#rl: ash
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anghraine · 5 months ago
My housemates and I are watching S5 of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, which my bff J and I love, and Ash had never seen. She's been having a blast with it and it's been really cool to watch through her eyes.
I've seen some condemnations of how Entrapta is handled in S5 that I found, let's say, unpersuasive. Re-watching now, I'm not just fine with how she's handled, but have realized how much I really love it. It's still refreshing for me to see a narrative where an obviously autistic person—an adult, which is extra refreshing!—is treated as a moral agent without ignoring her actual handicaps.
Entrapta is capable of moral failure and has failed morally in the past, despite her basic good nature and personal kindness. She has lines she won't cross and where she'll stand her ground, and she hits that line before most everyone in the Horde but Adora, but her priorities were still very wrong. She's not just an avatar of Autism, and by S5 we see that she's grown and changed without any indication that she's less autistic now or more authentically Entrapta than she ever was. AND at the same time, it's clear that there is something rather cruel when other characters evaluate and judge her behavior without making any allowances for how Entrapta perceives and processes things around her. Sometimes they don't seem to even slightly consider how differently Entrapta experiences and understands the world.
The scene (in S5!) where she belatedly figures out that the others in the scene are angry at her, and everyone except Scorpia acts like she's stupid for not already realizing it, is incredibly familiar, honestly. It's one of those moments where I felt like it could seem forced or artificial in a "teaching moment for the kids" way, and yet it's one of the most relatable moments in the show for me.
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moosethren · 1 month ago
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A beautiful piece of Ash in her avatar AU, by @ziorre! It's so utterly gorgeous and I'm blown away by it! All the details and the colours and LOOK AT MY GIRL!
Absolutely recommend commissioning her!
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yumeinati · 5 months ago
Mechanisms Cover Project
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Hello Mechanisms Fans!!!! i'm sure you're probably wondering, "But Mak! Don't you already have a server dedicated to Mechs Covers?" And you're right!! But!! Myself and my friend @legendary-dumpster-fire , who I started that server with, have decided we wanted to make our own official project where we have chosen individuals for the characters!
We're looking for individuals to play...
Jonny d'Ville, your humble captain first mate!!
Ashes O'Reilly, quartermaster!!
Gunpowder Tim, master at arms!!
Marius von Raum, the ship's...doctor!!
Drumbot Brian, the ship's pilot!!
Nastya Rasputina, the ship's engineer and girlfriend!!
Ivy Alexandria, the archivist!!
We're doing everything through Casting Call Club, which will be linked at the end of this post! There aren't many requirements, you just need a proper microphone and a Discord account, alongside submitting lines and verses for the audition!
If you have any more questions, don't be afraid to message me here on Tumblr or on Discord!
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probably-not-forsaken · 1 year ago
I think this
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and this
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should become new meme formats. no, i don’t know how to or intend to learn how to make memes, i just think they would be good meme formats.
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greenbergsays · 2 years ago
Picture it: it's 8:30am on a Friday morning, I don't feel particularly well because I think the Teenager gave me a stomach bug or we caught it at the same time idk, but I don't feel bad enough to call in so I'm working through my morning on ginger snaps and ginger ale
And as I'm walking through the parking lot at work, this rando vendor stops me while I'm minding my own goddamn business, this ancient ass white man with the audacity, and he says to me, "I just wanted to say thank you! [...] You look like a woman and that's so rare to see nowadays."
Buddy, I am a barely functioning non-binary-maybe-genderfluid-maybe-trans asshole that decided to wear a dress today, just because I have prominent tits and no pants on does not mean I am a woman or even particularly feel like one
Did I say that to him? No. Because I'm tired and I don't feel good and I swear the universe only ever puts me in these situations when it knows I won't cause an incident
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suth-sardian · 1 year ago
V-Day! D-1
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yeah, you could make him better, but why would you want to?
