#origins smp headcanon
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kiwibirdlafayette · 3 months ago
At the Heart of the Aether :: Starborne Physiology and their Related Species
(DISCLAIMER all of this is based on my personal headcanons, worldbuilding and interpretation of the OSMP canon. If you disagree, that's totally fine just don't be rude about it! Thanks <3)
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Greetings traveler, and welcome back to the Galactic Aether. I am known to outsiders only as the Historian, and I am here to be your humble guide to the fantastical, mysterious and volatile beings that make up this realm we here call home.
So hold tight, open your minds and prepare to take the leap of faith.
The Mystical Realm of the Star
Of the beings which inhabit this wonderful vast galactic skyspace, those whom you'll will run into the most are those who call themselves starborne. While not the most powerful beings, they are a race of technologically advanced, mystical and magical folk who are unlike anyone you'll ever meet on the three constant planes of reality.
Born from the core of stars, these are creatures made up of light, nebulous matter and various other material that lie within the Aether. When a starborne is brought into existence, a fragment from a central star (which can be of any shape and size, though its power level can potentially have an effect on the nature of the starborne) is forged into a crystalline core. The core itself is imbued with a magic that emits a gravitational field that when a starbornes forms (or reforms following a temporary death) it allows them to hold all of that star-nebulaness tightly together in a solid, human-like organic form.
For the most common type of starborne, known in common as Nebulai, these folk tend to present as humanoids, their bodies partly skin, the other visible star matter. It is thought that the more stable a starborne is, the neater the spots of galaxy will present on them. These 'star spots' are considered the sources of our magic and power, as if we do need to attack, the star energy will be drawn from these areas (typically hands and arms)
The colors of a Nebulai are not necessarily dependent on anything in particular aside from familial ties, though it has been believed that a starborne's color can be reflective of one's personality, sense of self or even a show of status. The only exception to this rule is of course, the red coloration of the crown royals, as only our King Dianite and his son, Prince Jordan Sparklez will ever be that color. If one ever finds another starborne who's particle color matches that of the prince, it may be a sign we aren't in the right place anymore.
While a complete change in color is not feasible at this point in time, things such as heightened emotional state, the use of great volumes of magic and low health levels can affect a starborne's glow- causing the stars and star spots to glow brighter, minor hue shifts, and the glimmer of one's overall self to either increase or decrease.
As aforementioned, starbornes will supernova in a type of temporary death- perhaps just from a playful scuffle with friends, or being felled by a enemy in hand-to-hand combat. At these points when all "health points" have been depleted, as long as their core remains intact and undamaged, they are able to reform themselves back into their normal form. For some, it takes a while to realign parts of themselves back together properly, but most are able to do so in a fairly short manner.
For those who do become damaged, this can present in multiple ways.
If a core has been simply cracked, this means that the starborne will just not be able to form back into a completely solid state. Perhaps limbs are missing or added, nebulous matter remains loose on someone's face or depending on the severity, the starborne is unable to reform as completely humanoid anymore (such as cometbornes). Attempts have been made to repair cores before, but without access to that raw magic that formed the fragment in the first place, it is difficult to restore it to its original state. Oftentimes instead, accommodations are made to allow a starborne to exist in their new form.
However, in the case of shatter, or complete destabilization- a starborne would not be able to reform. Known also as involuntary starborne permadeath (as starbornes can eventually die naturally once their core has fizzed out after millennia of existence), this can occur when a core is manually broken completely following a supernova, or via a practice that came into existence during the reigns of King Botan (Dianite's father) and King Ullskae- an executional practice which involved being able to manipulate and realign the gravitational field until the core essentially became a black hole and imploded in on itself.
I did not mean to scare you. I promise you can rest assured those means of violence have been left in the past and are no longer commonplace within our kingdom. I cannot speak for those who exist outside Dianite's domain, but I have full confidence that those distant relatives of us Nebulai are just as peaceful as we are.
Shall we meet them?
Vhidheans and Moonbornes
Out in the distance (or even just our throne room, as Queen Khailani hails from here) we find the Vhidheans, a subspecies of starborne from the lunar planet system of Vhidhea. Formerly a kingdom under King Ullskae, Vhidhea is known for being most akin to the overworld in terms of terrain, its lands covered in soaring cliffsides, bodies of water and entrancing glowing foliage.
