#or wait i DO have a job i forgot about that
ssahotchnerr · 1 day
i just want a hug from Hotch so bad!!! 😭🤧 can i request a sunshiney and oblivious reader and Hotch hugging and sharing his coat bc she forgot hers and insists it’s too cold for Hotch to just give her his, so obviously the smartest solution is just to share hehehe? 🥰 and ofc the team makes fun of him bc he’s a huge softie for her!!! ❤️🍯
tysm! i absolutely adore your fics!
survival instincts
AWWWW cw; fem bau sunshine!reader, established relationship, playful banter and fluff <3
Patience was a virtue, one you felt as if you exhibited thoroughly. You were easygoing, positive, sensible when it came to others.
So waiting for the local PD to wrap up their analysis of the crime scene would've been fine, if the temperature hadn't been plummeting by the minute.
And you hadn't foolishly left your coat back at the precinct.
Your nose was numbing, you were beginning to shiver in place; the sun wasn't there to provide any supplemental warmth. The clouds were a menacing, gloomy gray that was darkening, with the tiniest bit of gleam coming from behind. In an hour or so, night would be upon you.
You breathed out, watching your breath fan out in a cloud, hoping it would entertain you enough to stop thinking about your growing frigidness. Your gaze furthered past it as it expanded, landing on Aaron and his warm coat.
The visual caused you to think about the earlier morning, warm in the comfort of bed. Laid beside Aaron, enveloped in the weak comforter the hotel had to offer - which didn't matter with the warmth he consistently provided. You would've done anything to go back to the moment. And so, a plan to remedy your problem quickly developed in your mind.
"Aaron." You whisper-yelled, despite the fact he was a mere foot away. His eyes were locked forward, without a doubt ensuring the crime scene wasn't being compromised by the officers poking around.
His brown eyes found yours, "Hm?"
"I'm cold." You whined with a playful pout, your eyes begging for help.
"Then maybe you should've remembered a coat." He teased, hands buried in his coat pockets.
You quipped by use of a cheeky expression in return. You gazed at the asphalt below, the wind whipping your hair around your face. You mumbled a feigned, solemn, "Maybe."
He began prying his coat off his shoulders, "Here, let me-"
"No silly. Then you'll be cold. And we can't have that, can we?" You rolled your eyes, bringing yourself in front of him. You slid your arms around his middle, underneath his coat - thankfully unbuttoned - and embracing him tightly.
The long coat he wore was loose enough to shield your sides, provided mild coverage from the wind, and whatever was left was made up from his body heat. Immediately, you began regaining warmth head to toe.
"Sweetheart, this isn't very convenient." You felt his chuckle rumble through him, gently jostling your head as it rest on his chest. But still his arms wrapped around you, holding you close. "Or professional, given the circumstances."
"This is merely a survival technique." You mumbled insistently into his shirt, a smile tugging at your lips. "Close contact preserves body heat. I'm just doing what it takes to survive. I don't think the Bureau would be very happy if one of their agents froze to death while on the job."
Aaron hummed at the stretch of your proposition. "Well, I think the Bureau would presume their agents would have the intention to bring a coat."
You scoffed lightly, causing him to laugh again. "Well, do you have a better idea?"
"Yeah, you could just wear my-"
"I already told you no. And my supporting evidence," You insisted, your voice laced an almost, mischievous wisdom. "You're just getting over a cold, which won't be returning if there's anything I can do about it. Plus there's a reason I call you a furnace. This, you," You tightened your hold on his as if to prove your point. "Can supply me with more warmth than a coat ever could."
He laughed softly. Again it was leaning more on the rigid side, conscious of any wandering eyes. He did, however, sneak a quick kiss to the top of your head. "If you say so."
You closed your eyes, releasing a content sigh and savoring the warmth, as well as Aaron's contact. One of his hands softly brushed a spot along your back. However, your shared moment of solitude was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps.
"Aww, can I join?" Derek gushed, shit-eating grin on his face. JJ had an equally as smug grin as she trailed up from behind him.
You shot him a look, one that read ha-ha funny as well as amused, while Aaron subtly narrowed his eyes. He then turned his head in the opposite direction, his cheek resting against your head comfortably.
"Cuddling on the job, huh? What would Strauss have to say about this?" Morgan continued to tease, and Dave even took out his phone, discreetly snapping a picture.
"He's just doing his job. Looking out for a team member by preventing potential frostbite. Or hypothermia, even." You arched an eyebrow playfully, your fingers clutching onto the fabric of Aaron's shirt underneath his coat. "And there's nothing wrong with that."
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not-neverland06 · 15 hours
Hey I’m just begging for a fic of Logan with a shy reader that she has a crush on him but thinks he’s never going to fix on her since Jean exists (maybe the reader can make her hair color change depending on the emotion or something
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a/n: sorry I haven’t been responding to asks. The new job has officially killed my spirit. But I got to work out finally and do some yoga so hopefully I’ll start feeling more motivated 🤞🤞this one will be shorter
Logan Howlett x X-men!reader (Chameleon)
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“Chameleon!” You jump, shoulders flying up to your ears. Almost immediately you can feel the tips of your fingers tingling. Sure enough, when you look down they’re already disappearing. Sighing, you turn around and glare at Scott. 
“What have I told you about scaring me?” 
He grimaces, raising his hands in surrender. “Sorry, I forgot.”
You roll your eyes and turn back toward your project. “Every time,” you mutter bitterly. You’re not an idiot. You know he thinks scaring you is funny. The whole school does. They all like to see you yelp and blend in with the nearest surface, the only thing visible is your stupid hair. 
“You’re, um, turning red.” Scott points to your head and you don’t have to look to know your hair is shifting colors.
You reach over and swat harshly at his arm, “Because you pissed me off! I know you scare me on purpose,” you accuse, jabbing your finger into his chest. He laughs and stumbles away from you. 
“Alright, alright, calm down. I was just messing around a little. Look,” he glances down at the lesson plans before you and sighs. “All this will have to wait. Charles needs us all for a mission.”
You huff and shove the papers into your desk drawer. “Alright, lead the way.” You feel Scott’s eyes still lingering on your hair and glare at him. “Move it, Summers,” you demand. 
You were already in a bad mood, you didn’t need him making it worse. It honestly shouldn’t be such a big deal for you. You get scared by everyone all the time. You used to enjoy it, enjoyed the way it felt like you all had your own joke. But, eventually, it started to feel less like an inside joke and more like you’re the unwitting butt of one. 
Some mutants get amazing powers, like Jean or Charles. Logan’s abilities are incredible, even if he doesn’t believe you when you tell him that. But yours, well, you're better suited as the cheap gimmick of a children’s birthday party than an X-Men. You’re just a walking mood ring that blends in with her environment. 
The only thing you’re good for is reconnaissance missions and embarrassing yourself. You don’t know what Charles sees in you. You’ve never understood why he insists you’re such a good asset to the team. Yes, you are good at spying on people, but you don’t need to when Charles has such strong telepathic abilities. You’re essentially useless in a fight due to a lack of regenerative or strength abilities. 
More often than not you feel like a child playing dress up, chasing after the big kids. You know the others don’t mean anything bad by it when they tease you into going invisible or laugh when your hair changes. It’s all in good fun. But it doesn’t make you feel any less like easy entertainment rather than a teammate. 
It doesn’t help that you’ve got little to no control over your abilities when it comes to Logan. You’ve never had such a horrifically bad crush like this. Anytime he opens his mouth around you, you're fighting off the urge to just go invisible and run away. You feel like you go feral around him. You don’t know how he hasn’t caught onto what the colors of your hair mean when you’re near him. 
It’s constantly switching between some odd mix of red and pink when you talk. Which, you know what it means, but you’re praying no one else does. Red can mean angry, depending on whether you’re talking to Scott or not. You know, though, that with Logan it just means you want to jump his bones and you’re hopelessly in love with him. 
Thankfully, like the others, he associates red with anger. Which isn’t great for you because that just means he thinks every time he opens his mouth you’re pissed off. At yourself, maybe, but at him, never. It just means when he wears those stupid tanktops you want to dig your teeth into his biceps and never let go. 
Scott opens the door to the meeting room and you slide in past him. Charles gives you a brief smile as a greeting. You take the chair at the end of the table, which just happens to be next to Logan - completely coincidental. He gives you a tense smile and you return it stiffly. You tug your hood over your hair, praying he doesn’t notice the red in your strands yet. You don’t want him to think you hate him. You completely prefer that over him knowing how feral you are for him, but it’s not conducive to your slow plan to finally get him to acknowledge you as a sexual partner. 
You swear, if your name isn’t Jean Grey, you might as well just be a shapeless blob of nothing. He glances over at her, that smoldering look in his eyes, and you try not to throw up in your mouth. Scott wraps an arm around Jean’s shoulders and they break their lingering stares. 
Logan glances over at you and catches the glare on your face before you can get rid of it. He huffs and turns towards Charles. With a sigh, you sink back into your chair and focus on not just going invisible. 
“Chameleon,” Charles says your name and your eyes widen. You wonder how much you’ve missed while you’ve been glaring at the back of Jean’s head. “Does that sound alright with you?”
You look around the table for help but they’re all staring expectantly at you. “Sure,” you stumble over the word, racking your brain for any answers. It seems not even your subconscious was paying attention to Charles droning on. “Sounds great.” He gives you a satisfied nod. 
“Good. Off to the jet, all of you.” he rolls out of the room and you wait until he’s out of earshot to kick Logan under the table. 
He glances back at you, smirking. “Don’t know what you agreed to?”
You purse your lips and shake your head. “Nope,” he gives you a look like he knew you’d say that. You hate how well he can read you when it feels like you’re constantly hitting walls trying to understand him. 
“You’re scoping a place out for us. Making sure it’s safe so we can retrieve some information.” You give him a thankful look and he chuckles. “You need to start paying attention, kid.”