#stone dance of the chameleon#sdc#nirxa mimetus#naranith sei#they have a very fun and great relationship in my heart 🫂 very balanced and passionate and mature#i think what’s funny is that their House names both start from N 😭 maybe in some AU they become bfs bc their rollnos in class are together ✍#i actually had a design for Sei already—i still like that one a lot#but i feel like it was a bit of a youthful style? by the time he got w Mimetus i think he’d quite a bit more mature#idk i feel like the version of him that got with Mimetus would already be a father. idk#i actually first developed Mimetus for my GATSD concept 😭 he was one of Sardian’s bfs. my notes only said:#‘does drugs and gambles’#which is a bit amazing i guess#but i think he would be extremely clever and cunning—something that would attract Sei a lot#also Mimetus is iirc a couple of years older than Sei and even became RL earlier? 🫂#i like to imagine that he started to pursue Sei when he became RL—his fave thing would be forcing Sei to unmask#i do also think their natures would match a lot—they would be fierce allies#though i can’t decide if they’d let everyone know—they wouldn’t *hide* it#but i think there’s something to be said about a hidden power couple that fucks everyone else over#anyway->one day#Sei: i’ve told you not to smoke so much if you’re going to meet me—your entire mouth tastes of ash#Mimetus: ok don’t kiss me#Sei: i didn’t say /that/—by the twins i’m so sick of you#[this art]
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braveburned · 1 year ago
ohh we are so drukk no
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cuntyji · 26 days ago
gn//f//m reader, fluff, established rl
sukuna who quietly takes up a hobby of pottery and slowly leaves his trinkets around his house :(
it starts small. a tiny figurine, barely the size of your thumb, placed on your nightstand without a word. it's your cat, belly perfectly round, little paws tucked in, an expression so accurately grumpy that you almost think it’s store-bought. but no, the slightly uneven texture and the faint grooves of fingers along its back give it away—this was handmade.
then come the plates. at first, just quarter plates for the both of you. then bigger ones. serving bowls. one day, a dish so enormous appears on the dining table that you stare at it in horror.
"who are we feeding, the entire neighborhood?"
"your fatass cat," sukuna grumbles, arms crossed, but the corners of his lips twitch. "he won’t eat out of anything else now." and sure enough, your cat is sitting beside it, looking absolutely smug, tail flicking as if to say, "finally, a bowl befitting my stature."
the jewelry tray appears next, a shallow ceramic dish with a slight tilt because, as he explains, he’s still "figuring out how to make the damn things symmetrical." you paint it gold and pink, his least favorite colors, just to be annoying. he doesn’t complain. "not bad," he mutters, picking it up to inspect. "at least it ain't neon green."
but it’s the ashtray that really gets you. shaped into a heart, of all things. you stare at it for a good minute before looking at him, one brow raised. "shut up," he says before you can even speak.
"i didn’t say anything."
"you were thinking it."
you paint the heart ashtray a gaudy red and put tiny, illegible gold lettering across the rim that just barely resembles the words kiss the chef. when he notices, he lets out a dry laugh, shaking his head. "you're real lucky i like you," he mutters, flicking ash into it without hesitation.
the funniest thing is how he never makes a fuss when you accidentally break one of his pieces. you nearly cry when you chip one of the quarter plates, apologizing profusely, but he only shrugs.
"eh, i’ll just make another one."
"but it took you weeks—"
"yeah, yeah, and i’ll do it again." he nudges your forehead with a clay-stained knuckle. "quit looking so guilty, brat. it just means i get to see you smile over a new one."
you do. every time. <3
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ilovebuckers5 · 11 months ago
*•♡never be like you ♡¸.•*'
nika muhl x cheerleader!reader
"I wanna hold the hand inside you. I wanna take the breath that's true"
word count - 3.4k
themes :
-toxic rls
warnings :
-mentions to abuse
-explicit language
-iowa winning
A/N - did I get you guys. y'all really thought I would wait any longer to post this....
"can we please not do this ash."
i practically pleaded for my boyfriend to not argue with me before a big performance.
it was the day I had been waiting for since I was ever even notified that there would be a uconn game against iowa. I couldn't be dealing with relationship issues right before.
i attempted slipping on my skirt in the bathroom while my boyfriends voice was ringing in my ear no matter how much I tried to ignore it. I hate arguments. especially when they are stupid and have no point in even happening.
"no we are doing this now I don't care! you need to tell me the truth before you leave." Asher growled from outside the bathroom door. part of me wanted to swing the door open and break his nose but I knew that I didn't have time for that. so I gently but swiftly opened the door and forced my eyes into his with probably the most 'i'm not fucking around right now' look I'd ever given him. which is shocking with all of the arguments we've gotten into.
"Asher just fucking stop! I wasn't anywhere, I was literally sitting on the bench waiting for katie to pick me up! why is that so hard for you to comprehend." I pull my face away from his and before I could close the door and continue getting ready I whisper under my breath "its like you want me to cheat on you." the door was about to latch onto the door frame when his pale and veiny hand gripped onto the wooden edge. "what the fuck did you just say?" shit.
he then swung the door open with a force I've never seen before and a wave of fear flushed through my head. there were already tears welling up in my eyes from the yelling and now this just made them fall down my face. inside I was screaming incoherently at his face, slamming the door on his fingers and bashing his head around the room.
this has happened too many times. where we argue and I end up bruised or crying and I have to walk to Natalie's place and cry even more but into her arms instead. there's been too many times where Asher gets away with shit that no other man could get away with. and too many fucking times have I stayed.
