#passport to dreams old and new
Foxx Nolte's "Hidden History of Walt Disney World"
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NEXT SATURDAY (July 20), I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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No one writes about Disney theme parks like Foxx Nolte; no one rises above the trivia and goes beyond the mere sleuthing of historical facts, no one nails the essence of what makes these parks work – and fail.
I first encountered Nolte through her blog, Passport to Dreams Old and New, where her writing transformed the way I viewed the project of these giant, elaborate built environments. It was through articles like this one – about the sightlines from bathrooms! – that I came to truly understand what design criticism means:
While her work on queue design transformed how I thought about waiting, scarce-goods allocation, and the psychology of anticipation and desire:
But I really knew her for a kindred spirit when I read her masterful analysis of the historical context and enduring power of the Haunted Mansion:
A decade after that Haunted Mansion post, Nolte published the definitive history of the Haunted Mansions, Boundless Realm, the very best book ever written on the subject:
This year, Nolte came back with another short, smart, endlessly fascinating history of Disney World, Hidden History of Walt Disney World:
There are many histories of Walt Disney World, but none are quite like this. Nolte – who worked at the park for many years – combines her insider's view with her deep historical knowledge and yields up a "hidden history" that will forever change how I look at the built environment and the natural landscape it sits atop.
The path to Walt Disney World – an entertainment juggernaut that occupies a landmass twice the size of Manhattan – was anything but smooth. Its original design – Walt's design – barely survived groundbreaking, dying with Walt himself. Walt's successor, his brother Roy, used the occasion of Walt's death to assert his long-contested dominance over the park, drastically scaling back Walt's ambition for a bizarre residential/utopian community and replacing it with a kind of deluxe Disneyland with the idea of limiting the company's financial risk by re-creating a pre-existing, sure thing money-maker.
But Roy died within a few years of Walt, and the company transitioned from a family business to a managerial one, its direction set by executives who weren't named "Disney." These managers were just as flawed as the Disney brothers, but in much different ways (one long-serving CEO insisted that Disney should stay out of the hotel business, leaving billions on the table for contractors and third parties.
Of course, all of this is happening in Florida, and many of Nolte's funniest, juciest stories play Walt, then Roy, then various CEOs and execs off of flamboyant locals straight out of a Carl Hiaasen novel. In Nolte's capable hands, the many acres of Disney property come alive with the ghosts of Florida eccentrics and conmen who play against the deeply weird Disney brothers and their baffled corporate successors.
The history of Walt Disney World is also a history of the American narrative from the 1960s to the turn of the millennium, especially once Epcot enters the picture and Disney sets out to market itself as a futuristic mirror to America and the world. There's a doomed plan to lead the nation in the provision of an airport for the largely hypothetical short runway aircraft that never materialized, the Disney company's love-hate affair with Florida's orange growers, and the geopolitics of installing a permanent World's Fair, just as World's Fairs were disappearing from the world stage.
With Disney in disarray, corporate raiders smelled blood, and the company found itself on the brink of leveraged buyout hell, triggering another change in corporate leadership with the arrival of Michael Eisner. Nolte's portrait of Eisner is far more nuanced than the presentation in rival histories, surfacing his many forgotten gaffes – but also giving him credit where it was due. When the dust settles on the Eisner era, Disney has more theme parks in one place than can possibly be justified – in an America where workers get almost no paid vacation days, building more theme parks does not extend visitors' stays. It only adds to the expense of keeping those guests entertained during those brief, flitting visits.
The Disney empire is rooted in contradictions. The Disney brothers cordially loathed one another and the company split into "Walt people" and "Roy people" who schemed against one another in secret and sometimes even erupted into open conflict. There's something Hegelian about the Walt/Roy split: Walt went bust trying to run a creative empire that ignored the financials, and fled the ashes of his first venture to work with Roy in California. Roy disciplined Walt with financial rigor, often to excess. When the company emerged from WWII with its outside shareholders in charge, Roy became their champion and Walt's tormentor, with the ability to exercise a firm veto when he couldn't win the day through moral suasion.
Walt sought escape from his brother, proposing a series of ill-starred ventures that eventually became Disneyland. First, he proposed that he would transform his backyard ride 'em train-set into a public attraction that he would personally oversee, so that he wouldn't have to go to the office and let his brother boss him around. Then he proposed buying a locomotive and fitting out a train of railcars with exhibits promoting Disney movies, which he, personally, would drive around America, far from his brother.
Finally, he hit on Disneyland, poaching the company's best animators for a separate firm that Roy was eventually forced to buy from Walt in order to bring it back into the corporate fold. These power struggles, in which Roy first took orders from Walt, before turning the tables, only to have them turned again, culminated in the uneasy detente that characterized the era from Disneyland's opening to Walt's death.
Working with his brother may have made Walt miserable, but he evidently saw the benefit in this Hegelian dialectic, because he became infamous for putting together creative teams who were forever at each other's throats. The storied Sherman Brothers – Disney's star songwriting team – barely tolerated each other. The titans of early Imagineering were often at odds, and Walt took seemingly sadistic glee in forcing artists who disliked one another to work on joint projects.
In focusing on the conflicts between different corporate managers, outside suppliers, and the gloriously flamboyant weirdos of Florida, Nolte's history of Disney World transcends amusing anaecdotes and tittle-tattle – rather, it illustrates how the creative sparks thrown off by people smashing into each other sometimes created towering blazes of glory that burn to this day.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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alotofpockets · 11 months
Childhood dreams | Katie McCabe
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Pairing: Katie McCabe x Arsenal!Reader
Request: Where reader has just joined arsenal and katie can’t stand her and there’s so much tension - basically just extreme enemies to lovers
Warnings: slight angst, absent father, enemies to lovers.
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | words: 2.6k
Joining Arsenal had been a dream of yours for a long time, and now that dream was finally coming through. It has always been an amazing club in your eyes, and you were eager to start the season. There were also a couple of familiar faces on the team. Miedema and Pelova, your teammates on the Dutch National team, as well as McCabe. Your dream of playing for Arsenal one day was a shared dream with Katie back when you were just ten years old. You played together in Templeogue United, Katie had been your best friend on the team, you played there together for three years before she left the small club. Sadly, the move caused the two of you to drift apart.
It was a couple years later that you and your mom moved to the Netherlands, your mothers home country. You had been there visiting family many times, but it was the first time you had lived there yourself, though you’ve had a double passport since you were a baby. You enlisted in a club there and quickly made your way up to a professional youth team, where you got drafted for Netherlands Women’s U-17, where you met Viv, and you eventually made it to the Netherlands team together.
You were excited to play with Viv and Victoria in a different setting than the national team, to reconnect with Katie, and of course learn from the other girls on the team. Today was the first training session of the season. You arrived at the training center in your new gear, and greeted the people that were there already. You were warmly welcomed by the team that was there already. You caught up with Viv and Victoria before training started, and introduced yourself to a few other girls. 
Jonas walked up onto the field and started the training session off with a speech. “Hello, everyone! I’m so glad that we’re all together again, and excited to see some new faces. Let’s make this another great season together.” Everyone cheered when he finished. After Jonas finished his speech, everyone sat down to change put on their cleats, you decide to take that moment to walk up to Katie. “Hi Katie, how have you been?” To your surprise Katie stands up without any response whatsoever and starts the first warming up drill. You are a bit perplexed at her not even saying hi, but continue putting on your cleats, to join the rest of the team on the field.
The rest of the training goes well. At first you were searching for your place in the team, but you quickly fit it. The only odd thing about the day was that Katie seemed to keep ignoring you but you decided to let it be and see the next day how things would progress. 
When you get back home from the first day of training you take a quick shower before calling your mom, like you promised. “Hi honey, how was your first day?” She asks cheerfully. “It was great, mom. I’ve already learned so much and it was only the first training session.” Your mom listens to what you have to say about the training, she has always been very supportive of your career. “And how was seeing Katie again? I know you were looking forward to that.” - “I don’t know, I went to say hi but she just ignored me. I guess she wasn’t as excited to be playing Arsenal together after all these years as I am.” Your mom gave you a small pep talk before saying bye. 
The following days of training Katie refuses any kind of interaction with you, going as far as changing teams when you’re on the same team. You decide to give up and just focus on yourself and the team as a whole, from that moment on you act as stone cold her way as she does to you. Which was picked up by the team that usually had warm family vibes all around, instantly. Your first weekend off you visited Viv’s place and had dinner with her and Beth. “So, what’s the deal between you and Katie?” Viv asks. “I honestly have no clue. We played together back in our teen years, we were best friends for a couple years but then grew apart because her and her family moved away. We always dreamt of playing for Arsenal together, so I thought it would be fun playing together again after all these years. She has been ignoring me since the first day of training, so I have just given up on it, you know? I’m just trying to focus on playing with you guys, because joining this club means a lot to me.” You explained as they nodded along. 
You report back to the training grounds on monday. Starting with some drills before playing 5v5 games. Everyone was playing to their full potential while also having fun. The occasional foul happened but all in good fun. Since both you and Alessia were the only newcomers to the team this season, the teams were made so that the two of you were always in one of the teams, that way you could build a dynamic with each of your new team members. 
