brandi carlile "the brownbird" - she/he - aasimar wild card rogue + arcane archer fighter + vengeance paladin
white hat assassin and angel of the jackalope god of chaos and death. her father was the singular prophet of her god who was responsible for raising the jack to godhood until he was assassinated when she was a young child. now she kills mostly bad men, mostly other followers of the jack. despite that he's both very excitable and very wet n pathetic babygirl hours and pretty much just wants to be cared for. long-time best friends with onion and in a Situationship (derogatory) with lizzie - tag
sarah shook - she/they - human wildfire druid
divine's wife and hawk's sister, golden retriever wife guy on main always. excitable, loving, intensely adhd, spends their time gardening, talking folks ears off at the market, and reading smutty books with her wife. refuses to process any of her childhood and she's so normal about it. has a bear cub made of fire named honeysuckle that she was gifted by the bear god. currently making eye emojis at morel and cat - tag
hawk shook - he/him - human wild magic artificer
sarah's brother and divine's brother in law. trying his best but unfortunately his best is not great, fiercely protective and caring but not good at the whole adulting thing. so far unsuccessful at holding down a job but is now working (hopefully long term) for cass at the saloon. slutty, gay, too autistic for his own good. was the originator of the plan for him, sarah, and divine to leave their homestate and find a new place to live after working for divine's awful parents for years - tag
cat clyde stevens - she/her - orc life cleric
former wife of bobby clyde, now partnered with morel, mother of half orc kitten and newly adoptive mother of baby juniper. married bobby and had kitten very young, and was mistreated for years before developing a relationship with morel and finally gathering the courage to call the brownbird and have her kill bobby. shy, nervous, very caring, new to the cleric thing - tag
lizzie no - she/her - coyote shifter crown paladin
former big city reporter, currently the sheriff of lost. protective, prickly, observant, and more than a little neurotic. bitchy dyke fr fr. religious trauma on main. managed to make it to lost after getting shot and got adopted and taken care of by waylon. now sister to kelsey and scruggs. has been in love with divine for Years and is not quite sure what to do now that theyre A Thing. in a Situationship (derogatory) with brandi, and is former friends, almost lovers, enemies, to somethings, queerplatonic idiots with onion (they'll figure it out,,,) - tag
earl scruggs - he/him - orc tundra storm herald barbarian
former child criminal and enemy of the state turned refugee, now waylons "bodyguard" (read: gets paid to do fuckall). big burly russian man, chronic big brother disease, gentle giant who loves to cook and be silly. tboy swag. has to keep up a reputation around town for being mean and tough but is way more emotionally intelligent and caring than most people give him credit for. currently in Some Sort Of Relationship with will (read: they uhauled and haven't talked about it) - tag
kelsey wilson - they/them - changeling inquisitive rogue
delivered to waylon at age 5 by onion after their parents died, now his secretary but actually just professional babiest sibling. so incredibly autism creature, goth lolita stan always, very anxious about interacting with anyone outside their family so simply Doesn't. does not want to grow up because of The Circumstances TM and so keeps themself young using fey magic which is unfortunately giving them chronic fatigue. kind of a bitch - tag
waylon jennings - he/him - zombie, former lore bard
former professional muse, now the benefactor of lost. bitchy old gay man, doing his best to take care of his kids even if isn't always a peaceful house. got turned into a zombie during an outbreak but somehow managed to keep his consciousness and a little of his magic. has been friends with onion for decades but as he's gotten older has come to view her more like a daughter - tag
latrowe - he/him - coyote psychopomp
used to be just a regular coyote, got chosen by morel's god to be a gift to the raven queen and become her psychopomp. showed up in maeve's dreams for a while and is now in the process of training her to be the new psychopomp cause he really misses being. just a dog. very formal and stoic when he's not eating out of your trash, fights with a cool glowing dagger
roo panes - he/him - tiefling scribes wizard
a religious researcher who was supposed to be cataloguing the pantheons of the democracy but ended up parking in lost for a while to study the jack (autism special interest alert). ultimate nerd, way too talkative, twink who's one stiff breeze away from having his bi awakening. currently has a puppy crush on kelsey and hasn't put together that's why scruggs is mean to him
the gods:
ama - she/her - bear god of fire, families, and the home - worshiped by divine and cat, divine is her paladin ata - he/him - bison god of food, families, and the home - worshipped by sarah dakota - he/him - deer god of poetry, beauty, and magic - divine is his aasimar the jack - no pronouns - jackalope god of death, chaos, trickery, survival, and alcohol - worshiped by many townsfolk in lost, including cass's late mother, brandi is the jack's only aasimar kathairein - they/them - vulture god of fungi, decay, and disease - morel is their prophet nidaash - they/them - salmon god of sex, transformation, and journeys the raven queen - she/her - raven god of life and death, knowledge, divination, and the moon - maeve and latrowe are her psychopomps sidewinder - he/him - rattlesnake god of protection, safety, medicine, and the sun - lizzie is his paladin
ship tags:
divine/sarah divine/lizzie lizzie/brandi lizzie/onion will/scruggs + 2
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hanas-hues · 2 years ago
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Marigold again. She and her twin brother got bodyswapped briefly because of some funky Fey magic, so they traded eye colors in their left eyes.
