#pandora rosier x lucius malfoy
bunniesandsilk · 4 months
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them <3333
inspired by foursaints posts about them
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gods-graveyard · 10 months
Little Harry Potter-
"This is my Mom, and my Dad, and my Papa, and my Padfoot, and my Moony, and Uncle Severus, and my Uncle Barty, and my Uncle Evan, and my Auntie Andromeda, and Aunt Narcissa- oh and Lucius, and my Aunt Pandora, and my-"
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fried-pistachio · 4 months
I think my new catch phrase for any posts about Barty is “Evan gotta know ‘bout this”
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lulublack90 · 6 months
Prompt 26 - Transfiguration
@jegulus-microfic March 26 Word count 1000
Previous part First part
“Sirius, I told you not to try and put your own eyeliner on without me,” Remus told him between fits of laughter. 
“You look like a sad panda!” Regulus was almost useless at this point. His laughter shook his entire frame, and he was struggling to breathe. 
“Oi, sod off then!” Sirius sulked. 
“Sirius, wait!” Regulus called, getting his laughter under control. “Is James there?”
“Yeah. Hang on a sec, and I’ll get him. JAMES!!!” He bellowed, not even bothering to move away from the mirror. 
“What’s up, Padfoot? You alright?” Huge guffaws burst from James’s mouth once he caught sight of Sirius’s botched makeup attempt. 
“Oh, bugger off, Prongs!” Sirius stormed off. He dropped the mirror on the bed so Regulus and Remus got a lovely view of the ceiling. James grabbed it up, and his face filled the glass. 
“Hi, love, you alright? Hi Remus.” He waved. 
“Hi,” Remus waved back. Regulus nodded. 
“Is Sirius coming back?” He asked. 
“Sirius, you coming back or not?” James called just as loudly as Sirius had. They could hear Sirius shuffling back into the room, and he appeared next to James, now free from his makeup. 
“I found it,” Regulus smirked. “Took it right out from under Lucius’s nose.” The three of them gawped at him in disbelief. 
“Where was it?” Sirius asked. 
“In his library on the centre bookcase.”
“Are you kidding?! Godric, he’s an idiot.” Sirius snorted. 
“Will he notice it’s gone?” Remus asked seriously. 
“I don’t think so. He caught me near it, but I pretended to be really drunk, and he got me out of there, probably scared of his first editions. I used a transfiguration spell of a—on something else there and imbued it with a small amount of dark magic at the same time. I doubt Lucius will be able to tell the difference.”
“Are we meeting at Rosier House tonight, then?” James wanted to know. 
“No. Both of my parents are here, and it’s late. If we go out now, it will be suspicious. Mother has meetings or something most of the day tomorrow. So we’ll meet, say, around 9? As long as the coast is clear.”
They made their goodnights, and all went to bed. 
Walburga left early the next morning, and so did the boys. 
They were surprised to see James, Sirius and Lily already there, waiting for them in the house. 
“You’re here early,” Regulus said as he accepted a kiss from James. James shrugged. 
“Sirius and I are. That one stayed the night,” He jabbed his thumb at Lily and was hit with a tickling hex. “Worth it,” He gasped. 
“Come on then. Spill the beans. Why have you gathered the Thestrals at this ungodly hour?” Evan questioned, stopping Lily and James from going any further. Regulus pulled the diary from his pocket and held it up. 
“I found it.” He told them. And when he explained where he found it, Barty chirped in. 
“What is with these guys and being such—” Pandora waltzed over and stuffed a cauldron cake in Barty’s mouth as they all knew what had been about to come out of his mouth. He stuck his fingers up but mostly quietly ate his treat.
“So now all we need to do is destroy them?” Lily asked Regulus. He nodded. “Great, I’ll go get the venom.”
“Wait,” He stopped her. “I think we need to take them somewhere to do it. In case something happens when we try and destroy them.” 
They sat for a while, thinking of places to go. 
“Random field?” Evan suggested. 
“If we could properly ward it. But then, if the field is destroyed, how would we cover it up?” Regulus rebutted. They kept coming up against the same problem. If the Horcruxes destroyed the area, how would they hide it? 
“What about the forbidden forest?” Remus wondered aloud. “As long as we stay clear of the centaur heard and the acromantula. We should be left alone, and if we destroy a bit of the forest, it’s huge and will regrow itself over what was lost.” Sirius and James both nodded, thinking it was a great idea. 
“What do you mean acromantula? Are there actually acromantula in the forest?” Barty and the others had gone slightly paler than usual at the thought of the murderous arachnids. 
“We know where they are. As long as we don’t go near the nest, we’ll be fine.” Sirius waved off their fears. “We’ve been in there loads of times and never had a problem.”
“Right, it’s settled then. We meet tomorrow in the forbidden forest.” He looked to James. “Where should we actually meet?”
“Wait in the trees behind Hagrid’s cabin. That’s probably going to be the easiest place to gather, especially if we arrive at different times.” He looked around the room at the seven other people. “I can do this on my own, you know. You can all stay here, and I’ll go on my own.”
“What, and let you take all the glory, fuck off,” Barty smirked. 
“Can’t do tomorrow, Reggie,” Sirius spoke up. 
“Why not?” Sirius had nothing else to do. He’d been complaining for days that Moody wouldn’t give him an assignment. 
“It’s Jamie’s birthday, and we have a date with Monty and Effie.” Regulus spun to look at James, horrified. 
“I forgot your birthday.” 
“Don’t worry about it. You’ve had a lot on your mind.” James consoled him. 
“You guys free in the evening?” Evan asked. 
“Yeah. Should be. We’re just having lunch with my parents.” James answered. 
“Good. That means you can come to you’re birthday party here.” Pandora beamed at him. She grabbed Lily’s hand. “Come on, dear, let’s go catch some fairies for the lights.” And she skipped out of the room, towing Lily behind her. 
“That okay, delaying a day?” James asked Regulus.
“Of course, we’ll go to the forest after.” James beamed at him and scooped him up to plant a kiss on his lips.   
Next part
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bartyssimp-riley-16 · 2 months
marauders tier lists
what they think about ur body<3
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marauders ships<3
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smash or pass...
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idek ... i was bored :)
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florsial · 2 months
mhmm i’m obsessed with the visions i’m receiving from the xeno reblogs…pretty please share some more thoughts about him? love!
Xeno is honestly a character that i kind of always loved from afar? Like I never ventured further than their name but I built a type of vibe with them.
-One thing I always saw was him being Lucius' brother. It was the very first thing I saw when I started Harry Potter in like elementary and it stuck ever since I joined the Marauders.
-He's younger by 4 years than Lucius and about 3 years older than Pandora. His full name is Xenophillius Silas Malfoy. He's the second son and his mother's favorite because he was her son, not the Malfoys'. So she packed up and took him elsewhere for most of his life until Hogwarts where the Malfoy parents lived civilized. He officially meets his older brother when he's 11 and Lucius, a 15-year-old social climber.
