#people come and go all the time so dont worry youll always have someone to enjoy. athing with
todayisafridaynight · 19 days
how does one cope with their friends losing interest in the interest we all collectively bonded over 😔 All my friends are losing interest in yakuza except for me stuck in this hell hole
Friends are all around you in fandom you just gotta talk to em. Like me hi :]
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noellefan101 · 7 months
Too Scared to Let Go(To Lose You)
Characters; Lynette, Navia, Xiao, Scaramouche, Lyney, Kaeya, La Signora x gn Reader
Summary; they wont let go of you, no matter what. They can't protect you from harm when they aren't there, so they hold you close to ensure you're there. they've already lost so much.
Warnings; angst, maybe a little bit yandere,
Notes; i did the obvious like xiao, scara, signora and stuff but if i make a part two ill maybe put someone like barbara or nilou in, but that would just be them having intrusive thoughts... probably. will add diluc and venti there as well dont worry, love you
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She always thinks that you're going to die at some point, get kidnapped or just straight up leave, these thoughts come up once every week or so. But when your out and about or just working late, her thoughts run faster than ever. Of course she has lyney and the rest of the house, but she's just gotten so used to being with both lyney and you now that it doesnt quite feel the same. So her solution is often to hug you as tight as she can when sleeping, hoping you wont disappear in the morning.
And of course you try and help her as much as you possibly can, reassuring her that you wont leave and that youll find a way to get back to her no matter what happens when out and about, but that sometimes just doesnt cut it.
She doesnt cry often, but when she does its a lot, tears streaming down her face for an hour or two, and even longer if you, Lyney and Freminet aren't there with her.
She cant let go of you in the morning, it was always like that, but it had gotten so much worse after the loss of her two beloved bodyguards. She often mumbles in her sleep about you and how she wants you to stay. Something along the lines of:
“no… no, don’t go, stay… please!! Just stay with me!”
“please stay… stay with me… where did you go… no, come back, please…”’
“[name]… please stay with me… please… just stay…”
You have to wake her up when it seems like she’s panicking and try your best to comfort her, but sometimes she just doesn’t get any sleep because she wants to make sure you don’t disappear while she is asleep. She is of course the same shining Navia when around other people like the Traveler and Paimon, but everyone can see that she doesn’t want to let go of you at all, fearing you’ll vanish if you leave her line of sight for even just a second, its like you’re glued to her.
If people ever see you, they know for a fact that Navia is also there, no matter what. Oh, you want to go over and wish your friend a happy birthday, well she can carry a gift for them with her so you don’t have to. You wanted to cook something but is missing one singular ingredient, you can you go get it together, don’t worry she isn’t putting back anything for it (she totally is, and has multiple offers and such she should be taking a look at rn).
He says he shouldn’t be near you all the time, but doesn’t let go when you make him give in to his desires. He’ll hurt you, and you know that, so why are you still here with him. Wait, no, he isn’t trying to make you go away, please don’t, ever. He just cares about you enough to not want you getting hurt because of his karmic debt, he loves you too much to let that happen. But the thought of you leaving him fills his mind more than the karmic debt at times, he dreads it, the fact that you’ll leave eventually, he doesn’t care if its by choice or fate, just don’t. please, please, please don’t leave, just stay with him, please.
He doesn’t want to let go, but feels he needs to, you tell him its fine yet he feels like it isn’t. it feels like he’s hurting you every second of being with you, yet he doesn’t try to let go, he doesn’t even give the thought a chance. you say you’re fine, yet he feels like you’re not. He
feels like hes hurting you, he’s hurting more because of it. But then why does it hurt more without you, why, oh why. What have you done to him, just what did you do that made him so addicted to you. Swear you’ll never leave him ever, and he will do the same, as long as you’re here with him he swears he wont hurt you, he’ll break the karma in half for you, he’ll do anything. Just don’t leave him, please don’t.
Everyone would say he’s too cocky, confident, and mean. But that’s all because he doesn’t let them see the vulnerable side of him, the leftovers of Kunikusuhi, the side he only shows to you. He shows you they way he cries at the mere thought you could leave him one day, he sobs in your chest as you comfort him and let him focus and anything but the nightmares haunting his being. He wont ever be like that with anyone that isn’t you, he doesn’t give a shit about them they can do whatever, but you have to stay.
He doesn’t care about all the others as long as you don’t leave him too, he doesn’t care about anything other than you. So please, please don’t leave him, ever, he would watch the world burn over and over again as long as he has you.
If you ever told anyone that the 6th harbinger, scaramouche, cries at night just because you left to go get a glass of water, they would call you crazy, say he’s never cried in his life that you must have seen things. But you know its true, and he does too, even if he doesn’t like to admit it. He knows you wont go, you always say you wont, but he just cant let himself to believe you, not when he’s been lied to so many times. He worries too much about you and he knows that, but how could he not, he loves you, and will never let you leave him because you love him too, right?
Although he may be the confident, charming and romantic magician Lyney everyday in public, when he finally lets go of the role at home he’s nowhere near that. He cries just because he wanted to see you and he finally did, he worries about not being able to save you someday. He’s a worrywart to say the least
If you were gone for too long, whether on a mission from father or anything else really, he would not be calm at all until you come back. he would only be rather calm after he got a letter from you or in one of his shows where he put too many layers of masks on to hide it. he wants to think that your ok, just as Lynette say you are, you're strong. but he still cant help but worry,and he ends up panicked and stressed, without sleep, too tired to think sbout anything else other than you. dont leave him, he wouldnt survive without you.
That's why you cant leave him. hell lose his mind, and destroy everything around him in the process. he cant let you leave, so please, please don't. his heart is already fragile, it beats only for you now, so don't leave. don't leave. don't... please... please don't, he cant handle that. so, please, don't leave him, ever. stay right here with him, forever.
He doesnt remember his birth parents, he hates them but a little bit, but mostly because they left him, he cant handle thinking about them. and it only made his pain worse when he lost the people he called his family once again, so he cant afford to lose anything else, not when he feels completely at home once again. you are his home now, his family, and his joy. so don't leave or he might lose his mind and start ruining himself from the inside and out.
He loves you, a lot, you're his reason to continue in life. so if he ever sees you leave he would cry, even if all you are doing is leaving his office after giving him his lunch, he would shed a tear at the sight. his heart is fragile ok? He can't bear to lose his life once again, not after his parents left, not after his adoptive family left too.
Don't go, stay, stay right here with him and everything will be fine. i will all be fine, you trust him after all, and he won't let anyone touch you, let alone hurt you. you're safe here with him, don't worry about them, worry about him. you've got him wrapped around your finger without even knowing, you could want a certain sweet from Inazuma and he'll get it as fast as possible. you can get anything you want, ok? The only condition is that you stay right here with him, and only him.
La Signora
She swore she wasn’t going to fall for anyone after her first lover died, so why did she fall for you, how did she fall for you. Honestly you don’t know and she doesn’t either, she doesn’t know how you were able to melt her ice cold heart back to normal, even if only around you and you only, if anyone else is around it freezes back quicker than lightning can strike. She thought she wasn’t able to love again after he died, but you proved her wrong, so you can’t leave too. She cant deal with the death of her lover once again, so don’t leave her, ever.
You hug her in the night as she cries a little, mad at you for leaving her in her dream, but still not mad at you, as her anger is mostly to the world for doing this to her. But don’t worry, she’ll fall asleep eventually as she always does, she does need her beauty sleep after all. But that doesn’t mean she’ll wake up and easily let go again or just get out of bed, she’s stubborn and want you all for herself a little longer. She makes you talk a little as you carefully brush her hair like she taught you to do, and she relaxes a bit when you tell her you love her while kissing her head.
As long as you promise you wont leave her, and keep that promise, she’ll love you forever, she cant bare to see you go out the door even if its just for groceries, someone else can do that don’t worry. Just come and relax with her in a bath, she can wash your hair and you can wash hers. She’ll take care of you like you take care of her, just don’t leave, please. If you ever left her alone for too long she would freak out, she does everything with you, baths, shopping, paperwork even, so she cant bear to be left alone for longer than 30 minutes or she’ll panic. So don’t leave her please, please, please don’t, she’ll even beg for you to not leave her, just stay here with her.
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Thank u for reading this, i know this took a long time and I havent posted things these few like weeks I think but I may have writers block(idk why I say it like that) and this was made over like a few months actually heh, luv ya
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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angeart · 11 months
Tips for not getting stressed out from writing, coming to you live from someone who has done this for 18 years and got a degree in it:
- remember that you write for fun. This is the big one. You write because on some level you enjoy it. Sometimes you gotta lasso that abd reel it into your heart and hold it there so it stays.
- keep compliments close at hand. And i do mean this literally. I print out AO3 comments and friends compliments and keep them in a jar to pull them out at random when I need a little brain boost. I keep a folder of screenshots of nice things people have said on my pc.
- accept that not every day is going to work out. Even the best authors have days where the words wont work, days where they wont flow at all. Its okay to take a step back and not worry about it. Refer to my first tip: youre doing this for fun, you dont have to force yourself
- get silly with it. If youre really having a day where you want to write and its not working and its frustrating you but you cant put it down it is TIME for the sillies. Set a tiner. 5, 10 minutes. Write whatever comes to your brain. Fully turn your editor off. I get sentences like "And the doh turned blue and whacked rhe tennis ball with its tail into the bridge". Utter nonsense. It helps to get the wiggles out
- handwriting can also be helpful. I keep several journals, and glitter pens, and fun markers - sometimes doing the task physically instead of digitally helps to get the wriggles out.
- sometimes you have to accept an idea is not working. It takes experience to figure out when this is, but youll get there. Come at ideas from different angles, back out entirely and rewrite older scenes to make new scenes work.
