#otp: okay if I stay?
payidaresque · 16 days
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S: when the light caught your hair, for a moment, you seemed her perfect likeness. M: whose likeness? S: why, Lady Galadriel's, of course.
THE RINGS OF POWER S1.E8 ∙ Alloyed S2.E5 ∙ Halls of Stone
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andfangs · 2 months
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please don't leave, i'm running out of time to tell you i'm running out of things that i regret
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
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Buck, Eddie and The lightning mirroring the well.
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breezypunk · 6 months
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one of their favorite date nights is just strolling through the city admiring the neon lights. ♥︎
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dylanconrique · 4 months
morning after chenford make up sex scene where tim is first to wake up and tries to sneak out of bed and out of the room without waking lucy, only to immediately stop in his tracks when he hears her soft, desperate, little, "wait, where are you going?" 🥺 making him rush right back over to her, peppering her face with kisses as he reassures her he's only stepping out for a minute to go get them breakfast.
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supermarine-silvally · 7 months
want me some yara and ace too
Ask, and ye shall receive!! Here you are, dear Anon!! <3 This prompt ended up working really well with another one, so this is technically part 1 of 2!
Part 2 here!
💘 fake relationship / mutual pining / dared to kiss
“Alright, Fire Fist,” Haruta said, turning his attention to the young man in question. “You’re up next. Truth or dare?”
“Dare.” Leaning back with his hands locked behind his head, Ace flashed the surrounding group his most cocky grin. “And don’t make it a lame one, either. Do your worst; I can handle it.”
The participating Whitebeard Pirates let out a collective “oooooh!!”
“Don’t let your mouth write cheques you can’t cash, Ace!” Thatch said with a chuckle. 
“Oh, c’mon. How bad could it be?” Ace replied with a shrug. “Last time, I literally ate something that Teach licked. It can’t get worse than that.”
“Hmm…” Haruta’s brows puzzled together, seeming to take Ace’s words as a challenge. He tapped a finger against his chin, deep in thought. Suddenly, his expression lit up. “Wait! I’ve got it.” A smirk rose to the Twelfth Division Commander’s lips. “Ace… I think I’ve found your one weakness.”
“Weakness?” Ace laughed confidently. “What, you want me to jump into the ocean? Cuz one of you’s gonna have to go pull me out.”
“No, no. This is far more dangerous than that.” A wicked glint flashed through Haruta’s eyes. “I dare you… to kiss Yara.”
Ace’s grin immediately vanished, heat flaring to his cheeks. His entire body suddenly felt as if it was burning; a sensation entirely unlike using his Devil Fruit. Those flames he could own; could control as if they were mere extensions of himself, bending to his whim. No, this heat was unpredictable and all-consuming, threatening to swallow him whole and leave nothing but a shattered heart amidst a pile of ashes. He wasn’t sure if there was anything that could actually burn fire, but if there was, he was certain it would feel something like this.  
The chorus of “oooohs!!” only crescendoed, compounded by raucous laughter, the other pirates immensely enjoying the Second Division Commander’s discomfort. 
Ace laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head. “Okay. Ha ha. Very funny. Now give me a real dare.”
But Haruta’s eyes only narrowed. “That was it,” he stated, crossing his arms. “Kiss Yara. I’m dead serious.”
“C’mon, Ace!!” Curiel shouted. “You said you’d do anything!!” 
“Yeah!” Jiru grinned. “Give her a kiss already; we know you’ve been dying to!!”
A pit opened in Ace’s stomach as he came to the realization that the other Division Commanders weren’t going to simply let up. But for Yara’s sake… He shook his head emphatically. “Guys, no. That’s not fair. I can’t do that.” 
“Why not?”
The familiar voice grabbed his attention. Butterflies burst into his stomach as his gaze met the beautiful heterochromatic eyes that belonged to none other than the object of his affection. Yara sat down on a deck chair across from him, having just returned from refilling her mug. She balanced it on her lap, crossing one of her long, slender legs over the other.
“It’s-- I-- Because…” he stammered, his face going even redder. “I just-- I can’t.”
Yara merely stared back at him, shrugging her shoulders. “It’s only a game, Ace. I don’t mind.” Taking a sip of her beverage, she placed it down on the ground next to her. 
“Do it!!” Blamenco egged him on. 
