#young otherkin
unetherian · 22 days
Things to do when you're a newly awakened alter/nonhuman!
[Sorry for any spelling or wording mistakes, I don't speak English fluently]
1/Make an alterhuman journal
Do you have an old, almost empty notebook that you haven't used since the end of your middle school years? Or a little notepad that you received for your birthday and that lies at the bottom of the drawer that you never open? Now is the time to use it!
Write in it your alter/nonhuman journey, what made you wonder if you are alter/nonhuman, the research to find your type, if you are otherlink, what made you choose your type, if you are physically nonhuman, a portrait of how you see yourself in everyday life,...
I will probably do a post in the future on what to put in your journal :3
2/Don't lie to yourself...
Some newly awakened alters/nonhumans intentionally cause false flashbacks or force themselves to shift to feel legitimate... No Don't do this, it's okay if you don't have flashbacks or past life memories, it's okay if you don't shift, it's okay if your type isn't considered "cool" or if it is considered "too common" or "too rare" to be valid. Same for polyalter/nonhumans, it's okay if you really have a lot of types, don't worry. You're valid. You are yourself. Don't lie, just let yourself exist.
3/Ask questions to educated alters/nonhumans
Asking questions is literally a cheat code for educating yourself! Don't be afraid to share your questions on this subject, you will get very rich answers. But be careful which being you are talking because maybe he is not very educated himself...
4/Be interested in categories of alter/nonhumans who do not have the same experiences/beliefs as you
It's really interesting to understand these other communities better. It makes me despair when I see beings insulting other beings because their experiences are different... Getting to know and respect others is the key to avoiding these kinds of situations.
5/Search for your type!
For alters/nonhumans whose identity is often difficult to identify (otherkin, plantkin, therian, etc.), I recommend doing a lot of research and introspection. Make a list of all the species that could match you, draw a profile, ... There are many different methods to find out who you are. But don't use tests like "What is your theriotype", they are really not reliable (for information I am a feline and I did two tests in one they said I am a wolf and in another a fox so... yeah) Searches can last months and even years, it doesn't matter if you don't find it right away or if you make a mistake. You will find it, I promise you :3.
For identities where the type is often easy to find (otherhearteds for example) you are very lucky 😅
For those whose choice of type is often voluntary (otherlink, copinglink, ect) take personality tests, do some research on what you most want/need to be,... Don't worry, you have the right to change your type!
Some alters/nonhumans don't have types, but that doesn't stop them from doing introspection exercises anyway!
For those who have already found their type, nothing prevents you from doing other research (to write in your alter/nonhuman journal, perhaps), for example fun facts about your type, types of gears not very well known that you would like to buy/make, learn how to draw it, lern their body language etc.
6/Make a den/nest!
Some being really like to make a cozy little corner just to become a little being in their cabin, and others like to make a majestic pillow fortress to protect themselves from human society. Get your covers on, let's go!
You can also create them outdoors, on your territory. (Don't forget to hydrate yourself, especially if it's hot)
Torn from Therian territory made tutorials (on YouTube) for indoor and outdoor dens, I recommend them!
7/Try to shift (if you want to/can)/species euphoria
I know that some alterhumans don't shift, can't voluntarily shift, or just don't like it, but sometimes shifting can be liberating and cause species euphoria (the opposite of species dysphoria).
If you don't want to/can't shift you can also do activities that bring you closer to your identity!
8/Make a scent marker!
If your type is territorial, I highly recommend this! It's a kind of little "potion" where you can find your scent + some plants that remind your scent and your territory, and you can spray it in your territory. Some beings add a little essential oil. Torn also made a video on the subject, "How to make a scent marker?".
⚠️Do not use environmentally harmful elements in this "potion"!⚠️
9/ Try activities related to your type/identity!
