#ostrich ballerina
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sonikubooman · 2 years ago
Sorry about that! I was just busy working on Weasel and Friends (And more other stuff too, I think.) because I haven't post any other of my artwork and here are the concepts for them!
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Willy Weasel - for normal, He often wears Sea Green and Turquoise striped propeller cap with purple ring, ivory stem red top and ivory wings and he wears green overalls with silver buttons. For the Beach outfit, He wears Sea Green and Turquoise striped swim trunks with with White tie. And for the PJs, He often wears red Shirt and Green pants with a Red bow.
Siren Sara - For her outfit (Normal),She wears a dark teal fairy dress with straps on her shoulders, white tights and ballerina shoes. For her beach outfit, she wears a beach hat with pail teal ribbon, greyish sky blue bathing suit and greyish sky blue shoes. and for her PJ outfit, She often wears a dark blue sweater, and blue and sky blue striped pants.
Tito Turtle - He only wears a shell and no shell. and also For his normal outfit, he often wears a dark blue and gold sombrero, and dark blue Mariachi Charro Suit. For beach outfit, he often wears a white and dark blue striped swim trunks. for PJs, He wears dark blue silk pajamas.
Arty Gator - Normal outfit, he wears a dark green French beret, a ivory atelier coat with colors on it, and dark teal pants with a hole on the left of the knee. Beach outfit, he wears a Hawaiian shirt, and white shorts. PJs outfit, he often wears white pajamas, and a dark pink robe with sky blue stripes.
Cammy Chameleon - Normal outfit she wears a white and pink Lolita dress, white socks, and hot pink Mary jane shoes. Beach outfit she wears a pink bathing suit top with white polka dots and black bathing suit bottom. PJs she wears a white spaghetti strap crop top with pink trim and pink shorts with white trim.
Knighty Knight - (He always wear a helmet or no helmet) He wears a gold helmet with a red feather on top, red tunic with a gold horse icon on the center and a gold trim, gold belt, gold armor, red gloves with gold trim, gold pants, and red boots with gold trim for normal. He wears a red and gold striped swim trunks for beach outfit. PJs is where he wears a lavender hat and humbug night gown with light purple polka dots.
Gus Gorilla - He wears a dark greyish lavender hat with yellow ribbon with purple polka dots, a white collar, and a yellow tie with a purple banana pattern for normal. He often wears a yellow swim trunks with purple polka dots on them and a white tie for beach. And PJs he often wears a white hat and pajama shirt with lavender stripes.
Ozzy Ostrich - (He wears glasses and no glasses) Normal outfit he wears black rounded glasses, white collar and a red bowtie. Beach outfit, he wears a beach hat with indigo ribbon and he has sunscreen on his beak. PJs he wears a turquoise PJ shirt with light sky blue stripes.
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Artist Presentation- Chosen Artist Paula Rego
Due to the fact that my topic for contextual studies is based on the sexualisation of women in the media, I’ve chosen a book based on the artist Paula Rego - The Dancing Ostriches from Disney’s ‘Fanatasia’. The book comprises of three parts: there is an introduction by Sarah Kent, an essay element by John McEwen and a series of images to do with the dancing ostriches by Paula Rego herself. The introduction part of the book focuses on the emphasis on the woman dressed up in ballet attire as (Kent,pg 1) describes as “crammed into skimpy black tutus and pink ballet pumps”. It seems to me that this suggests that the women don’t really have much satisification in their lives with their facial expressions noted as “grim” and “lifeless”. Rego created a series of images of ballerinas in black tutus inspired by Walt Disney’s animation Fantasia. Kent comments that the cartoon “demeaned the birds and animals portrayed” as well as the cartoon emphasising the negative impact of constant “strenuous training” where women were more sexualised rather than applauded for their craft. The text also mentions that Degas who is a French artist back in the day was a huge inspiration to Paula Rego’s dancers however he definitely diminished women more so rather than proclaiming “reality”. She also comments that the art piece herself connotes women as “ostriches”. This suggests to me that stereotypically men like to use words such as ‘chick’, or ‘duck’ as a nickname however it also depends on personal interpretation as some women will probably like it but some women will be offended by the comment.
