#oral health care.
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Discover comprehensive dental care at Wandsworth Dental Centre. Our experienced team offers affordable family dentistry services, from routine checkups and cleanings to advanced cosmetic and restorative treatments. Located at 258 Wandsworth Road, London, we ensure personalized, pain-free dental care in a friendly environment. Book your appointment today to achieve a healthier smile.
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reality-detective · 3 months
This 👆 should help people out with their oral hygiene and tooth care. 🤔
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biscuitdolly · 10 months
oral health ♡
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now , obv u wanna be brushing your teeth 3 times a day , flossing , mouth wash etc .. but here are some extra things that can help improve your oral health , breath and teeth!!
oil pulling ♡
you can use coconut oil , sesame seed oil , or sunflower oil. swish a teaspoon of said oil around in your mouth to coat all your teeth , spit , and then repeat. @/ally.renee1 on TikTok recommends adding peppermint oil , this helps it taste better and also acts as a natural mouthwash!!
floss your teeth before brushing ♡
use either waxed or woven flosses! never use glide flosses , they have Teflon (Teflon is a chemical , it's used in stuff like non-stick sprays , flosses with Teflon literally don't do anything but glide between your teeth). try flossing as if you're flossing both teeth instead of the space in between!
water flossing ♡
for this you'll need a water flosser. hold for about 5 seconds in between each tooth (don't water floss after brushing teeth because you want the fluoride in the tooth paste to stay on your teeth!!)
tongue scrap ♡
self explanatory. get a tongue scrap , and scrap from back to front 5 times. it's really gross what kind of stuff comes off , so you wanna make sure its all gone!
mouth wash ♡
i'd recommend a teeth whitening one but any will work!! (obv you can use whitening strips too). swish for 30 seconds then spit.
brush teeth ♡
personally , i use an electric toothbrush bc the rounded brush head gets rid of plaque better , but its okay if you don't have one! manual toothbrushes are fine , just make sure you brush extra good!
i brush my entire mouth once , spit , and then brush it again, just to make sure i get absolutely everything. make sure you're brushing the teeth at the very back , your gums , the roof of your mouth , and your tongue!! brush for a total of 3 minutes.
extra ♡
why do i use mouth wash before brushing? because i don't want to wash away the remaining fluoride from the toothpaste that's still on my teeth. If it's morning , i use mouthwash again around 20 minutes after brushing, just to make sure my breath smells good.
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nenelonomh · 2 months
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oral hygiene practices
maintaining healthy teeth and gums is crucial for many reasons:
prevents tooth decay and gum disease. regular brushing and flossing remove plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that can lead to cavities and gum disease if not properly managed.
maintains fresh breath. poor oral hygiene can cause bad breath (halitosis). brushing your teeth, and tongue, and using mouthwash can help keep your breath fresh.
reduces the risk of systemic diseases. there is a strong link between oral health and overall health. poor oral hygiene can contribute to conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections.
saves money. preventive care is often less expensive than treating dental problems. regular check-ups and cleanings can help catch issues early before they become more serious and costly.
so, let's look at some key practices to help maintain your smile.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ brush your teeth twice a day. use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. brush for at least two minutes, making sure to clean all surfaces of your teeth.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ floss daily. flossing helps remove plaque and food particles between your teeth and under the gumline where your toothbrush can’t reach.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ use mouthwash. an antimicrobial or fluoride mouthwash can help reduce plaque, prevent cavities, and freshen your breath.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ maintain a healthy diet. limit sugary foods and drinks, as they can contribute to tooth decay. eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables can support overall oral health.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ stay hydrated. drinking plenty of water, especially fluoridated tap water, helps wash away food particles and bacteria.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ avoid tobacco products. smoking and chewing tobacco can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ replace your toothbrush regularly. change it over every three to four months, or sooner if the bristles are frayed.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ visit your dentist regularly. regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings are essential for maintaining oral health and catching any issues early.
i know that i am only reinforcing what your dentist is already telling you - but my purpose is to provide easy information and further reading resources that may teach you something new. by incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy.
unfortunately, i know many people who ignore simple health facts (for a multitude of reasons). but this is not the way! looking after your health and your body is so important!
for further reading:
Oral Hygiene: Best Practices & Instructions for Good Routine | Cleveland Clinic
WOHD23-factsheet-oralhygiene-EN.pdf | FDI World Dental Foundation
Oral Hygiene | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
the original oral hygiene post (by me)
❤️ nene
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rapeculturerealities · 5 months
Reproductive rights elusive 1 year after Japan’s approval of abortion pill
Wider access to abortion in Japan has largely remained elusive a year after the historic approval of medical abortion pills.