I hope these help you!!!
thankyouuu for sharing these!!! <3
it's true that the positive comments are always a great motivation. maybe i need to start a collection for myself. indulge a little. (shut up the eternally dissatisfied part of my brain-)
i'm honestly struggling to find a balance between knowing i write for fun, and the pressure of it. (they're happening simultaneously, sometimes seemingly too closely intertwined.) but maybe one has more weight than the other, and i have to realise that only one of those should really hold any priority.
i'm very tired now, but i'll be rereading all these again later and letting them settle in gently. thank youu
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luffyvace · 9 months
Zoro x male reader headcanons
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from my list on my profile :)
btw keep in mind there will be no ‘dom’ in this relationship for these headcanons. i have nothing against it as long as it’s still sfw so don’t be afraid to request that :).
zoro wouldn’t stand for a weak s/o
he doesn’t wanna have to worry for you
so if your weak he’ll make you train with him
and if your not ‘great! let’s spar!’
it doesn’t matter if you use swords or a weapons at all
yall gon spar.
y’all prob fight even more than him and sanji at this point
but not actually angry fight—spar fight
he’ll even teach you his no swords style if he has to 😭
also he’s not a huge cuddle bug or anything but he’s always warm
he’ll grunt if you snuggle up to him for warmth but won’t move you or anything
another thing—he always has your back
especially in fights
not really in petty arguments with other people tho
he might join in on it but not on your side
just to tease you
but you know he means no harm
except for with ero cook
then he’ll team up with you
zoros love languages are quality time and acts of service for sure
zoros quality time looks like working out together,
trying to understand whatever hobbies you like
drinking contests
sitting in solidarity silence
and his acts of service is
saving your butt in battle
going shopping together
any little favor you need really
if your carrying something heavy and almost drop it he’s got you
he shows he cares in little ways like that
zoro is the one to tell it like it is in the straw hats
like he did when usopp left
and he won’t be afraid to call you out on your crap if your wrong
hes not trying to alienate your or something
he just wants you to realize what your doing and change to be a better person
youll have to stop him from getting into trouble btw
like the time he almost shanked charlos
and you always makes sure he doesn’t get lost :)
may or may not come of with nick names for you depending on what you look like/do a lot
like with sanji and ero cook
but they’re less insulting
if your a more excitable person he won’t mind same with being a chill person
hes indifferent about a lot of things
hes chill with 90% personalities and 100% of looks
the 10% of personality he doesn’t like is sanji’s
apologies to sanji kinnies :)
you and zoro kinda always end up going wherever the other goes
like y’all are always together but like not on purpose
it’s cute to robin and nami
zoro would open up to you about his past a good amount of months into the relationship
but it won’t be at random
itll probably happen after you open up to him about yours
then he starts thinkin
’should i tell him?’
he decides he’ll take the opportunity when it comes to him
it was a much needed conversation that let him get a lot off his chest
especially about kuina
he never directly told anyone about who she was
he always just says i promised someone
or his childhood friend
but he never went into depth
which is just even more confirmation that he really loves and trusts you
communication with him is actually pretty good
some topics might get skimped though
if he does something you don’t like subconsciously
dont hesitate to come to him about it
it won’t offend him
he’s a tough cookie anyways he’ll be alright
plus he’s all about betterment
so he’s open to criticism as longs as your being genuine and not sarcastic
he’s also most likely to take it if it’s from you
yall trust each other with y’all lives 100% on another note
if you wanna go on dates?
ya mean drinking contests?
nahh jk
but it won’t be anything sappy because he refuses to take any advice from love cook
just chillin somewhere peaceful on an island
hopefully you have navigation skills or at least not his sense of direction so y’all don’t get lost 😭
don’t let him lead btw
he’ll try to and insist he knows where he’s going
no he dont
stop him
you have to be stern or he’s going his way
hes kinda stubborn
you love that part of him too tho
i’m proud with the way these came out!
i hope any guy that reads this enjoys because there is 100% a lack of male content- so here you are! :)
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2bit-sunshine · 1 month
Hi everyone im danny and im feeling good for once in my twenties. Have been since about may. I cut off an old friend who mistreated my best friend. Ive helped my friends a ton. Im working on a security clearence for work. I am feeling much more confidant driving than i have ever. Ive bern socializing a lot and playing games like i used to. Ive been world building again and spending more time with my dog. Im working on my health and am actually confident in my body in a way i havent felt since i was thin as a waif. But i havent really lost a lot of weight.
The world is bleak and i worry and i hurt and i grieve all the people suffering out there. But right now my life actually feels. Worth it. My life is worth it. I havent thought about how id kill myself in months. I still dont have someone or someones to be intimate with and that hurts as it alwayd has. But im doing better
I am better
Idk. I really thought id be dead this time 12 years a go and i would be too dead to care about anything. I didnt think id be alive before i felt any kind of content or ambition to do more. But here i am. Im feeling content. And i want more too.
I know it sounds cliche at this point. But it does get better. I know it could get worse. But this feeling i have. This happiness? Its worth it. Its worth it to endure the bad times. Because while nothing lasts forever. The bad doesnt last forever either. I think part of it was acceptance of the things i had no power over and the things i could control, i have all the power to do so.
I alsl have amazing friends. I used to think people barely tolerated me and hated me. I spent years being told that if people didnt want me around they wouldnt have me around. I told myself it sometimes but never felt it. Never believed it.
But i do now. I believe it now. You gotta keep telling yourself those words of advice your loved ones give you. They will make sense one day. You will feel them when they are true. Your demons and shadows are not what defines you forever.
I worry so much for my friends who have such troubles still. I worry ill fall back into old habits. I worry some tragic thing is going to show me what im really made of. But it will be okay again. The sun will shine again. The spring will come again, however brief. The birds will sing again. The stars will always shine.
Idk. If youre reading this and having trouble. With yourself or your friends or your lovers or your family. It does get better. It might need time. It might be a long time. Its taken me over 2 decades to feel happy like i imagine i was as a child. And it hurt a lot along the way amd i made so manh mistakes amd fuck ups and lost friends and lovers.
Ive sat by while people get hurt. I wondered if i could even be forgiven for that.
The answer was yes. In a way. And sometimes it was no.
I cant change the past and some things shouldnt have happened. Shouldnt have at all. But they did and here we are. What to do now?
Forward. The only direction that really matters is forward. So forward i go. We go. Youll go.
The most important step is the next one.
You got this friends.
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avathestarwarrior · 1 year
i'm confused, whats making you think that were forgetting you? people are going to think your fine after time passes unless you want people to always think your in a constant state of something being wrong. you have to reach out for us to know, we cant read your mind.... i think you may have imposter syndrome… saying that were are are lying to you when we have nice things to say about your art and characters. like… deep down you think everyone is making up there care for you because you somehow dont believe you deserve it. like this comes from self hate. you but you have to remember, those are hateful thoughts that are sabotaging the love people do have for you, and is holding you back towards what uyo care about like your art.... Honestley? your art may not be the issue here.i think its your mindset and attitude. your going to need to learn to love yourself if you ever want to eccept that others do, or youll just push everyone away by calling us liars and rejecting genuine effort on our part this isntt meant to be an attack towards you but, it really needs to be said. people here has always been nice to a lot of people, no matter skill Thats probably why artists who suck more than you do at art are getting Interactions but you aret, which by the way is a really rude o say your friends suck like ahta. this attitude of yours could totally be why people arent talking with you ithink to the oc tournament a few moths ago when you kept saying i'm going to lose anyway and kept putting yourr self down the whole time that negativity makes others feel bad and just takes away the fun. i remember feeling bad myself when i had my main character participate because i knew you would beat yourself up over it and here you are doing the same with your art. is not selfish to want frind its not selfish to want to better art And no you shouldnt lie about how you feel just to make people happy But what is absolutly harmful is attacking yourself everytime it go quiet and putting those who care about you down. it makes it were those thoughts do become true, were people do start to not like you because you have no faith in them when they tried to work with you and even worse, it continued that cycle of self sabotage so its done again and again. that s your hiking As someone who thought i was a good friend of yours until seeing this i am hurt... . i want to keep folowing you but it hurts to being called a liar even after our character interactions in the past maybe take a step back and maybe work on yourself before bringing this up again. the problem isnt your art, it isnt others lying to you and it isnt YOU either... the problem is this mindset and negative attitude of yours that needs to be stopped if you want any hope in that changing, especially your freindships maybe work on improveing your art after yourself....
Thank you for this long ask/venting. I guess I was indeed being a bit selfish and just not trusting others. Maybe I should really change up my attitude after all. I'll try my best to just stop thinking negativily and to just "enjoy" art, not being pressured about it. Thank you again for this. But I think for now, all I need is a bit of a break. But like, IDK if I would like to take a break since I would realllly be behind all the updates of other characters and all, so yeah, I'll just be less active here. But don't worry, I'll still be posting random stuff! So yeah-
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randombubblegum · 2 years
Sorry if its silly but do you have any advice for someone going to their first show alone? i get really anxious over even the smallest things so its very daunting
omg NO its not silly at all!!!!! im also a very anxious person and this has been something that ive actively worked on being chill with over the last few years so i have tips ^__^ 💕
the first thing to remember: nobody is gonna think ur lame or friendless or weird if u go to a show alone. ur brains gonna try to convince u everyone notices but i prommy nobody could give less of a shit. tons of people at ur show will also be there alone!!!! and since ur all there bc u love the same band, u can strike up a convo in line/in the pit and come out with new buddies!!! ive made rly sweet friends this way!!!!!
once the music gets going u wont even think about being there alone, ull just be having a blast!!! and its SOOO nice being alone sometimes bc u dont have to worry about ur friends not having fun, or them being less into the band than u, or keeping track of anyone in case u get jostled in the pit. its freeing!!! and u can get there as early as u want to get barricade lol
the most nerve wracking thing TO ME is waiting outside to meet the band alone. but ive done it!!! several times!! and its always been nice bc i dont have to worry about my friends getting bored or wanting to leave ^__^ ive met bad suns and coin and hunny by myself and they all make me literally act like a tiny terrified prey animal bc i get so shy but its always totally fine actually. and the ppl waiting outside with u will end up being ur buddies by the end of the night :)
im rly lucky that i have friends to go to shows with more often than not LATELY but ive gone to A LOTTTT a lot of shows alone in my time and i always have a blast. its so worth it!!!! its more fun to go alone and rock out than drag a friend who doesnt like that music with you and worry theyre bored lol.
overall my takeaways are: dont worry bc nobody else cares that ur there alone, ull have a ton of fun no matter what, youll 100% meet new pals at the show anyway, and it gets easier every time u do it :-) have fun!!!!
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mde1011 · 3 years
some quotes from the first hour and a half of wilburs stream today
⁃ “dONT LAUGH AT THAT RANBOO SEX IS NOT FUNNY” “sex is only funny if you’re age thirty two or over”
⁃ “ranboo if we win will you say a swear word” “....yes” “which one will you say wil you say piss or shit or fuck or wanker or what about cum is cum a swear word” “that was a beautiful verse”
⁃ “PHIL I DONT KNOW YOU ANYMORE youareaghostotme”
⁃ “phil as the rookie around here you are impressive”
⁃ “we’re gonna make this the worst bestseller ever even bigger than the bible”
⁃ “tubbo approves this book” “and the next page is a page of awful quotes and it’s ‘tubbo approves of all these quotes’”
⁃ “if i hit space bar harder will i jump further” “phil if i click faster will i fly?”
⁃ “sALLY WAS A SALMON CHAT- sorry carry on”
⁃ “all i’m saying is you found milo and a year later you’re messing around with a fish”
⁃ “everytime i see more and more fanart i like the idea of a shapeshifter more” “yeahhhhh less cursed”
⁃ “i still like the salmon thing.....phil you got down and dirty with a fridge” “NO”
⁃ “why is tom cruise your favorite minecraft content creator” “i love thomas cruise”
⁃ “his tooth is in the middle of his face” “.......what”
⁃ “that’s so cool :D how do i do that”
⁃ “when you enjoy scientology your face becomes symmetrical”
⁃ “phil how do you feel about scientology in front of hundreds of thousands of people-“ “i fucking HATE it” “phil this is how you get assassinated king”
⁃ “heaven premium. heaven plus. heaven prime.”