-His relationship with Lucius is distant. Lucius is treated like the heir, his childhood is spent inside, lesson after lesson, pandering to the upper class, flattery, etc etc. But Xeno never had that, he lived in the English countryside, he was allowed outside whenever he pleased, he skipped etiquette lessons but was never punished, his curiosity was mostly about biology (which was how he developed a love for writing), and no one could or would tell him no. So there was a huge difference in their relationship. Lucius was appalled and Xeno was curious. There was also a sense of disappointment and jealousy on Lucius' part, he wanted someone who would understand the stress of being heir, or at least be brought up similarly to him, but Xeno was the complete opposite. Xeno was curious but quickly grew bored with the traditional Pureblood ways that Lucius kept trying to fit in his head. I think deep down, they really love each other, but they are just too different without any ties, no emotional ones that were formed when they should've, so that love really doesn't go beyond blood obligation. Not to mention their parents.
-Something fun is his gender. The only way I can describe it is that they're everything, but also nothing at the same time (technically they are genderqueer but I like that description better honestly). Gender doesn't exist to them. She thinks it's a constricting concept. Very pretty honestly. They are like weird, but in the prettiest way when they were with the Malfoys, but as they got older and further from their family, they kinda didn't give a fuck.
-They love white! It's their main color throughout most of his life. He thinks that it shows the process of thinking. Like a bare canvas. A lot of their formal robes were white and she's probably the brightest wizard (literally) that anyone could point out at a pureblood ball.
-I think he's a lot like how people imagine Pandora to be. While she's purposely eccentric because she loves it, Xeno is eccentric in a way he doesn't even realize it. Like he's talking about an obscure creature (that probably doesn't exist) and being hella judgy when you say you have no idea what he's saying. Pandora is intentionally cruel and cold, but Xeno isn't. I guess you could say he's a bit tone-deaf as well. Pandora is purposeful, Xeno is not.
-Definitely isolated. The moment he's shoved into the pureblood society, he cannot fit in. People think he's weird, he thinks they're boring. He is stubborn and doesn't agree with the high-class purebloods. He chills and writes by himself until Pandora comes around.
-Pandora "She asked for no pickles >:(" Rosier and Xenophillius "didn't want to say anything because it didn't matter :/" Malfoy <3
-Neutral during the war and ran away with Pandora, they created the last name, "Lovegood" while high off their ass in Xeno's last year at Hogwarts.
-REAL BUG ENTHUSIAST, he would take Luna out and hunt for bugs! I like to think Luna has one of those glass cases of preserved butterflies somewhere from when she was a kid. Xeno would have jars and jars of live bugs in his rooms at the Mafloy manner, all hidden and tucked under his bed. He refuses to allow anyone inside and "cleans" his room himself. All the jars are labeled neatly with stickers and names from fairytales.
-"Cleans": puts everything in a stack in the corner, a scatterbrain <3
-the Quibbler was made as a way to preserve Pandora's memory. They would write unpublished articles back at Hogwarts and Xeno would publish them and more when she died.
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yvieliny · 1 year
Chapter 1 (?)
Ten year old Harry Potter was running back home one summer Sunday afternoon , after visiting his best mate Ron and playing a long game of quidditch before tomorrows quidditch world semi final where Regulus Black his favorite player would play
You see ever since Ron showed quidditch to Harry he has always had a fascination with the French Banchory seeker, Harry doesn’t know if it is because of his fantastic flying skills or what but he feels drawn to the player
Even tho Harry comes from a wizard family, quidditch wasn’t allowed in their household the even mention of the gam le had his father in a sour mood. His uncle Padfoot once told him that his father was a great player in his hogwarts days, and his uncle Moony once tried to gift Harry a shirt of the chudley cannons which his father immediately transfigured it into cups
His mothers on the other hand didn’t mind the sport at all. His mum Lily gave him his first broom over the summer break and allowed him to use it in her home, while his mother Mary gave him some Banchory jumpers that he only uses with them of course he wouldn’t want his dad to have a fit
This Summer he was supposed to stay with his mothers so he could watch the game but they had to go to Scotland to meet some friends and his dad didn’t allowed him to go, so Harry was stuck lying to his father about studying with Ron just so he could see the quidditch World Cup
He could have gone to his godfathers home to see the game but they also had to go to Scotland, but uncle Moony promised to bring Harry a surprise so he wasn’t as upset
As Harry arrived home he saw his father in the lawn with a telescope, his father always loved looking at the stars and he showed Harry every constellation there is. His uncle padfoot would laugh every time he saw his dad looking at the Leo constellation and told him he should just man up. Which always left poor Harry so confuse but knew that if he asked his father would get teary eyed and he didn’t like seeing his dad upset
James saw Harry and instantly smiled giving him a tight hug and a kiss on his head
“How did it go with Ron, Bambi?”
“We learned today about some potions, Percy helped us with the mixing” Harry knew it was a lie, he hated potions to begin with. But he would not confess all they did was play quidditch, and that Harry won every round and has caught the snitch a variety of times
James smiled however and ruffled Harry’s hair
“You are as smart as your mothers, you know your mum was great at potions. I bet that’s were you get it from”
Harry sucked at potions.
“Y-yeah of course, what are you doing out dad?” Harry smiled and quickly changed the subject
“Oh…Leo is out today or em it was…it seemed to fade away..” James sighed “…again”
Harry hugged his dad and smiled up at him
“That is okay you can always see it tomorrow”
James smiled and lifted Harry into his arms
“You are correct bambi, now how about you wash up and I will get supper going. I am thinking maybe curry shrimps tonight?”
James places Harry down when they entered the house and he immediately went towards the kitchen
Harry on the other hand went upstairs to bathe, but he saw the attic door open. Which always was closed and he was forbidden from entering
But Harry was curious child and he wouldn’t let this opportunity pass
So he quickly went in and there he saw a huge box opened with dozens of letters and pictures, as he got closer he noticed that in those pictures there were his mothers and beside them there was his father with his arm wrapped around someone that someone had grey eyes and black hair, he had a hand on his dads cheek and as Harry analyzed the picture better he noticed that the person beside his father was….Regulus Black
Harry gasped and quickly rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing clearly there was no way his dad that hates quidditch knew the quidditch god himself
He turned to look at the letters in the box and quickly grabbed one, they were in cursive writing. And well Harry couldn’t read cursive….but Ron could do he knew that he needed to show Ron this
Harry only understood that the letter was addressed to Regulus Black by his father…which meant that all this letters were never sent
Harry quickly grabbed some and hid them under his mattress, before going to shower but he couldn’t stop thinking about it and he couldn’t stop feeling anxious
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lixzey · 10 months
if only
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“If only I could read the signs in front of me, I could find the way to who I'm meant to be.”