You groan and get up from your chair, brushing past him. “I told you to quit calling me that.” It makes you feel like that’s all he’ll ever see you as, some kid invited onto the team. You want him to see you as someone he could have sex with, hopefully, love one day. 
He glances past you at Jean. She smiles at him and you fight everything inside you to not roll your eyes and gag at them. She’s holding onto Scott and making fuck me eyes at Logan, which he’s happily returning. This is just too disgusting for you. 
You shove past him and ignore how he calls out your name. Your real name. He’s the only one that uses it. For some reason, most people just refer to you by Chameleon. You don’t understand why. They just don’t seem to think of you outside your abilities as a mutant. 
You make it to the jet before the others, taking the private time to change into your X-Men suit. If there’s one useful thing about your ability, it’s that it affects whatever’s touching you. Which means, you don’t have to strip naked to go completely invisible. And if anyone is around you, all you have to do is hold onto them and they’ll blend in too. 
You’re tugging up the zipper of your top as Logan walks in. He gives you an odd look, sitting on the bench in front of you. “Angry about something?” He asks, gaze darting up to your head. 
You drag your fingers over the ends of your hair and sigh. “No,” you tell him bluntly, taking the seat beside him. 
His brows furrow in confusion. “It’s red, though,” he points out, his tone colored in suspicion. 
You laugh a little, “Red doesn’t always mean angry.” It’s the most you’ve ever confided about your hair colors to him. The largest hint you’ve ever given him that you don’t hate him. You’re worried if he knew how you really felt about him, he’d think you were a little creep. 
He slides his arm behind you on the bench, leaning in until you’re practically sharing the same air. You know your eyes are comically large, you don’t even want to know what color your hair is turning right now. “What else does it mean, kid?” He whispers and you don’t even pay attention to the nickname. All you can see and hear right now is him. How close he is, how close your lips are. 
You could lean forward an inch or two and you’d be kissing. “Um,” you swallow harshly around the lump in your throat. You don’t even know what he asked you, all you can think about now is kissing him. 
“Logan!” Ororo’s voice echoes through the jet and you leap away from him, trying to calm your racing heart. Logan sighs and leans back in his seat, giving Storm a tense smile. She glances at you and laughs, “She’s nearly see-through, what are you doing to her?”
You frown and look down at your hands. Sure enough, you’re going translucent. You let out a silent groan, and tuck your knees into your chest. You take a few deep breaths until you’re one solid form again. It’s so embarrassing when that happens, when you lose control over yourself like that. 
But it’s even worse when Logan does it to you. He gives you hope, stupid, hateful hope, for one minute that he might feel something deeper. Only for it to be another joke. You’re a walking mood ring, nothing more than a quick laugh to all of them. 
Jean walks up the ramp, her gaze going to Logan first before drifting towards you. “Are you alright?” She mutters, trying not to let the others hear. Of course, Logan can, with his stupid enhanced abilities. “You’re turning blue,” she points out and you roll your eyes. 
You can feel Logan’s stare burning holes into the side of your head and it only makes you feel worse. You hate being a joke, but you also hate showing them just how much it affects you. You don’t want to seem like a crybaby that can’t handle a little teasing. But you’d thought coming to Charles’ school meant people would stop poking fun at you. It feels like being dragged right back into high school. 
“I’m fine,” you tell her. She doesn’t look like she believes you but she takes a seat anyway. Of course, placing herself right next to Logan, even though her fiancee is a few feet away from her, looking just as hurt as you. They lean into each other and whisper. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. You let your glare bore into the floor, ignoring how much seeing them together hurts. 
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The mission had gone well, Logan had been hoping to go to the bar and grab a drink with you. But the second his back is towards you, you’re running off the jet. Logan calls out your name, trying to catch up. You glance back at him, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. He smiles at you and your eyes widen. You go invisible and Logan glances around, baffled. 
He calls out your name again but the door ahead of him opens and closes quickly. He can only assume you’ve run away again. You always run away from him. You’re always pissed off at him. He doesn’t know what Jean’s talking about when she says you like him. 
Logan’s never met anyone more repulsed by him. 
“Would you just trust me?” Jean tells him lowly, creeping up behind him. 
His face falls and he turns to her, glaring at her knowing smirk. “She just fuckin’ ran away from me. Pretty sure that’s about as good a hint as I’m gonna get, Jean.”
She glances over her shoulder, waving Scott away and looping her arm through Logan’s. “You’re an idiot, Howlett.” He scoffs and she swats at his shoulder. “Trust me, I can read minds, remember?”
Of course, he knows she’s got some pretty decent telepathic abilities. But he didn’t think she would so brazenly breach your boundaries. There’s an unspoken rule that the mind readers of the school don’t delve into your brain without permission. 
She sees the look on his face and sighs. “I didn’t read her mind. She got drunk a little while ago and told me about her raging crush on you,” she laughs a little at your expense and Logan lets out a short chuckle. You can be a pretty sloppy drunk if they let you go too far. He figures it was one of those girl’s nights he wants nothing to do with. You’d probably let the tight reigns you keep on yourself slip for once. 
“She goes red every time she sees me. I don’t know what else that could mean other than she hates me.” Logan isn’t surprised that you’re not taken with him like he is with you. He’s used to the rejection, but it hurts just a bit more coming from you. You’re so welcoming to the others. 
You embrace every new member of the school with open arms. Yet, with him, you get angry whenever you see him. You see through his walls, see the rot lurking underneath them. And, rightfully, want nothing to do with him. He understands your reasoning. 
Most days he barely wants anything to do with himself. He’s made a lot of bad choices in his life, half of which he can’t remember. But he’d hoped, for one minute, that you might give him a second chance. As much as Jean insists otherwise, he can see the truth of how you feel about him every time you run away. 
“Red doesn’t always mean anger,” Jean tells him elusively. It’s the same thing you’d said to him on the jet. It makes his brows furrow in confusion and he glares at her. 
“What else could it mean?” He demands sharply, sick of her teasing him with the possibility you might feel the same way. 
She bites her lip, looking suddenly sheepish. “I can’t say-”
“Jean,” Logan snaps. He stops her from walking any further, keeping her planted in one spot with him. “Tell me,” he’s sick of the games you’re both playing with him. He just wants some straight fucking answers. How hard is that?
She sighs and looks away from him. “I promised her I wouldn’t tell.”
“And I’m sure you promised you also wouldn’t tell me how she feels about me,” he points out. There’s a sharp tone to his voice, it’s rude but he can’t bother feeling guilty about it. 
She can’t meet his eye, a smirk fighting at the corner of her lips. He waits impatiently for her answer, irritation broiling quickly in his gut. He’s about to snap at her again when she finally meets his eyes. 
She speaks through a laugh, like what she’s about to say is so ridiculous she can’t hold it in. “She wants,” she cuts herself off with another laugh and Logan groans in frustration. He begins to walk away from her when she yells, “She wants to fuck you!” At his back. 
His eyes widen in surprise before he turns back to her with a displeased look. “Are you fuckin’ with me?” He demands, narrowing his eyes at her suspiciously. 
She shakes her head and brushes past him. “You didn’t hear it from me,” she warns, tone grave as she leaves the room. 
Logan is left standing in the same spot, stunned at the revelation. He’s not sure how much of that he believes. But he doesn’t understand why Jean would possibly lie to him about this. She gains nothing by setting him up for failure. As much as he doubts the honesty behind her words, he’s got no other choice but to trust them. 
He heads to the most likely place you’re hiding out. Charles has a private library that’s blocked off from the kids. There are too many first editions in there, he can’t risk any of them accidentally blowing them up. You like to head there when you’re trying to avoid people. 
He tries to stay quiet as he walks in, not wanting you to run off again. It’s hard to confront someone who goes invisible whenever she feels like it. He sees light blue hair draped over the back of an armchair. He feels like a creep as he stalks towards you, sneaking and pouncing on you so you can’t run away. 
He can’t imagine how Jean ever thought him approaching you would be a good idea. He whispers your name, trying not to startle you. It doesn’t take a genius to see how much you hate when the others scare you. They might not mean anything bad by it, but they have to be blind not to see how much it pisses you off. 
You still jump, glancing up at him with a surprised look. He looks to your hair for any tells of how you feel. Some pink weaves its way through the stands but it otherwise stays relatively blue. His brows furrow in confusion, he can’t tell if it’s a good or bad sign that there’s no red. 
“How are ya, kid? Ran off pretty quick earlier.” 
“Don’t call me that,” you mutter, giving him a brief glare before staring absently down at the book in your hands. Logan kneels beside your armchair, covering the pages with his hand. You huff, giving him an expectant look. “Yes, Logan?” You demand, tone short.
Logan tilts his head, examining you and your body language. You seem relatively closed off, irritated at him or something else. He doesn’t know what to say. He’s never been good with words or trying to express how he feels. He’s more comfortable showing how much he cares for those around him. 
Throwing caution to the wind, he lets his hand drift to your wrist and tugs you forward. Your eyes widen as he drags you toward him. The kiss is short, he doesn’t want to push you too much. But it takes everything in him to stop himself from deepening it. All he wants is to pull you into his arms and devour you. 
He holds back, parting from you with a low exhale. Your eyes flutter open and he grins when he sees the bright red your hair has turned. “What,” you sputter and stumble over your words. You shove him back and leap to your feet. “What the hell was that?” You demand, voice higher than he’s ever heard of it. “What was that?” You ask him shrilly, again. 
You almost seem to be stuck in a loop, blinking rapidly and asking the same thing. Logan chuckles and gets to his feet, he gives you a knowing look and you narrow your eyes at him in disbelief. 
“Jean told me.”
Your brows furrow and you shake your head. Realization dawns on your face and you gasp, looking up at him with something like horror on your expression. “No,” you tell him lowly. “She didn’t,” it almost sounds like you’re begging him to tell you otherwise. 