⁃ “iM GOiNg tO wRiTe A pEaCefUL sOnG aBoUt yOu”
⁃ “he told me i couldn’t swear that much in chat and then i saw the tier list and i thought ‘nah’”
⁃ “for ever second that i don’t have op in saying another swear word”
⁃ “you can swear in chat it’ll just be censored” “wHY WOULD I WANT THAT”
⁃ “woman are always right but that doesn’t mean i shouldn’t be able to say penis in chat”
⁃ “i just googled old fashioned swear words and snails is one”
⁃ “tommy flash bangs hermit craft whenever he had to swear in chat”
⁃ “gosh dang it tommy stop flash banging me”
⁃ “it’s respectful to the creators who are pg” “yeah but it’s disrespectful to me” “you will never be in a team with grian”
⁃ “ this conversation is really going by the double-barrel-jumping-jimothy if you ask me”
⁃ “it’s because i fancy wil-“ “oooooooohohoho” “but you wONT GIVE ME OP”
⁃ “tommy being a chat moderator is like a nun being a stripper”
⁃ “do you think theres scientologist nuns?” “what i wouldnt do to take a scientolognun”
⁃ “i love scientology i love scientology so much and the thing i like about religion is the amount of money i give to it”
⁃ “i’m gonna make the bible two”
⁃ “you can write the new testament two” “i’m gonna make jesus go through an angst arc”
⁃ “the bible ends with a bunch of deleted scenes” “it ends with a dreamXD video”
⁃ “i’ve still never heard georgenotfound swear” “i have.” “....sorry everyone”
⁃ “someone in my chat said ‘where’s heaven’ i’m sorry i cant help you” “...i can. in my new and upcoming book”
⁃ “32° 35° is probably not heaven it’s on the contested border of israel and palestine so.....yeah.”
⁃ “according to my book: why i’m right” “why i’m right according to tommyinnit”
⁃ “what i wouldnt do to go to space with tubbo” “next vlog” “if i could go to space with anyone it would be tubbo” “he’d have such a humble grin. he’s be content” “and then he’d die. he’d burst”
⁃ “dude. phil. i- stay safe. cuz- cuz i know we joke but you- you ARE old”
⁃ “scott to you ever worry that you’ll die alone” “every. day.” “i don’t”
⁃ “so you think i’m gonna die alone?” “.....i don’t wanna talk about this”
⁃ “....so, in conclusion, scott...he’ll marry anyone” “.......i’ve really sat here just trying to process the last few things tommy has said”
⁃ “scott you won’t die alone i’ll zoom you on your death bed”
⁃ “you can’t live cast your death bed it’s again twitch TOS” “wHAT DOES IT MATTER IM DEAD”
⁃ “i am not going to die” “i just will not die i am a god” “you are an idiot you do not believe in tom cruise”
⁃ “one of the higher things in scientology is you can revive things-“ “pPPPPPPHAAAAA”
⁃ “toooommm this is the third time this week you’ve just stood there and not called an ambulance and just. hummed in a high pitch”
⁃ “i love my fans like i love my crypto”
⁃ “time is a social construct king”
⁃ “grian told me THINK FAST and then SHOT MY FATHER”
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
The Tournament of Elements episode 5-6
Dont get me wrong i love dareth but why is he the most prominent side side character in the show
Coles whistling sounds so pretty
I love how Cole accepted his faith, giving up, but then he found Zane, gaining a whole new motivation to escape.
Its canon that Dareth nows makeup :)
It was so funny how Nya just kept swatting Jays face until he fucking paid attention and looked 💀
Nya: that means theres a spy!
Literally ten seconds after skyler gives Kai the message she got from cole
Kai: a spy… its a good thing we have some people we can trust. thanks skyler!
Omfg i cant with him
Cole: Time to break out!
(Starts running on the conveyor belt and eating pasta as a show of rebellion)
It was so unexpected
Cole doesnt have his super strength or his elemental powers and he’s still taking on 12 guards at a time and winning
Zane: Cole.. you came back.
Cole: of course i did you shiny new tin can!!! (Hugs him) can you feel the love!
Zane: no.
Cole: ☹️
I really thought Nya was gonna just run away but ripping the spell page out of the book is so smart
Zane: the serpents strategy is very clever-
Cole: pixal?!?!? you got a girl stuck in your head?!?!!!
Coles lines are always the best
Chen: youre harshing my viiiibe 🙄💅
Holy shit dareth can actually sing, good for him
A painting falls on Jay and suddenly hes immobile, get yourself together my guy
Kinda crazy how there's spys on both sides here
Oh wait
The title is ‘spy for a spy’
I'm stupid
The ninja will be like ‘a ninja should-’ and ‘a ninja shouldnt’ and then just say basic morals
Nya is such a girlboss in this
See this is what im talking about when I say she knows how to fight
Its so cool that one of the most intense battles we get in a season called ‘the tournament of the elements’ is nya against clouse
Ohhhh okay so skylers his daughter
Honestly thought she was his granddaughter with how old he was
Jay: they want us to hunt nya down! She wont stand a chance!
Jesus jay have a little faith in her, now ik what she means when she said you dont take her seriously
Ik Skyler is withering in guilt bc everytime she talks to Kai it's like ‘yes, im here for a loved one and im trying my best, oh and that's my sister were all hunting down, another loved one.’
He doesn't catch a break
Why did they ALL let go of their parachutes when the floor gave way.
Lloyd saving his father by giving him the parachute and Garmadom immediately growing worried and angry is just- 👌
Wait Lloyd can make an energy dragon?
Thought that was something he could only do as the golden ninja
Maybe the golden power was like a boost. Helped him work his powers better and now it's more difficult.
Can all the ninja do that? Is that like a thing? Making an energy dragon?
Nya is so smart she's great
Coles covered in powder AGAIN why does he keep doing this
Zane: with all our combined weight, escaping through the system should be fine.
Darreth enters the scene
Cole: time to think up another plan
That was so mean 😭
Chen was always just like that huh
Garmadon was so… sincere. So good even when evil was consuming him. He didn't even want to replace Wus love letter with his name
Okay yeah I fucking hate Chen he can rot in hell.
Kai: maybe we should be together- wait no that didnt come out right. I mean its a big island so maybe if we were a couple. Wait no! What i mean is-
Hes so in deep
Hes so ‘confident’ and flirtatious like that girl at the gas station but when he actually likes someone hes such a goofball :)
Mr pale: youll never get away with this chen.
Chen: Really? Where have you been! Ive been getting away with this time and time again!
I cant believe they showed that the master of flight was killed and due to that he had no descendent to give his power to
The tea lady!!!!
Kai and Nyas parents :)
Its so nice to see these cameos
Dont the anacondrai generals come back sometime in skybound?
Wait I thought Wu and Misako knew about Garmadons letter and him training under chen
Cole: okay, so maybe rolling ourselves up into giant eggrolls isnt the best plan.
Karlof: we could make a roto jet
Zane: that could actually work!
Cole: we’re UNDERGROUND.
Okay but what is actually inherently wrong with clouses use of the dark art.
From what i can tell, its able to use a bit of every element and more but what's wrong with it other than how him using it for malicious intent
Holy shit Jay just fucking exploded
How did she not think that through
You JUST used the ice power of the friend Kais literally searching for
On the other hand she was being really truthful at that moment in wanting to make sure Kais friends were okay and in a moment of desperation, used Zanes power. Which she would not have done if she was thinking carefully about keeping herself hidden as the spy.
The way they animate Skyler makes her so emotionless. Like, give my girl more than one expression.
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circumstellars · 3 years
i have a serious problem. im not even a discourse blog but im going to be spill it
nobody talks about it on my dash, which in itself is offensive, because thats a warning sign that most of these people are probably active enablers.
but ill be the one to say it i guess
The Umbrella Academy on netflix is super problematic and everyone keeps ignoring the harm its doing and im sick of it
The main "characters" on this show kill people with barely any care. I knew I should be worried that two people who do creative writing in show business like Steven Blackman and MCR would try and cross moral lines and of course they did. and the worst part is theyre paid to do it.
but theyre nowhere near as bad as the fans who glorify killing for free.
you wont believe some of the fics ive seen when voluntarily browsing through the TUA tags, and most of the time i dont even read the tags or filter them out, because whats the point I cant escape it. i guess i need to see it repeatedly day after day to even believe its real. if i dont go looking for it, then i might forget it exists.
and worst of all is the Five fans. hes so dangerous and gets excited about hurting people clearly and yet THESE VIOLENCE LOVING fans dont even care hes a CHILD, and yeah hes 58 but his mind and body and soul is entirely 13 and always will be!! they write or do these fanarts of him covered in blood and killing people anyway. wtf?
its frankly upsetting. i dont feel safe around these people, i dont know why they would support this. its wrong, morally, and its freaking illegal, and just repulsive. who would glorify such an act in their "writing"? only people who are quite literally okay with killing or people being killed write this kind of stuff. freaks. write about not illegal things, or is that too difficult when youre thinking about serial killing all the time? paedos.
and im speaking as someone who's great great grandfather was murdered, if i have to say it so youll believe me. in fact he was murdered with an axe, and everytime people put some gross Five (a CHILD) content in the tags where he's full of blood or weilding an axe like a godless sinner, I get physically nauseous. (i did watch it in the show when it happened the first time. and the other times. but i ignored it because it was so wrong obviously. but then i come to the umbrella academy fandom and have to see it again and again and again. these fans are so much worse than the original creators who wrote this. they do this for a hobby, and some of them are literally 30. i bet their family doesnt know they support this. why dont they go to their jobs or take their kids to church or smthg).
dont you dare tag my posts as murder or killing.
the murder academy fans better wake up and see what theyre doing is wrong. theyre no better than reginald, who i hate equally as much as a real person who is bad. imagine if a minor sees your violent art or fics, even tho they watched the show, now youre making them go to ao3 and pass all the nsfw consent buttons and read it more. its grooming and i wont stand for it.
anyways people who enjoy murder EVEN IF ITS FICTIONAL is wrong and serial killers better DNI i will shame you publically if i find out youre a serial killer or 13
rest in peace great great grandpa
i hope one day no one will ever hurt your memory by writing fanfic of murder ever again 😟 (sorry the picture is old i got from my mom its from the 1950s he was nice businessman and really tied any room together with a touch of nature.)