I drew this to show the other player why her arms are always covered. Those markings itch like there real thorns beneath her skin!
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hot-lesbian-knight · 1 year ago
1. 2. And 19 on the Tav question list
For the Ask game found here!
Previous answers!
My Tav is Marigold(She/Her)! She's a trans Tiefling from Baldurs Gate who managed to escape her urchin orphan life by forging a pact with a Fey woman!
Now for the Asks!
1. Favorite Weapon - She's not picky about weapons and will use whatever gets the job done quickly and efficiently, but if she could pick any weapon she would go with a big great sword like all the heroes from the stories of her childhood wielded.(she saw the cambions flaming sword on the Nautoloid and immediately decided to take it)
2. Style of Combat - Quick and dirty. She prefers to avoid fighting when she can and will gladly talk her way through conflict whenever possible, but when the chips are down and initiative has been rolled she fights with the violent ferocity of a cornered animal. She doesn't start fights but she sure as the nine hells ends them. This style of Combat was learned from growing up on the streets of Baldur's Gate after her dad's died, she was small and easily picked on, so she learned to avoid conflict until it was unavoidable and then hit as hard and fast as you can and you don't stop til they stop moving.
19. Fondest Childhood Memory - Mari grew up with her two dad's in the little smithy they owned in the lower city. Her fondest childhood memory would have to be before they died because after that it's not a lot of good memories. I think probably it would be when she and her dad's had a midnight picnic on their roof to watch a meteor shower. It would have been right before they died and just after she came out to them, she wore a brand new dress and they packed her favorite food and a big blanket and the three of them laid there talking and laughing and watching the stars until she fell asleep.
This is great! Keep em coming!
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number-8-thewriter · 11 days ago
Episode Three: Gene and Jean Tiba-Don’t
Nauseous and amped up in power, everyone argues about who gave them their powers back. The Thibodeau's plan for a date night. CW: Mentions of death (and actual death), harsh language (cursing), alcohol/drugs, angst, blood Author’s notes: My rewrite of TUA season 4! I’ve added my OC’s for fun but the main focus is the siblings. I’ve also brought Fei back because…I like her. She’s my favorite character. Click here for more links to see the OC’s mentioned!
February 19th, 2028. 6:54 am
The day for the siblings starts like any other. Luther and Mallie wake up, prepare breakfast for their kids. They eat and send the kids off to school. Luther kisses Mallie’s cheek and heads off to work. Diego is patrolling the streets in his cop car, keeping an eye for any criminals that could be lurking around. Lila and the kids stayed at her parents house. She’s still sleeping soundly.
Allison is putting on makeup while Claire is making her lunch for school. Klaus walks upstairs with Beatriz with Heidi, their young daughter. He says good morning to Claire. Five is sitting in his office at the CIA. He’s typing away on his computer. His mind isn’t focused on his work, though. He’s wondering what to do with the marigold. He never took the container out of the original bag, yesterday was too tiring. Jackson decided to let the kids stay home from school. The oldest is sleeping in while the younger two are playing with dolls in front of Jackson.  Ben is lying in bed, smiling to himself. He felt warm last night. He’s getting his power back…he just doesn’t know when.
Viktor and Bella are in the room next door, packing their bags. They talk about plans for the bar, what to do next. Theon lies in bed with Oscar, sleeping soundly. Emme is sitting in her room, scrolling through her phone. Fei is at the gym, working out. The families go through their day as normal.  But one by one…they start to feel…off. Luther rubs the back of his neck. He turns to his coworker.
Luther: Hey, Mike…my muscles are feeling really...tight. For some reason. Like they’re all contracting. Mike: Weird. Maybe it was the anti-grav training the other day?  Luther: Maybe…I had a long car ride yesterday, could be that… He picks up a pencil and goes to write something down. The pencil immediately snapped in half.
Luther: What the? He picks up another. The same thing happens. Mike: Luther, quit breaking pencils!  Luther: Uh…yeah. Y’know…I’ll be right back.
He stands up and opens the door, ripping the door handle off. He stares at it in confusion. His coworker stares at him. Luther looks back at him and chuckles awkwardly. Luther: This door…I-It’s really old. He quickly walks off. He goes out to his car and opens the door, ripping the door off of its handle. He looks back at it and drops it. He gets into the car, weighing it down. He drives off.
Bicycle Race by Queen begins to play  Diego is driving in his cop car. He sees a young man in a mask run past an older woman and rip the purse out of her hand, running off with it. He turns on the sirens and gets out of his car. He begins running after the criminal. As he’s running, he begins to slow down a bit…but he then picks up a second wind. He runs even faster. He weaves in and out of the crowd. He picks up a banana off of a market shelf outside, quickly turning onto the street to avoid the car. He starts running on top of the cars and when he gets to the end of the street, he backflips off and throws the banana perfectly under the criminal's feet. The criminal slips and drops everything. Diego looks at him in amazement. He goes over to the criminal and puts him in handcuffs. He places him into the cop car and closes the door. He pumps his fist and starts celebrating. Can he get any cooler? Allison is at the recording studio for a new commercial. The director keeps yelling “cut!”, which is annoying Allison. Eventually she glares at him, her eyes turning yellow. She looks into his eyes and says:
Allison: Goddamnit, I got it right on the first take!