his hand was peeled away from the edge of the door and I swear there was hot lava falling out from his eyes instead of guilt tripping tears. "why do you do this to me y/n? it hurts." he dramatically let his hand fall into his palms as more tears fell from his clearly angered eyes. most times I would let myself feel guilty and sorry for him as if I was the one that did the hurting. but this time I was done. nothing was officially over but the moment definitely was. he's going to have to find a way to win my attention back this time.
i tightened my pony tail and grabbed my cheer bag before walking out of our apartment, slamming the door behind me. it was so early in the morning that the sun was only rising as I walked out the door. I'm almost positive that everyone else on the team was asleep so I had to walk to practice. I was only a couple steps into my long walk when a car pulled up in front of me. well not in front but beside me. I continued walking until a window was rolled down and I heard a familiar voice call out.
"yo are you good?"
i was not. I had tears streaming down my face and I probably looked like I was just thrown in a pit of piranhas, but I cant say that.
"huh?" I turn my head to the side to see a white BMW pulled over. the voice I had heard earlier had a very memorable accent in it. Nika Muhl. 5'10 point guard. pretty hair. pretty eyes. just pretty.
"are you okay?" another voice reached out from the drivers seat of the car. Paige Bueckers of course. I finally looked down from my own height and saw a the brunette looking up at me with kinda eyes. her head was slightly tilted to the side while she waited for me to answer her question. "oh. uh." I waited a moment.
just before this I was telling myself that I wasn't going to put up with asher's bullshit anymore. that included hiding what was going on. Asher put me through shit. I mean he curb stomped my head on a pile of shit and dragged my face through it with his bare hands and never felt any regret.
"n-no not really." yeah I did that. fuck you Asher. the feeling of just admitting that I wasn't made the rest of my tears started to drain back into my eye sockets. I could see it in Nika's eyes that she felt bad even if she was smiling and laughing. she popped open the car door and tapped her lap. "well c'mon." she swayed her head, gesturing for me to literally crawl over her lap and get into the backseat, as there isn't a back door. I didn't want to be rude so I sighed and crawling over Nika's lap and into the backseat. I was hovering over her long enough to smell the beachy sunscreen smelling perfume she had on. her hands grazed my thigh that was exposed after my skirt had started to hang down from my position. thank God the cheer uniforms had shorts under the skirts because when I was almost in the back seat next to Ice Brady and KK Arnold, my skirt lifted up right in Nika's face. I almost fell face first into the backseat before I felt Nika's hands grip onto my waist to support me until I was sitting down. I let out a sharp and quick sigh while fixing my hair and and un-ruffling my skirt, I looked into the driver seat to see Paige holding back tears of laughter. I could practically see how red Nika was from the back of the head rest she had her hair pressed against.
i didn't expect the car ride to be as comforting as it was. the entire drive was basically just the girls either singing or asking me questions about cheer. it was all fine before Nika decided to speak up about why I was sobbing on the sidewalk.
"so what was going on with you earlier? before we very obviously saved your ass." I couldn't help but laugh at her remark but quickly got more serious when Paige turned down the music so everyone could hear me. I felt like I was put on a stage with a microphone in a pretty pink dress waiting to win Miss America with everyone's eyes on me while they waited for me to answer.
"oh it was nothing just stuff about my boyfriend...." I tried to shake off the question even though a part of me wanted to scream how much I hated him. I trailed off and glanced to the side to find an unconvinced KK staring at me. KK is funny, I always see her jumping around after a win and shes always filled with energy.
I shrugged and threw my head back before actually giving in. "fine. he's like, really shitty honestly. I want to break up but I can't." the car was silent for a couple seconds while I patiently waited for someone to speak. "what way of shitty? like wants to break up constantly but wont or like- another way of shitty" Paige asked without making any eye contact.
another way for sure. every other way that you could think of Paige.
"guilt tripping manipulative way I guess?" I said, my voice slightly cracking. Nika clicked her tongue as she reached around her seat and looked back at you. "you know you don't have to stay. I know its hard to not stay but you aren't obligated to stay." thank you. that the only thing I was needing to hear in the past year I had been with Asher. I know I'm not obligated to stay with him but Jesus it feels like it. "thanks." the car ride was silent for a couple more minutes before Paige pulled into the driveway of my cheer practice building.
I was just about to get out of the car before realizing that ice was in front of the door I should've been getting out of. I had to crawl over Nika's lap again. I tossed my duffel bag into her lap and its like she could read my brain when she opened her door and gently set the bag out side. but this time she put down her car seat so that there was a (mainly) flat surface for me to crawl over. instead of crawling, I lifted my feet over Nika's body first and then slid myself over her. my ass gently bumps against her lap, almost sending a loud gasp from my lips. there her hands were again. I thought everything was going by quickly but she still had enough time to wrap her fingers around my waist and lifted me from the back seat out the door.
it was honestly hard for me to speak after having to be that close to a practical stranger in the span of 20 minutes but I tried my best.
