mar 25
I want to go out and do something today that I can do later and I don't know how many tickets it will take and I want enough tickets for tomorrow morning.
Really wish the vampire who's been visiting me these last few days could at least cook me steak and eggs in the morning.
Slowly watching a bit of Gatchaman here and there. I first saw it as Battle of the Planets, which I haven't seen all of nor did I even have all of until it magically manifested on my hard drive even tho have two DVD box sets. I have the full series of the original Gatchaman in sub and dub as well as the 1994 OAVs. Fighter and all that again manifested as well as what I could find of Eagle Riders and G-Force. That thing has had more dubs than I've had hot dinners.
And the original Gatchaman is a pretty decent lesson in setting up a villain twist with the whole Berg Katse thing. It took until like episode 88 for all the loose ends to be pulled together altho there were plenty of clues and you know what, no one cared if Berg was male or female, a villain is a villain.

Photo is half related because in finally unmasking Katse the team doesn't recognize them, Berg Katze and Baron from another anime technically are "them", and I responded how having it be someone like Duncan Jones (Bowie) or Scarlet Page (Lead Zeppelin) could be funny because of how much they look like their famous fathers. Or you find out it's Julian Lennon as the leader of an intergalactic evil organization and he's absolutely thriving.
Just gave myself an idea for a side story for some OCs. No one had ever asked (not jack) if he was the masked leader of (something). I have a life away from (where people know him from) you know.
And finally Miraculous 6-11 Revelation probably spoiling talk after the unrelated picture. I really need to download more that aren't character design sheets.
Still his look of shhhhheeeeiiiiitttt is appropriate.
What I really like is the secrets being little balls or gems which opens up some ideas for other things. In a way having Marinette's secret, which we don't learn but is probably not telling Adrien his father was Monarch related, being a physical thing someone can literally get their hands on.
Alya's anger and 'we gotta talk' is preparation for what's to come and a symbol of the Spider-Man level of guilt Marinette is carrying.
Remember, Cat Noir cataclysmed Monarch in that one episode. No one else knows Adrien is Cat Noir but once he knows who his father was it's going to eat that boy alive and there's a good chance he'll get akumatized. Then he'll get to figuring out the broken peacock miraculous might have had something ot do with his birth and his mother's death.
And it just hit me there could be a Gimmie wish to make Adrien or Felix a "real boy" at the cost of someone else not being "real".
But instead of Marinatte facing the music just yet we learn that Cat Noir can kind of cataclysm memories out of existence which also brings up the thought he could try to zap what he did to his father out of his own mind.
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No spoilers Miraculous Revelator
MLB 6-11 Revelator NO SPOILERS
Haven't seen the episode but I did see an in depth review so I know how it ends.
It will open up plot complications for future episodes.
Alya learns something but we don't know what but she has a reaction that will make you wonder what it is and what could happen if someone else finds out.
Cat Noir will get a new ___ and it's kind of an "it's about time" thing.
Fan fiction will love both of these.
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mar 24
I tell you wut, one of the reasons Gen X has been generally okay with blurring gender lines is Berg Katse from Gatchaman. The original 70s Tatsunoko one, not the 1994 one or anyone that came after. Look, Sandy Frank, we knew.
And I can't find that old censorship thing about an anime, along the lines of very violent very concerning, but I know I have it somewhere and like So Beautiful So Dangerous it would make a great title for a bit like in the movie Heavy Metal. Which it already is for the nose dive scene. I still haven't settled on a title for something I'm half calling Dangerous, So mostly after the band and the song or When in Rome. It like all comes down to which one is used for the animatic and even then the action would be tweaked to fit the song better.
Also I need to remember to look and see if the Mr Roboto one is still in the pile because one of my bins of paper work, with sort of pre animatics, comic book layouts, and other similar things, fell victim to "it's Little Walken's so it doesn't matter if it gets damaged" somewhere along the line.
something something Got a shelf but it's still not quite the trinket shelf I wanted but its a nice shelf something something just too anemic to do much of anything and saving all my tickets for Wednesday morning something something
Last chance for y'all to come get the flat knitting machines. I ain't never gonna use them.
