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random-imagines-blog · 2 months ago
Imagine Diana Prince being a mother figure to an orphan.
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No one looked at you the way that Diana looked at you. She wasn’t exasperated, she wasn’t bored, she wasn’t putting on a fake cheery persona like some people do around kids, not knowing that they could see right through it. No - when she had saved you while you had been walking through the bad part of town, only a kid, she had walked you home, or rather to the group home - and seemed to genuinely listen to you as you talked a bit about yourself, how you hoped that you could be a hero like her when you grew up. A week later, she visited you at the Group Home. She wasn’t wearing her Wonder-Woman uniform, but she looked just as heroic nonetheless. You signed out and went for a walk with her through the park, where she asked you more questions about yourself. How do you like living in the group home. What were your friends like? How was school? These visits became more frequent. She’d buy you an ice-cream when you showed her that you got a good grade on a test. She’d also buy you ice cream if you didn’t get a good grade, but at least you tried. The one topic that you attempted to avoid, however, was the group home. How hard living there could be. How hard knowing that your parents didn’t want you could be. And how you knew that you weren’t ever going to be adopted because you weren’t one of the young, adorable toddlers that always got all the attention. She’d tell you stories of her own. About her past in Themyscira, living with all of the other women, and how you didn’t have to be blood to feel like you were family. That struck a cord in you. There was something binding you to Diana, and her to you, though neither of you could put a name to it. Christmas on your eleventh birthday. You weren’t expecting anything other than the usual gifts from your guardians. Socks, usually. From the dollar store. But you were grateful nonetheless. But you were called down from your bedroom, something which usually only happened when you were in trouble. But not this time. Diana was there, and she greeted you with open arms, and the offer of a home, of exploring that connection, of having some sort of maternal influence in your life. And you knew right then and there that no other Christmas was going to compare - because a family was the best gift that you could have received.
Requested by: Anonymous
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diana-riverflowshere · 6 years ago
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inkdreamt · 4 years ago
Diana’s page has officially been finished!
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ryanreporting · 8 years ago
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#DianaP #RyanJanekWolowski attending #SensaMotion @sensamotion #reggae #concert at the #JerseyShore #GoldenNuggetAC @goldennuggetac 600 #HuronAve #AtlanticCity #NJ 08401 #USA #ReggaeRock #JosephCollepardi #NaturalGirl #HerBeautyComesFromTheSeed #AtlanticCityNewJersey #AtlanticCityNJ #DOAC #Monday #August 28th 2017 (at Golden Nugget Atlantic City)
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aqconfessions · 8 years ago
@anon who doesn't feel like a part of AQ family, I think I feel like that too haha I am truly the outcast on this place, or so it feels. -DianaP :)
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random-imagines-blog · 4 years ago
Voices {Diana Prince x Fem!Reader}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 2343 Summary: Jealousy is hard to tame, even in an Amazonian Princess. Warnings: Smut.
Diana had never been the jealous type. That was until had come along and joined the Justice League, the only other female in this male-dominated group. You weren’t quite as powerful as Diana, but you contributed a lot to the team, and knew how to handle yourself in a fight. Your powers of creating a force field had saved the ass of each one of these lunatics at least once. Even Superman had owed you a debt of gratitude for your powers, all of which you took with a grin. But out of all of them, the one that you seemed to be the closest with was Bruce - and that is where Diana’s jealousy came in.
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You, like Bruce, were also from Gotham, so there had been that instant connection there. You would often talk about restaurants, about high school, about people and if there was any overlaps in where you used to hang out. It turns out you used to frequent some of the same places, despite being from totally different backgrounds. You two could often be seen talking and laughing around the coffee machine, or going out to dinner - which made the tabloids go wild. The rest of the league knew that you two were just friends but Diana had always suspected something.
She had originally thought that she would be the one that you would bond with, given that you were a woman. And yes, you two were friendly enough but it wasn’t quite what she had pictured. You would catch eyes in the hallway and nod at one another, and you worked well out in the battlefields of the world. When she saw you with Bruce, your voice would flow through her head like music, while Bruce’s was grating, like nails on a chalkboard. It affected her relationship with Bruce, which had once been friendly but now, being around him just felt like the annoying co-worker.
You and Bruce came into the Batcave from going out to dinner, and you were talking about the couple who had been sitting next to you. “I think it’s romantic,” You were saying about them.
“I think it’s convenient,” Bruce was shrugging off his jacket. “I know a thing or two about gold-diggers, y/n, and that man was one of them.”
“Sometimes, Bruce, I think you see the world in too dark a light,” You said, finally noticing that the others were gathered around, with only Diana and Barry eavesdropping. Cyborg was hooked into a supercomputer, and Clark was in his ordinary Clark attire, looking at his phone. “Oh, was there a meeting?”
“No, I was just bored,” Barry said. There was a flash of yellow, and he was standing right beside you, offering you a bag of chips. “Hungry?”
“Just ate, but thank you. I don’t think I could take another bite,” You protested. Bruce did the same with an elegant gesture of his hand, and you went your separate ways. Bruce went to hang up his jacket while you strode over to see what Clark was doing. Diana was sitting alone at the table now, watching the way that your dress moved about your body. She admired it on you. It was white and gold, and reminded her of home, though this was much more formal than functional. The sleeves draped over your shoulder, exposing the soft flesh of your collar and arms. As you bent over to peek at his phone and see who he was texting, she caught the curve of your breast, and looked away quickly, face glowing red in shame.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to look. But rather, she wanted you to be the one to show her, of your own free will. She wanted you to ask her to unzip the dress and watch as you stepped out of it, completely bare. These thoughts clouded her mind to the point where she didn’t notice that Barry had slipped into the chair beside her and was staring at her, grinning.
“You’re so obviously in love, just go ask her out!” He said, a little loudly. Diana shushed him quickly, and darted her eyes back to see if you had noticed. But you were teasing Clark about his girlfriend, Lois at this point and didn’t seem to have overheard.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Diana said, turning back towards Barry. “Isn’t there some marathon that you should be running?”
“Ouch, you get mean when you’re jealous.”
“I am not jealous,” Diana said, though she knew that it was a lie. Jealousy was a snake that was making it’s way through her nerves, and if she didn’t do something about it soon, she was afraid she was going to burst. The toxicity was unscrewing itself.
She stood up and made her way to the bathrooms. There were two, side by side, neither of them labeled as male or female because it seemed stupid. Just pick a bathroom and use it. She went inside and ran some cold water over her hands and patted at her flawless face. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw the red coming across her cheeks. She saw that glint in her eye that she didn’t like. Though alone, with the only sound being the pipes, she thought she could hear your voice. Laughing. Then Bruce. Probably saying something witty. Oh, I’m Bruce Wayne, I’m rich. I’m Batman.
She splashed herself again, trying to get control over these negative emotions. She dried her face with some paper towel and went to step out, planning on leaving the Bat Cave since she wasn’t needed here, but when she opened the door - you were standing there. You looked startled by the door opening, but your open mouth turned into a frown. “Are you okay?”
You pushed your way into the well lit bathroom with her, and closed the door behind you. Your hand then went to her forehead, reaching up because the Amazonian woman was so tall, and tried to feel for a fever. “Do I look sick to you?” Diana asked, raising an eyebrow, but let you touch her skin, her face. It brought that heat back but it was a different kind.
“Well, your cheeks look a little flushed, and you have been more quiet than usual,” You said, stepping back with a frown. “But you don’t have a fever, so hurray for small miracles.”
“Good,” Diana said with a nod. “But I could have told you that I’m not sick. I don’t get sick.”
“Of course, your immune system is probably as crazy powerful as you are,” You chuckled. “Is there something else wrong then? I mean, you look amazing as usual but there’s something up with you. If you wanted to talk about it, you know I’m here, right?”
You were just so nice, it was hard for Diana to really comprehend it. She only wished that you were this nice to her, and not to everyone else, as cruel as that seemed. In what was at first meant to be a reassuring motion, she put her hands on your arms and rubbed up and down, and then up, past the thin off-the shoulder sleeves, to your shoulders. Once she had started, she found it hard to stop.
“You’re here, and that’s part of the problem,” She admitted. You tilted your head in confusion, exposing more of that beautiful neck that so tempted her. The way that she was looking at you - with eyes ablaze - it was a wonder you weren’t running off. “I have to ask you a question, and it may sound a little strange.”
“Of course, what is it?”
“Do you have feelings of any sort for Bruce?”
“Oh, gross, no,” You said, shaking your head. Her hands were still on your shoulders, keeping you grounded. “He’s like a brother, especially since we grew up in a lot of the same places. Why do you ask?”
“You two seem very close... very close.” Her hands went up your neck, caressing the soft and exposed skin until she reached your jaw. Your breath hitched in your throat, she could feel it. But you didn’t become meek or shy. Instead, you surprised her.
“Hmm... are you jealous, Diana?” You asked. You didn’t attempt to push her off, or get her to move. In fact, the reason why you had been going towards the bathroom in the first place was easily forgotten. Diana was caught of guard by your direct question, and responded to it with a nod rather than verbalizing. A smile went across your lips - closed lipped, tantalizing. “Then my plan has been working.”
You were the one that initiated the first kiss, wrapping your arms around her neck, bringing her in. She was in her full gear in case something had come up, and her metal breastplate rubbed roughly against the soft fabric of your dress. It was a good feeling though. It was a bit cold - and it permeated through the dress until you could feel it on your nipples, making them grow hard. In contrast, Diana was now feeling the soft, the flowing feeling against her elbows as her arms bent when she came closer. Lips smashed against lips, and that jealousy melted away.
You were the first one to pull away, take a step back and looked over that outfit of hers. The infamous Wonder Woman outfit. Turned into cheap costumes the  world round. “How do you take that thing off?” You asked. Surprising her again.
“Are you asking me to take it off, or are you curious?” Diana asked, pushing her hair out of the way, behind her neck, so that she could get back at yours with kisses.
“Both,” You said, leaning your head back so that she had more skin to get at. Diana grinned into these kisses, and showed you exactly how the form fitting top came off.
Diana felt very comfortable in her skin, and was fine with showing it off - to you. There were plenty of perverts out there who wanted to see this view, but it was only for you. Her chest was heaving with excitement, the pink that had been on her cheeks blushed her tan body. The skirt had come off as well, it being a one piece, and now she was standing there in only her underwear. For you.
