#modified behavior
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kerriclarkcreative · 5 months ago
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Image from PayPal.com
Design Parameters for PayPal's Financial Solutions
PayPal continues to evolve and maintain its relevance in the financial technology landscape by consistently holding value for users and adapting to their needs. Since its inception in 1998, PayPal has revolutionized the way consumers and businesses transact, empowering over 435 million active users across more than 200 markets. By facilitating immediate peer-to-peer payments, PayPal has transformed consumer behavior, reducing reliance on paper checks and paving the way for a future where physical debit and credit cards may become obsolete. Importantly, PayPal has also played a crucial role in helping small businesses grow and thrive in an increasingly digital marketplace.
The platform effectively anticipates user needs and technological advancements. PayPal allows consumers to discover products, compare prices, make purchases, track packages, and manage returns—all in a streamlined manner. This comprehensive approach fosters new behaviors, especially among its diverse user demographic, which spans generations. Notably, the fastest-growing demographic includes individuals over 50, with impressive usage statistics showing 85% of Generation X, 75% of Millennials, 73% of Baby Boomers, and 71% of retirees actively using the platform.
PayPal's innovations also extend to environmental sustainability. By significantly reducing the need for physical banking infrastructure and paper transactions, PayPal helps lower carbon footprints, contributing to a more sustainable future. Furthermore, the company has reduced remittance costs and expanded its services to include credit options, investment products, and the ability to buy, hold, and sell cryptocurrencies. Utilizing AI technology, PayPal analyzes customer behavior to make real-time risk decisions, ensuring security for its users. Its success has not only solidified its role in the fintech industry but has also catalyzed the emergence of other influential companies, illustrating its lasting impact on the financial landscape. With its commitment to adaptability and user-centered design, PayPal remains a cornerstone of modern financial solutions, poised to shape the future of how we transact.
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the-great-rat-attorney · 2 months ago
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i think this is the most snappish and short-tempered ryuu ever gets and i am living for it. y'all are messing with him on the WRONG DAY. no more mr nice mouse! he's had it with these mf false accusations on this mf steamship!
also i don't blame susato for anything. both of them are going thru it - the fact that they're coherently trying to solve the case at all is impressive.
frankly susato has more reason to trust herlock than ryunosuke. she's been reading the sholmes stories forever, and i'm sure her father has tried not to say anything but he probably at least seems to be a fan himself. meanwhile, ryunosuke... is obviously not a russian assassin, but he's been at the scene of a murder looking incredibly suspicious both of the two times susato has encountered him, plus he admits he's a stowaway.
as for herlock. herlock is being a twit. herlock spends much of this case hassling and irritating a young man who's just lost his best friend and it's not his finest moment. but from his perspective... he knows exactly who susato is, and has been looking forward to meeting her, i'm sure, for pretty much her entire life. he's known about ryuu as the stowaway in kazuma's cabin for the duration of the voyage at least. he's very excited to meet these people. he's been cooped up at sea with ZERO FRIENDS for who knows how long, and the more ryuu and susato show an interest and ability in solving the Mystery, the more excited he is to play with them.
i don't think he can rein himself in. he's like an excited puppy right now. the bullshit deductions and wacky poses are just exploding out of him. new friends!!!
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towards-toramunda · 1 year ago
“Do you believe in destiny?”
“No, but…”
“but you dream about islands and you go to them.”
Tonight I am thinking about the stark differences between Caduceus Clay and Ashton Greymoore
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markantonys · 2 years ago
i'm thinking about nynaeve's line to egwene in the testing vision about how egwene will be a better "servant of all" than nynaeve ever could be. i love that moment so much! because it plays into one of my very favorite Themes from the books: the difference between heroes who focus on the greater good, sometimes at the expense of individuals (egwene, rand, moiraine, elayne) and heroes who focus on individuals, sometimes at the expense of the greater good (nynaeve, perrin, mat). and neither is inherently better or worse than the other, it's just two different ways of looking at the world! for each character, we see moments where their outlook is a strength as well as moments where it's a weakness/flaw.
i saw someone say that nynaeve undersells herself in that line because throughout the show we've seen HER be a servant of all. and that's very true............IF we define "all" as "the two rivers." nynaeve would die & kill for Her People, and for any other individuals she comes across who need her help, but she doesn't care so much about broader causes or ideals. her arc is really unique because it's an inverse leadership arc, i.e. she starts off in a leadership position but then as the story progresses, she realizes that she is not suited to leadership on the huge scale that's needed for the last battle and steps aside to let people like egwene and rand, who ARE suited to it, take up that leadership.