He laughs again and your face falls. You start going clear, he can see the bookshelf through your stomach and he sighs. He grabs your hand, holding onto you before you can run again. You don’t even seem to be aware that you’re slowly disappearing from view. 
“She’s, uh,” he struggles to figure out what to say to make you feel better. “She’s been coaching me,” he admits shamefully. “Trying to help me talk to you.”
You glance up at him but he can barely see your expression. The only thing reassuring him you’re here is his grip on you and your voice. “What? But I thought that-” You cut yourself off quickly and Logan glares down at where he thinks your face is. 
“Thought what?”
You take a long pause and exhale deeply. “I thought,” you mutter, “you liked her.”
“She’s with Scott,” he points out bluntly. He can practically hear you roll your eyes, even if he can’t see it. 
“Yeah, I know. But you guys are always whispering to each other and making googly eyes.”
“Googly eyes?” He interrupts, disgust clear in his tone. 
“I was wrong,” you continue, ignoring him. “I see that now, but I thought you didn’t care about me.”
Logan huffs, he hates that you thought that. He should have just been open with you from the start. He’s faced rejection his whole life, he shouldn’t have been so petrified of it just because it could come from you. If he’d just manned up and told you earlier, it would have saved you both a lot of time and hurt. 
“Kid,” he hopes he’s making eye contact with you and not just staring at some random book. It’s really hard to tell when you go invisible like this. “You’re the only person I care about in here.”
You’re quiet for a long while and he worries you’ve somehow slipped away without him realizing. But, ever so slowly, you start coming back into view. Logan awkwardly averts his eyes from your breasts, he’d been hoping he was making eye contact with you, clearly, he was wrong. 
“You mean that?” You ask, and he hates the trepidation in your voice. He’s never been good with words, he doesn’t know how to tell you how much you mean to him. But he can show you. 
His hand drifts up your arm, wrapping around the back of your neck and tugging you towards him. You trip over your feet, hands landing on his chest to stabilize yourself. He leans down, hovering over your lips for a moment. He waits until your eyes drift shut and your lips purse impatiently before he finally kisses you again. 
He doesn’t hold himself back this time. He pours every racing thought he’s ever had about you, every one of his wanted-to-tell-you-how-he-feels-and-hasn’t moments into the kiss. Your hands slowly curl up into his shirt, wrinkling it and tugging him further into you. 
To his surprise, you deepen the kiss, mouth moving over his like you want to devour him whole. He’s sure if he opened his eyes your hair would be a bright roaring red. He smirks against your lips, happy that, for once, he actually listened to Jean. If it gets him results like this, he might have to do it more often. 
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end. — I do not own the characters or the comics/movies Wolverine/X-Men, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
General Taglist: @evasmlp ♡ 
Logan Taglist:  @nonamevenus @smexy-bucky-waifu @wh1sp @peony-always @corvusmorte  
@mrs-ephemeral @wolviesgirl @allllium @insomniachox @izbelross  ♡ 
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shaisuki · 2 days
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CONTENT WARNINGS. handjob at elevator + references of public sex + oral sex (fem receiving)
SYNOPSIS. stern is aizawa but he's human too and he can't help but to fall on his ta.
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aizawa keeps you at arm's length.
teacher assistant's especially you, that are much younger than him are recipes for trouble and ua, despite its reputation as the best hero school all over japan isn't strict about colleagues being in a relationship. romance is hard enough to find outside when your job demands you to nurture future heroes that will soon be the pillar the country.
he may have just judged you too soon that you are like the previous assistants that attempted to seduced his fellow teachers and him. you were like nothing of the sort. too focused on the more things that needed to be taken care of and desperate to get that reference to be put in your resumé and the experience.
and the worst of scrutinizing you is he's the one who's slowly doing the things that a teacher shouldn't have. he's having unnatural thoughts of you. no matter of keeping the things professional and doing each other's assigned work, you creep on his mind. his stares are no longer innocent and would wander. thinking how soft you must be under your clothing. the stockings doing their purpose of covering your legs but it doesn't do justice to hide the fullness of them and the blouse you wore, it was delightfully sinful. everything about you screams of domesticity.
your voice is polite as you asked him where to put the recently acquired files. in which he only responds with a gruff. pointing at the cabinet where should it be placed and his eyes known for its function to his quirk can't deny to tear away his gaze at your thick thighs doubling in size as you crouch to place it.
confined spaces isn't a place he's comfortable with. not with you besides him. quietly staring at numbers of elevator changing as it descends to get to the floor where a conference is being held. he keeps his gaze straight at the door when he can see himself in a suit. the sight of it makes him itch and he's already wanting to get back to his sleep and you will be there. waiting for him. shit. he curses to himself. the slacks are already bad news and from how tight it was, it will show. he's blatantly disrespecting you from the way he thinks about you.
“aizawa-sensei, you should keep your thoughts silent. it's loud.” you say to him and he froze. “you forgot i can read minds.” he studies your expression. you weren't angry but he can see the swirls in those eyes of yours being plagued with the lines of betrayal and worry. his words are stuck on his throat. he can only stare at you with those black irises of his.
“it's fine. you should have just told me.” you offered him a small shy smile. “aizawa-sensei, can i?” he swallows and his expression remain neutral but his elevated heartbeat tells you another story. your palming him in his trousers. his erection growing the more you touch him. “it's okay, you can touch me, too.” and he snakes his arm around you. grabbing your ass and it was wrong to casually touch you like this when it's his fault for not being able to keep it in his pants. giving up in the temptation. the form being taken by you.
he's hot in your palm. throbbing in your touch, his cock coated with your spit seems to grow more and is attentive to the ministrations you were doing. it's getting bigger, cum beading on the tip and it made happy that your sensei is lusting over you. seems like ages ago that you were a mere fangirl of the underground hero and now, he's putty in your touch.
you grasp firmly his length. assessing his reactions and when you get the huffs and his hips bucking for more friction, you squeeze his cock before pumping it with your hand. you didn't mind that you were doing it in a elevator with the risk of being caught but you love the thrill of it, however it's not the same to him. you know how he hates doing something in public and you consider it to finish your job done.
it's pulsing, the sound of shlick as you jerk him off and the small puffs of breath he's exhaling. a brief kiss is exchanged before going back for more. just a little longer. swiping the slit of his cock with your thumb and speeding up your pace and with a groan. he cums in your hand. cursing silently at the mess he made.
the elevator dings, signalling that you two have both arrived at the floor where a press conference is being held. none of you spoke a word, keeping it a secret of what happened and it leaves a dull ache to your heart that it will be probably the last but how wrong of you to say that.
“(y/n)? had you seen aizawa?” midnight asked you. “n-no.” you stammer before hiding your moan with a cough. she seems satisfied with your answer before leaving the room. twirling the pen between your fingers before a shaky moan escapes your lips. the pen falls in the cool surface as you gripped the corners of your desk.
your tugged the man's hair below your desk. feasting on your fat cunt with your creamy thighs wrapped around his head. “aizawa-sensei.” you call him. your thighs quivering, a sign of your impending orgasm and with a silent scream you came on his mouth. his face surfaces between your thighs. licking the corners of his mouth before emerging. that was close but you two didn't care. it was a new thing that was happening between too.
aizawa's more than happy. who knew he did like fucking you all over the school with a chance of being caught.
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gladiatorcunt · 6 hours
when i get to heaven, please let me bring my man
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cw: kinktober prompt (creampie), unprotected sex & playing fast and loose with it’s possible consequences, yandere behavior, age gap (reader 20’s, capitano & zhongli 50s, baizhu 40s), power imabalance, non con somno (childe), dub con, innocence kink & lowkey medical malpractice (baizhu), reader has a pussy, implied kidnapping (capitano), if you squint childe & capitano’s sections are connected, frequent breeding kink type talk, manipulation & coercion, implied baby trapping, dead dove do not eat
please do not repost, translate, or feed this work to ai
kinktober 2024
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“Do be quiet, darling.” Zhongli grits, cupping your head with both of his palms and tugging you upwards. “I have no intentions of being an exhibitionist today.”
You arch off his grand wooden desk and gasp at the spark of pain in your neck, but you’d take that over drowning yourself in paperwork any day. Your boss’s cock is ramming into your ass at a porn star’s speed, the wet smacks of flesh slapping against flesh bounce off the one way glass walls.
This situation is the most cliché porn plot in the book though, the distant slightly emotionally unavailable boss bending his secretary over his desk and zipping down their pants. You had been running late that day, you forgot to set your alarm for Mr. Zhongli’s breakfast tea run and you had less cat food than you thought so you had to make a break for the grocery store.
By the time you scrambled in with a steaming cup of your boss’s favorite tea and his stack of reports to review and meeting requests to schedule, the older man was tapping his foot and crossing his arms. He didn’t look disappointed, not quite, but the gentle warmth in his eyes was gone and his small smile was flat.
In your desperation not to lose your job, this was your first and you’re only in your junior year of college, you follow him into his office and set down your things. Your cherry Marc Jacobs tote bag (bought by him, his papers and tea (bought by you with his money), your SINOCULTURAL orchid leather handbag (also bought by him, for variety).
Zhongli wasn’t the kind of pervy boss who’s hit on you before, you guess now that he was just lying in wait. You were the one that draped yourself over his desk with tears in your eyes, desperate and naive and relying on the principle of ‘sex sells’.
He’ll draft up a different beginning to your love story at your wedding.
“You take cock so well, perhaps we’ll have to have a discussion about adding this to your list of duties, hm?”
The condom sliding in and out of your walls makes you want to pout, but you know he has to have one. How he was able to pull a pack from his desk drawer on the spot is beyond you, you’re not quite willing to admit that you’d be so willing to keep your job you’d risk a baby and/or STDs.
