#otherkin gear tutorial
sable-dream · 4 months
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I see a lot of 'diy gear' around so I'm surprised I've hardly ever seen bleach dyed shirts! They're honestly one of the coolest, easiest, and relatively inexpensive ways to make discreet gear - especially if you're like me and you can't exactly find shirts of your theriotype being sold.
Tutorial under the cut!! :3
What you will need:
A black t-shirt, preferably 100% cotton (avoid polyester and spandex)
Sidewalk/blackboard chalk, or a chalk pen
A paintbrush to apply the bleach
A disposable cup
A bit of cardboard or plastic to put under the shirt (to prevent the design from bleeding through onto the other side)
GLOVES and other safety gear (ie, a mask and goggles)
fabric paint, not puffy paint (optional but if you're heavy handed like I am it helps so you can fix screw ups)
Work in a well ventilated area.
Wear gloves, goggles, and ideally a filtration mask when handling bleach.
WASH YOUR HANDS thoroughly after handling the bleach and do not touch your eyes or face before washing your hands
Be mindful of chemical reactions that can occur when mixing bleach with other cleaning products - never, ever, EVER mix bleach with anything containing ammonia as it can react and create toxic chlorine gas.
Keep bleach out of the reach of pets and small children, and if you have small animals like birds or rodents, work AWAY from them as the fumes can damage their lungs.
Make sure you read the back of your bleach container so you know how to handle and dispose of it safely.
Slide the cardboard into the shirt, adjusting it so you'll be drawing on the side you want your design on.
Use the chalk to draw your design on the fabric - don't worry about screwing up here, it'll wash out later. (If you want to, you can digitally draw your design, print it out, then trace the back with chalk and press it onto the shirt to transfer the art)
Put on your safety gear (ESPECIALLY your gloves) and move to a ventilated area (I did this on my back porch)
Carefully pour some bleach into your cup, then cut it with water. Remember that the more water you add, the more of the solution you'll need to apply to get your design to show up.
Apply the solution over your sketch using your paintbrush. You might need to apply it multiple times if your bleach solution is less concentrated.
Once your satisfied with your design, let it sit for 20 minutes to allow the bleach to fully stain the fabric.
After 20 minutes, rinse out the fabric under cool water. Make sure you're wearing your gloves as you do this so you don't hurt your skin.
Wash your shirt in your washing machine by itself, otherwise the bleach might transfer to other laundry. Put it in the dryer after or hang it up to air dry.
Clean up your area, wash your paintbrush out thoroughly, throw the cup away, and then remove your gloves to scrub your hands with soap and water.
Once your shirt is clean and dry, you can use fabric paint to touch up any mistakes. I used black paint to remove excess lines and white to give my design eye shines. Follow the directions for fabric paint on the back of the bottle, as the instructions for washing it can be different. Don't use puffy paint, the touch ups will end up raised and it'll look funny.
And there you have it! :D DIY gear shirt for all your alterhuman needs >:)
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mosscoveredpawss · 7 months
Hello! I was really happy to see the positive response when I asked if anyone would be interested in seeing this tutorial. Anytime I see yarn tail tutorials I only really see them for longer tails, like for cats and canines. And, I haven't bee able to find any faux fur bear tails out there online, just keychains that have puffballs on them. Not really what I was looking for.
With all that being said, on with the tutorial!
First of all, we gotta talk about yarn weight. For those who don't know, the size of the yarn you use is called the weight. The bigger the strands of yarn, the bigger the weight number. I recommend using a yarn with the weight of 4, as it is the most standard yarn size and what you will be most likely to find at any craft store, dollar store, thrift store, etc.
Next you're going to pick your color(s). The process for this is slightly different if you plan on using more than 1 color.
Now we need to make a pompom. Here's a video tutorial on how to male yarn pompoms. They are SUPER easy to make and you have full control on the size of your pompom.
For those who wish to use more than 1 color you just need to wrap one color first half way, the the next color the rest of the way. To re enforce the hold of your yarn, I suggest double knotting off your pompom.
*IF you want to use a keychain chain to wear your tail, add that on BEFORE you cut into your yarn. You might need to get a bigger C link depending on the size of your yarn and/or the size of your pompom.
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(The C link is the big circular part at the bottom of the chain)
You could leave your tail as a normal pompom if you want, but for me I like more of a "fur" look, which leads us to our next step. Brushing. If you have a pet brush that works the best but you can also brush it out with a comb (NOT a normal hairbrush, a comb with the thin teeth.)
Carefully brush out of the strands of your yarn, yanking too hard could pull some of the strands out of your pompom, which we don't want. Patience is key.
