#and subsequently helps him during the abyss :D
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rhiangalaxy · 3 months ago
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Get you someone who looks at you like Luo Binghe looks at Shen Yuan infodumping (ft. a lil bonus under the cut!)
(Piece chosen by this week's poll!)
[ID: A Scum Villain Comic. The first image depicts Plant!Yuan excitedly looking at and holding a book that has his demonic butterfly resting on the edge of it saying "Binghe, have you heard of the Iron-Shelled Muskrats? They're said to have near impenetrable skin and live in the deepest depths of the Abyss-" Image two depicts Luo Binghe resting his head on one of his hands and looking presumably towards Shen Yuan with a soft love struck expression. One of SY's butterflies rests in his hair. SY continues in the background, sort of faded out with text saying "Blah, Blah, Blah, place name...backstory stuff... " End ID]
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[ID: A Scum Villain Comic. Characters drawn in chibi style. The top half depicts Plant!Yuan, now with an angry expression, gesturing out with one arm causing his butterfly to move out of the way. He rants "Oh, that reminds me, you will not believe this novel I just read. The writing was so awful-" LBH continues to look at SY the same way as the comic above, with a thought bubble above him saying "I would die for you". The bottom half depicts Shang Qinghua, pausing in surprise before taking on a concerned/dreading expression and saying "Something just happened.... A caption points to him saying "Author of said novel." End ID]
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silverloreley · 2 years ago
Did anybody ask for TTEOTM x LBFAD fic ideas? No? I had one anyway. It’s massive and I can’t currently write it (too many irl things, too many other wips to work on) so I’ll put it here and do what you want with it (except money, that’s illegal, fics must be free). Keep in mind I read none of the novels so anything that isn’t the the dramas won’t be considered.
So, listen here.
First of all, we need to merge some things and move others, so the two stories can exist in the same universe. Therefore: 1) Ming Ye and Sang Jiu’s story goes back to 30.000 years before, while DFQC was trapped for 10.000 (I always thought the 30.000 years of imprisonment felt a little too much, also this lowers the age gap between XLH and DFQC, which is a pro). 2) The Evil God Tai Sui and the Devil God are one and the same. It will make sense, I promise.
Starting from those two premises, the timeline is as it follows:
30.000 years ago the Devil God vs the Gods fight happens, along with the MYxSJ arc.
When MY estabilishes no one will live in Shangqing realm anymore, the immortals move to Shuiyuntian, founding it in a place next to the already-existing Xishan, by deviating the rivers with the Water Gem.
To be seen as equals or superiors, the heads of Shuyuntian bring back the title of God of War. The other godly titles can’t be assigned the same way as only the God of War can be trained to become one and not be born as such. Lady Chidi is chosen after some time.
In the meantime, conflict arises between the xianzi and yuezhu. Yannv, (canon) first leader of the Moon Tribe, guides her people beyond the River of Lost Memories and founds Cangyanhai.
The Xilan tribe was already there with the only real goddess left, the Goddess of Xishan, who was seen as a minor deity and not involved in the Shangqing realm’s affairs at all. Despite that, the Goddess is the one who effectively destroys the (D)evil God’s body and seals its spirit, not knowing a part of it (the Evil Bone) and its weapons (BRSeal and GSCrossbow and Sword) had been left in the mortal realm.
Fast forward to the events of LBFAD, the story goes as we know it, just that the fight between DFQC and Chidi was only 10.000 years before the events, not 30.000 (it literally changes nothing, plot-wise).
Tai Sui’s plan was to take control of Chidi (or DFQC)’s body as he lost his one during the conflict with the previous Goddess of Xilan, and then retrieve his weapons to bring the end of the world. His death and subsequent fall to the Nether River prevented him to do so, but the Evil Bone he left to the Yiyue tribe in the mortal realm is a soul vessel (like the Bone Orchid for DFQC) and allowed him to stay somewhat alive, waiting for his next chance.