But yeah, I just might catch Gatchaman again, the fan fiction is already starting to talk amongst its self.

Wow, that pic is tiny. And don't yassify them or what ever it is the kids are saying these days. They have to look like Speed Racer's cousins and their pants have to look like they're on drugs and the only queer trans is Berg and if you race swap anyone outside of the professor, unless it's a whole new organic team of purple people, I will personally kill you.
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mar 23
Well, surprise road trip yesterday and among the spoils both sets of cat tea cups, didn't realize I'd be molding them completely myself but on the other hand more molds, another sleeping cakes, a plastic crack I already had because it was wearing someone else's pinhole, one I purposefully got a copy of because I wanted to make it, and one I didn't have from another line.
I'm still gonna look for a mandrake in the wild, I already have one but a second won't hurt because that will give me extras of all three rare potions I could trade for the rare Honeydukes.
Really thinking now that our first Betta spoiled us by being so laid back. He's the one that only flared when he wanted to get caught in the tank current and go sailing until he splatted in to one of the plants.
Frosty wasn't the most aggressive, I think, but he did chase others and liked to greet me with a GO TO HELL mild flare and at least once a week a full blown GO FUCK YOURSELF. We're wondering if he got mad at his own reflection or something. Either way we're not getting another Betta until we have a tank for just him and shrimp.
If you're gonna get shrimp, glass ones are cheap and fun, get them a patch of grass. Our shrimp have taken over the long thin grass plant. They like the denser ones they can hide in and on.
On the tatting side of life I'm thinking some sort of small bag might be a goal to aim for, but if I haven't figured out a larger thing to make by the next craft club meeting I might sideline to crochet or something else for awhile. Right now I'm making a single shuttle round motif with picots to get the tension to become muscle memory. If there ends up being enough of those to make something then I will.
I almost felt like drawing. I almost felt like writing.
Did get started on a watch of a movie I haven't seen in forever, if I ever saw the beginning of it, and it's not related to anything I'm even remotely thinking about and that's nice.
Oh and something something the art in the Jem and the Holograms comic book is so ugly because the designer is a trans woman which explains everything to me something something making them fat gay fetish models only made it worse something something it's supposed to be a female rock star fantasy call me back when you actually get that something something Rio and Eric are supposed to be a dichotomy for Jerrica which is why Riot suddenly throws her for a loop something something if you wanted a drag queen fetish art version then you should have just made it something something
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mar 22
If I'm already selling the thing(s) at a discount I'm not going lower. I don't want them out of my house that bad. I'm a few beads and keychain rings away from making something I could get a hell of a lot more money for, I just have other things I want to spend my time on.
And on the other side of selling things anything i get over what I originally paid for that PVC backpack purse is fine by me. No regrets buying it for it has taught me that even if it's a high quality clear plastic backpack we still won't be happy together.
Don't worry, kids, Little Walken never gets rid of a purse they liked or worked well until it's literally falling apart and unsalvageable as a holder of things because Little Walken's last job required different "looks" down to the purses.
And you know what, I can probably use that purple Siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp set again if I wanted to. You want to know who had a problem with that purse? Absolutely no one. I took it to Disneyland and everyone loved it. I only stopped because it's a big ass messenger bag and a backpack was more comfortable to wear all day.
So yeah, maybe for five minutes the blue haired weirdos won in the 'I have enough going on I don't need a fuckhead bothering me about my purse' department. Then I realized in my daily life I still have not had a personal encounter with they/them.
I've been in a restaurant with one of those has tics for attention types, it amazingly stopped when no one gave them any, and I've been trying to hear at a doctor's office over a fat fuck who had eaten themselves to immobility squealing for a candy bar, I've seen all sorts of crotch goblins, but I've yet to see a blue haired they/them.
And if I've been in a restroom with a trans woman I'd never know.
