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wordsoftheheartandsoul · 6 days ago
Good morning. Don't wait on anyone to make your favorite thing. Make your own favorite thing. Go. Good night. Don't let anyone set parameters on your dreams. Your dreams are yours and yours alone. Go.
Lin-Manuel Miranda - Gmorning, Gnight!
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thereblogmachine · 1 year ago
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Recipe for Sydney's Cabbage Stir-Fry Daniel Fast Remix This cabbage-based stir-fry with mushrooms, carrots, and veggie burgers is a filling vegetarian dish you can enjoy on the Daniel Fast. 4 medium carrots diced, 1 tablespoon reduced-sodium soy sauce, 6 grilled vegetarian burger patties, 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil divided or to taste, 5 Mexican green onions diced, 2 teaspoons sesame oil, 1 bulb garlic diced, 1.5 cups sliced fresh mushrooms, 1 head cabbage
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russellmoreton · 1 year ago
DSC_0195a -Lines/Interior Spaces by Russell Moreton Via Flickr: russellmoreton.blogspot.com/ Assemblage : Spatial Object/Collage. Film Still, Architectural Plan, Lead, Stained Glass, String and Pins. Order and randomness, meticulousness and impulsiveness, drawing excess and graphic reduction are just some of the vibrant, tension-loaded poles that characterize the large-format drawings of the German artist Jorinde Voigt (b. 1977). Her works condense various elements of the cultural environment in the dynamic sequences of strokes, turbulently curving lines, diagrammatic structures, numbers, word fragments and collaged color areas of her drawings – which the passionate cello player refers to as “scores” or “notations”. She systematically analyses pop songs or pieces of classical music, kisses, temperature profiles, an eagle’s flight-path, horizon lines or the color values of individual plants and the contents of philosophical texts. Voigt uses measureable parameters like place, time, or sound volume, and self-defined rules or selected algorithms, and combines these fragments and impressions of reality to produce dynamic relational structures, thus creating a polyphony of different ways of perceiving the world. Jorinde Voigt’s largest solo exhibition to date – which builds a bridge from her early notations, reminiscent of classical conceptual art, to her most recent works that reflect the human desire to fly – traces the development of the specific system of symbols the artist uses to document and orchestrate processes of perception, imagination and thought. Curator: Stephanie Damianitsch
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oaresearchpaper · 2 months ago
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joshmcgary · 4 months ago
EXODUS‬ ‭20‬:‭1‬-‭21‬ ‭‬‬
“Then God gave the people all these instructions: “I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery. “You must not have any other god but me. “You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who…
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raguirre0401 · 5 months ago
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Photo courtesy of Apple Podcasts
Visual Diary 10 - Stake in the Ground
For my first example, I'd like to reference Tori Dunlap and her NYT Bestseller Financial Feminist. Along with this, she produces a podcast called "Her First $100k" that has become a leading podcast in the financial sphere, even topping that of Dave Ramsey at one point.
Right from the very title of her podcast, it's clear Tori is putting a stake in the ground. If you aren't interested in equality for all genders, then her podcast is probably not for you. She also makes it clear that she will cover topics, such as politics and legislation, on her podcast and is not afraid to share her opinion. She will either attract you or repel you from her orbit, and she is completely fine with either of those.
This all follows her philosophy that if you are smart with your money and investments, you'll eventually become successful enough to be able to make decisions for yourself. Things like leaving an unhealthy relationships and traveling when you want are no longer out of reach. This is a great example of putting a stake in the ground.
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kerriclarkcreative · 5 months ago
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Image via zoom.com
Design Parameters for Zoom's Design Leadership Solution
Zoom continues to hold high value and lasting relevance, consistently meeting diverse community needs with its adaptability and evolution. Initially propelled by its user-friendly design, which outpaced platforms like Skype, Zoom’s popularity skyrocketed during COVID-19, transforming remote work and communication. Features such as Live Captioning, AI Companion, Business Services, and the Developer Ecosystem make it an inclusive platform, accessible to users of all ages.