The next part of the text focuses on a short essay by John McEwen titled “ The ostriches: A tribe of bird women on the edge of the sea”. Like Kent, ( McEwen, pg 7), states that Paula Rego was very much inspired by ‘Fantasia’ which is what she wanted to contribute to. For example, he comments that the “ostriches in the film perform the waking or ‘ Morning’ sequence from Dance of the Hours a ballet in the opera La Gioconda by Amilcare Ponchieli.” After this, a series of animators did a range of sketches of ballet dancers showing off their dance movements as well as their range. There was a ‘very tall, very ostrich like girl’ and from then on “ we put a few feathers on her costume where ostrich feathers should appear (….) and she performed the routine to perfection”. This text is very interesting because it exemplifies to me just how much Paula Rego was inspired to take upon her interpretation of Fantasia through her own series of ‘The Ostriches’. This is beneficial to my research project because this text allows me to look into the behind the scenes of a well- renowned artist and how I could create a piece of meaningful artwork that resembles how I think women have been sexualised at our present day and age. Rego also used a model called Lila Nunes to model for the pictures that used to make her laugh however Rego’s main aim was to make the ballerinas depict a “ very deep feeling”. This links to psychology and is quite significant to my topic because she alludes that “most people don’t acknowledge certain feelings which (…) become more difficult as they get older.” I think this is an excellent way to portray the expressions in the ballerinas that are in the book further as illustrations as it can lead to multiple interpretations.
A passage that I found quite notable to analyse would be:
“ Maybe most people don’t acknowledge certain feelings, maybe that’s why they can become more difficult as they get older. Feelings almost too dark to speak of. I think women accept their feelings more than men. They’re more open about them, they talk more about them with each other. A man will say: ‘ Everything’s fine’, when it isn’t. This may explain why the adverse criticism of Rego’ pictures has come exclusively from men.”
I chose this piece of text because I find it quite interesting that the author of the book chooses to look at an area of psychology to have links within the artwork she has created/ the message she wants to convey to us as an audience. In relevance to the artists artwork, these images are definitely used in a way to convey how ballerinas feel as if implying that it is very obvious to tell if a woman is upset with something or are there even little signs. Whereas, with a man that is less obvious to tell maybe even through an artwork in which he would be portrayed.
Image selected within the book:
(Figure 1)
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( Figure 2) These pieces of artwork are relevant in understanding the text because it links back to my chosen passage. Clearly in ( Figure 2), the expression of the ballerina is very solemn and her facial features look somewhat strained and quite tired. It could be argued that the way the woman is painted clearly shows her ‘emotions’ and ‘feelings’ in a way in which if a male audience saw this, they could think it’s an ‘exaggeration’ or the depiction is unnecessary. Some could argue that the ballerina is a bit ‘ sexualised’ because her whole body is out on display which can lead to some conflicted views. The black costume gives the audience an impression of an ‘ostrich’ like mentioned in the text before, considering ostriches have black plumages and their costume are meant to resemble their feathers. In ( Figure 1), the ballerinas are portrayed in a larger group, and again linking to the passage; emotions are quite prevalent here because the women look as if they’d been practicing ballet their entire lives with the black colour palette hinting a mysterious and ‘death-like’ atmosphere. This could suggest that their craft could be leading them to a state of lack of passion, that they are being destroyed both “physically” and “mentally” by ballet which again highly links to how openly womens emotions are shown to the audience just through an irrevocably, powerful painting.
Kent, S and McEwen, J, ( Date;unknown), “ Paula Rego- The Dancing Ostriches from Disneys ‘Fantasia’, Saatchi Collection
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isa-abdullah-blog-blog · 6 months ago
NU BLEND FOOTWEAR (AFRIKAN NATION) BLACK OSTRICH Bow ballerina flat - By Isa Abdullah - Support this project - pristine Italian leather - $189 - $20 Coupon: QAVKGOJXPRC
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pushovermediacritic · 7 months ago
Fantasia Short Rankings
Here's my ranking of all the shorts in both Fantasia and Fantasia 2000, from best to worst. And I apologize, but I will be ranking these almost entirely based on the animation and how the music pairs with it. The songs are classical pieces, so there's no reason to rate one higher or lower based on just how much I like the song itself, it's not like Disney made them.
Firebird Suite (forest sprite vs volcano bird). Absurdly gorgeous animation, cute character dynamics despite only having 3 characters, and a really nice character arc of curiosity, fear, trauma, hope, and rebirth that perfectly demonstrates a real scientific phenomenon (life springing back after an eruption) is a beautiful manner.
Rhapsody in Blue (people in city). I love this short. It probably has the best music-to-animation synching out of any Fantasia short. This is one of the few Fantasia shorts where I can't imagine the song without this animation put to it. The animation style is fantastic, the four interweaving stories are great, and the overall tone is sympathetic and fun. My only gripe is John's wife getting way too harsh of an ending.
Pomp and Circumstance (Donald Duck Noah's Ark). The classic Noah's ark story with a different classic "two lovers separate and think the other's dead, just barely missing each other constantly" comedic set-up. I think this short is great, with gorgeous animal animation and great comedic timing. I think this short is better than The Sorcerer's Apprentice, though just by a hair.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Mickey the magic novice). I think Mickey's short is the best of the original Fantasia, but it doesn't hit the same highs of 2000. It has a really fun story, with lots of extremely iconic scenes and segments. There's a reason it's the only short that got remade into a full movie and even included in 2000.