Fast forward some centuries: TTJ is born and Tai Sui is determined in making the poor thing into the perfect vessel for his return just in time for Ji Ze’s power running out and the Barren Abyss be open again.
Here we are to the start of the fic (very long so it’s mostly under cut):
Susu fails the first time she tries to change TTJ’s fate (she dies too early, without being able to switch the Evil Bone with her Immortal Essence) and the Mirror of the Past sends her back to try again.
Knowing the Devil God and Tai Sui are one and the same, Ji Ze manages to send a message to Xi Yun so she could help LSS. XLH looks into TTJ’s destiny book and sees it’s filled with misery that will culminate with TTJ giving up his body to Tai Sui, cue destruction of the world lalala, all as it was before LSS’s trip basically (I refuse to awknowledge that the Devil God could have known about the time travel, Di Mian is a lying liar who lied, the plan only went as far as TTJ’s mistreatment and death on the frozen lake, Susu changed everything from there on).
To prevent it, the LBFAD team decides to risk changing his fate, and they snatch TTJ away while he’s sent as hostage from Jing to Shang. It’s the origin of a legend that the cursed prince of Jing was taken away by demons, some say to be eaten, some say he became one too.
TTJ is raised in Yunmengze by everyone acting as his relatives (I still have to decide if it’d be more interesting to have DFQC and XLH adopt him as parents, or go the more practical route of Changheng adopting him alone since he’s the one who canonically moved to the mortal realm full time and has no other responsibilities. Or it could be all three? together? on rotation? idk. Also, I can’t decide what to do with Yinxing because I don’t like her much but I sort of understand her too, it would be nice to give her a redemption arc/new storyline)
Little TTJ is raised by a team of immortals who end up loving him a whole lot and XLH manages to fix him a tree of emotions very early, so he’s a sweetheart with functioning love strings and all (but only with his family because most humans can tell there’s something wrong with him and dislike/mistreat him. That’s the Evil Bone’s influence, the family knows it and can ignore it, humans do not).
TTJ is smart enough to understand there’s more going on with his new family but he loves and trusts them enough to just accept things as they are. They end up telling him a few things about themselves in bits and pieces until he’s old enough.
Basically, by the time he’s 20, he’s more drama!Cang Jiumin than any iteration of TTJ. Plus the family actually warned him against Tai Sui (although they didn’t quite tell him he’s the Devil Fetus - gosh I hate this expression) and told him stories about it and the last fight and about their own true identities.
They have no idea how to remove the Evil Bone without killing him, LSS is the only one who knows because Ji Ze didn’t have enough energy to tell XLH everything. In fact, he just told her “look at that destiny book there” and “Li Susu knows what to do” and then closed the conversation.
The LBFAD group has no idea of the existence of the Bone Refining Seal or the God Slaughtering Crossbow and Sword at first. This will be a problem later on.
17 y-o TTJ joins the immortal sect to learn their manner of cultivation and befriends Xiao Lin who, at the end of the three years of training, invites him to Shang.
As soon as he arrives in Shang’s capital, TTJ starts to recover memories of the past-now-erased life little by little until Susu!Xiwu arrives. They both have a whole set of memories of a disastrous past, a whole lot of tangled feelings, and no clue the other does too.
LSS still needs to fulfill her mission, but finds it way harder now that the circumstances have changed. TTJ has been trying to see the woman he loved in the original YXW but felt there was something off, until the Temple incident, aka the moment LSS transmigrated into YXW.
Cue lots of getting close, suspicions if the other remembers the other life, falling in love even more, and other stuff (I already know this is going to be my favourite part).
The immortal family is against TTJ courting YXW because they know his fate says he’ll “die young but widowed” and that will be the first step to Tai Sui’s return. They just tell him it’s because she has a foul temperament and a bad reputation and try to take him back to Lucheng before it’s too late (keyword: try).
The Ye family doesn’t like that he has an unclear background and that YXW would have to move away from them so they oppose too (and don’t treat him well. at all. some things don’t change).
