#p: wren
rebel-ahsoka · 11 months
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STAR WARS REBELS 4.04, In the Name of the Rebellion: Part 2
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rusty-gloinks · 8 months
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it’s a secret I keep tucked inside my chest
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wren-kitchens · 10 months
i’m insane about villain lizzie and after listening to viva la vida on repeat I decided she deserves to be a corrupt monarch <3
sorry not sorry to the renchanting fans
lizzie turns to the voice, half startled out of her thoughts. it takes a moment for her to realise that martyn is knelt at her feet, head bent, but she recognises the stance immediately—ren once knelt to her in the same way.
in a rush, she understands the situation at hand: martyn will offer his allegiance, and lizzie will accept it. martyn—and jimmy, once martyn has recruited him—will protect her from anything that seeks to harm her, and lizzie will offer him the memories he wishes to relive. at least, that’s what martyn thinks the situation is. 
but lizzie has had enough of being a pawn in someone else’s fantasy. she knows far more than martyn expects, and lizzie intends to use her upper hand to hurt. after all, it’s not like she and ren never talked.
“martyn.” lizzie takes satisfaction in the iciness of her own voice. 
martyn doesn’t say anything to suggest that he has been affected by her coldness, but his knuckles whiten around the sword he grasps. lizzie smiles. “it was through mine and jimmy’s actions that your untimely death took place. we know we can never give your life back, but we humbly offer you our unyielding loyalty, and ask for your forgiveness.”
lizzie doesn’t speak for a long moment, waiting for martyn to tremble against the hard floor. she always made ren get up before the stones in the pathway to the fairy fort cut too deeply into his knees, but all of a sudden, lizzie finds she takes interest in the pain—obvious in the slight tremors that run through martyn’s body as he struggles to keep himself upright.
“there is something you could do.” she says at last. “you could die for me.”
martyn’s half-stifled gasp is pleasantly sharp with fear, and lizzie finds herself enjoying it. who knew? she could get used to this undying loyalty business.
“but,” lizzie continues. “that wouldn’t do me much good. other than entertainment, of course.”
still kneeling, martyn remains silent. huh. lizzie could get used to this.
“i’ll accept your offer.” lizzie decides, and some of the tension in martyn’s body drains. “on one condition.”
“yes, my- queen.” martyn’s voice is strained, hitching for barely a second. it’s almost as if he was about to say ‘my king’, lizzie muses.
how ridiculous.
“joel is not harmed.” all traces of amusement leave lizzie’s voice, and she can practically hear martyn’s face pale. 
martyn pauses for a fraction of a moment. “understood, my queen.” 
“rise.” lizzie says, turning so her back is all martyn can see. 
lizzie can hear martyn stand, the quiet wince at the cuts he undoubtedly gained from that transaction, the following silence as he collects himself. incidentally, lizzie had turned in a way that means she is directly facing joel’s fairground. funny, how these things work out.
“is jimmy with you?” lizzie asks.
“I will tell him, my queen.” martyn says. “if he is not already, he shall be soon.” his tone suggests that this is more than a fact; it’s a threat.
lizzie smiles humourlessly. martyn was always one for the theatrics, wasn’t he? “good.” she tells him. “you may go.”
she hears martyn pause, and then turn, beginning to walk away. glancing over her shoulder, lizzie calls out to him.
martyn stops abruptly and turns almost at once. lizzie almost laughs.
“you seem to be an adequate knight.” lizzie tells him. “thank you, hand.”
the reaction is immediate and immensely satisfying. martyn flinches at the name, involuntarily. his eyes meet lizzie’s, and she can see the exact moment he spots that shine of mirthful malice in her own—the exact moment he realises she has absolutely no intention of playing along with him. lizzie knows every weak spot, every chink in martyn’s armour, and she is entirely prepared to exploit them for her own benefit- for her own amusement. it’s a warning, of sorts. a warning that, if he ever crosses her, she will do something far worse than killing him. 
she will break the laws of time and space to make martyn watch her kill the person he loves most right in front of him.
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xxtayleyxx · 1 year
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Some rebels stuff I pulled from Twitter from SDCC today!
