#patti holmes
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yourbasicqueerie · 15 days ago
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milfloveer · 11 months ago
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Lorraine Warren
- That's my wife! Even better!
Sherlock Holmes
- Proof of love
- A little time off
Patti LuPone
- Sunflower 🌻 (Lilia Calderu)
- Premonition 🦋 (Lilia Calderu)
- Drawings of you (Lilia Calderu)
- Surprise
I'll definitely add more to the list as I progressively write and I also accept requests :)
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criscostarr · 9 months ago
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How Are Your Nerves?, Collage, 2024
I made this a couple weeks ago but neglected to post 'til now. Mostly made up of stuff from a children's book about psychics (which focused on how psychics use their abilities to catch killers and criminals?) and an old Radio Stars magazine I took from work. This turned out really great, I'd like to do more serial killer stuff in the future. Featuring a very similar dental plate to Rectal Itch, one of my first collages.
Did this at a fiber arts event at a local queer community center which was really cool! Chatted with some folks and made friends. Thanks to one of 'em for lending me a pen to do the thumbprint with. :)
I think I'll do a collage / poetry zine soon. and probably mail it to people who pay postage or want to become pen pals.
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ladies-of-fiction · 1 year ago
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Icons (128-128)
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luegootravez · 8 months ago
Pattie Boyd by Martha Holmes
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dungeon-meshi-tournament · 1 month ago
We finished the Best Outfit in the Dungeon Tournament yesterday. As always, I'm taking a week-long break before starting the next one. Because it will coincide with Valentine's Day, I'm running the Seaworthiest Ship in the Dungeon Tournament again.
This tournament relies on submissions of you folks, my followers. If you have a ship you want to participate in this tournament, please submit it and I'll add it to the tournament. The rules:
Only ships between Dungeon Meshi characters are allowed.
You have one week to submit your ships, starting when I upload this post.
Only ships between Dungeon Meshi characters are allowed.
I'd prefer it if you submit your ships as asks, because those are easiest for me to keep track of. Other methods of submitting ships are allowed though.
Please check the list below the cut for your ship before submitting to avoid clogging up my inbox with double submissions.
Ships that have been submitted so far (and returning ships from last year) below the cut:
Newly submitted ships:
Marcille x Ambrosia
Laishuro (Laios x Toshiro)
Otta x Mayjack
Izutade (Izutsumi x Inutade)
Okonomiyaki trio (Laios x Kabru x Toshiro)
Marcille x Faligon
Fleki x Otta
Cithis x Mithrun
Holm x Kaka
Toshiro x Namari
Mayjack x Izutsumi
Chilchuck x his wife
Laios x Man-eating plant
Rin x Marcille
Mithrun x Milsiril
Kabru x Toshiro
Kabru x Falin
Kabru x Marcille
Kabru x Laios x Marcille
Laios x Rin
Laios x Kabru x Rin
Namari x Falin x Marcille
Rin x Falin x Marcille
Çithis x Mithrun x Milsiril
Marcille x Pattadol
Kabru x Holm'
Falin x Rin
Toshiro x Rin
Toshiro x Touden siblings
Senshi x Chilchuck's wife
Yuri Labru (fem!Kabru x fem!Laios)
Marcille's parents
Marcille's mom x her step dad
Zon x his Orc wives
Toshiro x Marcille
Flamela x Erique x Misyl
Marcille x Mithrun
Chilchuck x Dandan
Headless Bicorn x Anne the Kelpie
Touden party polycule
Senshi x Marcille
Senshi x Maizuru
Chilchuck x his wife x Senshi
Falin x Marcille x Mayjack
Chilchuck x Kabru
Toshiro x Lycion
Toshiro x Holm
Maizuru x Toshiro's mom
Labrumisu (Laios x Kabru x Mithrun)
Falin x Senshi
Leed x Laios
Zon x Laios
Zon x Marcille
Leed x Chilchuck
Laios x Falin
Falin x Thistle
Laios x Izutsumi
Fionil x Marcille
Mayjack x Namari
Yaoi Farcille (masc!Falin x masc!Marcille)
Zon x Senshi
Mayjack x Marcille
Chimera Falin x Coatl Marcille
Helki x Milsiril
Yuri Laishuro (fem!Laios x fem!Toshiro)
Izutsumi x Namari
The Canaries' actual boat
Yuri Kabumisu (fem!Kabru x fem!Mithrun)
Kabru's party polycule
Kabru's party x Touden party
Het Labru (Laios x fem!Kabru)
Het Laishuro (Laios x fem!Toshiro)
Toshiro's party polycule
Patty-squared (Pattadol x Packpatty)
Winged Lion x Chimera Laios
Milf polycule (Milsiril x Marcille's mom x Izutsumi's mom x mother Touden)
Returning ships from last year:
Farcille (Falin x Marcille)
Izutsumi by herself
Kikimari (Kiki x Namari)
Kabumisu (Kabru x Mithrun)