The director stares blankly at her and sets down his megaphone. He nods slowly. Director: Yes, Ms. Chesnut…you got it on the first take. Allison looks confused. She looks around and notices everyone staring at her. She quickly grabs her things and leaves.
Klaus and Beatriz are taking a walk, Klaus pushing Heidi’s stroller. Beatriz trips onto the concrete. Klaus helps her up. 
Klaus: A-Are you okay? Nasty spill, you’re bleeding! Oh god, and the floor is so dirty, it’ll..get all infected and stuff. Beatriz:…What? I…I can’t feel anything.. Klaus: You’re..moving, though.. Beatriz: No, I can’t..I didn’t feel any pain.  Klaus:…Oh. Um…maybe we should turn back…cause that’s not good.
They immediately turn around and start walking home. Five is sitting in his boss’ office, getting reprimanded for his constant investigation of The Keepers. Someone calls for his boss and Five watches him leave. He sighs and goes to get up…but he instead blinks away. He quickly spins around and notices he’s in a train station. He looks down at his hands and focuses on them. They started to glow blue. He’s taken aback and stumbles, teleporting back into the chair he was sitting in, back in his boss’ office. Ben is in his room still. He’s drawing a familiar portrait. He feels something come out of his back and hears it flop onto the floor. He turns around and looks down, noticing a limp tentacle. He smiles and stands up. He takes off his shirt and summons more tentacles. They aren’t as controllable as they were…but that’ll change with training. He dances out of celebration…but then he vomits on the ground. Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea.
Viktor and Bella are in the car, driving back to Canada. Someone suddenly swerves in front of them, causing Viktor to slam on the brakes and swerve, slamming into the guardrail. Viktor checks on Bella, who’s Fine. He gets out of the car and walks up to the car who swerved in front him, now pulled over onto the shoulder. He bangs on the window. Viktor: HEY! Roll down the window, asshole! The lady rolls down the window. Lady: You’re gonna pay for all of this! You wouldn’t let me pass! 
Viktor: I was going the speed limit, I’m not obligated to let you in! You can’t swerve in front of someone like that! Damnit, I’m hours away from home! I can’t drive with this, my cars totaled! What the fuck is your problem?! Viktor’s eyes glowed a bright white and his chest glowed blue. The light poles near them began to bend down, the bulbs inside popping. Bella gets out of the car. Bella: Viktor, stop! Look!
Viktor looks around and notices. This happened before, when he first discovered his powers…he looks back at the lady in the car, who looks terrified. He quickly gets back into his car and turns it on. Bella gets in next to him. He drives off. Bella: What the hell are you doing? Wh-What happened out there? Viktor: I don’t know! I…I need to talk to my siblings before I…I dunno, end the world again?? Bella: Viktor, you were glowing.  Viktor: I know! The radio blew up.
Viktor:…I’m sorry. I didn’t…we’ll figure out what’s going on and…we’ll deal with it. Okay? It’s gonna be okay. Bella: O-Okay. Just…take some deep breaths, yeah? Viktor grabs her hand and squeezes it tightly. The camera cuts to Jackson unpacking some groceries in the kitchen. He takes out a can but stares at it for a second. His hands are sweaty. He feels hot, really hot. He sets the can down and leans against the counter. He wipes away the sweat from his forehead and begins to breathe heavily. He was too hot. He began to take his jacket, sweater and shirt off. He’s beginning to panic. Severe hot flash? Heatstroke? Couldn’t be, it’s winter. His middle child, Delores, walks in.
Delores: Daddy? Are you okay? Jackson turns around. Jackson: I-I’m okay, just go back to the living room. Don’t worry… Jackson tries to go over to his phone on the counter but before he can reach it, his entire body engulfs in flames. He screams and attempts to put it out. Delores screams and begins crying as her elder brother, Ji-Ho, ran in to see what was happening. He pulls Deleores behind him. Ji: Dad?!  Jackson: C-Call your father! NOW! Ji: Shouldn’t I call the fire department?! Jackson: NO! Jackson hurriedly makes his way to the bathroom, throwing himself into the shower and turning it on to the coldest setting. The fire is somewhat extinguishing.
Ji quickly grabs his phone and calls Five. He holds Delores close and tries to get her to stop crying. Five picks up. Five: Hey, Jack…Something weird happened to— Ji: DAD! DAD’S ON FIRE! H-He told me to call you! Five’s heart drops. His fear quickly turns into anger.
Five: FUCK! He kicks a hole into the wall. He grabs his bag and runs out to his car, trying to tell Ji to keep calm, he’ll be there soon. Five: Where is he now?! ji: I think he ran into the bathroom! I hear water! Five: Okay, just…keep your sisters out of there! Go take them and stay in your room! Ji: Why am I not calling 911?!