A new round started, and you were paired with D’Angelo, Williamson, Walti, and Foord. On the other side of the field, Russo was paired with Zinsberger, McCabe, Little, and Mead. The game was quick paced, and the score soon made it to 1-1. Katie was getting rougher in her plays, in general Katie was a somewhat aggressive player but you hadn’t seen her play this rough in any of the other 5v5 matches. She kept pushing you off the ball and sliding into you. You were annoyed with her antics but tried to focus on getting past her many aggressive tries of ridding you off the ball. Your annoyance kept building as she did not seem to stop pushing and pulling. 
You moved the ball forwards once again, but your ankle was met with a hard, late tackle from Katie. Again, fouls happen even in training but overall everyone was a good sport about it, apologizing and helping the other person up. Katie on the other hand just stood up and walked away. That’s when you snapped, you rushed to your feet and gave her a shove. “What the hell is your problem?” Before Katie could answer, Little stepped in between the two of you, even performing her captain duties during training. “That’s it, I’ve had enough of you two. With me now!” You each followed her into the changing rooms. “I don’t know what’s going on with you two, but whatever it is, it is messing with the team dynamic and I am not having that. So, sit down, talk this out and I do not want to see either one of you back on the field until you can at least treat each other with respect.” She walks out of the room and closes the door behind you without waiting for a response.
You share a look with Katie, she rolls her eyes and sits down on the bench on the right side of the room. You do the same on the opposite side of the room. You sit in silence, both not wanting to start the conversation. Katie, who had never been the one for patience, was the first to speak up, “Well, aren’t you going to say anything?” You shake your head in annoyance, “You’ve ignored me since the second I stepped foot on this field, Katie. I have no clue what I did for you to hate me this much, but I sure as hell am not going to apologize after you’ve been pushing me around without any reason.” 
“Never said there wasn’t a reason.” Katie spits back. “Oh, please enlighten me on this reasoning, because again, I have no clue what horrible thing I did to you in the, what, fifteen years? That we haven’t spoken to each other.” Raising your voice at Katie took all the energy that you had left out of you, so you leaned back against the cold wall, and sigh deeply. 
“You turned your back on Ireland.” Your eyes shot up to Katie’s, “What?” You say in confusion. “We always talked about representing Ireland, you and me, we planned on playing for our country, and you turned your back on our country by choosing to play for the Netherlands.” A frown fell over your face, you didn’t know what you expected her reasoning behind this anger to be but this certainly was not what you were expecting. “Katie, I did not turn my back on Ireland by choosing to come out for the Netherlands. You might have known me back when I was thirteen, but you don’t know my story after that. Especially not the story behind coming out for the Netherlands, because I have worked very hard on keeping that away from the public, so please don’t judge me for things that are beyond your knowledge on my life’s story.” 
Katie stayed quiet for a moment, taking in what you said. “You are right, I don’t know about your life’s story, but coming out for the higher ranking team over the one you were born in sounds a lot like turning your back on it.” You shake your head. “It was never about ranking, Katie, and it sure as hell wasn’t an easy decision.” You close your eyes and take a deep breath in. It had been many years since you’ve talked about this subject but you decided that if you wanted whatever is happening here to end, you might as well share the truth. “When I was fifteen my dad abandoned us.” Katies eyes shot up to yours, realizing she has royally messed up with her assumptions.
You avert your eyes to the ground, as you continue. “We stayed in Ireland so I could finish the school year, but after that mom moved us to the Netherlands, so she could be with her family. I guess I hadn’t given much thought to coming out for a country since we moved, you know, with trying to deal with everything. It wasn’t until the recruiters for the Dutch National teams offered me a spot on the U17 team.” Katie was listening to your every word. “I have never struggled more with my identity than that month of my life. Ultimately, I decided to accept their offer, not because they had a higher world ranking but for my mom.” You wipe away the tears you weren’t able to keep in. Katie walks up to you, and hands you a bottle of water, before sitting down next to you. “I am so sorry, y/n. I feel really bad about the way I’ve been acting towards you. I felt betrayed but I shouldn’t have assumed anything, and for that I am truly sorry. I promise to throw my grudge out of the window, because I had no right to one.”
You walk out on the field together again, Kim gets the two of you to the side. “I don’t need to know what happened in there but I need to know that whatever is going on will no longer affect the team.” You assure her that that won’t be a problem and get back to training. The rest of the training is a lot calmer, which you appreciated. Katie even walked up to you after training, “I know you won’t just forget about the way I acted, but do you think we could meet up for a coffee sometime? I know we set off on the wrong foot here, which is completely on me, and I want to fix that.” You decide that you would like to start things over and agree to coffee that same afternoon.
Meeting up at a local cafe at one, the conversations started flowing easily. You caught up on each other’s lives and laughed over shared memories. There was no stopping the conversation as you kept discovering new subjects to elaborate on. Coffee eventually turned into dinner at a different restaurant, and plans for next hangouts were made before you left to go home. 
The team noticed major changes over the next couple training sessions. Instead of ignoring and avoiding each other, you were often found together on the field. Intentionally pairing up on drills, so much so that Jonas wanted to put some extra focus on your dynamic, believing it could better the team performance. So, in training you start working together to improve the dynamic, which eventually led to meeting each other on the training fields outside of training, like old times. Together, you worked on creating new strategies and practicing them until your legs gave out.
You started considering Katie as one of your best friends, that instant connection you had as kids, seemed to resurface after the initial bad reconnection. With the training season being in full session, you spend most of your time surrounding Katie. Just like the weekend before, you met up with Katie on the field, Saturday afternoon. You’ve been running around on the field for hours, practicing maneuver after maneuver, your legs were starting to get tired but you did not want to give in yet. Katie offered to play a little one on one to close off the day.
The field was still full of dummies, so you were moving around those, while also being chased by Katie. Katie got a step ahead of you and tried kicking the ball away from your feet, but instead of kicking the ball, she ended up slipping and tripping the both of you. You both fall to the ground, legs tangled, as you roll over each other. Laughing hard when you come to a halt, laying next to each other both on your backs. You stay down for a while, both not being able to stop laughing. 
Katie is the first to get up, and reaches out her hand to help you up. She pulls you up with a little too much power, which makes you bump into her. You instantly reach for her hips to stabilize yourself, laughing once again. Though, the laugher dies once you realize just how close your face is to hers, as your noses are almost touching. Katie’s eyes move between your eyes and your lips, searching for any hesitation on your end as she slowly moves closer. When she notices no hesitation, she closes the distance and softly presses her lips on yours. One of her hands moving their way up to cup your cheek. With your hands still resting on her hips you pulled her closer, and deepened the kiss. Both still out of breath from running around the field all day, you have to pull away for air sooner than you wanted to. You lean your forehead against hers as you catch your breath, your smile growing when you make eye contact with Katie. She pecks your lips again before she hugs you tight. “Want to pack up and head to my place?” Katie offers after a moment. “Yeah, I’d love to.” 
So, that’s what you did. Together you packed up the cones and dummies, sharing kisses all throughout, making the packing up last longer than it needed to be. Once you felt her lips on yours, you wanted that feeling to last forever. Back at Katie’s place you each take a shower before snuggling up on the couch. You borrowed one of Katie’s soccer shorts and a hoodie, while she was wearing a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt. The movie you were watching turned into background noise as Katie leaned in to kiss you again. 
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strangeninjahideout · 25 days
In a world that lost its humanity and left more than 2.3 million people who were killed in Gaza, death is not as cruel as the life we prefer to live in the midst of the so-called metaphorical life.. I ask you to help me and my family to go out of Gaza and reach a safe city. We need our simple right to live in peace.
Hello world, I am Muhammad, a nurse in progress, living in North Gaza. This is my story in a few words.
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Before October 7th, I was a student at the College of Nursing. I loved life and had many friends, but I lost a lot of them due to the occupation. I lost my college, my room, my home, and my sense of normalcy. October 7th was a turning point for me and my family. The war came without any previous warnings. The Israeli occupation is killing us in Gaza day by day. Circumstances are getting worse, and the suffering has reached its highest levels since the first day of this war.
November 19th was the worst day for us. We survived and came out of the mouth of death when the Israeli occupation bombed our house. Now we are homeless. We will never forget the feelings of fear and panic we experienced. We waited for sunrise to move from the place. We left everything behind—home, friends, university, childhood dreams, and my father. We were trying to survive without food, clothes, or even hope to continue this life. The family dispersed and fled to the south of Gaza, which was supposed to be a classified safe place. The explosions were happening all around us. We saw martyrs and wounded people lying on the ground, and no one could save them. The snipers were everywhere.
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We will never forget what we have seen: bodies scattered on the ground, armed soldiers, and huge tanks surrounding us. The fear was evident on everyone's face. We traveled a long distance, each of us carrying a backpack with any clothes we could collect. Finally, we reached Deir al-Balah, thinking we would find safety as the Israeli occupation told us. We are currently temporarily staying with a nice family who hosted us. We are now without any shelter. We don't know what we will do next, we lost everything we had. We went to a small apartment where more than 30 people live. We had no beds or blankets. We struggled to get water and bread. Unfortunately, we are homeless.