You brought her back in for another kiss, this time with no hard breast plate in the middle. Diana’s hands deftly made their way to the back of your dress, and found the zipper. You moaned in encouragement, and gently - so as not to ruin the dress - she pulled it down until it reached your lower back. You shrugged your way out of it, pulling your arms out of the sleeves and let it fall onto the bathroom floor. At least Alfred kept this place spic and span himself. These floors had only been mopped that very morning.
Diana kept the kisses raining down upon you, your neck, your shoulders, your breasts once they were exposed. It was just the two of you in your underwear now, pressed against one another but it never felt close enough. Lifting you with ease, Diana swept you off of your feet and put you up onto the sink. You leaned back against the mirror, surprised at how quick all of this was going on. Both of you were. But neither of you were putting a stop to it. This was what she had been thinking about doing. Taking you from Bruce’s side and showing you how she really felt. This, this was a dream come true.
She kissed her way up one of your thighs, right along the inner skin, got to your underwear and started to pull it off slowly, leading it with kisses among the other thigh, to the calf, the to your pretty feet, bound in heels. Those, she would leave on. Just like she would her own thigh-high boots. “You’re very beautiful, y/n,” Diana said, getting a real good look at you.
“So are you, Princess,” You said with a smile, watching with eyes full of adoration. She existed for your compliments, and made her way hungrily between your legs. She was soft, just like those plump lips of hers, and she was gentle. She was also quite slow, which made you want her all the more. Her tongue was wet and warm and seemed to know exactly where to go to bring out the little whimpers in you. Your hands went to your own breasts, squeezing them. You pulled at your own nipples, making a display of it as Diana watched. Her dark eyes stayed focus up on you as her mouth worked.
As you began to reach your climax, miscellaneous things in the bathroom started to rumble. The garbage can for one, began to shake. The paper towel roll became entirely undone. The soap started to squirt out on its own. The lights flickered on and off as that force-field of yours affected the electricity around you. When you did finally reach it, your legs tightened around Diana, trapping her there as you thrust your hips up and down against her face, mewling with satisfaction.
The afterglow must have been amazing, for you grew a lot more loose and limber afterwards. Once you let Diana out of your grip, she joined you, hopping up onto the counter and put her arms around you, bringing you in for more kisses. These ones were more so lazy, just little pecks, as you started to recover from that rush of emotions. “What about you?” You asked, looking her over with a grin on her face.
“In time,” Diana smirked. “We have all of that in the world.”
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random-imagines-blog · 4 years ago
Battle for the Sun {Diana Prince x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: @justarookiewriter​ Wordcount: 2768 Summary: Trips to the museum are always fantastic, but a certain curator makes it all the better. But what happens when you keep getting interrupted?
The display that the museum was putting on was absolutely spectacular. You turned up every single day that this exhibition was on, using your membership card to get through the long lines. Italian sculptures, men and women, all sorts of bodies from ones that would be shamed today to the ideal. You walked the long stone halls alone, your hands behind your back, taking in the art as it was rather than trying to take pictures of it. A photo on a phone was nothing compared to the majesty that you were seeing in front of you. You stopped in front of your favorite, a sculpture of a woman. She was kneeling on the ground, her face turned upwards, her dress revealing one breast. There was something delicate about it. The way that the artist made stone look like fabric. It was incredible. But you weren’t just here for the art - there was another reason that you came around, and that was for one of the curators. An astonishing woman named Diana Prince.
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You were hoping to see her, but instead, the only person you saw was a security guard who tended to follow you around. Not because he thought that you were up to devious behavior, but because he enjoyed the sight of you. He told you so enough times, and each word out of his mouth made you gag. But the art and Diana were worth putting up with him, just for a little while.
“Oh, you’re here again!” The very wanted voice of the woman that you were hoping to see  came through the room, which cuts the creepy security guard right out of the picture. As it well should have.
“You found me already,” You said, turning the tall woman with a smile. “Usually you only catch me when I’m about to leave. I’ve only been here about an hour.”
“I can leave you to it,” She said, her accent being one that you couldn’t quite place.  There were a dozen or so places that you suspected she could have come from, but never felt that you could ask such a rude question. She was here now, in France, and that’s what really mattered.
“Oh,  no, only if you have other things to do. I never mind your company, Diana,” You said with a smile. The way that she looked today was breathtaking. How she managed to make a simple pair of jeans and a blouse look glamorous, you didn’t understand. You didn’t even have hope that you could emulate such a look. You probably looked horrible next to her, in your comfy University sweater to fight off the chill of the upcoming autumn months. “Not for a little while, no,” She said, smiling back. She stood next to you and looked up at the sculpture that you had been stopped in front of. “Is this one your favorite?” She asked you. You nodded in response, then started to speak, realizing the little gesture was not nearly enough.
“I wish that I knew what she was looking at,” You admitted, looking up into the face of the beautiful piece of artwork. “And how the marble looks like fabric, how you can see through it, it’s...”
“Breathtaking?” Diana responded. You nodded. That was the word that you had been struggling to find. It sounded more sincere coming from her lips. “Yes, I feel the same way. I’m often drawn to it as well.”
You both fell into a silence at that moment, looking at the sculpture. You wished that you could touch it, making sure that it really was stone. You didn’t even realize that you were leaning into the partition rope guarding it from people doing exactly that.
“Hey - stop-” The creepy security guard said, squeezing his way between you and Diana. “You know the rules, you can’t get close to the artwork.”
“I wasn’t going to do anything,” You started to argue back, but Diana interfered.
“You’re excused,” She said, lightly pushing the guard back. Still, it seemed to take him by surprise that he was being handled like that, and he stumbled backwards. He glared at her, and opened his mouth to retort, but she continued on. “And I will be speaking to your supervisor about this.”
“I was just trying to-”
“I’ve already put in a complaint about you,” You said, wanting to back up Diana, just as she was doing for you. “And I have the feeling that I am not the only person who did. I wasn’t going to touch it, especially not with the curator here. Please, do not touch me again.”
It was hard to keep in your temper, but he had been rather rude with you in the past. He once slid behind you in a crowd, his hand touching your bottom a little too roughly for it to have been an accident. You had put in the report, but as you had expected, not too much had happened. “As I said, you are excused,” Diana said, her eyes sharp as she stared the man down. He faltered, and walked away from his post, mumbling under his breath.
“Thank you. I’ve been a bit nervous to come back because of him,” You frowned at his retreating back.
“I’ll make sure that he never bothers you again,” Diana said, soothingly. “Are you alright?”
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“I’m fine,” You said, bringing the smile back onto your face. “And so ready to finally enjoy the museum without him breathing down my beck. What is your favorite sculpture here?”
You were getting a tour from the curator herself, walking in her footsteps, taking in all of the information that she was giving you which wasn’t in the placards. You found yourself wishing you had brought a notepad so you could write all of this information down. She gave a much better tour than any of the tourguides or online tours that the Louvre provided.
“And that is all,” Diana said, after explaining the last statue. You had done a large lap, ending in front of your favorite once more. You clapped and felt very fortunate to have gotten such a personal tour.
And, well, very flattered as well that she had taken time out of her busy day to lead you around an exhibit you knew like the back of your hand. This woman was as beautiful as the sculptures themselves, so fine in form, so elegant in her movements. But there were a lot of differences between you and her that made you a little wary of getting rejected, if you did gather up the courage to ask her out.
You two turned to look at each other, both of you smiling. Her painted-red lips opened to say something. They formed your name when there came a loud announcement through the speakers around the museum. ‘Miss Prince, please return to your office, Miss Prince, please return to your office.”
“I’ve kept you for too long,” You said, realizing how much time exactly had flown by. At least two hours! You were just your average guest in the museum but you had taken up far too much of the curator’s time. Diana laughed, shook her head and lightly touched your shoulder. Her hand was well-manicured, warm. Exactly as you thought it would be. Her skin matched her laugh - sunshine.
“No, you haven’t,” She insisted. “I like your perspective on this art. On history. It is refreshing. We should talk more about this.”
“I’ll come back tomorrow,” You offered with a smile. She nodded enthusiastically, before waving her fingers at you and headed towards her office to get back to work.
And you did return, catching sight of Diana immediately. She was standing in front of the statue that was your favorite, which also now became your favorite meeting place. It was going to be a huge shame when the exhibit moves onto the next location. Diana had told you that it was Germany. The memories you had with these statues were almost enough for you to move along with it.
She was wearing an all white outfit, clean and completely pristine. She fit in wonderfully with all of the statues. “Good afternoon,” You said, walking up to her and stood next to her tall frame. The look that she gave you, the large smile, almost gave you a thought that maybe, just maybe, she admires you as much as you admire her. It gave you a sense of confidence, made your shoulders straighter, your chin a little higher.
“Hello!” She said, surprising you with a hug that you eagerly returned. “I had hoped you knew this was where I wanted to meet you!”
“Right in front of my favorite, I’m surprised that you remembered.”
“There is no way that I could have forgotten,” She said, ponytail swaying behind her back. “The many times that I saw you looking at it - I wish I could gift it to you.”
“Oh,” You said, eyes wide at the very thought. “No, something like this should be appreciated by everyone. That is the artist’s intention. And I would never want to mess with that.” You smiled, though, very flattered that she thought of something like that. “But I don’t wish to take up too much of your time today, you must have work to do.”
“I do,” She admitted, looking over shoulder. It was as if she was looking to make sure that there was no one around. Though of course there was. The Louvre was one of the most famous attractions in Europe, not just in France. There were plenty of people about. It was hard for you to notice most of them however, next to this very striking woman. “So I was going to ask you-”
“Excuse me,” A gruff man said, pushing his way past you. Despite the rule about no food or drinks in any of the halls, he must have snuck something in, since you felt a liquid go across your chest. The smell that rose from it told you that it was coffee. You gasped, as it was still hot, and immediately tried to stretch the fabric away from your chest.
“Security,” Diana said, holding her arm out to stop the man from going further. Two security guards, neither of them being the creepy man, came up and escorted the man to the security office, probably to fine him for bringing in drinks. But you were more focused on your shirt. At least it was warm, not scalding, you might be a little tender where it splashed but it didn’t look like any real burns.
“I guess this is a good excuse as any to buy something from the gift shop,” You said, trying to make it into a joke.