sirius black x oc
sirius orion black x lyra evangeline malfoy
@helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @tchalamss @ashlynnmalfoy @crazycat-ladys-blog @michakune @mxltifxnd0m @spencerr3idd @dangelnleif @sthkate @ferrjulie @imnotoverlyobsessive @mel-vaz @elsagreeer @lovely-maryj @meowmeowmau @bobthe-turmpetman29 @saintcosette @ashisabitgay @ladyladybuggg @nyrasunderwrld @lilmaymayy @remussbitch @jadahxx @starrystormwritings @ell0ra-br3kk3r @dreary-salem @drewsandsebastianswife @greenapplegrass @lilianelena39 @danni-phant0m @haybellewrites @cloudlst @si4a @ev3ningrain @ttulipwritezz @bambikitten @bullets-from-another-dimension @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @reg-arcturus-black @abruuinlove @marina468 @3stelar @timhalamet @st4rf00k3r @idli-dosa @jimins15thhair @blacksgarden
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b00inazkaban · 1 year
Let me know if there are any characters you’d like added and I’ll look into it! :)
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☆ Tony Stark
☆ Steve Rogers
☆ Bruce Banner
☆ Natasha Romanoff
☆ Clint Barton
☆ Bucky Barnes
☆ Sam Wilson
☆ Peter Parker
☆ Thor Odison
☆ Loki Laufeyson
☆ Dr. Stephen Strange
☆ Peter Quill
☆ Gamora
☆ Drax the destroyer
☆ Rocket the Racoon
☆ Mantis
☆ Groot
Poly Requests:
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☆ Steve Harrington: Steve Harrington x FtM reader**
☆ Robin Buckley :
☆ Nancy Wheeler:
☆ Eddie Munson:
☆ Johnathan Byers:
☆ Argyle:
☆ Billy Hargrove:
☆ Mike Wheeler: Little!Mike x GN!CG!Reader
☆ Dustin Henderson
☆ Will Byers
☆ Lucas Sinclair
☆ Eleven Hopper
☆ Max Mayfield
☆ Jim Hopper:
☆ Joyce Byers:
☆ Dmitri Antonov:
Poly Requests:
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☆ Harry Potter:
☆ Ron Weasley: CG!Ron Weasley x Little!GN!reader
☆ Hermione Granger:
☆ Fred Weasley: CG!Fred Weasley x Little!Fem!Reader
☆ George Weasley: George Weasley x reader ; CG!George Weasley x LittleMale!Reader
☆ Neville Longbottom: Sub!Neville x Dom!Reader**
☆ Draco Malfoy:
☆ Blaise Zambini:
☆ Enzo Berkshire:
☆ Mattheo Riddle:
☆ Theo Nott:
☆ Pansy Parkinson:
Marauders Era or Lighting Era:
☆ Lucius Malfoy:
☆ Narcissa Malfoy:
☆ Severus Snape:
☆ Bellatrix Lestrange:
☆ Barty Crouch Jr. :
☆ Evan Rosier:
☆ Pandora Rosier:
☆ Zahara Zambini:
☆ Regulus Black:
☆ Sirius Black:
☆ Remus Lupin:
☆ Lily Evans:
☆ Marlene McKinnon:
☆ Mary McDonald:
☆ Dorcas Meadows:
☆ Newt Scamander:
☆ Thesus Scammander:
☆ Jacob Kowalski:
☆ Queenie Goldstein:
☆ Albus Dumbledore (young):
☆ Gellart Grindlewald (young):
Poly Requests:
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☆Aaron Hotchner
☆ Jason Gideon
☆ Spencer Reid
☆ Derek Morgan
☆ JJ/ Jennifer Jareau
☆ Elle Greenaway
☆ Penelope Garcia
☆ Emily Prentiss
☆ David Rossi
Poly Requests:
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☆ Anthony Bridgerton
☆ Benedict Bridgerton
☆ Colin Briderton
☆ Daphne Bridgerton
☆ Eloise Bridgerton
☆ Simon Basset
☆ Penelope Fetherington
☆ Queen Charlotte (Young)
☆ King George (Young)
Poly Requests:
Queen charlotte x reader x King George
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☆ Leonardo: NSFW alphabet
☆ Raphael:
☆ Donnatelo:
☆ Michelangelo: Mikey x Reader
☆ April O'Neil:
☆ Casey Jones:
Poly Requests:
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; April 4-in-1; turtles are manspreading and you want payback 😚
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; Casey tries to flirt with reader but she puts down the idea and the turtles are proud
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☆ Pete Mitchell "Maverick"
☆ Bradley Bradshaw "Rooster"
☆ Jake Seresin "Hangman"
☆ Natasha Trace "Phoenix"
☆ Robert Floyd "Bob"
Poly Requests:
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☆ Thorin
☆ Bilbo
☆ Fili
☆ Kili
☆ Dwalin
☆ Bofur
☆ Bard
☆ Legolas
☆ Tauriel
☆ Thuranduil
Poly Requests:
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☆ Carlisle Cullen
☆ Esme Cullen
☆ Emmet Cullen
☆ Rosalie Cullen
☆ Alice Cullen
☆ Jasper Cullen: CG!Jasper Hale x nb!little!reader
☆ Edward Cullen
☆ Bella Cullen/Swan
☆ Jacob Black
☆ Garrett
The Volturi:
☆ Aro
☆ Caius
☆ Marcus
Poly Requests:
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☆ Katniss Everdeen
☆ Petta Mellark
☆ Finnick Odair
☆ Johanna Mason
☆ Haymitch Abernathy
Poly Requests:
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☆ Lucifer Morningstar
☆ Mazikeen
☆ Amenadeil
☆ Chole Decker
☆ Linda Martin
Poly Requests:
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How To Train Your Dragon:
☆ Hiccup Haddock
☆ Astrid Hofferson
☆ Snotlout
☆ Ruffnut
☆ Tuffnut
Poly Requests:
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Across The SpiderVerse:
☆ Miles Morales
☆ Miguel O'Hara
Spider thoughts!
☆ Peter B. Parker
Spider thoughts!
☆ Hobie Brown
☆ Gwen Stacy
☆ Spider-Noir
Spider thoughts!
Poly Requests:
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☆ Mal
☆ Evie
☆ Carlos
☆ Jay
☆ Gil
☆ Harry
☆ Uma
Poly Requests:
☆ @thoughtfulcreatornight x Raphael matchup
☆ Anonymous x Remus Lupin matchup
I’ve redone my masterlist because I was vey unhappy with my first one, and I wanted to add pictures to go with it! I’ll also be adding all my new work onto here and my old work will be on the first masterlist! Love y’all! 💗
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roleplayfinder · 6 months
hello everyone!! i’m 22, she/they pronouns, looking for 18+ partners to do a harry potter marauders era rp over on discord! i would love if you would be open to writing multiple characters but please come willing to at least double.
i am mostly looking to write canon characters myself. however, i’m happy to write cc x cc or cc x your oc. but please be comfortable potentially doing cc x cc for my side of things or as potential ships if we decide to do a mumu.
i have a bunch of characters that i’ve been wanting to write for and against including but not limited to: regulus black, sirius black, remus lupin, james potter, evan rosier, barty crouch jr., pandora lovegood, frank longbottom, lucius malfoy, narcissa black, ted tonks, andromeda black, emmeline vance, marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, and dorcas meadows.
in terms of ships, i have a bunch that i’ve been wanting to write (romantic, platonic, familial, etc.) hence why i would love for this to be a mumu, but again it’s not mandatory. some of the ships i can think of off the top of my head include: rosekiller, jily, jegulus, regulily, dorlene, marylily, pandalily, frank/alice, pandora/xenophilius, nobleflower and of course wolfstar. however there are a few rare pairs that i would be happy to include as well depending on what you’re comfortable with!!
in terms of writing, i am quality > quantity, i’m not a stickler for length or your activity level (i’ll never hound you for replies, take as long as you need). i do write in third person and descriptively. i love to plot and ramble about our ships and the characters ooc. i love making and sending inspo, edits, pinterest boards, etc. back and forth!
if any of this sounds interesting, please like this post and i’ll message you!
