#other abysses
aphel1on · 10 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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athlast · 5 months
there's something about butches reclaiming protectiveness and chivalry from an imposed "caring, nurturing" character associated and often forced upon women. something about how while straight men often try to present as careless as possible, masculinity and care are not only not conflicting in the butch identity, but inherent to it. there's something there.
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sunderwight · 1 month
y'know I think that if Liu Qingge actually did tell Shen Qingqiu (SY version) that he was lonely and asked him to be intimate with him, even just for tonight, as speculated in the Airplane Q&A, Shen Qingqiu would go for it.
like probably not after he married Luo Binghe (because infidelity), and at first I think he'd blank in shock and he'd need to quadruple check that he had correctly gleaned Liu Qingge's (extremely blunt) meaning, but after that... yeah. I think he would
because I think he'd want to, because he is attracted to Liu Qingge, he's just repressed about it. so I imagine his thought process would go:
-oh no I'm straight I can't sleep with Liu Qingge
-also this would be a terrible ethical violation because I'm his shixiong
-although as fellow peak lords we're basically equals so that probably doesn't matter so much
-I mean he is asking me after all it's not like I'm perving on him or anything here
-wow this is so deeply sad for Liu-shidi who has turned to me of all random people in his hour of need, only to be rejected
-is he sex pollen'd? he doesn't look it...
-I'm sure lots of people would jump at the chance to be with someone as handsome and capable as him! does he not know that? are people not jumping at the chance to be with him?
-I guess not if he's lonely?
-how incredibly stupid of them! the incomparable war god of bai zhan is a catch!
-this really is too tragic to tolerate. I can't possibly turn him down now, what if it's a blow to his pride that he never recovers from? a man needs his pride! gay men even more than most probably! that's what that whole gay pride thing is about, right?!
-so in a way it would be homophobic to reject him
-and well if it's just for one night... I mean, the truly heterosexual man should be comfortable in his sexuality... obviously I find the idea intolerable, however, it might be even more intolerable at this point to turn him down. for basic decency reasons that would compel anyone, not just me
-there are probably lesbians who would make an exception for Liu-shidi I mean just look at him
-and who is more confident in his dislike of oranges, the man who has tried one and confirmed his distaste, or the man who has never eaten an orange in his life? in a way, isn't having sex with Liu-shidi this one time actually the straightest thing I could do?
-(has sex with Liu Qingge)
-(enjoys it)
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hehe more SAGAU Melsuine Creator featuring Foul Legacy plushie
you've been acclimating to your new life as a Melusine very nicely, the outside world falling away and as you forget and close off the memories of everything they did to you, only thinking about it when you happen to glance at the shimmering markings lining your body. swimming and spending time with Foul Legacy- those are your two favorite things, with your siblings coming in at a close third, and your little house made of shells becomes a popular spot for Melusine to visit, dropping by to say hello to both you and Legacy... although, you'll admit that you don't provide the same climbable experience that he does. you and Mamere even painted together, collaborating to make a painting of Legacy himself, all dotted with swirling colors and little stars and shapes only your Melusine eyes could see, proudly presenting it to him with paint splattered all over your colorful skin. he can't do anything but chitter and trill with delight, giving Mamere a friendly pat on the head and comfortably curling around you in satisfaction.
he should make something for you, he thinks. something small and soft and comforting, for when he inevitably needs to leave for Ajax's Harbinger duties. you always reassure him that you'll be fine... but oh, you look so sad when he has to go for a few days, or a week. he always gives you plenty of headbumps and purrs beforehand, silently stealing away from Merusea Village and shifting back into Ajax, so the foolish humans are none the wiser of your location. it's during one of these trips that he spends hours awake at night, carefully stitching fabric and cotton stuffing together until he returns and presents his gift- a tiny plush version of himself, cradled in his claws. your eyes light up, antennae wiggling happily as you gently pick up the plushie Legacy and twirl around, hugging it tightly. you're gently scooped into Legacy's arms so he can hug you as well, rumbling contently as both of your wings flutter in sync with each other.
you show Neuvillette the plushie next time he visits, and he merely gives you a smile of relief upon seeing you happy and safe.
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furiosophie · 1 year
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just thinking about how luke was only ever really taught to wield the force as a weapon, but never how to put up barriers in his mind, just wondering, really, what happens to you when you touch the fabric of the universe but don't know how to wash it off your hands again, if sometimes being one with every living thing feels like you are disintegrating, fraying at the seams
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phoenixcatch7 · 7 months
An idea I'd love to see is bingqiu time travel... But individually.
Shen Qingqiu dies in the city, travelling back to when he was first transmigrated via the system.
A few years later, luo binghe finds some artifact or mcguffin in his attempts to find a way to resurrect Sqq, and, with the chance of making it so Sqq never died in the first place, takes it.
And they both don't figure out the other also time travelled for ages.
Sqq: wow, butterfly effect works fast! He's even stickier this time around! What a little sheep.