“Are you sure?” Diana said, examining your shirt with a frown. “I don’t know if those stains are going to come out - come with me.”
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Rather than take you to the gift shop, she lead you past the restricted areas, to what was apparently her office. There were many books in here, many artifacts. It smelled of her perfume, delicate but enough to wrap around your senses.
She also had a closet, which she opened up and went through. You looked in awe at the amount of gowns that she had in there; there must be a thousand euros worth, at least! She went through them before picking out a blouse of her own, and holding it in front of you. “This may fit you,” She said, sizing it by eye then handed it to you.
“Oh, um, thank you,” You said, looking around, feeling slightly embarrassed. She pointed towards a door that blended in with a row of bookcases.
“You can use my bathroom,” She said, kindly. You thanked her once more, then ducked into it, closing the door gently behind you. It was a standard half-bath - just a toilet and a sink and a mirror. But it seemed to be well stocked with lavish perfumes. Like she highly separated her home life from her work life. You snorted to yourself as you took off your wet shirt, trying to imagine her in sweat pants. She would look like someone out of a gym commercial if she were to try to wear those.
But what you were thinking was she kept her dresses here, her fancy things here. Maybe she only went to extravagant events for work, but did something else in her down time? Did curators even have down time?
You wanted to know everything about her, especially what she was like when she wasn’t around the museum. You buttoned up the blouse that she was loaning you after drying yourself off with some toilet tissue, then set about trying to get the worst of the stain out in the sink. You managed to get most of the brown liquid off but it would still need a run or two through the wash, with real cleaning liquid and not hand soap.
You folded up your shirt and held it in your hands as you left the bathroom, returning to the office. Diana stood there, waiting for you while leaning back against her desk. The way that the sun filtered in through the windows, reflected off the white walls onto her face - magnificent. She straightened up when she saw you come out. “It fits, wonderful!”
“It does, thank you,” You said. “Do you have a bag that I could put this in?” You brought up the shirt that you had been wearing. “Oh, let me take care of that. I’ll get it cleaned, then return it to you. It’s the least that I could do.”
“You didn’t spill the coffee on me, Diana, it’s quite alright.”
“No really. I want to. Because then I can see you-”
There was a knock on the door and two seconds later, it opened to reveal a man with dark hair and brooding features. You recognized him from somewhere. It hit you within a moment though. Bruce Wayne, of American fame.
You also noticed the dark look that went over Diana’s face, and how her smile seemed to drop when she saw who it was. “Diana,” Bruce said, stepping inside.
“Bruce,” She said, in the same low voice.
“Am I interrupting?” He asked, looking over at you. You glanced between the two of them then smiled your best and brightest smile to try to bring light into the room again.
“Not at all,” You said, setting your folded shirt on top of one of Diana’s chairs. “But one more thing, Diana,” You felt a bit nervous about this part but if you didn’t sputter it out before you left, you knew that you were going to regret it. “I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get dinner sometime next week. To return shirts. If you’re not too busy, that is. If you are, I can just come back and-”
“Dinner sounds great,” Diana said, looking like someone had just turned on the lightbulb inside of her once more. That alone was more flattering than her acceptance, because you had done that. You turned around what Bruce’s visit was, though you still weren’t sure why he was here. “I’ve been trying to ask you for a while but everything just kept getting in the way.”
“I know what that’s like,” You said with a nod. You found a package of post it notes on her desk and scrawled down your name and number on the top sheet. “Call me?”
“Yes, yes I will,” She said with a nod. You bowed your head, gave a respectful smile to THE Bruce Wayne, then headed out of the door, closing it behind you. You didn’t walk away immediately but took in the smell of the shirt that you had borrowed. It had a hint of perfume to it, but it wasn’t strong. It had been washed since she had last worn it perhaps. But it was still faintly there.
The rest of your walk around the museum was not nearly as uneventful as it had been earlier, but as you walked home, your phone began to buzz in your pocket. Unknown number. Only one person that could be and it was a call you were very eager to take.
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random-imagines-blog · 4 years ago
Imagine Wonder Woman taking you on her next adventure - in space.
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You knew that there were life on other planets, Green Lantern had proven that. And the amount of weird things that have happened on Planet Earth; And Superman. Okay, maybe it was perfectly normal these days to know that there were lots of things out there in space.
But you hadn’t actually been out there until Diana took you. The both of you in a small Wayne craft which was capable of flying out of the atmosphere, you two were going to a small planet for a charity mission. It was something that Diana was passionate about and had invited you to come along for the ride.
“Are you alright? Not feeling lightheaded? I can still turn around-” Diana offered, but you shook your head.
“I feel great. This is amazing. Thanks for bringing me.” Seeing all of the stars around you, feeling like you were getting closer and closer to them, almost close enough to touch...
Ahh, well, it was corny but you preferred the reflection of them in Diana’s dark eyes. That was the real reason you had said yes. To spend more time with her.
“Hold on,” She said with a smile, and pressed down on a button that would make them go faster, cutting through the emptiness of space to get to the destination. You held onto the seatbelt with one hand, and onto Diana’s hand with the other, gripping onto one another tightly until you reached the small planet.
Even upon landing, you didn’t let go.
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random-imagines-blog · 5 years ago
Holding On {Diana Prince x Reader Oneshot}
Wordcount: 2380 Requested by: Anonymous Summary: After Steve’s miraculous comeback, you start to worry about your own relationship with Diana.
And there he was. As handsome as his pictures had showed, Steve Trevor received quite a bit of attention from the females in the room, though only you and Diana knew who he truly was. “Steve,” Diana said, wrapping her arms around her lost love. You knew that you had lost. The time that you had spent with Diana was over, and she was going to go back to him. Standing still was hard when you were trembling from all of the conflicting emotions going through your brain. You were happy for Diana, because you knew that she had missed him for many years - nearly four decades had passed since she had fought Ares and lost him. You were confused at how he could be here, with a youthful glow, rather than the old veteran that he should be. And you were sinking into the pits of depression, feeling your heart break in two as the woman that you had grown to love looked at someone else with such affection, it was as if you didn’t exist. You didn’t blame her, of course. If someone that you loved came back from the dead, you’d be ecstatic too. But that didn’t help you very much at that moment.
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“Excuse me,” You said, though you figured that no one was listening. You stooped only to put your glass of champagne onto a table, then turned on your heel and left the room silently, fighting back the tears that were attempting to spill. Once you were out of the main room, you went to stand against a wall, not yet wanting to go into the French air. Paris was a terrible place to be unless one was in love. Couples were everywhere, and romance covered the streets. The bridge of locks, the Eiffel tower, Notre Dame, all echoing love stories that hurt one’s ears if they had nobody to listen to it with.
You stood there alone for a couple of minutes, gathering your thoughts. Yes, it would be best just to rip the bandaid off quickly, don’t you think? Steve and Diana - if he came back, then surely it was meant to be. There was some greater purpose at hand, and God was playing the puppeteer, breaking his own rules to bring back a man from the grave. How could you compete with a handsome pilot from the second world war?
You left the building, just barely missing Diana leaving the room and looking for you where you had been lingering. She could smell your perfume, but it trailed out of the building, just as you had, and she looked towards the door with a sadness you would not have wanted to see.
You had shared a home with Diana. A beautiful, old Parisian townhome, three stories in the historic quarter, not too far from the Louve so she could walk or bike to work, depending on her mood. You could walk around and examine the beautiful architecture anytime that you wanted, so you thought it was perfect, even if it wasn’t all too close to where you were working. You’d commute for hours if it meant that you could stay with the wonderful woman. The walk home now was actually quite calming, considering what you had just went through. The cool air dried the tears away before you made it to your front door. Once you were there, you took a deep breath, brought out your keys, and unlocked the door.
Should you pack your things now, so that Diana won’t feel awkward when she comes home? You didn’t have much time to think about it, but your mind could not comprehend the idea of leaving this house. This front door that you closed behind you, where you and Diana had a hell of a time trying to get the brand new, King sized mattress through. The couch in the living room in front of you that you had found a great deal for at a furniture store and Diana managed to haggle the price even lower. The lamp that you broke during a rather intense makeout session and attempted to fix but still leaned a little to the left.
There was a noise behind you as a key entered the lock of the door. You stepped away from it, a couple of tentative steps so that you wouldn’t get hit, and then the door slowly swung open to reveal Diana. You couldn’t read the expression on her face as she stepped inside, but she was definitely looking at you, peering through the dark. After a moment, she flicked the lightswitch, and the chandelier in the entryway shone right above you.
“You left without saying a thing,” She said, frowning. “What is wrong?”
“You should have stayed there with Steve longer. I didn’t want to interrupt anything.”
“It is the craziest thing,” Diana said, coming up beside you. And as if everything was normal, she leaned slightly against your shoulder to pull her shoes off. “Seeing him after all this time,” She sighed, letting her heels fall to the floor with a clack. “It makes me feel like there is a war to fight again - it is not a good feeling.”
“What are you doing home, Diana?” You asked, once her weight was off of you. “I thought you’d want to be, I don’t know, wherever he is.”
“I think I have the right to come to my own home,” She said, annoyance crossing her perfect features. “What is wrong with you? You leave without saying goodbye, you question why I am here. So tell me - I really want to know.”
“I should think it perfectly clear.” You said, crossing your arms in front of your body. You felt insecure, you felt angry that she was forcing you to say this all outloud. “Your old love is back. It’s ... it’s everything that you wanted. Your dream come true. And now I’m just standing in the way of it so I’m putting myself out of the equation.”
You stepped past her and went towards the stairs, making your way up with the intention of packing your bags. “Y/N-” Diana started to say in that no nonsense tone of hers, but you interrupted.
“I know you cared for me, I’m not doubting that, I’m just trying to make this easier for you. Your heart has always, always preferred Steve.” You wiped the tears off of your face as you walked into the bedroom. Diana was following you, not saying anything now. “Maybe I was born in the wrong time. Maybe in the next life, but knowing my luck, my current self will pop in there and ruin everything,” You laughed to yourself, though you didn’t find it funny. “I love you, Diana, and I don’t want you to feel like you have to make a choice, which is why I’ll go. You and Steve can be together and save the world again or whatever it is that you two do together.”
