Greetings and salutations! My name is Liana and I am 29 years old, female and I am DESPERATE for an RP partner. I’ve been RP-ing for over fifteen years now and there are still so many plots and ideas that I haven’t played out yet. And I’m sure if you’re searching for an RP partner it’s the same case with you. So I’m just gonna go ahead and list a few fandoms I would LOVE to dive into. But before that a few things to keep in mind:
• I only do mxf where I can play either the male or the female.
• Long-Term RP partners only! And please don’t just message me and disappear.
• I can play most characters asked of me. Though you might have to give me a couple of days to get into that character’s headspace.
• Communication is KEY! We have to keep that channel open. Saying that please don’t be pushy when it comes to plots you would like done. If I’m not comfortable with it I’ll say so. And if you’re not comfortable with a plot then tell me so that we can work our way around it.
• Expect me to rant, fangirl and scream over canon pairings and OC x canon pairings. But then you are more then welcome to do the same as well! :D
• Doubling isn’t a definite must. But I don’t want to be stuck with just playing the male character. I would prefer that we each pick out a fandom the other is familiar with and we each play one canon and oc or canon and canon, whatever fits best!
• Since I am over 18 NSFW content will be in the plot line though not the main focus. Unless the plot calls for it. Please do NOT contact me if you only wish to write smut.
• I can go from romance to adventure. Angst to fluff. And everything else in between!
• Plot! Plot! Plot! I love plotting. But I don’t want to be the only one coming up with ideas. Equal contribution is the only way to keep the ball rolling.
• I won’t be available 24/7. There are days when I am really busy because of work and because I'm a single mom. But just because I don’t reply doesn’t think I’ve forgotten. I do remember! I just need to find time.
• Speaking of time, my time zone is GMT+5.
• Mediums for RP-ing are Discord. My main Tumblr is the one in submitting this post from.
• Please please please have a good grasp on the English language. Though it’s my second language I’m quite good at it and I want a partner who is just as good. My brain automatically starts picking out mistakes in whatever text I read and I hate doing that when I’m trying to enjoy a good reply.
• Writing format paragraph style. Third person point of view.
• I do canonxoc. But there might be one or two fandoms where I am willing to do canonxcanon.
• I promise I’m not a scary person. I know you’re probably thinking I have a lot of rules but I just want to make sure I get all this basic information out. Hopefully I didn’t forget anything!
Now for the important part: The FANDOMS!
Listed are the characters I would LOVE to play against which will be quite a bit. But it doesn’t mean I won’t be any less excited for other pairings or characters! And I’m not listing them with any first or second preference is mind. I’d be happy to play against any of the listed really.
I am also including any pairings I would love to play out. We can work out who will be playing whom if we have a common pairing we ship! Bold are the ones I’m really craving.
Superman aka Clark Kent
NightwingxStarfire (I would preferably want to play Star!)
Kid FlashxArtemis
Batman aka Bruce Wayne
DamianxRaven (I would preferably want to play Raven!)
Legend of Vox Machina
*Harry Potter
Harry Potter (I am willing to play any character here either from the Marauders Era or the Golden Trio Era if you play against my OC with Harry Potter)
*Inheritance Cycle
*Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien/Chat NoirxMarinette/Ladybug
*Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Alphonse Elric
Roy Mustang
I don’t think I wrote down ALL my fandoms so please feel free to suggest some! We might have it in common.
I do Fandomless role-playing as well but I’ve done it so much that I wouldn’t be able to put as much of my heart into it as I would the Fandom RP.
I want to end this by saying that I hope that if you decide to message me then we can be friends as well. I’ve made loads of friends through Rp-ing and I hope to make new ones as well! Contact on discord Hestia_1928
Hope to hear from you soon!
