#peaceful warhammer
lazywriter-artist · 3 months
“Yeah he’s an indoor marine but we like to try and take him out for a bit, ya know? After all he loves his little enclosed patio at home and really since we’ve gotten the carrier he’s seemed so much happier with it. We’re just glad to let him be outdoors and have this stimulation.”
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neonhellscape · 3 months
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normal guy alert
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ladymirdan · 7 months
God I love Tumblr. It might be fucked up and wonky sometimes. And the people on here are all little weirdos (affectionate), but it is so chill.
I got stupid and posted in a Iron Warriors group on Facebook something along the lines of “I wish Forrix had a model”, and I shit you not. I have gotten 8(!) unsolicited messages in my inbox after that. One got so bad I had to block him.
No one has ever tried to hit on me on here, not a single one. And I have really taken that freedom to just exist and talk nerdy shit without being sexualised for granted.
I love you guys, never change.
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gingerfan24 · 15 days
Midnight stroll (WIP)
Ana’s relative solitude was soon to be interrupted however, as the sound of heavy boot steps came from the area she had come from earlier.
She turned to observe the source of the new sounds, initially thinking it was a house guard on night duty only for it to be none other than Heinrix Van Calox, the Inquisition agent she had picked up back on Rykad Minoris and then later once again on Footfall.
From her perch she watched him intently, wondering if he had perhaps followed her, though a quick and thorough observation told her he had no idea she was in the same room as he was. He strolled up to a window that gazed out into the void beyond and seemed to quietly take in the starscape outside, hands folded behind his back.
Ana tilted her head to the right slightly like a curious dog. From the moment she had first laid eyes upon this man in the Electrodynamic Cenobium a few months before he had fascinated her to no end. His clearly carefully crafted cold and pitiless demeanor practically beckoned to her a challenge to see what sort of man he truly was, a challenge only further fueled by the observations of her navigator Lady Cassia.
And so it had been that, bit by bit, through conversations and arguments alike, she had begun to catch tantalizing glimpses of that amber colored ember within him. And it only made her want to see more.
“Hey there stranger!” She called out to him, her voice friendly and casual.
Heinrix rounded quickly at the sound of her voice, briefly glancing about to determine its source until his gaze rested upon her. For a moment she could swear she caught a glimpse of fear or embarrassment upon his features before he regained his composure and cleared his throat.
“Lord Captain I…..was not aware that you were here at this hour.”
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magistralucis · 10 months
actually the way to solve all of The Twice-Dead King's problems was for Zultanekh and Djoseras to steal Oltyx out of Sedh, then for the two hothead princes to spearhead an operation to oust Unnas and Hemiun, so that Djoseras wouldn't have to violate his own personal code and die. Zultanekh and Djoseras should then have gotten married, and elevated Oltyx as co-ruler (because he has the most progressive ideas), so they could all serve as one extremely happy triumvirate. This plan involves Djoseras being normal and a lot of wishful thinking and telling Anathrosis of the Black Star to go fuck herself, which is not something I'm sure anyone is capable of doing, but imagine
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nurrgleth · 5 months
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Nurgle casting erectile dysfunction on his enemies
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heliinx · 11 months
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
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This one's for @whore-for-the-mothman who went on a reblogging-spree of my older art today.
("giant-hands-foreshortening" looked better in my head than drawn. Well ...)
Likes are great, I love reblogs. Best thing: comments and getting into dialogue with other fans!
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blart-og · 2 years
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i havent read it yet. but as far as i can tell this is what happens
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skxrbrand · 1 year
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so my Gamer Mag for WH3 got here and I think the community would find these amusing
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lodgeofthecat · 7 months
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Good Morning! tbh the pro-human propaganda in 40k still gets me (':
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maniakminis · 1 year
My Mordheim Board Lives! My photo area is a mess so I can't take a photograph of everything, but here are a few closeups of what's done.
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Here is one of two passageways that go into a sewer/dungeon area. I bought a brick texture mat that was meant for like a Christmas village while it was on discount and used it for easy brick walls. Wooden posts are added every few inches to hide the seams. I'm gonna add moss over any rough areas when painting everything.
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The center of the map is a water channel that leads to a large drain gate. I'm going to pile up assorted debris and stuff at the end of it. Not much else to show right now, this build is still 80% styrofoam, but I'm hoping to have it done in the next month or two! Next step is adding wall spackle to cover all of the foam that's still showing.
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gutz-radio · 2 years
Fucksticks someone help
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alphabitchnkari · 2 years
The more y'all hate my boy the more I love
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How could I forget Narek? Even with Curze and poor Vulkan running around, my dude still manages to be the craziest motherfucker in the entire book. In the little screentime he gets, This Guy:
Convinces his suspicious, temperamental, Chaos-corrupted brothers to teleport him to his destination
...which is fucking Macragge
Kills his brothers upon arrival to keep them from going on a killing spree
Hunts down a Perpetual assassin who specializes in flying under the radar
Somehow manages to stay undetected for almost the entirety of the book, despite causing a notable (and detected!) psyker event and staying in a city practically drowning in jumpy Astartes...who are turning it upside-down looking for Curze. If he hadn't come into the vicinity of Vulkan, then he probably would have gotten away for at least a few more days.
And why does this absolute madman do all this? So he can get an OP shiv in order to assassinate his awful gene-sire. This guy! This guy!!!!
He's also a pretty interesting character. For much of his screentime, he comes off as this angry, abrasive presence, but when John Grammaticus tries to talk him down, you start seeing a bit more of him:
"'Narek, trust is the issue here. Let me open my mind. Let me allow us to see each other's thoughts. There's a lot of common ground, I think, more than you'd imagine. We're never going to be alike, you and me, but I think we're aligned.'
'Aligned?' the Word Bearer asked, his voice very small and hollow.
Narek hesitated.
'I am alone,' he admitted eventually. 'I have turned against my Legion. I have killed a certain number of my brothers. But my Legion has turned, so I am an outsider to all others. No loyalist would ever trust me, no Imperial Fist or Iron Hands, and--since Calth--no noble Ultramarine. I am cursed at every turn. All I can do is make amends. All I can do is cleanse and restore my Legion, for it was once so great! It was beautiful, John Grammaticus. It was the truest expression of the Emperor's word.'"
Like all Word Bearers, Narek is a fanatic (Prayto describes him as alarmingly single-minded), but his fanaticism brings him in direct conflict with everything and everyone he holds dear. It's kept him isolated from his brothers for decades, which has left him paranoid and desperate--and terribly lonely. Given that he describes his actions as an attempt to make amends, he also apparently carries a lot of guilt for his legion's misdeeds. Is it because he's participated in their atrocities? Is it self-imposed guilt-by-association? Probably both, to be honest.
I'm pretty sure that the only thing keeping Narek going is his obsession with killing Lorgar. It makes me wonder if he truly believes that he can somehow cleanse his legion. If so, that's one hell of a delusion, though it's pretty understandable, given the circumstances. However, I wouldn't be surprised if he has low-key realized that his brothers are too far gone, given how much he fixates on Lorgar specifically. But his memories of the past are all he has left, so he clings to denial because he can't bear to let go of that forever.
I couldn't give a flying fuck about the Perpetuals and whatever the hell is going on with the Cabal, but I'd read more Narek in a heartbeat.
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