"thank you guys for the ride. good luck on your game!" as I was waving goodbye while walking down the sidewalk towards the door of the building, Nika yelled out.
"y/n? I'll see you there right?"
oh my fuck she wants to see me at the game. she actually WANTS me to be there.
all I could manage to do without folding over and passing out of the concrete was throw a thumbs up from behind me and continue walking. the moment I stepped or slid out of that car, all the thoughts came back, rushing through my head. how the fuck was I supposed to focus on cheer when my relationship was on the brink of ending. I felt tears well up in my eyes just thinking about it. obviously I wanted things to end but its been a year and a couple months. I don't know how I was going to just break up and be fine. when I swung open the doors to my cheer studio I saw coach and couple other girls sitting down, tying their shoes and fixing each other's hair. coach waved at me once I got through the door. I made my way over to the other girls and gave them each a hug with a very fake warm smile plastered on my face.
"hiii, are you okay you look like you've been crying?" Taylor spoke in a soft, caring mom kind of tone. why is everybody so worried about if I was crying or not. its not that big of a deal just let me cry. I nodded aggressively "mhm. yeah I'm good." the two girls, Taylor and Caydence, looked at each other and they obviously could see through me. I held back even more tears when they shrugged their shoulder continued talking, I knew they didn't believe me but they didn't push an answer out of me like Nika and Paige.
a part of me has always been interested in basketball but the other part kept telling me that I was talented enough or masculine enough. Nika was always an inspiration to me even before I started cheering for UConn. sometimes after practice, as long as there is no performances and I'm not being held back by my coach, I like to go to the public gym and practice basketball by myself. every time I do, I always wish that there was someone there to practice with me. that is part of the reason I went on to cheer for UConn basketball.
i was still stretching when some more girls off the team walked through the door. makeup done, lashes curled ready to go. I still sat in the corner with a couple mascara streaks running down my face. sadly, there weren't any wipes anywhere in the studio so I had to sit with dried cracky mascara on my face instead of my lashes. I stood up after stretching and actually set my bag and water bottle down at some benches before going up to my best friend, Farah, and squeezing her tightly. she had just walked through the door holding a bag with her cheer supplies and another that had a bow tied around it. it wasn't too big but definitely noticeable. my eyes were immediately drawn to it but I waited for her to bring it up after we finished hugging.
"don't act like you aren't wondering what's in here." she shook the yellow back in front of me, letting me take it out of her hands. I scrimmaged through it and found a piece of paper in the bottom. it looked blank until I flipped it over.
mother fucking Farah.
"YOU GOT ME TICKETS TO OLIVIA RODRIGO? WHAT THE FUCK?" I squealed loud enough for the entire team and coach to hear. all eyes were on me but I didn't care. there was literally no reason for Farah to do this at all. shes just a really fucking nice person. she bent over, holding her stomach with laughter pouring out of her mouth. I felt all sorts of feelings rushing through me. confusion, happiness, more confusion, a little bit of sadness because there was only one ticket at the bottom of the bag.
that when everything died down. I realized that she only got one? no way.
"wait did you-" I began to question but Farah stopped me by shoving her finger over my lips.
"nope." she pulled out her hand from her bag and there were two other tickets. why two? why two. two. fuck.
"for Asher!" she held onto my wrists more excited than she was walking inside of the studio. that giddy smile on her face fell quickly. there is no way I'm bringing Asher with to a concert that he wouldn't even give a shit about. all he'd care about is getting in my pants afterwards because my feet will hurt too much to walk away and say no. I pulled myself towards Farah's ear and whispered softly "Asher cannot come with. I'm planning on breaking up with him."
Farah's eyes widened once I pulled my mouth away from her ear. all she did was nod and dropped my hands back to my side. we walked over to the bench and continued waiting for the rest of the team to show up.
practice went smooth. now its about to start. UConn and Iowa. fuck I'm nervous. I've been a UConn fan for years and this game is one of the things I've always wanted to see in person. they start introducing players while the cheer squad was doing our main routine to the rhythm of a random Taylor swift song. I think it's I knew you were trouble. ironic. the one thing I was not allowed myself to think of was Asher. if I wanted to think about him I would just trick myself into thinking about Nika. wait that came out wrong. anyways. I was just let down on the floor after doing a thigh stand and the team continued dancing until it was finally tip off. I scurried off the court with the rest of my team and sat to the side while a couple girls above me kept moving around with pom poms. we got the ball first and stayed in the lead for a while.