#twenty-one and over#oc#oc roleplay#oc rp#mxf#mxf roleplay#mxf rp#dc#dc roleplay#dc rp#legend of vox machina#harry potter#inheritance cycle#miraculous ladybug#fmab
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hi! i'm in my 20s and looking for 18+ writers for a specific platonic/found family fandomless plot. specifically, i'd like to write the lone wolf and cub trope- an older, hardened character for one reason or another ending up with a younger character in their care. for this, i can write either role, and i'd prefer either an apocalyptic setting or gritty medieval (or medieval apocalypse?). i'd prefer for the young character to be a teenager- probably somewhere between 14 and 18, so they can still make decisions and play an active role in the story! i'd love to write something with a rather heavy and dark tone, so please be open to writing tough subjects, wherein both characters are rather unpalatable and rough around the edges. whichever role you're leaning towards writing, please feel free to bring your jackasses and utterly unlikable personalities.
as for writing technicalities, there will obviously be no nsfw in this, although i'm open to bringing in side characters eventually and possibly discussing a different romantic arc involving the older character. the focus, however, will be on the main two. i can write anywhere from semi lit to advanced lit depending on my partner's comfort zone, but i'd prefer to keep this one around 4-7 paragraphs per reply as i find that's easiest for my motivation to flow. i'm a very laid back writer, and can happily wait for responses for as long as you need, so long as you're willing to be patient with me as well! i exclusively write over discord, and will likely be making a new character for this regardless of the role. i do not use irl faceclaims, i normally use written descriptions or my own art. you can use whatever you'd like as long as you're comfortable with that.
if this interests you, please drop a like and i'll reach out!
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Calling in all TWDU fans!Hi there! 🕊️ My name is Madi, I’m 20 years old so only 18+ partners! I am looking for a few fandoms in the The Walking Dead Universe to do a few roleplays of.
Looking to do Oc x Cc and/or Oc x Oc doubles!!
Fandoms + Character I want to write against: -The Walking Dead
(Carl Grimes, Partner’s Oc, or one of my own Oc’s if my partner is okay playing them.)
-Fear The Walking Dead (Chris Manawa, Nick Clarke, or Partner’s Oc.)
-The Walking Dead Game 1-4 (Mitch or Partner’s Oc.) Pairing types that I am most comfortable playing at the moment are Oc x Oc and Oc x Cc. I do any gender pairings and I am a fan of poly ships! A personal preference of mine is that we don’t simply have only our main oc’s in the rp but more than 1 each, whether to pair off with other canon characters or with each others!
I ask that my partner have little to no triggers as I would like to go dark with this roleplay and dive into some heavy and dead dove type themes.
My writing style ranges from semi-lit to novella at times. I try to match my partner's style most of the time. It would be great if my partner and I aren’t simply business associates but friends as well who wouldn’t mind sending each other headcanons about not only our pairings but our ocs as well as I love to fawn over my partners ocs! <3
Contact me here or at my discord: elcuervodorado
(I will most likely not reach out to y’all first as I am tired of doing so and getting no response back.)
#eighteen and over#twdu#twdu roleplay#twdu rp#ftwd#ftwd roleplay#ftwd rp#twd game#twd game roleplay#twd game rp
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All Characters are 18+!
Tags: Romance, Slice of Life, Adventure, Fantasy
Pairings: Aragorn x Faramir M/M
Key Details: I am a 25 yr old transmasc person looking for anyone 22+! I'm hoping to find an RP partner that is interested in playing Aragorn against me as Faramir. I tend to try to match length and I am actively working on writing more in my responses. Im interested in a developing relationship between Aragorn and Faramir after the final battle before Aragorns Coronation. Long-term preferred!
Writing example: It was getting quite late in a day, low sun rays shining into the small room in the House of Healing where Faramir laid. He had been awake for a while, keeping a keen ear out to hear the approach of anything heading toward the city. It had been quiet for some time, about two weeks now. He had mostly healed from his wounds, but was kept in the House of Healing until he was deemed good enough to leave by a healer. He was still occasionally bleeding a tiny bit, but it was surely nothing to worry about. His wounds were kept clean and dry, leading to a mostly smooth healing process.
