#out of context dialogue
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chirp-a-chirp · 22 days ago
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Looking pretty lively for a dead guy, arent you Vincent?
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the-kettle-whistles · 2 years ago
(out of context) things my younger sister has said
y'all I have been compiling this since last year :")
“give me the crog"
“I never said an 8 ton baby could do my job”
“o̷̢̦͐̑͝ͅw̸̢̪̟̖̏a̷̲̩̮̒͋͆ ̷̼̐͝o̷̧͕̪̠͊́̚w̴̩̙͑̅̈́ḁ̷̢̾̽̋̔ͅ”
*panicking* “Why My Bed Crispy”
“She like that cheese stank”
"Why is everyone named ‘Guy’ ugly”
“I hope you explode. It infuriates me that there’s still air in your lungs”
“It’s holding on by the butt stick”
“I’m trying to reminisce on phone guy memories”
“My foot is baby sized compared to your giant man feet”
”imagine being named Mark. Like it’s so embarrassing you’re name is Markus”
“What Do You Mean I’m A Threat To Human Civilization”
“You have Walter White’s hairline”
“You just have me a glaucoma test with your mouth”
"i almost broke my toe. slay"
"i'm trying to enjoy the scenery but you just keep giving me free glaucoma tests"
"the dog is knocking. let them in"
*scooby doo voice* "come here"
“I just had a terrible vision of a ferret-rat-shark and it looked at me and smiled with human teeth”
*screams* *burps loudly*
"I want a frickin' boiga"
"You dummy, we all know it's swipe left for love!"
"my hands smell like a boiga"
"I've killed millions"
"I love it when machines do my dirty work"
"I'm stuck in a heck hole"
"It feels like I'm listening to smooth brain Christmas"
"Dude I ate like 9 enchiladas over the past 2 days"
"My spicy zinger for tonight is asbestos"
"Yo yo yo, chancy bust a move"
"This tastes like grass but with out the "g r""
"Men will be like "I'm such a gentleman" and then ruin abunch of people's lives"
"One of us is dumber and it's not me"
"You got a boy? How many you pullin'???"
"You look like baby Gabriel in those Jesus things"
"'Never have babies' that's what i always say"
"you can't have an overpopulation of 8 legged friends on your skin, you know that, right?"
"he did. he wanted me for real"
"men with beefy forearms. they're like crossfit gods"
"men are beautiful. and women, too. women are also fine" *a moment of silence* "sorry that sounded kind of sussy"
"You can find gay people in the wildest places. Just like pokemon"
"You look like a drown teddy bear"
"Thanks. I feel less evil"
"That's really ugly but there's such a beauty in things that are hideous"
"Urine throne of mass destruction and sewage carnage"
"I want the tickle me elmo so bad it makes me sick"
"This is all hypothetical. You guys are insane"
"Sometimes the world doesn't give you what you want and you have to cope with it by smelling my cheesey breath"
haha decided to post this at 11 at night and kind of sick on a whim
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sidecharactersdomatter · 2 years ago
Kikimora: Permission to speak freely sire?
Belos(Philip): Granted.
Kikimora:  This horrible dump does not meet the level of fancy to which I have become accustomed!!!
Belos(Philip): Noted.
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reachforthestars-101 · 2 years ago
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Someone who didnt watch the show what is going on here.
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Tawog out of context part 3 because yea
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psychologeek · 2 years ago
Out -of-context teaser to chapter 6:
Jason: this is princess Lian.
Lian: I'm archer-guns unicorn alien princess with LAZERS!!
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paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 · 1 year ago
Out Of Context Dialogue Prompts Writer’s Game
Rules: Pick a fandom/series (whether it be comics, animated shows, live action films, video games, etc), about two to three characters that are the your protagonists and a number from the following lists then write a one shot, large or small that is themed around the dialogue of your choice.
1. “Do You have the DSM?”
“We got it, Sir!”
“Good, that’s one less loose end”
2. “And for goodness’s sake, watch your gosh darn language!”
“…He isn’t letting go of that, isn’t he?”
3. “It is crazy how stupid you are”
“Hey at least we don’t have to whisper anymore”
4. “Where’d you learn history, a cereal box?”
“What’s your point?”
5. “Can you trust him?”
“What choice do I have?”
6. “What’s his power level?”
“What?! 9000?! That’s can’t be right! That things busted!”
7. “You can’t quit now! A real warrior never quits!”
“Watch me!”
8. “What do I do?”
“Run. Run away and never return”
9. “Open the doors.”
“Oh yeah sure, let’s bring him in for a beer. You out of your goddamn mind?”
10. “No one likes the Russians, huh?”
“You know me, I don’t like anyone”
11. “What’s your name?”
“F*** You.”
“Where were you born?”
“Kiss My *ss!”
12. “Knock it off! I can’t work with you two acting like idiots!”
“Great, more yelling will definitely stop all the yelling.”
13. “Do me a favor and lose the sense of humor”
“Do us both a favor and buy one”
14. “You look like hammered sh**!”
“Looks don’t count for sh** in the jungle”
15. “He betrayed us”
“Have to trust someone to be betrayed, I never did”
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adriantheanimator09 · 2 years ago
Honestly, Chuck…. same
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thecorvussystem · 2 years ago
"it's not your bucket, it's our bucket. Communism!"
-Wilbur to Stanley
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chirp-a-chirp · 1 year ago
Rio: That was a yummy three-way Sherry and MC!
Roy: *Chokes on his tea* I BEG YOUR PARDON?
Sherry: Rio meant the lunch he, MC, and I partook in. JUST LUNCH.
Rio: So delicious!