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aardvaark · 7 months
why isnt palestine - or any related tag - trending, just after a strike week & aaron bushnell’s self-immolation [bbc] [al jazeera (opinion piece)] [wikipedia] & the palestinian prime minister announcing that his government is resigning [ny times] [al jazeera] ?…… so much going on and yet palestine isn’t even in the top 10, it’s under many fandoms & hobby tags.
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hurricanek8art · 1 year
I think that episode broke me. It's been 18 hours and I'm still struggling to form a coherent thought because every time I get a few brain cells to cooperate and form a few it's interrupted by SNIPS AND SKYGUY ARE TOGETHER AGAIN AAAAAAAAAH WAIT WHY THE DARTH VADER MUSIC WHAT IS HAPPENING.
What does it say about me that I'm not even fazed by the possibility that Ahsoka's dead, though? This is what, number 3? Mortis, Malachor, I'm not forgetting one, am I? Been here, done that, we're at the halfway point so there's no way it's going to stick this time either. 🤣
I'm not even worried about Sabine, either. Sure she's in cuffs and unarmed and stuck alone with the bad guys but this is Sabine. She invented a device that melts beskar at like twelve. She's found a way out of nearly every trap and outsmarted half the enemies she and the Ghost crew ever encountered. And they just put her in the exact place she needs to be to find Ezra now that the map's destroyed. Give her a little time to calm down and get her bearings, she'll figure something out. Never underestimate Sabine Wren. I think Shin learned that the hard way what with the missile to the face. :P
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l-lizzy-y · 1 year
Isabel: I‘m the smartest, wisest person in this group.
Alma, exchanging a look with Balenciaga: Is your hand stuck in a vending machine?
Isabel: I paid for my mars bar, I‘m getting my mars bar.
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wren-of-the-woods · 9 months
This Accident and Flood of Fortune
Lizzy and William are looking forward to a quiet date watching their sisters perform in Twelfth Night — but when they discover that George Wickham is waiting in the wings, they must use Lizzy’s wits and their combined nerdery to help William get his revenge. Or: In which Lizzy comes up with a scheme, and even Shakespeare would be proud of the chaos that ensues.
This was written by @bloodsoaked-rainbows and I for @friendoftrees! It's the third installment in our Pride & Prejudice series Once Upon a Text, though it should be readable on its own. It's about 3k of silliness and can also be read on AO3 here!
Lizzy is finally going to see William again.
It has been over a week since their first date, and while they have managed to keep up their habit of texting regularly, the chaos of the holidays (and the inevitable Collins-avoiding that entailed) have kept them from being able to meet in person since that fateful day. Fortunately, their sisters have given them a way to escape their respective houses. 
The two of them are meeting at a public rendition of a Shakespeare play in which both Mary and William’s sister Georgiana will be performing. It should be highly enjoyable, or at least entertaining; it’s hard to do a performance of Twelfth Night without making somebody laugh. After the play, they plan to spend some time on their own, but at this point Lizzy thinks that she’d be satisfied to see William in any circumstances. Being stuck with her family throughout the holidays has started to make her feel mildly insane.
Her phone buzzes with yet another notification from its messages app. The Bennet Family Group Chat has been very active this morning, to no one’s surprise.
Lizzy checks the notification and rolls her eyes. 
Bennet Family Group Chat
Trouble 1: sooo lizzy are you excited for your ✨date✨
Typical Lydia behavior. The name Lizzy added as her contact has never proved to be inaccurate. Lizzy barely has time to sigh before her phone buzzes with another notification as Kitty and their mother chime in, and it hardly takes a minute for the chaos to spread to the rest of their family.
Bennet Family Group Chat
Trouble 2: OOH YEAH👀
Mama Goose: i hope you don’t scare him away to soon!
MaryBerry: *too
Mama Goose: he’s quite rich, you know
Father Goose: We know.
As usual, Jane comes to Lizzy’s rescue as the only sane one in the mess that was their group chat.
muffin: Just be nice to poor Lizzy, for heaven’s sake! She’s probably nervous enough
Lizzy: Thanks, Jane You’re my favorite Hope you and Charles have a good time at the play, too
Trouble 1: HEY favorite???? rUde
Trouble 2: :((
Lizzy: <3
Lizzy closes her phone and resolutely ignores the notifications that continue to flash across its screen. She has more important people to talk to than her family, after all. 