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Tims S/O vs. the batfam
You, the reader, are Tim’s significant other. Congrats! you may think the hard parts over right? WRONG. you need to win over the whole ass Wayne family and heres how it goes.
refers to you as Mx. L/N; however as you visit the manor more frequently, he begins to refer to you as Mx. Y/N
Since he refers to you as Mx. Y/N, you call him Mr. Alfred because you feel weird calling him just by his first name
No matter what first impressions you gave off to him, he never shared them due to not wanting to be impolite
you quickly realize that none of the bat fam helps with the chores, so you try to lend alfred a hand whenever possible
you try to be polite as possible around him, and he appreciates it
Is EXTREMELY protective of Tim
So when you first met him, he did the whole “you break my brother’s heart i will break your face” talk and that was TERRIFYING
Tim tells you not to worry about it, but whenever you were with Tim, you could sense Dick out of the corner of your eye, watching
However, as you spend more time around him, he sees that you’re really in love with tim and hes really in love with you
And you see that tim and dick have an amazing brotherly relationship, something you’ve never experienced yourself
One night, you tell dick that you wish that you had a brother as great as him
In that moment, he decided that he was gonna adopt you as one of his siblings and boom hes your big brother too now.
Duke being considered the newest person in the Wayne Manor, is basically your liaison, explaining all the dynamics and history of the Wayne Family/Manor
Super Charismatic, though hes clearly being observant of your every move, analyzing who you are as a person
But for the most part, he made you feel really comfortable at the manor
So the day you bought him a 1000 puzzle set was the day you basically won him over
You let him geek out about film and riddles, listening to every word he said, which was something that apparently didn’t happen often to him
Also duke straight up just third wheels you as often as he can
so basically
you were scared of jason
He was rarely at that manor, especially while you were there but when he was, he came in dragging blood or drinking alcohol
once while you were alone in one of the rooms by yourself, Jason came in, mask off, bandage on his right arm
he asked you, “so why are you dating replacement?”
“Why do you call him replacement?”
“Oh you know, because he replaced me when I died”
“oh. right.” Yeah you’re kinda stupid for that one
It takes a while for you to remember that jason is a vigilante who literally died and came back to life, and it takes him a while  to remember that you’re a teenager and not a crime fighting super hero
so yeah your relationship does improve a bit
Whenever you guys get to talk, he always asks you some really deep question that throws you off guard, but you guys end up having really meaningful discussions and you get closer with him that way
you were even more scared about Cass than Jason
She just silently stared at you sometimes: didn’t even try to hide it
Like duke, she analyzed you a lot during your first meeting with her, although she did it to a more extreme: just by looking at you, she could sense your breathing, heartrate, movements; she was basically reading you soul
From this, should was able to tell just how absolutely frightened you were to meet her, so she made sure to smile to calm you down
Whenever you were alone with her you couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward; not only was there a bit of a language barrier but she was not the most talkative person, at times you just sat in silence
So you would try to do things with her rather than talking: you showed her pictures from your phone, she showed you her fighting moves, and you made conversation through facial expressions and body movements
i mean whos gonna be happy about seeing their ex’s new s/o not her nope
She kept smiling and laughing but you could see the burning hatred behind her eyes
It took a solid month before she actually talked to you
and it took another month for you to pluck up the courage to ask if she actually hated you
She looked embarrassed and admitted that she did kinda hate you in the beginning but that was solely because you were dating her ex, but she saw how good of a person you were, so she doesn’t hate you anymore
She asked if you hated her, since she kind of ignored you in the beginning
You said no, since she was so cool and you could see why Tim dated someone like her
Yeah so now you’re besties
And you often talking about Tim and his dating antics, sometimes right in front of him lol
Sometimes she would joke about stealing you from him, making sure to give you extra long hugs, and give u a kiss on the cheek just to piss Tim off >:)
definitely looked up all your information as soon as she found out you were dating tim
Immediately went to interview mode when she met you
Asked about your future plans with tim, your job, your future college choices, your darkest fears, your median income
“... Im like 16″
Asides from that, shes pretty chill
you dont see her often, but she’s always down for a talk!
Would acted like my aunt from new jersey (in a good way)
You were super nervous about meeting him
Tim recalled events with him like he was recalling a war
So you were surprised to see a 12 year old kid being the one shooting daggers at you
“Drake brought home another guy/girl/person”
“damian shut the fuck up”
one day you catch him painting in his room
You ask him about his various paintings and he tells you his inspirations from each, going on a long rant for a solid hour
He realizes that hes been lecturing you for an hour and looked at you, blushing a bit
“Damian, you’re an amazing artist.” you say. smiling 
Now Damian always tells tim that you’re too good for him, and everytime you banters with tim damian always took your side
Except when he saw you two kissing/cuddling, he would call you guys “disgusting pigs” and bolt out of the room
ah, bruce. the final boss
You couldn’t help but feel absolutely terrified. 
I mean not only is he a super mega rich business man and also like super famous but hes also BATMAN
you are also almost certain that he doesn’t know who you are despite being with tim for a few months by now
Everytime youre both in the same room he is often too busy to look up from whatever hes doing or rushing past you to go somewhere
Tim often confides in you about being the middle child in the family, meaning that sometimes people dont notice him and its really frustrating for him and for you to hear
One day u and tim are chilling in the batcave and bruce comes it and freezes when he sees the two of you
“who are y- what are you doing here-”
“oh um hello Mr. Wayne”
Bruce kinda just looked at you with a perplexed look, but that was when damian and cass walked by
“Father. Drake. Y/N” said damian, with Cassandra smilng and waving at you, to which you wave back.
“Hey Damian” you say nonchalantly. “I saw that you’re working on a new painting. youll have to tell me ALL about it later.”
“Of course. Im sure you’re aware of Georgia O’Keeffe” 
You smiled and nodded, to which he gave the tiniest of a smile back as he and cass headed for the training room
Bruce just stared at you even more perplexed than before, I mean, you just made damian smile
You glanced at Tim, who seemed just as uncomfortable as you
“Oh yeah Y/N, didn’t we have that movie we were gonna watch? yeah lets go like right now.” Tim said as he pulled your arm took you out of the batcave, giving bruce the well talk later look
After that instance he talk to some of his children about you, and they had nothing but good things to say. Even Jason, who literally kills people for a living, put in a good word about you.
The next time you visited the manor, you were greeted by bruce himself, dressed up in a business suit.
“Y/N, correct?” he pulled out his large calloused covered hand and held it towards you
After a brief moment you smiled and took it
“Yeah, thats me”
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incorrectsnkships · 3 years
So at first I just thought he was a really confident and comfortable heterosexual, y'know? BUT NOW! NOW!? oh no, no, no!
Reason numbrero uno! He has feminine hips. Straight boys don't strut like that, straight boys don't fucking be flexible like that.
Reason numbrero duex! He says bitch waaay to much. So if you don't know the history of the word bitch, bitch was also used a a gay slur for y'know twinks. You don't see Jean or Levi OR EVEN EREN going around going bitch, bitch, bitch, fucking crazy bitches. Sure maybe once in awhile, but Connie use it like a sister y'know?
Reason numbrero drei! Look at who the fucking hell he's hanging 'round with! Ymir; the fucking bitch lesbian. Christa/Historia; the lesbian or bi girl dude. He's the fucking second lesbian protector (next to Eren). You see that gay ass gay homie grab in like what season 3? Or was it 2? He's friends with Sasha, who does she hang out with most of the time!? Ymir and Historia! Sometimes Jean and Mikasa. Speaking of Jean, he ain't sleek either! Connie hanging 'round with a fucking bi-saster a bi disaster! Not to mention Reiner and Armin! We see him worry about Reiner and Bertholdt when they “missing” asking someone to check on them to see if there alive! Man looking out for his gay homies! Also in one of the games he asks Armin why he spends so much time with Eren, to which Armin shoots back with one of the most gay awakening responses, “Hm well what about Ymir and Historia, or Reiner and Bertholdt?” Like yo.
Reason numbrero shi! He mom picks out gay ass fucking names! Sunny, Martin, Connie. Fucking gay dude. (everyone seems to think Sunny is a girl but judging by there titans I actually think Sunny was a boy dude. That’s just a hunch tho~)
Reason numbrero five! He seems like the kinda guy who would wear jewelry. Not really necessarily gay BUt~ I think earrings would so be he thing, and if he we’re to come out he’d probably start wearing one earring!
Reason numbrero six! Look at the kind of shit this man does! He fucking carried Armin princess style, put him down like a prince, bruh he fucking CHOSE to he CHOSE to. He knew what he was doing. And that one official art where he’s wearing that blonde lopsided wig with makeup on. That dress with the fake boobs in it!
Reason numbrero 7! My mama always say, that if a boy is best friends with a girl he will almost always usually fall for her. Connie is close as HELL with Sasha. And while I LOVE springles. This know discovery is D A W N I N G on me! Connie don’t really seem to show that much interest in women. But not necessarily to men either. And that factor being. I think bby Connie is shy!
Overall I think he’s a great fucking character! I love Connie, but this just made me open a whole new chapter for him. I’m currently rewatching AOT with my mom ‘cause she done wanted to watch it and I couldn’t let her watch that cringey dub so yee. I’ll be paying attention for other Easter eggs and clues. I never researched Connie to much but now that I have I’m made some pretty interesting discoveries! In conclusion Connie Springer is probably fucking gay. SO in other words you were RIGHT! ATTACK ON TITAN IS FUCKING GAY! 😍
( j u s t l i k e m e l o l )
srry for the late reply, but you’ve actually convinced me
mans comes across heterosexual but he definitely had a crush on every single male member of the 104th. literally every one. and like many others, one of the older scouts was his gay awakening. and im not saying that connie had a crush on them or anything, and this is definitely not a ship post between connie and any adult in the show, but im just saying that he admired them. a lot. too much. and had to look away when they got changed in front of him.
“connie why do you offer to go kill titans with captain levi whenever we have a mission?”
“i admire his skills!”
“connie, you do realise that erwin doesn’t have time to have tea with you right?”
“no i know i just wanted to talk about stuff with him. professional stuff. as a soldier.”