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viridian-tay-leaf · 2 years ago
Some of the early quotes:
"Possible Senior Quotes"
I have no hope I'm not luke Skywalker -♍️Jon 2018
Cory in the house is my favorite anime -♏️Viridian2018
When push comes to shove, sometimes you just gotta sit on people and hide in trunks -♏️Viridian 2018
You look like headlights on a car. You look like a Honda -♐️Gabe 2018
I wanna be sponsored by arizona, not the country -♍️Jon 2018
Im never taking anything from a man who thinks arizona is a country -♐️Gabe 2018
My friends are malfunctioning can i get a refund? -♍️Jon 2018
It's like a snake that's slightly wet (Describing ♋️Chris' hand) -♍️ Alex 2018
I bet its a horse pill -♌️ GG2018
Wtf! You're a horse pill! -♏️Bry 2018
He's red & has a skull & his name is red skull (in regards to Infinity War pt1 ) -♏️Viridian 2018
We stole JA----PAN -♍️Jon 2018
The quick pratt! AHHhh wildpratts! -♍️Jon 2018
-♏️Viridian 2018 : *exhausted* Jsgsjsn....
-♍️Jon: What?..... *silence*
-♏️ Viridian: *inhale* y e s (quietly)
Chicken butt ...(silence)....idk its something my dad said once -♍️Jon 2018
-♍️Jon 2018: Atlanta where aquaman is
-♏️Viridian: *pause* .....thats atlantis
Where's my dude donny depp? -♍️Jon 2018
*zoning out & muttering* Gotta catch em all......i gotta catch Jamal
-♉️ Brooke 2018
I wanna go house -♌️ A. Parker 2018
I go to camp and I woke up at the hospital -♍️Jon 2018
*dead silent* *whispering* I'm gonna get a piercing on my skin -♉️ Brooke 2018
I Doooooooo! That's MEEE -♌️ A. Parker 2018
-♍️Jon 2018: I wish i was British.......
*confused silence*
-♍️Jon: ....And named Ryan or Jeremy
I just snorted your grandparents what are you gonna do about it *gremlin stance* -♍️Jon 2018
-♏️ Viridian 2018: Ew its an orange!
-♍️Jon: Whats wrong with asians!?!?
This person is a riot.....literally, he was in the detroit riots -♍️Jon 2018
-♏️ Viridian 2018: *Whips* (on way to lunch)
-♍️Jon: Did you just twip!? °\(●O ●)>
👏🏽 She 👏🏽 HAS 👏🏽 C R A M P S 👏🏽 -♉️ Brooke 2018
Oh my God, you're like the cookie monster with vegebles! (not a typo, he was speaking fast) -♍️Jon 2018
My nose bend!....Oh my God is that Neil Tyson! :0 (in science class) -♍️Jon 2018
-♍️Jon 2018: We all started as plants (monotone whisper)
-♏️ Viridian: U okay?
-♍️Jon: We need to go back to our original forms
-♍️Jon 2018: What were the 2 fairies in Fairly Odd Parents? Window & Wanda?(Jon)
-♏️Viridian: *pause & evaluates sentence*....Cosmo & Wanda? (Said with confusion)
-♍️Jon: Oh yeah!
-♏️ Viridian 2018 : Hey 😊 (passing in hallway)
-♍️ Jon: *Gasp* India! :0
-♏️ Viridian: What?!
I dont take naps I take S l e e p s 😴 -♐️ Micha 2018
-♍️Jon 2018: *struggles taking out tissues for a whole minute*
-♏️ Viridian: *watching struggle* 👀
-♍️Jon: *pause* ....You never know when you need a tissue 🤷‍♂️
-♏️ Viridian 2018: Stop trying to put ketchup in my pocket! (Towards ♍️ Jon)
(This is something that became a reoccurring bit between us. It went throughout high-school & sometimes shows up today. I once found 2 ketchup packets after cleaning out my bag a year prior, I was so shook)
-♏️ Viridian 2018: *taps shoulder*
-♍️Jon: Ahh!! Jesus was a carpenter! Trump was a dad!....Viridian! Startled!
-♏️ Viridian 2018: *Struggles putting leaf in ♍️ Jon's hair* Ugghhh! White people hair!
*eating chips & pointing* ☝🏻 You fucked up there -♏️ Bry 2018
-♍️Jon 2018: *running with a cup*
♏️♍️♉️: *Visible confusion from group*
-♍️Jon: I'm getting an ice cube!
-♉️ Tee & ♏️ Viridian *in sync* ...why?
-♍️Jon: Portable water! :-)
Keep in mind most of these will probably be ♍️Jon or ♉️Tee just cause they're my best friends & I'm around them more often
(Honorable mention: ♍️Alex, only cause they're the lurker of our group)
That's all for now~
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cmchuck51 · 2 years ago
Way to throw your husband under the bus, Sakura.
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its-an-out-of-context · 2 years ago
*pirate voice* “AAH! This be no intercom! This be a PAY PHONE!”
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poppys-random-quotes · 2 years ago
Okay here is a blog where I will post quotes and/or interactions that are either from real life or roleplays I have done, perhaps even ai generated quotes (from character AIs or me putting rp quotes in text bots), replacing names with “A” “B” etc. Just in whatever order they speak in.
Note on the AI quotes: I don’t use AI anymore, majority of the AI ones are from “before it was cool”, if you will. If I add any more they are probably old ones I hadn’t previously posted.
Feel free to use these quotes however you wish. Tag this blog if you do I’d like to see these used lol
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rystiel · 4 months ago
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that annoying moment when getting left for dead in the trunk of a car in your 20s comes back to haunt you 40 years later (take a shot every time ford says “stanley”)
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deadshadowcreature · 10 months ago
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I love Stormbringer, she’s so silly, I also wanna see more of her and Dark Cacao interaction
Also another thing I wanna see in future update
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