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ellecdc · 5 days
Sorry if you already said this but do you like Panlily (Pandora x Lily), Dorlene (Dorcas x Marlene) and Evanreg (Evan x Regulus)?
And you like the Pandora Rosier/Evan and Pandora are twins hc?
Yes to all of them!! I personally prefer pandalily over marylily, but I don’t actually have any reasonings for that, perhaps other than I’m obsessed with whimsical characters and think the pairing between whimsical and strong headed characters might be one of my favourites. Dorlene is canon to me? Like I’d never consider either of them with anyone else idk. And Evan x Regulus is neither here nor there for me but I don’t mind it
As for the Pandora headcanon, it DEPENDS what era I’m reading. When I’m reading the marauders era, I prefer the Rosier twin headcanon. When I’m reading the golden trio era (or even just canon), I love the head canon of pandora’s maiden name being lovegood and Xenophilius taking her name after being ousted by the Malfoy’s (being Lucius’ brother) making Luna & Draco first cousins
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anxiousfanchild · 1 year
Introduction to My Harry Potter Imagines
Characters I can do:
1890s Hogwarts:
Ominius Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Garrath Weasley
Leander Prewett
Molly Prewett/Weasley
Bellatrix Black/Lestrange
Rita Skeeter
Arthur Weasley
Andromeda Black/Tonks
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissia Black/Malfoy
Gilderoy Lockhart
Alice Fortescue/Longbottom
Frank Longbottom
Ted Tonks
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Lily Evans/Potter
Severus Snape
Bartemius Crouch Jr
Mary MacDonald
Dorcas Meadowes
Regulus Black
Evan Rosier
Pandora Rosier/Lovegood (or Lestrange, IDK what her canon last name is)
Xenophilius Lovegood
Marlene McKinnon
Golden Trio Era:
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Hermione Granger/Weasley
Luna Lovegood/Scalamander
Ginerva Weasley/Potter
Draco Malfoy
Neville Longbottom
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Percy Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Oliver Wood
Dean Thomas
Seamus Finnigan
Cedric Diggory
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Post Golden Trio: These stories will take place while each child is in at least 5th year. I've also added their Houses, just in case it is needed.
Victoire Weasley - Ravenclaw (Bill x Fleur)
Fred Weasley - Gryffindor (George x Angelina)
Molly Weasley - Gryffindor (Percy x Aubrey)
Dominique Weasley - Gryffindor (Bill x Fleur)
James Potter - Gryffindor (Ginny x Harry)
Louis Weasley - Ravenclaw (Bill x Fleur)
Lucy Weasley - Ravenclaw (Percy x Aubrey)
Rose Granger-Weasley - Gryffindor (Ron x Hermione)
Albus Potter - Slytherin (Ginny x Harry)
Roxanne Weasley - Gryffindor (Fred x Angelina)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Gryffindor (Ron x Hermione)
Lily Potter - Gryffindor (Ginny x Harry)
Teddy Lupin - Hufflepuff (Remux x Tonks)
Non-Canon Characters:
Delphini Riddle: Post Golden Trio Era (Teddy's age, possibly a year older). Lovechild of Bellatrix and Voldemort
Mattheo Riddle: Marauders Era, Lovechild of Tom Riddle and an unnamed Witch.
Lorenzo Berkshire: Golden Trio Era
PLEASE NOTE: If there is a non-canon character or a character we as a fandom do not know a lot of canon facts about, I will write them how ***I*** see them!
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i just know you'd love an excuse to yap about these two because not enough people do so gimme your Pandora x Xenophilius headcanons pleeeaaasee < 3
Yess I don't think there's a time where I couldn't yap about these two oh my god
There's just so many good flavours of them. My personal favourite headcanon is Pandora Rosier and Xenophilius Malfoy (yes he's Lucius's younger brother—or half brother technically, in my head they don't share a mum) and they chose the name Lovegood together because that's something that represents their values while also distancing them both from their pureblood families.
They also both wore bright yellow to their wedding. Luna mentions at Fleur and Bill's wedding that her father taught her that sun colours at weddings brought good luck so I think it's cute to assume that Xenophilius and Pandora wore sun colours at their wedding.
I think Barty was the first person who got introduced to Xenophilius when he and Pandora first started going out (Pandora was testing the waters for telling Evan and also since Barty is a Ravenclaw like them, and a snoopy, gossipy one at that, it would be more difficult to hide from him). Barty fondly describes him as the humanised version of a wet cotton bud to tease them both but I do imagine they get along.
I've also played around with the idea of Barty and Xenophilius being roommates, so there's that.
I think Pandora was close with Sybill when she still attended (though I imagine Sybill to be older than both of them).
Xenophilius was really fond of plants and did great in Herbology—he also had his own little stash of items that were commonly hard to get one's hands on that he got through his father or trading/making deals during the holidays. It's partially because of this that he was part of the Slug Club (Slughorn also just liked the idea of having both brothers in his club after having already taught Lucius).
Pandora was creating spells even back at Hogwarts and she and Xenophilius would frequently try them out together.
In the summer you could often find the two under a tree on Hogwarts grounds making flower crowns for each other.
Pandora struggled more with leaving behind her pureblood family, not because of the values, but because of Evan who she was becoming increasingly estranged from. Only after learning about Evan being a Death Eater did she pull fully away.
I also think she's the one who came up with the idea of changing their names. She was heartbroken by Evan becoming a Death Eater and sought to distance herself as much as possible. Still, she held onto things from their childhood, things she later passed down to Luna in an attempt to make new, positive memories with the things.
Even though she abandoned her pureblood family, a lot of the customs and ways of acting were still deeply ingrained in Pandora and despite living a very carefree lifestyle she was still very tidy and cared a lot about being presentable (this reflected in Luna as well, up until Pandora's death). Xenophilius was the opposite, he was eager to be free in every way possible from what was expected of him.
The walls of their home are full of paintings. Not paintings in frames but just straight on the walls. They spent a lot of time painting together when Pandora was pregnant with Luna and somewhere in the house, they have handprints on the walls. They added Luna's after she was born. Since Pandora's died hers have faded and it's breaking Xenophilius's heart.
This is not a very specific headcanon but in aus I kinda like the idea of Xenophilius being the "hot and funny vacation boyfriend" except when Pandora describes him as such the skittles are standing there like 🧍🧍🧍🧍 "this is the hot and funny guy you've been talking about??? he looks like a ghost and he's currently collecting shells and seaweed???"
They're both huge nerds and they bond over being huge nerds.