As he laid there listening, he began to hear a far-off trot of an army of horses. Faramir felt his pulse spike as he lifted himself up and out of his bed. He made his way to the window to seek out what was coming. He instinctively checked eastward, the first place he had been looking every time he peered out the window. Every other time, it had been nothing, just fields leading off into the distance, but this time, he spotted an army of riders, horses trotting toward the city lead by men on their backs. Faramir recognized the colors of Minas Tirith and Gondor flying as they rode. The troops sent to the Black Gate had returned. Aragorn was among the men riding home, or at least Faramir had dearly hoped so. He knew he couldn't leave, so he began to pace, waiting to hear word of the arrival of the soon to be king and his troops, returning from a battle for Middle Earth.
#romance#romance roleplay#romance rp#slice of life#slice of life roleplay#slice of life rp#adventure#adventure roleplay#adventure rp#oc#mxm#twenty-two and over
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Hey all you cool cats and kittens
18F here, MDNI
I've been roleplaying off and on for around six years (don't ask me how I started so young, idek)
It's been a while since I've done any form of roleplay, but I write in 3rd person, I generally stick with semi-lit, and personally prefer a more casual size of 1-2 paragraphs with bigger responses for world building/passion/ect.
Reply speed may vary as I have a weird work schedule but you should expect one a day minimum, unless I give you a head's up.
I'm currently only looking for plotlines where I would be writing an F character, but your character can be any gender or presentation.
I'd prefer both sfw and nsfw, and a lot of romance, but plot is also important. My character generally won't be the "dominant" one spare certain circumstances, and my boundaries with nsfw scenes are pretty simple: no extreme gore, no noncon that isn't con-noncon, no bathroom kinks.
I love dark themes, but not excessive ones, and I don't really enjoy writing *overtly* abusive relationship dynamics between the two main characters. Toxicity is cool tho!
I like stories where people find things to be happy about in spite of really tough situations. My life has been pretty heavily traumatic so my main focus in roleplays are the sweeter parts, with angst/drama/darkness to give things actual substance. Not a big fan of making comfort characters drag themselves through the mud without solace tbh
I'm especially looking for someone who would be interested in a Mouthwashing Anya x Curly or OC x Curly romance plot
Or a Gravity Falls roleplay with Stanley pines x an OC, either set in the 80s pre portal incident or about ten years after the portal incident
I also enjoy other fandoms like Invincible and Adventure time (only later in the show for rp)
If none of these fit, I also LOVE building OCxOC universes, set in any time or world so long as we work together in fleshing that out.
Like if interested and I'll reach out :)
#eighteen and over#mouthwashing#mouthwashing roleplay#mouthwashing rp#gravity falls#gravity falls roleplay#gravity falls rp#invincible#invincible roleplay#invincible rp#adventure time#adventure time roleplay#adventure time rp
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(Not trying to replace anyone i am currently rp with. Just want more people to rp with.)
26, Looking for Role playing partners.
18+. I'm on MST and am a bit of a night ow. So my messaging is random at times/ sometimes a day or two later. I'm also not picky on paragraph length as long as I am sent something I can work with. I also write NSFW and would like a partner to do the same. I also don't mind chit chatting and getting to know each other. Sending memes, music..etc.
Here's what I'm looking for.
1. Shameless-Mickey to my Ian. (I also do Lip either with Mandy or OC.)
2. Supernatural-Either a Dean Winchester to my OC or Crowly to my other OC. I will double for you. (And will write Dean for Castiel.)
3. Stranger things- Looking for a Billy or Eddie to my OC. Will double up and will write CC to either OC or CC.
4. Buffy the vampire slayer.- Looking for a spike to Buffy. I will write as either but I'd like to write as buffy. Again, not picky.