In our communities, when we talk about connecting with our identity, we often think of gears, quads, vocals,... But there are many other ways to get closer to your alter/nonhumanity! For example, a therian Ibex can practice rock climbing, a spacekin can learn astrophotography, an ockin can write a whole universe around his oc, a naturesoul can keep a journal where he tells all his past incarnations,... All forms of art can bring you closer to who you really are! (drawing, animation, story/poetry/song writing, music, etc.) No need to be an artist with incredible talent, try and have fun, it will already be a thousand times better than nothing! Even if you haven't found your type yet, let yourself be guided by your instincts and what makes you tick!
10/Read positive things about alter/nonhumanity
Sometimes, with the dramas, the insults from the anti, the non-accepting people, the doubt of really being an alter/nonhuman, the imposter syndrome,... There are times when you feel horribly wrong and misunderstood.
I really understand how it feels, when I first came into the community I was constantly asking myself "am I really therian?" "Is this just a teenage fantasy in search of identity?" "No one will support me..."And sometimes I would go on YouTube to take my mind off things and I would come across a stupid video that invited alter/nonhumans to commit the irreparable.
During this time I was only focusing on the negative part of being an alter/nonhuman. But, we must not forget these positive sides. We tend to talk more about our problems on Tumblr because for many, it's the only place they can confide freely. It's a way of "getting your emotional juices out", it's like therapy for some. But in reality, there are many positive and fun sides to being alter/nonhuman. It's true that by forgetting all that, it's more complicated to accept yourself as you are. Written alterhuman/nonhuman/objectkin/otherlink/therian/otherkin/ect positivity on Tumblr. You'll find so much comfort there!
I hope this helped you, remember, as long as you don't hurt anything or anyone intentionally, you are completely valid! You have the right to be yourself.
Take care of yourself, drink water and have an amazing day/evening/night!
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thatstuckietherian · 1 month
growing up is realizing that the person from the “on every level except physical i am a wolf” vine was actually based
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wyvernstuff · 1 year
nonhumans how many of you had a BIG STICK you adored as a child
(applies to anyone who identifies with labels such as otherkin, nonhuman, alterhuman, therian, etc)
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werethropy · 4 months
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I love stuff like this actually
you acquired your therianthropy via soul walk-in? mines came free with my autism. get better next time.
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yourlocalguardian · 3 months
Yknow I know lot of people think the young therians mainly on tiktok who make masks and do a lot of quadrobics and wear their gear in public are cringe but like. As a bit older kinnie I remember how strong my instincts were when I was that age, how often and how strongly I had mental shifts, and the mental torture I went through my whole young life before I found out that there were other people like me because I felt like I was some sort of freak and didnt understand why I couldn’t just stop feeling the ways I did
Even if you think it’s cringe I know if I had had that community and that ability to engage with my creature-self at that age I would have felt so much better in myself, I wouldn’t have had the deep set self hatred I did for many years, and I think that’s extremely important. It’s extremely important that we don’t let the young members of our community experience that same pain that I and I’m sure others like me have felt
Also friendly reminder too that cringe culture is fucking stupid, if you’re not hurting yourself or anyone else you shouldn’t be shunned for doing what makes you happy. And that means you, person reading this, shouldn’t be the one to make them feel like they should be ashamed. If you feel like it’s cringe keep that to yourself and maybe do some self reflection on why you would think people doing a harmless activity that makes them happy would somehow be wrong. Cringing is a reflex, but that doesn’t mean you have to act upon it.
Additionally if you’re one of those people that’s against them because “they’re making us look bad”/“people won’t take us seriously because of them”. If people won’t accept us in the full extent of who we are then they would never be accepting of us in the first place. Acception when only in a watered down form is not true acception at all. 