Lbh, internally: if I was even more shameless shizun could have been giving me headpats for EVEN LONGER?? *sees lqg in the background having a sexuality crisis* oh no we don't--
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toastervox · 17 days
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beep boop
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headknight-oh · 2 months
When I was younger, my sister and I would put a wall of pillows between each other when we shared a bed in hotels and stuff and would like slap the shit out of each other if a hand or a foot or something crossed the line. And then we’d of course try to piss each other off by seeing how long it took the other to notice we were on their side or by moving the pillows slightly to get more room.
Anyways, the same exact thing happened in Death Note with L and Light when they were handcuffed together for all those months
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probablybadrpgideas · 2 years
Swear Words By Fantasy Language
Common: hit your thumb really hard and see!
Dwarvish: Dwarves don’t have any swear words. Rather, a Dwarf must show their craftsmanship by combining non-swear words in a vulgar way. You’ve not been truly offended until a dwarf calls you a house-painting-horse-bargainer.
Elves: Elvish has exactly one swear word, and each elf can only use it once in their life. If uttered it kills all plant life in 300ft and everything capable of hearing must make a wisdom saving throw or disintegrate on the spot.
Giant: Giant contains such swearwords as “double fuck”, which is like normal fuck but twice as big.
Gnomish: Gnomish uses things like “tax returns” and “fiscal responsibility” as swear words. Mentioning your accountant will have you thrown out of respectable gnomish society
Goblin: Honestly, it’s easier to list the words in goblin that aren’t swear words.
Halfling: Halfling has incredibly harsh swear words, to the surprise of everyone when this pastoral little man toddling around a farm and eating muffins calls you a motherfucking shithead cockface
Draconic: Draconic swear words translate to things like “gosh darn it” and “oh heckers” but, to be fair, they come off as more serious when roared at you while you’re on fire.
Orcish: Orcish contains no swear words. Don’t assume based on stereotypes.
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fairsweetlonging · 10 days
okay but post-canon luo binghe suddenly being atticwifed by an overly jealous shen qingqiu and feeling euphoric bc omg shizun can't stand the thought of binghe being with anyone else and is locking him up to be his only thing in the world!! shizun wants only him and no one else!!! shizun is guarding him like vicious dragon guarding its precious treasure!! he's living it up being shizun's house wife only, doing nothing but serving his husband and proudly wearing the chain like it's a second wedding ring and basking in the jealous attention like there's no tomorrow
but then it turns out shen qingqiu actually got hit with one of pidw's wife plot-pollen that made him act so jealous and crazy, and when it's over (either by papapa or time), shen qingqiu profusely apologizes and says he'd never do such a thing to binghe and it wasn't like him at all and binghe stands there like "oh..."
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fung-fungus · 3 months
eddie brock 🤝 will graham
sweaty bisexual men have their shit royally rocked by a maneater, who makes them worse before making them better, and suffer the curse of cassandra in their profession then runaway with said maneater despite The Horrors
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percicosoftcore · 4 months
i wish percy was there when nico killed bryce lawrence just as i wish nico was there when percy almost killed akhlys (and nico wouldn’t have stopped him).
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cg-cookierun · 8 months
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yeah this is the best your gonna get from me
(The new Legendary in Ovenbreak is Region Specific I guess)
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Of course we like that one, the mental image of FL holding lil melusine creator in one hand while the others climb on him like he's an abyssal jungle gym is free serotonin
eheheheheh excellent, that's precisely the vibe i was going for >:D
Foul Legacy is perfectly content to spend the rest of his days in Merusea Village, protecting his most incredible Creator and surrounded by little sea slug friends. the care you've received from your siblings, the new views of the world, of being treated as someone who deserves happiness, have all helped your mental and physical state immensely, bringing back the spark to your star-speckled eyes. with your help, Legacy quickly learns his way around the caverns, the other Melusine pitching in to expand your seashell house for him to stay in. since he knows your "true identity" you can confess in him whenever you have nightmares, showing him the shimmering markings where you were cut or stabbed, or the faintest one of all, right in the center of your throat. Legacy growls deeply, tugging you close and allowing you to bury your mitten-ish hands in his soft fluff, gently poking the tip of your nose with his claws
your absolute favorite place to be is on Foul Legacy's shoulder, his hand holding you steady as you lean against his head. now you're the tallest Melusine ever! speaking of which, there's constant joking that Legacy is just a really big, armored Melusine- look, he even has two horns and a pair of glittery wings! your own little wings are more angelic, and you can't fly with them, but you can both wiggle your wings in excitement. your more adventurous siblings have taken to attempting to scale Foul Legacy's tall body, dangling off his outstretched arms as you help pull them up- with both of his arms out to the sides, Foul Legacy can carry no less than six Melusine!
you never stop being odd, and Legacy's appearance and care for you just accentuates that, but to the Melusine, you're their odd, kind, wonderful sibling, with an equally strange but sweet Abyssal friend
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kirjavas · 1 year
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If you start behaving like a grown up, the spectres will get you. I'm just trying to imagine what you'll look like when you're older.
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