Either message me on Tumblr or add me on Discord.- Haceleyes
#eighteen and over#mst#shameless#shameless roleplay#shameless rp#supernatural#supernatural roleplay#supernatural rp#stranger things#stranger things roleplay#stranger things rp#btvs#btvs roleplay#btvs rp
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I'm 22F looking for someone to play Homelander or Butcher against my OC. I've been roleplaying since I was young, and now with my new job l've been getting more and more into writing.
I would prefer to roleplay with someone my age or at least 21+ and also is okay with LGBTQ themes and is up to date with the entire last season of The Boys also someone who lives in Eastern Timezone. Please write more than two paragraphs. I mainly write novelas and do not ghost me. Communicate if you think things won’t work out.
Here's the plot.
My character is an unknown Supe who doesn't align with either Vought or any kind vigilante group similar to the Boys. They're almost kind of similar to Poison Ivy and Catwoman. They care a lot about the Earth and how the environment is treated. Kinda similar to an eco-terrorist and their powers are on the same par as Homelander, but they keep it lowkey.
They work against the government and Vought, doing whatever they please when they can and whenever they like, under their radar. Now with the new season The Boys they would definitely feel conflicted since they don't go after humans or harm humans they usually fight other Supes and think other Supes are the problem.
I was thinking an enemies to lovers kind of trope, because they're obviously not good nor are they evil. I love plotting and all kinds of world making ideas. I was also thinking that she’s kind of like a childhood friend or grew up with Homelander in the same lab. If you’re interested like this post or send me a message!
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🐱🦔 Hello all!! For my own comfort, only interact if you are 18+ please! I myself am 20+.
This might be an incredibly big long shot, but would anyone be interested in a Sonic the Hedgehog RP?
I'm looking to write as Blaze the Cat! I'm open for platonic and romantic pairings so if you have any characters you'd like to write as, feel free to hit me with them and we can talk about it! For romantic pairings in particular, I am primarily looking for either Blazamy (Blaze x Amy) or Shadaze (Shadow x Blaze), of course with me writing as Blaze for both. I am absolutely still open to others as well however so don't feel shy in letting me know!
I don't have any concrete or specific plot ideas in mind at the moment but I'd love to come up with something together along side you! If you have any tropes or AU's that you like, feel free to bring those along, I'd love to hear! I will be sharing my own in DM's as well and then we can figure things out from there. I am not looking for NSFW so please do not ask! I'd like to keep them as is but if you'd prefer we make them human/human-like with some animal traits, we can do that too! Replies from me may be slow at times it I'll be sure to keep you updated so you know what's up. I am very laid back when it comes to response times so feel free to write at whatever pace works for you. I'd ask for atleast 2-3 paragraphs in lengh per response but anything above that is also incredibly welcome. Either way, I will mirror you.
If any of this sounds interesting to you, like this post and I will reach out!! This will take place on discord.
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Greetings! I am 31 yr gal (afab) I go by Clee! So long as you are 25+ we're good!
I can do post ranging from a mere 3-4 sentances to 3-4 paragraphs!
I am once more trying to find someone to play Thorin for my OC! And this is her profile so do with that what you will. The Hobbit Fandom is where I started my RP journey with this character in 2013/2014
Throin OakenshieldxOC [Ark]
I'm willing to play a part in return so long as it is in my power! I may have to read to get my info up to speed but I'm willing!
PotO, Marvel, DC (sort of), Labyrinth (Bowie), Star Wars, Dragon Age [3&4], Baldur's Gate3, Stranger Things, OCxOC World building! Give me all the fantasy vibes!
Triggers for me are few.
I am on Discord all day since I have the App so I'm fairly quick to reply.
I do use Tumblr, clearly haha
I'm a fan of getting to know the writer OOC so feel free to be a chatty kathy with me! I love sharing my nerdiness with others!