Lizzy gets to the theater with minimal trouble and, after she greets William with an enthusiastic hug, they go to find their seats. Jane and Charles are here as well, but they have settled in an opposite corner of the theater and are completely wrapped up in each other, so Lizzy thinks she will have William to herself today. 
“I trust you have been well since our last meeting?” asks William, completely genuine like the outdated dork he is. Lizzy cannot help but smile.
Lizzy sits down as they talk. William settles beside her. “I’ve been fine. A bit frazzled, but you already knew that from our texts.”
“I understand the feeling. I currently live with Caroline Bingley.”
Lizzy grimaces. “That must be unpleasant.”
William nods gravely. “There is little escape.”
“Oh! Fitzwilliam, dear!” calls a terribly, horribly familiar voice. “Fancy seeing you here! What a surprise.”
William sighs. “Speak of the devil.”
A dog barks as though in agreement. Lizzy turns to see Caroline Bingley, dressed to her usual ostentatious standards. In a flowery handbag, she carries the smallest, most absurd little poodle that Lizzy has seen in her entire life. Its curly white fur is shaved on most of its body coiffed neatly on top of its head and on the tip of its tail. In both places, it is finished off by a lacy pink ribbon tied in a bow. Lizzy is simultaneously awed by its absurdity and utterly unsurprised by Caroline’s idiocy. 
“Hello, Caroline,” says William tiredly. 
“I cannot wait to see our dear Georgiana perform,” says Caroline, flouncing closer.
“Nor can I,” William says unenthusiastically. 
There is an empty seat beside William. Caroline’s intentions are clear. Lizzy looks around in panic.
“How about we go sit over there, William?” she asks with false cheer, pointing at two empty seats surrounded by other strangers. “There’ll be a better view of Georgiana’s entrance, don’t you think?”
“What a fabulous idea,” William says, standing up. 
They hurriedly make their escape, leaving a somewhat confused Caroline and poodle behind. 
The play begins only a few moments later, and Lizzy sits back, enjoying the familiar opening lines of Twelfth Night as they are spoken across the stage. 
“If music be the food of love, play on,” William whispers into her ear, quoting along with the actor playing Duke Orsino. “Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, / The appetite may sicken, and so die.”
Lizzy giggles quietly. “Do you know the whole play?”
“Only most of it,” says William with a smile.
They quiet down and watch as the play begins to unfold. When Georgiana makes her entrance as a storm-disheveled Viola, William catches her eye and gives her a thumbs up. Lizzy thinks she sees Georgiana smile before she returns her attention to her role. 
Everything is going wonderfully, in short— right up until the middle of the next scene. 
When a handsome young man emerges onto the stage as Sir Andrew, Lizzy feels William go worryingly tense beside her. 
“Sir Toby Belch! How now, Sir Toby Belch?” cries the man. Lizzy thinks he is doing a rather good job of capturing the silliness of the role, but when she glances at William, he looks horrified.
“What’s wrong?” she whispers to him as Sir Andrew banters with the other characters. 
“I know that man,” William says quietly. Lizzy is rather concerned to note that his words sound more like a growl than a whisper. 
“Who? Sir Andrew?”
“His name is George Wickham.”
Lizzy’s eyes widen. She knows about William’s childhood friend and the way he had betrayed William by attempting to gain more than his fair share of William’s father’s inheritance and generally being an asshole. 
“That’s him? I thought you hadn’t seen him for years!”
“I haven’t,” says William grimly. “I have no idea why he’s here.”
“Why would he be playing Sir Andrew, of all people?” asks Lizzy as Sir Andrew — Wickham, apparently — pretends not to understand French.
William’s eyes go wide. “Fuck.”
Lizzy doesn’t think she’s ever heard her boyfriend curse in the entire time she’s known him. “What?”
“Georgiana’s been talking about a charming friend she made in theater. A friend named George.”
“Do you think he’s trying to befriend your sister to get revenge on you?”
“It’s certainly possible.”
Lizzy considers this. Onstage, Wickham and the other actors make their exit. 
“Shit,” she agrees. 
As they sit there, reeling, Georgiana enters the stage again. Her character, Viola, has now disguised herself as a man. Lizzy blinks. In this costume, Georgiana looks startlingly like her brother. 
Lizzy thinks about their new conundrum. She thinks about the play. She thinks about how the plot proceeds from here. She turns to William. 