Also, I love picturing them as like the Hogwarts parents of Gilderoy Lockhart, it's so sweet to me and I love picturing them being the only ones willing to listen to him ramble/brag about whatever thing he's done now or whatever his Bubbe has told him over the summer
Pandora loves to braid Xenophilius's hair and putting trinkets and shit in there.
You will 100% catch Xenophilius walking around in Pandora's super flowy patchwork skirts.
They both only have one ear pierced (opposite holes) and Pandora pierced Xenophilius's so they could wear matching earrings.
Both are big friendship bracelet wearers
They're the most queer coded straight ship to me
The first time Pandora heard Xenophilius curse was when he was trying to put together furniture for their house (even with the help of magic my man could not figure it out). Pandora proceeded to join him in yelling at the furniture, not because she couldn't figure it out but for support
They would 110% be the couple who goes all out on their Halloween costumes or just costumes in general honestly. Any occasion is an occasion to dress up
I don't think Pandora was soft-spoken at all, those two give me "he asked for no pickles" vibes through and through
Xenophilius does not believe in the concept of time and Pandora wants to be early to everything.
Xenophilius enjoys making jewellery and Pandora loves wearing it. Xenophilius also taught this skill to their daughter.
Please!!! Let's not forget Xenophilius being slightly cross-eyed!!!!!
Pandora was a Quidditch fan (she was influenced by Barty and Regulus, what can I say). The whole family used to go to Quidditch World Cups together and Xenophilius and Luna continued the tradition after Pandora's death
Xenophilius would definitely burn shit with Barty just because
He would also do graffiti with him in modern aus you can't convince me otherwise
These two would dance naked in their backyard in the moonlight
They would both be friends with Aurora Sinistra, Xenophilius bonds with her over stars and astrology while Pandora bonds with her over Alchemy and Spell creation
I feel like Pandora would really like fish/fishing (aquarium date when)
I think that might be all I can say about them for now but ask me again at literally any other time and I will probably have something new to ramble at you vnfjnbjgnbjg
ALSO!!! ACTUALLY!!! We as a fandom need to find a cute ship name for these two istg I need something. Idk what we have to work with but like,, silverpanda or silverseer (though this could be interpreted as Sybill because of the seer thing so???) or something I don't know, if anyone has any better suggestions PLEASE throw them my way
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plant-k1ll3r · 4 months
Hamilton x Maruaders fanfic
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James Potter as Alexander Hamilton
Peter Pettigrew as Aaron Burr
Lily Evans as Eliza Schuyler
Regulus Black as John Laurens
Barry Crouch Jr as Lafayette
Evan Rosier as Hercules Mulligan
Dorcas Meadowes as Angelica Schuyler
Pandora Lovegood as Peggy Schuyler
Hagrid as Washington
Lucius Malfoy as Charles Lee
Sirius Black as Thomas Jefferson
Remus Lupin as James Madison
Bella Black as Maria Reynolds
Tom riddle as James Reynolds
Harry Potter as Philip Hamilton
Draco Malfoy as George Eacker
TW: death, sexual implications, murder, child loss, implications of Wolfstar, Starchaser and Rosekiller. In this, Dorcas, lily and Pandora are close friends but call themselves sisters since they are so close.
Act 1.
“Alexander Hamilton/My shot/ The Story of Tonight”
1971. How does a bastard, orphan become the greatest soldier even though his family dies, his son then he is killed by his first and bestest friend? He doesn’t, unless of course he is James Potter. He walked about the city of London with a determination yet confused look painted over his face. He stumbled over his shoes as they were three sizes too big as well as a few empty bottles of Fire-whiskey on the floor which he tripped over on many occasions. That night he met with Peter Pettigrew just by face planting onto him because he got lost in the restless streets just outside The Three Broomsticks, they both chatted as they strolled in through the doors of the pub. Peter was a fidgety kid with a frail look and an uncertain yet happy smile. James was the opposite he had a grin on his face which screamed confidence, every lady at the pub blushed or almost fainted. Both boys had walked up to a table in the centre of the room where Peter’s friends Regulus Black, Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr were sat. Regulus sat on the table, leaning back as he chugged a bottle of French wine as Remus sat on the chairs surrounding it. Barty sat with a hunched back, and he was drinking what seemed to be a pint of beer. “Petey! Look, Cherie! It’s the scholar of hogwash.” Barty chuckled, strolling up to Peter and hugging him from the side. Everyone at the table nodded to him then their gaze was fixed on James. A chorus of “Who are you?” was sung about the table. “James Potter, and you?” James boasted and gestured his hand to the young men sat at the table. A few names popped up, the pale boy with a vampiric look boasted right back “Barty Crouch Jr”. The boy with messy almost white blonde hair and a tanned face had said “Evan Rosier” just a few seconds later then a mutter from the smaller boy with a french accent and well kept black hair was heard as he introduced himself as “Regulus Arcturus Black” The vampiric boy had a smirk on his face, then he allowed James to sit next to him and he gave him a drag of his joint and the bottle of wine. They spoke for hours before finally being kicked out for singing the same verse over again. It was annoying the people who were sat around them enough that they got kicked out and Peter had left as soon as they begin singing. “Raise a glass to freedom” played through the streets all night as they danced about the streets.
“The Schuyler Sisters/ A Winters Ball/ Helpless”
“If you could marry a sister, you’re famous!” Reggie glamoured. “It’s not a question of fame it’s a question of which one.” James responded smugly. They both spoke while stumbling over they’re own feet, gripping each others waist to stand properly. To their surprise the very sisters they were speaking about walked in, The Sisters. Pandora Lovegood was a lovely girl with a heart of gold. Dorcas Meadows, she was headstrong and didn’t like to speak with people like James (confidant soldiers with a gun attached to their hip and a beer or fire-whiskey in hand). Yet Lily Evans on the other hand was as caring as she was smart, she rarely cared about their status only if they could treat her with respect. The girls had recently lost money from their father gambling it all away and only leaving less than ideal to survive, since then Lily and the others have been hunting for a man. They both immediately spotted James, after Sirius walked off Pandora saw her sister’s blushing and insisted on helping. She walked to James and spoke for about two minutes before they both walked to lily and James heard his head explode in awe. He felt captivated by her hair and eyes both lovely colours. “I’m James Potter, and you?” Lily took a breath as she never realised, she was holding it. “Lily Evans.” James took a breath before repeating her last name. “My sister, I’ll leave you to it”. Dorcas responded before walking off and mingling with the other guests. Every day for at least a year Lily had sent James letters, and he sent some right back. Because of this flirtatious behaviour Lily’s father had called James in and had a discussion with him. After what felt like months, she heard her father say “Be true” the james turned to her smiling and she was helpless. She jumped into his arms, smiling bright as she discovered she was helpless. A fire of jealousy was playing in Petunia’s eyes, but it was blinded by her smile.