. Cleecheers
. Cleecheers
#twenty-five and over#oc#oc roleplay#oc rp#the hobbit#the hobbit roleplay#the hobbit rp#poto#poto roleplay#poto rp#marvel#dc#labyrinth#star wars#dragon age
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🗡️ 25f looking for 21+. looking for a partner to scratch a particular itch of mine right now: a mulan-esque plot where a girl disguises herself as a man for whatever reason. this would be m/f and i want to play the male half of the ship. we could keep the ancient china setting which i'm a sucker for or try something else entirely too. would love fantasy for this as well! i don't have anything set in stone because i'd prefer brainstorming together, but i have some vague ideas: yc works as an assassin/spy for her country's ruler and she's sent to infiltrate the enemy army rumored to be planning a surprise attack. alternatively, yc's older brother has been called to serve the army but for whatever reason (he's a coward, sick, or her family outright hates her. or all of those), she's forced to take up his place, unwillingly. would love an enemies-to-lovers slowburn type of stuff with this, so please come with me with your worst (best) ideas. i usually write around 300-500 words per reply and i only roleplay on discord. nsfw is welcome, though not the focus, and it might take a while before we get there for... obvious reasons. if this sounds interesting, give this a like and i'll message you!
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hi! i'm in my 20s and looking for 18+ writers for a specific platonic/found family fandomless plot. specifically, i'd like to write the lone wolf and cub trope- an older, hardened character for one reason or another ending up with a younger character in their care. for this, i can write either role, and i'd prefer either an apocalyptic setting or gritty medieval (or medieval apocalypse?). i'd prefer for the young character to be a teenager- probably somewhere between 14 and 18, so they can still make decisions and play an active role in the story! i'd love to write something with a rather heavy and dark tone, so please be open to writing tough subjects, wherein both characters are rather unpalatable and rough around the edges. whichever role you're leaning towards writing, please feel free to bring your jackasses and utterly unlikable personalities.
as for writing technicalities, there will obviously be no nsfw in this, although i'm open to bringing in side characters eventually and possibly discussing a different romantic arc involving the older character. the focus, however, will be on the main two. i can write anywhere from semi lit to advanced lit depending on my partner's comfort zone, but i'd prefer to keep this one around 4-7 paragraphs per reply as i find that's easiest for my motivation to flow. i'm a very laid back writer, and can happily wait for responses for as long as you need, so long as you're willing to be patient with me as well! i exclusively write over discord, and will likely be making a new character for this regardless of the role. i do not use irl faceclaims, i normally use written descriptions or my own art. you can use whatever you'd like as long as you're comfortable with that.
if this interests you, please drop a like and i'll reach out!
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Not replacing anyone!! Just looking for more fuel for my obsession.
30F looking for Arcane RP, focusing around Jayvik! I would love to play Viktor. Would prefer someone 21+, preferably closer to my age..
I reply at least once daily, but can/will reply multiple times a day as well. I write at least 3 paragraphs, but will also match my partner. Been known to write novella’s as well.
I LOVE talking OOC. Once I get comfy I will probably spam you with a lot of media.
I build immersive worlds, so I ask that you’d be cool with doubling up on characters. I prefer Canon x Canon though.
I prefer AUs over canon plots. Let me know if you have any ideas, I have a few!
Not looking for smut focused RP. Probably a 70/30 split
Will take place over Discord
Currently craving a post-apocalyptic style mix with these two? Details are hazy, but I’d love to talk it over!
Thanks for taking the time to read, look forward to hearing from you!
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Hey! I’m 18F, looking for a Pixar’s Cars RP!
I’m looking to RP on Discord, and I’d like to play Lightning McQueen against Sally Carrera (the only ship), Mater, an OC, or Cruz Ramirez!
If you’re 18+, interested, and have Discord, please comment on this post with “kachow!”, and I’ll DM you!
I don’t have a concrete plot for these yet, and I was hoping we could plot a story out together!
Thanks! 💙
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖╭ ┆ ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ ╰⊹ ࣪
helloo! trying this, hopefully people are interested. (Not replacing anyone.) I’m 24, Looking for a long term rp partner. [must be 20+.]