Ace desperately turned to Marco for help, hoping that the level-headed First Division Commander would put him out of his misery, but Marco’s lips twitched into an amused smile instead. “What’re you waiting for? She said she’s okay with it, yoi.”
The crowd was full-on chanting now. “Kiss her!! Kiss her!! Kiss her!!”
Ace sighed. He was doomed either way. Shakily, he stood up, trying to ignore the cheers as he made his way across the deck and knelt down in front of her. His palms began to sweat, small licks of fire bursting off of his body.
“Oooh, someone’s nervous!!” Thatch teased.
“Shut it!” Ace snapped at him before turning his gaze towards Yara. 
He swallowed, his stomach twisting into knots. She really was the picture of loveliness, her long violet hair swept over her shoulder, golden hoop earrings glinting in the evening light. Her eyes-- one deep chocolate brown, the other ringed gold and piercing, like a hawk’s-- met his. The weight of those three words he’d been wanting to say to her since forever rested uncomfortably on the tip of his tongue, his heartbeat thumping hard and fast, as if it would burst through his ribcage at any second. But perhaps it would be fine if it did. It belonged to her, anyway. 
Ace began to lean in, the intoxicating scent of her vanilla lotion overwhelming him, his mind going hazy. Yara paralleled his movements, her head tilting at a slight angle. His hand rose, cradling the side of her face, his fingers tracing her jawline. Their noses brushed against each other as his eyes fluttered shut. The warmth of her breath ghosted against his lips, flooding his senses with desire. 
You have no idea how much you mean to me…
How long I’ve wanted you…
He stopped, his breath hitching. 
No. Not like this.
Ace’s eyes opened. Gently turning her head, he leaned forward and pecked her on the cheek.
 Boos rang out from the crowd as he pulled away, stepping back to give Yara her space. Surprise flickered across her face as her hand rose to her cheek, lightly touching where he had given her the kiss.
“C’mon, do it properly!!”
“Don’t chicken out!!”
“Hey, the dare was just to kiss her!” Ace snapped at them, picking up a balled-up napkin someone had tossed at him and throwing it right back into the crowd. “Haruta didn’t specify where!!”
He turned back to Yara, giving her a lopsided grin. “Sorry about that. I know they suck.”
But the look on Yara’s face was not one of relief; instead, he could’ve sworn he saw hurt flash through her eyes. 
Her expression quickly hardened. “It’s fine,” she said coldly. “I’ve had enough of this childish game, anyways.”
Ace’s heart sank as she grabbed her beer and strode away, heading for the living quarters. Had he really made her so uncomfortable, just with a kiss on the cheek? Or was there something else? His shoulders drooping, he made his way back over to his spot and plopped down next to Marco. He had decided long ago to live without regret, but…
Pressing his face into his hands, he let out a massive sigh. What the hell had he just done?
it got sort of angsty there at the end i'm sorry anyways tagging @auxiliarydetective @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene
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getvalentined · 2 years
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Hold me closer Although you'll leave before the sunrise I'll be bleeding, but Don't you mind I'll be fine Oh, it kills me I found the right one at the wrong time But until the sunrise Hold tight, hold tight
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jooeeydee · 1 year
Why does no one ever point out the fact that at the end of 'Heir to the demon' when Sara is at Laurel's and Laurel just attacks her, throws a fucking glass at her and her parents do nothing and take Laurel's side, Sara has literally nowhere to go. She almost died from poison, has come home after 6 years of hell and no one in her family stops her from leaving because drunk Laurel makes a scene.
And then Sara gets attacked for going to Oliver after all of that. Where else was she supposed to go? To the clock tower to be all alone after the very traumatic couple of days she's had? After almost dying just hours ago? After her sister threw a fucking glass at her and her parents did nothing except comfort Laurel? Sara must have felt so loved and wanted in that moment...
Sara almost died that night but no one actually cares. Not her family, not the Arrow fans. This fact just always gets over looked in that scene and the repercussions from it. Honestly, it's a wonder Sara didn't take off after that. She must have felt so utterly alone and rejected. It makes Oliver's reaction to her telling him she's home all the more powerful and the meaning behind her words.
Her original home, her family, had just rejected her, but Oliver, her new home, welcomed her back with open arms, dragging her right in the front door, desperately trying to convince her to stay in the home he had created with him. Wanting her with him always.