“A-ah! Y-yes, sir, whenever you’re available, i-i’ll do anything.” You whisper over your shoulder and push your ass up, wanting the sight of his long cock disappearing under the thick cheeks to be as enticing as possible.
You clutch onto the golden plague bearing his esteemed name for dear life, muffling your sounds into the furniture’s lacquer, and let your boss pour all his stress into your holes. You tried to goad him into taking your ass but he gave you an amused chuckle and a firm pat to each cheek, chiding at you that he’d do it properly another time. He’s a gentleman under his silvered tongue and all his golden scales.
Zhongli seems to get fed up with the condom the closer he gets to his roaring orgasm, and all you’re able to let out in a punched squeal as he sharply pulls out and rips the condom off.
“This damn thing,” He huffs, snarling as he tosses the shredded scraps of plastic to the side, sinking back into your pussy in one go. “There, much better.”
You’re discovering that Mr. Zhongli is not the kind of man who groans unabashedly in the heat of the moment, he's prone to contented sighs and easy laughs. The closest you get to anything animalistic is the guttural grunt he lets slip as you clench around him near the end of his deep thrusts, milking him for all the cum this HR nightmare of a quickie can get you.
“One more thing before you go, be a dear and clean that up for me.” He points a black nail down at the puddle of cum expectantly, somehow having pulled his cock free with a wet flopping noise when you were too dizzy to notice, sinking back into his swiveling chair.
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Sugar Daddy!Capitano
Your back hits the hotel wall, softened by Capitano’s hands coming to slide in between you and the surface.
“Mmfh- I’ve never… I’ve never done this before.” You shyly admit as your sighs fade into whimpers, the man’s stubble rubbing on your neck during his rain of kisses.
He laughs and his hot breath hits your pulse point, your heart skips a beat. “So you’ve told me. Don’t worry, you’re nothing but safe with me. I’ve already wired the initial 50,000 for our first meeting to your account, we don’t have to do anything that you are not comfortable with.”
You nod and run your fingers through his black hair, offering up more of your unmarked neck. Of course you’re comfortable, you were so nervous you could die hours earlier, but your first sugar daddy experience has turned out to be the ideal. Capitano made sure you were happy and pliant, offering ten times the amount of what most other men would just for this one dinner. What wouldn’t you be down with doing now?
He nips at your bottom lip, wrapping his burly arms around your chubby thighs and hoisting you up. You wrap your legs around his waist and giggle as you fall onto the bed of the hotel’s presidential suite. You trade sloppy and clumsy kisses for less and less articles of clothing, he places your jewelry and your accessories neatly on the nightstand.
“So you don’t prick yourself or worry about losing them, bambi.” He explains and pulls you into another syrupy kiss.
You lose yourself to fit of giggles as he reverently kisses down your body. The next hour is spent with your new sugar daddy licking your pussy, eating you out like a man would gulp down an oasis after a lifetime of being stranded in the desert. You couldn’t say how many times you flood his awaiting mouth with your juices and seed, but you’ll always remember how his Adam's Apple bobs on every swallow. As if it nourishes him, replenishes his soul from inside and out, warms like a good hearty soup.
Capitano slithers up your body to stroke a finger down your face, “Are you ready for me, honey? You’re spewing like a fountain but we can always just cuddle.”
“No, I'm ready, I want this, want you. Please, Daddy, need your cock.” And your money, but mostly your cock right now.
You settle into your position on your back and spread your legs, you grab the back of your ankles and keep them that way. Bearing yourself for the hungry gaze of a man twice your age.
“Alright, needy love, aren’t you? Here you go.” He coos, lining up his fat dick with your slick entrance and sinking in.
You almost wish you had turned the lights off. The way his massive looks hovering above yours, muscles tense and waiting to be exercised. You don’t have to look down at where his cock feeds your pussy, it’s like you can feel what every nerve and vein is doing and touching in your guts. You’re so glad the conversation about being tested was had on the sugaring app, you’re both clean and on the pill so you thought why not indulge in another first.
“Gorgeous cunt. Worth so much fucking more than 50,000. You like France, bambi? I’ll get you a castle in the countryside, this pussy would look divine getting pounded in one of their foyer’s and over their balconies.” He groans, husky and scratchy, kissing you and grinding his cock deep in your quivering pussy like you just got married.
You have to show him how to take a video of his goopy cum dripping out of your puffy folds, spreading them with your fingers and pushing it back inside.
The next morning, you wake up to a bundle of fresh roses and a calligraphy note on the pillow next to your head. You smile and take it all in, but eventually you tug on last night’s clothes and grab your bag. You grin down at your phone, feeling the butterflies play war drums in your stomach, this going somewhere good. There are times when you can just tell.
The suite door is locked, a man’s voice outside asks if you’re ready to be taken back to the boss’s home. On the way there you look through your bag, a message from your intuition, and your birth control is gone. But there are listings for several foreign properties, with a sticky note attached to the first.
‘Tell me which ones you like when you get home. I have my broker on the phone.”
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It’s a routine for him, slip in under your window, sink onto your bed and straddle your sleeping body, and fill you up with his cum until your belly bloats. You’ve never noticed, he’s good at cleaning up. And if you have, you’re docile enough to let him keep at it. Let the rabid wolf keep pawing at your door with bloody paws, leaving a carcass at your feet and doing it all over again the next day.
You know it’s just your boyfriend loving on you in private until you’re ready to go public. He understands you’re shy, a lot of the partners he’s had in the past haven’t exactly been social butterflies, but baby it’s just little ol’ Ajax! He wouldn’t hurt a fly let alone his precious significant other, don’t be silly. He has these kinds of conversations with you through hushed whispers against your ear and trembling fingers slipping under the straps of your tank top.
Ajax always preps you, save for a couple of times in the beginning because he was too excited. He prefers doing it with his tongue, but he does love a good fingerbanging session. He’d never cause any pain that wasn’t fun for the both of you, cross his heart and hope to die. He even brings a back up inhaler that he stole from your pharmacist in case you lose your current one.
He grins as he shimmies you out of your sleepwear, you never much, another sign that you’re meant to be “Shh, lovebug, I hope you’re having the sweetest dreams right now. I’m just stopping by to say hi. I have to be quicker this time, I'm real sorry, bub.”
Some as-gentle-as-possible rough fingerbanging it is.
Ajax keeps his eyes peeled so wide they burn a little as he crooks and curls his fingers in your tight pussy, marveling at your groggy whimpers that sooner than later snowball into light moans.
“You looked stunning in your outfit today, I like looser tops on you. I can see your titties bounce, swear to god. The leggings were a nice touch too, wanted to jog over during your walk and smack the shit out of it. But that’s not the meet cute you deserve, is it cutie?” He grips your face in one hand, the free one that’s not knuckles deep in pussy juice, shaking your head for ‘no’ for you.
“I promise we’re gonna meet soon, it breaks my heart to see you look so lonely, bub.” He’s not fazed when you seem like you’re waking up, he just ‘aw’s and strokes his thumb on your clit until you’ve fallen back asleep. “I can’t wait. I’ve gone over everything a million times, what I’m gonna wear, what I’m gonna say, our first date, our “first” time, I'm so ready for it all with you.”
You’re adorable, your brow is pinching and you’re tossing and turning. Your soft moans become louder and since you’re a heavy sleeper that doesn’t live in an apartment (not that he’d stop anyway, he’s seen how your next door neighbors check you out when you’re not looking), he scissors his fingers and speeds up the thrusts of his hand.
After months of this and vigorous hours at the gym, his wrist has stopped cramping entirely. He slips his free hand under his jeans and clasps it around his leaking dick, jerking himself off as he finger fucks your perfect pussy.
“Oh, there it is, honey.” Ajax gasps, tightening his grip around his painfully hard cock just as your walls tighten around his fingers. “It’s okay, keep going for me, you can do it.”
He times his strokes to the thrusts of his fingers, his breathing in sync with every rise and fall of your chest. You’re so wet, you’re leaking around his digits, your pussy making a sick squelching sound
“Oh fuck! I’m gonna cum baby, just from fingering your pretty pussy.” He pants, circling his thumb over the head of his weep dick and smearing his precum all over his length.
He’s moving so fast his hand is a blur, and he really doesn’t even register the sensation of fucking himself with his fist. Instead what he feels is the way your thighs seize up and your breath hitches, you arch your back off the bed in your sleep and that’s when he knows it’s time.
“Fuck, okay. Lemme get a little closer, lovebug, don’t want any of it to go to waste, right?” He keeps stroking his throbbing cock and blasting his fingers into your pussy, awkwardly trying to find his footing so he can get a good position.
He takes his fingers out of you and his heart squeezes in his chest when your hips buck after them and you whine.
“Here it comes, baby.” Ajax laughs at his own joke, positioning the tip of his dick right against your hole. With a shaky breath and an even shakier smile, he breaches your hole with only that part of himself, loving the way your cunt welcomes it in.
He laughs again when he floods your insides, crossing his fingers behind his back for this one to take. Don’t worry, it’s only a fantasy for now, you should at least have your first date before he knocks you up.
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“Just lie back on the exam chair for me and we can begin.” Dr. Baizhu smiles warmly at you as you nervously play with your hands in the clinical room.
You nod, wanting to speak at little as possible. The chair’s paper covering crinkles and creases as you climb onto it, shuffling around before settling into a somewhat comfortable positon lying on your back. You look to Dr. Baizhu on your right, he’s available on your insurance and he has stellar reviews on any site worth trusting you could find. You’re just anxious anyway, and this is something you have to do, it won’t do you any good to get paranoid about all the things that could go wrong in a doctor’s office.
Baizhu’s eyes crinkle in the corners and he takes a seat on one of those rolling black stools. “So I take it that this is your first pelvic exam? Well, then be assured that you’re in good hands. It’s nothing scary, but I need to make sure your vulva and reproductive organs are in perfect working order.”