Pines of Rome (flying whales). As nonsensical as they are, I like the flying whales, I'm a defender of this one. The CGI works better here than in The Steadfast Tin Soldier, and the use of light, ice refraction, and water is really pretty. And I don't mind the simple story, with the baby whale getting separated from its parents. The final sequence is beautiful.
Dance of the Hours (ballet of ostriches, hippos, elephants, and alligators). It's always funny to me that this is one of the more iconic Fantasia shorts. After Yen Sid and Chernabog, Hyacinch Hippo seems to be the most iconic Fantasia-original character. This is also one of the few genuinely hilarious Fantasia shorts. Even if half the jokes are fat jokes, they're usually fat jokes on the alligators being out of their depth as predators trying to hunt hippos and elephants, not on the hippos and elephants, who are as nimble and graceful as ballerinas should be. And the dancing is really creative and energetic.
Symphony No. 5 (light butterflies vs dark bats). Pretty basic "good vs evil" story, with abstract shapes to introduce the animation to music concept, similar to Toccata and Fugue in the original Fantasia. Except this short is much better than Toccata and Fugue because it actually has characters and a plot.
Night on Bald Mountain (demons and monks). As cool as the demons are, the entire second half with the monks really drags it down. That's probably just a me thing, though. As a Jew, anything Christian is just super annoying. I totally understand other people rating it much higher.
The Rite of Spring (dinosaurs). I liked this one as a kid, but nowadays, the inaccuracies in the dinosaur portrayals are too infuriating to ignore. The beginning with the world forming was longer than I remember, and the water animation here is really nice.
Piano Concerto No. 2, Allegro, Opus 102 (The Steadfast Tin Soldier). Well, it sure is "Disney's 'The Steadfast Tin Soldier'", complete with a changed happy ending. Obviously it was inspired by Toy Story, but it doesn't really get across the same feeling. Not bad, just kind of mediocre.
The Nutcracker Suite. (flora, fauna, and fairies dance the changing of the seasons). This short always reminds me of Little April Showers from Bambi. Would rank better, except there's quite a bit of racism. Between the Chinese mushrooms, Arabian fish, and Russian flowers, literally half the short (3/6 segments) is stereotypes. Not sure why Disney isn't more ashamed of this short, since they censored The Pastoral Symphony.
The Pastoral Symphony (greek centaur party). Racism issue. Even in the censored version, there's still some racism left like the black zebra centaurs who carry Bacchus in and then don't get to participate in the party. The story is also lame and doesn't really amount to anything. They were gonna have a match-making centaur party, but then Zeus crashed it. That's it.
The Carnival of the Animals, Finale (flamingo with a yo-yo). Cute, but really underwhelming. Decent music synch, but it's just forgettable. Doesn't help that the flamingo is actually annoying to the audience.
Meet the Soundtrack (a white line). Boring. More interesting and humorous than Toccata and Fugue, but still lame.
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (abstract lines and shapes). The first short of the first Fantasia sucks. I thought it was boring as a kid, I think it's boring now. I guess it's okay as an introduction to the concept, but I don't really think "animation set to music" was such a revolutionary idea that it needed an introduction, even in 1940.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Reprise). Sorry, but I legitimately hate that they just repeated Mickey's short again in Fantasia 2000, with no changes. Complete waste of time.
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disneyrover · 1 year ago
Discovering the Magic of Disney's Fantasia Gardens (Part Two)
Need something to do on a non-park day? Want to take a break from the parks Play some mini golf at Fantasia Gardens! (part 2)
In the previous article, we visited the front half of the Gardens course of Fantasia Gardens. In this article, we will visit the back half of the course. Three ostrich ballerinas Finishing the front half of this course, we pay a visit to a few dancing ostrich ballerinas. This hole is a simple, winding course and shouldn’t pose too much difficulty. The only challenge is the length, since it’s a…
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essentialartsvibe · 2 years ago
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notalisonyet · 4 years ago
Re-Impressions: Fantasia (1940)
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Like many others, when I was a child, the only reason I wanted to watch Fantasia was to see the “Sorceror’s Apprentice” segment, which I enjoyed every time. Yes, the dancing crocodiles and hippos were fun, and the mountain monster near the end was impressive, if you could stay awake that long. But the rest of the movie was boring.
I’m afraid I haven’t matured enough since: I have trouble enjoying the abstract segments because I‘m impatient to get to the “good parts” that have narrative structure. Alas, I too am a Philistine.