“connie, you know that moblit doesn’t need an assistant right? he is the assistant”
he’d simp for armin so hard. every week he has a crush on someone new, and then it goes in a loop. and he’d “practice” kissing too. like he’d occasionally bring the topic up in conversation and then go from there based off of the persons reply. “hey uh, jean, so like- have you had your first kiss yet?” and then jean would tell him no and connie would go full internal gay panic. “o- oh yeah, thas- thas cool, um, well, i havent- had mine either so like- would you wanna practice? it doesn’t count-“
connie would have his first everything with jean and it would be so funny because it just happens all at once. like hed get asked if hes ever kissed someone and hed just glare at jean and be so flustered
connie finds it so difficult to tell romantic and platonic feelings apart and thats why hes fallen for all of his friends
armin: oh, connie, thanks for doing that favour for me! i dont know what id do without you!
eren: wait! hurry, where do they keep the extra blades?!
connie: in the cellar!
eren: great- connie, i love you!
marco: see connie? if you just fold the paper a little more, youll get there :) youre a pleasure to teach and i love spending time with you :)
also why do i feel like connie and marco dated for a little while? not even dated then, had a thing going on for a bit. like besides from jean because he doesnt count, but connies first romantic encounter was with marco, fight me
and i definitely feel like connie went to hange for some advice about his sexuality. he was so confused and liking everyone at the same time, so who else better to go to than the person who tried to convince erwin to start an lgbtq+ youth club right?
but when eren and armin announced that they were officially dating, that was an eye opener for connie and it made him realise that its okay to be yourself
and it took him a while to actually realise that he was gay. hence the fact that hed physically gag whenever someone suggested for him to date sasha, and all those times in the boys changing room that hed have to turn around or leave completely
so yes, i can see where youre coming from, and i agree with you. but if we were to list the people connie has simped for from most-least?
levi (not really simping, more fanboying/celebrity crush)
moblit (same as levi)
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blxetsi · 4 years
modern levi ackerman dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
levi ackerman x gn!reader
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- firstly, lets get love language out of the way
- i think his love language would be acts of service
- so like, he'll brew your coffee for you and set out your favourite mug when he goes to the kitchen to make his tea (bc we all know he'd wake up earlier than you 🙄)
- or he'll pick up a muffin from your favourite bakery on his way home
- or if you ask him to remind you to do something later, he's immediately writing it out on a sticky note and sticking it somewhere youd notice
- he notices youre getting low on your favourite moisturizer ? or lipbalm ? he's taking a picture of the packaging and getting it the next time he drives past walmart or smth
- he just does little things that help make your day better
- now i feel like a lot of people say this already, but he is NOT very comfortable with public displays of affection
- its not that he doesnt like it when you touch him, or hold his hand, or kiss his cheek, he just gets flustered and feels like everyone is watching you two
- but one thing he does allow is looping your arms together while you walk, especially in crowded streets
- it doesnt mean he doesnt like being close with you, he just hates doing it public. when youre alone ? hes ALL OVER YOU.
- "will you play with my hair ?"
- "levi im working."
- "okay can you multitask ?" motherfucker 😐
- doesnt matter if hes the big spoon or little spoon, just being close to you is enough.
- also would try and get used to your love language
- if your love language is physical touch hes genuinely surprised by how many times you put his hands on him each day (NOT in a sexual way) like even his mother never touched him as much and he's a momma's boy 😳
- when you wake up your coming out to the kitchen to fill your coffee, but not before kissing the top of his head as you walk past
- then youre guzzling down your coffee like its water before putting it in the sink and walking back, petting his head in the process
- you'll hug him while hes cooking, or brushing his teeth. youre giving him kisses before he leaves and when he comes home, just little small acts of love, but it happens so frequently that levi cant help but notice it
- your love language is verbal affirmations ? youre getting your coffee while saying "goodmorning beautiful"
- "i love yous" are thrown at him a lot, they never fail to make him feel better
- youll compliment this man and he short circuits for a second, quickly gets used to it as time goes on
- also too i think he'd be taller in a modern au, but not very very tall like erwin, im talking 5'7" to 5'9"
- and he's fine with his height, it doesn't bother him that much, he's the average height of a man so what's the big deal ?
- also he really doesnt care about height either. youre shorter than him ? cool, that means he can bend down to give you little forehead kisses. around the same height as him ? awesome, that makes it easier for him to give you a peck on the lips. taller than him ? mf he'll climb you like a tree if he has to. really doesn't care.
- also doesn't have a preferences for body type or anything. he thinks that character is way more important than looks 100% and he'll always find different things about you beautiful. your laugh is weird ? k now he's making you two watch a john mulaney special to so youll laugh. hate your belly and wanna lose weight, he's holding you and telling you to only lose weight if you genuinely want to be "healthier" and not so you get skinny. your acne scars bother you ? he's kissing your cheeks a lot more than usual, but you can't complain. literally Loves Every Part of You
- also i think his family would absolutely ADORE YOU and his friends for that matter
- miss kuchel is pulling you into a hug the first time she sees you, and is so accomodating and sweet. shes genuinely interested in your interests and what you do for a living, and will NOT hesitate to get levi's baby pictures out if you ask.
- his uncle ? he probably wont be there for the family dinner, but then kuchel's gonna call him up like "levi's s/o ?? absolutely spectacular !!" and then hes like "huh maybe i gotta come visit to see the runt and his lover"
- also i think in a modern au, kuchel wouldve gotten really sick when levi is a boy, so kenny would have came home to take care of his sister and try and take care of levi. in the end she got better, and he went back to his own home, but now she requests that he come for at least one family holidy so they can all spend it together
- BUT back to mr. ackerman
- idk what he'd do in modern times, i used to think he'd be a good english professor for a university, but then i saw a headcanon that he'd go into law school and become a lawyer, and honestly ?? it makes sense
- after a long day at work he just wants to come home to you, he'll find you on the couch reading or doing some of your own work, so he'll just slip off his coat and blazer and undo his tie while slipping off his shoes by the door. before plopping his head in your lap and requesting you to play with his hair.
- if you don't live with him hes taking a shower and then immediately calling you asking to come over. if you can ?? great he'll be in bed waiting to be spooned. if not, thats fine, but levi would like to facetime and rant.
- also has the absolute WORST road rage
- "that little prick cut me off !"
- "levi he's taking his driver's test !"
- "so ? i hope that instructor doesn't give the idiot a pass 🙄" and then will immediately honk his horn at the poor kid.
- also wouldnt be a clean freak like in canonverse. his whole "everything has to be spotless" stuff stems from trauma, specifically being left in an apartment with his decaying mother for weeks on end, but since kuchel is alive that never happens
- were things a little hectic during the time she was sick ? sure ! but kenny always tried to tidy up a bit when he saw it was getting to levi.
- levi just likes things to be neat and tidy, he doesnt do a deep clean of his apartment every two weeks, but always makes sure to clean up his messes as soon as they happen
- also doesnt like to fight
- his mom raised him with the idea that communication is key, and always encouraged him to "explain why hes upset" so they could work together to come up with a solution
- its something hes taken with him to adulthood, and even though sometimes he sounds like hes talking to a child when hes trying to get you to "use your words" he really doesnt mean to
- if youre yelling at him he'll stand there like 😐 and wait until youre out of breath so he can say "okay lets talk about this"
- is also very handy
- have a hole in your wall ? hes coming over to fix it
- need a lightbulb changed ? hes got u dont worry
- you need to assemble a piece of furniture ? he glances at the step by step guide once before hes putting it together
- hes so great at that stuff, and you only have kenny to thank
- literally when kenny first came to stay with levi and kuchel when she was sick, the kitchen light went out and he asked levi to screw another lightbulb in, the poor kid stood there like 🤨 and when kenny said "what ? you don't know how to change a fucking lightbulb ?" levi shook his head and said "uncle kenny im seven 😐"
- kenny was APPALLED. and immediately made it his mission to make levi as handy as himself.
- also, dates with him are rlly lowkey.
- he likes being in your company, so staying home and ordering take out is AWESOME in his opinion. sometimes he'll dress up and make a fancy meal with you.
- if you like going to carnivals and stuff, he's reluctant but eventually caves. wins you a lot of the prizes.
- "fuck. this shit is rigged y/n"
- "sorry levi, lets go do something else !"
- "what ? no. give me another dollar im getting you that fucking turtle"
- hange always wants to see you. levi makes it his life mission to keep you away from them as much as possible. not because he doesnt want you to get along with his friends, just because he knows that hange will spill some embarassing secrets from his college days.
- erwin ? hes okay but hes on thin fucking ice.
- also is very gentlemanly. will not only hold the door for you but for everyone. hes waiting in line for his order and someone comes up behind him and asks him to scootch so they can get some napkins ? mf its grabbing a handful himself and handing it to the person, wishing them a nice day with a small smile. hes just like,, a genuinely good person
- his singing voice ? immaculate. will he sing for you ? no.
- he also loves playing board games with you. like chess or checkers. you love playing board games with him and his friends, specifically monopoly. hange makes moblit form an alliance with them. mike is a lone wolf, and erwin and levi are always helping each other out until erwin betrays him. lots of trust is ruined between these game nights, but you literally cant bring yourself to care because its so fun to watch it unfold
this is my first headcanon thingy !! im v excited !! hope u all enjoyed 🤩✨ should i do more headcanons like these ???
- all in all, levi is a cool guy, and a cool bf.
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animatedrapture · 3 years
ok im about to compile possibly like 10 chapters worth of kana hate KJHLDSDJS
so. sorry i wasnt able to respond to so manyyyyyy of these on time and all, i get overwhelmed super easily but i truly, truly love all of you and appreciate each msg :DD these have all either made me think real hard LMFOAHJSKD or had me laughing so hard and gasping lmfao. but yeah, i appreciate all of these and everything i mightve never gotten bc tumblr asks is dumb as well as the ones ive still yet to come back to or answer. almost each and every single one of these have been a guidance with what i wanted to do with the smau, whenever i wanted to switch something up or make something better in the smau, your msgs helped a lot in improving it in some way and helping me figure out what i truly wanted to do with the smau and for that, thank u!!!
Anonymous asked:
Anonymous asked:
the “tw kana” absolutely sent me into orbit i cackled 😭
Anonymous asked:
anons bonding over kana hate🤝🏻🤝🏻🤝🏻
Anonymous asked:
yeah its only you who doesn't dislike her FGHDJGKUJ IM KIDDING no but really more than hate her its hate the way shes in between like it pisses me off the cockblock she is 😭😭
Anonymous asked:
if i were kana,,,i would either tell him i still have feelings OR hurt in silence (step back) since technically he or should i say they decided to be JUST bestfriends not cockblocking the possibility for him to be in a relationship
Anonymous asked:
kana has to make a choice: she confess or shut the fuck up bc as far as we know they decided to be just bff (highkey think suna was more into being just friends and kana kinda lied) so IF he likes someone else why the fuck try to sabotage him (his happiness with someone else) when he find it out then what? would he still keep her as a friend? 🧐
Anonymous asked:
What if I just...shift or whatever you guys call it, into As Friends universe...and bonk Kana on the head...lol just kidding...ah ha ha ha No please she is starting to sound like the girl best friend that would make couples break up because she does not care about boundaries...honey, you're the best friend, yes, you're important, but that's his girlfriend...stay in your lane. Lol like "I don't want to confess" but "He's mine so I have to get rid of all competitions" lol fucking clown yeah no, I don't have to wait for you to write more about her to make me hate her sksksksksk I already do
Anonymous asked:
Ayo istg kana's been giving y/n the stinky eye... if she stares at y/n like that one more time LAWD HELP HER SOUL, im coming for her eyes!!! But fr,, Rin better treat y/n right and put kana in her place. Bc y/n got a best friend too (samu) u^u and he can cook and would treat her good.