(if you will allow me a bit of #gawynposting, gawyn actually has a very similar arc in this respect: he starts off expecting to become first prince of the sword, but then when he gets his first real taste of large-scale leadership as the leader of the younglings, he's miserable. he doesn't care about the younglings' cause, he just wants to protect his specific loved ones, elayne & egwene, because at heart he is an Individuals Guy, not a Big Picture Guy. and so in the end he rejects his role as first prince and dedicates himself to protecting one specific person, egwene, as her warder. but the tragedy of his character is that even after all this he still can't shake the My Duty Is To The Big Picture conditioning that's been drilled into him since childhood, and thus focusing exclusively on protecting one single person during the last battle makes him feel selfish & guilty about "wasting" his fighting abilities and he decides it's his duty to sacrifice himself for the greater good. sob!)
anyway, i love this line because it's not true and also it's true. nynaeve IS a selfless servant of all, but egwene will be a better servant of all-all than nynaeve could be. because egwene is more able to set aside her personal feelings to focus objectively on what's best for the greatest number of people, whereas nynaeve just can't stomach the ruthless calculus of war (which, again, is not a knock on either character, they're simply different kinds of people and BOTH kinds are needed to win the last battle). and that's why it could only ever be egwene who got the amyrlin arc, even though you might initially expect it to go to nynaeve due to the setup of her being the most powerful aes sedai of the age.
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aecholapis · 6 months ago
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For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the sun shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.
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definitelynotshouting · 1 year ago
Okay, so, question I've had for a while but never got around to asking, what the FUCK is up with Grian's wings?
If all physical differences in players (like those particularly ascribed to 'Hybrids' in mcyt fanon) in Hunger AU are a result of conscious altering of your own code for the express purpose of achieving YOUR IDEAL BODY(tm) then what does that mean for Grian and his wings? No one seems to regard Grian's wings as "What The Fuck, You Can DO That?!?" so presumably wings aren't so big of a change from normal biology that players can't do that. If so, why is it not more common? Man, if I could have wings I'd jump on that in seconds. Especially with the sheer utility the ability to fucking FLY gives players. Are wings (and maybe other larger alterations) just like, REALLY HARD to code in? If so, that might add a really cool layer of "Oh wow! They must be a really good coder!" to players who meet people like that.
On a related note, Grian seems to have a positive regard for his wings, which is interesting because I would be willing to bet he didn't have that before *insert sounds of worm-bursting and non-consensual body modification*. I imagine seeing his wings would likely feel like a reminder of the Watchers and what they did to him. BUT, Watchers manipulate their own code when they change like Grian did to, y'know, not be a worm anymore so Grian probably specifically chose how he looked, right? So, unless he did so really rushed and somehow made a mistake while doing so (which he might not be able to risk the structural damage of correcting), keeping the wings was a conscious decision. Does Grian just not associate his wings with the Watchers or is it something else? Does he just really enjoy having wings?
Okay okay so these are all SUCH valid questions, lemme go through them one by one. Wings are indeed something anyone could have if they wanted to code them in-- and in fact, i do believe many other Players have wings throughout the universe!!! As far as body mods go, i like to think of them as decently popular, so its definitely not anything too weird to see. In chapter 5, i even make a mention to Pearl having moth wings she occasionally codes in due to preference!!! So wings of many different types are definitely available-- but the catch is that they're real fiddly to code. You cant just give yourself wings, you have to code in the bone structure, the muscles, the tendons, etc etc, and then you have to change your entire body structure as well to work with and fully support them. They can be awkward and unwieldy, as ive tried to show in the fic itself, and i think that alone can be a big discouragement for Players considering coding in wings, along with the sheer coding effort needed to obtain them and make them functional
And the thing is, elytra already exist-- they're far more compact, they dont take up as much space, you can take them on and off super easily without having to mess with your coding, and they basically do the same thing. Sure, its a pain to get one, but a lot of Players really enjoy the sense of accomplishment, and i think theres a bit of cultural prestige too in that regard. Server milestones are a huge thing in Player culture, and getting your first pair of elytra is a big one!!! So it makes sense to me that people who just dont want to go through the effort of coding in wings (which can then in turn complicate how they code other future modifications) primarily stick to elytra.
And everybody is different-- some people prefer attributes that arent wings. I like to think everyone in hermitcraft generally is a mix of "jeez thats effort, i could be building my base instead of doing that" and "eh im fine how i am, i like it" and "well we have elytra shops everywhere so why bother".
So in short, yeah!! Wings are a bit complex to code in. They're still pretty popular, i think plenty of Players do choose to incorporate them, but it takes a lot of hard and thorough work to make sure they function right and wont bug you out when you use them. There are billions of Players scattered across the universe, so what you're seeing in the fic right now is truly just a drop in the ocean when it comes to Player body diversity :] and then, elytra basically already help Players achieve a form of flight without the hassle of recoding their entire body structure, so i think the majority of Players just prefer to use them instead.