TTJ is definitely too stubborn and wants to marry her anyway. She agrees because she knows it’s the easiest way to complete her mission (and she actually wants to, tbh). They basically elope and run to Jing’s kingdom.
Somehow, TTMinglang finds out TTJ’s true identity (oh, this could work if Yinxing stays in the plot, she’s a dead giveaway since she was his only remaining nanny!) and, thinking his loathed third brother is coming for the throne, decides to kill him, employing/blackmailing Lan’an.
The scene of YXW jumping off the ship happens because she figures out if she doesn’t she won’t be able to get her hands on the World Overturning Jade and she really needs it for the plan. Of course, she doesn’t tell him, cue hearbreak, the ambush with the poison dart, and so on.
They are saved by DFQC from Fu Yu (sorry, Pian Ran, you won’t have the chance to fillet the bitch in this lifetime, unless DFQC decides to spare her, I have to decide) and from the poisoning by XLH. Both are very upset by the whole thing but TTJ has no intention of backing off and give up on having the love of his life by his side, cue a heartfelt speech that ultimately convinces them.
Said love of his life feels very very guilty, even more so after that speech, and runs off to the Barren Abyss to talk with Ji Ze (and save Fuya) and ask him what more she could do. TTJ is certain she’ll come back to him anyway because his wife always did (although they are not properly married here yet!).
Once in Jing, TTJ, even if he initially planned not to become emperor this time, sees that people have a truly terrible time under Minglang and decides to take the matters in his own hands. He was a pretty good ruler in the other life and he can be one again. This time he makes certain his deranged brother is dead.
The immortal family can’t interfere more than they already did with mortals’ fates, so they let him do things on his own, with minor helping him in daily matters, training and healing. War breaks out anyway because the king of Shang is an ass.
I need a good reason for them to enter Bo’re life again since they know the dragon can’t actually be used. Perhaps it’s to give peace to Ming Ye’s spirit, or to show Xiao Lin what kind of person his beloved wife is, idk, but they do and LSS obtains the Soul Slaying Tear.
Needless to say, she isn’t happy about being able to collect the Heart Shattering Nails this time. But she knows she has to do it.
The Nails accumulate very quickly, one for each person he loves, not only for YXW. It makes her feel even worse but at the same time she thinks he’ll be fine after she dies because he has more people he cares for (spoiler: he won’t be fine).
XLH realizes around that time that YXW is actually the LSS she’s been looking for and wonders why the girl doesn’t have a destiny book. (it will be found later on that LSS is yet to be born from the egg in that time so her destiny book has not appeared yet)
She also figures out LSS is trying to build an immortal essence with the help of the WOJade and tries to stop her, only for LSS to break down and tell her everything (this is supposed to be a very heartfelt scene as it’s the first time LSS opens up with her troubles to someone and XLH has become the perfect mom figure LSS never had).
The relationship between TTJ and Xiao Lin is rather different due to them being actual friends and not copycat-prisoner/copied-princeling. As such, they manage to end the war by pretending XL has been captured so the king of Shang would have to give up and end the bloodshed. Bingchang doesn’t get the memo and turns her back to her husband anyway. Xiwu, who did get the memo (and also remembers YBC tried to kill her and TTJ, plus killed the Grandma), stays out of it and keeps the focus on her mission, not pleading for Bingchang in the slightest (XL does, the poor fool. He gets himself killed for it, because he accidentally eats food Bingchang poisoned. She stabs herself in despair -which provides both the blood of the enemy and tears of lover. Yes, I love a good mirror situation and I hate her. This time she stays dead).
Hence the kingdoms are united because there are no heirs to Shang left (the stupid king tried to send his useless other sons to war and got them killed, lol).
Also! Pian Ran gets her love threads back sooner. And she doesn’t die, but still sacrifices a few of her tails for YQY when a rebellion strikes and he gets wounded, so they’re both immortal and get a happy ending, no I don’t take criticism here, this is how it should have been.
LSS still has to sacrifice herself to switch the Immortal Essence with the Evil Bone - even if she promised XLH she wouldn’t do it and wait until the Goddess of Xishan can find another way - because the Barren Abyss is about to be opened.