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When you're done brushing your pompom should look something like this.
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For my tail I hot glued a small strand of elastic to the back and on each end of the elastic I hot glued on a piece of velcro. This is how the tail attaches to my belt loop. (Test out how long your elastic needs to be on your belt/belt loop BEFORE you cut your elastic. Creates less waste.)
And there you have it! You made a short tail! I hope this tutorial was helpful! Now us smaller tail creatres don't have to feel left out in the gear department!
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lifenconcepts · 2 months
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aaazzie · 3 months
hi guys ur local (non-religious) angelkin here ! i saw this post about wanting more gear, and I’ve made some gear for myself, so i thought I’d make a little tutorial :)
here’s how to make wings that you can put on your ears!! it can be for any alterhuman/otherkin who wants them, or even just for cosplay or fun ^_^ do whatever you want forever
you’ll need:
- a sheet or two of thicker paper (like cardstock, or you can use thin cardboard)
- a few sheets of paper (cardstock or not) in colors of your choice for feathers, i use construction paper
- a little bit of wire or strong yarn/string
- a glue stick or some tape
- scissors or a pocket knife
- a pen, pencil, marker or etc
- a hole punch, pen, or anything sharp to poke holes with
step one!
[PT: step one! End PT]
take your thicker piece of paper/cardstock/thin cardboard and cut out two of this shape! if you have a printer, you’re free to print this and use it as a template— if not, it’s fairly simple to draw!
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step two!
[PT: step two! End PT]
using your paper in colors of your choice, cut out or trace the shapes in the image below! from left to right, the first one is considered the biggest, the second is the medium, and the third is the smallest. these will be the feathers! if you want to have different colors for each layer, each size should have their own color. if you want it to be random, you can go wild!!
to cut these out, I fold over the paper a bunch of times, trace my shape on, and then cut it so that i have a bunch of them in one go! you can do whatever’s most comfortable, though, because that can hurt your wrist if you have bad scissors!
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step three!
[PT: step three! End PT]
start gluing or taping!! here’s where you wanna follow this chart that i made, or the one that i found on Pinterest of different kind of bird wings! if you know the source for that one, please feel free to link it :)
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i start with the biggest feathers first, then add the medium ones, making sure that they’re overlapping so there’s no empty space. finally, you can add the small ones!
step four; the final one!
[PT: step four; the final one! End PT]
using your hole punch, pen, or sharp object of your choosing, poke holes wide enough for your wire, string, or yarn to fit through! here’s what mine looks like!
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measure your wire/string/yarn so that it’ll go around your ear, but you’ll still have some extra to tape down. it should be pretty snug! then, feed your wire/string/yarn through! you want the ends of it to be on the back of the wing, so you can tape them down, and the loop facing you!
you’re done!
[PT: you’re done! End PT]
you can loop whatever string you have around your ear, and adjust it so that it fits! I found that wire works the best for me, since it’s sturdy and i can twist it if it comes loose. if you have absolutely any questions, please RB this or comment with it, and I’ll do my best to help out! here’s what mine looked like done and on me :) you’re free to make these, and you don’t have to credit me, but i do ask that if somebody asks how you made them, you redirect them back to this post. if you’d like to make a video version if this, please ask me first! I’m more than open to it, i just want to know if you are making one :)
while you’re here, don’t forget your daily clicks!
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unetherian · 22 days
Things to do when you're a newly awakened alter/nonhuman!
[Sorry for any spelling or wording mistakes, I don't speak English fluently]
1/Make an alterhuman journal
Do you have an old, almost empty notebook that you haven't used since the end of your middle school years? Or a little notepad that you received for your birthday and that lies at the bottom of the drawer that you never open? Now is the time to use it!
Write in it your alter/nonhuman journey, what made you wonder if you are alter/nonhuman, the research to find your type, if you are otherlink, what made you choose your type, if you are physically nonhuman, a portrait of how you see yourself in everyday life,...
I will probably do a post in the future on what to put in your journal :3
2/Don't lie to yourself...
Some newly awakened alters/nonhumans intentionally cause false flashbacks or force themselves to shift to feel legitimate... No Don't do this, it's okay if you don't have flashbacks or past life memories, it's okay if you don't shift, it's okay if your type isn't considered "cool" or if it is considered "too common" or "too rare" to be valid. Same for polyalter/nonhumans, it's okay if you really have a lot of types, don't worry. You're valid. You are yourself. Don't lie, just let yourself exist.
3/Ask questions to educated alters/nonhumans
Asking questions is literally a cheat code for educating yourself! Don't be afraid to share your questions on this subject, you will get very rich answers. But be careful which being you are talking because maybe he is not very educated himself...