as much as I was pretending to focus on the shots all the players were making, I couldn't peel my eyes away from Nika. she was on Caitlin Clark's ass. not even letting her shoot a three pointer. shes doing so good. she had her hands surrounding the ball, barely letting Clark shoot at all. I admire her for her defensive skills. I believe her aggression really helps with that. shes passionate. she obviously wants to win but on court it looks like shes playing with her life on the line. but she does it with ease. the one thing I kept forgetting was that this could be her last college game. ever. no one knows where shell go after UConn. lots of people are saying overseas and I think that would be the death of me. I watched every move she made. not in a stalker way but in an invested in her game way. the way her hair swayed back and forth while she shuffled around Caitlin. the way she already had a couple balls of sweat falling off of her forehead. I would be lying to myself if I didn't think she looked really hot right now.
and I'm up again. Caydence was holding onto my hips before she tossed me in the air, I landed on her and angels palms before flipping off and landing feet flat on the floor. still holding a pretty fake smile on my lips. once it was someone else's turn to do a crazy flip, I took the chance and looked back at the bench, watching as Nika took multiple sips out of a Gatorade water bottle. her hand rested on Paige shoulder while she shot something that probably motivational and worded beautiful to Paige's ear.
the game was going smooth until the 4th quarter. I could feel my blood boiling while watching the timer tick lower and lower without our score going higher. this cant be happening. 3.9 seconds on the clock. I could practically feel the vibrations of every UConn fan tapping their feet waiting for someone to shoot a three pointer and give us the win. but no. a foul was called on Aaliyah. I don't think it was a foul but what do I know.
as much as I was desperate for us to win, I knew we wouldn't be taking home the win this time. 4.6 seconds. now Paige. what is it with these bullshit calls.
i never liked Iowa. in my opinion, Clark is good at basketball but can be conceited and over hyped. of course I didn't want anyone to come at me with that when Iowa "wins the natty" so i'll have to keep that in my head for now.
i started calming down, trying to accept the fact that there wasn't a point going on but they from the far side of the court I saw Caitlin Clark. the basketball player dubbed as the goat and a women's basketball savior, bounce a basketball off of her so called friend? fuck that shit. I almost stood up and sprinted across the court. me and Paige may not be close but I cant take shit like that. Farah rested her hand on my thigh, telling me to not do anything. because its "out of my control"
it could be in mine. just saying.
and just like that, number 20 gets the ball, throws it in the air, and declares the win for Iowa. I could physically feel my face getting hotter with each tear I saw fall from Nika's eyes. Iowa doesn't deserve this. they have everything. and UConn gave up everything. I couldn't stop myself from crying too. I shoved my face in my hands trying to dry the tears that were slowly ruining my eye makeup/ I feel fucking terrible. how could UConn give so much for this and barely get anything back. just the noise of all the Iowa fans cheering and laughing and the sight of them smiling made me sick. I wont even hide it. I was jealous. jealous that they had such dick riding refs.
who said that.
i wanted, so badly, to stand up and wrap my arms around Nika and Paige and Aaliyah and all the others to just give them some sort of recognition but we had to go. coach led us through the tunnel and that was it. I sat on a bench in our locker room, debating what to do.
and I figured out what to do. right then and there.
even with my hands on my forehead, crying and stressing, the inside of me was happy because I knew that someone wouldn't be feeling so bad on April 22nd.
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thetravelingtyper · 1 year ago
WHAT'S THIS A MASTER LIST? about dang time
Updated 10-1 for Letters From Nowhere
enjoy - Ash
Simon Ghost Riley
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Spitfire Series (GN tall American reader x SGR)
Spitfire: 1 Spitfire, 2 Reaper, 3 Feuerkopf, 4 Heated Shadow, 5 A supreme love, Nightmare Teaser
Spitfire Spinoff of Author Reader Comfort Character (RL! GN Reader x SGR)
Comfort Character Pt 1, Part 2, part 3
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On The Same Page! (American, Author Reader x SGR)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15
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Beasts of the Deep (SGR x Reader Au)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Wolf! Simon
One and The Same
Part 1
One Shots!
a moment
Misc Posts!
Library AU idea!
Compromising Position ft Soap!
Hypnogogic (Angst)
Saving Johnny! (Slight Angst) Look for parts 1 and 2!
Soft! Simon Headcannons
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
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Letters from Nowhere (CBF! Soap x reader x Simon)
Prologue, Part 1, Part 2
Poly 141!
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Our Shattered Heart (GN! 'Heart' Reader x Taskforce 141)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 2.25, Part 2.50, Part 2.75, Part 3.00, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Headcanons! (just extra content for the universe!)