“Ten Duel Commandments/ Meet me Inside / That would be enough “
If you paid attention to the tales, you would know that after the war Malfoy was left alone in the woods without a pot to piss in, he said this to anyone who would listen “Hagrid cannot be left alone to decide things. The best thing he can do for the revolution is go home, shut up and take care of those damn brutes he calls creatures.” After that Regulus got mad, eventually leading to an argument and a duel. The rules of a duel are simple. Number one, if the opponent apologises there’s no need for further action. But he doesn’t then that’s when number two plays in. Number two, grab a friend that’s your second they’ll help decide a peace. Number three, have your seconds meet face to face either to negotiate a peace or negotiate a time and place. A common place is right outside Diagonal Alley just before the darker streets. Number four grab a wand and a Healer on sight, have said Healer turn so he can have deniability. Five, draw before the Sun is in the sky, pick a time before dawn. Six, write a note for your family, pray that Hell or Heaven let’s you in. Seven, confess your sins but only to your seconds. Eight, have your seconds negotiate this is your last chance to do so... James was Regulus’s second and Peter was Malfoy’s. They spoke, the only thing anyone could make out was “Hold up, how many muggles died because he is inexperienced and ruinous?” James barked before Peter decided to let the duel commence. Nine, aim directly at their eyes with your wand before summoning all the skill you require and count to ten. Then, fire! A bright glow filled the air as Regulus cast the Stupefy Curse, causing Malfoy to fall back and crack his head on the ground, he stood with a proud stand screaming at Peter. “He’s been hit, yes of course he yields!” Peter grabbed Malloy as he fell to the ground. “I’m satisfied!” The air was filled with the deafening noise of pride and surprise before Hagrid appeared and grabbed James, pulling him inside. “Reggie should’ve cast Silencio on him first, that would have shut him up.” Hagrid sighed before speaking. “You are making this difficult, we need them to trust us so there is no war. Do you want your son to grow up!?” A silence filled the air. “Don’t bring him up.” James turned cold. “Son, your wife needs you alive and I need you alive.” Hagrid was cut off. “Call me son one more time!” James sobbed, angrily yelling before he was discharged home where Lily sat in the living room with a book in hand and her belly showing. She knew for a month, she even sent James a letter but the general never gave it to him because he needed Potter to stay. He needed him to win this war.
“Right Hand Man/Yorktown (The world turned upside down) / History has its eyes on you”.
“Hagrid, sir! Just give me command of a proper battalion then I assure you the Death Eaters will be done.” James boasted, hands firmly pressed onto Hagrid’s desk. “No. I had led a battalion in my youth, and they were all wiped out by the same people who are battling against us now.” Hagrid argued. “That’s different, sir. I may be immature and reckless but I’m a scholar from Hogwarts, I’ve written my way out of Hell itself just please!” James cried back. Hagrid took a deep inhale before shaking his head and dismissing James. That week they all got news that a kid called Lucius Malfoy had been made general of the battalion, many soldiers on their side had been killed or were on the brink of death because he was too scared to go into a proper battle. An argument of attack and retreat was ringing through the battlefield before Hagrid shouts “Potter! Have Remus take the lead instead.” Potter nodded before Lupin begin attacking the enemy side before, they frantically waved a white flag. They lowered their swords and wands before treating the injured and counted the dead. Pure blood, Half-blood and Mud blood all wondered if it really meant freedom. Not yet.
“Dear Theodosia/ Non-stop”
1980. Harry James Potter was born; he was a bundle of joy in his parent's lives. A smile was painted over everyone’s face as soon as they met Harry, and it made James proud. Peter had a daughter too; he named her Theodosia after his wife who had died during childbirth. Which made him darker. “Members of the jury I promise that with enough evidence I can prove my client is indeed innocent “. James tried to prove him point to the jury and judge. An argument had echoed the halls of the court as Peter walked in. “James, a client never proves his innocence just pull your first witness.” Peter gently persuaded “Fine.” James retorted. Pressure was on him; his client was not guilty and yet again they weren’t moved. A bark of “GUILTY!” rang around the hall and James stormed after his client being dragged away in cuffs. Pandora had come home the night before. Her and approaches James, gently trying to console him her and Lily held his hands and tried to console him. “I’m not throwing away my shot! I’m doing this for my country!” James howled at them both as he yanked him hand away. “This is not the war; you can take a break.” Lily gently said. After that James stormed off and walked home. After that day, Potter got a letter. A letter he didn’t want, “Sir, I hope this hadn’t ruined your day, but I have to inform you of this. Regulus Arcturus Black has died, he was fighting against the Death Eaters he’s betrayed and was drowned in the in the cave where the Inferi reside. He was clawed and drowned, whilst Pandora watched and unable to do a thing”. Shortly after that, Dorcas left and headed to Italy as she found a wealthy husband who always paid, it triggered something in James. It wasn’t jealously as he only saw Dorcas as a gossip buddy, it was anger. If her husband even thought about hurting Dorcas, he’d be playing Exploding Snap with the Grim Reaper.
Act 2
“What’d I miss? / Say no to this”
A few months later after all this was dying down, a visitor had come to town from France. Many people had been throwing around a name of “Sirius Orion Black” James had known that name from portraits that Reggie had shown him before his death. He was a heartthrob. Sirius was French, vampiric and a Gryffindor hero. From a family of cruel sadistic rich bastards, he’s a brave Order of the Phoenix member with a heart of gold. He only ever teases people about how terrible they styled themselves or he flirts with every man and woman he sees. “Have you heard!? Sirius Black is here in the city!” Was heard at every turn, making Potter curious as to who this Black was. Eventually he found out, he enjoyed speaking with him but the thought of his power and his ability to make every person swoon with simple grin made him cringe. He boasted his way into the city, drawn by a Thestral pulled carriage and dressed like he was the Tzar of Russia. After the weeks he had been spending with Sirius due to a work situation he was forced to deal with him as they followed the same beliefs, values and they argued so therefore Hagrid made them work together. Lily and Pandora had moved up to their fathers with Harry for the summer when James had met a certain lady who introduced herself as Bella Lestrange. “Hello sir, I know you are a man of honour, but my husband is mistreating me and beating me. I don’t have the strength to go on.” She whimpered. Potter had offered to bring her home just in case her husband wanted to beat her, he wasn’t in so he he gave her a few galleons he had stocked away but before he could leave, she grabbed his hand and led him to her bed. Her legs spread and before he knew it his lips were glued to hers and he was gripping the sheets. A mix of lust and sweat filled the air with a powerful scent, bodies intertwined as they rocked together in a mess of moans and whimpers. James was a mess, visiting at least once a week for that summer when a mister Tom Riddle sent a letter “Dear Mr Potter I hope this letter doesn’t ruin anything for you but if like to tell you this. Next time your fly falls down and you end up naked with a woman every week make sure it isn’t my wife. Bring me a hefty price of galleons and you can keep seeing my whore wife if not I’m telling your wife.” He was screaming inside, how he could have not known!? James immediately grabbed roughly three grand worth of galleons and raced to the Riddle Manor. That’s were he found Bella, her legs were spread, and she lay on the bed as if welcoming him in. He didn’t cave this time, he screamed at her then threw her a housecoat before hiding the letter of money in a drawer telling her to only let Riddle open it before leaving.