Labru (Laios x Kabru)
Chilshi (Chilchuck x Senshi)
Cithidol (Cithis x Pattadol)
The Flokes
Namari x Kaka & Kiki
Winged Lion x Laios
Lycion x Mithrun
Kensuke x Ambrosia
Chaios x Chilaios (Chilchuck x Laios)
Laisen (Laios x Senshi)
Otta x Chilchuck's wife
Hienichidori (Hien x Benichidori)
Delgal x Thistle
Winged Lion x Thistle
Hippogriff x Anne the pony
Fionil x Doni
Laios x Kensuke
Senshi x Mithrun
Cithis x Otta
Winged Lion x Mithrun
Namarcille (Namari x Marcille)
Fleki x Lycion
Falin x Namari
Canary polycule
Marcitsumi (Marcille x Izutsumi)
Chilchuck x Marcille
Island governor x Shadow governor
Winged Lion x Marcille
Yaad x thistle
Kabrin (Kabru x Rin)
Maizuru x Toshitsugu
Senshi x Chilchuck's daughters
Gillin x Null
Marcille x Succubus
Falin x Toshiro
Fleki x Cithis
Marcille x Touden siblings
The Dryads
Laios x Thistle
Laios x Lycion
Marios (Marcille x Laios)
Kakamari (Kaka x Namari)
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chriscalledmesweetie · 2 months ago
My AO3 2024 Fic Year in Review
But It's a Ten, John! (100 words, M) Some things shouldn't be interrupted, even for a ten.
The Tenth Good Thing About Sherlock (328 words, G) After the Reichenbach fall, John, Lestrade, and Mrs. Hudson try to think of ten good things about Sherlock.
Sherlock and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week (561 words, T) John is away. Sherlock is NOT pleased.
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The Case of the Missing Patty-Pan (2,982 words, G) When Mrs. Hudson invites Sherlock to a tea party, his own cleverness gets him into trouble. Fortunately, Dr. Watson is only too eager to come to his rescue.
The Murder of Sir Emory J. Amat (66,146 words, T) A Sherlock Holmes/Agatha Christie fusion, as recounted by Dr. John H. Watson. Can you follow the clues to deduce whodunnit?
The Murder of Major Sayer (12,011 words, T) Do you want to know what really happened during the fateful week when John Watson first met Sherlock Holmes? John’s sister Harry is here to set the record straight—or not, as the case may be.
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The Murder of an Illusion (174 words, G) John has told his side of the story, and Harry has told hers. Now, it’s Sherlock’s turn to set the record straight—or not, as the case may be.
John Watson and the Tale of the Bloody Finger (944 words, T) A childhood tale comes back to haunt John.
Call Sherlock! (191 words, G) If you have a case, on Halloween, whatcha gonna do?
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Pitter Pat (313 words, G) Is the flutter in John’s heart atrial fibrillation? Or could there be another cause?
Holly Jolly Johnlock Limericks (875 words, T) What it says on the festive tin.
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prismatoxic · 9 months ago
Laios Touden - Larry Thorton (he's smart and knowledgeable about monsters and his friends always support him) Falin Touden - Felicity Thorton Marcille Donato - Mary DiMaggio (she's more italian now. refers to felicity as her "bestie" on numerous occasions. heavily implied to be in love with larry) Chilchuck Tims - Charles Chuck (he has a goatee and all instances of his age being questioned in canon are replaced with him being made fun of for his bad facial hair. all mentions of a union are gone) Senshi - Samuel Izutsumi - Isabelle (was tulip in the old party)
Kabru - Kyle (very overtly an evil antagonist who wants to hurt larry, also openly in love with rebecca) Rin - Rebecca Holm - Harold Daya - Denise Kuro - Fido Mickbell - Maddison (a girl now and HEAVILY gendered so nobody is confused)
Mithrun - Michael (also blatantly evil, like kyle) Pattadol - Patty Cithis - Cindy Otta - Oswald (a man now, and given pants) Fleki - Fran (a crazy lady now, but not because of drugs! she's just kooky and silly) Lycion - Lupin
Mr. and Mrs. Tansu - Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Kaka - Kenneth Kiki - Kennedy Namari - Nancy (her dad vanished one day without a trace for unknown reasons and she's been trying to get him back)
Toshiro Nakamoto - Thaddeus Nicholson (everyone thinks his name is chad, he and felicity are openly engaged) Maizuru - Marigold Hien - Holly Benichidori - Bluebell Inutade - Ivy
Thistle - Poppy (a girl now) Delgal - Dennis Yaad - Edward The Winged Lion - Leo, until his true nature is revealed, and then Lucifer
and now, some screenshots from @sleepiercreature:
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bitter69uk · 1 month ago
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“Nina Hagen is at once the most outlandish of rock clowns and the most intensely committed and flaked-out female pop visionary since Patti Smith herself.”