Five: It’s not—…just, don’t! I’ll be there! A few minutes pass with Five driving like a madman. He turns into his driveway and gets out, leaving the car on and the door open. He quickly rushes into the house and to the bathroom. Five: Jack! Are you okay?! Jackson is sitting down in the tub with freezing water filling the tub, leaving the shower running. He’s no longer on fire but steam is coming off of him. The water seems close to boiling.
Jackson: I-I’m fine, I think…I just felt really hot. I went to go call you but then…I just burst into flames.  Five: I…Jack, I teleported earlier. I was in my boss’ office then..I was in a subway station. Then I came back. Jackson slowly looks at him and he realizes something. Jackson: The marigold. It’s in our room. Go! Five gets up and runs into their bedroom. He opens the closet door and takes a bag out. He rips it open and takes out the jar that had the marigold before. It was empty. Five looks at it in utter horror and frustration. He goes back into the bathroom and shows Jackson.
Five: It’s empty. It’s fucking empty! Jackson: I didn’t open it! And the kids haven’t been in our room!  He turns off the shower and stands up. He bursts into flames again. Jackson: Goddamnit! Go get a fire extinguisher! Five leaves and comes back with one. He sprays Jackson with it, extinguishing the flames. Jackson takes a deep breath. Jackson: Cold thoughts…cold thoughts…Okay. I’m good… He looks at the jar. He picks it up and examines it. Jackson: There’s still a little left…so someone didn’t get it. That’s good..It couldn’t have just…come out on its own. Someone did this. And if both of us have our powers…then the others probably do too. Five: Fuck, you’re right…I wonder if they’ve figured it out yet. We’ve gotta meet up, find out who did this. My bet is on that Cy guy…he wanted us to have our powers and we said no.  Jackson: We would’ve heard someone come into our room, especially you. You wake up when someone flicks a light switch. Five: Weirder things have happened. Can’t rule anyone out. Plus…we had a few drinks last night. Puts me into a deeper sleep. Come on, call your mom and have her pick up the kids. We can’t tell them. Jackson: They just saw their dad burst into flames in front of them. That’s a little hard to make an excuse. Especially when I don’t have burn marks. Five: We’ll figure something out! For now, we need them out of the way and out of our concerns. We need to figure out this power thing first.
Jackson sighs. Jackson: Fine, I’ll call my mom. You call one of your siblings… Five leaves and closes the door behind him. He goes into his bedroom and closes the door. He takes out his phone, scrolling through his contacts list. Which one does he even call? Five: Luther and Diego are stupid, Klaus is a no go, Allison hardly talks to me, Ben is…not good Ben. Fuck it, Vik. Five calls Viktor. Viktor picks up. Bella: Five? Uh…Vik can’t really talk right now… Five: I don’t care, put him on. It’s an emergency.  Bella:…Is the…”our powers are back” sort of emergency? Five:……Yes. I was a bit afraid of that being the answer. Damnit. Where are you two? Bella: On the interstate. We’re driving back to the city. Though, I dunno how long our car will last. We got into a pretty bad accident. The car’s totaled. Five: Did Vik crash it? Viktor takes the phone from Bella. Vik: No! Some crazy lady just pulled in front of me! I…I got a little heated and the light posts bent. Bella said my eyes went white. Obviously they did cause even the lady looked terrified. Five: hm. I teleported earlier…and Jackson burst into flames. The marigold, it’s gone. There’s only a little bit left. Viktor: So someone didn’t take it. Or…maybe they didn’t have time to get it all. Five: Just…get to Luther’s house. Okay? Best place for all of us to meet up… Viktor: O-Okay. I can do that. I’ll see you there… Five hangs up the phone and rubs his face. He’s tired. Time passes and the camera cuts to the old Hargreeves mansion. The family is sitting in the living room. Klaus is standing in the corner, far away from everyone. Everyone else looks sick. Five: Good, everyone is here..looking horrible, though. Allison: Five, get on with it… Five: I think it’s a fair assumption to say we’ve all got our powers back. Teleportation, sound wave control, strength…all of it. Diego: Yeah. I felt amazing when I first got them…but now I feel like shit.  Ben: Feel hungover… Diego: Best way to describe it. Five: Could be a side effect. When we first had them, we were born with it. It could grow with us. Theon is holding a towel to his nose, with clots of blood pouring out. In his other hand, he’s holding a flashlight. Emme is holding onto his arm, trying to remain calm. Theon: Makes sense. What doesn't make sense is how we got them back in the first place. Five had ‘em last. But he and Jackie were against it…so it couldn't have been them. Did someone break into your house or something?
Jackson: No, they couldn't have. We have alerts on everything, we would’ve noticed.  Theon: Then…it had to have been at the bar last night. Someone spiked the drinks. Lila: What, the bartender? Theon: No, he was behind the bar the entire time. Five kept the marigold next to him. It was one of us. Viktor:...Well, there was only a handful who wanted it back. Allison: And who wanted it most? Ben. Ben: What? You’re blaming me? For what? I didn’t do anything! Maybe it was you. Wanted your powers back cause you suck at acting.