Anonymous asked: likE I KEEP SAYING eAT SHIT KANA
Anonymous asked: I am CRAVING IMMENSE VIOLENCE bring that girl kana here lemme knock her teeth down her throat. >:(
Anonymous asked:
kana (derogatory)
Anonymous asked:
istg if a bus doesn’t hit kana i’m gonna do it
Anonymous asked:
kana toxic best friend it’s time for suna to realise IT 😤😤
Anonymous asked:
kana has family problems only rin knows about? what in the ao haru ride manga 😐
Anonymous asked:
Anonymous asked:
NAH MY GUT FEELING TELLING ME KANA WAS BAD NEWS SINCE THE BEGINNING also she wants suna all to herself (he sees her as a bff) but doesn’t say shit to him... if course he’s gonna find someone in the future whether in college or after (unless the bitch will still to his ass even when he goes pro)
Anonymous asked:
everyday i wake up with notifs from u i feel like im about to get subjected to pain and IM RIGHT THIS TIME TOO what the hell kana u will never be yn (me) 🙏🏼🧇
Anonymous asked:
bro part of me wants to punch suna so bad bc like hes so awkward but so smooth like who tf do u want stop being a smooth ass mf u know these two bitches like u
Anonymous asked: i might just obliterate everyone named kana cause of as friends THE WHOLE TIME MY EYE WAS TWITCHING CAUSE OF HER FUCK KDDSKDLSDK EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO OBLITERATE HER SAY "I" but like hi! i hope youre well
Anonymous asked:
even tho u always insist you'd never het mad at me girl HUHH i used to be genuinely good w kana now she's just a manipulative bitch :// kana babe sorry but ur best friend is allowed to spend time with other people 🙄
xmyshya asked:
I 👏 love 👏 Hana 👏 Also 👏 fuck 👏 Kana 👏 and Rin you idiot, what do you mean he's not gonna pursue dating T_T it's just a few chapters till the end T_T wut T_T
yourstarvic asked:
Kana needs to back up before she gets beat up 😤 me and my homies ain’t playing no more 😤
Anonymous asked:
omg that ur probably mad (even tho u said u’d never get mad at me!) broooo
Anonymous asked:
kana gonna get even more territorial in the next chapters im getting kinda scared to see how rin reacts 😒 shes gonna lowkey (highkey) manipulate rin like oh u said youll never leave me you said i come first and all that mhmmm girl dont make me break your neck 👎🏼👎🏼
Anonymous asked:
huh so is kana basically a pick me girl
Anonymous asked:
“you’d be selfish abt this” girl
Anonymous asked:
why tf kana gotta ask yn bro u don't know her just ask suna directly 🙄 putting her in an awkward ass position how's she supposed to say no i'm sorry kana's being annoying as hell rn
Anonymous asked:
it’s time for kana to realise: - yn aint just a fling bc suna is spending more time with her - suna clearly sees her just as his bff
Anonymous asked:
Kana saying "I was worried you'd be selfish about this haha" well bitch now I gotta be 😒
Anonymous asked:
“i was worried you’d be selfish about this hahaha” -the one who’s for the streets kana better watch herself…y/n was being kind, i will not be
Anonymous asked:
DID KANA REALLY HAVE THE NERVE TO ASK US?????? TO POSTPONE OUR PLANS WITH RIN???? pls that « you understand, right? » was just so manipulative oh my god-
Anonymous asked:
kana can go cry & write to her diary about it 😘😘
Anonymous asked:
“y/n right?” after literally meeting her plssss
Anonymous asked:
miss kana is just gonna have to miss him a little more bc i'm not canceling SHIT!!
Anonymous asked:
kana is playing chess while we’re playing checkers
Anonymous asked:
everytime you post and kana gets fucked over my day is made and it all I'm going to think about
Anonymous asked:
im catching up on as friends bc i havent read a few chapters and kana saying “arent you just with yn” made me extra angry go trip down some stairs kana
Anonymous asked:
u made my week with the update 😭🖤 i hate kana sfm lol
Anonymous asked:
kana suffering either way the story goes? I'm in -🦄
Anonymous asked:
kana n suna need to grow up lowkey it’s very highschool
Anonymous asked:
WHOEVER SENT THIS I AM CHOOSING VIOLENCE who's in, let's go beat kana-🦄
Anonymous asked:
9 notes · View notes
ivyuns · 4 years
landing in my heart: secret
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han jisung
genre: angst 
word count: 2.6k
warnings: lost in north korea, violence, mentions of chopping a head off, military stuff, mentions of car accidents, weapons, mentions of ending life and disorders (at the end), grammer mistakes, if i missed anything, lmk :)
part two of landing in my heart
landing in my heart information
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“y/n, choose your future!”
from that day, you always made the right choices. looking in front of you, you saw items which predicted your future by grabbing an item. instead of an item, you grabbed your fathers hand.
till that day on, you successfully opened your own fashion store. cutting the ribbon for your grand opening.
now that you heard jisung telling you to take the right path, you went to the other way. the night when jisung pulled you and hid you in his chest, you looked up in shock.
“oh my. i cant believe we met again”
“i thought you left”
you start flirting with jisung to get your way with him. smiling while jisung stares at you. ‘should i just kill her’ jisung thinks.
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the following morning, you wake up and see yourself in the mirror. face full of marks and cuts. grabbing a cup of water and pour it into the bucket, you clean your face. “its okay, you’ll get through this yoon y/n”
as youre telling yourself to calm down in the bathroom, jisung makes you breakfast. “i-i dont know what you guys do but we usually give the host the first bite” you said, giving jisung a spoonful of the food, he stares at you.
“what wrong?” you asked. jisung sighs and crosses his arms. “are you concerned of whats in the food? because its poisonous?” putting the spoon back onto the food, you gave you. “im sorry if i offended you. but please do understand why im acting like this. wouldnt it be ridiculous for me to be trusting someone at this point?”
“hm, i guess youre right” lifting you head, you smiled. “see! i was correct-” “but you made an emergency landing at the DMZ while flying an unpowered aircraft on a windy day. right as the electric wires were working, you crossed it and came to a military housing area. ill sound crazy to believe someone like you”
“dont tell me youre suspecting me, thinking im a - spy. in fact i believe people are looking for me considered im famous down there” you paused, “one everyone knows im here, the south korean government, military authorites, and the UN wont stay still” jisung nods his head in agreement. “then, nobody should know youre here. i wont tell them”
jisung stands up and gathers your plate. hearing a knock, you look at jisung as he goes and looks who is here.
looking outside the gate, he sees hyunjin outside. “ah, captain han. i didnt know you went home early so i looked everywhere for you. so i knew you were home when i saw smoke from the chimney” hyunjin says and goes inside jisungs house without permission.
“oh and good news. about that south korean girl-” “listen she’s” “shes dead!” hyunjin laughs. “i know youre shocked too because i am too! there was an accident on the mountain and reporters said there was a young woman there” jisung shakes his head, “no thats not it hyung-” “aye, if im wrong then you can chop off my head” jisung nods his head and leads hyunjin back to the gate “wait let me use the bathroom real quick”
as both of the boys went to the entry way of the house, hyunjin takes off his shoes and talks about you. as he takes his shoes off, you went to lean on the door frame. hyunjin turns around and gets scared of seeing to woman he was talking about.
“how do you chop someone’s head off? ive never done it before” you spoke. with hyunjin’s mind going everywhere, he manages to speak to jisung. “c-captain han, whats going on here?” after realization, you realized he was the one who tried to shoot you. “y-you. it was you! you shoot the bullet at me!”
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settling down, jisung rubs his temples as you tried to explain hyunjin that youre not a spy. “do you have trouble understanding or something?” “captain, do you have a shovel i can borrow?” you explain everything that had happened when you ran away, hyunjin gets scared and sits next to jisung.
moments later, another knock comes from jisung’s gates. opening the gate, he sees seungmin, felix and jeongin with food and drinks. “captain han! did you hear the news? the one with the young lady-” “thats not true” jisung cuts off felix.
“you must be jeongin” you called out. jeongin turns around and sees you. “yes, and who are you?” crossing your arms and leaning on the door frame, “i heard you might face a dishonored discharge. that means youll lose the job that you really need” you told him with a scared hyunjin next to you. “i-i thought she died!” jeongin screams and turns to the other two men next to him.
“and ah! youre felix! so tell me, which kdramas did you watch before leaving the post?” you pointed your finger at him. “stairway to heaven” felix answers. “ah thats a pretty old one. its the one with jiwoo and sangwoo right? im close to them, they live a few houses away from me” “is that true?!” felix smiles as seungmin tells him to stop.
telling everybody to come inside to talk, you demand them to take you back where you first landed in north korea. “im afraid we cant do that” jisung answers. “captain han, just let her be. let her get fried in the fences and say ‘so this is how the fences feels like’ if she’ll ever learn” hyunjin laughs out. giving a death glare at him, he stops laughing and puts on a straight face.
“basically, we cant go back to the post because we finished our job for two months and cant return there for a few months” jisung continues. “but you have a choice; i take you to the state security department. they may let you go home. or you stay here but heres a few rules. one, dont talk to us. and two, dont leave the house until we get you back home” jisung finishes. “my dad does a boat-to-boat. where a small boat goes to the international oceans and meets up with the bigger boats to another country” felix tells you.
nodding your head and agreeing with the second choice, the boys goes and makes you food since you were begging them to give you meat. after the food is done, you all eat as jisung steps back. “we must return to our post after this” jisung speaks out. “what? so i have to be alone now?” you exclaimed. “yah, do you just expect captain han to just stay here with you?” hyunjin jokes. “if you need anything thats urgent, press 8 on the cell phone and ill answer it in the outerpost”
instead of calling him for emergencies, you only called him, asking silly stuff. asking wheres the body wash, shampoo, and conditioner and wheres the candles, he responds with the bar of soap. you then call him how to take a bath since theres no modern showers inside his house. “you need to fill up the bucket with hot water. then take the tarp and hang it up with the clothes pin above the bucket. make sure to tuck the tarp under the bucket so theres no airflow. youll have your shower after that”
doing what jisung told you, you were surprised on how they lived. finally finishing, you went in the bucket after taking your clothes off. “ah this feels nice”
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jisung, who was still in the office, got another phone call. “what is it now- ah master sergeant, whats the matter?” jisung answers to the sergeant. “its about the tomb raiders. they were killed in an accident on the mountain” jisung quickly hangs up and goes to the security state department and tell cheolgang.
he shows his military id to enter the place before the other military men opens the gate for jisung. as he goes to the room that cheolgang is in, he tells him what happened. “yes, i know what happen. but what can we do” cheolgang asks. “i believe there needs to be an investigation. what car did they crash into? was it on accident or on purpose? if it was on purpose, who was behind this? and why accidents like this keeps happening. so im asking if i can look into it” jisung says. cheolgang nods his head “go ahead. you should go to the headquaters in pyongyang tomorrow morning and get more information” he answers. jisung gets up and leaves.
the senior coloniel, who was next to cheolgang the whole time, asks cheolgang whats going to happen now. “dont worry about it, we hired somebody since hes responsible for a billion won scheme”
minseok and his bodyguard enters the hotel where theyre supposed to meet someone. after finding the person, they talk about how minseok should be safe in north korea after passing through the other countries without being caught by sehyeong. minseok signs the contact and goes to his new home in north korea with extra protection.
back in north korea in the village, the kids were playing outside as you were still hidden in jisungs place. the mothers came out and gather their kids since it was dark and late and was now time for dinner. however, upil didnt leave until his dad showed up.
as manbok calls his son’s name, upil goes and hugs him and enters their house with upil’s favorite donut.
meanwhile in jisung’s house, you finished your bath and the lights go out. “whats going on? havent i had enough suprises today?”
the whole village had a blackout and you were scared. making your way to the telephone, you called jisung. only to be declined. you were hearing noises and you felt like you were going to be caught soon. closing the blinds, the noises were getting clearer.
grabbing the nearest item to hit the intruder, you were stopped as you saw jisungs face. tears threatened to spilled as your emotions came down are you. “why are you here” you said, lowering the item. “you said you needed a candle” jisung grabs the candle from the bag and gives it to you. “you said you needed it when you took a bath and when you sleep” “thats just a candle. i need a scented one” more tears spilled and jisung takes the item out of your hand.