While Vhidheans are made of nebulous matter just as nebulai are, instead of appearing as cloud-like galaxies, Vhidhean's star spots and are luminous and gelatinous, think like that of jellyfish (some even do have strands that resemble tentacles). This is thought to be attributed to the oceanic surface of their planet, that they adapted these traits to allow them to traverse through the swamps and wetlands much easier.
Vhidheans also have a power not carried by Nebulai- the ability to manipulate gravitational forces of the terrain beneath and around them. Just like the moon can on the Overworld, the more powerful Vhidheans such as the royals and Ullskae's knights (such as the family of the ship engineer Ethosablorian) have a type of control over the movements of tides and bodies of water, and can (with limitations) reshape landscapes.
As one might assume, the gravitational powers of this skillset did have heavy applications during the Vhidhean Catalyst (a civil war which had broken out at the end of Ullskae's reign), the event directly responsible for Moonbornes, a term used to describe Vhidheans who became corrupted by the late King Anphidhea. When he realigned the cores of those unfaithful to his reign but kept them alive to use as soldiers, he created a subspecies of starborne who were unstable from the start, and passed said traits down generations, as if their cores were not fully imbued with the magic of the sun, but if born under a solar eclipse. Moonbornes by nature take damage more easily, can fall to supernova quicker and take a little longer to reform post-temp death. It's fortunately not all bad, as they make up for it in being able to manipulate their form more easily, and are generally more agile and dexterous than both Nebulai and Vhidheans.
The Magic of Sunbornes
As there is a moon, there is a sun, and the most elevated form of this magic is present in Sunbornes. Typically born from a solar flare (and not always to a family) sunbornes are considered one of the most powerful subspecies of starborne, as while most can just manipulate things around them or create star matter from within, sunbornes possess the ability to create material from the particles of the Aether void itself.
Glowing with the luminescence of a central star itself, sunbornes physically resemble the humanoid form of a Nebulai, but tend to be covered in more star spots than what is average. Drawing from the energy in and around them, their cores allow them to form amounts of magic and material from seemingly nothing, making them useful for construction and the creation of new types of matter.
The remainder of their magic not being channeled through their bodies is typically stored in cerulean beads worn on their person at all times, and if stolen, can be used by any other Aether being (though it is highly warned against) or the sunborne themself if weakened in combat not near a central star to recharge from.
Few in number due to the rarity of the solar event that leads to their birth, most of the known sunbornes (James Waglington, Bhokhouro Doublino "Bdubs" and Martha most notably) have harnessed their star-sun magic to become known as "starwizards" of their respective homelands, using their building, sorcery and mystical powers to assist in the advancement and improvement of their companions lives, regardless of how sunbornes have historically been exploited by those with less than kind intention.
The Core of the Fyerian
Sunbornes are not the only subspecies of the Aether to have earned the title of Wizard, as creative magic also comes in the form of Fyerians, a perplexing but powerful race of builders arriving from beyond the outer wilds of the Aether who possessed the ability to manipulate the state of reality and space matter, also powered by their cores.
While most starborne's cores are an internal structure, a Fyerian's core- a heavily encased crystalline star growth that appears somewhere on their torso- is typically visible, radiating with an bioluminescence that puts some stars to shame. When their powers are activated, this white light tends to move through their body in veins like ley lines, channeling their magic into their fingertips and eyes. It is not known what would happen if a Fyerian's core were to be damaged cracked, but I don't believe any I've come into contact with would be willing to experiment with that.
Like Sunbornes, Fyerians have a tendency to lean towards an affinity to putting their magics into construction and building. The Fyurek crew of Matt, Phil and K. Tom coming to work for Lord Mianite for example, being the creative force behind the most iconic architecture of the royal castle itself, converted entirely from rubble and debris lying on the palace ground. Or Joel Beans, who works hand in with the sunborne Bdubs to create the picturesque marvels of Hermitopia. Their core magic also allows them to duplicate pre-existing materials, move parts of already constructed structures and shift the chemical makeup, giving them some degree of ability to create new resources as sunbornes are able to.
Beings of Galactic Dimensional Origin
Turning our gaze even further into the vastness of the Aether, one thing that we will come to learn is that not all beings of our galactic home are variants of the nebulai starborne, but rather start to become reminiscent of the folk who inhabit our dimensional neighbors of the Overworld, Nether and End, just a bit more starry than their land-dwelling cousins.
