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romana-colasour · 3 months ago
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I’m having a lot of fun making Past!Laven memes. I love Allen’s face in the back, I think I nailed that one
Caption less pic under the cut + reference
Kofi - Commissions page
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hiddenremnant · 5 months ago
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(lukas) no context
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dearloonies · 5 months ago
Dgm Spoilers!!
So, Lavi is Crown Clown*, technically. And he is part of Allen's soul, which essentially is what made our current Allen. A good thing actually, since he is his own person but then there's so many questions like
How does one determine a bookman heir?!
And also Nea. Mf is so clueless rn, he looked in the mirror and saw what looked like a Past!Laven lovechild like- I can't even
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tetitous · 2 months ago
I know that we're going to be told something along the lines of "past!lavi and past!Allen are just friends" or something eventually. But listen.
I know what "friends and partners of 15 years" is code for.
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lucasdeocampo · 5 months ago
Past!Laven is so canon they birthed Allen Walker‼️‼️
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remnantart · 2 months ago
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(lukas) someone on discord called dgm d gay man and i went back to my roots
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icharchivist · 2 months ago
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Thinking about the Jasdevi Song again (translation here by @norowareshimono)
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franeridan · 2 months ago
boy i need to reread dgm for real holy fuck
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idiotsticcc · 5 months ago
Ch. 252 spoiler!!!!
Yearning for the one you love
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anna-doodles · 5 months ago
Past!laven or past!lavlen
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romana-colasour · 3 months ago
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I found peace in a world so cruel
You made me believe in something anew
You're my beginning, you're my life till the end
I'd never let you walk on by
Love song - Lucy Rose
Chapter 253’s cover made me insane as I’ve said before, so I made fanart about it
Kofi - Commissions page
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hiddenremnant · 1 month ago
(lukas) hoshino casually throwing this into the new side chapter basically making clear lavi and allen are in a permanent ouroboros of love and i am going insane
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(taken from the translation of an interview hoshino did by @ponkotsubluuues)
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more under the cut
actually not okay about these comparisons like fuck me jesus christ, so we have past!lavi, abandoning his cause for neah, seeing this bright undefeatable light in him that causes him to leave behind bookman for the third side, that past!allen also saw in neah and in past!lavi.
then we have current!lavi, also facing the same thing, meeting allen and seeing an undefeatable light that is driving him away from his clan, just like his predecessor.
like the parallels are fucking haunting like jesus christ hoshino fucking nailed it. as a laven and nealavi fan i am fucking well fed by this shit lmao.
but god, whoever past!lavi is the parallels are beautiful, like if he's cross then cross abandoned the clan for neah, grooms allen into disappearing, and allen is so resistant to this that he inspires the current bookman junior, our!lavi, to potentially abandon it all for him like cross did for neah.
if past!lavi became crowned clown then lavi's "bookmen have no need of a heart" thing becomes the funniest and most painfully ironic thing if past!lavi LITERALLY becomes a part of allen's heart to protect him from death at the hands of tyki mikk. if past! or current!lavi are the heart then this becomes even funnier.
if past!lavi becomes current!lavi through de-ageing time travel shenanigans then lavi is doomed in every timeline to abandon his clan for the sake of neah and allen over and over again.
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dearloonies · 7 months ago
Our Allen is essentially a P!Laven lovechild when you think about it
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queersrus · 8 months ago
light purple theme
[light purple theme]
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for @seraphim-coinz 's event, prompt four !