/ From Tim Holmes’ review of the album Nina Hagen in Ekstasy (1985) in Rolling Stone /
Released forty years ago this month (February 1985) by CBS records: Nina Hagen in Ekstasy, the berserk German punk diva’s third solo studio album. Don’t compare it to Hagen’s earlier futuristic avant-garde science fiction tour de force Nunsexmonkrock (1982) and Ekstasy is a blast on its own terms (and it’s been a perennial favourite of mine since I was a teenager). The cover depicts Hagen as a punk rock Jayne Mansfield complete with shocking fuchsia hair extensions. The music inside more than lives up to this persona (aptly described by The Village Voice’s Evelyn McDonnell as “extraterrestrial demon-child”): it’s an anything goes explosion of lurid maximalist bad taste, gleefully throwing heavy metal, punk, psychedelia (she covers “Spirit in the Sky” by Norman Greenbaum), hip hop, reggae and dance music into the mix. As ever, Hagen’s lyrics offer her crackpot ruminations on religion, spirituality, UFOs and politics (especially Russian politics). Never one for false modesty, on “Prima Nina in Ekstasy" Hagen declares, “I love myself and I know who I am / Don't you be afraid, doc / I'm the queen of punk rock …” “Universal Radio” is one of the catchiest things she ever did. Her version of “My Way” matches Sid Vicious’ rendition for ferocity. Growling “Go down on your knees and pray for peace …” on “The Lord’s Prayer”, Hagen seemingly channels Linda Blair in The Exorcist. And her repeated references to “ekstasy” perhaps hint at what she was dabbling in at the time. To be fair, CBS gave the album a major push: did they think Hagen could be their equivalent to Cyndi Lauper or Madonna? As Trouser Press’ critic concluded, “Hagen’s rampant individuality almost precludes mass comprehension, let alone full-scale popularity.”
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waugh-bao · 11 months ago
“Keith and I watch a lot of Turner Classic Movies (TCM) like couch potatoes.”-Patti Hansen, 2010
“I live in TCM [Turner Classic Movies] world."-Charlie Watts, 2010
"Two nights ago, I really pissed off my old lady because I stayed up all night watching Sherlock Holmes movies that were on a roll. Silent movies I love. I write music to them. I love classic film. D.W. Griffith. Hitchcock. William Wellman. I mean, should I go on? I know my movies."-Keith Richards, 2008
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einsteinsugly · 8 months ago
The personal edits, in my head, I made to the T7S wiki(s).
1. I ignore the T9S stuff, for obvious reasons. Logistical reasons, blah blah blah. Unless they mention any extended family stuff, or perhaps Kitty's age, because that would stay static regardless of it being an alternate universe (or not).
2. The only birth name and date canons are the following:
A) Red's full name is Reginald Albert Forman, and he was born on December 7, 1927. He turned 14 the day when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
B) Kitty was born on the 13th; likely, the 13th of October. Her maiden name is Sigurdson.
C) Kelso is around a year older than the gang, and Jackie is around a year younger.
D) Jackie's middle name is Beulah.
E) Hyde's full birth name is Steven J Hyde III, and he's a Sagittarius.
F) Donna is a month older than Eric.
Eric's birthday switches around so much, and Bob and Midge's birth dates on the wiki directly contradict canon (I will explain later).
Kelso, Donna, and Jackie's full names and birth dates stay the same.
What I change:
1. Hyde's full middle name is James. Everything else stays the same. Other than the maternal half-brother he randomly mentions in season 8, as a joke, which I ignore.
2. The random brother Jackie apparently mentions in season 8 is ignored. I change it to a stillborn younger sister, Jennifer.