Part 1,
Labyrinth (1986)
Jareth the Goblin King
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Out From Twisting Pages
After finding a beautifully bound book titled “Journey into the Labyrinth” in your university library and being told to keep it, you take the uncatalogued book home over the seasonal break. However when school is suddenly shifted online, you start finding marbles everywhere you go, mysterious hijinks occur, and a large white owl suddenly decides to nest in the tree out your little house’s window, you begin to wonder if something may be up with the mysterious book…
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anghraine · 27 days ago
My other housemate has only watched a few episodes from the ST marathon and none of the movies (and has kind of magically escaped a lot of pop culture awareness), but that was enough for her (someone with her own deep investment in very different fandoms) to be O_O at the Kirk and Spock interactions.
We were talking about how shitty the parent corporations etc were towards many slash shippers of the 70s and 80s, and she was like, "I don't really get why anyone would be mad about people seeing their particular relationship as romantic, it's just... this isn't coming out of nowhere. There's a lot of intensity and they obviously care deeply."
me: Yeah, the series finale includes Kirk saying that Spock is closer to him than anyone else in the universe.
Ash: Wait, really? Like, literally?
me: Yes. That's just about the exact wording, actually.
Ash: Damn.
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crimsonlyinglilly · 24 days ago
DAY 1: vocal chords
A rather late start for @febuwhump, my second year and yet RL is fighting me, sadly this weak I lost my living inspiration for 'Familiar faces'' Lucifer, due to old age.
So here's day one of Febuwhump
To start this month we back to Caged Founder
Elijah had always been talented with his words and alongside his ability to find a weak point, it was both a useful weapon and a habit that left him in trouble.
Normally with his siblings the latter was easily dealt with due to their own bad habits, alone it was solely his problem.
Like the last time he had seen his father, he had used his words to stoke his anger and disappointment into a rage that equaled his hatred for Niklaus to keep him from leaving Elijah’s trail to hunt down his sibling.
“-The bastard!” Father had snarled, once again trying to convince him to give up on his brother
“At least he’s free of the stain your blood leaves on me.” he had replied sharply and had a moment to see Father flinch back as the words hit him, before the flicker of hurt in his father’s eyes vanished and Elijah barely managed to escape the temper he had inspired and the burning building, shoulder burning on its own from the white oak stake.
He should have felt something more when he had done it but Elijah’s love for his father had died long ago and any lingering want for the man’s attention was ash along with his city and Marcellus. 
Instead Elijah had been annoyed at himself for not managing to get away with the stake, he hadn't had much time to dwell on either issue as in the next town waiting for father to catch up he had been met by Aya and her short lived army.
Which led him where he was currently, once again dealing with the aftermath of carefully chosen words to hurt.
The ribbon around his throat hidden under his shirt was enchanted to freeze his vocal cords leaving him mute, truly he blames Tristan's ability to shoot his month about Elijah’s sensitive subjects but not to take any returning shots .
Ten years ago Tristan would have gotten his revenge, attempted to teach him a lesson in a far simpler way, torture then an an attempt to humble him and remind him of his place.
But Tristan’s attempts were always mixed with his clear desire for an equal relationship, impossibly given Tristan’s control issues and Elijah- well he was aware of his own issues.
The change he laid completely at Aurora’s feet, he had been fine with the mostly clear line of captor and captive.
He ignores the fact he knows he’s lying to himself, after all if it had been clear he wouldn’t have had multiple breakdowns and needed Tristan and Aya to draw him back out of his spiraling depression.
Meaning now Tristan was always trying something new, so Elijah was stripped of his words and dragged along to this ball, to celebrate the new millennium.
It wasn't a formal Strix Gala that was arranged in a month's time, where Elijah was now an almost equal leader, quite a change from his early years as an open captive.
This was a front, a mix of wealthy humans and business owners they dealt with the Strix, so most of those there tonight weren't aware of who they really were and would be under the impression of their recent human covers.  
An almost normal public date between the three of them, as much as they could with modern human sensibilities.
Tristan De Martel, his business partner Elijah Michels and his wife Aurora De Martel.
Something he’s sure Tristan arranged to spite Lucien.
Elijah raised an eyebrow at Tristan across the limo as he noticed him eyeing the ring on Elijah’s hand with envy, he looked away, it was always a comforting reminder to see how much power he had over the other even now. Tristan De Martel was far easier to read than he liked to think.
"I don’t have a heart," the count’s son had whispered in his ear a thousand years ago, before biting his earlobe when Elijah had chuckled at his misguided pride in the words, as if Aurora wasn’t living proof of the falseness of the claim.
Aurora pulled his attention from him as she adjusted his earrings, he still failed to understand how he had allowed her to talk him into That the first place but he had found things far easier to blame her over the years as she clawed her way into his affection, something she always took with pride.