On the tatting side of things needle tatting is pretty easy, have a needle about the same size as the string you want to use. I'm not talking split ring, which is actually a rather easy way to start, but full ring and chain motifs. This will soon leave cro-tatting as the last one I'm slightly struggling with but that seems to go well if the string is bigger than the hook.
What it's going to be in the end is figuring out what sort of something I ultimately want to make out of tatting lace, like a scarf or something. The bulk of the size 20 thread I bought was and still is for a tiny crochet doll. I picked up half the other sizes because I wanted to make a crochet gage book, which I keep with the steel hooks, and/or it was on sale. Some of it was with card or rigid heddle weaving in mind, some for the kumihimo disc but there's plenty of unlabled embroidery floss for that.
PS: that thought you had about how the Jem and the Holograms comic book was ugly, they didn't get it at all, making everyone fat didn't make anything better because it's a female fantasy and we all want to look leggy and able bodied, all female cast but for Rio and Eric or Takarazuka Revue it, if you want drag queens or trans in it then they can have their own production, this is for the ovaries
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smarch 21, first day of thring
Finally the beautiful Smarch weather was upon us and it was the traditional time to bring out the vacuum cleaner.
I've been saying "Lousy Smarch weather" since I first heard it on the Simpsons and I shall say it forever more.
If you have Echolalia focusing it on amusing and/or helpful sayings is a good use for it. And my brain injury causes me to occasionally use things like "American horse pirate" if it can't remember "cowboy" in the moment or I'll say something that sounds similar.
I was watching a news event live stream recently and one of the reporters did a sound check warm up with the pinball numbers from Sesame Street. My only disappointment was the person running the channel I was watching didn't recognize the song.
Half the reason Gen X is annoyed with the ignorance and stupidity of you kids on our internet lawn is we...
Managed to make a round tatting motif with a couple of layers. Not sure if I'm going to go beyond that today or put it aside for a little while. Finally got to the eye doctor, if I wait until October my glasses will be free. Yay 'Murica. Only set back is the shelf I wanted which is made of metal somehow has less of a weight capacity per shelf than the cheaper one next to it that's made of graham crackers.
Going to try and do some spring cleaning today.
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FashionInPaper has a better picture of the dolls than I do https://www.tumblr.com/fashioninpaper/776856101904924672 but I have their clothes
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Making contact with humans: The "crafting club"
An easy way to make contact with other humans is to join something referred to as a "crafting club". This is an informal gathering where humans gather together to make things with string, affixing sparkles to things, or sewing by hand. Clubs where sewing machines are used are often separate because of the noise.
It is helpful to already have some sort of craft that you are working on, one that does not require a lot of paint or glue and can be taken to the club location is best. Making things with string is the most common craft. You do not need to know how to make anything nor do you need to have a certain level of skill. You work on your own project at your own pace and learn about other crafts you might want to try.
You may find you want to join a conversation. At a crafting club it is common to ask "What are you making?" "What are you doing?" "How do you do that?" These are honest questions because other crafters are curious. You are welcome to ask them the same questions.
Other crafters may compliment your craft or skill, thank them. You may compliment their craft or skill.
If you are having difficulty with your craft project someone in the club might know how to help you. If you have helpful advice you may give it. Be cautious about info dumping but on occasion there might be discussions about different types of yarn or a tool preference.
When in doubt craft related topics are usually safe subjects to discuss.
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mar 20
How to try and pack bond with humans- see human(s) doing a small task like making things with string or decorating something with small shiny disks. Approach humans and join them to make your own things with string or decorate something.
To initiate conversations ask "What are you making?" but this is an informal setting and you do not need a formal invitation to join. Topics of conversation may not be contained to the making of things with string or the decorating of things with shiny disks but when in doubt the general topic of making things and sharing/asking about what types of things everyone makes is a good guide.