Allison: Excuse me? Wanna say that again? Allison stands up and goes over to Ben. Allison: I heard a rumor…you stood up and didn't move. Ben’s eyes roll into the back of his head. He stands up and becomes stiff. He tries to move, but can’t. Five: Allison… Allison: I heard a rumor…you could only tell the truth. Allison’s eyes turned gold. Allison: Did you mess with the marigold, asshole? Ben tries to hold back his tongue by biting down. He can’t. Ben: YES!...I did.  Allison is taken aback. Everyone in the room gasps and whispers to each other. Allison: What the hell did you do!? Ben: I…I poured the marigold into the shots. All of you drank it. Five: Fuck me…
Luther: Ben…Why? They didn't want it! Ben: I just thought…we had powers for a reason. Cy had us meet for a reason. We can’t just sit around! We were meant for this! Viktor: So you drugged us? Ben:...Yes. Allison: I… I can’t. I just can’t with this goddamn family! Allison storms off outside. Ben’s irises come back and he rubs his neck. Fei: Tough crowd, Ben. Maybe you should’ve just shared with the ones who wanted it. Ben: Shut up, Fei… Jackson suddenly bursts into flames again. Luther panics and tries to put out the fire on his couch. Jackson stands up and Five sprays the couch with a fire extinguisher. He then aims it at Jackson and sprays him. The flames didn’t go out. Jackson: You don’t even care just how much you’ve fucked us. You’re just thinking about yourself! I should incinerate you for what you did! Five: Jack, take a breath. You’re gonna burn the whole place down. Jackson: Does it matter? The powers, they ruin everything! You should know! Because this asshole only thought of himself, we all have to suffer! Five: Yeah, I know, fuck him! But getting angry and burning everything down won’t fix it!
Jackson takes a deep breath. The flames subside and he sits back down, still glaring at Ben. Ben: Well…we’ve got our powers. Maybe we should go try and save that girl Cy talked about. His daughter. Fei laughs. Fei: Oooh, I see what this is about now…Little Benny, relieving his glory days of being a superhero and leading the team, despite failing miserably last time. Ben: “Failing miserably?” I led us to– Fei: To Alphonso and Jayme’s death. There’s a reason Marcus never gave you the important jobs, you’re too immature. You don’t think before you act. And when you do think, it’s purely on anger and overconfidence. Ben: If I was so terrible and you were so great, why were you number 3? Huh? Fei: Um, hello? Limited vision? Not a people person? I have my flaws, but I know them. You think you have none. Fine, take us all to save this girl…you’ll see it was a waste of time. You rescue her, then what? You make the Academy again? You try to be your own Batman?  Ben: Exactly! We rescue her, we can rescue more! The police don’t do shit!
Diego is baffled. Diego: Dude…we do everything. You’re just mad cause you were in jail! All criminals spew that “police are bad” bullshit cause they’re mad they were caught. Ben: With the Sparrow’s, our city was perfect! Bad guys feared us! We have actual powers!  Fei: God, so pretentious… Ben: Let’s just try. Afterwards, you all can go back to whatever. I don’t care! Viktor sighs but then gets an idea. Viktor: If…I have some time…I might be able to manipulate the marigold. Like I did with Harlan…If I gave it to him, surely, I could…take it back? Luther: What would that do to you, though? Viktor: I dunno…maybe I could put it back into the jar? Five: Not a bad theory…we just don’t want to overload you. Last time your power remained dormant– Viktor: I blew up the moon, I know. Five: And an FBI headquarters.
Viktor: I didn't do that… Five: In another timeline, you did.  Viktor: Then that doesn't count! Lila: God, can we just get this over with? There’s a PTA meeting next week, I can’t miss it or else Sharon gets control of the bake sale. Then she won’t shut up about it. Theon:...Perhaps I do miss the commission days. My sister was cooler. Lila takes a knife out of Diego’s pocket and stabs him in the chest. Theon: AH! Fuck! Don’t stab a bleeding man! Lila: I did miss that.
Five rolls his eyes. How’d he get stuck with these morons again? Everyone leaves the house, with Diego going upstairs to get Allison. Everyone then piles into the two cars. The umbrella’s plus Ben and Lila into Diego’s car. Everyone else got into Jackson’s car. Ben is ecstatic. The adrenaline of going on a mission, finally. He sits up and shouts: Ben: Let’s kill this bitch! Everyone turns around to look at him, confused and slightly worried. Allison: This is a rescue mission…
Ben:...Yeah, right…it is. He sits back down and looks out the window awkwardly. Diego turns the car on and immediately “Baby Shark” starts blaring on the radio. Everyone jumps and Diego panics to turn the volume down. Viktor: What the hell was that? Diego: The uh…kids really like that song. It’s also stuck in the CD player… Five: So glad my kids don’t listen to that crap… Diego rolls his eyes and starts driving.