“You are being ridiculous,” Diana stepped forward. She stopped you from getting your suitcase out from the closet, and slid it back in with ease. “I do not feel like I have to choose. I want you to meet him.”
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“He’s your first love, you’ve told me that,” You said, frowning at the suitcase. It was barely occurring to you that Diana was trying to stop you from leaving. You were so caught up in your own thoughts. “But you found love again and that gives me a bit of hope, you know? Not that I think I’ll be dating any time soon because honestly, you were too incredible to be real and it’s not as if I’ll find anyone else like you-”
Diana cut you off with a kiss to your lips. It was as if your mind was a bubble and it had burst from that quick action. “- Was that a goodbye kiss?” You questioned, not sure of yourself.
“I think you need to sit down and have some water.” She pressed her hand to your shoulder and guided you to the bed, forcing you to sit down. You did so, and remained there while she went into the bathroom and filled up the mouthrinse cup with cool water. “Listen to me. It was amazing to see Steve again. And he was my first love.”
“Is that supposed to help because it’s not,” You muttered, taking the cup from her and took a large drink.
“But you are my current love and the past cannot take that away from us.” Diana smiled as she watched you drink. Feeling a little embarrassed now, you kept on drinking the water, using the cup to hide your pink face. You finished it off then reluctantly set it down on the nightside table.
“So you’re not going to break up with me for Steve?” You questioned, your voice rather high-pitched. You coughed to try to cover it up. Maybe you had drunk a little too much champagne. You weren’t feeling your best self.
“Of course not,” Diana said, shaking her head. She sat down next to you and put her arm around your shoulders, pulling you in close. You could smell her perfume, which was more delicate than the woman herself. She was warm to the touch and you relished in it, cozying your head up against her shoulder.
“Let’s just blame this little meltdown on the alcohol then,” You sniffled, still stuck between crying and laughing. She agreed with you, and held you until you calmed down enough to undress and get ready for bed.
Now this was going to be damn tough. Meeting Steve Trevor, the wonderboy. Showing him around the museum that was yours and Diana’s, and shouldn’t be anyone else’s. But you told Diana that you would be as nice and as welcoming as it was possible to be, since they were intertwined. You didn’t have to like it, but you had to accept it.
And you actually found yourself growing to like the man. You by no means were going to fall for him but he was charming, you had to give him that much. And he at least attempted to learn about what was going on in the world. He had a good few decades to make up for.
“It’s all art,” Diana explained as we walked around in the sunshine. Dressed in a suit - not a man’s suit, because it was hers Diana had insisted, she still stood out from the rest of the crowd. It was hard to take your eyes off of her - but at the same time, watching Steve was so amusing. The way that he was looking at a trash can with his head slightly tilted. Amazing. You weren’t the only one who noticed, and Diana fell a step behind. “That’s just a trash can.”
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“That’s just a trash can. Yeah, yeah, yeah,”  Steve said as if he had known it from the start. You hid your snigger with a cough, though Diana caught it and gave you a stiff stare. You shrugged back in retaliation. Better to be laughing than arguing. “So you two are...” He started, looking at the both of you.
“Together,” You said, looking at Diana, knowing that in this circumstance it was a little harder for her say. “Perfectly matched, like your jacket and fanny pack.”
“I see,” Steve said, looking a tiny bit disappointed, but he hid it well. You did feel a little bad for him, though.
“Oh, actually, I think I see someone I know over there!” You pointed in a direction that was away from Diana and Steve. You didn’t, obviously, and your tone probably gave that away. But what you wanted was to give the two of them a little bit of privacy. They haven’t yet really had a chance to talk without you being nearby, not that you wanted to be. Diana had already made you feel more secure about your relationship, so leaving them alone didn’t really bug you. “I’m going to go say hi. Why don’t you come find me in a little bit, yeah?”
“Okay,” Diana said, skimming your forehead with her lips. You smiled at the two, ten made your way over to a bench and sat down. At least it was a beautiful day. You felt the sunshine on your skin, the slight breeze through your hair. There was a small group of people dancing not too far away, and they were enough to hold your attention for the next forty-five minutes while Steve and Diana seemed to speak. You avoided looking at them, letting them have their own private moment.
You didn’t notice Diana walking towards you until her shadow blocked the sunlight from landing on her arm. You put your hand over your eyes so you wouldn’t be looking straight into the sun when you peered up. “How’d it go?” You asked, seeing that Steve wasn’t with her.
“Fine,” She said, sinking down beside you, and crossed her legs elegantly. In a show of vulnerability that Diana was not well known for, she rested her head on your shoulder and her hand on your thigh.
“And us?” You felt more secure since she put herself in this position, but you still wanted to hear her say the words.
“Nothing has changed just because Steve is here,” She said, nuzzling her nose into the crook of your neck. You sighed contently, feeling her lips them on your shoulderbone.
“I hate to sound selfish but I’m definitely happy about that. I was freaked out over the idea of losing you.”
“I remember.” Diana pulled herself away and looked straight into your eyes. In hers, you saw that fire that had guided her here from her homeland, Themyscira. “You don’t ever have to fear that. I’ll protect you until the day that I die, y/n, and that includes your heart.”
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random-imagines-blog · 6 years ago
Heaven {Diana Prince x Reader One Shot}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 3304 Synopsis: After getting caught up in a battle on the streets between Wonder Woman and a villain, you end up traumatized. She continually checks on you.
The sky was getting to a shade of dark blue that was bordering onto black, meaning that the sooner that you got home, the better. But because your boss turned up late to close up, you ended up having to stay and missed the bus - which only happened to come every hour. There was no point to waiting in the same spot for an hour, making a target of yourself. So you decided to walk, keeping your arms around yourself to feel just a bit more secure, keys in hand in case anyone tried to attack. And though there was the Justice League keeping the world safe, you couldn’t guarantee that Batman was going to swoop out of nowhere and save you if some prowlers took advantage of the darkness and attempted to pull you into a dark alley. The world was still a very dangerous place.
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So when you started to hear car alarms going off a couple of streets away, you weren’t entirely surprised. You looked around you to see if there was any police, but the one car you did see went tearing down the street to the source of the sounds. Your mind raced and you quickened up your steps. Is there no end to the chaos in the damn city?
On that thought, you started to hear the screams. You then felt the earth quake beneath your feet, like something had caused the tremor on top of the surface rather than below it. Batman may not be a God but you damn well were praying to him and the Justice League right now! Aside from him and Wonder Woman, you didn’t know much about them except they were supposed to help save people. You felt overwhelmed by the fear - you remembered when the city had been taken over by The Joker, when Superman went rogue. This could be like either of those things - or worse. Really, the thought of it not being as bad didn’t even cross your mind.
You could hear the sounds getting closer. You could distinguish the police sirens from the ambulance and firetruck ones, meaning that the city was pulling out a lot of the stops to get whatever this was contained. With that, you looked for the first neon sign that you saw and ran into the place whose window held it. You ended up in a Sports Themed bar but the environment inside was hardly celebratory. The patrons were looking out the windows, but huddled in the back, hoping that would save them from any debris. The bar was a rather small one, just a boxy-type room, and two individual bathrooms in the back. The size of it didn’t make you feel any safer than you did on the street, but it was better to have people around you.
Your thoughts were soon torn out of your head. The windows by you had shattered, the glass cutting into your flesh. It was your reflexes that kicked into gear - your arm raising up to protect your face from any of the heavy damage. You were so overwhelmed by everything that was going on, that you didn’t realize that you were outside until the heavy, thick, sharp fingernails of a woman pierced into your skin, holding you in front of her. However, when you slowly opened your eyes, you found yourself looking at the determined face of a woman in gold. She looked you in the eyes, and you saw no fear in them.
Wonder Woman was standing across from you, and that made you feel slightly better - like this was going to be an ordeal but she was going to make sure that you were alright. She had a sword in her hand, and she looked very much like she knew how to use it. You focused your attention on her, for you were frightful of whatever devil was hiding behind you, using you as a shield. So your eyes caught onto the whip that was coiled up, and against Wonder Woman’s hip. She saw where you were looking, and reached for it, holding onto the thicker end, ready to wield. Your breath was caught in your throat, anticipating the action that you were now a part of.
The nails digging into your arm felt more like claws. Whoever, or whatever it was, had a strong grip. And it was determined not to let you go. It smelled of death, of decay. Wonder Woman was going to be your savior - she just had to be...
The woman in front of you started to charge. It seemed like she was coming right for you but in the last minute, she adjusted her trajectory and shot through the evil thing with her sword. With all of her might, she had gone past you - the wind that she created going through your hair as you stood as still as a statue, your eyes clenched shut to avoid seeing what exactly was happening. It was terrifying enough already.
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It must not have gone according to plan, for the demon’s grasp didn’t loosen, but rather it tightened. How this thing did not die, you didn’t know. Wonder Woman didn’t either for she gave a loud cry of anger as the thing continued to hold you tighter and to taunt her. Lights around you shattered - street lights, bar signs, the lights inside the interior of the buildings - all at once. Blue and red played against your closed eyelids as the police caught up but then those too were snuffed out.
But against the darkness, there was a golden line, shooting right through as if the sun had miraculously come out. The hands that grasped you let go, and you fell onto the ground, scraping your cheek against the pavement. Your pain didn’t stop you from getting to your feet and running blindly, refusing to open your eyes until you felt another hand take you and pull you somewhere. Despite the fear, you didn’t cry out.
“It isn’t safe to run around out there, stay here.” A voice said, and then that too was gone. You finally opened your eyes and saw that you had been pulled into an alleyway. Maybe a block or two down from where you had been captured, but you weren’t sure. You didn’t recognize the grafitti on the walls.
You took the stranger’s advice, although he clearly had not taken his own, for he was nowhere to be seen. He must have run into the street or down the other side of the alley but you certainly weren’t going to go off looking for him. Your plan was to stay right there until Wonder Woman, or the police themselves, told you that it was safe to return home. Or to the hospital, with the way that your arm was hurting.
Wonder Woman was the one who came looking for you. You had been huddled in a ball in the alleyway, cold from the wind, bleeding profusely from the arm, and near comatose from the harrowing experience. Wonder Woman picked you up in her arms, and was the one to take you to the hospital herself, bursting through the doors in full uniform. Both the people who were working and the other patients stared at her, but quickly started to hustle and bustle to get you on a stretcher and checked out.