Be prepared for human(s) to have only heard of what you are making but have never seen it "in person" and want to see how it is made. They are curious creatures and like to learn different ways of making things, even if they are not successful at first. Part of a human's nature is just to attempt to make something or complete a task. If you are having trouble with making your string things the human(s) are in general understanding as they too had difficulties when learning to make things with string.
So when I go back next week I'm going to remember to bring one of my tatting lace making books so people can see what finished pieces should look like. I'm still working on two shuttles or string and ball to make chains and loops with consistent tension but most of the people there were knitting or crocheting so they totally get where tension issues come from.
On a bummer note it looks like Frosty the Betta isn't well, we've had him for about a year, don't know how old he is or anything as he came from the pet store.

I'm sorry you can't see him in the picture (bottom center) because they become invisible when they hold still ;) But he's not as white and ice blue shiny as he's been, nor is he going after food or flaring. If he does go this will be the last Betta for a little while and when and if there's room in the tank we'll get guppies or something else with flowing fins.
Like our last Betta he's got skirts, platties, a couple of algae eaters, and who knows how many shrimp. Aside from shrimp add other fish without flowing fins at your own risk. I think Blue Fish being so chill kind of spoiled us. The only time he'd flair was to catch the tank current so it would splat him against something.
Meanwhile I got to where I didn't want to use up any more luck yesterday when I used the pinhole trick on the Harry Potter potions balls and got not only the cakes that I was missing but another tea set. I took the outer wrapper off the tea set but not the inner one yet so I cna use it to possibly trade in the future.
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mar 19 part two
Much more successful in the attempt to make friends today. I shall attempt to make it to a weekly gathering of bring some form of craft and socialize. Must remember to bring an example of more complete tatting than I has pn hand, should I manage one. If someone else remembers I might end up with extra shuttles tho I could only use a spare Bates/Boye one.
If only I didn’t end up spending most of it undoing what I was attempting to tat due to my still working on getting the tension and picots working well.
Then I hit up a box store for Italian dressing, discovered a new flavor of soup to try, and got the potions class cakes I was missing and a spare tea set for half price.
Thnak you Satan, Orgo the god who lives in that lake over there, Santa Selina, the particular Christopher who watches over me and enjoys little plastic trinkets, or whomever brought us together.
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Redid the tank to spread out and add more hiding spots for Frosty and friends, he puts himself front and center.
None of the other fish have flowing fins but get tank mates for a betta at your own risk.
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mar 19
Going to attempt to make contact with humans and attempt to start on the road towards a friendship again today by attending a crocheting and crafting club gathering. I have a small kit of string and tools to make things from the string so I believe I should qualify to attend.
Autism is always having the feeling in the back of your mind that it's a "No Homers" situation going on. While I could understand having to have a Cabbage Patch Doll to have been part of that club just telling me that you weren't ever going to let me join anything you did would have cleared things up immediately.
Look, even tho I am socially awkward and even the group things I paid for like Girl Scouts always found a way to exclude me from anything that wasn't officially for the whole group I can also understand wanting times away from Timmy just to be "normal".
I mean, perhaps some times you have to tell autistic kids in age appropriate ways they are autistic and help them play blend in with the humans a bit better so they have an easier time in life. Not quite masking, not telling the autistic kid to copy someone else, just little things like even how to have a "hey, I like your ___" "thank you I like your ___" exchange can help.
We were there in the grocery store, we were in the condiment aisle, I asked you if we needed any condiments. Now we have to go back out for Italian dressing.
I did so good yesterday, noped out of a situation before it caused a melt down. I even touched raw chicken. After a couple meals where the bone in chicken came out in differing levels of doneness I took kitchen scissors to the tray we bought yesterday and literally cut the meat off of it. Having food handling gloves would make the task easier but it worked and the cut off meat took up way less pace to store.
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Legend has it if you do 'I'm Gonna Be (500 miles)' in this music style David Tennant will manifest.
Dr Demento fans will recognize this from the song The Scotsman.
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You don't know how relieved to know I probably have autism because I've spent a life time being told to my face I could just make friends if I only tired.