“The Room Where It Happens/ Schuyler Defeated”
A while after this happened Potter was promoted to Wizengamot, he was in charge of every wizardry laws. He created the “Do not attack a man, woman or child just because they have ties to the muggle world. That includes if they are muggleborn, half-blood or they enjoy the muggle world.” One day, Sirius and his “colleague” Remus John Lupin, who was another Auror and professor of DADA at Hogwarts had invited Potter to a dinner. A dinner which helped them understand each other as well as discussing where the Wizardry capital would be placed, the capital was still being discussed. The wizardry world in Great Britain could not agree if it should be Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry where Hagrid taught at as the Magical Creatures caretaker after the war , St Mungo’s the wizardry hospital where James and Reggie ended up too many or Diagon Alley the street with many nooks and crannies with wizards and witches from magic flourishing from every fibre. Peter had gotten Potter’s father in laws old job as Head Auror, no one thought Peter could do it, but he proved them right.
“Cabinet Battle #2/ One last time”
An issue was on the table. Beuaxbaxtons was a very prestigious wizardry school in France, they had been allies with Hogwarts since the Triwizard Tournament was created centuries ago, but the Death Eaters were attacking them, and Hogwarts had to act quickly before it was too late. James and Sirius were stood toe to toe in front of a jury of wizards from the ministry of magic when Hagrid began to explain. “We must discuss this; France is on the verge of declaring war against Death Eaters. Do we act immediately and effectively by sending in troops to help them or do we stay out of it? Potter and Black, you must discuss this matter between the two of you. The only one you must persuade is me.” They were arguing for what seemed to be hours, but it began making sense when Sirius had explained this. “When we were at Death’s door and we needed help, Beauxbaxtons had been at our side the entire time! We had signed a treaty stating if they ever needed our help during war we would show up and battle with our souls.” James had enough then explained. “We are still healing our city from the previous war; we don’t have enough power to defeat Voldemort. I say we should stay out of it; they have Durmstrang to assist them.” They had yelled back and forth until Hagrid agreed with James which angered Sirius greatly, after everyone had left it remained only Sirius and James. “Did you forget Regulus? Do you have any idea how I felt that day?” Sirius spat. “He was a strong man, even if he didn’t survive. I assure you I felt the same pain as you” Potter replied. A pause occurred. “Connerie, do I have to remind you? You’re nothing without Hagrid behind you.” Sirius retorted then Hagrid James’s called on Potter. “Daddy’s calling.” Potter was slightly pissed but kept calm and stormed out which left Remus and Sirius by themselves (interpret that as you will, ya nasties). Potter soon got news that Sirius resigned which made him joyous when he found out Black was doing it to run for Head of Magical Creatures made his blood boil. Hagrid had announced he was retiring from his position to have a quiet and fulfilling life had made everyone sob, especially James. A party was held the night Hagrid announced he was leaving; it wasn’t as fun as the nights before it was more of a funeral. There were people dancing and talking about the great memories that were engraved in their memory. All the party did was remind James of everything that was bad. How he cheated on Lily, how vivid the war was in his brain and how Regulus had been mercilessly killed by his own mother. It was nice having Hagrid as his friend, fatherly figure and mentor but it felt greater knowing he was leaving to safe everything else. It was one last time, but it was the one last time with him in a calm mood that hugged you into comfort.
“We Know/The Reynolds Pamphlet”
James was in a bit of bother with the ministry, especially Sirius, Remus and Peter. Those three had been working together for a while but it never caused Potter any harm to his business or image, that was until all three strolled into his office and tried to blackmail him saying they knew what he had done. But they didn’t actually know what it was until James handed Remus a letter, this letter was sent by Tom Riddle, it was his reply on finding out that Potter had intercourse with his wife. The letter was read aloud by Remus in front of the boys stood there. Remus read it out, Sirius only paid attention when he heard Lupin say That was my wife you decided to… “What!?” Black was astonished by it until Potter explained the money, he took out was from his pay checks and none of it splashed taken illegally. “I never spent a penny that wasn’t mine, so there is no reason to sully my good name.” James had no hesitation in explaining himself. “Merlin’s Beard, you really thought that through!” Black spat sarcastically. They agreed to never speak of this again and it never left the room. Until a few weeks later when James had written an essay à the situation. Read by the entire town, eventually Dorcas came back from Italy to stay for the summer at Hogwarts. Little did Potter know; Dorcas wasn’t there for him. He was excited to see her again, he held her tight, but she pushed him off. “I’m not here for you, I know Lily better than my own mind. You will never know another as trusting or as kind, she was right. Your kind will never be satisfied!” Dorcas barked then a chorus of You’ll never be Head Auror now! Was sung by Sirius, Remus and the other Aurors. And they were right, no one would have trusted him to protect their town now.
In a house there lived a fake, yet charming angel named James Potter. This letter he published was not a scheming, horror house, but a novel filled with spells and an enticing sense of lust and tender desire. Written on weathered parchment, etched by the ink from an acid green Quick Notes Quill, the newspaper was written Every student, auror and creature had something to say about it. It was about damn time Lily said something, on s day when Harry was in Hogwarts Lily stormed into James's office. At first, they were civil about it and spoke like adults until James had slipped this in "At least I'm not the woman who trusted Snivellus!" A pause before Lily bite back "At least I'm not the reason our trust was murdered by the man we called a friend! " Peter had betrayed them long before, but James was too loveable and trusts everyone to realise. There was a deafening silence before Lily dug through his drawers until she discovered the letters then threw everything off his desk before casting Incendio which set the parchment ablaze. Tears soaked both their faces, James was riddled with heartbreak and sorrow while Lily felt betrayal because just publicly announced his affair with the enemy's wife and she felt true unfiltered rage. with nothing but James’s panic from reading it to copy, reciting his own lust and gentle praise engraved into the very pages and ink. It was almost as if he copied it from the very life of an angel!! But to Lily that was the complete opposite, she found out that he published the letters from the gossip which spread around the town like a plague.
“Blow us all away/ Stay Alive (reprise)/ It’s quiet Uptown”.
Despite his newfound popularity, he knew that he couldn't let the superficial attention define him. He had to stay true to himself, to the person he was at his core. And as he navigated the complexities of high school life, he found that being true to himself was the only way to truly shine. Quidditch became his life, he left his old friends to hang out with the heartthrob Weasley twins. The setting is at the renowned Hogwarts School of Magic, and it's the beginning of a new school year for the returning senior students. As the students filter into the school grounds, they greet each other like old friends. The atmosphere is electric with the excitement of a new year, and everyone is eager to catch up with each other and hear about their summer adventures. But under the surface, there is tension brewing between two characters, Harry James Potter and Draco Lucious Malfoy. Draco is a quiet person, but he's always had a bit of a temper and he uses his tongue as a weapon. On the other hand, Harry is a popular and confident student who loves to stir the pot just by talking too loudly and letting rumours spread. As the first few weeks of the school year go by, tensions between Harry and Draco begin to escalate. It starts with harmless banter and joking around, but as the days go on, the jibes become increasingly personal and insulting. One day, after a magical defense class, the two students get into a heated argument. They shout insults at each other, and before long, Draco snaps and charges at Harry, his wand ready to cast a spell. It all happens in a flash. Draco's spell is a cursed one, and as soon as it hits Potter, an eerie blue light illuminates the room. Everyone watches in horror as he collapses, unresponsive. The students and teachers rush to Harry's side, but it's too late. He's gone, killed by Malfoy's curse. The guilt and regret weigh heavy on his heart. A tale was told throughout the town, if you ever saw James he’d be looking at a small Polaroid book of photos of his family, talking to himself as he stumbled throughout the town.What hurt more was that James didn’t cry nor scream at his funeral he just smiled as Lily sobbed until she fainted.