Moreso present in places like Hermitopia, or the merchant planet of Katsir, some have been led to believe these 'galactic' variants of other origins came about when avians or blazebornes travelled to the Aether and got together with starbornes and created these hybrid species. Whereas the other school of thought (as the one I personally believe in) is that these starfolk have always existed in the Aether, as when encountering geniune hybrids versus galactic beings, I have found them to be incredibly physiologically distinct from one another.
Some of the most notable starfolk I've had the pleasure of meeting (but absolutely not limited to) are as follows:
Galactic Avians, or avians composed of nebulous material. Famed marksman, The Canary, known by his friends as Jimmy "Solidarity" Aequodarity is one of such beings, his appearance reminiscent of the birdfolk of the Overworld, but where he would have feathers, his various wing sets sparkle like a galaxy, his arms and his arms are lined with glimmering, soft gold feather-like tufts of star matter. Atop his head sits two antennae, also of that feather material, which is used like a magnetic detection compass of sorts, allowing him to detect obstacles and rapid changes in movement from a distance. He claims to that its not accurate as he makes it seem, but allegedly Grian of Hermitopia or Prince Andor of Dagrun would heavily dispute these claims due to their historical uses of such powers at moments of heavy significance.
A fascinating element is found in the likes of Galactic Blazebornes, an Aether species moreso of the archaic past (again contributing to the theory they've always been here before interdimensional travel existed) but nonetheless still remain in existence today- specifically one ship engineer by the name of Tango Tekki. Unlike the star-flaked more human-like hair of Nebulai or the floating volume of jelly-hair of Vhidheans, Tekki's hair is made up of a very rare and sought after material matter known simply as "space fire", the flickering wisp atop his head also surrounded by sparkling orange bars emitting a distinct heat. Compared to its overworld counterparts of fire and lava, space fire as a plasma has the potential to burn up to 50x as hot, being used historically to create unbreakable bindings between metals and other materials used in the construction of weaponry. He promised me that he tends to keep coolheaded most of the time, and that he poses no active threat, but I wouldn't take my chances in seeing what it felt like.
Finally, I had the pleasure of meeting Lord Bellinite, a relative to our royal court- an antlered galactic being who insists there are no overworld or nether counterparts to his race. Much like Fyerians, glowing patterns are engraved along its length like, galactic magic incandescing with an eerie maroon color. The eyes behind his skull mask are quick moving, darting about at a speed unlike any other starborne I've seen before, and at some point it reveals to me that he was gaining insight on my thoughts I had left unspoken. It is possible these types of Aether folk can read minds, but would not confirm nor deny my inquisition. I have heard tell of one mercenary known only as Gemini who is of the same subspecies, and perhaps if I ever do encounter her in the future I could gain even further insight into what other mystical powers these beings possess. Rumor has it she spends a lot of time around a very apt galactic avian-moth hybrid by the name of Pearl..
Call of the Sinnochaits
Of the many other galactic origins I have encountered, there lies an enigma in the Sinnochaits. Easily blending in with Nebulai aside from the furry nebulous ears and tails, these starfolk are perhaps the only galactic variant who don't directly resemble any one particular overworld being, as they seem to fall at a peculiar middle ground of two.
Ears and tails made of a subdued form of space fire (but still able to reach temperatures comparable to that of galactic blazebornes), they possess an agility and nimbleness like that of felines, while having the cunning and dexterity of wolves, making them both incredible warriors and tradesfolk. Their hands remain a major star spot just like their starborne counterparts, but in interacting with royal architect Sonja Fhierfach (with her permission), you will find she has callous-like pads on her fingertips and palms giving her a greater grip strength and the ability to handle materials in temperature and stability beyond the capabilities of a typical Nebulai.
Most Sinnochait originate from Dagrun, a planet of our sister kingdom of Ruxomar, according to most historical records. I believe this suggests that potentially due to the nature of Dagrun, this was another case of ancestral Nebulai adapting to the flatter, stonier terrain of the sea port planet, covered in the Aether equivalent to limestone and jagged cliffsides.
Angels, Asteroids and those who walk the Void
As I had mentioned before, not all Aether beings have a core of some sort, or are made up of star or galactic matter (even if they might still sparkle). One such example of this are the Angels.