My family members include my dad, Hassan, 47 years old, my mom, 45 years old.
And my sister, Lana, who is a mother of a newborn baby girl born at the beginning of the war. Lana lost her new home, her husband's job, and all her dreams.
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Ritta, 7 years old, has been shining since her first day at school, coming to her first grades with love, vitality, and brilliance, but the occupation prevented her from playing like other children and deprived her of her friends and school.
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My sister, Sama, is studying at middle school, which is supposed to be the stage of launching into the world, forming friendships, and strengthening her personality, but the occupation prevented her from continuing her education and seeing her friends. She lost many friends because the occupation killed them!
This war is still killing us slowly, and we can't go on anymore. The conditions in Gaza Strip are getting worse. There is no pure drinking water, we can't find the food we used to buy, and the prices here are so expensive that they compete with the most expensive countries in the world. There is no shelter and no safe place in Gaza.
Amidst the despair, there is a chance for survival with your generous support. We can escape the horrors of war and cross the borders from Gaza to Egypt. Your donation could mean the difference between life and death for my beloved family. One person who doesn't currently hold a passport costs between $5,000-$10,000 to reach Egypt alone and leave outside the walls of this war. If you can't send money, you can help by sharing my link.
If you got this far, I am grateful that you gave us part of your time. Please, help my family and me write a new happy chapter—one of survival, safety, and hope. Your kindness will not be forgotten, and we will be forever grateful for your support in our darkest hours.
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travelingthief · 1 year
Hermes Offerings and Devotions
Playing cards
Playing jacks (UPG)
Bouncy balls (UPG)
Lucky charms (Cereal)
Rabbit's foot
Horse shoe
Magic 8 ball
Energy drinks
Road trip snacks (I like Hostess donuts)
Airplanes/trains/cars imagery
Foreign/new foods
Trail mix
Peanut m&ms (UPG)
Lyres/string instruments
Sandals/shoes/running shoes
Camping gear
Survival gear, like multitools, fire starters, first aid kits etc.
Small (stolen) trinkets
Language dictionaries
Work out gear
Zodiac signs
Car parts
Backpacks/drawstring bags/bags
Board games (UPG)
Dominos (UPG)
Pick up sticks (UPG)
Dream journals
Graveyard dirt
Cookie fortunes
Foreign money
$2 Bills
Dollar coins
Travel souvenirs
Old licenses/IDs
Sport trophies/jerseys/jackets/gear
Video games
Magic kits
Oranges/Lemons (UPG)
Devotional Acts
Write letters
Go for walks
Road trips
Learn about alchemy, astrology, lucid dreaming/astral travel, astronomy, etc.
Learn basic car maintenance (change a tire, jump a car, change air filter, check oil etc.)
Give money/socks/cigarettes/water/food to panhandlers
Go talk to a panhandler and keep them company for a bit. I usually smoke a cigarette with them (only time I smoke) and just chat.
Public speaking
Tip well
Learn new language
Learn ASL
Work out
Drive safely and predictably
Use your blinker fools
Clean your car
Make a travel altar
Get a passport
Practice keyboarding
Have a penpal
Train your voice
Magic tricks
Check your mail/email regularly
Low risk gambling, like lotto tickets
Riskier gambling if you're mindful of it
Make sigils
Have a race
Play a tag
Be nice to wait staff
Play sports
Make maps of trails near you
Make maps of whatever you want
Play uke/string instruments
Make herms
Uphold confidentiality
Coin tricks
Be a reliable worker
Thrifting/yard saling
Dumpster diving
Making trades and barters
Help look for missing people/pets
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drive · 2 months
Boosting a fundraiser for a Palestinian Student's Education Journey in Egypt!
Shatha is a 19 year old displaced Gazan artist and student in Egypt who is accompanying her injured mother while the mother receives treatment at the Red Crescent Hospital in Cairo. I was fortunate enough to meet them while volunteering for mutual-aid efforts at the hospital back in April. And now that Egypt has opened up university registration for the upcoming school year, Shatha finally has a chance to start university again and to pursue her dream of studying Arts & Design. All we need is to do is help her with tuition and administrative fees.
To know Shatha is to witness, firsthand, the strength of her conviction to never compromise when it comes to pursuing Art in university, a dream she’s had since 7th grade.
One of Shatha’s drawings, from a sketchbook she keeps under her mother’s hospital mattress:
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Back in Gaza, late September of 2023, Shatha first achieved her dream of starting Art School at Al Aqsa University to pursue a career in Design. On the 5th of October 2023, she unknowingly attended what would be her last lecture at Al Aqsa University. On the 13th of Jan 2024, her mother was walking on unsafe ground following a missile attack and fell into a crater, fracturing her right leg. On the 4th of March 2024, her mother was finally authorized to receive treatment in Cairo and two days after that, Shatha left her father and siblings behind in Gaza to accompany her mother to the Red Crescent Hospital in Cairo where they still reside to this day.
Her mother’s leg before and after plate insertion which was the first step they took in treatment:
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Shatha’s University, Al Aqsa, destroyed in Khan Younis (Picture by Ruwaida Amer):
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Now with no university left standing in Gaza, Gazan students were given the option to start over at foreign universities, granted that they still have their certificate/transcripts in their possession, something Shatha thankfully does.
Picture showing Shatha’s High School scores, averaging 85% in the Literary (Adabi) Pathway:
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Picture showing tuition costs for international students at Egyptian Public Universities. Shatha’s Yearly tuition, highlighted in purple, being one of the lowest on the list: 3500 USD:
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The costs listed below, and the fundraiser’s preliminary goal, are set for the lowest possible sum needed, not accounting for student accommodation or a stipend for her to survive the 5 years of school here in Egypt. Any added costs, or if the fundraiser’s goal increases in the future, will be explained as they become apparent to us.
We’ve started the campaign before her acceptance into a specific school because after initial acceptance, we would only be given 2 weeks to pay for the rest of admin costs and first-year tuition which is thousands of dollars we currently don’t have. So we will start fundraising ahead and will update this fundraiser with her acceptance letter or any news as soon as we receive them.
Breakdown of Costs:
Mandatory Administrative One-Time Fees:
Website Registration Fees: 170 USD
University Coordination (Tansiq) Fees: 170 USD
Registration to The Foreign Student Fund: 150 USD
University Registration Fees: 1500 USD
Tuition & Paperwork:
Yearly Tuition: 1750 USD (after applying 50% discount offered to Palestinian students), multiplying by 5 years is 8750 USD.
Renewal of Shatha’s Passport for Application: 200 USD.
Everything sums up to: 10940 USD.
Please help Shatha achieve her dreams. I know for certain that she will go on to do great things in life and I, and hopefully you as well, am honored to have been part of her life and her journey to achieving that.
Thank you so much for donating to this fund, please remember to also share widely within your networks.
Note: This fundraiser is created on behalf of Shatha Mesmeh by Mohamed Ashraf, an Egyptian citizen who is based between US and Egypt, and Menna Essam, who is based in Egypt and is in direct contact with Shatha, and it is being boosted on tumblr by me on their behalf!
This is time sensitive. In the next two weeks we need around 2,000 USD then come September we will need another 1,750 USD for Shatha to be able to apply for the major of her choice and start the semester on time. We have time for the rest.
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Unfortunately our old fundraiser deleted after collecting 82457€ , but our ultimate goal was 150000€ , so I’m asking you to read the last update before start reading my words to understand everything ❤️ My name is Abdulla Daoud , I’m a 4th year medical student at Al-Azhar University Of Gaza , I have 7 sisters , four of them are married, and have their own families , one of my sisters and her family were lost in this war I’m fundraising for me and my family , to survive our souls , and catch up the remains of our lost dreams , we fully lost everything we own (homes, works, futures, souls and loved ones) We were briefly displaced from our home which is completely destroyed , and moved to more than 7 places . One of this places was my Dear Sister’s home , Noura Daoud , which is already destroyed over their heads , and killed with her family , and the only survivor of this genocide her son , Muhammad shaheen ,with an eye injury , but thanks god for him , he had a medical transfer to Turkey , and unfortunately we couldn’t leave the war with him. Another place , my sister’s home , Hend Daoud , which we escaped death from a few minutes before its destruction . We reached another bad news about my dear sister, Heba Daoud , along with her husband and children, that they were under the rubble, injured, and there was no way to get them out, and they remained there more than 48 hours under bombs and fire belts, Her husband's family all killed , but by God’s mercy she escaped by walking on foot with her injured husband . I was dreaming of being a doctor such as my father , and already finished 3 years of the journey , which costs me 15,000 dollar per year, As like as My sister , Menna Daoud , was dreaming of being an architecture , and since 7th of October our academic education is stopped for unknown period. My father is a doctor lost his clinic and lost his job as a lecturer in Al-Azhar University which is also destroyed. A week after 7th of October was my sister's wedding ,Asma Daoud ,but everything destroyed .