TTJ doesn’t go as mad as he did in canon upon her death, but he still tries to kill himself out of grief. He even begs DFQC to teach him how to make the 500 years dream. Eventually, Nian Baiyu tells him about the Nether River and TTJ sets off without telling his family.
I still have to decide whether they catch him in time or not, and if they do, if they can convince him to give up and stay with them, or he convinces them he has to do it and tells them they’ll see each other in 500 years and jumps in anyway.
Time skip to the Immortal Sect arc! Or not.
Actually, I don’t have many ideas for it yet because I’m waiting for the drama to end, but here there’s more than enough to work with so far, so I’ll make another post with the second part + eventual additions next week after the ending.
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the-mundivagant · 7 years ago
Masterpost of Lise’s MCU fics on Tumblr [part 1]
Last updated August 10, 2020 (post 7 of p.114)
I had to split this post in two since it exceeded Tumblr’s link limit by a long way. [quick link to part 2]
General info
Links are taken from Lise's fic tag, #a wild fic appeared (chrono).
All the tags I link to are /chrono versions (posts listed in chronological order).
I included the page each fic is on so this post can be used as a directory of sorts to a web archive I made of the tag, but it’s not needed/optimal as long as the actual Tumblr is up and running.
As of August 2020, I’m still planning to keep this more or less updated...but I have absolutely no idea how often that’ll be. (It used to be approximately monthly in 2018. The most recent two updates were a year apart.)
Spoilers for the MCU (including Endgame) are unmarked.
Many thanks to Lise for answering my ridiculous number of questions, being very helpful and encouraging in general and also, of course, writing these incredible fics in the first place. :D
For reference, here’s a post listing some of the frequently-appearing prompts (”amuse me,” “break me,” etc.). The “first sentence” prompt meme is described here.
Main categories: Verses, Relationships, Other, and Tumblr Verses
Format: [page] [word count] title / “prompt” (notes)
(Fics crossposted to AO3 are in Predation)
[p.19] [306] “zip me” (nsfw)
[p.28] [642] “nurse me”
[p.28] [268] “break me” (nsfw)
[p.32] [1756] love me like the devil loves (nsfw)
[p.36] [183] “then there’s tongue”
[p.51] [869] “call me” (Tony & Loki, before the beginning of Privation?)
[p.53] [229] “dysfunctional Loki/Natasha”
[p.61] [121] “before the beginning” (pre Privation)
[p.67] [721] untitled (a morning after one of their sessions)
[p.71] [807] “things you didn’t say at all”
[p.98] [577] untitled (Natasha PoV of Purification) (nsfw)
Life In Reverse
[p.35] [561] "Coulson PoV of Loki’s arrival on Earth"
[p.37] [173] "Life in Reverse!Loki meets canon!Loki" (AU)
[p.60] [2008] "Natasha PoV of Loki’s capture by Doom and subsequent rescue"
[p.61] [1223] "Jane PoV of her diner conversation with Loki"
[p.62] [1332] "Natasha PoV of finding Loki after his meeting with Thanos"
[p.62] [1496] "Tony PoV of meeting with Loki after rescuing him from Doom"
[p.63] [1767] "Darcy PoV of Jane coming home after the diner conversation"
[p.74] [787] "Dr. Fisher PoV of her first meeting with Loki"
[p.85] [1332] "Jane PoV of going to see Loki while he’s being held by SHIELD"
[p.86] [645] "Natasha PoV of first meeting Loki"