Mythical overseers of the Aether beyond the power of the royal court, angels act as patrons and guardians, facilitating travel through dimensions and within the Aether, and providing assistance to those who have lost their way. They typically appear as glowing winged beings surrounded by eyes around their head, allowing them to detect movement multidirectional and incredibly far in the distance without the need for further magic. Angels also possess varied healing abilities to use in the case of a stranded or abandoned Aether folk, such as when the angel "Skizz" imbued starmagic into an imp that been shot into the outer wilds from the nether. An experiment had gone wrong, and the angel was able to save his life by turning him into a hybrid starborne, just without any of the associated powers.
There of course are also the stony asteroidbornes, and their corrupted/damaged counterparts, the cometbornes, damaged at the hands of NVIDIAN soldiers in wars past as Vhidheans who became moonbornes did. Much like a starborne, asteroidbornes are composed of a central core that emits a gravitational field, holding the mass of rock, flesh and bone that makes up their visible forms together. However, instead of star spots, asteroidbornes have patches of ice-dust matter in between the stone that become exposed when they are damaged in combat. This is what causes them to be dubbed cometbornes when they enter their corrupted form, as the matter will then flow off their bodies in haunting but sometimes beautiful wisps.
Native to the sparse settlements of the outer wilds are the Voidwalkers, charming beings resembling both starborne and mythical. From gorgons to chimeras and satyrs, the voidwalkers are typically less human in appearance, but consistently share traits with starborne such as having star spots on their skin and having constellations in their hair. However, as the name suggests, voidwalkers possess no central core, but instead are have Aether void running through their blood, giving them an affinity to the space around them, allowing them to fly at great speeds and hover in the air for great lengths regardless of the gravity of the planet they are on. This has led them to be drawn to becoming the explorers and adventurers of the Aether, traversing via specially designed vessel into places often unseen by most starborne in their lifetime and bringing back information that is quite valuable to folks across the Aether.
Not to be mistaken for voidwalkers are the Voidbornes, perhaps one of the most volatile and mysterious of the Aether beings. Composed of pure Aether void, the voidbornes are thought to be one of the first species to inhabit this dimension, for as they come from the void, they too return to it in the end. Less human in appearance, and capable of manipulating shadow, removing all light from a space through a conjuring of infallible darkness, a strategy used quite often during the Nvidian Uprising of Ruxomar's past. As assumed, Voidbornes emit no visible light or possess any particles, but do leave behind a small remnant of void-like darkness wherever they traverse. Some modern day voidbornes retain their ancestral position as guards for the royals or their respective employers, while others have taken to becoming resource scrappers and merchants on Katsir, such as the bubbly half-Voidborne, coowner of Deals with Destiny- Elodie "Lizzie" A. Beans. An establishment known for being in possession of some of the rarest finds across the Aether, many customers attribute the refinedness to Lizzie's ability to sneak in and out of abandoned or forbidden areas often undetected.
Beyond the Darkness
It would be senseless of me not to admit that while the long held belief among our peoples is that we are a peaceful race amongst one another save for minor disputes in this post-war era, there are still in fact very very dangerous beings out there in the far reaches of the galactic Aether taking form as the infamous DMCA. Galactic beings and undead starborne with enhanced abilities and sharper dexterities, these mercenaries have a reputation of refusing to fight fair. Armed with NVIDIAN blades capable of destabilizing and shattering a core in one fell swoop, they exist for one purpose and one purpose only- to end the starborne kingdom of Dianite once and for all.
For they bow to a voice in the shadows beyond where even the bravest Voidwalker dare tread. A starborne so corrupted he glitches in and out of existence. A sickening lime glow comes from the razor-edged blades that make up his armor and voltaic hair, haunting eyes peeking out from behind his jagged mask. His hands are sharpened into merciless claws, the only human thing about him remaining, the wispy olive-grey beard that cascades off his chin.
Despite what the royals want you to believe, and that historically we know the malevolent king of Vhidhea was locked into a pocket dimension centuries ago, there is a part of me that is certain he's escaped. I cannot be alone in sensing King Anphidhea, now freed maybe by stolen sunborne magic or something of even greater power is lurking darkest parts of the Aether, plotting, waiting.