The bombing is getting hard day after day, and the nights is getting worse and we cannot sleep safely anymore, we wake up every day and see the remains of martyrs being buried in the lands next to us , there is no place to live anymore , no memories, dreams, childhood, or even clothes left , and we all escaped death many times we hope you help us to get out of Gaza very soon , and if the war ends the rebuilding will take years and a huge amount of money. Below is a comprehensive breakdown of the expenses, provided for transparency and your clear understanding. Breakdown of Expenses * Rafah/Egypt crossing: 5000$ per person ( a total of 65,000$ for fourteen family members) * Visa application fees: $300 per person ( a total of $4,200 for fourteen family members) * ⁠Passport fees: $100 per person (a total of $500 for five children ) * Flight from Cairo to destination (one way): $650 per person (a total of $9,100 for fourteen family members) *My father treatment 30,000$ * Minimum living costs: $5000 per month (a total of $30,000 for six months) * My education : $20,000 per year ( a total of $60,000 for three years ) * My sister education : $15,000 per year ( a total of 75,000 for five years )
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holeinthehedgerow · 8 months
Welcome travelers. The purposefully lost, the jaded anarchists, and the bloodied knuckled pacifists. Welcome friends, new and old, the usuals, the newcomers, the frequenters, and the casually late.
Welcome to the travelers, the runaways, vagabonds, commuters, and the lost. The strangers, the outsiders, locals, and passerbys.
Welcome to the ones life dealt a bad hand, and with everything they love riding on the table at stake. Who clings to unfavorable odds like a life raft stranded in the ocean, with unwavering, unabating, faithful hope.
Welcome to the ones with calloused palms. With bloody fingertips, and chipped nails, from clawing at the bottom of the barrel.
Welcome the ones running on fumes, sustained by air alone, who keep moving forward, their eyes toward the horizon pointed to the sun, taking one step after another.
We’re going nowhere in a hurry, and we’re seeing all the sights along the way.
To the ones ready to run, with passports in their bed stands. The ones who whisper the mantra “one day” over and over in their sleep.
To the ones with cracked open piggy banks, paying unexpected debts off with their unfulfilled dreams.
Welcome to the ones with whole other worlds in their heads. With un-reflected light in their eyes somehow resonating from nothing but themselves.
To the ones taking deep breaths, and to the ones with exasperating sighs. To the ones gasping for air- their mouth just above water.
Welcome to the ones waiting in the morning at their mailbox for bad news. The unbeaten rolling with the punches.
Welcome to the hurt empathetic ones, who still leave chinks in their armor for others pain to seep in- left saturated by suffering, they stand unquenchable.
Welcome to the movers and the shakers, the still growers, and the painfully static ones watching un-boiling pots.
We’re traveling a long stretch of road between nowhere and nowhere, and we’re stopping at all the tourist traps- going nowhere in no hurry.
Welcome to the penny-pinchers putting money where their mouths are. Giving pennies for their thoughts.
To the ones not born yesterday, and the ones as old as lows hills. To the jack of all trades, and the masters of none. To ones with bites worse their barks, to the ones who bit off more than they could chew, to the ones barking up the right trees.
Welcome to the ones already passed and covered in dust, and to those left standing on the curb soaking wet, and those in the fast lane driving through puddles.
Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My hole in the wall. My hole in the hedgerow.
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tgmsunmontue · 2 months
Season to Taste - 1/? WIP
Explicit Hangster - Celebrity Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin who have a relationship spanning the globe before they realize how tightly bound they are to one another. Heading into this little world.
                He hadn’t thought about where. Hadn’t cared. Away. As far away as he could. Getting on a plane seemed like a good idea, and he had the money and a passport and hadn’t really thought about it further than that. He’d arrived at LAX and walked up to the ticket counter and asked about the next flight and then asked if he wanted to be put on standby. He has no idea what that means but next thing he knew he was on a flight to Rome. He hadn’t had a visa, but he’d applied for one when he arrived.
                He’d hadn’t considered money until he paid for a month in a backpackers and then realized he still needed to feed himself. And he was on a tourist visa, eighteen years old and no skills to speak of. He’d found the restaurant, the price of the margherita pizza the most appealing thing on the menu. He’d returned daily because not only was it was the best damned pizza he’d ever had, the waitress, Silvia, seemed to appreciate his fumbling attempts in Italian and would ask him questions, forcing him to practice. It also made him feel a little less lonely.
                He hadn’t expected to feel so homesick, anger simmering away but for there to also be the deep-seated ache for home. Then there had been a knife, used to beckon him into the kitchen and a severe looking man called Leandro who put Bradley to work washing dishes. Then he’d been fed food more substantial than pizza and realized that maybe the looks he was getting from both Silvia and Leandro were of concern. He’d been thoroughly enveloped into the Gallo family. Taught how to make pasta by Leandro’s mother, then sauces, breads, desserts, dishes that made his mouth sing.
                He hadn’t thought that they would care about what had happened to him, but been quickly disabused of the notion when Ice had walked in not even two months in and he’d seen the relief on his face, the grip of his arms around him hard and bruising. The shame he’d felt when Leandro and Silvia realized his family didn’t know he was alive and well. They’d let their displeasure be known, making him do all the prep for the restaurant and then some. Ice had left after two weeks with the promise of regular postcards and monthly phone calls.
                He hadn’t realized that the languages he’d studied so diligently, hopeful that he’d one day get sent to foreign destinations where he’d be able to use them, would suddenly become useful. Helped tourists from all over with his rudimentary Italian, Spanish and French until it was no longer rudimentary. Silvia and Leandro switching between French and Italian whenever they think he’s getting too comfortable. He finds joy in creating new dishes, not afraid to try different things which make Silvia roll her eyes but surprise Leandro, who starts giving him more and more freedom, keeps pushing him to be better.
                He hadn’t ever thought he could have a different dream.
…            …            …
                Bradley doesn’t get nights off very often, but the peak tourist season is over. He’s more than earnt the pleasure of not having to cook or wait on tables or, for a very brief period there, act as translator for a film crew travelling with some British celebrity who was trying authentic cuisines throughout Europe. He wants to go dancing, cut loose a little and then head back to his little studio apartment and crash, knowing he doesn’t need to get up early in the morning. Dressed in his skinny black jeans and black t-shirt he isn’t dressed for anything fancy. Not looking for it tonight. He heads toward the club he likes the most, because it’s difficult to find and they generally don’t let in tourists, so he won’t feel bad pretending he doesn’t speak a word of English, can just be one of the crowd.
                Of course his plan is completely out the window as soon as he steps inside, it’s after eleven, but that’s still early hours yet, the club doesn’t open before ten so it’s only the very keen or people like himself who potentially want an earlier night. However there is a guy standing by the bar and he can tell they’re not fucking local simply by the way they’re standing and they way they’re dressed, far too stiff for a start and far too formally. And from Giacomo’s expression they’re trying to talk to him in English. Which he knows Giacomo understands but he’s also a bit of an asshole. He catches Bradley’s eye and by the curl of his lip he knows he’s likely an American tourist and Giacomo is going to make him Bradley’s problem. Great.
                “Leonardo,” Giacomo greets, and Bradley tips his head in greeting, grins at the name because it’s an inside joke now after years of it being used. Giacomo slides his eyes to the man he’s clearly begrudgingly served a beer to. Bradley rolls his eyes and shakes his head, he’s not going to take responsibility for drunken tourists of any nationality tonight. It’s his fucking night off and he wants to make the most of it. Then the guy turns to him and Bradley swiftly reconsiders his stance. The guy is cute, hair cut in a buzz, smile easy and wide and looking at Bradley like he’s maybe interested in… something.
                “You speak English?”
                “Yeah. I do. Enough.” He ignores the snort from Giacomo.
                “I’m Jake. Dance?”
                “Leonardo,” Bradley offers, because he’s not getting into the explanation of why everyone calls him Leonardo when his name is Bradley. Or the fact that’s he’s a fellow American because this guy’s Texan accent is thick and broad and unmistakable. “Sure.”
                He watches as Jake throws back his bottle of beer, wonders if Jake was a member of some frat where they had been beer chugging competitions. He’s been getting lessons on wine from one of Leandro’s cousins and has started enjoying it, although it’s still not his first choice. Then he’s following Jake onto the dance floor and the lights are almost non-existent over the space, some strobing flashing lights and making it difficult to focus on anything that isn’t directly in front of you. Even then…
                Jake’s fingers hook into the loops of jeans and for all his stiffness when he’d been standing at the bar Jake moves like he loves dancing, in time and responsive to Bradley’s own body movements. The beat is loud and pulsing, filling him with the energy to just let his body go and he lets his hands rest around Jake’s neck, brushing over the spiky-soft hair with his finger tips and they tingle a little. There isn’t much space between them, not meant to be with Jake’s hands effectively resting on his hips as they move. The DJ changes the song and Bradley’s head shoots up, catches Lara’s eye and she laughs at him, the sound not at all audible over the sound of the music. He gives her the finger but continues dancing, because there is no way that Jake is going to know what this song is called or why his friend has just decided to put it on.