partnered with our other blogs @dollilian, @objectumluv, @systiveboxes, @skelatomy
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(nick) names:
amethyst, affair lilac, lavender, light heather, heliotrope
iris mauve, mallow orchid
periwinkle, plum, pearly, pomp, powder, pale, pastel, phlox, purpureus royal
thistle, taupe violet wisteria
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1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ai/ame/amethy/amethystine/amethystself li/lile/lily/lilacine/lilacself li/lave/lavendy/lavenderine/lavenderself li/lighe/lighty/lightine/lightself i/ire/irisy/irisine/iriself mi/mauve/mauvy/mauvine/mauveself oi/ore/orchy/orchidine/orchidself pi/pere/pery/periwinkline/periwinkleself pi/ple/plumy/plumine/plumself pi/pale/paley/paline/paleself pi/paste/pasty/pasteline/pastelself pi/purpe/purply/purpline/purpleself vi/viole/violety/violetine/violetself wi/wiste/wistery/wisterine/wisteriaself
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2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
ao/amethyr/amethysters/amethyrself lo/lilacer/lilacers/lilacerself lo/lavender/lavenders/lavenderself lo/lighter/lighters/lighterself mo/mauver/mauvers/mauverself o/orchider/orchiders/orchiderself po/per/periwinklers/periwinklerself plo/plumer/plumers/plumerself po/paler/palers/palerself po/pasteler/pastelers/pastelerself po/pur/purpliers/purplerself vo/violeter/violeters/violeterself wo/wister/wisteriars/wisterself
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3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
am/ethyst, ame/thyst, ame/amethyst, amethyst/amethysts, amethyst/purple li/lac, lil/ac, lila/lilac, lilac/lilacs, lilac/purple, lav/ender, lav/lavender, laven/der, lavender/purple, li/light, li/ght, lig/ht, light/lights, light/purple mau/ve, mau/mauve, mauve/mauves, mauve/purple or/chid, orch/id, or/orchid, orchid/orchids, orchid/purple peri/winkle, peri/periwinkle, periwin/kle, periwinkle/periwinkles, periwinkle/purple, plu/plum, plu/m, plu/um, plum/plums, plum/purple, pa/pale, pa/le, pa/ale, pale/pales, pale/purple, past/el, pas/tel, pas/pastel, pastel/pastels, pastel/purple, pu/purple, pur/ple, pur/purple, purple/purples vio/let, vi/olet, vio/violet, violet/violets, violet purple wis/teria, wist/eria, wister/ia, wist/wisteria, wisteria/wisterias, wisteria/purple
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the gaurd of light purple, the deity/ruler of light purple, the light purple being
*one who adores all things light purple, one who dresses only in light purple, one who is made of light purple/purple light.
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*one can be replaced by any prn
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icharchivist · 2 months ago
so, leaving aside any "Heart of Innocence" as the entity itself,
what if the part of Lavi's soul inside of Allen is specifically inside his Innocence?
Like how the piece of Mana's soul in Allen is specifically located in his eye?
After all, Apocryphos unleashed an innocence to eat Allen up, but Lavi reformed the innocence around Allen with the helix to give him a new body, and then his new innocence arm.
But we know that early on the arm wasn't fully mixed with Allen's body, had a hard time syncronizing and all, and didn't really awaken until he had to face Mana and Mana cursed him on the eye.
Maybe the danger, or even the fact Mana cursing Allen added a new soul inside of him, was enough to "awaken" the innocence fully, but also the piece of Past!Lavi that was inside of it. And it would have shown itself by turning Allen's hair white, as it's then Past!Lavi's protection on him being made clear.
I always said Lavi=Heart because the Innocences around him started to act weird when he was being emotional.
when it comes to Allen, Lavi was worried sick when he left after Suman and was in denial about his potential death until they found the playing cards. This is when the innocence around Allen was protecting him like a fog and reformed his own heart after it was eaten by Teaz.
Then when Tyki meets Lavi and decides to spite him by sending Akuma after Allen, it's when Allen finally manage to reform his Innocence as Crown Clown, the white cape that is shielding him from everything else, protecting him, when Lavi was worried when Tyki was attacking him.
And then Allen's innocence evolved into a sword that couldn't hurt humans right when Lavi was vulnerable in Road's dreamworld, right before Allen had to fight him. It answered to Allen's desires, yes, but Lavi taunting Road about how "my heart hasn't shattered/been smashed yet" is supperposed on Allen having been smashed by Tyki and his innocence nearly shattered RIGHT before it evolves into the sword that he will later use to protect Lavi.
It could have nothing to do with Lavi being the Heart of Innocence-- but have to do with the fact a part of Lavi's soul reside in the innocence of Allen itself. Probably merged with the will of the innocence until creating Crown Clown, which has its own set of will and desire. But would also explain why CC doesn't obey Apocryphos or why it is more interested in mirroring Allen's desires. (i do think CC is its own entity in itself and not just Past!Lavi soul, but that Past!Lavi soul probably coexist with CC's own will.)
but it also means that therefore when the innocence reformed Allen's heart, it would mean Past!Lavi's part of the soul would be in Allen's heart.
and through CC he would be working to protect Allen, which is why CC's cape can shield him. This way he can keep the promise he made about "I'll protect you with my life"
Do you get the vision i'm coming accross here.
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franeridan · 2 months ago
reading dgm vol 4 and since meeting allen lavi doesn't leave his side practically once until allen finds a moment to speak alone with lenalee and I'm having so many feelings about that all over again that I needed to stop my reread mid volume to write this post god I LOVE them
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