You laugh awkwardly and mutter back a “I know, I'm fine. Just a little tired, traffic was a nightmare.”
Your nerves already feel like they’re fading away, Dr. Baizhu’s voice is so pleasant and he has such a kind demeanor, you understand why this clinic was so eager to have him. The woman who signed you in was raving that it was his first day after leaving a major hospital, that they were so lucky and you were too.
“Now I'll have you slide down to the end of the table and put your knees in these stirrups, it’s perfectly safe and if you need to take a breather, please let me know.” He croons, allowing you the freedom and comfort to act on your own. He’d never want to make you feel panicked, as if he were forcibly restraining you.
The exams aren’t really a big deal when you’ve gotten over that hump, but Baizhu knows that first times of any variety can be scary. Especially for skittish patients such as yourself, with as much prey drive as a barn bunny being chased by a sheepdog.
You lie there and endure every probe and thoughtful hum. Your vulva is fine and Dr. Baizhu ends that part of the inspection with a quick pat to your mound, his lips twitching as if trying to resist the urge to kiss.
“Okay, now I'm just going to check out your cervix, keep still.” The man hums, smoothing a hand down your right calf from the stirrup to your knee. “You’ll feel some pressure, but nothing painful.”
“Really?” You bite your lip and eye the instruments on the little table by the sink.
Dr. Baizhu chuckles, “Of course. Some patients do experience pain, but it’s not a definite thing, everybody’s different. At most, you’ll feel a tad uncomfortable and exposed.”
So you brace yourself and expect to feel the cold metal of what looks like some kind of forceps. Instead you look down to see your doctor unbuttoning his pants.
He catches your eye and waves off your concern, “Cold metal just seems so abrasive for your first time. You might do better with a more… human approach, something to test how well you can stretch. Don’t worry, I'll put protection on, I'd be a horrible doctor if I didn't.”
Sure enough he slides a latex condom on, covered in tiny holes but you brush it off as being a part of the design. Baizhu’s cock twitches, feeling a sick thrill at how easy you are, at how he can whip his dick out and you’ll believe it’s in your best interest.
He doesn’t release you from the stirrups, and they rattle as he plunges inside inch by inch. Slowly and mind numbingly, to properly gauge your cunt’s ability to expand around the intrusion. You gape up at him, feeling far more than just a tad uncomfortable and exposed. His lips twitch again, torn between maintaining the facade and stuffing your cervix with his cock or breaking character and dipping down to kiss your adorably parted lips.
“I’d give you a piece of candy if that wouldn’t embarrass you. You’re doing great, just relax and the pressure will ease up.”
“Ngh- hah- O-okay, doctor. Thank you for helping me.” You don’t know why you say it, who thanks their doctors for doing a basic exam? But he groans and his hips rush forward all the same.
Your cunt is impossibly tight, which is to be expected but it’s not any less delightful to experience.
The paper underneath you makes you want to claw your eyes out as his thrusts force your back to slide back and forth on it. That, the stirrup straps clacking, and your shared soft pants are the only sounds in the locked room. It’s not as anxiety inducing as you’d expect, the planets in the office orbit around the doctor and as long as they think he’s in an appointment (and isn’t he?) they won’t interrupt. His eyes crease, he promises to give you a home visit when you’re done here, just to be thorough and make good on that promise of candy.
Something sweet for the embodiment of the cavities is in his soul, cunny strangles him tighter than a noose.
Dr. Baizhu shudders as you reflexively clench around his pulsing cock and attempt to kick out your legs only to be held back by the stirrups, “Don’t mind the mess, ‘s all par for the c-course, my dear.”
You squirt on his next thrust, and your tangy juices drip down onto the cold gray floor. The gooey cum that escapes the holes in the condom follow suit and form a little pool. Dr. Baizhu takes several pictures of your seed heavy pussy with his flip phone for medical reference.
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danaduchy · 2 days
all texts from Kerry
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Found Henry Holy shit, Henry's on board. Way to go! Check outta rehab of his own free will… thru the window, hehe. Some nurse tried to stop us - at first I thought she wanted an autograph, but she didnt even recognize me. Tell you the rest later How's it going with Nancy? S'all under control That's what I like to hear
Samurai's back together What about Johnny? He amped for this gig or meh?
As amped as he's ever been. Must be important to him cuz otherwise I wouldnt be forced to take this stupid pseudoendotrizine
Hard to say. You know how he is Well I'm amped as fuck, if anyone's wonderin. It'll be fuckin shimra - just gotta remember not to get too wasted before. Old habits die hard, haha
Waiting for you Kerry? Where are you? On the way. Chill. Gotta change
What's up, V? Too bad you split so quick after the concert - we didn't even get a chance to chat I barely know anything about you, except you've got a shit-ton goin on inside You're the one who left early That so? Hm, maybe. Anyway, it was fuckin nova, wasn't it? Shoulda recorded it for you cause you didn't catch anything thru Johnny
Hey! Heey. So I cant stop thinkin about our little adventure. FUCKIN AWESOME. Thats how you live life. ON THE EDGE :>
Who doesnt like explosions and races right? :) Lemme know if the rest of your plan worked out Sure, I'll text or call ;) If I can't convince you to blow up anythin else, then at least we can go for a drink. Take care!
Egh, day just like any other. Hope it helped you tho Pff, sound more nonchalant than a karaoke star from kabuki ;) I'll be in touch
Coffee at Caliente Know what? I'm glad we got a chance to talk over coffee. You're a straight shooter, V. Nothing like the ass-kissers I'm usually surrounded by. It's good we did what we did, right? Blowing that van to bits? Cuz I been thinking…
To be honest, got no clue if anything good will come of it. I agreed cuz you paid me. Honest as ever, huh? Means I was right about you. Appreciate that, V. I really do. Don't ever change.
It was the right thing to do. And you've got nitro running through your veins. Don't you ever let yourself think otherwise! Nitro in my veins? Yeah, and a fuse sticking out of my ass. Least that's what I felt back then. Was worth it, though - slept like a fucking baby for the first time in ages. Talk to you later. Thanks again!
Reward Hey, forgot to send the eddies before, but should hit your account any sec. PREEM WORK :>
Where are you? Well, where are you? At this rate I'm gonna be a fuckin skeleton by the time you get here.. Move your ass or forget about this whole thing Dunno where you are or what you're up to, but I'm a busy fuckin man. Forget about it - don't have time for this shit Srsly, V? Ditched me with the badges and split? Shitty move. We're fuckin THROUGH Where the fuck are you? Grrr doesnt matter. I'm checkin out, goin home. Call ya if somethin comes up
answer yr phone!!! Hey, V. Got a job for you. Corner of Grey and Mallagra. Be there first thing in the morning, we'll talk it over. I'm fucking livid, V! Those Us Cracks bitches clearly didn't get the hint. Instead of cancelling after we blew up their truck, they just moved their show to another date! Meet me at Riot ASAP. We'll deal with them differently this time. The Us Skanks still wanna fuck me over and record the cover, V! On top of that, their lawyers won't stop yappin'. We really need to talk. I'm at Dark Matter right now. Come 'round the back, the bouncers will let you in. It's easier to reach my dead grandma than you, V! Anyway, Us Cracks are done, for real this time. We should celebrate! Stop by Dark Matter. Use the back entrance.
What's up? Hey, hows it going? Ownin the streets of NC?
More like tryna survive. Let's just say the city and I are even Sweet. What's that? What's up with me? Nice of you to ask. Hammerin out some sick tunes. Ok, more like trying to hammer out. Keep your fingers crossed
Hey hey, you could say that. Lotta stuffs been happenin - even without you! :O Yeah yeah, whatever! I'm stringin together some fresh tunes… OK, more like thinking about some fresh tunes. Keep your fingers crossed
Missed holocall! V! Whatever you're doing right now - drop it and come see me at the Marina. Pier four.
Scratch that! Spoke too soon Slight change of plans - waitin on an important delivery and the fuckin gonk's late. Be at the marina at 7pm!
Kova-chek this out :D Kovachek went ballistic when he found out the yacht went up in smoke! Even went back on those pills that turn him into you know, whatever the opposite of a cyberpsycho is. More goo than a man haha this is greaaaaat!
Ouch. Musta sunk a lotta eddies into that float! :P Speakin of dickheads tho - turns out he stashed a ton of drugs on board! Like, two yachts' worth. And we sent aaaall of that to the bottom of the sea :D Bay's full of fish high off their fins now!
Literally zero living organisms in that bay, Ker. Yeah duh they they took their happy fishy asses down to the spaceport and went to la la land. Anyway tellin ya whenever I'm down, I think about our seaventure and it's like insta good feels :*
Wow. What now? Feel like blowing more of his shit up. Think he's got a luxury crib somewhere in the Rockies… Something to think about… :P FUCK NO! I GOT IT! We make a Kovachek voodoo doll! Can't wait to stab that prick right in the dick :D
I really don't care about that dick, Kerry. Fine OK. As long as you care about MY dick, that is :P
Hey :* Heeey, how's it hanging? Everything all right? I'll just come right out and say it - I miss you. Just a little bit though ;) You coming by anytime soon?
Miss you too, if you can believe that. See? We're tuned to the same frequency. I'll try to swing by sometime. Preem. I'll be waiting!
Hey! Well well, look who's suddenly spilling their guts out :P Dunno when I can drop by though :/ Sad face :( But fine - I know the world doesn't revolve around me. It sucks, but that's the way it is. Take care!
Been thinking about you… Thinking about you too. You're like some chorus to this incredible song that's been stuck in my head lately. On loop :)
What's new? Still conquering the world with music? Planning to! :) don't really know if there's anything left to conquer though. You're already mine, right? (I know, I knooooow, it's cringe. But I couldn't hold myself back!) Latest song I wrote - read it and weep. Wrote it while thinking of you: "Where you whisper, open up your heart / Reveal the place where I once had a heart" Whaddaya think?
