#peace proposal
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dailyworldecho · 5 months ago
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bruciemilf · 11 months ago
Damian: Baba. I’ve acquired an enemy at the academy. He’s been ripping my drawings, teasing me about my lineage, and smearing your honor. I understand murder can’t happen. How shall I proceed?
Bruce: [Has a flashback of Thomas driving to his bully’s house, spiked brass knuckles on his hands, petting his head and smiling dangerously, ‘I’ll be right back, chum!’]
Bruce: …I’ll talk to his parents.
Damian: Todd?
Jason: Finally, an excuse to tackle a 10 year old.
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years ago
China's proposal is the perfect example of a reasonable solution.
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
3️⃣ & 4️⃣ Cessare le ostilità, sostenendo gli sforzi, di ENTRAMBE le parti, e non di una solamente, nel lavorare nella medesima direzione, riprendendo il Dialogo Diretto e i Colloqui di Pace:
💬 "Dialogo e negoziazione sono l'unica soluzione praticabile alla crisi ucraina. Tutti gli sforzi volti a una soluzione pacifica della Crisi devono essere incoraggiati e sostenuti. La Comunità Internazionale dovrebbe rimanere impegnata nel giusto approccio per promuovere i colloqui per la pace, aiutare le parti in conflitto ad aprire la porta a una soluzione politica il prima possibile e creare le condizioni e le piattaforme per la ripresa dei negoziati" 🕊
🇷🇺 È necessario ricordarsi delle parole di Medvedev a Xi Jinping sulla volontà da parte della Russia di portare avanti negoziati e colloqui di pace. Qui il post del Collettivo Shaoshan 🌸
5️⃣ & 6️⃣ Risolvere la Crisi Umanitaria secondo la logica che le Operazioni Umanitarie dovrebbero seguire i Principi di Neutralità e Imparzialità, senza essere politicizzate, e Proteggere i Civili e i Prigionieri di Guerra, evitando di attaccare civili e strutture civili, proteggere donne, bambini e vittime del conflitto, mantenendo aperto lo scambio di prigionieri di guerra tra le due parti 💕
🔥 Grande "steccata" della Cina all'Occidente, che ha dimostrato la continua politicizzazione degli aiuti umanitari proprio qualche settimana fa, in occasione del terribile terremoto che ha colpito Turchia e Siria, mentre i Paesi non-Occidentali, Cina in primis, hanno fornito aiuti a entrambi i Paesi, anche se la Turchia ha preso posizioni erratiche nei confronti della Repubblica Popolare per il Tema dello Xinjiang 🌺
7️⃣ Mantenere la sicurezza nelle Centrali Nucleari. "La Cina si oppone agli attacchi armati contro le centrali nucleari o altri impianti nucleari pacifici, invita ogni parte a rispettare il Diritto Internazionale, inclusa la Convenzione sulla Sicurezza Nucleare" ⚛️ | Vero, Ucraina? 🇺🇦
8️⃣ Riduzione dei Rischi Strategici, secondo il Principio "Le armi nucleari non devono essere utilizzate, le guerre nucleari non devono essere combattute", prevenendo la proliferazione nucleare e la crisi nucleare ☣️
9️⃣ Facilitare l'esportazione di grano, attuando pienamente L'Iniziativa per i Cereali del Mar Nero, firmata da Russia, Turchia, Ucraina e ONU 🌽
🔟 Porre fine alle sanzioni unilaterali. Rimuovere completamente le sanzioni occidentali alla Russia: "La Cina si oppone alle sanzioni unilaterali non autorizzate dal Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. I paesi interessati dovrebbero smettere di abusare delle sanzioni unilaterali [...] contro altri paesi"
🤔 Cosa c'è di più "pro-Russia" del chiedere di porre fine alle sanzioni contro la Russia? 🤔
1️⃣1️⃣ Mantenere la stabilità delle catene industriali e di approvvigionamento, opponendosi all'utilizzo dell'economia globale come strumento o arma per scopi politici, sforzarsi congiuntamente per mitigare le ricadute della Crisi 📉
1️⃣2️⃣ Promuovere la ricostruzione post-bellica. "La Comunità Internazionale deve adottare misure per sostenere la ricostruzione postbellica nelle zone di conflitto. La Cina è pronta a fornire assistenza e svolgere un ruolo costruttivo in questo sforzo" 🏛
🤔 Considerando i 12 Punti, è un piano assolutamente equilibrato, e NATO e USA - visto che non potranno fare critiche nel merito - probabilmente porteranno avanti una narrativa del tipo: «Non ci fidiamo della Cina in quanto è vicina alla Russia» 🤡
🤔 Se l'Occidente fa saltare un piano simile, per parafrasare Lukashenko, le conseguenze saranno disastrose ⚔️
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