Whether we like it or not, he will return, and I hope the court will be ready. Prince Jordan has been missing for quite some time now, and his treasured royal guardsman has now also disappeared. I have heard tell Hermitopia has also suffered some losses.
Apologies, it is time for me to leave you now. I do hope you have enjoyed learning about what secrets the Aether hides and the wonderous folk who inhabit it, because I have certainly enjoyed this time we have spent together. As the Historian of the Galactic Aether, it is my job simply to teach, to inform of what was, what is and potentially what could be.
I can only hope you take what you have learned here to tread with caution as you continue to explore this vast dimension. Discover what you can, learn what you need to.
Don't go prying where you shouldn't unless you are one hundred percent you will make it out alive.
Safe travels, my friend.
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richardazer · 1 year ago
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Old art that I took WAAAAAY too long to post because I was hoping he'd come back 🤡
Headcanon alternative version here
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Got his glow powers from Mummy Darling
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originssweaterduoevents · 2 years ago
Because I currently have a lot of stuff I'm doing I can't write out an actual fic, so here's some headcanon stuff!!
so Fragrance Man is a spider, right?
That means he probably makes webs.
E v e r y w h e r e
He tries to avoid putting them in paths and that, but people don't tend to follow the paths anyways.
Specifically, Wilbur, who needs to be in foresty areas so he can hide under trees for shade.
He runs into the webs a lot.
He usually ends up struggling quite a bit, but since they're made by a human sized spider, the webs are pretty effective on human sized creatures, and he can't get out.
Eventually Fragrance Man finds him in the web, and he begs him to let him out.
He kinda just... laughs at him, and eventually reminds Wilbur that he's a phantom and can literally phase through things
Yeahh thats a bit embarrassing, but Wilbur phases through and is no longer in the web! Yippee!
Okay that's all
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unsupervisedweirdo · 2 years ago
Head cannons for origin smp!
I will probably add more to it if I think of more))
One of the reasons he likes sugar is because eating sugar and running away is one of his survival instincts
He has sharp teeth because he is mostly an omnivore
The reason his wings don't work is because they are broken/paralyzed after landing on a sharp fence that ended up doing permanent damage to the nerves that allowed him to fly
He has autophobia/separation anxiety due to being left behind
He is possessive over his stuff due to having to reset all his stuff everytime the server restarted
He has autophobia/separation anxiety due to being alone when he was in the sky
He has nyctophobia because it reminds him of when he was alone
He constantly builds when he is alone because he finds it as a distraction
He doesn't like talking about himself or his problems because he thinks it will make his friends dislike him
Exploding is actually extremely painful due to feeling like your being ripped apart while your nerves are burning at 89 degrees all over your body
If he explodes too many times in a short time frame he will become extremely sick and will have a hard time moving
He has ptophobia/acrophobia due to falling off a cliff to his death
Simple explanation of the phobia's
Autophobia is the fear of being left alone
Nyctophobia is the fear of the night or darkness (in O!scotts case it's the darkness))
Ptophobia is the fear of falling
Acrophobia is the fear of heights
I hope this clears that up!
That's all my head cannons for now so I apologize that it's short-
Goodbye <3
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katyon2020 · 2 years ago
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The-spoiled-posh-non-gender-conforming-royal-ender-siblings are here!
Also I wanted to mention that my o!Aimsey (like IRL) is considered very short by ENDERMAN standards.............they are also 7ft tall.