I like it. It's gentle, but still has a bite. And knowing you, probably has multiple meanings ;) Exactly! I knew you'd get it :***
Hmm, you were thinking about me when you wrote that? Dunno if that's good or bad :< it's up to you - that's the whole point! :*
Got a bunch of things on my plate right now. Times are tough. Oh, OK, cool. Do what you gotta do. We'll talk later, no prob.
Serious business Check it out, V. Got this email from a lifelong fan. It's serious. Gotta write her back. Dear Mr. Eurodyne, the day we both have been waiting for is finally upon us! I got rid of my husband, my house and all the other remnants of my former life. Now, I'm truly ready to give you my heart and all my other organs, should you desire them. You are the Sun and I am the Moon - I live to bask in your radiant brilliance. I love you, Mr. Eurodyne, and eagerly anticipate the time we'll finally be together. We will meet soon - I'm sure you know exactly where." She also sent me a gift card to a junk shop in Providence, wherever the fuck that is. It's clear she's nuts, just not sure if it's the murder-suicide variety. She writes me same day every year, like clockwork. What if she dissolved her man in a vat of acid, burned down her house and now she's sharpening her sickle cuz I'm next!? What are we gonna do, V???
You really worried about her? More importantly: Kerry Eurodyne actually reads fan mail? Adorable. Yeah, yeah, Kovachek usually deals with all that shit. Even signs photos and sends them to the fans. But the fucker always forwards stuff from this crazy broad. Gets his rocks off fuckin with my blood pressure. Anyway, thought you might get a kick out if it. Seriously though, I should probably do something. Don't want her to knock on my bedroom door a year from now.
What, your first psycho groupie? Unbelievable :D Don't worry about it. We'll deal with her. Fuckin preem. What should I do, V? Ideas??
Call the Providence PD. Let them scare her off? Or better yet, put her in a straitjacket? Boooring! 'Sides, cops mean lawyers and I hate dealing with them even more than I hate Kovachek's guts. No worries, I'll think of something else.You're in charge here.
Why not have a bit of fun? Write her back, give her Kovachek's address and say you'll be waiting for her there exactly one year from now :P Hahahaha you beautiful fucking GENIUS! Think I'll do exactly that. He'll shit himself when he sees her! We'll set up a camera and film it, too. Can't wait!Not worth your time.
She probably thinks she's pregnant with Lizzy Wizzy's love child, too. Check if the store has a netpage, see if they ship to NC and get yourself something nice! Smart! I'll see if they have anything worth my while. Get myself a studded choker. Or one of them Russian stacky doll-in-a-doll-in-a-doll things. Thanks, V! Later
Truth or Dare! I'm boooooooored, V. Let's play Truth or Dare! :D
Really don't have time for this, Ker. Cmon, don't be like that. TRUTH or DARE???
Fuck it. Dare. OK, here it goes. Hope I got your full attention! OKOK here's your dare: "Survive one year with a rockstar" :D
Cheeky ;) Guess I can give it a try ;)
Don't know if I have time for that, Kerry.
Truth! Got nothing to hide. Here it goes: "After a little good morning sex, what I really want is…"
Coffee and cigarettes. Glass of whiskey if I need a little hair of the dog…
Scrambled eggs. Clearly.
Puzzle by yrs truly V! Made one of them picture riddles for you, V! Wanna see it? :D Fuck yeah you do! Heeeere goes! …69 <3
Not right now, Kerry. Got some other things on my mind… No worries. Listen, we all have days like this. Thinking of you here with my little puzzle, hope that helps :*
Really, Ker? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Yeah, yeah, just warming up! Okay, get ready for round two! |$| >< #o.O# ;(
Kerry slapped the shit out of Kovachek!
Rockstars are the best spankers! Sorry, all you get is a kiss :*
My man is shit at puzzles :* You got it, you shrewd beast :D Congrats! Your reward - a Kerry Eurodyne sextape! Now all that's left is to shoot it :P I'll send you something sweet <3
Personality test You're not gonna believe this, V. I took one of those personality tests and apparently, I'm a NARCISSIST! Can you believe that shit??
You, a narcissist? That can't be right. I know, right? Good thing you're smart about these things. You're so sweet, babe :*
Might be some truth to it if I'm REAL honest :) You do… tend to be an arrogant snob. Not to mention your ego's the size of a small planet :* Haha took the test again and now it says I'm a sociopath! Told you it's all bullshit! Told you I'm not a narcissist! Honestly you should listen to me, I'm smarter than whatever "scientist" came up with this shit!
Ah V fuuuck worlds biggest hangover, shakes and willies. Need a kind soul to tell me I'll come out the other side OK :-/ my age be damned ;-|
Textin ya from Dtown, 'hood's the very embodiment of shakes and willies
Got a gig, mebbe not worlds biggest but mondo anyway. This is me needin assurance I'll come out the other end in 1 piece Ever in the thick of shit, eh? It's where your&Johnny's minds meet, both uber vibe on it. JS better be fuckin happy - is he?
Need better candy to pop at raves, physio venting helps, mutes nerves, you'll stride strong, won't bother us workin peeps! Srsly V - soundin like you need time off, ad hoc vacay. U know, throw the monkey off your back, dunno, air your skull sponge.
Could be, just not now Handlin ginormous gig in Dogtown. Elbow deep in it, serious as a heart attack.
That an invite….? ;> Dunno, maybe…? My door's wiiiiiiide open, always ;>
Got this biz I gotta tend to first, one way or another… Oh ok mystery man - you do you. gotta say, findin this diss kinda titillating. Is it the masochist in me? tension's… ooooh, got my mouth watering.
Right, I know. One of these days - surprise! You'll see, be at your front door. Only if I'm home, obvi. You're textin a raucous, go-get-'em busy man…
OOO-K. So get lost, find a release.
Hmm, you're temptin me to call. Will do, given time. Do do do, plz. I'll be waitin <3
OK then I'll play support - we're all gonna all right, better'n all right - golden Which is DEF NOT me now - after a fuckin weird-ass 48 hrs, and this is me talkin…! just straaange… like unbelievably so Ahem, got stories to tell, solid gold
well, yeah, might find it a lil hard to believe… welp, hope you're whole and fine and happy. If you are, suck it. Dissin somebody like this - not nova, choom, supra unpreem
OK spill So dig this - meet-up w the enemy, competing publishing bitchez. Top dogz, bubbly flowin, rails vanishing up noses - all in back of a stretch cuz they out to impress my ass with their asses. Kinda sad, really. Gotta give 'em an e for effort, tho - they say: choom, got a mountain o' eddies for ya. N I say, really - where from? N they say, our mountain's a volcano, it'll spew scratch like lava… Hm i say, how's that? N they say, Zetatech product placement - next tour, choom so I says let's go - Zetatech now! they practically jizz. Zetatech HQ I get out, drop my pants and moon eveybody lookin out the windows of the building while I give the bitchez in the limo the finger at the same time. N i called Delamain.\nDel and me, we rollin, talkin anti-iperialism - any sense in it given the state of the world? Know what? we actually come to a conclusion - that nuthin makes sense anymore. So we go on rollin, and go on talkin and drinnk myself into grief. 18 hours later Del dropped me by my crib. He wished me GOOD LUCK IN THIS WORLD. choom was deep depressed, so much so he gave me a discount
Could've happened to Kerry and Kerry alone, that Plain to see, admit it, I just might be the king of NC's nightlife
vive le roi! and may the consort bask in his light ;> xoxo
hm, yeah, no titles more important than that… BETTER FUCKIN BELIEVE IT.
Oooh could go for a convo about life's futility. But DT takes no prisoners forgives no mistakes - need to focus. salty! somebody's in a m0000d
well, just don't see your parties and hangovers as overly important to me just now, if ever
yeah, sorry, just this gig, shitstorm, tense, lots to handle OK I get it, all crystal. Need a lil cheerin up or just leave you the fuck alone?
may be better off just leavin me alone, I'll ping you later, OK? say no more, luv ya and dreamin daily about your sweet tush <3 Eurodyne out
cheerin up, plz :) OK catch: How ya get a bass player to have that gleam in his eye? Shine a flashlight in his ear. That help any?
yup, did wonders :D thx raise you on the holo later, 'kay?
hm, not great, but I won't hold it against you. cute of you to try ok, so here's somethin to keep you warm at night in the meantime, you sweet precious thing <3
You doing anything? Yo, why haven't you shot me a message or nothin? I'm sitting over here like a dumbass waitin for my phone to start buzzin…
Sorry, Ker! You know how it is, life and shit… I know I know, didn't mean to be a total prick
I was just about to text you! Uh huh… suuuure…
You coulda shot me one too, y'know :P The fuck do you think I'm doin right now?!? So listen, how busy are ya? Gotta admit, I'm gettin the itch real bad. Like, a good itch, to see you I mean.
Sounds great! My megabuilding pad maybe? A megabuilding, huh? I mean, sure, guess that'll work…
Then I'll be waitin for ya at my Northside apartment :) Preem. Then I'll get there when I get there.
Let's meet up in Japantown. Just a hop and a skip for you ;) Perfect!
Can you drive over to the Glen? Love to see you too <3 I can do whatever the fuck I want.
Whaddaya say to a little date downtown? My Corpo Plaza place? Ohhh baby, my ass is already out the door!
I'm free! Wanna swing by Dogtown? You outta your mind? No fucking way! Either we meet in NC proper or I ain't goin out. Don't forget to tidy up a bit, yeah? ;)
Goooood morning, Night City! And you, V! Listen, I'm bored outta my mind. Wanna be bored together at least? You asleep? :P Oh, what's that? You want me to come over? Sure! You're one hot piece of ass, you know that right? You were in my dream last night. A good one. Don't worry, I ain't mad at dream V or nothin - in fact I wanna meet up! I hit a creative block, need some inspiration. I need you. I'm coming over.