The camera cuts to older people, a man and woman. They're sitting in separate chairs. The woman is crocheting something, and the man is reading a newspaper. Man: Hon, have you heard? A nice little town meeting is taking place tomorrow. Woman: Oh, lovely. What's it about? Man: The priest's niece is getting baptized. Woman: Oh, good. I can't wait. We should definitely go. I'll make cookies for them! Man: Sounds like a plan, darlin. Let's call it a date. The woman stands up and holds up the crocheted blanket, revealing an upside-down umbrella pattern Hours pass and it’s dark. Almost everyone is asleep, except for Diego and Five. Diego is staring out into the road. He turns to Five and whispers: Diego: Dude…I think Lila is cheating on me… Five is a little taken aback. He whispers:
Five: A little heavy, don’t you think? Diego: Sorry…I just can’t get it out of my head. She’s been going out at night…so I followed her. She was eating at this cafe with this guy…she was laughing, having fun…couldn't be a friend. Five: You’re a fucking idiot. Diego: What? Five: She’s not cheating on you…at the cafe, that was me. I was at a Keepers meeting…and she was there. Diego: Why…what? Five: I was investigating. Apparently, she was too…I talked to Jack about it. He says she might just miss the life before…everything.  Diego: I try to make things exciting…
Five: She was an agent, Diego. It’s all she knew. It’s hard to adjust. To just stop being something. Huh…I guess I see where Ben was going with this whole thing. Diego: Miércoles…I’m sorry. I just thought…I dunno. How do I make her happy? Five: Well…you’re a cop. Let her in on some investigations. Or hell, get her a job there. She could pass the school easily.   Diego: Yeah…I think she’d like that.
He looks back at Lila in the rearview mirror, sleeping soundly and leaning against Allison. The camera slowly pans over to Ben, leaning his head back and sleeping. He’s twitching a bit. Flashes of…her…appear in his mind. A girl. She’s haunted him his entire life. The girl appears again, this time with tentacles slowly creeping up her body. Black liquid pours from her eyes and mouth, echoes of a baby crying loop in his mind. He jolts awake and looks around…nothing. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes again, attempting to go back to sleep. More hours pass and they finally arrive in a town called “New Grumpson.” Something feels off about it, though. The streets are clean, and the buildings are in perfect shape…though, they seem to have been built a long time ago. There are signs everywhere depicting squids, like it’s the town's mascot. Everyone steps out of the cars and takes a look around.
Klaus: Fuuuun, looks like a festival…Hopefully it’s not too crowded, y'know how people can be in large groups. Ben: Large groups like this one? Klaus: I prepared… Luther takes a deep breath and smiles.  Luther: Guys, this is like…our first vacation as a family! Basically…ever. We should enjoy this! Five: Oh god… Allison: What happened to “rescue mission?” Luther: It can be both, yeah? Come on, family picture! He pulls out a disposable camera and aims it at everyone, smiling happily while everyone else either stares blankly, covers their face or gives a half smile. Five:...Okay, now that Luther is done being weird, let’s split up. It’s gonna be easier to find who we’re looking for. Diego: Good idea. Klaus, Bea, stay with the cars. Klaus: What? Why do we have to stay back? Diego: Well…we need a watchman. Very important job. We also can’t have the watchman be alone and bored, huh? Beatriz and Klaus look at each other. Beatriz: I guess…I prefer to stay back either way. I’m not really…into this hero stuff. They get back into the car as everyone walks into the town and splits into different directions.  Diego and Lila go into the town square and engage in simple games around, with Diego showing off his skills in throwing axes. Lila smirks and throws her axes straight down the center of Diego’s. He and the game runner stare at her, surprised. Diego starts laughing and they pick out three stuffed animals for their kids. Viktor, Allison, Luther and Mallie walk through the shops, asking the people around if they know a “Zoe Grossman.” They notice the shopkeeper's demeanors change, becoming more wary and suspicious after they ask. 
Five, Jackson, Theon and Emme wander around, not doing too much to help the mission. Five is lost in his own thoughts, Jackson is working on keeping himself calm, Theon is watching Emme closely with a flashlight in hand and Emme is listening to music. Ben and Fei are walking down a sidewalk. Ben suddenly takes a turn as he notices a Bus stop. Fei follows.
Fei: And what’re you doing, Exactly? Ben: Getting out of here. Without the hairy ape watching, I can leave and do some good. Fei: So the whole…”We gotta save this girl!” thing was just you finding an escape? Ben: Obviously.  She bursts out laughing. She can’t believe it. Fei: You ruined lives just to get out of prison? Oh my god, Ben! She laughs harder. Ben: What’s so funny?
Fei: You gave us all our powers…you forced all of us here, just to escape? God, you're so stupid! If they find out, they’re gonna kill you! Ben: Shut up, Fei. I’m leaving and you can’t do anything about it. Fei: Oh, I’m not going to stop you. But I will tell you to look behind you. Ben: What?
He turns around just to be met with a sign saying “Bus out of service.” Ben: You didn't want to say something earlier? Fei: Mmm…I wasn't gonna say anything. But then I felt bad. Ben groans and starts walking again. Fei: Now where are you going? Ben: I’ll find a car or something.