Aurora was mostly immune to his words unlike Tristan, but Aurora played her own games so it took a little more work out what she wanted, and whether it was in his interest to play with her or against. 
He’s pulled from his thoughts by the tip of a nail tracing his throat to blink down at Aurora. She smiled once she saw she had his attention.
“So if anyone asks your suffering from Laryngitis.” she tells him with a smile
He gives her a flat look.
“Oh right you can’t!” she says with mock realisation “You’ll just have to stay on my arm like a nice trophy husband.” she beams, patting him on the arm.
He sends Tristan a look, they both know Aurora will get distracted at some point and vanish, like every time before, Tristan ignores his look to give her a smile and Elijah frowns as he quickly works out that was Tristan’s plan, he was hoping after Aurora disappearance he would forced to return to Tristan’s side like a ‘like a nice trophy husband’ indeed.
Elijah smiles as the car slows down, he slips Aurora’s phone from her purse before they even get into the venue, honestly it's almost like Trista was under estimating him.
Modern technology did make a voice unnecessary.
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Hey! Now that you’re back I wanted to ask about Resident Lover? I remember you were on the team- but then the game came out and your name wasn’t on the dev list... what happened?
I can’t escape this question can I- and for those of you who messaged me, I did delete them in hopes of avoiding this- but I don’t want rumours to spread so lemme be transparent.
Also pls read this for how I’m handling coming back to this blog: https://www.tumblr.com/donnabenevientosimpingzone/741337986608873472/complex-feelings-and-absolute-pandemonium-about-my
No, I wasn’t kicked off the team, nor was I invited back when I left- and they made the right choice doing that. I was not mentally stable. I didn’t take the project seriously, I had jealousy issues, and didn’t take criticism well- I self destructed badly- blew up and burned that bridge to ashes, not to mention what sorta hurt I caused the team.
It did hurt a lot when I saw the game release. I was so upset, and spent so many weeks thinking about “what if I didn’t fuck up”. But there are no “what ifs” in history, we are meant to go through what we do in order to become the best versions of ourselves. The whole ordeal was part of the last push I needed to finally seek professional help. And the fact it still hurts whenever I see it around means I still care and carry guilt about everything that happened.
I’m practicing exposure therapy to try and heal that gaping wound. RE8 has turned my life completely on its head and I don’t want to abandon it- the best outcome will be the day I can download and play the game and find it within myself to genuinely love it with no more wounds to lick- but for now I’m content with seeing it float around every once in a while on my dash.
Out of respect- I hope none of you will pester the devs about this either. They did something amazing, and I’m so proud of what they’ve accomplished. Out of all of them I really miss MJ. They were the best, most hilarious friend- I always thought they were super attractive- and the whole reason the game was possible. Show them some love- idk message them “you’re cool!” for me or something. Anon ask if you have to. Don’t tell them I’m the one who sent you- I think it’ll be funny to just have a whole buncha people messaging them outta nowhere bahaha
And with that I hope this clears it up and stops people from messaging anymore about it. It’s still a sensitive wound I’m working to heal and I’d like to do it at my own pace<3 I don’t regret the experience, I’m in such a better place now because of it. I would love to make peace with my past self and accept the pain as a part of growing.
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Until then enjoy me going back to my usual shenanigans before all the shit hit the fan. I’m very excited to draw more Spider Donna and Beneviento Sisters, I hope y’all enjoy it too<3
Update edit: https://www.tumblr.com/donnabenevientosimpingzone/737803172475781120/stupid-lil-update-i-wanna-do-as-per-my-pinned
Update! https://www.tumblr.com/donnabenevientosimpingzone/737980137572892672/people-who-knowknew-me-personally-probably-arent
Update that shows old sprite: https://www.tumblr.com/donnabenevientosimpingzone/738487941680316416/want-me-as-a-professor-okay-damn-ignore-the
Update where I rant about Angie and Daniela with a cat: https://www.tumblr.com/donnabenevientosimpingzone/740499151828156416/can-we-see-the-png-of-the-angie-sprite-holding-a
Update about the dangie ask on the RL blog: https://www.tumblr.com/donnabenevientosimpingzone/742312364040454144/hey-just-a-heads-up-that-the-rl-team-recently
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swooning-skulls · 10 months ago
--- character list
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blue - currently interested | red - not taking requests | green - no romance | pink - yandere allowed
i will occasionally write characters not on this list, that doesn't mean they will be requestable.