[p.86] [605] "Natasha and Clint talking about Loki"
[p.87] [541] "Clint PoV after Loki’s rendezvous with Thanos"
[p.103] [1315] “Steve PoV on breaking Loki out of prison”
Now Three
[p.55] [325] untitled (planning for Sarah to bring a snack to class on movie day)
[p.56] [365] untitled ("uncle Thor being cute and loving")
[p.57] [385] “exhausted parents kiss”
[p.64] [1455] untitled ("talking to Sarah about being born a Jotun")
[p.71] [828] untitled ("Sarah’s first day of school")
Remember This Cold
(Fics crossposted to AO3 are in Every Little Earthquake, it’s what you make, and see you on the other side of the war)
(I also have a separate post here in which I attempted to collect all fics in this verse and list them in their in-universe chronological order; you can search for [T] to find all Tumblr-only fics)
[p.15] [290] “paint me” (takes place during Disarm)
[p.23] [1053] “telepathy”
[p.29] [238] “Loki vs. crab”
[p.39] [385] “yahoo me” (Tony & Loki, Steve’s birthday)
[p.40] [394] “paint me” (takes place during The sun no longer shines (on your side))
[p.46] [152] “enamor me” (Loki PoV of The sun no longer shines (on your side))
[p.47] [239] “secret meeting” (Steve & Natasha)
[p.48] [1921] untitled (AU) (Loki is controlled by the scepter/Thanos)
[p.50] [501] “join me” (Natasha & Loki, post only when you hit the ground)
[p.52] [228] “basorexia” (takes place before The sun no longer shines (on your side))
[p.56] [406] untitled ("Loki answers the door naked") (takes place between with an untrained voice and reflected in someone like me) (nsfw)
[p.56] [274] untitled ("Vali stalking Clint")
[p.58] [668] “jealous kiss”
[p.59] [3097] Unmade (AU) (Clint/Loki)
[p.60] [851] untitled (follow-up to The Tenth Floor)
[p.60] [821] untitled ("Steve has a nightmare about Hydra brainwashing Loki") (post Collapse the Light Into Earth)
[p.61] [1428] untitled (follow-up to “better together”) (nsfw)
[p.66] [522] "one falling asleep with their head in the other’s lap”
[p.69] [876] “things you said that made me feel like shit” (takes place between with an untrained voice and reflected in someone like me)
[p.69] [420] "things you said with no space between us”
[p.69] [506] “things you said when we were the happiest we ever were”
[p.70] [516] “things you said after it was over” (Loki & Bucky, post Collapse the Light Into Earth)
[p.71] [691] “patching up a wound”
[p.72] [1651] untitled (AU) (Thanos using Loki’s body as a way of “sightseeing”)
[p.72] [1342] untitled (AU) (follow-up to [p.72] [1651])
[p.74] [364] untitled (Steve PoV of (hang on) when the water is rising)
[p.79] [1063] untitled (nsfw)
[p.82] [1122] soldier on (post Collapse the Light Into Earth)
[p.88] [887] untitled (Bruce visits Loki)
[p.90] [1013] I’ll throw away my faith, just to keep you safe (Steve PoV, end of don’t care if heaven won’t take me back)
[p.92] [1554] how you gaze upon my bones (AU) (Doom succeeds in cloning Loki during The Vivisection Mambo)
[p.102] [1327] the world held fast (Sif PoV during This is My Kingdom Come)
Offshoots of the main timeline
[p.31] [1538] untitled (Frigga shows up on Earth)
[p.57] [2463] old friends
[p.62] [1633] untitled (Loki hurts himself doing magic in a fight assisting the Avengers)
[p.68] [1111] untitled (Steve PoV of [p.57] [2463] old friends)
[p.72] [689] untitled ("I thought you were going to die")
[p.93] [626] untitled (Loki & Wanda, "What do you think you’re doing?")