You had managed to make it through the week. It had been hard though, and you made a lot of adjustments to how you looked at life and how you handled everyday things. You got rides home from your boss now rather than walk down the streets alone. You kept pepper spray in your pocket at all times, even during the day, though it probably wouldn’t help if something supernatural came after you once more. You had nightmares every night, which ended up with you waking up trembling, and soaking wet from sleep.
Your parents had decided that they were going to pay for you to see a therapist, since the tremors got worse over time rather than any better. Another person for you to sit with in silence, was the way that you saw it. Trying to explain the way that you had felt vulnerable and in danger in those moments was impossible. Before, you would say that you had a pretty good vocabulary. You now didn’t know any words that came close to describing how you were feeling. Your therapist wanted you to at least write down anything that came to your mind when you thought about what had happened, but the notebook stayed empty. Just approaching it with a pen and knowing that you were supposed to think back to what had happened was triggering.
The place that you lived had become messy, and disheveled to the point where you gave up trying to find anything. Diana stepped inside, and picked up the towel that you had haphazardly thrown onto your dining room table. There were empty take out containers and frozen food boxes beneath it, which sent up an unpleasant smell. They were quickly thrown into the trash bag by Diana’s strong hands, before she ventured forth to find you.
The Amazonian found you wrapped up in a throw blanket on the couch. Your TV was on, playing a nature documentary about marine life, which she turned off with a push of a button. Diana said your name softly, which she had gotten from the hospital records, along with your address. Each of those had a cost, since the nurses were reluctant, but she was worried about you. She had seen the fear in your eyes, and the way that you were shaking when you were rushed to the emergency room.
You slowly woke up, looking exhausted until you noticed that there was someone else in the room with you. You instantly jumped to your feet, reaching under the couch cushion to pull out one of your kitchen knives. Diana put her hands up to show that she meant no harm, her lasso of truth shining on her hip, bringing light to the room. That helped you calm down just a bit, but you still held onto the knife.
“You are safe here, don’t worry.” These words didn’t do much to assure you, however. As Diana moved closer to you, she veered slightly towards a floor lamp and clicked it on, flooding the room with a soft yellow light. It made you squint, since you had started to grow accustomed to hiding in the darkness.
“After I destroyed the creature, I took care of the one who had created it.” Diana explained to you. “All will be well now, there is no threat that will come into this city, or after you.”
You shook your head, and looked away from the beautiful woman who was shining in the middle of the chaos you called your home. “You don’t understand, it came after me, it held me.. it put it’s claws in me.” Diana reached out out for you, but thought better of it. She instead moved over a small pile of slippers and socks that were on the end of your couch, and took a seat there.
“If I could make that not happen, I would. Especially with how it had hurt you - I do not like to see innocent people get hurt.” You stared at her and you did see the sense of justice in her face - but that did not change what had happened to you, or make you feel any better about it. You wrapped your arms around yourself and closed your eyes for a moment, trying to ground yourself. Your mind had been rather fragile lately - anyone with eyes could see that.
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“But you should still take care of yourself,” Diana finished. She stood up slowly, then went around the room, turning on every light. Your electricity bill was already wincing, but that didn’t matter at the time. Diana brought light back into the room and you basked in it like you hadn’t before - you had been hiding in the dark where it’s safe, rather than in the light where you could truly see. With all of that light, you were finally able to see Diana clearly, and she was able to see you.
The room was messy, like the kitchen had been. But it was nothing compared to the mess that you had looked like. The fact that you were able to sit up at all was astounding to her. Diana wanted to run to you and to hold you to her breast and to instantly make you feel better. She felt that this was partly her fault because she hadn’t been able to stop the creature in time. She felt your eyes on her, and returned that, looking straight into yours kindly, showing no pity.
“I asked the hospital for your address, I wanted to see if you are okay.” Diana continued, since you weren’t talking. She would simply fill the silence up for the both of you. “I want to help you.”
There was confusion in the look that you gave to her. “I don’t need help, I’m fine.” You swatted away a stray fly that was hanging around, probably because of the garbage that had piled up - more fast food containers, balled up napkins and empty water bottles.
Diana looked around at the mess, then back at your face. She didn’t need to say a word for you to start blushing with the shame. “I’m okay, really, you don’t need to be here.” You insisted. Diana didn’t bother replying to that, but instead, she started to pick up some of the garbage and put it into the nearest bag. Her work went quickly, and then she opened up the curtains to let some of the natural light pour into the room. But you winced at how bright the room was becoming.
At that time, you were not taking care of yourself, your apartment, or anything due to the fear that you felt that the monster was going to come and drag you back to the hell that night had been. You did take a shower that night though, because of Diana’s insistence. She had come back the next day and together, the two of you tackled the kitchen which you had let go first, simply because food hadn’t become a priority - only your need to hide. In the recycling went a bunch of pizza boxes, beverage cans and the flyers that had built up in your mailbox. But all of the food that had gone bad went into the trash can, and Diana helped you to fill your fridge with better options than the fast food you’ve been living off of. She had become a major help in bringing light back to your life after the traumatic ordeal.
It was about taking it one day at a time, and Diana continued to visit you every couple of them. The beautiful Amazonian would check on you, then invite you out for a stroll to get some fresh air, and then the two of you would usually get a meal together. With sparks flying, at least on your end, it was hard to decline any of these visits so you went with her each and every time. She got a lot of attention from the locals, even when she was dressed down in a pair of hip-hugging jeans and a jacket. She never paid attention to them, unless they seemed like a shifty character. You felt like ... like someone special, since she wanted to spend time with you. You had become important to her, and her to you.
Those who didn’t understand her attachment, like Bruce, just had to get over themselves, since she would snap at them when thy tried to stop her from leaving to see you.
That horrible night had been two months ago now. The scratches on your arm had healed and left faint scars, but Diana gave you luxury creams to rub into the skin to get rid of them, spending large amounts of money on your peace of mind. You never asked her for any of them, but she had offered, and you accepted them as gifts from the person you were coming to care for the most.
Diana came over on a night when a thunderstorm was rolling into town. So, it was a rough night for you since sudden noises still tended to make you fearful. She brought take-out, and set it up on the table right as the power decided to flicker out. The darkness arrived at the same time as the loud growl of thunder made it’s way over the city, entering into the ears of most of the population. But Diana had come prepared - she brought some candles out of her bag and with a box of matches, lit each one, the smell of warm pumpkin filling the room pleasantly. Especially fitting, since Autumn was coming upon you. She breathed in the smell and smiled, then joined you at the table.
The lightning followed not long after, but neither of you knew since just for tonight, Diana closed the blinds. “You should try some of this, it’s a new recipe,” She said, scooping food onto your plate.
“It looks good, thanks.” You said, smiling weakly. You pulled a throw blanket over your shoulders, tightning it around you for extra comfort. Diana moved her chair in closer, and put the blanket over her shoulders as well, then giggled at the look of surprise on your face.
“You are adorable.” She said, poking your nose then turned the attention to her own plate. You didn’t look away from her, admiring her face in the candlelight. Diana had absolutely gorgeous features that reflected the strength that she had. She wasn’t soft, though her skin begged to differ. “It is going to get cold,” She reminded you, pushing your plate closer to you. And then she noticed that you were staring at her, and smiled. “Are you okay?”
“Perfect,” You insisted. Your attention was so focused on her that you didn’t flinch when another loud peal of thunder came from the sky. She noticed that, and took it as amazing progress.
After dinner, the two of you curled up on the couch together. Without the television to keep your attention, the two of you started to talk about that night. You finally felt comfortable enough to talk about it, and you spilled your guts about how you had felt that night, how it affected you - things that Diana had suspected but which never had been said aloud. Why you were saying this now, you weren’t sure, but Diana had made you feel so comfortable, it all came up.
You exhausted yourself by releasing all of these emotions, but you felt relieved at the same time. You were ready to pass out when the thunder let out another bellow, the wind picked up and shook at your windows and the rain pelted down loudly.
“Here, rest.” Diana said, pulling you gently so that your head was on her lap. You let her guide you down, and put your head on her lap, a pillow there so you could be even more comfortable. It was easy to drift off into a peaceful sleep with her there, her fingers playing at your scalp, going through your hair.
Turns out there could be some heaven in this hell of a world after all.
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random-imagines-blog · 6 years ago
Welcome Home {Justice League x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: @imaginehuntress Wordcount: 2685 Prompt: Can you do a one-shot of the justice league where the reader gets them to take a day off and hangout/play cards against humanity. And Alfred takes a picture and puts it on the wall saying "its as close as ill get to a family around here". I'm sorry if this request is kind of stupid. :P
Barry Allen burst into the den, holding a package above his head. He was barely seen due to his speed, but the sound of his footsteps on the ground reached your ears, and then the streak of beige that was the paper the package was wrapped in, gave him away. Slowly coming to a stop in the middle of the room, he looked at you and Bruce, who were watching the six o’clock news together, he beamed a smile worthy of a toothpaste commercial. Then he unwrapped the package like a kid on Christmas morning. He revealed a black box with some writing on it, ‘Cards Against Humanity’ which made you smirk, for you had heard about this game. Bruce though - he had no idea what was going on, and got to his feet to examine the box closer. “Are they some sort of bomb?”
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You’re first lit up into a smile, and you chuckled in Bruce’s direction. Around that time, Arthur had entered the room, hearing Barry’s excited voice and your laugh, which usually didn’t mean anything great around here. “It’s a game, Bruce.” You said, giving the vaguest explanation. “Barry, this is the best thing that you’ve ever bought, I’m so in for a round or two.”
Sitting still, Bruce snorted at the idea of playing a game. Barry, he could understand buying such a thing, but for you to be interested in playing it? Even he didn’t think that you would be that childish, and his expression said it all. “Only for adults though, Bruce, so maybe an old man like you wouldn’t enjoy it.” You’re a bit peeved off by the look on his face, and teasing was your go to in times like this.
“This game, I heard about it.” Arthur said, looking at the box, and laughed. When even Arthur, who resided in the Sea most of the time rather than the house that Bruce had made for us, knew about something that Bruce didn’t - that seemed to make Bruce’s jaw tighten. “And I am in for a round.”