“I have a brilliant idea.”
“This is a stupid plan,” William grumbles as Lizzy pushes him in the direction of Mary, who had managed to escape her place backstage and bring out a costume. 
“It’ll be great,” says Lizzy. “Trust me. I’ve been texting Mary and we figured the whole thing out.”
“And Mary is fine with this?” William asks doubtfully.
“Completely,” says Lizzy, conveniently failing to mention the part where she had offered a thirty-dollar Barnes & Noble gift card as a bribe.
“And the rest of the cast?”
“Absolutely on board,” says Lizzy confidently. She had promised them some of Jane’s cookies. “Just get changed and wait for the right moment.” 
“You’re going to owe me if this goes wrong,” William mutters darkly.
“And me,” Mary says, handing William the costume.
“Nothing is going to go wrong,” Lizzy says, grinning confidently.
She shoves William in the direction of the bathroom and hurries back to her seat before anyone can get suspicious about her absence. 
The play continues. Mary makes her entrance as Lady Olivia, looking commendably unruffled by the sudden change in plans backstage. They perform well, and for a few moments, Lizzy happily loses herself in the play and forgets about her nerves and her glee about her plan. 
Then things are set into motion. 
At the beginning of act two, it is revealed that Georgiana’s character, Viola, has a twin brother named Sebastian who survived the shipwreck in which everyone assumed he had met his demise. The actor who walks onstage at the beginning of the scene, conversing emphatically with his friend Antonio, is not the person who was originally cast. In fact, the actor who was going to play Sebastian has made his way into the audience, sitting next to Caroline Bingley. He is petting the poodle.
Onstage, the character is instead portrayed by a very wet William Darcy. 
“By your patience, no,” says William gravely. His voice is deep and carries well throughout the theater. “My stars shine darkly over me. The malignancy of my fate might perhaps distemper yours; therefore I shall crave of you your leave, that I may bear my evils alone. It were a bad recompense for your love, to lay any of them on you.”
William’s character has boots that are almost knee-high and a flowing white shirt with long sleeves. He has just survived a shipwreck, and as such, he is wet and disheveled. He is, in short, gorgeous. 
Lizzy hears a distant shriek that she assumes is Caroline Bingley. She feels rather similar. She realizes that she may have made a slight miscalculation. There is only one flaw in her genius plan. At the end of the play, Sebastian will marry Lady Olivia, which means that William will have to pretend to marry Mary. If he is going to look like this the whole time, Lizzy does not think she would be able to stand that. 
She watches him onstage. She thinks. She is interrupted when her phone buzzes.
Bennet Family Group Chat
Trouble 2: he’s WHAT
Mother Goose: i thought it was his sister who’s int he play
MaryBerry: *in the
Lizzy: It’s fine guys don’t worry
Lizzy: We have a plan It’s fine
muffin: What kind of plan could possibly require him to be IN THE PLAY
Lizzy: Remember when i told you about his childhood friend’s betrayal The friend is in the play He’s Sir Andrew
muffin: His childhood nemesis is Sir Andrew??
Lizzy: NO The actor
muffin: oh
Trouble 1: oOoOo
Father Goose: ???
Lizzy: Anyway y’know how in twelfth night there’re multiple duels In one of them the character Sebastian fights Wickham’s character
Trouble 1: OOOOO
Lizzy: So William is playing Sebastian now And he’ll have an excuse to beat Wickham’s ass :D
Father Goose: Excellent scheming. I approve
Lizzy: Thanks dad <3
Lizzy sighs and puts her phone away. She looks back at William. He is still as unfairly handsome as he was before. He knows all the lines and is delivering them flawlessly because he is, deep down in his heart, beneath all the brooding and handsomeness, a complete and utter nerd. After a moment, he exits the stage with Antonio and the next scene begins. 
Lizzy heaves a sigh of relief at the success of the first part of their plan. Now all William has to do is hide backstage between his scenes and keep Wickham from noticing until their plan comes to fruition. 
Ignoring the notifications still coming from her family’s group chat, she opens her Discord conversation with William. 
TheWittyFool: good job out there babe!!!! TheWittyFool: you did great <3
Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: I’m hiding behind a barrel right now. Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: I think Mary is laughing at me. Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: I am so wet
TheWittyFool: rip
Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: I’m remembering why I never got into theatre. Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: Oh no Georgiana is back Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: She saw me
TheWittyFool: 🫡TheWittyFool: good luck lol TheWittyFool: maybe explain that her friend is actually an asshole?
Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: Now? Really?
TheWittyFool: i mean it’s better than later
Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: I guess Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: Wish me luck
TheWittyFool: gl :D
Goodnight_Sweet_Prince: D:
Lizzy’s Discord goes silent. It shows William as offline, presumably explaining things to his sister, so she puts her phone away again. She leans back in her seat. She watches the comedy unfolding on the stage. She thinks about the fact that, despite their vastly different personalities, she and Mary actually look fairly similar to each other. 
 After a moment, she opens her phone. 
Bennet Family Group Chat
Lizzy: I have another brilliant idea
MaryBerry: Oh no.
Lizzy: :)
“I can’t believe you convinced me to do this,” Mary sighs as she helps lace the back of Lizzy’s costume.
“I mean, you’ll get seventy dollars at Barnes & Noble out of it,” says Lizzy. “Seems like a pretty good deal to me. Besides, you can do the rest of the play in the next few performances.”
“This whole situation is absurd,” Mary continues, ignoring Lizzy. 
Lizzy ignores her in turn, flipping through the copy of Twelfth Night the actor playing Sir Toby had lent her and muttering lines to herself. When the costume is on properly, Mary sighs and leaves her be. She is typing something on her phone. Lizzy assumes the group chat is dissolving into further chaos. She does not care. 
Satisfied that she knows the part well enough, she puts the play aside and turns to peek at the performance from her place backstage. William is on the stage. It is the first scene of act four. Soon, the moment of truth will arrive. 
Indeed, after only a few minutes, Wickham makes his entrance onto the stage. Lizzy relishes the look of complete and utter shock on his face when he recognizes William. He stumbles. He opens and closes his mouth. His face goes pale. For a moment, Lizzy thinks he is going to completely abandon his part, but he recovers after a long minute of silence. 
“N- now, sir, have I met you again?” Wickham stutters after a moment. “There’s for you!”
Wickham attempts to glare at William threateningly. William is glowering at him, looking for all the world as though he actually intends to duel him to the death. 
Wickham takes a deep breath — Lizzy assumes he is trying desperately to remember his blocking — before he walks forward and slaps William in the face. 
William raises one eyebrow. He draws his fake dagger. He scowls, and then, like a striking panther, he lunges forward. 
“Why, there’s for thee,” he cries, striking Wickham in the stomach with the hilt of his dagger. “And there” —a hit to his side— “and there!”
As he delivers the final words, William gives him a blow to the shoulder that sends Wickham sprawling on the floor. 
“Are all the people mad?” growls William, and Lizzy swears she hears Wickham whimper. 
Another character, Sir Toby, intervenes in the fight. The actor appears genuinely concerned. “Hold, sir, or I’ll throw your dagger o’er the house!” 
One character delivers a line and exits the stage. Lizzy winks at him, and he stifles a laugh. 
Onstage, the actor playing Sir Toby takes William’s arm and holds him back. William is glaring daggers at Wickham, who is just now returning to his feet.
“Come on, sir, hold!” says the actor.
“Nay, let him alone,” Wickham pants, clutching his side. “I’ll go another way to work with him; I’ll have an action of battery against him, if there be any law in Illyria. Though I struck him first, yet it’s no matter for that.”
“Let go thy hand!” William snarls at the remaining actor, Sir Toby.
The character begins to protest, but before he can finish his line, William breaks free and draws his fake sword. Sir Toby says a few lines and draws his own sword, but Lizzy is no longer paying attention. Her turn has almost come.  
Taking a deep breath, she enters the stage as Olivia. 
“Hold, Toby,” she cries. “On thy life I charge thee hold!”
Everyone turns. The actors all stare at her, blinking. There are varying levels of shock on their faces. William’s eyes are very wide. 
“Madam—” says Sir Toby’s poor actor weakly.
“Will it ever be thus? Ungracious wretch,” she says, glaring directly at Wickham.
She launches into a series of insults until all the actors except William slink from the stage, then proceeds to deliver a series of loving lines to William. 
William looks just as confused as his character is supposed to be. 