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thatoneidiort · 6 months ago
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snaky1ello · 3 months ago
 to celebrate the one year anniversary of me being on Tumblr
Tumblr, I would like to provide some head cannons for empires SMP 1 AND 2
Scott1:has so many god damn owls
Scott2: throws permanent glitter and dye at random people
Lizzie1: like real axolotl‘s they are cannibalistic so she eats her soldiers
Lizzie2: she also eats axolotl‘s, she’s a cat she can’t help it
Pix1: eats sand like it’s a regular meal 
Pix2: is basically the matpat of empires SMP lore
Joey1: is comically good at metal work, like he makes so much a jewelry it’s insane
Joey2: even for being a pirate he is really really really good at ballroom dancing
Shebly1: even though she may be short and look, kinda weak, she is more buff than most people in empires SMP (btw that includes Pearl)
Shebly2: is actually dog shit at dancing but it don’t matter to her
Katherine1: is borderline schizophrenic, and also is really bad at remembering where she plant flowers
Katherine2: buff but in a way where she only trains her upper body for the most part, so she runs really slow so instead of running she will beat the shit out of anything
Joel1: an atheist, and a self proclaimed God, very conflicting and the most obvious head cannon. He is very very short
Joel2: is NOT 11feet tall is more like 7ft and everyone know besides Jimmy
Jimmy1: SMELLS so BAD, and runs really really fast which is very surprising for a fish
Jimmy2: has abs but is comically weak
Pearl1: as good as she is for fighting, her main weapon is a scythe and she has no idea how to use it
Pearl2: when coming into empires from hermit craft, she kept on making jokes on how she could beat up any demon not knowing that’s what she actually used to do
Sausage1: can go from a really high to really deep voice really quickly 
Sausage2: has really bad memory loss
Fwhip1: fucks around with red stone not actually to sure on what it does so he gets way to much red stone on his clothing
Fwhip2: eats dirt and stone. (That’s it)
Xornoth1: is buff and really wimpy and skinny at the same time so it’s their like a boy toy and buff twink
Gem1: eats random potions because she is ginger
Gem2: stares at the sun for hours on end so she has really really really really really really bad eyesight, but still tells people that it’s good to look into the sun
False2: spends hours doing her hair just to not go outside
Oli: sings really well, but as a bard, his poetry is actually so good and so bad at the same time it it sounds really good, but it has really stupid meenings
Aeor: smells like cold wood
Exor: hates when people flirt like AG ALL they are like diabolically disgusted by it
Hermes : fucks with both of his dads and aunt Lizzie is his fav relative
The hermits: they keep on making references to other SMP‘s, and the people on empire SMP are so so so confused  
I realize now that this is going to be an absolute nightmare to tag

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feelinprettyblue02 · 5 months ago
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big fan of the new skin. almost fell to my knees when i found out that i had a new design to make tho
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fullyfazed · 2 months ago
Hey so we all know this is Philza's second bout with big ol' eyeballs but I've yet to see that it's also Sneegs second time as well
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spaceacepirate · 14 hours ago
Its just bad luck
Its just Bad Luck
You hope, you pray
They point and laugh
Canary, they call, Cursed, they say
They are the miners who paved the way
Shoved in a cage, wings clipped away
Won’t you sing little bird
Your purpose is to die, to warn, to suffocate
The curse is them, not you
Setting up traps to fall into
It is chance, coincidence
It is a pattern, it is truth
Funny once, twice
Losing laughs at thrice
How much time until you die
They’re playing god, mocking your mortality
As if they are not the ones with blood on their hands
Spread your wings little bird
Bend the bars, break the cage, learn to fly
They will shoot you down
Hear them laugh, and laugh, and laugh
The end is inevitable
It was always going to be like this
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r87non · 1 month ago
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I really hope doctor4t see the fancano/headcano design been working on it!
🌸💮Up close 💮🌸
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She so CUTE ❣️❣️❣️
i really want to punch her face
And this the "Canon" or the original design of folly!
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🌸💮Up close 💮🌸
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And cr: @illumnie for letting me use one of the fan art as reference which this one
I hope you like the design!
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Again Thank you illumnie for helping me out
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becauseplot · 2 years ago
The recent announcement of the qsmp election event and q!philza confirming in canon that he is an anarchist kinda rattled something that's always been sort of spinning around in my brain: the fact that both c!emerald-duo (from DSMP) and q!philza (from QSMP) have had their lore tied in with the lore of the Antarctic Empire on SMPEarth. The thing about c!emduo and q!philza is that they are (as mentioned earlier) full-blown anarchists who vehemently oppose government in all its forms, but ae!emduo were, in fact, the co-leaders of an empire.
Now I don't actually know an awful lot about what went down on SMPE (from what I understand, it just sort of...ended?), but like, bear with me here---imagine SMPE is a world of actual empires: citizens, kings, soldiers, armies. A world capable of full-scale war. ae!Phil and ae!Techno are the leaders of one of the most powerful empires in all the land. Then, flash forward some years (decades? centuries?) later, and they're both anarchists completely disillusioned with government as a whole and actively fight against it when they see fit.