                More people join the dance floor and the press of bodies and heat increases, the space between the decreases though, each of them with thigh between their own, grinding against each other easily. His cock has grown heavy under the ongoing pressure and movement and the fact that the guy in his arms is cute as hell and keeps staring at his lips like he wants Bradley to kiss him but is too polite to ask or take.
                So he kisses him, feels Jake smile against his lips and then he’s kissing back and they’re making out more than dancing, he can feel Jake’s fingers digging into his ass and he lets one of his own hands come to rest on Jake’s ass, palm a handful and sucks his bottom lip and nips it lightly. Savors the sudden shift of air against his face, a little gasp that Jake makes; wishes he could hear anything other that the pumping base of the club music. Wants to ask if Jake wants to come back to his little studio apartment and maybe spend some time doing a similar activity sans clothes… Jake is pulling away, eyes a little wide and alarmed.
                “I’m sorry, I’ve got to go. I’ve got a curfew. Shit. Sorry.”
                He presses his lips against Bradley’s again, his expression apologetic and Bradley wonders if Jake thinks he didn’t understand what he just said. It feels like a Cinderella moment, the guy disappearing into the night and him standing there staring after him.
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marieracingteam · 5 months
Till then I will forever miss you – sv5
Sebastian Vettel x reader
word count: 1588
summary: In which Sebastian Vettel knew he couldn’t be friends with his ex-partner until he got his priorities straight.
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The news about Sebastian Vettel’s retirement was out and everywhere. His video has already been shared more than a million times in the few days it has been out. So he guessed anyone with a minor interest in the sport knew who he was and what the future looked like to him now.
Or at least what they imagine his future would look like.
The reality is that not even Sebastian knew what life had in store for him.
He was a divorced thirty-something, with three daughters who lived away from him most of the year and an apartment that made him feel like a caged animal. He had 4 world championships and a full passport, but he also had 35 years behind him in which he felt that he had achieved nothing in his personal life.
He could try and blame his fast-paced professional life for his half-hearted personal life, but he couldn't deny that he was mostly to blame for his failed marriage to a wonderful woman, his poor parenting of wonderful daughters who adored him, and his too-modern home in a city he hated.
Since his divorce, he had dedicated all his energy to racing and fast cars, but he quickly discovered that his heart wasn't in it either. So he obviously knew that he should retire and leave that seat free for someone whose heart was at the wheel.
The worst thing was that Sebastian knew where his heart was, he just didn't know how to get to it. It just had been lost since 2015.
Without it, he had been floundering ever since. He had moved, he had pursued a different lifestyle, he had gotten married, he had even changed teams trying to find it, but he always knocked on the wrong doors only. The truth was that the closest he had been to happiness had been when his daughters were born, but by then he was no longer the man he wanted his daughters to learn from.
But now, he thought. Now he was free of the chains to which he had bound himself. Now he was finally starting to realize his mistakes and taking the right steps to correct them. Now he was ready to be the man he wanted to be, for himself and, most importantly, for his daughters.
After the last race of the season, Sebastian took the first flight to his native Germany and completely left behind his past life and the mistakes he had carried in it.
He bought a house in the country as he had always dreamed of and painted rooms with children's motifs for small beds and toys. He adopted a dog as his psychologist had recommended. And he dusted off the old cell phone that he always carried with him.
It was a long shot and he knew it, but it was the only thing he could think of to find peace and happiness.
In those long eight years, there was a good chance that she had changed her number or blocked him. Maybe she too had gotten married and had a life away from him, probably better than the one he could offer her.
Maybe she had forgotten him. Maybe he should have forgotten her.
But there was no chance, however remote, that he could live in a world in which she did not occupy his thoughts at all hours. He'd been a stupid kid when he'd let her get away thinking he could do it.
He had promised her father that he would do right by her and that is what he had tried to do all his life since he met her in school. His problem had been thinking that he was doing it when he let her go so that she could find happiness away from his chaotic life when she wanted to start a family and he could only think about lifting the championship cup with the red team.
He had been a fool thinking a trophy could give him more than a life with her and even more so for believing that she could be happier away from him.
And all for what? To end up forming a family far from hers? To have his heart searching for something that he knew he would only find with her? He was a fool and he had paid for it by being miserable for the next few years, thinking that his repentance was not enough to deserve her back.
Now, something about him had changed, although he wasn't sure what at the moment. He knew now. It had been the robbery he suffered during one of the Grand Prix he raced in which he lost the photo he kept of her in her wallet. He had hundreds more hidden in his house, but that one was special. That had been a gift from her after graduating from school, a photo that her parents had taken of them to remember their last day as classmates, and that she had wanted him to have to remember her if they were not classmates at high school.
Losing that photo had been the last blow he needed to get her life back in order. When he retrieved the empty wallet he could only kneel on the ground and cry for the life he had lost. And when he found it after hours looking for it in all the garbage containers in the city he knew to do something, even if it was for nothing.
Less than a year later he was a different man. What remained to be known is whether she was also a different woman. And what that meant to them.
After breaking up their relationship, they both accepted that they couldn’t be friends. Not when they knew what it felt like to be more. Not when they had never been friends.
Since they were six years old they had been best friends, lovers, confidants, each other's other half... but never friends. Now they were nothing, not even acquaintances who follow each other’s lives on social media. Despite having let her be free to find happiness elsewhere, Sebastian knew that he couldn't bear to see her happy away from him.
He thought he was sacrificing himself for her when in reality he had just condemned them both.
However, now he wanted to change it and his only asset was that old phone that he had kept as his most precious possession.
The only number still saved there was the one he used to call at all hours and that he still had memorized.
By the fourth ring, Sebastian was convinced he had lost his last hope. But she had always told him that a fifth championship awaited her. And there was no better victory in his eyes than that fifth tone that she cut to make way for the voice that always accompanied him.
“Hello?” she whispered in German.
“Hello” he whispered back and he felt like coming finally home “I didn't know if you had changed your phone number”
“I did” she confessed “but I kept the phone in case you ever called”.
Sebastian completely forgot the paper he held tremblingly in his hand with everything he wanted to say written down when he heard her.
“You did?” he dared to ask.
“Of course,” she said “who could I not?”
“I didn’t hope you would wait” It was difficult to hear her with her racing heartbeat in his ears, but Sebastian did his best to memorize every one of her words.
“I have always waited for your love, Sebastian”
At that he couldn’t hold any longer the tears that begged to break free from his eyes. A sob left his mouth. What had he condemned them to when he chose for her?
“Everything's fine. We have a lot to tell each other, it's fine. It was difficult for me, but I understood why you did it. It wasn't our time, we didn't know how to align our dreams. But I felt your love in your sacrifice. Everything is alright.”
Sebastian could only nod even if he knew she couldn't see him. Words could not come out of his mouth with his body paralyzed in the only chair he had for now in his new living room. That photo that she almost lost on her knee staring at him.
“I’m back” he gathered the strength to say.
“I know” he answered.
“I came back for you” was his time to confess.
She laughed timidly at that and more tears escaped his eyes. “I know”.
“Can I see you?” he begged.
There was a lot he hadn't asked. He didn't know anything about what his life had been like in those eight years, so he didn't even know if he could ask that question. But he had to do it now that he had worked up the courage to do it.
“Sebastian... I also tried to look for you elsewhere” she whispered again, probably afraid of what those words could mean for both of them.
“I don’t care, liebe. There's nothing you can say that will make me love you less”.
“I have my two boys with me till next month” she said.
“I have my daughters with me next week for a month too”.
She laughed again and he knew she also felt it. He knew that she felt that everything was fine now, that everything was finally falling into place.
They will be fine.
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sitp-recs · 6 months
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12 fics I’ve enjoyed recently…
Last year I did a short-lived “weekly rereads” series to spread love for old favourites that kept me afloat when reading new things became a struggle. I was looking for ways to stay active and contribute to the fandom with minimal effort, and I found solace in revisiting fics that I hold dear in my heart. This year, spring brought the @dronarryfest to pull me back into reading mood. Fandom is starting to speak to me again after a very long time, and the euphoria hit me with inspiration to write this short rec post for my recent reads. I am joining the party a bit late but on the off chance these escaped your radar, here are some fics I’ve really enjoyed during my catch up moment in February/March, and a few I’m planning to dive into next. It’s so nice to be able to write comments and rec blurbs again! What have y’all been reading lately?
HP fics:
Wet Leather by @lqtraintracks (E, 492 words) - Harry/Sirius
I live for LQT’s rare pair drabbles especially when it’s for my beloved Sirry because nobody writes this ship like them. The A+ characterization always takes my breath away: so much tension laced with yearning, it feeds my horniest deepest Sirry cravings tripping between guilt and absolution. This short is full of heat, want and sweet indulgence, with the usual tenderness underneath driving me up the wall and making me soft and hot for these two. Also, “my drenched little pup” excuse sir I’m??? 🥵
Nightswimming by @sweet-s0rr0w (M, 5k) - established Drarry, Dron, implied Dronarry
One of my instant faves this year, what a masterclass in tension building! As always, I’m so impressed by sweets’ short form. The brilliant banter and relentless sexual tension put me at the edge of my seat praying for MOAR. The atmosphere is so captivating I could feel the temptation on my fingertips, and have I even mentioned Ron’s spot on voice?? Superb bromance dynamics, late night drive aesthetics, an impressive amount of characterization within 5k and a teasing ending full of promise, come and feast!