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autumnfoxthetherian · 5 months
This is my journey if anyone’s interested (its kinda long to read): For me, it’s a mix of multiple factors. I’ve always acted kinda different from my schoolmates (random noises, unconsciously doing animalistic things) so I thought I was just a weirdo, and that was fine. It wasn’t until a couple years later that I heard about therians for the first time at school. People where less then friendly when they where talking about them though (and they didn’t seem to actually know what a therian was, they just assumed it was a furry(not that furries are bad!)) Anyways, I went home and did a lot of research, and some of the things I read just started to click! I also watched Therian Territory videos and that helped too. I started a journal because I knew I might just be getting exited over nothing, I still wasn’t sure if I was a therian or not. After about another year, the whole idea had kinda faded into the background, but I still questioned every once and a while. But after I kept having shifts and noticing them, I re-started my journal and eventually came to the conclusion that I was a therian. That was pretty much my awakening; it felt great! I did more research to see if I had a specific theriotype/s and knew by instinct that I was a dessert animal (though I’ve always loved forests, but oh well) I did lots of searching and learned about lots of animals. I thought maybe at first I was a rodent, and stuck with that for a while. but a few months later I had a dream shift of snuggling up with foxes. I immediately started doing research again and confirmed after another month of questioning that I was a Corsac Fox. It felt so much more natural then when I thought I was a gerbil, and ever sense it’s been easier to connect with my theriotype (I’m still questioning if I might be a rondent though because something made me believe before) Fox shifts are fun! And my mom has been supportive of me ever sense I told her even though she doesn’t understand. I go outside regularly to try to connect with my theriotype and hope that one day I’ll meet other therians!
I hope you’re journeys where just as good, and that you found acceptance. I hope you’re happy being yourself. Comment your Alterhuman journey if you’re comfortable, I’d love to hear about it! And remember; everyone has different experiences and journeys, awakening could take years or days, but all Alterhumans and therians are beautiful!!!
Also pls reblog so we can get as meany answers as possible, thanx!
- Autumn
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francy-sketches · 6 months
I dont want people to percieve aerion I want him to to stay a kind of niche silly evil character that I can stan ironically bc he may suck real bad but he's also a bit slay :( he's gonna get the aemond treatment they're gonna turn him into a dark romance daddy dom at best and they're gonna recreate lucemond with him and egg at worst...what if I ended it all
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Top 10 Fave Vampire Songs 🩸
Another species songlist! Honestly I like some of the songs here more than a few on my werewolf list...
As usual, feel free to send requests in the notes or my asks! Name links lead to Spotify.
10. I Don't Care by VIOLENT VIRA. This one isn't an explicitly vampiric song but it has all the vampiric female rage in it and it's one of my all time favourite metal songs. Her screams and vocals are insanely powerful.
9. Lonely Vampire by Weathers. If you feel you just need some feel good pop amongst the gothic angst of being a bloodsucker then this is definitely the song for you! It's one to get up and dance to.
8. Bloodsuckers by Johnny Hollow. One of those songs where I haven't picked up the artist yet but definitely will. The instrumentals on this one are like nothing else. Honestly though this song makes me think more of carnivorous gnomes than vampires but that's my problem...
7. Vampires by Night Club. Night Club has perfected their dark electronic music and their entire discography sounds like what would play at a vampire nightclub. How convenient they have a song named Vampires! They sound like if Draculaura went raving and have the black and pink aesthetic to match.
6. Cold Blood by Valen. Yes there is a certain point in these where I just add songs I like that have a keyword in the title but you have to trust it fits I promise!! In 2023 this song was 43rd on my Spotify top songs. In my defence the lyrics & vibe are still vampiric...
5. Lesbian Vampyres From Outer Space by Scary Bitches. Another Scary Bitches song in 5th position! Just like the last one this is definitely an experience... an experience I love though! Again, this is one you have to hear for yourself. The WW2 references really make the song.
4. Blood by Starbenders. Not explicitly a vampire song but definitely fitting for an angsty human x vampire drama. Starbenders as a band have such a unique and lively sound to them. My other favourite is Cover Me, which would honestly also fit in that theoretical vampire drama.
3. Bloody Creature Poster Girl by In This Moment. Massive slasher final girl (potentially turned villain) energy. I only discovered In This Moment about a month ago through a friend but I have been addicted to their music ever since - they're on all my main playlists! Definitely a song I associate with some of my fictionkins & werewolf kintype too.