3️⃣ & 4️⃣ End hostilities, supporting the efforts of BOTH parties, and not just one, in working in the same direction, resuming Direct Dialogue and Peace Talks:
💬 "Dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the Ukrainian crisis. All efforts aimed at a peaceful resolution of the crisis must be encouraged and supported. The international community should remain committed to the right approach to promote peace talks, help parties to the conflict to open the door to a political solution as soon as possible and create the conditions and platforms for the resumption of negotiations" 🕊
🇷🇺 It is necessary to remember Medvedev's words to Xi Jinping on Russia's willingness to carry on negotiations and peace talks. Here the post of the Shaoshan Collective 🌸
5️⃣ & 6️⃣ Resolving the Humanitarian Crisis according to the logic that Humanitarian Operations should follow the Principles of Neutrality and Impartiality, without being politicized, and Protecting Civilians and Prisoners of War, avoiding attacking civilians and civilian structures, protecting women, children and victims of the conflict, keeping open the exchange of prisoners of war between the two sides 💕
🔥 Great "bar" from China to the West, which demonstrated the continuous politicization of humanitarian aid just a few weeks ago, on the occasion of the terrible earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria, while non-Western countries, China in primis, provided aid to both countries, even if Turkey has taken erratic positions towards the People's Republic for the Xinjiang Theme 🌺
7️⃣ Maintain security in Nuclear Power Plants. "China Opposes Armed Attacks on Nuclear Power Plants or Other Peaceful Nuclear Facilities, Calls on Each Party to Respect International Law, Including the Nuclear Safety Convention" ⚛️ | Right, Ukraine? 🇺🇦
8️⃣ Reduction of Strategic Risks, according to the Principle "Nuclear weapons must not be used, nuclear wars must not be fought", preventing nuclear proliferation and nuclear crisis ☣️
9️⃣ Facilitate the export of grain, fully implementing the Black Sea Grain Initiative, signed by Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and the UN 🌽
🔟 End unilateral sanctions. Completely remove Western sanctions on Russia: "China opposes unilateral sanctions not authorized by the United Nations Security Council. Concerned countries should stop abusing unilateral sanctions [...] against other countries"
🤔 What's more "pro-Russia" than calling for an end to sanctions against Russia? 🤔
1️⃣1️⃣ Maintain the stability of industrial and supply chains, opposing the use of the global economy as a tool or weapon for political purposes, jointly strive to mitigate the fallout of the Crisis 📉
1️⃣2️⃣ Promote post-war reconstruction. "The international community must take steps to support post-conflict reconstruction in conflict zones. China stands ready to provide assistance and play a constructive role in this effort" 🏛
🤔 Considering the 12 Points, it's an absolutely balanced plan, and NATO and the USA - since they won't be able to criticize the merits - will probably carry on a narrative like: «We don't trust China as it is close to Russia» 🤡
🤔 If the West blows up such a plan, to paraphrase Lukashenko, the consequences will be dire ⚔️
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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linipikk · 4 months ago
I cant stop laughing
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can you inagine???
as a terminal klance syndrome sufferer, I DESERVE to watch this movie for free on a private theatre with other ACTUAL vld enjoyers where we can laugh at the worst half-assed references and throw popcorn to the screen.
I need to recreate the aristotle-plato talking meme with people who have been let down by vld since 2016 (or so. i know many arrived later to the party).
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ventique18 · 1 year ago
It was a perfect day. Everything went romantically--passionately, even. Now they're standing on a lush verdant hill, the gentle evening breeze caressing their faces. Their hesitant fingers brushing oh-so-shyly as their hearts beat and beat even faster in a plea to shout out what their tongues cannot say.
And when he gazes at the person beside him, their attention captivated by the colorful fireworks that drew stars and flowers and beauty before their very eyes, he knows he has to say it. So that he may see the same besotted expression directed at him instead.