Election of 1800/ Your Obedient Servant
Harry James Potter, died at 19. His fate sealed at the end of an oak wand laced with unicorn hair and passion. Questions arouse in the town, who will be elected minister of magic? It wandered, it ran and leaped through every wizard. The Wizengamot committee Potter worked with had always made one question ring in his ears as he worked “Pettigrew or Black?” The two candidates. Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Orion Black. Peter was a candidate due to his efforts to both making the respect grow for animagi and magical creatures. Yet there stood Sirius, he was voted for his presence in the anti- cruelty against werewolves and muggle born wizards (he done this for Remus). This made both young men very famous and debating who should win threw everything in a loop. Everyone in London was asking who he’d vote for the position Black or Pettigrew? Eventually Potter stood in front of cameras, being filmed for millions of wizards to see his vote. “Since everyone is asking to hear my choice, yet I’ve taken a while to decide I’m declaring Sirius Black has my vote. I had only agreed with him once, we’ve fought on about 20,0000 fronts we but when all is said, and all is done… Black has beliefs and Peter has none.” It made no sense how could James endorse his enemy? The man he despised from the beginning. Just to stop Peter from winning. “Dear James, I understand that I barely have beliefs and I fought for your side but what I can’t seem to grasp at is how you can choose that pure blood over me.” Pettigrew wrote in his monthly letter to James; it was a rare thing for him to actually write but he did. “Dear Wormtail, it has been a while but the reason I chose him over you is because you betrayed my trust years ago and you now work with the man, I call an enemy. Not only because he tried to destroy our school in sixth year but because my drunken version slept with his wife not once nor but every week in the summer.” James never yelled or raised his voice but gently explained yet his voice was cracking from rage on how Peter failed to see why he voted for Black even though his reasons were clear as the summer’s sky. “Have it your way, meet at the Black Lake with wands drawn. Bring your best colleague and Healer, deal? “Peter had written, almost a week later James agreed. Fear wasn’t a presence that day, but determination was.
“Who lives, who dies who tells your story?”
The Duel of Destiny? James Potter was a powerful wizard, and he was never afraid to show it. He was also reckless and brash, always seeking the next excitement. so eventually when he found out Pettigrew was trying to drag his name, he couldn't resist a fight. He challenged the most weak and frail man with the biggest heart and wit he knew, to a duel to the death. The two wizards were matched in skill and power, and the duel was long and fierce. In the end, it was James who fell. His body lay lifeless on the forest floor next to the Black Lake, his wand still clasped in his hand. Pettigrew fled the scene, his guilt and despair overwhelming him. He knew that he had killed a great wizard and a great man. Who was his first true friend, might I add! The news of James's death spread throughout the wizarding community, and the grief was palpable. Even those who didn't know him well mourned the loss of such a bright soul. It seemed as though the light in the world had gone out. James's enemy, Sirius Black, was devastated by his death. He vowed to avenge James's destiny and pride. James's death marked the beginning of a dark time in the wizarding world. But it also served as a reminder that even the most powerful wizards can fall to their own hubris. And that sometimes, even the darkest souls can feel remorse and grief. James Potter was a powerful and influential member of the wizarding world. He was a skilled duelist and a talented wizard, but his brashness and recklessness sometimes got the best of him. Despite his flaws, he was a loyal and devoted friend to those he loved and was fiercely protective of his family. When he died in a duel with his first friend who became his enemy, the wizarding world was plunged into a state of shock and mourning. But his wife, Lily, and his political opponent, Sirius, refused to let James's legacy die. They continued to work tirelessly to protect the wizarding world and fight for those who were oppressed. Their efforts helped to bring about a new era of peace and understanding for all wizards and witches. Today, James's sacrifice is remembered as a testament to the power of love and redemption, and as a reminder that even the greatest of wizards can fall victim to their own hubris. Born 27th March 1960 and died 31 October 1981, this made Sirius no regular angel, he was an Angel which weeped…
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umbraetmortis-rpg · 2 years
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Las "X" y las "¿?" son para que el usuario determine la edad y la fecha de su personaje.
Edad personajes Canon en enero de 1978:
Sirius Black: 18 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 3 de noviembre de 1959)
Lily Evans: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 30 de enero de 1960)
James Potter: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 27 de marzo de 1960)
Remus Lupin: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 10 de marzo de 1960)
Marlene Mckinnon: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes: (Posterior a enero) de 1960)
Andromeda Black: 24 años (Día ¿? Mes: (Posterior a enero) de 1953)
Mary Macdonald: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes: (Posterior a enero) de 1960)
Minerva Mcgonagall: 43 años (4 de octubre de 1935)
Petter Pettegrew: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? (mes entre enero y agosto) de 1960)
Severus Snape: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 9 de enero de 1960)
Narcisa Malfoy: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1950)
Lucius Malfoy: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1951)
Rodolphus Lestrange: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1957)
Regulus Black: 16 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes (Posterior a enero) ¿? 1961)
Amycus Carrow: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1951)
Alecto Carrow: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Bellatrix Lestrange: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1951)
Personajes Secundarios:
Arthur Weasley: 27 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 6 de febrero de 1950)
Molly Weasley: 29 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 30 de octubre de 1949)
Davey Gudgeon X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1960)
Evan Rosier: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1960)
Bertha Jorkins: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año (Entre 1953-1958))
Dolores Jane Umbridge: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: 26 de agosto,  Año (antes de 1965))
Alastor Moody: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Bartemius Crouch Jr: 15 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1962)
Alice Longbottom: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Frank Longbottom: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año (Década de los 50))
Rabastan Lestrange: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Benjy Fenwick: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Walburga Black: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1925)
Orión Black: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1929)
Xenophilius Lovegood: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Pandora Lovegood: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Travers: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Sybill Trelawney: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: 9 de Marzo, antes de 1963)
Aberforth Dumbledore: X años (Fecha de nacimiento:  entre el 1 de septiembre de 1883 y 31 de agosto de 1884)
Caradoc Dearborn: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Dedalus Diggle: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Edgar Bones: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Elphias Doge: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1881)
Emmeline Vance: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Gideon Prewett: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Rubeus Hagrid: 48 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 6 de diciembre de 1928)
Mulciber: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Finales de la década de 1950 o principios de la década de 1960)
Walden Macnair: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Antonin Dolohov: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Fenrir Greyback: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1945)
Augustus Rookwood: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Igor Karkarov: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1950)
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