She follows. Fei: And then? Ben: I’ll leave! Get to a big city where I can disappear! He stops and looks at a church with a strange symbol…a sparrow holding an umbrella that was inside out. Ben: You see this? Fei: I guess that’s weird.
Ben: Yeah, weird coincidence. Come on. He walks in as Fei follows. Fei: Now he cares… Ben: I guess we know why the town was so empty before. Everyone’s here. He grabs Fei’s arm and pushes past a crowd of people, making his way to a room full of pews. There’s a stage with a podium and something covered with a large tarp. One of Fei’s crows flew up onto a rafter on the ceiling. Ben leaned over to an older lady and asked: Ben: Hey…we’re tourists. What’s this about? Lady: Oooh, this is the priest's daughter's baptism! Ben:...A lot of people here for a baptism.
Lady: it’s not just any ordinary baptism, son. It marks the beginning of “The Cleanse.” Ben: The–? He’s shushed before he can ask more questions. A priest walks onto the stage, wearing a cthulhu-esque mask. He goes up to the podium. Priest: Today is a special day…a day we have awaited for decades. We embark on the journey to The Cleanse. To return to where we once came. My daughter…she was chosen for this, by god himself! On her 30th birthday, we bathe her in the very liquid she was brought from, so that she may feel her mother’s warm embrace! Fei whispers to Ben.
Fei: Ew…under that tarp better not be what I think it is. Ben: Dude…what the fuck. Two nuns, also wearing Cthulhu-esque masks walk out with a girl wearing a white robe. She had long, black hair and pale skin. Ben recognizes her instantly…the girl from his dreams. He pushes past the crowd to get to the front, leaving Fei behind. He stares at the girl, in complete disbelief that she’s real. The priest rips the tarp off to reveal a giant vat of black liquid. The nuns pick up a glass and have the girl drink all of it.
Priest: Let The Cleanse…BEGIN! PAINT IT BLACK, COVER BY HIDDEN CITIZENS BEGIN PLAYING. The nuns walk the girl over to the stairs leading into the vat. They begin to walk her down, the black liquid absorbing into her dress and skin. The girl has a blank stare and is looking down…but she looks up for a second and makes eye contact with Ben. He can tell by the look in her eyes she wants help. Without thinking, his tentacles protrude from his back, one of them wrapping itself around the girl and pulling her towards him. The townspeople stare at him. Priest: HERETIC!! KILL HIM! HE MEANS TO DEFY GOD'S WORD!
More people in masks run out with guns aiming at Ben. The townspeople try to grab him, but he knocks them away with his free tentacles. Fei summons more crows to attack the armed men, forcing them to drop their weapons. She runs over to Ben. Fei: What the hell are you doing?!  Ben: She needed help! He looks down at the girl. Ben: Are you Zoe Grossman?! Girl:…M-My name…it’s Zoe… Ben: Fei, c’mon! We gotta get her outta here! Fei: Jesus…
The camera cuts to outside of the church, with sounds of people screaming and silhouettes of Ben with his tentacles, people being thrown and Fei’s crows. Another cut shows Five walking. He turns to the church. Five: What the hell is happening in there? A man is suddenly thrown through the window and lands at his feet. He makes a face and crouches down, noticing a mask…and tentacle marks with scratches all over. Theon: He don’t look too good, huh? Five: Yeah…you could say that.   Fei and Ben run out of the church with Zoe, almost stumbling down the steps.
Five: Okay, what did you two idiots do now? Fei: Ben started it. Ben: I completed the mission! Zoe: mission…? Theon: and the mission required fuckin up a church?   Ben: Can we just go and talk about this later? Emme:…Why is half of her black? Ben: Shut up!
He starts moving with Zoe. Fei shrugs and follows behind. Just as the others turn to run, a person with a gun comes out of the church and goes to shoot Five. Five teleports away and Theon forces the man to stiffen up, draining all the blood from his body. Jackson: Five?! Where’d he go? Theon: Who cares? He’ll catch up! C’mon! Theon grabs him and Emme and begins running. Meanwhile, Five is back at the subway… Five takes a look around. It’s not a coincidence that the second time he’s used his power he ended up here. He begins walking and notices a subway map. As he’s looking at it, a train appears and the doors open. He slowly steps in and the doors close behind him. He notices a digital sign above him. He attempts to read it but it’s just a bunch of nonsense. The letters are all jumbled up. The train makes its way to the next stop and the doors open again. He gets off but notices things look the exact same. He goes over to some stairs leading up and follows them, bringing him up to the surface. He’s back in the town but…it’s normal. No decorations for a festival. He sees a newspaper stand and grabs one, reading off the date. The same. A clock in the park, same time. Although…he looks up to see the moon…but shattered. He quickly runs back down into the subway, disappearing onto the next train.
Back with Klaus and Beatriz, they’re sitting in the car, singing along to the radio. A woman runs up and begins banging on the window. Beatriz grabs onto Klaus as he opens the door.