In April last year, lawmakers approved the use of the two-step abortion pill — MeFeego Pack — for pregnancies up to nine weeks. Before that, women in the East Asian nation could only receive a surgical abortion in private clinics by designated surgeons that often charge as much as $370.
Financial strain aside, women were often required to provide proof of spousal consent to receive an abortion, making it nearly impossible for them to make the decision on their own. Reports showed that even for single women, doctors still asked for permission of a male partner before agreeing to perform such surgeries.
Despite the approval of the abortion pill, only 3% of all clinics with abortion services in Japan provide them a year after the pill’s approval, according to Kumi Tsukahara, independent researcher of reproductive health and rights, "and none of them have a Maternal Body Protection Law (MBPL) designated doctor," Tsukahara told VOA News.
Under the MBPL, the controversial requirement for spousal consent before a doctor can prescribe oral abortion medication still exists — it’s the same condition for gaining permission for a surgical abortion.
"Unfortunately, there are no signs of change with regard to either," the expert said.
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tw slight talk of dental care, being ignored. nothing too bad, but I just wanted to be safe :)
shoutout my old dentist who, every time I brought up that one of my teeth was almost out but trapped on top of my other one and trapping food underneath it, would say "it'll come out eventually!"
i love being ignored when i bring up genuine medical concerns 😍😍
don't worry i was fine! also my new dentist was getting my teeth out so I could get braces (the roots were rlly long so they wouldn't come out) and I was like "yo can you get this one? it's been here for a year and won't fall out" he was like "no worries!"
that's the same dentist who told me to bring a tooth to school and show my friends lol
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Do you have dental advice for people who struggle to take care of their teeth due to disability, depression, etc? I'm afraid of needing dental work but oral hygiene is really hard for me.
Alright so my advice as a future dentist (current dental assistant, not a dentist yet):
1. Find a toothbrush you like. Doesn't matter what brand or what kind. What's important is that you brush. If a toothbrush with cartoon characters on it is what will motivate you to brush, get it.
(If the brush head is smaller, though, than the usual adult brush heads, just remember to spend a little more time on each tooth since smaller brush heads cover less surface area).
If an electric toothbrush is your jam, get an electric toothbrush. Just get a toothbrush.
2. Find a toothpaste you like. Doesn't matter what brand or flavor. They pretty much all have the same ingredients. I would highly recommend toothpastes for sensitive gums, like Sensodyne or Oral-B, because if you haven't been practicing consistent oral hygiene for a while, your gums are most likely very sensitive. But really, any toothpaste is good. Just stay away from the charcoal stuff, it's more likely to do nothing at best and cause damage at worst (especially if you take medication).
3. Try to brush twice a day, but no more than three times a day. Brushing a whole bunch one day doesn't make up for not brushing the day before, too much brushing can damage your enamel with the abrasion.
Brushing once in the morning and once at night is ideal. Try to brush before you eat breakfast, or at least half an hour after you eat. Brush for about 2 minutes, making sure you brush each surface of your teeth.
Your teeth have five surfaces, three that are accessible via brushing: Make sure you brush the sides that face your cheeks, the sides that face the inside of your mouth, and the biting surfaces.
4. Try to floss once a day. There are different flossing methods now, find one that works.
-Traditional string and fingers
-Handheld floss picks
-Electric water pick
There are pros and cons to each, but the important thing is that you floss. Flossing is important regardless of whether you have food stuck between your teeth; flossing helps remove plaque deposits between your teeth that can build up and cause irritation to the gums. Make sure you floss between each tooth. If flossing a certain groove brings up a large amount of debris, floss that area again until the string comes out clean.
5. Drink lots of water. Unfortunately, this isn't a "as long as you're hydrated situation". Other beverages can be great for hydration, but they're either very sugary or acidic or both, which aren't good for maintaining the pH in your mouth. This doesn't mean you have to give up your favourite drinks- just make sure you also drink plenty of plain old water, especially during and between meals. Do whatever you can to incentivize drinking water: fun water bottles, fun drinking straws, alarms, whatever it takes.
6. If you struggle with remembering to brush your teeth and/or floss, set alarms to remind you.
7. Try to reward yourself for practicing good oral care. Maybe put on a short YouTube clip while you floss and brush, or play a song. This may sound corny, but have a chart that if you reach a certain quota you reward yourself. It'll help you turn oral hygiene into a habit.