Looking for someone to either be Mike or Will from stranger things. (the characters must be aged up.) I am also not picky on who to be, if you have a preference. [I am dying to do this ship.]
I do not have a plot in mind right now, but if you do have a plot, please tell me about it! I am all ears!
If you don’t have a plot then we can discuss a plot until we both come to an agreement! (I would prefer AU’s but I don’t mind canon plots.) We can discuss what we could add on the plot and so on. I am also not the duffer brothers, we can add our own spin to our characters. I like to add a bit of my own spin to my characters! I don’t judge so please don’t be hesitant.
RP takes over discord. If you have a plot, we can discuss through tumblr if you want to do that first. I also live for angst/hurt comfort plots. I do not have any triggers, but please let me know if you do!
Third person pov is my preference.
I love love novella style roleplay with descriptive replies. It all depends on how you write! I do write quite long. depending on the scene at the moment my writing may shorten! ✨ [please don’t send one liners. I would appreciate that!]
I also won’t be pushy on replies. I do understand we either have school/work outside of roleplay and we might even have time differences.
I would also like to be friends! I love chatting OOC. [i would like to create a friendship with my rp partner!] If you want to send Pinterest boards, fanart, or even playlists, please do so! No judgement at all. ❤︎ same for headcanons, usually sending hc’s can spark up the rp more and even gain more muse. Last but not least, if the rp slows down and you want to try another plot we can completely change the plot!
Once again, thank you for taking the time on reading this! If this interests you, like this! I’ll reach out as soon as possible. ◡̈🩵
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·························· ⨂ ··························GENERALhi !!! my name is ripley, im 24, and am a trans man that uses he/him. happy to provide more info as we chit chat!! i am Super Normal abt wolverine, as youll see….
› i consider myself literate. id like any rps to be chill, so id like to do 1-3 paragraphs!› i use third person present, but have no issue using past!› i love making friends, but im a little shy at first, orz,,,,› i want this to be for FUN. a HOBBY. a NO STRESS back and forth where neither side is rushed into replies, even if it takes days.› despite this ^ i still try to keep my partner informed if im busy or jst not feeling it!› please be 18+ to contact me!
ROLEPLAY SPECIFIC› expect a 70/30 ish plot/nsfw split.› open to doubling!! any genders/sexualities are welcome!!› im looking for marvel content, both oc/cc and cc/cc› i love love love aus!!!
DISCLAIMER› im more of an x-men girly, but i have no issue with other marvel content!!› in fact, i love a good excuse to read new comics and/or watch a new movie/series.› im open to anything marvel, but outside of xmen, i personally loooove moon knight, punisher, and deadpool.› im not hard set on timelines/events. unless we’re basing the rp around a specific comic run/movie/show, then yeah!
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a little info on the handful of things im looking for! everything below is open to doubling up to satisfy both sides! none of these ideas are musts, and im always open to thoughts!
Wolverine / Cyclops (id play wolvie!)› would kill for something in the Deadpool and Wolverine movie-verse› but also super into the idea of a fake relationship for an xmen mission
Wolverine / Sabretooth (again, id play wolvie)› COMICS ONLY. absolutely no familial relation.› inspired by a fic, would love to write a story where theyve been wiped of memories› dark themes and dead dove topics heavily encouraged, but not required
Deadpool / Wolverine (im willing to play either!)› literally anything im totally Normal about these guys haha (:› body swap and/or omegaverse au perhaps ?› make them girl dads please i need laura shenanigans
F! OC / Wolverine› oc isnt an xman…. Yet. shes feral, and has just been captured by the xmen› she isnt taking to any other member, but maybe she can relate to logan?› just fluffy slow relationship building as oc learns to be human!› im also kinda open to Cyclops for this,,,
F! OC / Weapon X› pre established relationship› oc trying to ‘tame’ logan and help him get his memories back while hes feral› a little influenced by butt booty ass naked weapon x scenes in the apocalypse movie
F! OC / Captain America› xmen meets avengers technically,,› oc is rescued by the avengers, she imprints on steve› oc can only recall pieces of her past, but also wants to help the avengers!