Barry had gathered Victor, Diana, and Clark and set the box of cards on the middle of the dining room table, which was more than large enough to hold all of you. You had rung for Alfred and requested some snacks be brought up, because what was a game night without any snacks? You and Barry also had to take turns explaining what the game was to Bruce and Diana for they never heard of it, while Clark had some idea because of advertisements, and Victor through a quick search of the internet through his head.Turns out, it took a lot more convincing to get Bruce to play, since he insisted that he didn’t have time for such games.
“It really will be fun, I promise.” Your lower lip jutted out in your best pouty face. “You might even have a good time, and I know that it’s been a long time since you’ve had that.”
Comfortable and sitting on one of the dining chairs, Bruce sighed as he realized that everyone was looking at him. The masked hero wasn’t giving in to peer pressure, but rather, he just wanted to keep the peace - though it did help that everyone was looking excited - save for Victor who didn’t really have a facial expression - about the stupid game that they were about to play.
Barry’s enthusiasm was contagious enough to get the others excited so Bruce reluctantly agreed that he would play one round, and one only. He was mainly playing just so that he could beat Clark, however, that would give him a good time. It’s just a few minutes later that he had cards in his hand and grew more confused than ever.
“You just put down whichever one you think is funniest for the situation.” You leaned over to explain, tapping on the black card that Barry had turned over, deciding to be the judge for the first round. He squinted to read it. ‘I’ve got 99 problems but a ____ ain’t one.’
There were chuckles around the table as the players read their cards, picked one, and put it down in the pile for Barry to eventually read. Arthur’s laugh was the loudest, as per usual. He’s not one for being quiet when he wasn’t in attack mode. He slapped his card down with a laugh, and looked around confident that he was going to win.
Diana was more subtle. Her dark red lips curved into a closed-mouth smile as she went through her options. She understood the reference that the card was making, since even she could not avoid a lot of music, as much as it wasn’t to her tastes. The manicured fingers tapped on the back of the cards until she found one that she thought suited, and slid it over to the pile.
“I am so excited for this, you don’t understand,” Barry said, rustling around in his seat as if he had ants in his pants. His power just ended up making it worse, the chair nearly jumping from the ground, then roughly landing with little thuds as he anticipated the answers. A game night with the Justice League, including a grumpy Batman - he couldn’t think of anything better.
A laugh came from your mouth as you picked out your card solely by instincts and pushed it over to the growing pile. “I’m sure - wait, why didn’t we bet on this?” You looked around at the company that you were keeping tonight. Bruce especially - you’d bet all your money, what little you did have since you weren’t a big business man like Bruce or a Museum Curator like Diana - that he would lose this game horrendously. He didn’t have a sense of humor, so far as you noticed.
A card did eventually come from Bruce’s side of the table - but his facial expression made it seem like he was playing poker, not a party game. You smiled over at him, trying to bring the mood up, and watched Barry pick up the cards once everyone had chosen theirs. Looking around at everyone as if trying to be able to tell who picked which card, Barry started to read them out loud.
“I’ve got ninty-nine problems but estrogen ain’t one.” Barry laughed. You chuckled as well, finding it funny rather than offensive. It was only going to get worse from there. “I’ve got ninety-nine problems but lumberjack fantasies isn’t one of them? You’re right, I don’t see that being a problem at all.” Barry laughed. You noticed that even Bruce had cracked a smile at that one.  Barry moved on. “I’ve got ninety-none problems but oompa-loompas aren’t one. Thank god!” He laughed again, enjoying each and every card. Arthur was really getting into the game, laughing harder with each card that came up. He was the loudest of the group. “Next up - ninety nine problems but a defective condom ain’t one - wow.”
You had put forward that one, thinking it was amazingly true because you definitely weren’t having sex with anyone. You had accepted it though - dating and being a vigilante didn’t go well together. “Ninety-nine problems but extremely tight pants ain’t one.” Barry said, and then paused. A minute later, he grinned. “I think none of us would have problems with tight pants.”
You’ve always thought that Barry was a bit of a flirt when he was in a more calm state, and that was showing a little. You motioned for Barry to go on with the last card that was in his pile. Barry picked it up slowly, just to bother you, then read it out. “Ninety-nine problems but drinking alone ain’t one. I’ll drink to that one, it’s the winner.”
You looked around to see who would claim the card, and to your great surprise, it was Bruce that rose his hand. “Didn’t know you had it in you.” You grinned, clapping him on the back. Everyone else seemed to be a little in shock as well, but then they picked up another card, and the turn switched to Arthur’s.
Soon enough, Alfred came back with more snacks, more drinks and then finally, a rather big box which they all ignored at first. As the game went on, some great cards were played. You had won a couple of rounds with, ‘The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History had just opened an interactive exhibit on Bio-engineered assault turtles with acid breath, I get by with a little help from white privilege, and passive-aggressive post it notes, it’s how I want to die.’ As the game went on however, you didn’t care about all the ones you lost because you were just having too much fun.
A while passed, and Barry finally won the game overall, with Arthur in second, then Bruce surprisingly in third. “Y/N, do you mind moving over a little to the left?” Alfred asked once the laughter had slowed down.
“What are you up to, Alfred?”  You asked, scooting over your chair to the left like he had requested. He gave a slight smile, and unearthed a fancy contraption from the box that no one had asked about. Diana stood up, curiosity peeked by the sight of an antique. Her eyes lit up and she laughed, turning to look at the rest of us.
“A camera!” Diana said, leaning forward to look at it. You understood now why Alfred had asked you to move over to the left. His eyes grew excited as Diana marveled over what great condition it was in, and that she had not seen anything like it in meany years.
“Ever since you all have been spending your time here, there’s been a family.” Your face lit up in a smile, and you looked over at Bruce, feeling like you might cry at Alfred’s sentiments. “The halls of Wayne Manor could use a new family portrait, don’t you think, Master Wayne?” He looked towards his butler, more than a butler - a family member - and inhaled quickly, then nodded.
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A smile went across Diana’s face too, and she stopped examining the photo to sit back down at the table. You leaned up against Bruce, who was beside you, and put your arm around him from behind, resting your head on his shoulder. You couldn’t see what the others were doing, but you felt Arthur put one of his massive hands on your other shoulder. It’s nice, being close and relaxing like this.
You smiled widely for the camera. But the flash caught you a little offguard, so you were left hoping that you didn’t blink or recoil in the photo that was taken. You then realized that there was someone missing from this family, someone important. “Another?” You asked, getting to your feet. Hands reached out for Alfred once you got close. “It’s an old camera, but it has to have one of those timers, right? What kind of family photo would it be without Daddy Alfred?”
You took a hold of Alfred’s hands, and brought him to the table, letting Diana get up and see if she could find a way to make the timer work on the camera. What everyone else did was stand up, each one of them equally as open to taking a picture as you had been. You positioned Alfred next to Bruce, since they were the closest, and smiled at how the two of them looked together.
It didn’t take long for Diana to set up the timer, then return to the group. There was a clicking sound as it started to count down the seconds before the flash would fill the room with light and the camera would capture your likeness. You didn’t smile this time around, because no one else - save Barry - was smiling. Yet there wasn’t an unhappiness to the photo - it just showed what each of you were. It showed the strength of each person, though each individual had a different kind of strength.
The night continued on after the picture was taken, with another game of Cards Against Humanity being played, and then a couple of beers passed around. How Gotham got through the night without a murder or an explosion while the members of the Justice League were having a good time, you didn’t know. Bruce kept his eye out the window, looking for the Bat Signal every couple of minutes, but it was a clear night. Other than the stars and the moon, there was nothing to be seen except for streetlights. The Batman never took a night off, and you could see how uncomfortable Bruce was about it. He finally stopped checking at eleven though, and put himself to bed at midnight since even he had to sleep at times.
It was about one AM when you, Arthur and Barry settled down. Everyone did consider you three to be the more fun out of the Justice League, though Arthur could get quite grouchy. There were rooms for everyone inside of Wayne Manor, which had become your second home. You loved your position of being on the team but it didn’t pay much at all, and your personal apartment was nothing compared to this place.
You were invited back to Wayne Manor a week later. It had been one hell of a week too - you and Victor ended up having to attempt to capture Catwoman, which is never easy. Well, it can sometimes be easy for Bruce since they seem to have some sort of connection that you weren’t clear about. You never bothered to ask about the rich man’s lovelife - seemed like too much drama there. Which was probably more than anyone could say for yours.
You walked into the dining room where you could hear some voices. Diana’s and Bruce’s. When you stepped into the room, a new feature took over your attentions. Typically, it was rather dark in here, with a couple of antiques well on pedestals around the walls, but today it was different.
You stepped forward to one of the walls. Bruce had the curtains open which was a new thing - sunlight was streaming through but because of the frame’s positioning, it didn’t reflect off the glass which made he picture behind it crystal clear. Your face was looking out upon you, and Bruce’s, Arthur’s, Barry’s, Clark’s, Victor’s, Alfred’s and Diana’s were as well. You were looking at the picture that had been taking during game night.
I was held in place by a rich-looking wooden frame, with the word ‘Family’ engraved on the center of the bottom panel. You touched the F with your fingers, feeling how professional it was - someone had put a lot of work into this frame. Now, you understood why Alfred had wanted to take the photo in the first place.
You looked at your own face, at the hint of the smile that was on the corner of your lips and showed in your eyes. You then looked at the others and you saw a sense of ... of happiness in each of them, even Bruce. It really did make you feel like you had a family with the members of the league - something you didn’t have growing up.
You grinned like Barry had in the picture, went to Diana and Bruce and put your arms around their shoulders to bring them in for a surprising hug. A kiss went onto both of their cheeks with a loud smooching sound. “Aren’t we the greatest family or what?”
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random-imagines-blog · 6 years ago
First to Love {Diana Prince x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 4532 Prompt: can you write a one shot with Diana Prince and a reader who has feelings for her but thinks she never has a chance with Diana because she’s well... Diana, while she’s this shy/introverted/slightly awkward type, but she finds out Diana feels the same for her by having them be in a situation where Diana becomes very jealous? please? thanks!            
You had put together exhibitions before, but only the smaller ones - not that anything at the Louvre would ever be considered miniscule, art or event alike. Pulled from the best museums in the world, the Love exhibition held so many dazzling pieces of artwork that it was a tough task to put them all together in the best possible positions to get the full effect of what the exhibit was trying to portray. Perhaps it was fate that brought you to this certain project that Diana had wanted you on, considering so many of these paintings reflected the dreams that you had about her. Those ones that you would put into your diary but never act upon or think would ever come true. But those were just nighttime fancies - during the day, you had to bury them deep and act professional in front of the beautiful woman that you had come to care for over the years.