Borrowed Time by @the-starryknight (E, 7k) - Dron + Harry
Another delicious Dronarry treat, now showcasing established Dron, body swap, the sexiest UST you’ll see today and an incredibly satisfying payoff. Once again Starry delivers peak romance with their “hot & sweet” trademark mixing compelling dialogue, witty flirting and uncomplicated smut full of want but also trust, understanding and intimacy. Forget the maddening anticipation, the domestic slice-of-life tone made me swoon - the characters are so clearly fond and familiar with each other it’s only natural for them to come together like this.
Heart to Hearth by @jtimu (E, 7k) - Drarry
This fic is a breath of fresh air and I still remember how excited I felt reading it for the first time. I’ll never get tired of seeing Harry get utterly horny confused at an attractive and carefully guarded Draco being competent at his odd yet surprisingly fitting job. Repairman Draco is indeed mouthwateringly efficient with his long hair and coveralls, and their tentative and awkward dynamics are just excellent. Love the subtle humour, the bits of repair magic theory and the earnest slow burn, with a smooth progression towards deliciously indulgent smutty times. Amazing concept, perfectly executed.
Long Haul by @wolfpants (E, 8k) - Drarry
Wolf is killing it lately, loved their Dronarry but this fic stole my heart with the long haul love premise. The image of their encounter - Harry holding his passport between his teeth, Draco with Muggle headphones around his neck - stayed with me the whole night. Harry loves flying and connects with NYC for the same reasons I do, so this fic spoke to me in a very personal way. I love everything from the title and bold flirting to the scorching hot and intimate smut with smooth daddy Draco! Not too long ago I prompted Florence’s “End of Love” for Wireless - unknowingly, Wolf wrote the NYC fic I’ve dreamed about when I thought of it 💜
Permanent by @citrusses (M, 14k) - Drarry, Dron
I’ve always been drawn to time travel and Citrus set up a thrilling, mysterious mood that’s impossible to resist. I was deeply intrigued not only by the plot but also by the complexity of these characters - a belligerent Harry with daddy issues and a saviour complex (yes pls!), edgy and focused Hermione, perceptive and kind Ron charming his way inside our hearts, and a lonely Draco trying to make sense of the plot, handle his feelings and find his foot in the post-war world. I loved being inside his mind - such brilliant characterization - and seeing the golden trio through his eyes. This fic has a wistful, melancholy tone mirroring Draco’s longing for Harry that hit me right in the solar plexus. It is also a great Ron study, and I’ll admit that made me fall even harder for Dron. Finally, it is tender and devastating as all good things are. A brilliant read and an instant favorite.
Dick Chicken by @oknowkiss (E, 15k) - Harry/Draco/Ron
Believe me when I say this is the Seinfeld AU you didn’t know you needed because you don’t wanna miss out on this. Hands down one of the most entertaining fics I’ve read in a while, this is hysterical funny, witty and steamy. The perfect mix of crack-y and casually horny vibes with a quirky Draco, a lovable and relatable Harry, and a hot Ron who’s 100% there for the ride, this chaotic trio will pull you into an unhinged journey and you’re gonna thank them for that 🤣 superb Harry pov, a warm and playful atmosphere that feels intoxicating, and a glorious shower scene followed by a fake orgasm competition. You’re heard it right. Run don’t walk!
Knot Your Average Coworkers by @thecouchsofa (E, 22k) - Drarry
Office romance is my kryptonite and I couldn’t stop giggling as I made my way through this wolf!Draco treat. I was instantly smitten with the charming characters, the delightful silly knotting jokes 🌝 and the good old oblivious friends/coworkers to lovers dynamics that always gets me. Pining Harry wooing Draco through cooking is SO my jam, the perfect mix of sweet comfort & unbearable UST that fills me with joy and anticipation while also wanting to smash their heads together “kiss kiss fall in love” style. Yum!
Cargo Case by @sleepstxtic (E, 23k) - Drarry
This was such an exciting ride, I love the inherent yearning & intimacy of break up/make up stories and this case fic kept me engaged and rooting for Drarry (and Pansy/Parvati!) the whole time. It was wonderful to see them not being antagonistic after a break up for a change - there’s delicious ust, fabulous Draco & Pansy brOTP, not to mention their super cool job. I was as invested in the plot as I was in the romance, and I’ve had a really fun time following them around. Undercover boyfriends for the win!!!!
Truth to Materials by @toomuchplor, lately (E, 54k) - Drarry
Another fabulous plor fic as per, this artist!Draco story immediately won my heart with the hilarious opening scene and the perfect combo of Draco’s “brazen gay” voice and Harry’s “bi panic” mind. What a delight! Love the clever dialogue, the mood so chaotic horny but the humorous tone making me giggle my way through the delicious loo sex scene. Unique premise, great pacing, fantastic cast and charming characterization - this fic is so easy to devour it doesn’t feel like a 50k journey at all. The story is great fun, very engaging but also delivering multiple tender and heartkick-y moments. It checks all my boxes including our king Ron Weasley putting a banana into Draco’s sculptural arsehole 🤣 what else could I ask for?
Skybound by @xanthippe74 (T, 61k) - Drarry
As a longtime fan of Ghibli’s movies, I was over the moon to see one my own faves adapted to fit the HP universe. This is the Howl’s Moving Castle AU we deserve, a light, enchanting and fun read with a lovely smooth Draco and a lovely earnest Harry making such a great pair. I love how Xan played with the original material making adjustments here and there, and giving life to Timpsy, the apprentice elf with a whole subplot involving mistreatment of magical beings. Very sweet and creative read!
Other fandoms:
a man—with human flesh by spqr (E, 14k) - Paul/Duncan, Dune
I love that this author writes for all of my favorite ships, I feel so spoiled! This is (yet another) banger following the 2nd Dune movie and a fascinating dive into Paul’s fractured mind struggling between his long-standing affection for Duncan and the intrusive thoughts under BG’s influence. So intense, vivid and thought-provoking. I was hooked from beginning to end and deeply immersed in this universe. Love me a fic about emotional implications and complications while delivering excellent character studies, this is the shit I live for right here 🤌🏼
Next up on my to-read list:
Home series by @hoko-onchi-writes (E, 22k)
In which Draco grows up hiding and finds out he doesn't want to do that anymore. And he doesn't want his son to hide, either. (…). In which Harry grows up in darkness, falls in love, fucks up, learns some things, and falls in love again.
Passing Stranger by @lettersbyelise (E, 53k)
Five years after the war, Harry, listless and depressed, stumbles upon Draco Malfoy playing the violin in an underground bar in Muggle London. The catch? Draco lost his memories five years ago. Ignoring his friends’ advice, Harry befriends an unwitting Draco, overlooking the fact that their mutual attraction might not survive if Draco’s memories return.
The Star Splitter by @oflights (E, 219k)
On a routine time travel assignment to the past, Draco stumbles upon 7-year-old Harry Potter and witnesses his neglect and mistreatment by the Dursleys. In the moment, there is only one solution, even if it goes against all his training as a Time Agent: he has to bring Harry back to the future with him. In which Draco burns his life down for the sake of his former school rival.
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Good Fences (Fluffuary #26)
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FEB26: Try New Things
Your bags were packed, and your passport was clenched tightly in your hand as you went through security. You’d never been on a plane before, and now here you were, getting special treatment from some of John’s friends and being flown all the way to England. It was a dream come true for you. You’d always wanted to travel abroad, but you had to admit that it was giving you no small amount of anxiety. John’s old team was joining you, along with some other soldiers, as they had all just been debriefed from whatever massive mission had just been concluded.
John had spared you the details. All you knew is that some Russian terrorist had been taken care of, and now the world had a little more peace than it did before. You wondered to yourself if it had been John’s doing. You imagined him raising the gun and ending the life of some selfish man halfway across the globe, but you tried to put it out of your mind. John didn’t like to upset you with those sorts of things, so you tried to respect that boundary. 
Soap wrapped an arm around your shoulders,
“Are ye ready, hen? Big flight. Gonna meet your wee mother-in-law. Tha’d be enough to scare me.”
“His mom is wonderful!” You protested, “I’m excited to meet her in person. It’s just the plane that I might not enjoy so much.”
You eyed the huge, private jet and as you approached it, the wings and body loomed larger and larger. 
“You alright, love?” John helped you with your bags and got you seated next to him on the plane.
The seats were cozy and everything felt nice, but you were scared about your first flight.
He pet your hair out of your face and held your hand between both of his, 
“Gonna be some loud engine sounds, and the take off is bloody fast, but you’ll be alright, missus. I promise.”
You leaned your head on his shoulder and tried to anticipate all of the things he said. When the flight crew went over the safety information, you read through the card twice. Then, it was time to take off. 