4/Be interested in categories of alter/nonhumans who do not have the same experiences/beliefs as you
It's really interesting to understand these other communities better. It makes me despair when I see beings insulting other beings because their experiences are different... Getting to know and respect others is the key to avoiding these kinds of situations.
5/Search for your type!
For alters/nonhumans whose identity is often difficult to identify (otherkin, plantkin, therian, etc.), I recommend doing a lot of research and introspection. Make a list of all the species that could match you, draw a profile, ... There are many different methods to find out who you are. But don't use tests like "What is your theriotype", they are really not reliable (for information I am a feline and I did two tests in one they said I am a wolf and in another a fox so... yeah) Searches can last months and even years, it doesn't matter if you don't find it right away or if you make a mistake. You will find it, I promise you :3.
For identities where the type is often easy to find (otherhearteds for example) you are very lucky 😅
For those whose choice of type is often voluntary (otherlink, copinglink, ect) take personality tests, do some research on what you most want/need to be,... Don't worry, you have the right to change your type!
Some alters/nonhumans don't have types, but that doesn't stop them from doing introspection exercises anyway!
For those who have already found their type, nothing prevents you from doing other research (to write in your alter/nonhuman journal, perhaps), for example fun facts about your type, types of gears not very well known that you would like to buy/make, learn how to draw it, lern their body language etc.
6/Make a den/nest!
Some being really like to make a cozy little corner just to become a little being in their cabin, and others like to make a majestic pillow fortress to protect themselves from human society. Get your covers on, let's go!
You can also create them outdoors, on your territory. (Don't forget to hydrate yourself, especially if it's hot)
Torn from Therian territory made tutorials (on YouTube) for indoor and outdoor dens, I recommend them!
7/Try to shift (if you want to/can)/species euphoria
I know that some alterhumans don't shift, can't voluntarily shift, or just don't like it, but sometimes shifting can be liberating and cause species euphoria (the opposite of species dysphoria).
If you don't want to/can't shift you can also do activities that bring you closer to your identity!
8/Make a scent marker!
If your type is territorial, I highly recommend this! It's a kind of little "potion" where you can find your scent + some plants that remind your scent and your territory, and you can spray it in your territory. Some beings add a little essential oil. Torn also made a video on the subject, "How to make a scent marker?".
⚠️Do not use environmentally harmful elements in this "potion"!⚠️
9/ Try activities related to your type/identity!
In our communities, when we talk about connecting with our identity, we often think of gears, quads, vocals,... But there are many other ways to get closer to your alter/nonhumanity! For example, a therian Ibex can practice rock climbing, a spacekin can learn astrophotography, an ockin can write a whole universe around his oc, a naturesoul can keep a journal where he tells all his past incarnations,... All forms of art can bring you closer to who you really are! (drawing, animation, story/poetry/song writing, music, etc.) No need to be an artist with incredible talent, try and have fun, it will already be a thousand times better than nothing! Even if you haven't found your type yet, let yourself be guided by your instincts and what makes you tick!
10/Read positive things about alter/nonhumanity
Sometimes, with the dramas, the insults from the anti, the non-accepting people, the doubt of really being an alter/nonhuman, the imposter syndrome,... There are times when you feel horribly wrong and misunderstood.
I really understand how it feels, when I first came into the community I was constantly asking myself "am I really therian?" "Is this just a teenage fantasy in search of identity?" "No one will support me..."And sometimes I would go on YouTube to take my mind off things and I would come across a stupid video that invited alter/nonhumans to commit the irreparable.
During this time I was only focusing on the negative part of being an alter/nonhuman. But, we must not forget these positive sides. We tend to talk more about our problems on Tumblr because for many, it's the only place they can confide freely. It's a way of "getting your emotional juices out", it's like therapy for some. But in reality, there are many positive and fun sides to being alter/nonhuman. It's true that by forgetting all that, it's more complicated to accept yourself as you are. Written alterhuman/nonhuman/objectkin/otherlink/therian/otherkin/ect positivity on Tumblr. You'll find so much comfort there!
I hope this helped you, remember, as long as you don't hurt anything or anyone intentionally, you are completely valid! You have the right to be yourself.
Take care of yourself, drink water and have an amazing day/evening/night!
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gothic-puppyboy · 2 years
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I posted 113 times in 2022
That's 113 more posts than 2021!