So here's how the latest trying went-
Sign up a month in advance for an hour long late breakfast with an adult age minimum surrounding a national holiday. Signing up usually means they want to know how many people to prepare for. There are plenty of "breakfast" foods that are safe. The holiday adds guidelines for what to wear. This can be managed. It's not formal, you can leave without being impolite if it's too much.
Actual thing- Lots of people, not general public but still including at least one child running free. Too loud and crowded to even think. No controlled/designated seating outside of seats distinctly reserved for not you. One set meal, which could normally be dealt with, but too much of it is not "safe" to your autism. (Did eat at regular breakfast time so thankfully wasn't hungry). Does include actual can't eat it because of an allergy items so the whole plate is out of the question. Then we're going to bring in someone else who obviously has a higher level of autism and is one look at what they're trying to pass off as the "bread" for the meal from melting down.
I am going to see if they have some other event, not in that room tho, which is a little bit more controlled. But it is such a relief to know it's not because I'm not "trying hard enough" or "being difficult" (tell me again to my face) but I have a neurological condition I can't help and quietly noping myself out of the situation was the best thing I could do.
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mar 18
Trying a little something just to see how it works. SO far it's at least put off for the morning so I can try to blend in with the humans.
Not sure if I should saw more about the lolcows, schadenfreude, and c'mon EWU don't let us down with the FOIA or not. One should put down the internet and perhaps never come back, the other should embrace the opportunity they've been given to gain some health points but we know they won't.
Had to give most of yesterday to the allergy symptoms away pill, or have my face hurt, so I spent a lot of time with that.
Yes I purchased a Robert Shenanigan DVD like I have to purchase a lot of his work, from inside the trench coat of someone asking if I want to pay $20 for it. On one hand if we get another legit but bare bones DVD of the final season then this is the same but cheaper, if we get something nice with extras this was only $20 and I can give it to someone else.
Which reminds me if you are a collector of things Robert Sheehan let me know because I have a rare Emmy box version of season 1 of Umbrella Academy that I don't really need/want or even think I've viewed.
And if the upload speed gods are on my side I might get to putting something somewhere to access. It might be a potato screen recording but it'll be something.
Kids who grew up with the internet, but aren't in to lost media, don't understand the struggle nor the joy at just having something in grainy SLP because at least you knew you had it.
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Studios-People don't want physical media.
The people-Look! I can get the entire series of Blorbo and Friends on DVD from Overseas Potatoes With Hard Phoenician Subs in a region that only plays on North Sentinel Island!
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mar 17
Just don't touch me, how about that?
In the middle of the night my brain did sort of think of a way that you could do a double picot with needle tatting in the middle of the night. If you can needle tat you can basically cro-tat but choose a string the same thickness as your hook if not a bit thicker for an easier time. Cro-tat hooks are also useful for beaders. Note to self play with the Tunisian hook to see what I can get.
Spent most of yesterday sleeping or recovering from sleeping so...
Got to go out today to get some groceries, yeah it's St Patrick's Day and all but the bread shouldn't be green like that. Trying to do things I need and want to do while budgeting my tickets because I really do want to do the thing tomorrow where I might be able to make friends.
Some of y'all didn't grow up with such a limited amount of clothes for school where you didn't even own anything with (enough) green on it and other kids were allowed to physically assault you and it shows. So between Valentine's Day and St Patrick's Day my depression was always at its lowest from before I was in double digits and no one cared to find out why.
So really don't tell me where to shop or what I can or cannot buy because having the freedom and money to decide for myself is a lot of what is keeping me alive. It's also a testament to my character that I'm not a shopaholic and/or hoarder because of it.

Then came the St Patrick's Day most of us got up early for puptatoes and that helped make things a hell of a lot better because now my first memories will always be of them.

Finn never grew in to his wrinkles.
Trying different containers to see if I can contain a bunch of somethings to make it easier to use them. Or maybe switching around containers to hold things is a stim.
Feeling physically better than I have all month which is nice.
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