"My lovely flower. My beautiful star. Won't you... make breakfast with me, everyday, for the rest of our lives?"
"Huh? I know you like my cheap cooking, but don't you have world-class chefs at home? I'm sure they'd do better than me..."
In some cultures, asking someone to cook for you everyday is an indirect way of asking someone to marry you. And he was rejected.
Malleus Draconia was rejected. Unwittingly. With all the innocence in the world a person could ever display on their face.
Ah well, just another one of his failed attempts. He'd try again next time, in a different setting, with a different approach. There's bound to be one in a thousand that would work on them, surely?
"I don't really plan to take up culinary arts," They suddenly declare; eyes ahead and never meeting his, "So I don't think I'm qualified to be a royal chef. But if my job title gets to be 'spouse' instead... Maybe I'll give it a thought."
He's not entirely sure if the popping sound was still the fireworks or if it was his very heart.
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fire-rose-95 · 2 years ago
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the-witch-of-woods-beyond · 7 months ago
“if you go, i’ll stay, you come back, i’ll be right here” but it’s clarke griffin giving her life so that bellamy blake and all her friends could make it to space, surviving through sheer will, and calling him on a radio every single day for six years until he could return to her and the home she built for them all.
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fujunfuren · 1 month ago
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You have only Miss Xiao in your heart. No one can replace her. I only have one wish now. That is to avenge the deaths of Uncle Gu, my cousin in-law and Butler Fu. I’m a woman without talent. If I can set up a trap with you by pretending to be a couple, I’m willing to do so. Don’t worry. I can play the role of the wife well. I’m just afraid that you can’t play the role of the husband well.
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respectthepetty · 1 year ago
When I write "DON'T LOOK AT ME!" this is the energy I'm delivering.
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anghraine · 8 days ago
My other housemate has only watched a few episodes from the ST marathon and none of the movies (and has kind of magically escaped a lot of pop culture awareness), but that was enough for her (someone with her own deep investment in very different fandoms) to be O_O at the Kirk and Spock interactions.
We were talking about how shitty the parent corporations etc were towards many slash shippers of the 70s and 80s, and she was like, "I don't really get why anyone would be mad about people seeing their particular relationship as romantic, it's just... this isn't coming out of nowhere. There's a lot of intensity and they obviously care deeply."
me: Yeah, the series finale includes Kirk saying that Spock is closer to him than anyone else in the universe.
Ash: Wait, really? Like, literally?
me: Yes. That's just about the exact wording, actually.
Ash: Damn.
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heyclickadee · 3 months ago
One thing about Crosshair is that he’s a remarkably intelligent man with a good read of people and situations and emotionally wrecked life decision-making skills. Dude will have some truly perceptive insight into whatever’s happening that hits on a grain of truth, and then that insight will be filtered through so many layers of trauma and cynicism that his conclusion will end up at least 90 degrees off whatever’s right.
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mapsontheweb · 11 months ago
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Map of Lithuania, sent in 1919-1920. for the Paris Peace Conference
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eretzyisrael · 6 months ago
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le-panda-chocovore · 5 months ago
TojiShiu incorrect quotes
Toji : Wait... You're gay ?!
Shiu, holding an engagement ring : For Fuck's sake Toji we've been dating for TWO YEARS-
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theheadlessgroom · 3 months ago
Susannah supposed that made the most sense...it was the easiest, most believable fib he could give to his parents, especially considering how enamored they were with the idea of their boy finally settling down. She was sure they'd have all sorts of questions about her "family" and the time he spent with them when he returned, but she had faith he'd be able to come up with a good cover story for the both of them.
"I...I do wish you were meeting my family," she found herself saying aloud before she could stop herself, as she continued to gaze out the window: She didn't have much of it, granted, but she still wished he could've met them nonetheless, particularly her father's side of the family.
"I...I wish you could've met my father," she lamented quietly, as the familiar New Orleans surroundings began to fade away as the sun continued its ascent into the sky. "He...he would've loved you, I think...he'd have admired your...compassion, your good heart, your grace...I think you two would've gotten along very well.
I'm sure my ma would've liked you too...I-I don't remember her much, but...I imagine she woulda liked you a lot. She probably woulda welcomed you into the family with open arms."
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beautifully-lumpy · 2 years ago
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words cannot even begin to express how much i adore this man
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