Importantly, Zoom also serves as a vital emotional connector, allowing children to interact with friends, family, and classmates despite physical distances. This capability fosters socialization and support, crucial for their development and well-being. Additionally, Zoom’s development of telemedicine brings critical healthcare to those in remote areas lacking access, bridging significant healthcare gaps globally.
This shift toward virtual connectivity marks an age of Zoom that has reshaped interaction for both personal and professional needs, reducing the need for commuting and supporting sustainability by lowering carbon footprints. With its continued evolution, Zoom remains indispensable, modifying human behavior by making remote communication, work, and healthcare accessible, and it will likely endure well into the future.
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emeraldcatears · 5 months ago
The Classes Tab Part 1: Parameters
Is 600 HP a lot or a little? That all depends on what sort of numbers your heroes and enemies can reach and how much damage they can dish out in a turn. In other words, it's very dependent on the individual project.
Let's examine these stats - called parameters - as well as other parts of the Classes tab.
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In RPG Maker MZ, a playable character's Parameters are set in the Classes tab. You decide what Class an actor is given in the Actor tab, but the Class determines stats, level-up skills, and more.
This doesn't mean all your sorcerers have to learn the same level-up spells if you have more than one. You can name two separate classes "Sorcerer" if you want - the name will display the same for both but you can determine which one is applied to the actor because the game actually draws upon the class's number to determine the actor's class.
You can even make a unique class for each character.
Parameters and Growth Rate
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Up near the class's name is a section where you can determine how quickly the class grows in level. You can adjust the sliders to change different parts of how fast the class levels up, but I think it's easier to just look at the numbers. The To Next Level tab shows how much experience the character needs to go from the current level to the next (a level 1 character in this example needs 50 exp to reach level 2). The Total tab shows how much total exp the class needs at minimum to reach the specified level (0 exp for level 1 because the character starts there, 50 for level 2, etc.)
I'm honestly not going to play with a lot here at the moment but I'm including it for the sake of completeness. You can alter the sliders until you get a growth rate to your liking in order to have some classes grow more quickly or slowly than others. How fast any class should grow is something you'll likely determine through play testing. Lots and lots of play testing.
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Parameter Curves are the class's stats as they level up and they can be adjusted in the next section of the Classes tab. They're represented by colorful graphs.
The eight Parameters that can be adjusted here are Max HP, Max MP, Attack, Defense, M. Attack, M. Defense, Agility, and Luck. However, you can change how those stat names appear to the player.
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If, for example, I want to change M.Attack to Magic Force I can go to the Terms Tab. In this tab the user can change the way game terms are displayed to the player.
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Remember, this will only change the term in how it appears to the player. In the game database you'll still be working with M.Attack when creating damage formulas and the like.
Whether you rename them for your project or not, half of these eight parameters are more-or-less what they say on the tin. Max HP is the maximum HP the class has at a given level without enhancements. Max MP is the same but for MP. Agility determines action order.
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There's even a luck stat that changes the character's chance of being affected by a status ailment.
The other four, however, don't really mean anything on their own. Attack, Defense, M.Attack, and M.Defense are just numbers until you determine how they interact with each other through skills.
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The damage formula is something the creator of the game has pretty much limitless control over. I'll explore it more when I focus on Skills, but in short there's nothing stopping you from creating a skill that pits the user's Attack against the target's Attack to determine damage. Heck, you can use Agility if you want to make something like Pokemon's Gyro Ball move.
So is 600 HP a lot or a little?
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Well, if you use the default the game provides, it's about the Max HP a Hunter has at a mere level 7.
Of course, you have control over the bounds of these parameters and can adjust them to your individual project. You can pick from the Quick Settings (A being the highest and E being the lowest) if you want to have your stats at around the engine default for your game.
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You can input your own values for the lowest and highest levels for complete control over the range of the class's parameters. The Growth Type generates the curve for the levels in between. Normal is a linear progression. Faster growth curves promote more stat growth toward the early and middle levels, tapering off toward the highest ones. Slower curves put the greater leaps from one level to another toward the end of the curve with more gradual gains in the middle.