Klaus: Woah, woah, calm down…what’s going on? Woman: I-I need help! My name is Zoe! Klaus: Woah…hey, that was easy finding you! We’ve been looking for you! He turns around as he hears someone yelling his name. It’s Diego, running with his siblings as a giant mob chases after them. Diego: KLAUS!! START THE FUCKING CAR!!! Klaus startles a bit.
Klaus: I found her! I found Zoe!
Diego catches up with the other siblings. Ben: That’s not Zoe! She’s right here! Klaus:...Then who’s this? The woman looks at Klaus and Klaus stares back in confusion. She whispers “The cleanse” and stabs him through the stomach. She starts running off but Theon grabs her with his power and twists her neck. Allison rushes over to Klaus and catches him.
Allison: I-It’s okay! I…Shit! I heard a rumor…you didn't feel any pain. He stops writhing as she pulls him into Diego’s van. Allison: How do we stop the bleeding!? Diego takes off his jacket and hands it to her. She puts it over Klaus’ wound but the bleeding isn't stopping. Diego: Why isn't he healing already? Are his powers fucked up? Klaus: I…I di…didn't take the marigold…
Everyone: WHAT!? Beatriz: He poured out the alcohol at the bar! I saw him! He’s finally sober and said he didn't want any! You guys made him feel like he had to! Allison: He’s gonna die if we don’t give him his powers! Viktor: He didn't want them, though! We can’t just force him! Allison: Do you want him to die!? She takes the marigold out of Five’s bag. There’s enough left to help him. She pours it into Klaus’ wound. He takes a gasp of air as his wound heals over. He sits up and stares at her. Klaus: Wh…What did you do…? Diego: Great, everyone’s here, let’s— Luther: Where’s Five!? Diego: Damnit! He’ll catch up! Diego starts driving as soon as Five suddenly appears outside of the van. He gets hit and Diego stops. Diego:...He’ll be okay. Five gets up and gets into the van, glaring at Diego. Five: You were gonna leave me?...Then you hit me with your car? Diego: Dude, you just appeared! How could I anticipate that?!
Five: Jesus—Just get us out of here! Diego steps on the gas, the other car following them. As they drive out of the city, Ben checks over Zoe to ensure she’s okay. Ben: Okay, you seem...okay...we’re gonna get you to your dad and you’re gonna be okay… Zoe: My…my dad? I don’t…I don’t have one…
Before Ben could ask anything, another car slammed into the side of them, forcing the car to roll over. Everyone tries to hold on and cover their faces from the glass shards flying everywhere.  Jackson, driving the car behind them, turns the car to avoid the rolling car…as he does so, he hears a loud popping sound. The car who had t-boned Diego shot out his tires. The car loses control and crashes into a nearby ditch. When the chaos subsides, two people, a man and a woman, exit from the still intact car. They walk over to Diego’s car. The man drags Zoe out of the vehicle and the woman examines Lila. She tsks. Woman: Nancy, Nancy...whatever are we gonna do with you, hm? The couple go back to their car and put Zoe inside, driving away. Diego tries to get out but he can’t. He passes out…
End of episode three
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soraavalon · 2 months ago
Tark: Okay, how close is the tavern to the ships? DM: It's pretty close. It's literally like you step off the docks and it's that first row right there, most of it is warehouses, speaking of places you encountered the Bag Man. But there's also a couple bunkhouses, I guess? It's more like hostels and the bar. Tark: Okay. Marigold: I know you said we can't have 200ft, but technically we can put both of our familiars together in the middle between us and message them to boop the other one and then. DM: Yeah, you do that. Marigold: They pass a message to the other one to be like, 'I just got booped, I have no context as to what this means.' DM: Yeah, you could do that. Tark: Oh! We can set it up as a 'if the other familiar is booped, if the other is tapped that means that the other team found more information.' Marigold: Yeah. Tark: Yeah. Eudora: Or means help. Marigold: It's gonna be a rabbit and a bird DM: It means 'Time to regroup' Tark: Yes! Yes! Time to regroup, there we go! So I think Luck will sit kind of the shoulder area of Primrose and be like 'Alright, let's go.' and they're gonna go to the middle of the tavern is and the boats. DM: Yeah, okay. Tark (OOC): 'Cause we're fucking idiots. Marigold (OOC): I hope my familiar doesn't get familiar-napped. DM: It's probably fine. Tark (OOC): I know Marigold (OOC): I could just summon him back, but like Tark (OOC): I know. Both Luck and Primrose, we're like 'If anything happens...' Hunt (OOC): They're these exotic animals just sitting around. Marigold (OOC): They really are. DM: Yeah. Hunt (OOC): They might get napped. Tark (OOC): Just try. DM: You could always put them behind something. Marigold (OOC): Yeah, Primrose has a little outfit, so like... -various 'aww's and reminding people what Primrose looks like- Eudora (OOC): I would die for Primrose. Tark (OOC): There's a jackalope with a bird. Marigold (OOC): He's also been gifted with one of my other fey name, I guess. So he is safe in the fey realm. Tark (OOC): I love that.
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