3. Eric's birthday was once March 18th on the wiki. It was changed to March 5th, at some point. I think March 18th, being the day after St Patty's day, is more fitting. For some reason.
4. Kitty's middle name is changed to Anna, after her Swedish grandmother. Her birthday is also moved up two years, since her being forty-six is more realistic for having menopause (while still expecting she might be pregnant). Red and Kitty definitely have an age gap, but not a six year one. Four years seems more fitting. Bea is also Swedish, too, with a maiden name of Holm.
5. Since I change Kitty's middle name, I change Laurie's, too. Lauren Anna Forman is her full name. It also sounds like Gloriana, which was a nickname for Elizabeth I. Lol.
6. Bob and Midge's wikis are a whole other can of worms. Their birth dates on the wikis constantly switch back and forth from 1929-30 to 1939. The former is impossible, since Midge said she found out she was pregnant with Donna when she was sixteen (you could say Valerie, I guess, but meh). So, 1942-3 is far more likely as Midge's birth date, and Bob seems to be around the same age as Midge. So I put Bob's birth date as early 1942, and Midge's as mid-late 1942.
Then comes their names. I peg them both as Italian, so I ignore Aldren altogether. Midge's full name is Margaret Helena Rossi. And Bob's is Robert Joseph Pinciotti, since I made it up before the wiki did (or, at least, before I saw it). And Giovanni seems so stereotypical, idk.
7. Fez gets a full name, Guilherme Queimada-Guzman (this would be butchered by some suburban white people, I think). He has a bunch of middle names, most of which I don't remember. Arturo, Luis, and Carlos are in there somewhere.
8. Jack's full birth name is John Charles Burkhart. It is mentioned that Jackie has a ninety two year old grandmother in 1978, so she likely is his mother. I actively headcanon he's a lot older than Pam, so he was born in 1920.
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killed-by-choice · 1 year ago
Denise Holmes, 24 (USA 1970)
California’s early legalization of abortion was hazardous to young Californians and their mothers, but the damage wasn’t limited to those living in the state. Travelers from across the country— or even those from overseas— were also killed by “safe and legal” abortion.
Denise Joy Holmes was an Australian citizen living in Texas. She was planning to go home for the holidays with a stop on the way. On December 21, she was checked into Avalon Hospital in Los Angeles, California.
Despite the name, Avalon Hospital was an abortion facility. It was a chain location owned by Edward “Fast Eddie” Allred, the owner and founder of Family Planning Associates. His abortion corporation and owned facilities are responsible for at least 18 client deaths.
Thanks to Allred and Avalon, Denise never made it home for Christmas or saw her family again. She was pronounced dead by Allred himself at 5:00 PM that day. She was only 24 years old.
An autopsy was performed and confirmed that the abortion killed her. Denise suffered an amniotic fluid embolism, but it wasn’t just amniotic fluid. Pieces of her dead baby had been left inside of her, as shown by the pieces of fetal bone marrow found in her lungs.
After Denise’s autopsy, her body was cremated and the ashes sent to her grieving family. Her remains were buried 3 days after Christmas.
After killing Denise, Allred was welcomed into the National Abortion Federation. He was widely known for his 5-minute abortions, which were in fact reckless and caused severe internal injuries in many cases.
Denise Holmes was the first known abortion client to be killed by Allred’s facilities. She was nowhere close to the last. Others include 16-year-old Patricia “Patty” Chacon, Mary Pena, Josefina Garcia, 13-year-old Deanna Bell, 17-year-old Laniece Dorsey, Joyce Ortenzio, 19-year-old Tami Suematsu, Susan Levy, 18-year-old Christine Mora, Kimberly K. Neil, Chanelle Bryant, Ta Tanisha Wesson, Maria Leho, 16-year-old Nakia Jorden, Maria Rodriguez, Emmeko Reed and Kenniah Epps. In addition to all of the abortion clients, Barbara Plenger also died after an FPA facility’s IUD insertion caused an infected abscess that was eventually lethal.
Los Angeles Death Certificate 55459 (Affadavit 702792)
"California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994", database with images, Denise J Holmes, 1970 Document 55459 page 56
"California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, Denise J Holmes, 21 Dec 1970; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.
"California, Los Angeles, Angelus-Rosedale Cemetery/Crematory Records, 1884-2002", database, Denise Joy Holmes, 1970.
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jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year ago
DMC Questions Anon here!