The whirring spin of the propellers made the whole plane vibrate, and you heard the machines spooling up, gaining in speed and power. You gripped John’s hand tighter, and he held you close to him. The runway flashed beside you through the windows and just when you thought it wouldn’t possibly go any faster, it did. All of a sudden, you were weightless, and the ground disappeared below you. You were flying, and you were amazed by it. 
“Oh, my God,” you whispered, staring out the window.
“Right?” John agreed, “Proud of you, love. You did it.”
“Yeah, but now we have to land.”
He chuckled,
“Plenty of time between now and then. Wanna watch a film? I can read to you.”
You asked him to finish his book. You loved listening to him read. It was something you did together frequently, and it really helped to calm you down. Before you knew it, you were being woken up with some breakfast and tea, about an hour from the end of the flight.
John was still holding your hand, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb, staring out at the long, flat expanse of the British Isles as they came into view. 
You squeezed his hand,
“You excited to be home, John?”
He didn’t look at you, at first, but he said, 
“You are my home, love. I never left.”
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A short one! Sorry!!
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oswy31 · 6 months
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CAREFUL with the crooked translation??? ¿??
Let's talk about universes.
I actually have a lot of them, all of them were created in the Undertale rolls, and all of them I want to talk about someday.
One of my favorites is
"The Ages."
The roleplayer and I were thinking, what if Drim and Knightmare were 700 years old, but in our reality. A historical one.
In a reality where there was no war between humans and monsters, and yet magic was still intact, all AU lived in the same world, and the brothers were still the keepers of emotions.
We counted, and it turns out they were born somewhere in the 14th century, or rather, they were created artificially. Times were hard, and Nim wanted the next heirs to be those who could really protect the apples through the ages.
"Two princes were born (after unfortunately many failed attempts), but unfortunately they had to be hidden, so they would not take the throne in the future.
So began their adventure, which continues to this day. The brothers were very close, as they were taught that they were the only ones who would be with each other forever. Other monsters and humans, unfortunately, do not live that long.
The brothers traveled to different countries and developed a tactic to move every 15-20 years under new names, so that people would not suspect that they do not age at all.
We also have the headcanon that Dream and Knightmere have no gender, because well...they acquired the souls of apples, and apples...have no gender, physically. Though they were brought up as boys, it was probably due to the stereotypes of the Middle Ages, since they are future defenders.However, when the brothers' status rose, due to the accumulated capital, and in fashion were lush dresses, Drim liked them, so that the next couple of moves they could experiment not only with the change of names, but also the gender column in the passport. But Knightmare didn't like the idea as much as Drimu did, because he liked all sorts of elegant dresses, jewelry, and balls, of course.
So they actually lived until the 21st century, escaping from wars, avoiding photos and references in newspapers, saying goodbye to old friends, and gaining experience.
Now Dream and Knightmere live a quiet life in St. Petersburg, Knightmere works as a history professor in a higher education institution, and Dream has opened a simple flower shop. All they have to do is indulge in memories of the golden age.
I like them a lot, so maybe I'll ask them out sometime.
Давайте поговорим о вселенных.
У меня на самом деле их очень много, все они были созданы в андертейл ролках, и о всех я хочу когда нибудь рассказать.
Одна из моих любимых, это
Мы с ролевиком подумали, а что если бы Дриму и Найтмеру было бы 700 лет, но в нашей реальности. Исторической.
В реальности, где не было войны между людьми и монстрами, и при этом сохранилась бы магия, все AU жили бы в одном мире, и братья еще остались бы хранителями эмоций.
Мы посчитали, и получилось они родились где то в 14веке, точнее, их создали искуствеенно. Ведь времена были тяжелые, а Ним хотела чтобы следующими наследниками стали те, кто действительно сможет защитить яблоки сквозь века.
"Родились " на свет(после к сожалению мно��о неудачных попыток) два принца, однако к сожалению их пришлось скрывать, так что трон в будущем они бы не переняли.
Так и началось их приключение, которое продолжается до сих пор. Братья были очень близки, ведь их учили что они единственные кто будет с друг другом всегда. Другие монстры и люди к сожалению, столько просто не живут.
Братья путешествовали по странам, выробатали тактику, переезжать каждые 15-20 лет под новыми именами, чтобы люди не заподозрили что те впринципе и не стареют вовсе.
Также у нас есть хэдканон, что у Дрима и Найтмера нет пола, ведь ну...они приобрели души яблок, а у яблок...нет пола, физически. Хотя воспитывали их как парней, вероятно это было связано со стереотипами средневековья, раз они будущие защитники.Однако, когда у братьев поднялся статус, засчет накопленого капитала, и в моде были пышные платья, Дриму они мягко сказать полюбились, так что следующие пару переездов они могли экспериментировать не только со сменой имён, но и графой пола в паспорте. Однако Найтмеру эта идея прижилась не так хорошо как Дриму, очень он любит всякие изящные платья украшения, о, и балы конечно.
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Так они собственно и прожили до 21 века, сбегая от войн,избегая фотографий и упоминаний в газетах, прощаясь со старыми друзьями, и набираясь опыта
Сейчас Дрим и Найтмер живут спокойной жизнью в Санкт-Петербурге, Найтмер работает профессором по истории в высшем учебном заведении, а Дрим открыл простой цветочный. Им остаётся лишь придаваться воспоминаниям о золотом веке.
Мне они очень нравятся, как нибудь может я устрою с ними Аск
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cloveswifey · 1 year
Perfect Beach Day
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Pairings: JJ Maybank x fem!Reader
Type: Fluff
Words: 0.6k
JJ and Y/N had been planning their beach day for weeks. They had packed a cooler full of snacks, towels, and sunscreen. JJ had even purchased a new beach umbrella to ensure they had plenty of shade.
As soon as they arrived at the beach, JJ and Y/N ran towards the water, splashing and laughing as they went.
"I challenge you to a race!" JJ yelled, laughing as Y/N set her things down.
"Wait!" Y/N laughed, quickly taking off her jean shorts before running after her boyfriend.
The water was cool and refreshing, and they both felt invigorated by the salty air and the sound of the waves.
Suddenly, Y/N felt arms wrap around her body, a hot breath against her ear. "Hey pretty girl," her boyfriend whispered.
Y/N relaxed at the sound of his voice, feeling a blush rise up on her cheeks.
JJ soon suggested they take a break and lie on the towels they had brought.
As they lay there, the sun warmed their skin, and they talked about their hopes and dreams for the future.
"I'm going to start my own business one day," JJ suddenly said.
"Oh yeah? What kind of business?"
Y/N responded as she rolled over to lie on her stomach.
"I'm going to start a surf shop!" JJ proudly declared. "And become a full kook," he added, making her laugh.
"I also want to travel the world," JJ continued. "I don't know where, but, like, the world's calling,I don't know." he trailed off. "Name a place," JJ ordered.
"Spain," Y/N responded, smiling as she put her shades over her eyes to cover the strong sun.
"Then after Spain," JJ added, "South America or South Africa."
"You're going to South Africa?" Y/N scoffed lightly as she laughed.
"One of the South places," JJ responded. "Then Micronesia maybe, and then... just ride, wherever the wave takes you, you know?"
"So that's the plan if we, the Pogues, were to get a ton of cash?" Y/N asked. "That's the dream? Surf trip?"
"Ripping jungle break all day long. Bamboo hut, cooking a fish on a fire, and after that, you go back and just hit the waves again," JJ said, smiling to himself. "That's the dream."
"Sounds perfect," Y/N responded, smiling.
"Yeah," JJ confirmed, smiling.
"Got room for one more?" Y/N shrugged, making JJ laugh.
"You got your passport?" JJ questioned.
"You don't have a passport," Y/N smirked, firing back at JJ.
"Hell no, I don't have a passport!" JJ responded as they both laughed. "Kookiest thing ever."
JJ soon suggested they go for a walk along the beach, and they held hands as they strolled along the shoreline.
They collected seashells and watched the seagulls as they flew overhead. The sand was warm beneath their feet, and they both felt carefree and happy.
The sun soon began to set. "Hey! We should make a sandcastle," JJ suggested.
"We're not too old?" Y/N chuckled in question.
"Live a little!" JJ laughed as he bent down to collect some sand.
The two spent hours building the most elaborate sandcastle they could, complete with turrets, a moat, and a drawbridge. They laughed as they worked, and JJ even made a seaweed crown for Y/N to wear.
As the day came to an end, JJ and Y/N watched the sunset, wrapped up in each other's arms. They both knew they would remember this day for years to come, and they felt grateful for the time they had spent together. JJ leaned in and kissed Y/N on the forehead, and they both knew that they would always cherish this perfect beach day.