8. If you can afford it, try to see a hygienist to give you a full clean. At the very least they'll help get your teeth back to a baseline, and then all you need to do is maintain it. Some places will have free or reduced cost dental clinics, so keep an eye out for those if cost is an issue. Hygienists don't do any drilling or invasive dental work if that's a fear you have, all they do is essentially a very thorough brushing and flossing.
9. Keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in your shower if time and spoons are an issue, that way you can brush your teeth while bathing, knocking two out in one. Likewise, keep a toothbrush and toothpaste by your bed if getting out of bed is an issue. If you can, you can try to buy a bunch of pre-pasted disposable toothbrushes to keep by your bed, so that you don't need to worry about even having to apply toothpaste to your toothbrush.
10. Don't give up if you fall off the wagon. If you forget to brush your teeth one day, you always have the next day. If you brush your teeth but didn't floss, at least you brushed. If you flossed but only gargled mouthwash, at least you did something. Something is always better than nothing.
Best of luck!!!
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forgetfulminks · 4 months
Oral Health
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Keeping your teeth healthy is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health! If there is an infection or anything like that present in your mouth, it can carry the bacteria to the rest of your body. Also, keeping your teeth and gums healthy is an important part of long-lasting overall health. So, how do we keep our teeth and mouth healthy?
Your daily oral health routine should look like this:
Brush your teeth twice a day with toothpaste that contains fluoride.
Use a toothbrush that is suitable for your needs. If you have sensitive teeth, you should use a soft or extra soft toothbrush. If you can, an electric toothbrush is always recommended by dentists, as it can brush your teeth very efficiently without you needing to move it too much (you just kind of glide it over your teeth and let it do the brushing motion for you). But, a normal toothbrush is also fine, as long as you brush correctly.
Brushing correctly means using small circles around your teeth, making sure to brush the front and back (and don't forget your back teeth). Also, try to angle your brush towards your gums when you're brushing so they can get clean too.
Make sure to brush your tongue as well. Your tongue holds a lot of bacteria, so it's good to brush it at least once a day. Make sure you don't over brush it though, as it can break the skin and cut your tongue.
After brushing, make sure to floss once a day. It's better to floss twice a day after brushing, but once a day is the minimum for healthy teeth.
If you can, you should be getting your teeth checked by a dentist every six months, as they can advise you on what you should and shouldn't be doing. They also clean your teeth very thoroughly, so it's a good thing to do for your oral health. But, I understand that those appointments are expensive, especially if you are not covered by health insurance. So, once you have some money saved, it's a good idea to go get them checked when you can.
Now that you've got your routine, here's some tips to keep your teeth healthy throughout the day:
Drink a lot of water throughout the day
Avoid sugary drinks, energy drinks, and fruit juice (or any drink with a lot of fruit in it).
Limit your sugar intake overall and try to eat a balanced diet.
Never use your teeth as tools to open packets or anything like that. This can cause your teeth to chip or crack.
Limit your coffee and/or tea intake and make sure to drink some water afterwards to avoid staining your teeth.
Make sure to replace your toothbrush at least every 3 months.
Note: some people like to use mouthwash, but it should be noted that people who have healthy teeth and gums do not need it. There are also risks in using mouthwash to mask bad breath, as bad breath can be an early sign of gum disease or some other serious oral health issues. If you are concerned about your bad breath, then it's better to go see a dentist about it. They can prescribe you a specific mouthwash that targets gum disease or, if everything is actually ok, they can give you some tips to fix the smell.
HealthDirect (Australian government health info site) - Dental care and teeth cleaning
Post inspired by elonomhblog
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Tips For When Dental Hygiene Is Hard
On this account we cover how to do things that are "common sense" or otherwise untaught for the people who dont know. Shame-free. Today, we'll be covering some tips and tricks for keeping up with dental health when times get rough.
Often when we begin to struggle, we spend so much time and energy trying to keep ourselves going that hygiene is the first things to slip away. Unlike other hygiene, Dental hygiene is very important and if things start to go awry it can be extremely expensive to fix. Here are some tips to help keep your teeth clean when you feel like its the last thing on your mind.
1) Simplify it - Brushing your teeth can come with so many rules and critiques from dentists that it starts to feel like you shouldnt even do it at all. You're technically supposed to brush twice a day, or even after every meal according to some, and for two minutes at the least.
This isnt realistic for a lot of people who are struggling. To get the energy to get up at least twice a day and perform a boring, often unenjoyable task for two straight minutes can be the last thing you want to do.