Sounds good :) Megabuilding apartment then. Hope you remember which one's mine! On my way!
Genius idea from a genius himself. I'll be waitin for ya in Northside <3 Guess this means I have to change outta my bathrobe. The sacrifices we make!
Japantown. Now. :P Preem! Callin a Delamain right now!
Missed you too. Come to the Glen :)
Sounds like it's time for a trip downtown. My Corpo Plaza pad to be exact
Swing by Dogtown, I'll show you my fixer-upper :P Over my cold, dead, bullet-riddled body! The fuck you even doing there?! Get back to civilization, V!
haha XD so, right now's not good, but don't worry - I'll be thinkin of ya ;) Oh so that's how you wanna play this… nah, just messin, V. wink, wink. I'll catch ya another time!
I like you, V. Thought I owed you a little reminder of that. And hey, not to impose or nothin, but if you wanna spend some more time together, don't be such a coward about it, y'know? Hit me up!!
I like you too, Kerry. I'll let ya know :) Ain't we an adorable fuckin pair of sweethearts! Ha!
No imposing. I'd love to see you again soon too ;) Careful with those boundaries now, V. Let em down too far and I might just move right in!
Course! Soon as I find some time, you'll be the first to know! You honor me, sir! Hang tough out there, V. And remember - don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Hey, Ker! Life's been feelin a lil empty without ya… wanna meet up? So, wanna see me again? Fuck yeah! Your place ok? Heeey! I do, I do! Just… can't right now. Schedule's crammed. But I'll be in touch real soon!
I fucking love surprises! Yo, V, this is a nice ride! Seems like whenever you're on my mind all I can think about is rides ;)
Yeah I know ;)
I love surprising you :) As crazy as my life is, without you it'd be boring as hell <3
Thanks for the flowers! Thank christ they're artificial cuz I'm allergic to pollen. Sneezing, goopy eyes, the whole fuckin thing. Also… "Feedback"? What? Did we hook up at one of my concerts? Honestly I can't remember.
Totally. Speaker feedback fused our audio systems somehow. Made the sex interesting at least. Whaaa, well whatever, I don't need the whole sciency mumbo jumbo :D
You kiddin? How could you forget! Man, what the fuck was I on that night…
Won't see me for a while Gonna need to vanish for a while maybe a month or so. Hope you didn't have any romantic escapades planned and all set up :P Nooo :( Who'm I gonna take to the N54 rave then? :(((
Shiiiit mean to say I'm gonna miss an N54 party? Wanted to surprise you… Real fucking shame :/ I know ;( We'll crash multiple raves when I'm back in town tho :) Promise!
Take someone else feel free but just this once. Long as you promise - no hand holdin' no indecent stuff no INTIMACY mental neither :P Oh please faithful's my middle name :* Fuck really wish you could make it Make it up to you 100%
Long time no see :] There's this merc I know and haven't seen for a while… oh yeah it's you! :D C'mon pick up gotta tell you how wasted me and Slavoy McAllister got at this N54 rave xD Think we might've burnt down half the studio… by accident ofc XDD Hey, V? Pick up, choom Still can't top you 'n' me as a wrecking crew ;) Fuck, you ok? Pick up dammit not funny V 13 missed calls from: Kerry Eurodyne
You ghosting me? Fuck, pick up! Really?! Can't even bother to send ONE word?! Just gonna pretend like nothin happened, huh? COWARD
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mpregstory · 2 days
Evan sat on the couch, his legs propped up on pillows, belly enormous and stretching the limits of his shirt. His hands rested protectively on the swell, the weight of it making every move feel like a Herculean effort.
On the other side of the room, Jay paced, muttering to himself. “I don’t get it,” he said, throwing his hands in the air. “How is it possible that you’ve gotten even bigger? I swear it’s like you’re carrying twins or something.”
Evan rolled his eyes, rubbing his side where a foot—or an elbow—pressed uncomfortably against his ribs. “Thanks for the sympathy, Jay. Really feeling the support over here.”
Jay sighed dramatically and collapsed into the armchair across from him. “Look, I am sympathetic! But you’ve turned into a human boulder. You barely move! It’s like trying to get a conversation out of a mountain. I have to do everything because you can’t even get up without groaning like an old man.”
Evan arched an eyebrow. “I’m growing a whole human in here, in case you forgot.”
“Trust me, I haven’t forgotten. It’s all I hear about. Every time I turn around, you’re asking for water, or a snack, or for me to rub your back because, and I quote, ‘it feels like a truck ran me over.’” Jay mimicked Evan’s low, tired voice in an exaggerated whine, but the smirk on his face couldn’t hide how much he loved him.
Evan shifted on the couch, wincing as the movement sent a sharp twinge through his lower back. “Well, maybe if someone had better sperm, this would be easier.”
Jay gasped in mock offense, hand over his chest. “Oh, so now my sperm is the problem? You agreed to this arrangement, and now I’m the bad guy because I gave you this beautiful baby who’s apparently turning you into Jabba the Hutt.”
Evan glared at him but couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up. “Jabba the Hutt? Really?”
“Yeah! Don’t think I haven’t noticed you stealing all the snacks, either.” Jay pointed accusingly at the empty bag of chips on the coffee table. “I was looking forward to those!”
“I need the calories!” Evan shot back, stifling a chuckle as he pushed himself up slightly, his stomach pressing into his thighs.
Jay sighed again, but this time it was softer, tinged with affection. “Look, I love you, but you’ve got to admit, you’re basically a full-time job right now. I have to roll you over like a boulder at night because you can’t sleep on your back. You’re always waking me up for some midnight craving that we don’t have, and then you send me out in the middle of the night to get it.”
Evan rubbed his belly again, smiling faintly. “It’s the baby’s fault. He has very specific tastes. Can’t blame me for that.”
Jay crossed his arms, but his lips twitched into a grin. “You know, if I didn’t love you so much, I’d be seriously rethinking this whole thing. I never knew carrying a baby would turn you into a couch potato.”
Evan threw a pillow at him, which Jay dodged effortlessly. “Just wait. Once he’s here, you’ll be the one up at 3 AM while I’m sound asleep.”
“Oh, is that so?” Jay stood up, walking over to the couch and leaning down, his face hovering just above Evan’s belly. “Did you hear that, little guy? Your dad’s making promises he won’t be able to keep.”
Evan groaned and grabbed Jay’s shirt, pulling him down beside him. “For now, though, I’ll keep taking advantage of this while I can.”
Jay nestled into the couch, wrapping an arm around Evan’s shoulders. “Fine, fine. But when you can finally walk again without waddling, I’m making you do every single midnight feeding.”
Evan smiled, his hand resting in Jay’s. “Deal. But until then, keep complaining. It’s pretty cute.”
I can‘t help it—every time I look at Evan now, with that massive belly, I get this rush of… something. It’s hard to explain. He keeps complaining about how big he’s gotten, how he’s basically immobile, but to me, he’s never looked more beautiful. His body is just so… full. Every curve of him seems to demand attention, like the universe is telling me to slow down and just admire him.
I mean, I get it. It’s not easy for him. He’s carrying so much weight, moving is hard, and his back hurts all the time. But that belly? It’s gorgeous. I don’t think he knows how sexy he looks, how it pulls me in every time. When we cuddle at night, and he shifts into me, his body practically molds against mine. His belly presses up against my side, so warm and soft, like this living, breathing reminder of what we’ve created together. I wrap my arms around him, and it’s like I’m holding more than just him—I’m holding us. Our future.
But it’s not just the sentimental part. There’s something else—something physical. The way his skin feels, so smooth and stretched tight, almost glowing. It’s impossible not to run my hand over it, feel the firmness beneath, the life inside. And when he laughs, that soft, throaty chuckle of his, the whole thing moves a little, like his laughter ripples through him. It’s intimate in a way that’s hard to describe. He’ll be talking, and all I can think about is how much I want to touch him, to kiss every part of him that’s swollen with this incredible, sexy energy.
He doesn’t realize how much it drives me crazy. Every time we’re lying there, his body pressed against mine, I can’t stop myself from teasing him. I’ll kiss his neck, right in that spot that makes him squirm, and he’ll roll his eyes, pretending like he’s not into it. But I know better. I know that if I keep going—trailing my lips down his collarbone, across the slope of his belly—he’ll give in, just like always.
Sometimes he’ll try to play hard to get, mumbling something about being too tired or too big to move, but I can see it in his eyes. That little flicker of heat. He’ll tease me back, acting like this huge belly is an obstacle, but the way he melts into my touch tells me he wants it just as much as I do. And when I finally get him to stop resisting, when he lets out that soft sigh and pulls me closer, it’s like everything else fades away.
I love how his lips feel against mine, the slow, lazy way we kiss now—nothing rushed, just savoring the moment. His hands, usually resting on his belly, will eventually find their way to my back, pulling me in closer, urging me to keep going. He’ll let out these quiet, breathy sounds that drive me wild, and I can’t help but push a little more, letting my hands roam, finding all the spots I know he loves. I’ll tease him until he’s practically pleading with me without saying a word.
And when we’re there, tangled up together, my hands tracing the curve of his swollen belly, I feel this overwhelming need to kiss him deeper, to remind him that no matter how big he gets, how heavy he feels, he’s still the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. It’s not just about the sex anymore—it’s about being close, about this connection we’ve built. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want him in every way possible. Because I do.
The evening settled in, casting a dusky glow through the apartment as the day’s warmth faded. Evan had finally gotten off the couch with Jay’s help, waddling slowly to their bedroom. Jay followed behind, chuckling softly, still teasing Evan’s exaggerated movements, though this time with a glint in his eye.