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
tagged by @darthdutton, thank you so much for the fun tag game and sorry I took so long to get to it! I’ve been on a much needed social media fast 🙏🏼.
are you named after anyone? No, I don’t think so. I think my dad just didn’t like my almost-name and liked the idea of me being “victorious”. Turns out the only way I’ve lived up to my name is by owning a bunch of dolls, wanting to be treated like a Queen and wanting to meet my Albert.
when was the last time you cried? um. In the shower about a week ago? I had to euthanize my 15 year old dog and I was suddenly struck by the grief of her loss since she’s been in my life for so long. 
do you have kids? I have three kittens.
do you use sarcasm a lot? only all the time.
what sports do you play/have you played?  Anything in physical education class at school. I always sucked at sports and was the last one to get picked when making teams. It was so embarrassing lol. I’m a good skier tho!
what's the first thing you notice about other people? idk, great question! I’ll pay more attention.
eye color? Dark brown.
scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies! Nothing against happy endings but... they gotta be realistic for me to like them.
any special talents? Overthinking.
where were you born? Wouldn’t you like to know?!!!!!! Even though I was raised in Mexico, I was born in the United States. I am privileged with a USAmerican passport.
what are your hobbies? watching anime, reading, writing, listening to music, dancing,trying out new restaurants/cafes, going on trips ( hate to copy ,but damn we do have the same taste x2)
do you have any pets? More like too many pets. I just euthanized my Min Pin, so now I only have 4 cats and a Border Collie. But I’ll be giving up 2 of the kittens up for adoption and most likely releasing Momo (the mom) once I spay her. 
how tall are you? Wouldn’t you like to know?!!!!! Average height in the US, tall in Mexico.
fave subject in school? Psychology, Math, Cultural Anthropology, Linguistics
dream job? idk because I've had amazing jobs where I felt so lucky to get paid to do work that I do but I’ve evolved... it used to be Marketing but I would like to get paid to use my Psychology nerdery next.
No pressure tags @justafrenchlondoner @sixth-vip @noa-ciharu @yamat0 @momoyamaguchi @linkspooky @incensuous @queen-asiad @ashleyfonthescreamofcreation
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cozyjae · 1 year
traveling with nct 127 🏝
dream version
going to madrid with taeil...let’s you take the lead on where to go, will vibe anywhere, loves learning bits of spanish, lets you wear his leather jacket, carries around any of your shopping bags for you, keeps track of your passport and all of your tickets and important documents, somehow always knows where he’s going, holds your hand while he navigates through crowds, planned dates where he plays off the amount of effort he put into them, candle lit dinners, takes a lot of sunset pictures, always very cheesy but you love it.
going to athens with johnny... his camera is always around his neck, pausing you too many times to take a picture (and the occasionally sneaky candid), both of you wearing matching ‘i love greece’ tourist shirts that he insisted on buying at the airport gift shop and then begged you to wear, taking outfit of the day pictures, renting bikes to ride around town, afternoon picnicking, his arm around your shoulder as you walk the illuminated streets at night, asking an older tourist couple to take a photo of you at the parthenon, both of you smile widely as they take one and johnny asks for one more, quickly pressing his lips softly against your cheek.
going to paris with taeyong... his newfound determination to speak french, practicing french phrases on his phone in the morning in a low raspy voice, munching on expensive macaroons, visiting all the typical touristy places like the louvre & versailles, having 1,000 new photos on your camera roll, taeyong deleting pictures to take more of you, hotel balconies, warm baths together in the fancy hotel bathroom, fancy new perfumes, giggles in fancy restaurants, giggles everywhere, walking together to see the effile tower at night.
going to tokyo with yuta.. hiking until you complain but the reward for reaching the top of the mountain is kisses, feeding and petting wild deer, spending a lot of time outdoors, happiness while speaking japanese, watching old anime reruns at the hotel and staying up too late, going to a cat cafe and staying too long there playing with the kitties, buying too many souvenirs considering it’s his home country, going to local markets, buying street vendor onigiri and dango, visiting niche earring shops, he’s just always laughing.
going to london with doyoung... him making you take aesthetic photos of him, being really prepared, always checks the weather before he leaves the hotel, cheeks flush and he gets very red from one beer, leaning against your shoulder and cuddling you in the taxi home, wants to buy every single person he knows a souvenir, watching the buskers at night, likes keeping your hand in his always, gets stressed easily and then you relax him with kisses, will sing in the shower, will sing you to sleep if you ask nicely, quietly will request to be the little spoon. 
going to sicily with jaehyun... wine tasting, sun dresses, golden rings, making pasta at a small local restaruant together, he of course makes it a competition of who’s pasta is better, taking a ferry tour and making you do the titanic pose in front of other tourists, buys way too much gelato, touring museums and always taking cliche tourist photos, blazers, firm grips around your waist, you trying to pay attention to the tour guides but you’re too distracted by his gaze that’s only focused on you.
going to hawaii with jungwoo.. confident english, wearing lais, hiking waterfall trails to exercise but then going directly back to the resort and drinking a lot of smoothies, being obsessed with room service, a lot of playing around in the ocean, drinking from coconuts, he’s amazed at the smallest things, especially all the wildlife, peaceful and relaxing, gets shy when you look at him for too long, his face is slightly burnt, follows you around happily, buys a lot of hawaiian shirts, wants you to wear one, you probably will  do just to make him giggle.
going to vancouver with mark... giving you the personal mark lee childhood tour (your favorite) of vancouver, loud laughs along the streets at night, making him laugh too hard as he folds his body into yours, wide eyes paying attention to you always, thumb rubbing over your hand asking where you want to go, freaking out when it hits him he’s actually at his childhood home with you, taking you to all the places he used to eat at, letting you decide what you want to do, is always down for anything, he breaks out into laughter randomly, his excuse is just that he’s so happy, you roll your eyes but you secretly love it, will keep a hand on your thigh when sitting anywhere, his hands are always warm and always find their way to you, buys too much maple syrup to bring back for your friends. 
going to nyc with donghyuck... going to times square and making you take pictures with the pikachu and hello kitty mascots in the streets, wanting to try on the funniest and weirdest outfits you pick for each other in vintage stores, embarrassing you in public and him not caring that you’re embarrassed and will absolutely continue, makes weird faces at you from across a store, buys too much street vender food and candy, museum dates, gets very excited over fossils, you have a full blown photoshoot on a roof top bar with your fancy mixed drinks, is always excited, swings your interlocked hands back and forth and hums, he never gets tired and just wants to spend time with you always. 
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beardeddetectivepaper · 2 months
My name is Iman Khalaf and I live in Washington. I created this fundraiser on behalf of my cousin Aya who is trying to raise funds to evacuate her children from Gaza and to be reunited. All donations will go directly to my cousin, Aya. Any donation amount, no matter how small, will help Aya and her kids tremendously. Below, Aya shared her and her kids’ experience over the last couple of months. I am Aya, a mother of two children stuck in the Gaza Strip, Mona, 12 years old, and Karem, 9 years old. Mona is an innocent, very sensitive, and talented child. She is a professional basketball player. She reads a lot of books and loves to know different cultures. But I want to add a very important detail and most difficult thing Is that my daughter has ADHD which means: She has differences in brain development and brain activity that affect attention, the ability to sit still, and self-control. Her feeling of fear due to the continuous bombing, the air polluted with smoke, and the smell of lead everywhere increases the severity of her symptoms and the difficulty of controlling them. No one can deal with her except me, and I am really worried about her while she is there in these difficult circumstances, she needs to leave Gaza now and follow-up with an ADHD specialist and behavior modification to complete treatment as quickly as possible. the time is running out I’m scared
Karem is one of the top achievers in his school. He is an advanced karate player. He has won trophies in several competitions. He has an ambition to become a doctor in the future.
But the war came, destroyed their dreams, prevented them from practicing their hobbies, and robbed them of their sense of stability and security. Mona and Karem were displaced 7 times. The first time, our house was bombed and completely destroyed. They lost all their memories, toys, and favorite clothes. Every time we escaped death by chance, we were displaced with their little hearts full of fear and panic, and under the sounds of violent bombing.
They are now suffering under a violent war, their lives are under danger a thousand times. They were subjected to siege several times and suffered from thirst, and no one was able to help them with even a sip of water. The fear of bombing follows them everywhere. After the martyrdom of my sister Noura, her husband, and her children, Alma and Aboud, our lives turned into a terrifying nightmare for fear of losing each other. Alma and Aboud were not just cousins ​​to them, but rather like their siblings, very close friends in the same school and spending most of their day with each other.
I lost my home, I lost my sister and her children, and I cannot bear any more loss. And i lost my job. I work as an interior design engineer. I lost my computer, which was my source of income. It burned when my house was bombed. It costs $3,500. I have nothing to rely on. I have lost everything. Now I need a new computer to start over. I am out of the country due to circumstances beyond our ability and my children need to be reunited with their mother. I cannot sleep every day for fear of losing them due to the violent bombing and continuous invasions everywhere. And here is THE BREAKDOWN OF EXPENSES: * Rafah/Egypt crossing: $5,000 per person ( a total of $10,000 for two family members) * ⁠Passport fees: $100 per person (a total of $200 for two family members) * Minimum living costs: $1000 per month (a total of $12,000 for a year) * ⁠House rent : $500 per month * My daughter & son’s education : $3,000 per person per year(a total of $6,000 for a year) *Computer to work on costs $3,500 Help me get my children out from under the fire. To complete their education and rebuild their dreams. Every donation matters. Your donation will have a significant impact on protecting my children from danger, and if you can’t donate, please share this story widely. Thank you for your time. We really appreciate your help.
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