The key to this is to simplify it. If you cant brush for 2 minutes, twice a day, then brush for as long as you can whenever you feel like you can. Whether its 3am or 3pm, if the motivation strikes, then do it. A quick once over with a toothbrush will help in the long run, more than you think. You dont even need to use toothpaste. The greatest threat to your teeth is simply the plaque that builds up after eating - and removing plaque only requires some scrubbing with a regular, soft toothbrush.
2) Avoiding deterrents - Some people may hate brushing their teeth because certain parts of it can be unenjoyable. For most, this can be the taste of the toothpaste, especially for neurodivergent people. If its too minty or generally just tastes bad, theres absolutely nothing stopping you from getting a children's toothpaste with a fruity, gentle flavor. Same goes for mouthwash. If you hate the mint, try out bubblegum or berry splash for kids.
Is it the action of getting up and going to do it? Leave a toothbrush by your bed and scrub whenever you have the motivation, or better yet, pick up a bag of some disposable mini toothbrushes. These come with a dollop of toothpaste in the center, requires no water, and is ready to go whenever you need it. Flossers are another easy addition to your nightstand to use whenever the motivation strikes.
Theres two other products that are great for convenient brushing. Disposable finger brushes and tooth tissues. Disposable finger brushes are a unique type of wipes you slip onto your finger and scrub your teeth with. They're great for people with sensitive teeth or sensory issues from toothbrush bristles. Tooth tissues are very similar and are exactly what they sound like. A type of moist towelette often used for children, but theres nothing stopping you from picking up a pack to keep beside your bed, couch, or in your bag.
Miswak is a traditional oral hygiene aid popular in some parts of South Asia and Africa made from the Salvadora persica tree. Its been used for thousands of years and doesnt require toothpaste to clean your teeth. The World Health Organization (WHO) has encouraged people to use Miswaks for their natural health benefits. They contain natural minerals such as chloride, sodium bicarbonate and potassium to help strengthen your enamel and fight plaque and gum disease. They are fully biodegradable and vegan if single use plastics are something you worry about.
One last product you can keep on you is Xylitol gum. Xylitol is a sugar that actually reduces plaque buildup and prevents tooth decay by killing the bacteria in your mouth that causes cavities. You can get the gum in a variety of flavors and pop a tablet in your mouth whenever you see fit.
3) Scheduling - Scheduling can be some peoples worst nightmare. Many people feel like theres only a certain timeslot they can perform an action and if they miss that timeslot, they have to wait for the next. To put it simply, thats not true. As said above, theres nothing stopping you from brushing your teeth whenever you feel like you can.
Another tip is to keep your toothbrush in the shower. When you're in the shower and you see your toothbrush laying there, some find it easier to pick it up and do it then. Its a great tip that can help people who often forget to brush as well.
4) Lastly, make it fun - Brushing your teeth can be a chore, but there are some ways you can make it a little more fun.
Chewable toothpaste tablets might not sound very fun, but Lushs oral hygiene line spices things up with unconventional flavors like cherry-citrus or spicy cola to make brushing fun. They also offer toothpaste in jelly form! While these options may seem redundant, a lot of people find motivation in trying and using up new products they haven't seen before.
Fun apps can give you reminders and motivation to get up and brush your teeth. Pokemon Smile is an app where youre encouraged to brush your teeth to help fight cavities, and at the end you're rewarded with a Pokemon to add to your collection. The app can be a little childish, but the visuals are adorable and the gameplay is rewarding.
Some of these recommendations may seem silly but we encourage you to try some out and see if you notice any difference in your oral habits. Its never too late to start trying to develop a routine and just trying can go a long way.
Products, Apps & Articles:
Download Pokemon Smile
Lush Oral Care
Tooth Tissues and Finger Brushes
96 Pack Colgate Mini Disposable Toothbrushes
Xylitol Gum
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dentavim · 28 days
Dentavim Review - Dental Health Support Formula..
Dentavim™ is an innovative dietary supplement designed to improve dental health and hygiene, focusing on enhancing the appearance and condition of teeth and gums. Unlike traditional dental products, which often rely on harsh chemicals, Dentavim employs a proprietary blend of six powerful natural ingredients, each selected for its scientific backing and health benefits.