73 posts created (65%)
40 posts reblogged (35%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 72 of my posts in 2022
Only 36% of my posts had no tags
#alterhuman - 44 posts
#therian - 41 posts
#therianthropy - 39 posts
#otherkin - 32 posts
#caninekin - 27 posts
#puppyboy - 27 posts
#puppykin - 23 posts
#dogkin - 21 posts
#canine therian - 19 posts
#dog therian - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#sorry for this. im going to edit that post and take out my recommendation for them
My Top Posts in 2022:
Winter canine things?????????
Hey! Im so excited to get back into requests!! Here is Max's wonderful list of wintery things for canine kin!
play in the snow!!!!
wear lots of cozy clothes (bonus points for faux fur)
Get into kirigurimi! (its cute lil onesies! you can find one that looks like your kin type and be all toasty and comfy)
Catch snowflakes on your tongue
If you live in a place that doesn't get super cold, go for a walk in a nearby forest/nature trail
Use the holidays as an excuse to get gear
Get some cute paw gloves to keep your lil doggie paws warm
Build a den in your room with some nice, warm, soft blankets
Spend time with friends and family, in person or online! show them that you care about them. Canines are extremely loyal and affectionate to their pack members, so remember to show them you love them
125 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
stuff for a wolfkin and a werewolfkin? more leanibg heavily on the werewolf please
I've got you, friend! Werewolfkin things coming right up!
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Wolf/Werewolfkin activities:
Check out this junior wolf biologist guide
Use this backyard explorer guide to get some outdoor time
Take this wolf quiz
Go on a hike or a run
Eat some (cooked) meat with your hands
Spend some time in nature
Stay up at night
Go to a wildlife park or zoo to see your kintype
Wear cozy clothes (Bonus points for faux fur)
Build a den outside
Make a scent marker and mark your territory with it
Craft Ideas:
Yarn tails- Tutorial
No sew animal ears- Tutorial
Paper claws- Tutorial
Fangs- Tutorial
Decorate a collar
Make tags for a collar
See the full post
171 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Summer activities for canine-kin
Summer time is here and canine kin and pet regressors need some things to do! Heres my list of summer time things for canine kin
Go to the beach and dig in the sand.
Go to a dog park and pet peoples dogs. Also, secretly try to communicate with them and let them know you are one of them.
Go swimming! Bonus points if you shake yourself dry.
Go to a wildlife park or zoo or petstore to see your kintype
Go for a walk! (Especially good for domestic canines)
Make a yarn tail
Get a pup cup from starbucks and eat it yourself
Roll around in some grass
Drink water REALLY loudly and REALLY sloppily (dogs really like to do this)
Get some ice pops and bite them really hard
383 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Tips for canine kin and pet regressors
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Quadrobics is a sport where one person runs on their hands and feet! It can be very fun and might make you feel more connected to your kintype or regressed species.
2. Kibble!
You cant eat actual dog food, but dry cereals and trail mix can feel pretty realistic. You can also eat (cooked) meat with your hands, and make a point to tear it apart and eat it in an animalistic way!
3. Toys!
Rubber chew toys can contain materials and chemicals inside them, ropes and plush toys can be a great substitute. Human safe rubber or silicon toys, or even baby chew toys can be a great (and safe) option!
4. Collars, Tags, and Harnesses, Oh my!
Collars can be great for domestic canines. They're really good for customization and can be made perfect for your specific style. They can also make you feel super close to your kintype! You can get tags for your collars at any pet store, and you can write your name and things on them aswell. Dog harnesses at the pet store may not fit you (even the biggest sizes are too small for most humans!), so remember that made-for-human harnesses are OK!
5. Training!
Training can be amazing for domestic canines. If you have a handler or caregiver, they can teach you tricks and commands. A way to feel even closer to your kintype is to learn your tricks in a language you don't know. That can simulate how dogs don't know what you're talking about at first, but eventually catch on.
6. Making a Den!
Making a den out of blankets, or laying on a dog bed, can be lots of fun and can make you feel like your true or regressed self. If you were a parent canine, add some stuffed animals in to your den to act as your pups.
7. Ears and Tails!
Wearing ears and tails can be very affirming. Ears and tails can be found online or in costume shops, and can come in any size, shape, or color.
See the full post
496 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Craft ideas for non-humans
Hey! Im super bored so I made this list full of crafts otherkin can do. Feel free to add on! This list includes some links to tutorials and supplies!!
Yarn tails- Tutorial
No sew animal ears- Tutorial
DIY antlers- Tutorial
DIY fairy wings- Tutorial
DIY Bird/Angel wings- Tutorial
Paper claws- Tutorial
DIY hoof shoes- Tutorial
DIY horns- Tutorial
Paint a cat mask- Buy one here!
Paint a dino mask- Buy one here!
Fangs- Tutorial
Decorate a collar
Make tags for a collar
1,061 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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