·························· ⨂ ··························
please feel free to comment or just message me here or on discord (username is fenlyth) if anything above interests you even a little!!!!! thanks for reading!!! 🐾
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Hi hey! 21 person here in hunt of a pretty niche / dead fandom! I’m looking for 18+ partners for an aged-up powerpuff girls z / powerpuff girls roleplay!
In particular, I am wanting someone to be okay with playing Boomer from the rowdyruff boys against my oc. If you prefer to double-up, I am happy to do so as well! I can roleplay any other character against your oc though I am better versed at the other ruffs (Brick, Butch) as well as the puffs (Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles)
In this au, I am looking for someone who would be interested in a more darker / realistic take on the superheroes and villains situation within townsville. Think kindaaa like gotham city vibes? Generally just like— People could actually get hurt, the powerpuffs can’t always save EVERYONE, dangerous things happen, angst, real fights, etc etc. For more drama I’m also thinking it could be a double-sided situation where identities are hidden and there’s the civilian lives they live and the hero/villain side of things. Anyhoo, more details can be worked out if anyone is interested.
I love story and world building, yapping oorp, pin boards and playlists, the whole shebang. We’d rp on discord if interested.
Please like this and I’ll dm you for your tag to plot! Thank you!!
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ABOUT ME:: I am discord-native, 21+F writer, emerging from a recent hiatus and I am here begging for those writers interested in developing some literate–novella level, dark academia-coded, with plentiful dead dove themes to keep reading and come my way if this hits. If you want a jointly-created playing field and hold a real desire to truly delve into our characters' depths and develop a twisted pairing together-- then, please, dear god, pick me, choose me, I am on my knees begging and pleading for you 🙏. As a certified yapper, I will offer headcanons, character analysis aesthetics, text threads, and more. I want to really write and develop OCs and pairings again, not just pursue smut or instant gratification, but to write real twisted connections, lots of turns, betrayals, separate agendas and planned arcs with endgames. I want to go back to my roots as a character-focused writer who used plots as a vehicle to completely tear my ocs/our ship to shreds, before letting them be together.
PLOT WISHES:: I am dying to write a *plot heavy* dark academia rp. Give me academic rival tropes, lots of murder & gore, mindgames, weirdcore energy of god complexes and ocs who should be dissected in a lab, but are instead enriched with questionable morals, vast intelligence and old money vibes. For this rp, I will live for the dynamic of complex, dimensional oc's that grew up in families tainted with bloodied secrets, skeletons in their closets, these OCs who formed dark habits and fell into an obsessive romance like it is written in the stars. Give me love as a sickness. Love as their blood on your tongue. Love as a cannibalistic metaphor. Love as an undying devotion to the bitter end, shifting power imbalances, unconventional relationship dynamics, obsession/possessiveness. Love as names cut into each other's skin, as killing for them and killing with them, as taunting/banter and just a very messed-up morality.
NOTES:: I prefer playing F roles in *mxf rp*, no doubles. I do have a wanted FC list (including underrated Western & Asian fcs, all of which are models or actors). I'm also willing to use your pick from the FCs in my potential's list for my OC concept too if that helps me suck less.
To conclude, for this rp, I really do want toxic x toxic, I want crazy x crazy energy. I want the spiral of two people who become worse together, who try to drag their darling under their heels with a threatening knife to their throat, and will do anything to get them to submit– this is a need, pls & ty.
React if this post appeals to you and I'll dm soon.
#twenty-one and over#dark academia#dark academia roleplay#dark academia rp#mxf#mxf roleplay#mxf rp#oc#oc roleplay#oc rp
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