Halloween is upon us. How do you think the characters would celebrate? Who enjoys Halloween the most? What would they dress up as?
okey so, the squad would probably have just a small get together where they splurge on candy and having a drawing for what Halloween movies they are going to watch.
Patty is easily the most excited about this, and always goes full force as soon as September ends. She's the one who does the most decorating, although she does drag Dante into decorating the office with her as well.
Costumes are usually not needed, but since this is Vergil's first Halloween with them Patty insists they all wear costumes. Morrison (who never wears a costume, he's too old for this shit) was elected as the judge.
Dante thought it would be funny to pair up with Vergil; he insisted they go as Jason and Freddy Kruger respectively, even though Vergil has not seen any of the movies. The costumes are handmade and kinda shitty, but the highlight was Dante tapping kitchen knives to Vergil's fingers.
Patty wanted to match their theme so she went as Ghostface. Over the course of the party every single person in the office was called by her at least once.
Nero heard about the 'scary' theme through osmosis and it went completely over his head. He was dressed as Scooby-Doo. Kyrie took pity on him and showed up dressed as Daphne an hour after the party started. The kids though he looked great tho.
Nico is the reason Nero got the theme wrong. She dressed as Velma but thought it would be funny if it was specifically a slutty Velma. Dante thought that the entire situation was fuckign hilarious.
Trish and Lady actually coordinated (they always do) and went as Holmes and Watson. The difference being that Watson had a lot more guns than usual.
Lady and Trish tied with Patty for winning the coveted plastic trophy Kyrie had picked up on the way over. Vergil sliced it straight down the middle before their argument devolved into a fistfight.
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bookgeekgrrl · 15 days ago
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 songs, then tag 10 friends to do the same
shout out to @mycupofstars for tagging me because I do love shit like this!
"The Ol' Switcheroo" - The Struts
"Rudie Can't Fail" - The Clash
"Breakfast on Bourbon" - The Boat Drunks
"90s Kids" - Jax
"Because The Night" - Patti Smith
"Escape (The Pina Colada Song)' - Rupert Holmes
"Flashback" - Sub-Radio
"The Chauffeur" - Duran Duran
"LEVII'S JEANS" - Beyonce & Post Malone
"He's a Pirate (Hans Zimmer vs Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike)" - Hans Zimmer remixed by DImitri Vegas & Like Mike
no pressure tagging @aidaronan, @one-eyed-bossman, @secretfandomstories, @tentacularlyyours, @kungfunurse, @drownedinlight, @tigerkat24 and anyone else who wants to do the thing! share your musical tastes, babey!
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docrotten · 5 months ago
THE GHOST IN THE INVISIBLE BIKINI (1966) – Episode 187 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era
“I’m steaming. I’m steaming. I’m… I’m so exaggerated! I’m mad at that princess. The only girl I ever loved and now she and them street slobs are going to steal a million clams from them folks and they didn’t even invite me. ” Eric von Zipper has a way with words, doesn’t he? Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Doc Rotten, Chad Hunt, Jeff Mohr, and guest Dirk Rogers – as they check out one of the last of AIP’s beach party movies, The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini (1966).
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 187 – The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini (1966)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
A corpse has 24 hours to mastermind a good deed without leaving his crypt, to go “up there” and have his youth restored.
Directed by: Don Weis
Writing Credits: Louis M. Heyward and Elwood Ullman
Selected Cast:
Tommy Kirk as Chuck Phillips
Deborah Walley as Lili Morton
Aron Kincaid as Bobby
Quinn O’Hara as Sinistra
Jesse White as J. Sinister Hulk
Harvey Lembeck as Eric Von Zipper
The Rat Pack
Andy Romano as J.D.
Alberta Nelson as Puss
Myrna Ross as Boots
Jerry Brutsche as Jerome
Bob Harvey as Bobby
Sam Page as Chauncey
John Macchia as Joey
Allen Fife as Beard
Basil Rathbone as Reginald Ripper
Patsy Kelly as Myrtle Forbush
Boris Karloff as The Corpse
Susan Hart as The Ghost
Nancy Sinatra as Vicki
Claudia Martin as Lulu
Francis X. Bushman as Malcolm
Benny Rubin as Chicken Feather
Bobbie Shaw Chance as Princess Yolanda (as Bobbi Shaw)
George Barrows as Monstro the Gorilla
Piccola Pupa as Piccola
Luree Holmes as Luree
Ed Garner as Ed
Frank Alesia as Frank
Mary Hughes as Mary
Salli Sachse as Salli
Patti Chandler as Patti
Sue Hamilton as Sue
The Bobby Fuller Four as Themselves (Bobby Fuller, Randy Fuller, DeWayne Quirico, Jim Reese)
Elena Andreas as Statue (uncredited)
Herb Andress as Statue (uncredited)
Philip Bent as Beach Boy (uncredited)
Gary Daily as Boy in Blue and White Trunks (uncredited)
Bobbi McCall as Girl in Blue Bikini (uncredited)
Christopher Riordan as Beach Boy (uncredited)
The Grue-Crew and guest host Dirk Rogers take a trip to the beach with one of the last of the Beach Party movies. Wait, what? There’s no beach? No ocean? No surfing? And AIP disliked the product so much that they added Boris Karloff and the whole ghost-in-the-invisible-bikini schtick after the fact?