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{...live action...}
BULLET TRAIN: Lemon, Tangerine, The Father, The Wolf
COMMUNITY: Jeff Winger, Britta Perry, Annie Edison, Abed Nadir, Troy Barnes, Shirley Bennett, Ben Chang, Dean Craig Pelton
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS: ---coming soon
YOU: Joe Goldberg, Peach Salinger, Guinevere Beck, Candace Stone, Love Quinn, Forty Quinn, Delilah Alves
YELLOWJACKETS: ---coming soon
FALLOUT: Lucy MacLean, Norman MacLean, Chet, Maximus, Thaddeus, Cooper Howard, Lee Moldaver, Bud Askins, Henry "Hank" McLean, Betty Pearson
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A.N.) depending on the continuity, i may decline romantic requests for scooby-doo characters since they're not adults in all continuities.
SCOOBY-DOO (all except hbo velma): Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Scoobert "Scooby-Doo" Doobert, Fred Jones, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, Thorn, Luna, Dusk, Vincent van Ghoul
G1 MONSTER HIGH: Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura, Lagoona Blue, Cleo de Nile, Ghoulia Yelps, Deuce Gorgon, Clawd Wolf, Toralei Stripe, Scarah Screams, Abbey Bominable, Spectra Vondergeist, Operetta, Venus McFlytrap, C.A. Cupid, Nefera de Nile, Mr. D'eath, G. Reaper, Ms. Kindergrubber, Mr. Rotter, Mr. Where
G3 MONSTER HIGH: ---coming soon
SONIC BOOM: ---coming soon
LOVE, DEATH & ROBOTS: ---coming soon
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{...video games...}
MARIO FRANCHISE: Mario, Luigi, Pauline, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Princess Rosalina, Yoshi, Bridette, Bowser, King Boo, Wario, Waluigi, Vivian, Goombella, Madame Flurrie, Lady Bow
FALLOUT NEW VEGAS: Courier 6, Arcade Gannon, Craig Boone, Lily Bowen, Raul Tejada, Sharon Cassidy, Veronica Santangelo, ED-E, Rex, Christine Royce, Dean Domino, Joshua Graham, Benny 'Gecko', Legate Lanius, Robert House, Ulysses (MORE COMING SOON)
FALLOUT 3: The Lone Wanderer, Butch Deloria, Charon, Clover, Cross, Dogmeat, Fawkes, Jericho, RL-3 (MORE COMING SOON)
FALLOUT 4: Nate, Nora, Cait, Codsworth, Curie, Danse, Deacon, Dogmeat, John Handcock, Nick Valentine, Piper Wright, Preston Garvey, Ada, Old Longfellow, Porter Gage, Bobbi No-Nose, Desdemona, Erikson, Ham, Irma, Kent Connolly, KL-E-0, Pickman, Red Tourette, Swan, Tinker Tom, Travis Miles, Vault-Tec Rep, Whitechapel Charlie (MORE COMING SOON)
COD: COLD WAR: Bell, Russell Adler, Lawrence Sims, Frank Woods, Alex Mason, Dimitri Belikov, Perseus, Vikhor "Stich" Kuzmin
RAINBOW SIX SIEGE: ---coming soon
APEX LEGENDS: ---coming soon
OVERWATCH: Soldier 76, Reinhardt, Sojourn, Mercy, Winston, Tracer, Genji, Mei, Brigitte, Echo, Lucio, Pharah, Zarya, D.Va, Baptiste, Bastion, Doomfist, Moria, Reaper, Widowmaker, Sombra, Sigma, Ramattra, Junker Queen, Roadhog, Junkrat, Wrecking Ball, Hanzo, Ashe, B.O.B., Symmetra, Lifeweaver, Zenyatta, Orisa, Illari , Venture
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life-winners-liveblog · 9 months ago
She flinches when the notebook was destroyed but ignores it
Oh wow, there wasn't even a flame, it just turned to ash. Do you know how it works and can you explain it?
RL!Skizz: Oh yeah, my skin is like, as hot as molten metal.
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mogai-headcanons · 21 days ago
Gary Oak is a gay man.
His boyfriend, Ash Ketchum, is an aroace bi autigender trans man.
Ash’s QPP Misty is a beheldgender amorgender hyperboy bluerazgender oceangender bosgender trans man.
Tracey Sketchit is a bisexual artgender naturecoric sketchgender trans man.
Brock is a tunnelheartic sweetboygender ricepuddinggender lovecoric loverboy lovelettergender AdINgender cutehoarder rockgender lesbian trans woman and gay trans man.
May is a demisexual demiromantic abro gay prettygender cakegender cluwellous peachgender pompomgender trans rosboy b♡y.
Dawn is a lovecoric starwashic cutegender sunrisegender wonderlandgender dejavugender ontfille g♡rl.
Iris is a feragender fungusgender hoodiegender unovagender luveratix obscuregender stimgender ticsgender vennijgender trans boy.
Samuel Oak is an aroace t4t aroace mekangender errgender (xenogender one not the agender one) autigender jokegender genderwhat xumgender trans man.
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