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You’ll start off the morning with a small cup of your favorite warm beverage - usually forbidden from the hallways of the Museum, but you were allowed since everyone knew how careful you were - and look over the paperwork, often signing off on things that Diana had handed to you since she didn’t have the time to look them over herself. How you got through the mountain, you never really knew, but time went by quickly and then you could proceed with a quick trip through the maze that was the famous French museum and get a feel for how things were looking. That’s how the morning was, then you would grab a bite to eat - sometimes with Diana, but usually not since she was an integral part of the Museum. Not that the afternoon would be any less busy, but instead of paperwork, it was guiding the workers into putting the art in the correct places, and not mixing up the fifteenth century art with the sixteenth for that would surely be a cultural disaster.
Realization that you were in charge of something to large, so fantasized, so famous always made your mind go into a spiral. All that you had wanted was to be close to something larger than yourself, and you found that in the art. The different pieces all made you feel different things. Slithering away for your afternoon break, you went to stand in front of your favorite piece of work that was here, the painting of Juliet by John William Waterhouse. He had painted someone who looked so much like the famous lover, that it incited a heartache in your chest that only could be soothed by one person in particular.
You knew that it was Diana. You knew all along that it had always been Diana - but it was not meant to be, of course.
Yet, whenever the two of you were together in the office, or out to lunch, or at an opening - you could never fully set aside those feelings. You couldn’t help but marvel in how she was so charismatic, so charming in manner rather than depending on the Goddess-like face that she had.
“Pardon, can you sign for this?” A man asked you. “Have you a pen though, I lost mine.”
“Ah-” You said, and felt for your pockets but found that you had no writing utensils on you. “In the office, do you think that you could follow me?”
Not for the first time, you entered the office that you shared with Diana, and found that she was in there, sitting behind her desk and doing some research on a piece that had recently come into the Louvre’s collection. It’s not the first time either that an errand boy had caught sight of her and nearly drooled himself dry.
Footsteps brought her attention to the two of you, but the only movement that she gave at the moment was a smile towards you. Paranoid that the man might think it was for him, you picked a pen off of your desk, scribbled something that half looked like your signature, and sent him on his way back to the exhibit before sinking down into your comfortable office chair to take a deep breath. The smile was enough to send your blood into your cheeks and you cursed yourself for being so shy in the presence of Diana. But still - she was such an amazing woman, who could blame you for feeling the way that you did?
When the door closed behind the delivery boy, Diana closed her laptop and turned all of her attention towards you. Fear trailed up your spine as you thought that perhaps you were in trouble for something, but another smile reassured you that this was not the case. Overcome with relief, you smiled back.
“At last, almost done?” Diana asked. You nodded and took a deep breath, then ran the back of your hand against your forehead. Blackness sometimes played at the edges of your vision from stress, that’s how hard you worked here but every single bit of it was worth it - you couldn’t wait to see everything come together.
“Moment left, mere moments.” You said. “Then everything should be set up and done, before the deadline even. Then we can finally let the public in to see everything.” Only the small things were left such as the menu planning, which the caterer was putting together for the official opening. You’ve requested some finger foods with aphrodisiac properties, like chocolates and oysters.
“Your work here might earn you a promotion, though I don’t want to lose my favorite assistant.” Diana said. Angry with that prospect, you hid it behind a laugh, trying to focus on the positive aspect - you were her favorite assistant. That said something.
“No, you won’t lose me.” You insisted. “What would I do without your guidance, Diana? Isn’t there more that I can learn from you? I don’t think I’m ready to move on, not yet.”
“I’ve got a feeling that you would do just fine.” Diana responded. A moment passed where she was examining you and you felt even warmer under her gaze. Sir Elton John would probably even be affected by a woman such as Diana - she had a way of making you feel extremely important when she looked at you. “His deliveries arrived safely, right?”
You were confused for a moment, until you realized she was talking about the delivery boy from earlier. And then another minute to recall what his delivery probably was.
“What he delivered better be safe, or else the insurance company is going to have a field day.” Kneeling in front of the men in their business suits, begging for forgiveness for a ruined piece of art worth millions of dollars - that didn’t sound like your idea of a fun time. “My trust in them is strong though, I’m sure that all is fine. To be safe, I hired a company that we’ve worked with many times.”
Dressed in a blue dress, Diana stood up and all of the other colors in the room were sucked dry in the presence of her golden skin against the blue. Perhaps it was just your imagination but the art on the walls and the books on the shelves all seemed muted. But it was probably just you.
“Y/N, I was meaning to ask you - do you have anyone that you want to bring to the opening?” Diana asked, one eyebrow arching up, her eyes sparkling with delight.
“I’d thought about bringing my mother but she’s out of town, so I’m going to have to bring my back up.” You said with a shrug. More often than not, you had brought in a parent or a relative to the openings because you knew, without a doubt, that they were proud of your work and would appreciate being invited. It wasn’t possible this time around, not for your big day, which was unfortunate. You had your good friend Ralph Dibney coming in from Central City, however, so you wouldn’t be alone. You’d never brought him to something like this before, and you had to hope that he wouldn’t embarrass you.
“Of course,” Diana said, averting her eyes. “It is unfortunate that your mother can’t come - I always liked her.”
“My mother? The one who drinks five glasses of champagne then asks the bodyguard to sneak her out a Van Gogh?” You laughed. But you did love your mother, she was always the life of the party. Thumbing through the pages of your life, you never compared to her in that aspect. Ghosts of her personality traits were inherited by you - such as your passion for art, but while she was extroverted, you tended to be a lot more introverted and preferred blending into the background. Ghosts only. But the two of you ended up becoming good friends and Diana got along great with her as well.
“Her sense of humor is always very interesting.” Diana said with a laugh, the sound reverberating through the office. The laugh brought one to your lips and you chuckled along with her, knowing that it was true. “She will be missed on opening night.”
“The party won’t be the same without her, but I hope that her replacement will fit in just as well.” A hope swelled in you that Diana may like your friend Ralph, and that he wouldn’t embarrass you too much, considering the fact that he often spoke without thinking. With the art that was going to be on display, he was sure to make a lot of nudity jokes.
On the night of the opening, you spent more time on your appearance than you normally would - simply because the whole theme was romance, and perhaps with enough champagne, you might be able to convince Diana to give you a hug. No, maybe just a handshake or a brush of arm against arm, you would settle for that alone. You wore the most luxuriant and expensive garment that you had bought specifically for this purpose. Just for tonight, you would wear red, something that you normally avoided because it was so ... so ostentatious and you usually preferred to fit in. Had you of gone shopping by yourself instead of with a good friend, you might not have picked it out for yourself but they had insisted, and it fit like a glove in the fitting room.
Or maybe you should go with something understated, you didn’t know. You were feeling all sorts of confused but when the car pulled up to your house, you didn’t have time to change into something black as you normally would, but were forced to walk outside in the Paris streets to go into the black town car that Ralph had taken to pick you up.
“But the plane ride across the ocean was fine, thanks for asking.” Ralph said, getting rid of the silence the moment that the car door closed behind you. You laughed, missing his easy sense of humor and leaned in for a hug.
“I was going to ask eventually.” You chuckled, and gave him a peck on the cheek. Best to make sure that he is happy or else it was going to be nothing but negative wise cracks all evening. “I think you look amazing in suit, why don’t you wear one more often, Digby?”
“What, and feel like a monkey all the time?” Ralph asked, preferring his more casual jackets and long sleeved shirts to this suit and tie combination. What wouldn’t be do for you though, since you offered him this trip to Paris. “If I look good though, you’re going to be stealing the show, look at you all dressed in red.”
“But are you sure that it isn’t a bit too ... much?” Just as the familiar feelings of insecurity started to bubble up inside of you, Ralph shut them down with a quick shake of his head. “As an American, I’m not sure I should take your opinion on style, anyhow.” You teased. Instead of getting offended, Ralph just laughed.
“To me, there’s nothing better than an entire denim outfit or underwear with the American Flag all over it.” You laughed even harder at that, and as the car pulled up in front of the Louvre, you were in high spirits. Yet, seeing the amount of people who were going in - high up museum officials, investors, charity groups, artists and local celebrities, you felt your nerves going a little high again.
Sliding towards the door, Ralph paused before opening it, and looked at you. “As I am always a curteous date, I got you something.” You stared at him blankly until he reached into his inside pocket, delicately plucked what was tucked inside and held it out to you. A rose was now in his hand where before there was nothing - like a little street magic show.
“God, you’re such a dork. How did you even get this - you came straight from the airport?”
“And that’s a secret that I’ll never reveal.” Ralph said with a smug look on his face. You stared at him, not blinking, knowing that he would give in. “There was a florist at the airport, come on, you’re smarter than this.”
“You might just be smarter than your face would give you credit for.” Ralph smiled, despite it being a backhanded compliment and finally opened the door to the car and slid out. You took hold of his hand and stepped out of the car as well, using his grip to help you to your feet. You smiled at the photographers who were around - the press was just for the local magazines, newspapers and the museum’s webpage. No doubt, they would only be publishing the pictures of Diana for she would always appear to be the star of the show.
Of course, she spotted you before you spotted her which seemed to be the case. She hurried over to you, and you took her appearance in with wide eyes and stunted breath. She looked absolutely stunning, not that she normally didn’t, but she went all out. Diana’s Burgundy gown made you suddenly feel like you were just a kid playing dress up compared to her.
“Let’s look at you! How beautiful you look!” Diana said, putting an arm around your shoulders and looked you over. You noticed that she didn’t even look at Ralph, which was strange because she was always so outgoing and happy to meet new people. Reflexively, you blushed and looked down at the cobbled tiles that you were standing on.
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She continued admiring you for another minute, then gave a side glance over at Ralph who adjusted his bow tie and gave a grin to impress. He hadn’t laid eyes on Diana before and he was smitten, like all other people who set their eyes on her. “A beautiful night for art, isn’t it? What a pleasure to be in Paris! I am Ralph Dibney, y/n might have mentioned me?”