Well, The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini (1966) makes for a nice title. Let’s face it. It’s a bad movie. It’s even a dumb movie. But it can be a fun movie, especially if you love the lame, teen music numbers inserted throughout the film as much as the Grue-Crew do. And even if you despise the music (yeah, the Grue-Crew didn’t like it either – except Doc, of course), you can have fun with this flick.
With Deborah Walley and Tommy Kirk (subbing for Annette and Frankie), Basil Rathbone, Patsy Kelly, Harvey Lembeck (Eric von Zipper!), Jesse White, and Nancy Sinatra, there’s always something to watch. Think “the Three Stooges in an old dark house.”
At the time of this writing, The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini (1966) is available to stream from MGM+, Amazon Prime, and several PPV options.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Next in their very flexible schedule – this one chosen by Jeff – is The Shadow of the Cat (1961), a Hammer Film directed by John Gillin, featuring Barbara Shelley and André Morell, recently released as part of Scream Factory’s Universal Horror Collection Vol. 6! 
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel, the site, or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]
To each of you from each of them, “Thank you so much for watching and listening!” 
Check out this episode!
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aemiron-main · 1 year ago
why don’t u ever post about patty
Hey, anon!
So, I a.) have already posted analyses heavily involving Patty and b.) i have a bunch of drafts about her and i am slow to finish my drafts LMAO like i have. 600 analysis drafts on tumblr total right now (not including stuff thats in my google docs) and lots of them involve Patty/are focused on her.
I post about stuff when I have time- I'm generally a busy guy, I'm currently trying to get two huge ST youtube videos finished while also juggling art stuff, work stuff and other IRL stuff.
But anyway, here's a list of my current Patty-centric drafts:
1.) Patty Newby vs Patricia Pulling
2.) Miss Mystery vs Mystra from DND
3.) In-Depth Analysis of The Catwalk Scene in TFS
4.) The Anomaly: What's Up With Patty? Why Is Patty The Anomaly? (ft Star Trek and The Matrix)
5.) TFS vs The Matrix and Patty Newby's Parallels to Both Neo and The Oracle
6.) The Resemblance is Uncanny: Patty Newby vs The Uncanny Valley
7.) His Great Shame, The Girl He Stole: Patty Newby, Changelings, Foundlings, and Stolen Children in ST
8.) A Few Steps From The Unexpected Edge: Edges, Mothers in ST, TFS and Patty Newby
9.) The Nurses Are Prisoners Too: S1 Newspapers, Donna Lass, TFS, Patty Newby and Henry's Cipher
10.) Doomed From The Start: Henry and Patty, Cujo, Hal 9000, and The Dark Of The Moon
11.) Then, Out Of Nowhere, He Walked In and It Was Like Something Had Changed (ft The Girl From Nowhere)
12.) Orphans and Small Women: Patty Vs Suzie, Orphan (2009), and NINA Being A Small Woman
13.) Mystery Meat vs Virginia's Meatloaf
14.) Magic Meatball vs Magic 8 Ball
15.) Three To The Right, Four To The Left: Patty vs Terry, Keys and Locks
16.) The World Is Full of Obvious Things Which Nobody By Any Chance Ever Observes: Patty's Sherlock Holmes Coat And Her Weird Connections To The Creel House
17.) It Wouldn't Be Make Believe If You Believe In Me: Believing in ST
18.) Patty vs The Wasp Woman
And im sure there's other drafts in my huge pile that I'm forgetting about right now because there always is! Not to mention all the notes I have re: Patty that I just haven't turned into actual drafts yet (see: TFS vs Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and Patty's parallels there) So, yeah! Those'll be up once they're done, anon!
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