Don't Buy Dentavim Unless You've Seen this Massive Discount From the Official Website 👇👇👇
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mygentledentistau · 4 months
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arigafoods009 · 3 months
Cashews and dental health
How they can strengthen your teeth 
When we think of snacks that promote dental health, our minds might drift to crunchy vegetables, sugar-free gum, or even the occasional cheese slice. However, there's a nutty contender that's gaining recognition for its dental benefits: cashews. These creamy, delicious nuts are not only a satisfying snack but also a boon for your teeth. Let's delve into how cashews can enhance dental health and explore some delightful varieties offered by Ariga Foods.
The Dental Benefits of Cashews
Cashews are packed with essential nutrients that contribute to overall health, including vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Specifically for dental health, here’s why cashews are beneficial:
Rich in Phosphorus: Phosphorus is vital for the maintenance of strong teeth and bones. Cashews, being a good source of this mineral, help in strengthening the tooth enamel.
Anti-Bacterial Properties: Cashews contain anacardic acids, which have been shown to kill gram-positive bacteria. These bacteria are responsible for tooth decay and gum disease, thus regular consumption of cashews can contribute to a healthier oral microbiome.
Stimulates Saliva Production: Chewing cashews stimulates saliva production. Saliva is essential for oral health as it helps to wash away food particles and bacteria, and neutralizes acids produced by bacteria in the mouth.
Magnesium Content: Magnesium, found abundantly in cashews, works alongside calcium to support strong teeth and bones. It helps in the structural development of teeth and bones, ensuring they remain robust.
Ariga Foods' Nutty Delights
Ariga Foods offers a variety of flavored cashews that not only cater to diverse taste buds but also promote dental health. Here are some delicious options:
1. King Size Cashews
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These premium cashews are larger and packed with more nutrients, making them an excellent snack for maintaining dental health. Our rich, creamy texture ensures that you enjoy every bite.
2. Cheese & Herbs Cashews
This savory blend offers a delightful taste experience. Cheese, rich in calcium, complements the dental benefits of cashews, making this snack a dual powerhouse for strengthening teeth.
3. Pudina Cashews
Infused with the refreshing taste of mint, Pudina Cashews are perfect for freshening your breath while snacking. Mint also has antimicrobial properties, further aiding in oral hygiene.
4. Tomato Cream Cashews
The tangy flavor of tomatoes combined with creamy cashews creates a unique taste sensation. Tomatoes are high in vitamins that promote gum health, adding an extra layer of benefit to this snack.
5. Himalayan Pink Salt Cashews
These cashews are lightly salted with Himalayan pink salt, which contains trace minerals beneficial for health. The salt helps in maintaining pH balance in the mouth, which is crucial for preventing tooth decay and gum disease.
6. Black Pepper Cashews
For those who enjoy a bit of spice, Black Pepper Cashews are an ideal choice. Black pepper is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can help in maintaining healthy gums and preventing dental problems.
Incorporating cashews into your diet can offer numerous benefits for your dental health. Whether you're enjoying the classic King Size Cashews or indulging in flavored varieties like Cheese & Herbs or Pudina Cashews from Ariga Foods, you're not just satisfying your taste buds but also taking a step towards stronger, healthier teeth. So next time you're looking for a snack that supports your smile, reach for a handful of cashews and enjoy the nutty goodness that contributes to a brighter, healthier smile.
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imperialpetco · 5 months
Blogger: User Profile:  Imperial Pet Co.
Marvelled by natural and holistic vets around the world, Imperial Pet Co. leads the pet market with the most natural canine health supplements. Taking their cue from nature, Imperial Pet Co. is giving dogs and dog owners hope for a natural solution to canine health.
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self-care-tips-free · 6 months
5 Easy Dental Care Tips for a Radiant Smile & Healthy Gums
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What’s the deal with fluoride free toothpaste? Is fluoride bad?
Fluoride isn't bad, in fact, it's good for you! Fluoride is essential for the development of strong and healthy enamel. Many cities even treat their water supply with fluoride for this reason, and children will often have fluoride treatments at the dentist or general care physician.
The only times fluoride-free toothpaste is maybe a good idea is for children's toothpaste, since fluoride in large quantities can be harmful and children may be more likely to regularly swallow toothpaste.
However.....fluoride "overdose" requires ingesting a very very large quantity of fluoride, and is very rare since the amount of fluoride in toothpaste and in drinking water is quite low. Parents should be helping their young children brush their teeth anyway, so there's no risk of a child swallowing an excessive amount of toothpaste if there is an adult supervising.
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rossthren · 8 months
Need a sugar someone to pay for my dental work.
I can give cuddles, wash dishes and okay massages.
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