Well..... its complicated. Particularly his feelings about them-- in the fic, i referenced them as the only good thing the Watchers ever gave him, and thats how he sees it, i think: a thin silver lining. He's had many, many years to get used to them, and i think he goes through periods where he hates them and the memories attached, too. Ultimately, he's kinda stuck with them, so i think he hit a form of acceptance (as bitter-tinged as it may be) out of sheer necessity for his own sanity.
As for why he has them, and hasnt coded them out: i think of it as a particular quirk of biology/structural coding. Watchers have a more instinctive way of coding than Players, but a Player-minded Watcher is still going to think like a Player, and thats going to muddle things a lot. Grian essentially had to relearn how to code, in a way that satisfied both Player and Watcher-style coding, and the results at first were.... a little rough around the edges. Once he managed to finally take on his original former appearance, the wings from his true form just kind of.... stuck. I like to think it took a few increasingly desperate tries before he realized he just could not figure out how to get rid of them (bc of how different his new code was), and had to accept that this was just how he was gonna have to live for a while until he finally figured it out. And then, well.... you can get used to anything, if you're stuck with it long enough. I think after a while it just stopped being a huge priority, and then he reached a point where it would be more awkward to live without them than with them, and he eventually dropped the idea altogether. And i think sometimes, they function almost like a scar, to him-- a reminder of what he went through, yes, but a reminder that he did manage to escape. And, ofc, he also just really, really likes flying skdjskdjdj
So yeah, loads of complicated feelings there about his wings, and its stuff i do plan on exploring later in the fic!!! This got a little rambly, but i hope this makes sense and answers your questions!!!! :D its a fun little complicated knot that im glad someone has gotten curious enough to ask about!!!!
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saulwexler · 6 months ago
there is one type of food that makes me reliably ill and still I persist
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aloftmelevar · 1 year ago
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i'm not a DNI person but actually do not fw me if you're like this
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fayeandknight · 2 years ago
I'm still having kind of a rough time personally, but I got a compliment at work that was so nice it almost makes everything okay.
It was my off leash agility 1 class. And at the end I was telling them how impressed I was since the dog recently completed the intro class and this was only their second time working off leash. And they told me
"At the previous place we trained we were always wrong and she was always a bad dog. Here, you're always saying we're right and that she's a good dog. We never thought she could be engaged and off leash let alone doing amazing things like flying over jumps. But she loves it and it's like you've given us permission to love her."
Y'all I almost bawled on the spot.
This is what drives me to teach agility. I absolutely love showing people how amazing their dogs are and helping them build a relationship centered on having fun together as a team.
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theprissythumbelina · 4 months ago
As a current and (almost)certified horse girl, I think I can say with authority that horse people be cray yo
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kerriclarkcreative · 5 months ago
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Image via zoom.com
Design Parameters for Zoom's Design Leadership Solution
Zoom continues to hold high value and lasting relevance, consistently meeting diverse community needs with its adaptability and evolution. Initially propelled by its user-friendly design, which outpaced platforms like Skype, Zoom’s popularity skyrocketed during COVID-19, transforming remote work and communication. Features such as Live Captioning, AI Companion, Business Services, and the Developer Ecosystem make it an inclusive platform, accessible to users of all ages.
Importantly, Zoom also serves as a vital emotional connector, allowing children to interact with friends, family, and classmates despite physical distances. This capability fosters socialization and support, crucial for their development and well-being. Additionally, Zoom’s development of telemedicine brings critical healthcare to those in remote areas lacking access, bridging significant healthcare gaps globally.
This shift toward virtual connectivity marks an age of Zoom that has reshaped interaction for both personal and professional needs, reducing the need for commuting and supporting sustainability by lowering carbon footprints. With its continued evolution, Zoom remains indispensable, modifying human behavior by making remote communication, work, and healthcare accessible, and it will likely endure well into the future.
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Systems intended to modify natural physical behaviors such as motion or autonomic functions
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possumtailpark · 9 months ago
you're just discussing the relationships you have with men in your life and then the groupchat posts a link to lundy bancroft's why does he do that.............
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dragonspined · 2 years ago
idk the line 'i would have loved you the way you were whole' gives me some sort of feelings about dev
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starthelostboys · 2 years ago
i feel like every time that the boys or star absolutely HAVE to interact with someone on the boardwalk or in town, they make paul do all of the talking cause he’s the youngest of the group and unlike the rest of them, hasn’t completely forgotten what normal human interaction is like
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chai-dye · 1 year ago
Reading psych articles about changing behavior for class. Its not a radical idea in theory but the casual degree to which they plainly state "yeah relapsing is normal and it's very rare not to. people will usually have to try several times to modify their behavior—it's less of a linear line of progress and more of a spiral" is like. Oh.
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