“im sorry, you probably feel frustrated right now. but i just cant believe what im going through right now” sobs left your mouth as jisung guilty.
ranting to jisung about your problems back in south korea, you couldnt help but spill more tears. feeling frustrated at yourself back then, you felt bad for jisung since you were just crying in front of him. jisung puts his finger on the flame of the candle that was on. “there, i cant see you anymore” jisung reassures you that everything will be okay soon. he gets up and grabs his hat. “where are you going?” “i need to get on a train in the morning to pyongyang” he answers
“i dont know when ill be back so i might not see you when you leave. but my comrades will help you get on the boat in a few days. heres some things i bought that you needed” jisung says and hands you a bag and leaves the house. you open the door before he could leave.
“excuse me, but what is your name? i want to remember it to return the favor later” “you dont have to, there was no favor in the beginning. so its better to not remember it. and as i said before, dont tell anyone about this when you go back” nodding your head, jisung leaves the place.
going back inside, you open the bag and its full of the stuff you asked for earlier. looking at every product, you realize its from south korea. everything that you needed was in the bag, including undergarments and medicine for your cut.
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jisung arrives pyongyang. hes then stopped for an investigation. jisung is led to a torture room to be questioned about the robbers. myeongseok enters the room and sees jisung being yelled at throught the glass window. he barges into the room and kicks the person who was asking jisung questions and aggravating him. “what are you doing? this is the directors son” myeongseok yells at the person, who is shocked.
myeogseok apolgizes to jisung and leads him somewhere to let jisung tell him what he needs to know.
the person who was just yelled at calls cheolgang and tells him that jisung is the directors son of general politics and gets angry.
later the night, jisung and myeongseok are talking about how jisung was to investigate into the car accident recently. “do you perhaps think this accidents was like your brothers?” jisung thinks to what myeongseok ask, and realizes the accident could be like his brothers. the same truck that ran into his brothers car and the others that the trucks ran into.
after company five visited you, they came back to the military zone to get some rest. they happened to see cheolgang leaving the place and quickly straightens up and salutes him. “fifth company, where are you guys coming from?” cheolgang asks. “from fixing the pump in out captains house sir” hyunjin replies. “ hes in pyongyang so good job”
“yes sir. may i ask where youre heading sir” seungmin asks. “lately were have lots of runaways so im going to run random house inspections today” “tonight sir?” hyunjin asks. cheolgang nods and felix starts hiccuping. “whats wrong with him?” “nothing sir. we missed what was in front of us, therefore the runaways must be in the military base. i believe that is a wise plan sir” hyunjin responds quickly. cheolgang nods and tells them to hurry inside and get some sleep.
they quickly go inside and hyunjin calls jisung as seungmin makes sure nobody is coming inside the room theyre in. “captain han, theyre doing random house inspections tonight. but we told the south korean woman not to answer any phone calls. so theyres no way to tell her” hyunjin tells jisung. jisung then hangs up and asks myeongseok for a favor.
jisung quickly drives back to the village as cheolgang arrives in front of jisungs house since is was the next house on the list. seeing the lights on, he doesnt believe that jisung is back from pyongyang.
looking through jisungs stuff, you look into a book that seems familiar. opening the book, you see an application form. “i swear i saw this face before” you were disturbed by your thoughts when you heard knocking. “captain han jisung! were here for house inspecting!” putting everything away, you hid in jisungs kimchi cellar, which was underground. cheolgang unlocks the gate and finds jisung as he sees the cellar’s blanket off of the door.
opening the door, the investigators finds you and clucks their guns. as youre forced to get off of jisungs property, everyones asking you questions as your hands are up in defense and silent. “it doesnt matter. once shes at the state security department, these muted people will talk” cheolgang says.
as a bright light flashes through, everyone stops and looks at the car in front of them. jisung stops the car and gets out to walk towards you and cheolgang. cheolgang suddenly aims his gun at you as tears fell.
“what are you doing to my fiancee?”
“what did you just say?”
“i would appreciate if you put the gun away from my fiancee”
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additional ending:
location: switzerland
“its invalidation in our institute regulations, im sorry” the woman tells you after your request. “but why? i heard i can end my life here sure i have no physical pain, but i feel extraordinary pain in my mind. depression, panic disorder, eating disorder, insomnia, what all do i have to name? ” you questioned.
“we always recommend the sight seeing of switzerland to our visitors. most of our visitors change their minds after sight seeing. i dont know why you want to end it, but im sure youll be one of them”
after doing what the woman had told you, you went to visit a place where you can paraglide. amazed at how amazing paragliding looked, a guy stopped right next to you, admiring the view with you.
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myidlethinkings · 4 years
So my girlfriend has been trying to have me read the Wheel of Time series since when she was just my best friend. I picked back up the second book recently but it's been a while since I read the first and she went on this massive "YOU WON'T REMEMBER EVERYTHING FROM THE FIRST BOOK, LET ME TELL YOU"
This led to her Wheel of Time in 5 Minutes ™ lecture/rant and... I had to share this with the world. Enjoy.
Obviously every spoiler for the first book. You've been warned.
k, eye of the world in 5 mins.
begins in the two rivers, emonds field, is gonna be bel tine and everyones all excited. rand lives further afield with his father and theyre bringing in brandy for the inn. rands all omg someones watching me as theyre getting in, tams all i cant see anything, rands all mustv imagined it. they get there. they hear theres going to be a gleeman. meets up with his bestie perrin and LOVER mat I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP who are both like yeah we totes saw the figure too. they go we'll tell the mayor tomorrow.
they see the gleeman thom and theyre all omg a gleeman, omg. then the two strangers, moiraine, who is the best character ever to character in any universe fucking fight me on that and lan, who are asking questions about the area and people and moiraines like oh hi child to nynaeve the wisdom whose like im the fucking wisdom bitch who the fuck are you. she then says to the boys hey here have this coin which is totally a normal coin cuz i might have errands and shit and theyre like holy shit anything you want.
then he sees egwene and hes all like omg the love of my life will you dance with me tomorrow at bel tine and shes all yeah sure in the afternoon cuz i got shit to do in the morning and hes all like wut? and shes all GETTIN MAH HAIR BRAIDED YO and hes all like holy shit that means shes marriagable, holy shit man.
then the peddler paidan fain rocks up and gets everyone in a frenzy over war wherever and false dragons and logain or whoever else.
rand and tam go back to the farm overnight before the festivities begin. shit goes down. trollocs smash in, rands all OMG TROLLOCS ARENT REAL THO LIKE WUT and tams all, fly you fool and rand runs into the woods. but then hes all, i cant fucken leave my father so he creeps back and in the shadows he sees tam creeping around with a sword and rands like DAFUQ why does he have a sword, fighting ensues, tam gets hurt, is dying, rand manages to get him back to emonds field with a figure trailing them.
tams delirious, starts talking about rands dead mother and then starts talking about a battle and how they all poured over the dragonwall and that it was snowing but it was so hot, battle is always hot and she was a warrior even though she was pregnant and she gave birth and died and how he took the baby and rand was all WUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. im gonna ignore that shit.
gets to emonds field. everything is in ruins. trollocs wrecked the shit there too. nynaeve is all like sorry dude, your dads gonna die. hes all fuck that, gets back to the inn where the gleemans like hey that ladys an aes sedai, she could heal him but i totally wouldnt because you never know what they ask for in price and rands all i dont care because HE IS MY FATHER. MY FATHER. HEEEEE. ISSSS. MYYYY. FATHERRRRR. thoms all, holy shit dude calm down hes your father. moiraine, the best character in the universe, heals tam, then shes all like look, you three boys need to come with me and rands all, well shit she makes sense and they go but then egwenes hiding too and shes all bitch im adventuring too and rands all AHHHH and moiraines all huh the wheel weaves what the wheel wills, whatevs, and they go on, with thom whose also like this place is boring asf, im coming on.
they head out, dragkhar fly overhead, moiraine like a mofo destroys them, they get to tarren ferry, cross on the ferry, then coincidentally theres a whirlpool and the ferrys destroyed when theyre on the other side and egwenes like HOLY SHIT YOU DID THAT and moiraines all cuz im fucking awesome and nobody can follow us now so stfu and they head on.
rand interrupts a lesson with moiraine teaching egwene the true source cuz egwenes got it. rands all FUCKING WTF and thoms all dude, leave it, you cant do a thing about it. Shes gone now. Why don’t you bang mat instead. I mean the mat comment never happened but I will ship them till my dying breath. moiraines all to egwene youll die if i dont teach you, there was another back in emonds who also had it but she managed to survive/channel in her own way.
egwene starts to unbraid her hair. rand has a crying fit. egwenes all fuck off man, i do what i want. mydraal and shit attack them, they get to baerlon safely. where the gatekeepers like the children of the light are around but they cant cause much trouble cuz the city watch hate them and the whitecloaks are little bitches. they get to baerlon. mat and rand walk around. they see a few of the whitecloaks, dane bornhold a young man leading the small group. mats like lol, watch this, enters a shop, climbs up the top and hurls a rock at them, loosening barels. rand has started to feel feverish and when the barrels nearly knock them over, rand stands there and doesnt hide and rands like lol and danes like dafuq are you looking at and rands like im looking at you what are YOU looking at and hes feeling really odd and reckless and danes like are you a darkfriend and steps forward but then the city guards turn up who hates the whitecloaks and they face each other off and mat hauls rand off all are you fucking insane, you faced him off and rands recklessness leaves him and he freaks out and they flee.
throughout this time and through the book all three have dreams but i cant be bothered to get into those, theyre basically all the dark one figuring out who is who, and they wake up after rats backs were broken in the dream to be all oh hey it was just dreams though, to find rats dead all over the place and other stuff. Moiraine told them early on to go to her if they have dreams and the boys talk about it and theyre like we should probably tell her but nah, she saes sedai and like, its just dreams yo, yeah a few rats end up dead but cool, its fine, we’re fine.