What happened? What happened between the birth of the Antarctic Empire and the beginning of the DSMP/QSMP that made them completely give that up and start to oppose what they once supported? 
Was it something they witnessed? One too many peaceful villages burned, one too many mangled bodies found beneath the rubble, one too many of their own men imprisoned, tortured for information, then left for dead?
Was it something that someone did to them? A beloved friend caught in the crossfire of a war; an ally they thought they could trust sticking a knife in their backs in an attempt to seize the Empire for themself; a foe that was simply too strong, too ruthless, too power-hungry to be defeated, much less reasoned with?
Or was it something that they did? Something they did that, for the first time, made their own stomachs turn. Made them question if it was all worth it. Made them realize that it never was. Were they ever at odds? One person begging that they halt their progress immediately while the other doubled down, insisting their actions were justified. Did they fight about it? Threaten the other with arrest for treason? Threaten to leave the other and never, ever look back?
What was the final straw? What makes an emperor become an anarchist?
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originssweaterduoevents · 2 years ago
Some headcanons for week 12s prompt!
I imagine that they live in a city where there's not a lot of hybrids, as most hybrids would feel more comfortable in country areas.
Wilbur works in one of those magic shops, the ones that sell tarot cards, crystals, herbs, and the like, but i think it also functions as a general trinkets store plus a bookstore
Fragrance Man would be a religious man, of course, but since it's a mainly human city, i doubt they'd make him a religious leader, especially not a priest like he is in canon.
For some reason, I feel like he'd work on a construction crew, probably due to his spider abilities. I mean, he'd probably be a bit stronger than average, he can climb well, and spiders are known to construct very intricate homes everywhere, so i think it stands to reason that he'd be pretty good at the job.
They'd probably meet in Wilbur’s shop - Fragrance Man heard a bunch about it, both good and bad, so he decided to check it out due to curiosity.
Nothing really stands out to him, but he feels bad about looking in the shop and not even getting anything, so he grabs a bottle of essential oil and goes, "hey, can i use this for perfume or something?"
Dunno what happens from there, but they'd end up becoming friends i think!
Sorry this one isnt great, i wasn’t sure what to do-
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ponderingsoflife · 1 month ago
May or may not be reworking the plot I cooked up for Winning Ghosts (the AU version of Losing Ghosts), so have this while you wait. Cross SMP Family Headcanons (characters of course, never the CCs):
Scott is Ranboo’s uncle (wanting a horde of men that follow their every command is a genetic thing and you cannot tell me otherwise)
Grian is Tommy’s uncle (Grian is his uncle by blood and Mumbo is his uncle because he married Grian, Grian is only slightly pissy about his nephew preferring his husband to him)
Scar is Tubbo’s older brother (this one’s pretty common as far as I’m aware, they’re just precious)
Jevin and Slimecicle are distant cousins (goop)
Niki Niachu is the third seabling (just look at her Origins smp skin and try telling me that she and Lizzy aren’t sisters, I dare you)
Doc and Schlatt are brothers
And the classic: Philza and Martyn are twins
If any of you have other rare family headcanons I would absolutely love to hear them.
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catandmellohi · 6 months ago
Missing Origins!Allium duo rn.
Just imagining this 7’0 woman (Transfem o!Ranboo supremacy) claiming everything as hers on the server, while her 5’0 tall Husband cheers her on. They would both cause so much chaos together it’s not even funny.
o!Tommy’s also the only one who gets special treatment. He’s the only one she’ll share her treasure with, no strings attached. He’s also the only one who can hug her without needing to ask first.
When o!Tommy is feeling lesser for not being able to fly. o!Ranboo will give him a pep talk, and go to his little obstacle course to practice.
When o!Ranboo is feeling homesick from being away from the end for too long, o!Tommy will give her gifts that remind her of home (shiny objects, jewelry, etc.)
o!Ranboo getting caught in the rain, and o!Tommy coming out with an umbrella to keep her dry.
They are the Origins smps power couple, and you cannot change my mind.
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synesthete-sylke · 2 years ago
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some starboys! i wanted to make some stickers for myself and some friends since i couldn't find many unstolen designs online :P
the coloured speech bubbles are based on my own synesthesia, because i like projecting on scott lol: the pink is niki's, green is phil's, yellow is tubbo's, red is tommy's, and blue is fundy's :)
the conlang used is by @arofundy!
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