In other words, you can have HP from 20 at level 1 to 600 at level 99 if you want to give the player smaller numbers to work with. It's all up to you - balanced over lots and lots of play testing.
What sort of ranges will you give your game's parameters?
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whats-in-a-sentence · 7 months ago
Rate parameters for other catalytic cycles are shown in Table 3.4 below.
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"Environmental Chemistry: A Global Perspective", 4e - Gary W. VanLoon & Stephen J. Duffy
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squareofshape · 7 months ago
i don't care how neat a program is or how much it might improve my life. if it sneaks its way into my computer on top of a regular software update like some kind of fucking digital deer tick, it's a delete on sight. kill kill kill. nobody but ME decides what programs get installed on MY computer. fuck all the way off
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electricalinsightsdaily · 1 year ago
A4988 Current Limit: How to Set A4988 Driver Current Limit?
Setting the A4988 current limit is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and preventing overheating of the motor and the driver itself. The A4988 allows you to adjust the A4988 current limit by manipulating the voltage on the VREF pin.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set the current limit on the A4988:
Steps To Set Current Limit On A4988:
Understand the A4988 Pinout: Familiarize yourself with the A4988 pinout, particularly the VREF pin, which is used to set the A4988 current limit.
Determine the Desired Current: Know the current specification of your stepper motor. This information is typically provided in the stepper motor datasheet.
Identify the Sense Resistor Value: Check the A4988 module or datasheet to find the value of the sense resistor (often around 0.05 ohms). This value is needed for the A4988 current limit calculation.
Read More: A4988 Current Limit
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asia77 · 1 year ago
Many people are looking for job opportunities at the present time, and one of the companies that provides various job opportunities is Noon Academy.  In this article, I will explain to you how to apply for Noon Academy 1445 jobs.
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nicolexgoodwin · 1 year ago
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Main Dishes - Sydney's Cabbage Stir-Fry Daniel Fast Remix Recipe This filling vegetarian dish that uses cabbage as the base comes with mushrooms, carrots, and veggie burgers.
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tenth-sentence · 1 year ago
This is because different models can be made to fit the same data regardless of their physical validity by treating the various kinetic parameter values as 'fudge factors'.
"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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raguirre0401 · 5 months ago
Visual Diary 8 - Parameters
As I reflect on the intangible parameters, I am curious how those will affect those of us working on design problems using technology. Although it may seem as though we are at the forefront of cutting-edge technology that we'll use for decades to come, the reality is that technology becomes obsolete after a period of time. How will our solutions stand the test of time? How will advancements in technology shift our solutions? These are all things to consider. Let's look at technology within our lifetime, for example. I grew up in the era of cassette tapes, VHS tapes, VCR's, walkmans, landline phones, CD's, digital and disposable cameras, MP3 players, video cameras, and more. The fact that these are all essentially obsolete and can mostly all be used on your cell phone is mind-blowing. How else will this continue to evolve and how will it impact the way we design around us? I am looking forward to seeing what we come up with.
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dnvdk · 1 year ago
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Driving Distances
Conscious constraints of mobility. Partially inspired by Rinus van de Velde who limits the distance he allows himself to travel to 1250 kilometers and personally contemplating the kind of restriction that would feel optimal. In a world and life of constant and ever increasing options and parallel use of resources I'm interested in finding parameters that would provide a new perspective on freedom of movement, travel, holiday, exploration. Both from a professional as personal perspective, a hard cap to your options feels simultaneously daunting and refreshing. Through the use of mapdevelopers.com I plotted circles ranging from 500 to 2250 kilometers in 250km increments starting from my house. It is interesting to immediately experience the limit of 500km being too restrictive for the rest of my life but would be fine for a period of a year or two. 2250km gets me to Moskow, Athena, Istanbul, Casablanca, Reykjavik and Hammerfest which spans the entirety of the European experience and feels to be more than sufficient to commit to. Will experiment with this in years to come.
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