oh baerlons also where he meets min who can see things around them, like with him a sword that is not a sword and three women on his funeral pyre weeping and with perrin she sees wolves and mat dice and with lan seven broken towers and a baby in a cradle with a sword and blah blah. And she says she can see he loves egwene and egwene loves him too but theyre not for each other, at least not in the way they want to be.
then he returns and nynaeve is there and she is PISSED and is all like we're going home now and moiraine manages to convince her they are in trouble and nynaeves like ..... i dont trust you, but fine. and lans all how did you find us and shes all i tracked you bitches and hes all like, huh.
rand says to her later about MY FATHER HE IS MY FATHERRRR and nynaeves all awkwardly like er yeah totally, i totally dont remember when your father returned after adventuring with an outlander wife, that totally explains your red hair, er yea sure. but that above all they loved him as much as they wouldv loved any baby.
oh a bunch of times during the book people startle at him and him being so tall with red hair and grey eyes and say he resembles an aiel. oh, theyre also ta'veren, so extra special they draw people into doing stuff with their lives, they effect the pattern. moiraine also says the two rivers used to be manetheran, a fabled kingdom. that night shit happens and they run off. they run, fight, attack, fight, as they battle mat starts yelling out things in an old language he doesnt know, that moiraine says was a manetheran war cry and the old blood still sings.
theyre going to get outrun in battle and against moiraines judgement lan takes them to an old crumbling city shadar logoth which fell to the darkness and even trollocs and mydraal dont like entering it.
oh also tam gave rand the sword which is a heron marked blade and lans all like er only blademasters have these why did your father have one and rands all HES MAHHH FATHERRRRRR and lans all yeah but how and rands all he bought it from a merchant years before and lans all yeah that sounds totally legit.
they go into shadar logoth, the boys sneak off, meet mordeth whose all like lol here take the treasure and mats like cool but rands like holy shit he doesnt have a shadow and then mordeth goes all rahhhh and the three manage to escape and they return and ramble about what happened and moiraines like DID HE GIVE YOU ANYTHING and theyre all like no and mats like er totally didnt and moiraines like we have to move and they leave but then this shadow thing that can kill them separates them and theyre all separated and perrin and egwene fall into a river together, and nynaeve finds moiraine and lan and is all like I will cut you aes sedai for what you’ve done to all of us and moiraine is all lol, and rand and mat with thom end up on a ship, the spray, with bayle domon and theyre worried he’ll throw them overboard cuz of the trollocs that chased them but domon seems to think theyre after him.
moiraines like with the coins i can track them, but two of them have lost their coins (paying for passage on domons ship). perrin and egwene roam around a lot, finally meet up with a man elyas who can communicate with wolves. aes sedai once tried to gentle him because of it but it has nothing to do with the one power so it didnt do anything. theres hints he used to be a warder, but now he hangs out in the wilderness. he says perrin has the same thing, perrin freaks out. elyas is like ill take you to the next city cuz you guys are lost. they then meet up with the tuatha'an, the tinkers, who roam around and dont harm anyone even if theyre to be harmed. perrin cant reconcile that, hes all how can you defeat evil by that, but in turn they pity him as hes such a young, sad, violent man with his axe. his eyes start turning gold like elyas' and he starts to communicate with wolves like hopper and a bunch of them though he tries to deny it.
egwene dances with aram, one of the tinkers and perrins all wow what about rand and they eventually leave, though aram is restless for a tinker.
the leader asks elyas if hes found the song which is their formalities, elyas is all no we havent. the leader then tells him of a story he heard, of an aiel who crossed the waste and died, to tell them that leafblighter means to blind the eye of the world. then she died. they leave and then they then meet afoul of the whitecloaks who are fighting whatever and bornhold - danes father – and byar catches them. through the ordeal perrin kills two of the whitecloaks while hes being all half wolf in the battle and they take them in to be questioned.
nynaeve and moiraine/lan end up finding them, releasing them, the wolves assist, nynaeve gets left behind, lans all about to get her, moiraine reminds him of his oaths, nynaeve turns back up.
meanwhile rand/mat are at whitebridge and mats starting to get sick and suspicious. he had a dagger from shadar logoth. a mydraal finds them, thom hurtles his flute and harp at them, says to go, to leave. hes saving them because he once had a nephew who could channel and the red ajah gentled him, while thom was having an affair with the queen morgase of andor when he was a court bard and by the time he got to owen it was too late and hed not survived, which he always regretted and then because he left morgase the way he did she was pissed at him too. rand and mat run for it, rand sobbing that thom is dead.
they go from village to village to village, mat getting sicker and sicker, a young woman who ends up being a darkfriend tries to kill them, they escape. rand keeps thinking he sees padan fain the peddlar from home, whose actually a darkfriend.
moiraine tells nynaeve she has the power too, nynaeve has a mini breakdown. moiraine said it would have begun with a doing something she desperately needed then a few days later collapsing really ill and the illness disappearing quickly. nynaeve once said egwene had gotten sick as a child and shed healed her not knowing how, then gotten sick. moiraine says thats also how she found them to begin with, in the city, she could sense egwene.
rand and mat go to a poor inn, they try to rob them by locking them in the back. mats getting sick and even more paranoid. rand is terrified when he realises theyre going to sell them to a darkfriend and he prowls and prowls till the room theyre in explodes, the wall crumbling. rand doesnt know how but he thinks he did it himself. mat becomes blinded from it and starts sobbing.
they escape. on the run again. as mat is blind, rand takes care of him and mat in his illness is worried that rand will abandon him which rand would never do because mat is the LOVE OF HIS LIFE, rand ends up really sick, paralleling what moiraine said what happened to nynaeve.
they end up hitching a ride to caemlyn where they expect moiraine to find them, if shes still alive. the buggy driver talks about the queen. how elayne is the daughter heir and her brother is the first prince of the sword. its been tradition forever that the daughter heirs go to tar valon to train and the princes go be taught by warders. he mentioned tigraine who was the queen before morgaise, who disappeared mysteriously nearly twenty years ago, who left behind a son galad. morgaise married the husband and became queen and while she had elayne and gawyn, galad lives with them too, now the husband is dead. oh, also logain the false dragon is being presented to the queen as prisoner before the aes sedai take him to tar valon to gentle him.
they get to caemlyn, mats REALLY sick. rand leaves him at an inn, tries to go see the false dragon being brought in. he meets loial an ogier whose nice, whose like 90 but really young for an ogier to have left his stedding without permission. rand ends up thinking he sees paidan, but doesnt have a good feeling, tries to run off, falls into a castle garden. meets elayne the daughter heir who might actually be the most annoying character to exist, her brother gawyn. theyre like omg you look like an aiel. elayne then talks about gareth bryne the guard captain dude she ships hard with her mother. galad MY MOST PURE CHARACTER WHO I LOVE FUCK ELAYNE (not a spoiler, his name is of the most pure camelot round table knight) rocks up, is all, holy you broke into the palace. elayne whose a bitch is like how DARE YOU YOURE NOT MY BROTHERRRR and galads all we are siblings and my duty is to protect you and shes all you wont do anything with this rand ill invoke protection, then galad goes and tells the guards because theres literally a false dragon being brought in and tension is on the rise in caemlyn and hes taken to see morgase.
the red ajah elaida is freaked out by him, knows hes taveren, has a bit of a prophecy but it doesnt really mean much and morgaise is all look, we cant just arrest everyone, let him go.
he then races back to the inn, moiraine and everyones there, they all hug, then hes all like oh yeah mats sick btw. moiraine goes up and mats not just sick hes now tainted. she does the best she can but is all like he needs to get to tar valon to have the bond between him and the dagger properly severed. then moiraine meets loial who randomly talks about an event concerning the eye of the world. perrins all oh yeah thats like the dead aiel girl the tinkers spoke about. that changes the plans once moiraine realises the dark ones trying to get to the eye and shes like we cant get to tar valon yet we gotta leave now. they use the ways which loail knows how to use cuz ogier and male aes sedai made them together centuries before but now the ways are tainted.
theyre like the worlds between the worlds, can get to places quicker but it has the black wind thatll kill you. blah blah blah they use the ways, nearly die, but get to fal dara/shienar, which is sort of where lan is from. nynaeve confesses her love, lans all no i cannot, i cannot offer anything. it ends up that his parents had the throne but his ... there was scheming. His uncles wife wrecked everything, she escaped with her baby into the blight, lans cousin, nobodys seen or heard of them, moiraine suspects isam might be alive but GASP keeps it from lan. the seven towers crumbled, lan has a death wish, he believes hes the only one left so must die.
lord agelmar wishes lan would rise up the banner of the golden crane because everything about the blight is crumbling, lans like no, i have a new oath now with moiraine. lord ingtar is a fight me soldier who fanboys after lan. theres a battle going on in tarwins gap they desperately need help for, but lan says he cant. lord agelmar orders ingtar to accompany them to the blight and leave them cuz moiraines like we cant have anyone else come with us.
Paidan fain by this point has rocked up to shienar and tried to wheedle his way into the good graces of lord agelmar but hes all wtf you look like a creeper and throws him in a cell. Moiraines like I need to question him at some point.
moiraine then takes them into the blight to find the green man who can take them to the eye of the world. the green man rocks up, hes made of vines and flowers, takes them to the eye. two forsaken rock up. moiraine tries to fight, is knocked out, nynaeve and lan get knocked out, the boys run. the green man is destroyed by the forsaken. rand ends up destroying the forsaken, goes into the eye, channels the male source in there, realises he can channel, has a fight with the dark one - whose still bound under the seals, but rand believes he ended the dark one and its done. comes out, the others are recovering. brings out an old banner from the eye thats the dragons banner, broken seals from the dark ones prison, and the horn of valere. moiraine is all, we need to take these to tar valon. rands all, you do that, but im done with aes sedai, im not going to tar valon. im done. the dark ones dead and im going to do my own thing. he turns to egwene who backs away from him when he said he channeled, then she bursts into tears and hugs him and says shes sorry.
they return to shienar, fal dara, where there was a miracle in tarwins gap where they believed they saw the creator and that the light took on flesh - they saw an apparition of a man they didnt know as rand fighting the battle he fought. ingtars flipping his shit because he missed the battle while accompanying them, and then not even being able to accompany them the entire way. After all of his talking about going after a week rand is still there, finishing his sword practice with Lan in Agelmar's private garden and meets up with Egwene. He tells her that he will go away. Egwene asks him to come to Tar Valon with her and Nynaeve, itll totes be fun, I mean theres the red ajah and shit wholl attack him if they know but hey itll be fun, but Rand refuses. He says he'll never channel again. When she asks him if he'll be going home, he tells her that he'll never go home.
Moiraine is underneath Agelmar's private garden. She uses her blue teardrop thing she wears on her forehead to focus her eavesdropping on Rand and Egwene. Using it to eavesdrop was the first use of the One Power she had learned as a young girl in the royal palaces of Cairhieren.
Smiling, she says, "The Prophecies will be fulfilled. The Dragon is Reborn."
the end.
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