The host introduces the first section (Toccata and Fugue in D Minor) by essentially saying, “First you’ll see this, and then you’ll see that,” and I want to tell him, “Get on with it! You don’t have to tell us what we’ll see, just show it and let us judge for ourselves!” Then I realize, when Fantasia first appeared he DID have to explain what audiences were going to see. It was too new and different.
The host said The Nutcracker was seldom seen but we would probably recognize the music. Was he making a joke or was it only after his time that The Nutcracker became a Christmas staple across the U.S.? (But he did say “opera,” was he separating that from the ballet?)
-sultry fish enact a veil dance
-the dancing mushrooms are simply adorable if you manage to not think of them as racial stereotypes
-cute seasonal pixies make leaves and snowflakes dance to Tchaikovsky
Okay, now, when the host describes the plot of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” right before we see it, that IS unnecessary and ridiculous.
Despite awesome dramatic shots of volcanoes and dinosaurs, the “Rite of Spring” segment really drags.
Who thought of pegasoi as waterfowl?
Somehow when I was a child the bathing sequence of topless female centaurs failed to register.
I really have to think these two centaur mares have something going on.
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Right, there are ostrich ballerinas too. (A brilliant choice.)
OH. And not just ONE hippo ballerina. Because that wouldn’t be enough.
The early part of “Night on Bald Mountain” features a marvelous effect for the rising ghosts, like curled paper wisping above the background.
The early part of “Ave Maria” shows the beauty of the multiplane camera, as we look through trees at the procession.
The movie as a whole just might possibly perhaps be a smidge too long. Just maybe.
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littlewalken · 3 years ago
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Either Disney animators didn't know and didn't care the ballerina ostriches are boys or someone knew they were creating drag queen avian dinosaurs pantsless thunder geese.
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daniellaux429 · 6 years ago
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Drawgust 24 - Fantasia meets Fantasia 2000 by me!
It's time for another Drawgust drawing, & today's piece is a piece of movie fanart that deals in stark contrasts. To clarify, this is fanart for Walt Disney's magnum opus Fantasia & its sequel Fantasia 2000. Some of you know that Fantasia is my favorite movie of all time. I also happen to think that Fantasia 2000 is a very good follow-up, even if it's not nearly as good as the original. I thought it would be fun to do something that illustrates how different the two movies are. So, I drew a piece where the lead ostrich, I believer her name is Madame Upanova, from the Dance of the Hours segment in the original Fantasia comes across the yo-yo playing flamingo from the Carnival of the Animals segment of Fantasia 2000. She is very confused by fast paced silliness of this flamingo, which is a stark contrast to the more dignified comedy she partakes in. Enjoy!
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desertrosemain · 6 years ago
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my contribution to the meme
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dontpetcreations · 3 years ago
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Most people believe the Nectarina is a ballerina who was magically transformed into a nectarine by a witch or a wizard or a Starbucks barista. This is false. In fact, the Nectarina is a nectarine that spent over two decades deep in the jungles of Antarctica learning the mystical art of fruit ballet by world-famous ballet coach Sir Reginald McTablecloth. I bet you feel pretty stupid now, don't you? #ostrich #ballerina #ballet #silly #nectarine #fruit #alphabetcreatures #alphabet #animals #sticker #stickers #stickerbomb #stickerslapping #stickerbusiness #sale #freeshipping #canadianartist #art https://dontpetcreations.ecrater.com/p/38213876/n-is-for-nectarina-sticker-3x-2-peachy https://www.instagram.com/p/CXSY5RsLEtO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bebemoon · 3 years ago
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anna pavlova look .
maticevski blush bodice with voluminous peplum tulle skirts and trailing sash dress
vintage ostrich feather fan w/ mother of pearl handle
cantilène 70′s “pavlova” fragrance w/ dying swan cap
reike nen blush pink square-toe ballerina slippers
house of patou wedding headdress w/ crystal beaded embroidery, c. 1926
christian dior gold flower and pearl earrings
gucci tan “molina” tights
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isa-abdullah-blog-blog · 1 year ago
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lpsotd · 2 years ago
I had this ballerina hippopotamus as a kid and I lost her a long time ago, I've always been a little sad about that. The tutu was flimsier cloth and it was an older generation. Do you think you could help me out?
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i think you might be talking about hippo #1415 ?? she's a generation three pet that came in a 'pet pairs' pack alongside ostrich #1416. i'm very sure this is it (the only hippo in a tutu to my knowledge), but do let me know if i am wrong
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mannytoodope · 2 years ago
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Lt. Dangle: I’ve had some boots on layaway here at Zapateria la Ballerina. For western fashions here in Seito, You really can’t beat Zapateria la Ballerina. Well, you can, but not at these prices, really. Let’s do it! It’s go time! Genuine ostrich. 3 payments. Oh! Wait, what? I’m just goofin’. New boot goofin’. Oh! 
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