Life wasn’t seeming real as Diana brought her face in close to yours and smiled for the photographers. As Ralph was being ignored, he put an arm around your waist and smiled his big ol’ smile as well, trying to at least get some of the attention. And once the photo-ops were finished, Diana started to lead the way into the museum.
Suddenly, you were able to see how everything had come together. She had given you the power to execute your plans the way that you had wanted to and everything with the new exhibit looked better than you had dreamed. You grabbed yourself a glass of champagne from the server that was going around with a tray of them and sipped at it slowly, taking in the splendor of all of your work.
Something for everyone was here - even Ralph found himself attracted to some of the works despite his idea of art being cheeto Elvis or something of the sort. Oh, he kept looking at the nude works of art, of course that was him, but you obliged by following him around and smelling the flower that he had given you when he was busy admiring the work. He had already forgotten about Diana’s brush off but you hadn’t.
She followed the two of you around, you noticed, and looked at the flower that you were holding. She questioned you about it with only a glance and a raise of the eyebrow. “He picked it up from the airport, isn’t he sweet?” You said, holding it out for Diana to smell.
“My perfume is overwhelming it,” Diana denied, politely. “That’s nice of him, though - does he come to visit you often?”
But your attention was called away from Diana by another server coming around with hor d’oeuvres. Diana and yourself took a little piece of chocolate each, and smiled at the server. “There’s a first time for everything - usually I have to go over to America to see him.”
“Only you go to see him? There is ... unfairness in that.” The beautiful woman said. Wrote under the paintings surrounding you were quotes from famous literature which seemed to correspond with the art, and you stopped to read one, then replied to Diana.
“Deep down, it does upset me a little that I have to do all the traveling, but I have more than just him back in Central City. Even just these couple of days are nice.” The smile on your face was genuine - you did miss a lot of your friends back in the United States, and seeing Ralph brought back nothing but good memories. Some were more silly than others, but they were all good.
Everybody seemed to have a good time, you noticed. Silently after the conversation, Diana had drifted away and Ralph returned back to your side and linked his arm with yours proudly. But your eyes kept going to the beautiful woman in red.
Ralph was on his best behavior throughout the night, and it was something that you greatly appreciated. Why, before the official tour would start, you even gave him a peck on the cheek.
And then the rest of the night got a little bit odd. It started when Diana returned to you after greeting the head curator, and she stayed on your other side throughout the evening. The fact that she was so close did excite you somewhat though it did make your cheeks turn nearly the same color as your dress when took your hand to show you something. In time, the group came to the painting that reminded you so much of Diana, and as you looked at her in her profile, you wondered how it could have compared at all in your mind. The bone structure of Diana was so much stronger and aesthetically pleasing than any brush could put to words. At the mention of Juliet, your mind replayed all of the fantasies that you had about this woman and how, just by her holding your hand, some of them were coming true. It was odd, you thought, but enjoyable nonetheless.
The rose transfered from being tucked into your sleeve to your hand whenever you didn’t have a drink with you, and you did take sniffs of it every so often and smiled at Ralph to thank him for such a gift - it wasn’t very much like him but appreciated nonetheless.
The exhibition went extremely well - after the tour was over and the last of the food was being handed out, you were complimented for your hard work by more people than you thought that you would be, even by the head of the museum. He shook your hand and said that he would make a note of your name for future considerations.
“Not only have you done some great work here but everyone has said that you are pleasure to work with, keep it up.” At the President’s words, you started to feel a little better about yourself, and when you turned to look over at your company for the evening - Diana and Ralph, they were both beaming at you.
“I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity,” You told the President, who then moved on to talk to some of the patrons and investors who were getting ready to leave.
“Where are you going after this is done?” Diana asked, approaching you with a half-drunk glass of champagne delicately held in her long fingers.
“On my way home, I guess.”
“Yes, I’ll be taking y/n straight home,” Ralph interceded.
“You are?” Diana asked, looking at Ralph and then at you. “And you will excuse us for a moment, please, I’d like to talk to y/n in my office.”
The smile on Diana’s face looked a little more forced than usual and so you were more than motivated to go with her to see what was the matter. Ralph took it all in stride and said that he would go make sure that the car was ready while you two spoke.
You walked with Diana away from the remaining guests, through the maze-like hallways to the office that the two of you occupied. For privacy’s sake, you closed the door behind the two of you, then went to your desk, putting the rose in the vase that usually held your pens. “So Diana, are you okay?” You questioned when she was silent for a moment. Your currently theory was that perhaps she was feeling a little insecure for showing up to this alone when just about everyone else had a date.
“So who is Ralph?” What you were expecting was far from that. Maybe she liked him - that might break your heart a little bit but you would support your friends no matter what.
“Ralph, like I said, is a friend of mine. I met him when I lived there for a couple of years.”
Diana crossed her arms and approached you, her eyes shifting from the hem of your garment up towards your face. “He is just a friend?” The question sounded more like a statement coming from her lips, and you wondered where her confusion was coming from. Join the club - you were getting confused now as well.
“Of course he is just a friend.” You told her, backing up against your desk until you could go no further unless you wanted to actually sit down on it. “Are you feeling alright Diana? You’re acting .. strange.”
Diana came closer, even as you had backed away, and her hard expression had turned to a soft one. She laughed lightly, eyes downcast before flicking back up to yours. “I had thought... for a moment that you two...”
This time, you had joined her in the laughter. As lovely as Ralph could be on the rare occasion, there was absolutely no way that was going to happen. You had thought about dating in the past, but you had thought that it would be cruel to give anyone hope while your heart hopelessly belonged to Diana. “No, nothing like that has ever happened, nor would it.”
But the confusion came back to you once more, and you ventured to ask, “Would there be a problem if it was?”
“No, I would be happy for you.” Diana swallowed. “But seeing the two of you did make me feel jealous. I had wanted to ask you to come tonight with me.”
Your brain couldn’t comprehend the thought of her having any sort of want for a date with you. It never even crossed your mind that it is what she could have meant. “I’m sure many people would have loved for you to ask them - you don’t need to bring your assistant.”
“I do not want to bring anyone else, and I didn’t want to bring you as my assistant. I wanted you as my date.” The beautiful woman said, running her tongue against her ruby red bottom lip. You looked away for a second and laughed to yourself, much like Diana had done earlier. She must clearly be joking.
The fact that Diana was still looking at you when you brought your gaze back to her made you doubt that for a second, but only for a second. She rested a manicured hand on your shoulder, smoothing out the sleeve of your garment. “But you brought him, and it made me feel jealous. I had to get you alone to tell you how I felt as soon as possible.”
Her confession did give you a bit of hope. Did the president have a camera rolling in here as part of a joke show? If so, they were going to get exactly what they wanted because all of your dreams had lead you to this point. You were falling for it.
“Diana, if you had asked me first ... I never would have brought anyone here. I would have picked you everytime.” You admitted, since now seemed to be the time for the truth to come out. “I never thought in a hundred years that you would ... want me to go with you. You could bring anyone, you know that.”
“You should move on from those childhood insecurities.” Diana said, moving her hands up your neck to rest on both of your cheeks. “I see how you hide yourself, you should not. You are strong, you are powerful, you are beautiful. More than you think that you are.”
You could feel parts of your body starting to fall asleep as all the blood rushed to your face in that moment. Your mouth opened to take in the air, and Diana’s eyes went to your lips. She moved in slowly, and you knew that it was because you could stop her if you wanted to this way. But you didn’t want to stop her.
In the dark office, with only lights coming in from the window, you shared your first kiss with Diana. It didn’t have the fireworks, or the drama that you had come up with in your daydreams about this moment, but it was perfect nonetheless. And when she finally moved away, her fingers moved to your lips to wipe away some of the lipstick transfer.
“You’re admitting all this because I made you jealous with Ralph?” You asked, once you caught your breath again. You let out a shaky laugh as she nodded. “I’ve got other friends, I can bring another one to the next event if that means you’ll kiss me again.”
Diana laughed, took your hand and squeezed. “Don’t you dare. You’ll either accompany me as my date, or I won’t show up at all. No compromises.”
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random-imagines-blog · 6 years ago
Imagine being Diana’s soft spot.
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When Diana looked out at the people that were being affected by this war, she only thought of you. Every man and woman here was important, every child would grow up to be someone that would be loved and taken care of. She saw bits of you in each person and that’s how she knew that she had to protect them. You may have been waiting back home for her, but you were there with her in spirit.
When she rose her sword up against an enemy soldier, she imagined taking down someone who was trying to hurt you. Every time she blocked an attack with her gloves, she knew that she was preventing a reason for you to be upset. Every step that she took brought her closer to ending the war and getting back to you.
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random-imagines-blog · 8 years ago
Imagine spending a day with Diana, and introducing her to your world.
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“This is .. wonderful!” Diana said. You had taken her to your favorite bookshop. It was a used one, so it wasn’t as plushy and fresh as Barnes and Nobles and the other higher end bookstores, but it was cozy, smelled of the pages of books rather than coffee, and had a very loving feel. “So much knowledge and information! So many stories!”
“There’s probably some stuff about you, from the past.” You said, going towards the history section. This was the final place that you were taking her before the day ended. You had already been to the movies, to a board game cafe, to your favorite restaurant and then to a rock-climbing and mini-golf place which Diana seemed to enjoy.
“I don’t need to read about my past.” Diana said, stopping you with a hand on your shoulder. She was smiling anyway. “I need to know what new things you are going to show me tomorrow!”
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diana-riverflowshere · 6 years ago
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random-imagines-blog · 8 years ago
Imagine planning a surprise party for Diana.
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The ladies were giggling as they heard the familiar sound of boots on floor echoing throughout the chamber. You glared at them and turned a bowl ever so slightly so that the food within would look more appealing to the angle you knew Diana would be coming from.
When the thick doors opened, everyone shouted surprise and flowers were thrown everywhere to welcome Diana to the surprise birthday party that you had planned for her. This was the first time you had ever attempted something like this - normally everyone respected Diana’s wishes of a quiet birthday but you felt the need to celebrate her life.
Diana was very surprised. Flowers caught in her hair and she looked straight towards you, an eyebrow raised and her mouth hanging slightly open. You went straight up to her, put a soft touch on her chin and raised it up so her mouth would be closed. You sealed it with a kiss on her lips. “Happy birthday my love. The food is fresh, and all of your favorites.”
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