“What relish is in this? How runs the stream?” he says weakly to the audience. “Or am I mad, or else is this a dream?”
They exchange a few more lines, as Lizzy’s character professes her adoration for William’s character.
“Nay, come, I prithee,” she says. “Would thou’dst be rul’d by me!”
“Madam, I will.”
“O say so, and so be!”
Lizzy walks up to William and, gently cupping his cheek, draws him into a kiss. It takes a moment for him to catch on, but soon he is kissing her back. The crowd applauds as they embrace and then walk offstage, hand in hand. Lizzy even hears a bark that sounds like a strangely approving poodle. 
The moment they leave the stage, William turns to glare at her halfheartedly. “Why didn’t you warn me?!” 
“There wasn’t time,” says Lizzy. “Also, this was funnier.”
William sighs, the effect slightly ruined by the smile he cannot quite hide. “You’re a menace.”
William shakes his head. “Do you realize that was our first kiss?”
Lizzy blinks. “Huh.” She frowns. “I guess it was.” She turns to look at him. “Is that okay?”
William considers this for a moment. “It seems rather fitting, I suppose.”
“What do you mean?”
“Our relationship started with mistaken identities and general confusion. It was only right for us to continue the trend.”
Lizzy laughs, loud and bright. Mary runs up and hushes her.
“Give me your costume and get out of here!” she says. Beside her is the actor who was supposed to play Sebastian. “You’ve had your fun and given that barbarian something to remember you by. Now let us do the play properly.”
Lizzy and William change and surrender their costumes without complaint. They leave and return to their seats as everyone resumes their proper parts and brings the play to a close. Lizzy is satisfied to note that, when he comes back onstage, Wickham is sporting the beginnings of a rather spectacular black eye.
They applaud louder than anyone else as the actors take their bows. They leave the theater before Wickham can emerge from backstage. They are not disturbed by Caroline — she seems to have fled at some point after the onstage kiss. Lizzy and William hold hands as they walk down the street, enjoying the quiet and the sunshine after the chaos that had been the last few hours. 
“That was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever done,” says William. “It was a terrible idea. I’m going to have to properly deal with Wickham eventually.”
“It was fun though, wasn’t it?” 
William is silent. Lizzy takes this as the agreement it is.
“You’re welcome,” she says with a grin. 
William sighs, rolls his eyes, and kisses her again. 
Together, they walk into the sunset.
(Two hours later…)
Bennet Family Group Chat
muffin: drama.mov I filmed the whole scene btw
Lizzy: wHAT
muffin: :)
*Many people are typing*
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monkeyssalad-blog · 20 days
1931 illustration by Fortunino Matania
1931 illustration by Fortunino Matania by totallymystified Via Flickr: For the story The Death Post by PC Wren. From the Help Yourself Annual.
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dragonmarquise · 8 months
I mentioned this in a BRC server I'm in, but you know what I'm gonna post about it here too.
A bit earlier today, I went over Rave's voicelines to try and check what she was saying and I realized something. Some of her voice lines are in German apparently (most of the comments on this particular video say it's specifically German), but she also has a few in Spanish?
In particular she says what sounds like (to me at least) "qué lo que". Which I'm pretty sure is specifically Dominican slang, or at least I've heard it a few times from Dominican family friends.
Anyways, Rave confirmed for Afro-Latina, wooo!! (also German, or at least she knows how to speak it :u )
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rebel-ahsoka · 1 year
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STAR WARS REBELS 3.16, Legacy of Mandalore
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tiny-wren · 8 months
hm... challenge: which papa louie woman (not already in an existing relationship) DONT you hc as a lesbian? >:3 (slash j im being silly you dont have to answer if you dont want to)
The ones I don't hc as lesbian are the ones I hc as bisexual, hope this helps
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pommigranite · 1 year
just something that i've noticed lol
@wraenata: very detailed and neat fandom tags and very nice specific commentary
me, reblogging her post: YOOOOOO SHAPES AND COLORS
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astroandrogyny · 4 months
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Matt and Dani [first]
Ryan and Wren [second]
Both are so silly :3
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butchfalin · 5 months
i think you should listen to the album she hangs brightly by mazzy star i have a gut feeling you’d like it
🤔 i think maybe we should listen to it together idk
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hopalongfairywren · 1 year
i'm not paying attention is p!puffy still alive
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