And I'm not saying Laurel wasn't allowed to be angry, she was but the way she acted was out of line and not okay, she threw a fucking glass at her, if it had hit Sara she could've been seriously hurt, and their parents should not have let it come to the point it did and just let Sara walk away.
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dykrophone · 10 months
they don't know about my dark past (i was close mutuals with the most passionate finchel and mileven shipper on the goddamn planet for almost as long as i've been on tumblr and longer than i've had this account)
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bittersweetresilience · 6 months
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kanos · 7 months
neri finding rolan at last light and all he’s doing is getting mad at her so when she finds his siblings and brings them back, he comes to find her alone and they have a cute moment where he apologizes and she just smiles and maybe theres some like soft face touching and she tells him that he’s brave to have gone to look for his siblings. this might be where he really falls for her- he always thought she was beautiful and strong but this was a whole new side to her…
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cosmics-beings · 1 year
Hey what are your thoughts on starbee?
Ohh it's a good ship and i like it and share fanart of it and stuff, but it isn't really a ship that I personally ship on my own! like I've written for it, and I share stuff but for personal reasons I am not like a hardcore shipper of it but it's alright! like I used to ship it a lot but not so much anymore. but it's a really cute ship I'm just indifferent.
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thelovelybitten · 2 years
so I’m on s2 (doki) episode 66 and I’m just BAFFLED at how fucking MANIPULATIVE IKUTO IS TO AMU when they are having to room together. maybe it’s because of my manipulative mother that triggered this but holy FUCK I HAVE TO RANT ABT IT
so amu comes home from school right, and she feels so fucking guilty because she’s keeping him at home a secret— especially from Tadase, whom she is currently exploring her deeper feelings with. she repeatedly in the last episode told him to leave but decided to let him stay because she felt bad. WHY ?
imma tell u why, this man is pulling the emotional card without us even knowing. here’s the example.
so she comes home and is pissed the fuck off because not only did she tell yoru and ikuto into stay in her bedroom to avoid getting caught, but yoru decided to get completely sidetracked and throw yarn all over the place (imo this scene was very funny but I digress).
they go upstairs and she yells at them, and asks her charas to pass them the Taiyaki she bought. it’s annoying and silent but the charas start eating the Taiyaki (lmao fr I’d be hungry too bitch) and amu says something along the lines of “it’s not like I was worried about him the whole time here and at school or anything…”
this man fucking says: “oh you were thinking about me all day long???? sounds like love to me.”
reminder that Amu is 12 in canon and Ikuto is 17. AMU’s brain is still in development and this man is trying to change her perception of love when she herself has NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT IT IS YET. (At least not in depth, girlie is naive but not stupid)
and then amu goes on to tell him he’s a jerk, a pain in her butt and about how she was annoyed she couldn’t tell Tadase about him— she felt like a liar. she felt awful because Tadase is someone she really cares about. She doesn’t know if it’s LOVE, but she does know she has genuine feelings for him.
here’s the kicker. Ikuto then responds to this with “well if you’re unhappy, then kick me out for real.”
this is emotional manipulation at its finest.
due to Amu being young, she doesn’t have an in depth sense of right or wrong. And she knows hiding ikuto is making her feel like it’s wrong— and it is. but for him to say shit like that and know that she will instantly want to take it back and let him stay (IN WHICH SHE DOES AND STILL MAKES HIM ONIGIRI IM ANNOYED GIRLBOSS U SAID LEAVE AND HE DOESNT LISTEN!?!?!?! Brother.) you know mans would have walked right out since ikuto is known to be very independent, but he knew what he was doing with this shit. Sorry.
I know ikuto in this part of his storyline he is running away from Easter and it’s a whole fucking thing, but the fact he and yoru knew Amu was going to take care of him no matter what URKS ME. this put a lot of emotional stress on her— (not to mention I’m almost at the legendary Tadamu episode and that WHOLE THING MAKES ME SOB IK IK back to topic) it’s shit like this makes me feel so bad for Amu.
ANYWAYS, that’s the tea on that. I maybe read too much into this but it had to be said. TADAMU RIGHTS FOREVER BITCH.
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alpinelogy · 2 months
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dylanconrique · 5 months
listening to shania twain's "you're still the one" is really not good for my mental health at all since it's the song i most associate with chenford.
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having soft domestic thoughts about Hopper 😔 help
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