2. Lust for a Vampyre by I Monster. This song feels like a lovestruck daydream. It's sweet, sinister and sooo catchy! Also who doesn't love a good human x vampire song.
1. Old Money by Jonathan Young & Caleb Hyles. This isn't just my #1 vampire song but one of my favourite songs of all time. Collectively we can ignore the cringe and appreciate Young & Hyles outstanding vocals and the catchy tune. Also bonus points - it's explicitly about vampires! This is a big band number straight out of a gothic musical.
That's all for now! Let me know if you liked any of these & feel free to make your own additions in the notes!
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xxrainskullzxx · 2 months
Hello, I am a young, queer, neurodivergent artist! I am new to commissions, but my commissions are open, and it would mean SO MUCH to me if people will commission me, no pressure! DM if interested!
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spacedreamon · 1 month
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Fiddleford userboxes
Credit me if you use
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mintyscuriocabinet · 2 months
WIP pics of my latest art project
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It's Vyvyan’s jacket from The Young Ones! I hope to cosplay Vyv at some point in the future since I kin him. I'm trying to make it as accurate as I can; I think it's going pretty well considering this is my first attempt at doing anything like this. Will keep you all updated!
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cyber-therian · 7 months
you are of my family but your flesh is not mine; though i yearn to share the blood.
but when i call myself by your name my bones rattle “no”.
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a-dragons-journal · 9 months
I feel this question sounds mean, but I'm not good with words so I don't know how to make it sound nicer. I saw a post you made the other day about experiences you've had as otherkin, and they included things like your phantom limbs having some kind of influence in your surroundings (like a friend being able to see them). Wouldn't that be delusional? How is it different from people who claim to be able to transform physically?
Because a delusion is something that can only be perceived by the person experiencing it, primarily.
I move my supernumerary phantom limbs, someone else reacts to them. What exactly is the supposed delusion in this scenario? The phantom limbs are categorically not a delusion. The other person is responding to a stimulus someone else can also perceive, so that's not a delusion.
It's weird, and I don't have a good explanation for it, but the simple fact that it was someone else "seeing" them unprompted (practicing aura sensing, if you want to get more specific, and "seeing" them in my aura/astral body) and was shared between multiple people in as objective a way as you can get with a nonphysical thing (ie, my physical body very carefully held still and yet me moving my wings back and forth and him being able to track them back and forth, and me being able to watch him track them back and forth, indicating that we were both getting the same stimulus at the same time) makes it not a delusion. And, hell, there are other explanations - maybe I was moving just slightly without realizing, and he was subconsciously taking cues from that, for instance - but the event itself is verifiable by multiple people even if the exact explanation is up for debate.
The automatic doors thing is significantly weirder, and it's not like I've done rigorous testing of it so it's possible it's a coincidence, but again, there's a physical thing that is happening that other people can observe. That's not a delusion. Again: I move my supernumerary phantom limb, an observable physical thing happens (whether or not the two are actually linked by causality). What exactly is the delusion in this scenario? The explanation is up for debate, but the physical event itself is verifiable by other people. (As opposed to p-shifting, which, any p-shifter will do a whole song and dance to avoid giving you any actual evidence of their supposed shapeshifting, because they know it's not actually verifiable. Or when they do, it's something that's definitely not what they're claiming it to be.)
This is not my finest explanation of things because I'm struggling to put this into words, but hopefully it's satisfactory.
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Hello there young one. Can I have a grim reaper themed collage with graveyards dotted around. I would be very grateful for this. Thank you very much youngin.- the reaper ♟️
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askmisssarcadia · 7 months
rachel amber x alaska young moodboard!
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this was so fun to make omg <3
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terriblybutteredalien · 3 months
things to note
remember that if you identify as nonhuman in any way you don’t need to have shown those traits when you were young.
remember that you are still worthy of being nonhuman even if you don’t act or feel it the same way as many others
remember that if you’re fictionkin, you can use that term even though more niche ones may fit you better
remember that alterhumanity isn’t for gatekeepers, alterhumanity is like, 100% someones own, personal experience. No one should be able to dictate that.
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