[p.96] [2239] Strange Magic
#the everything is awful au / like the restless sea (verse on AO3 here)
[p.101] [1877] and the deep river ran on
Sam and Loki are Roommates
(Fics crossposted to AO3 are in people wonder why we’re still together)
[p.8] [48] untitled (Thor comes to visit)
[p.9] [103] untitled (Thor & Dean have a conversation)
[p.10] [222] untitled (Sam & Loki clean up while hungover)
[p.11] [344] untitled (sick!Sam)
[p.14] [147] “drink me”
[p.14] [404] “call me”
[p.15] [284] “value me”
[p.16] [409] “yahoo me”
[p.16] [257] “tell me” (may not be canonical)
[p.16] [341] “invite me”
[p.16] [334] “zip me”
[p.17] [455] “paint me”
[p.22] [303] “accidental baby acquisition” (AU)
[p.27] [546] “mourn me” (AU)
[p.28] [509] untitled (sick!Loki)
[p.30] [533] untitled (Steve giving Loki a present)
[p.36] [160] untitled ("Loki believes Steve doesn’t like him back")
[p.44] [673] untitled (Loki PoV of Sam Winchester Is Not Your Therapist)
[p.49] [239] untitled (Loki and Sam acquire a dog)
[p.50] [977] “enamor me” ("Steve trying to woo Loki")
[p.59] [681] “'war’s end' kiss”
[p.73] [1360] Trouble Who’s A Friend of Mine
[p.74] [1871] “I just told you I liked you but now I’m shy and say ‘nevermind, forget it’” (Steve & Loki)
[p.80] [1556] Tides to Pull You Under
[p.81] [841] untitled ("Steve’s attitude to Loki’s gentleman-ness")
[p.84] [1809] untitled (Steve PoV of Into This Unknown Country)
we’re not friends, we’re strangers with memories
[p.30] [457] “I’m sick”
[p.30] [216] “before the beginning”
[p.44] [489] “kiss with a fist”
[p.50] [532] “quiet me”
[p.54] [863] “dysfunctional Clint/Loki” (AU) (nsfw)
[p.62] [696] untitled (Loki PoV, between chapters 7 and 8)
[p.66] [3747] the mistake was mine
[p.70] [588] “things you said that I wasn’t meant to hear”
Note: In AO3 terms, the relationships below should be listed as & or / since whether the relationship is platonic or not depends on the fic. I just went with & to make things simpler.
Clint & Loki
[p.4] [131] Pavlov’s Bell
[p.6] [119] untitled ("Clint wasn’t brainwashed")
[p.8] [172] “historical AU”
[p.12] [133] “Arda AU”
[p.14] [255] “kill me”
[p.17] [204] “offer me”
[p.22] [497] untitled (drunk!Loki)
[p.28] [712] “unbind me”
[p.31] [245] untitled (Loki PoV of The Walking Wounded)
[p.38] [163] “cooperation” (possibly from Strange Bedfellows)
[p.39] [183] “haunt me” (same verse as It Gazes Also?)
[p.40] [290] “get me” (possibly from Strange Bedfellows)
[p.43] [94] untitled ("successful helicarrier rescue")
[p.43] [217] untitled (Clint dreams about the Chitauri post Avengers)
[p.45] [380] “mourn me”
[p.45] [313] “remember me”
[p.50] [404] “unbind me”
[p.51] [663] “quiet me”
[p.53] [232] "dysfunctional Loki/Clint”
[p.57] [527] untitled ("Clint with a mistletoe arrow")
[p.58] [536] “kiss on the forehead”
[p.58] [833] “'I almost lost you' kiss”
[p.60] [2476] Clint Barton’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day
[p.61] [1190] Let All Mortal Flesh (nsfw)
[p.61] [2770] A Temple to Be Destroyed (possible part of a follow-up to Monstrosity / Abyss) (nsfw)
[p.62] [373] “before the beginning” (pre Monstrosity)
[p.65] [461] “hallucination induced by lack of sleep”
[p.69] [285] “things you didn’t say at all”
[p.80] [1337] lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate
[p.83] [1739] untitled (Loki appears and heals a mortally-wounded Clint)
[p.85] [1386] In Another Life (Clint PoV of Ghosts That We Knew)
[p.94] [742] “Hands off!” (during Avengers)
[p.94] [839] “Duck, you idiot!” (post TDW)
[p.97] [781] untitled (Clint feels Loki’s - near? - death in Infinity War via lingering-mental-connection)
[p.110] [76] First sentence prompt: “He/she/they shouldn’t have been so delighted.”
[continued in part 2]
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