“You know,” Jay said, smirking as he caught Evan’s eye in the hallway mirror, “it’s been a while since we’ve… you know, connected in that way.” He nudged Evan playfully, eyebrows raised suggestively.
Evan turned, his belly leading the way as he leaned against the doorframe to their bedroom. “Oh, you mean the last time we tried, and it ended in me getting a leg cramp while you were busy complaining about my belly taking up all the space?”
Jay winced, rubbing the back of his neck. “Okay, so maybe that wasn’t my finest moment, but tonight, we’ll go slow. I’ll do all the work.”
Evan snorted, shuffling into the bedroom and sitting on the edge of the bed, his belly sticking out in front of him like an imposing wall. “You say that every time. But look at me, Jay. I’m a beached whale. I’m basically immovable. How is this even going to work?”
Jay shut the door behind them and flopped down next to Evan, his hand resting softly on the curve of Evan’s belly. “First of all, you’re not a whale. You’re a very sexy—uh—turtle, maybe. A very sexy, pregnant turtle. And second, you’re overthinking it. We’ll just get creative.”
Evan tilted his head, one eyebrow raised. “Creative, huh? Last time your idea of ‘creative’ was me trying to balance on my side while you—” He trailed off, blushing as he remembered how awkward that had been. The baby had kicked at the worst possible moment, and they both ended up laughing more than anything else.
Jay groaned dramatically, flopping back on the bed with a heavy sigh. “Okay, okay, that was a bad call. But we’re figuring this out. We’ll find a position where you’re comfortable.”
Evan looked down at his belly, already feeling the pressure of it pushing against his thighs. “Jay, there’s literally no comfortable position right now. My back aches if I’m on it for more than a minute, and don’t even get me started on lying on my side. And I’m way too heavy for you to… you know, take control.”
Jay sat up, a determined glint in his eye. “Challenge accepted. I’ll just… position you here.” He gently tried to help Evan lay back on the bed, propping up a pillow beneath his head and sliding another under his hips.
Evan grunted as he shifted, already feeling uncomfortable. “I feel like I’m about to be sacrificed on an altar.”
Jay tried to suppress a laugh. “You’ll thank me later. Now, how about I—”
“—Oh no,” Evan interrupted, suddenly pulling back, his eyes wide. “Hold on. The baby just moved, and now I have to pee.”
Jay blinked, incredulous. “You just went to the bathroom.”
“Yeah, well, there’s a tiny human dancing on my bladder. Be right back.” Evan heaved himself up, making his way to the bathroom while Jay stared at the ceiling, muttering under his breath.
“I swear, this is a test of my patience. Maybe they should add this to those pregnancy books. Chapter ten: How to Make Love When Your Partner Has the Body of a Pregnant Goddess and You’re Slowly Losing Your Mind.”
Evan came back a minute later, laughing as he caught the last part of Jay’s rant. “You know, if you really want this to happen, you might want to stop complaining every five seconds.”
Jay sat up, crossing his arms. “I’m not complaining. I’m being… realistic.”
Evan chuckled, crawling back onto the bed with Jay’s help. “Realistic, huh? Okay, realistic Jay, how exactly are we doing this?”
Jay took a deep breath, determination renewed. “Okay, so you’ll lie back like this—” He gently eased Evan onto his back again, arranging pillows until Evan seemed somewhat settled. “—and I’ll just… you know, climb on.”
Evan stared at him, wide-eyed. “Jay, do you see how much space my belly is taking up? Where exactly are you climbing?”
Jay paused, surveying the situation. The massive curve of Evan’s stomach left little room for maneuvering. He leaned down to kiss Evan’s neck, but their positioning made it awkward.
Evan burst out laughing, his whole body shaking. “This is ridiculous! I feel like we’re trying to solve a puzzle where the pieces don’t fit.”
Jay sat back on his heels, wiping his brow as if he’d just run a marathon. “Okay, plan B. How about I lie down, and you… straddle me?”
Evan raised an eyebrow, glancing down at his belly, which practically eclipsed Jay beneath him. “Straddle you? You sure? One wrong move and I’ll crush you.”
Jay bit his lip, clearly weighing the risks. “I trust you. Just… go slow.”
With great effort, Evan shifted himself over Jay, one leg at a time, his belly making everything more complicated than usual. He hovered above Jay, the tension of the moment evaporating as they both realized how absurd this all was.
“Well,” Evan said, grinning down at him, “I guess this is as good as it’s gonna get.”
Jay looked up at him, a mischievous smile spreading across his face. “I’ve gotta admit, though, it’s kind of hot, this whole ‘queen ruling from her throne’ vibe.”
Evan snorted. “Yeah, well, don’t get too comfortable. I think my back’s already cramping.”
They both collapsed into laughter, the tension breaking completely as they gave up on the idea of sex for the moment. Evan rolled off of Jay, careful not to knock him off the bed with his belly, and they lay side by side, catching their breath.
Jay reached out, taking Evan’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “Well, we tried. And hey, at least we can still laugh about it.”
Evan smiled, his hand resting on his belly. “Yeah, for now. But you’re going to owe me a lot of backrubs after this.”
Jay leaned over and kissed him softly on the forehead. “Deal. But for now, how about we just cuddle and wait until this belly is a little less… giant?”
Evan grinned, snuggling into Jay’s arms. “Sounds perfect to me.”
The Morning After
Evan stirred beneath the blankets, his huge belly making any attempt to roll over feel like he was trying to move a boulder. He grumbled to himself, a mix of frustration and the persistent discomfort that came with being this far along in the pregnancy. Slowly, he opened his eyes and reached over to Jay’s side of the bed, only to find it empty.
“Where’d he go?” Evan mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He stretched as best he could, his belly rising like a mountain beneath the covers. He heard faint noises coming from outside the bedroom, probably Jay already up and about, making coffee or doing whatever it was he did when he was left alone with his thoughts.
Evan sat up with a groan, feeling the familiar pressure on his back, and slid his legs over the side of the bed. He was about to get up when the door creaked open.
Jay walked in, and Evan’s breath caught in his throat. Jay was only wearing a pair of snug boxer briefs that clung to his hips, hugging every inch of his toned body. The fabric stretched around his thighs, showing off his muscular legs and, most prominently, the very noticeable bulge between his legs. The sight made Evan’s pulse quicken. He’d seen Jay like this a thousand times, but something about the way he carried himself this morning—the smirk on his face, the way his body glistened faintly from his morning workout—had Evan’s body reacting before his brain even caught up.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Jay said, leaning against the doorframe, his eyes raking over Evan in the bed. His smirk deepened when he noticed the way Evan was looking at him. “You like what you see?”
Evan swallowed hard, shifting slightly on the bed, but the growing heat between his legs made it impossible to ignore his reaction. “Uh, yeah,” he said, trying to sound nonchalant, though his voice came out lower, more breathless than he intended. “Woke up and you were gone. Thought you were making breakfast or something.”
Jay chuckled, stepping further into the room, his every movement deliberate, teasing. “Oh, I’ll make you breakfast later,” he said, his voice smooth and playful. “But I had something else in mind first.”
He walked closer to the bed, and Evan could see the bulge in Jay’s briefs shift with each step, the outline impossible to ignore now. Jay’s eyes sparkled with that familiar mischievous glint as he stood at the edge of the bed, looming over Evan, who was still half-sitting, half-reclining with his massive belly taking up most of the space between them.
“Jay…” Evan began, but his words faltered as Jay reached down, brushing his fingertips lightly over the taut skin of Evan’s belly, tracing the curves with an almost reverent touch.
“Hmm?” Jay tilted his head, pretending like he wasn’t fully aware of the effect he was having. “Something on your mind?”
Evan’s breath hitched as Jay’s fingers lingered just above the waistband of his pajama pants. The sensation was maddening, a light, teasing touch that sent shivers down his spine. “You know exactly what you’re doing,” Evan said, his voice thick with desire, unable to tear his eyes away from the bulge pressed against Jay’s briefs.
Jay grinned, his hand trailing lower, stopping just shy of where Evan wanted it most. “Maybe,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss the side of Evan’s neck, his lips feather-light but enough to make Evan’s pulse race.
Evan shifted again, trying to get comfortable, but the weight of his belly made everything feel like an ordeal. “You’re evil,” he muttered, but he couldn’t hide the smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. “You know I can’t exactly… do much right now.”
Jay’s lips hovered just above Evan’s, their breaths mingling as Jay spoke softly, “I’ll take care of everything.” His voice was low, filled with promise.
Evan let out a soft moan as Jay’s hand finally slid beneath the waistband of his pants, his touch firm but gentle, and he arched into it as best as his heavily pregnant body allowed. His belly pressed against Jay’s chest, a barrier and yet an intimate connection at the same time. Jay’s other hand cupped the back of Evan’s neck, tilting his head slightly as their lips met in a slow, heated kiss.
It wasn’t rushed or hurried; it was deep and deliberate, the kind of kiss that made Evan’s whole body tingle. Jay took his time, teasing him with every stroke of his tongue, every brush of his hand against the sensitive skin of Evan’s stomach.
“You’re still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Jay murmured against Evan’s lips, his voice husky and filled with want. “This belly, everything… I can’t get enough of you.”
Evan groaned, his hands fumbling to reach for Jay, but his body’s limitations made it frustratingly difficult. “You’re making it hard to think, Jay.”
Jay pulled back slightly, just enough to look down at Evan, his eyes dark with lust. “Good,” he said, his grin widening. “I don’t want you to think. Just feel.”
And then Jay was kissing him again, harder this time, his hands exploring every inch of Evan’s body with a newfound urgency. Evan moaned into the kiss, his whole body alive with sensation despite how cumbersome and heavy he felt. Jay’s touch, his teasing words, the way his bulge pressed against Evan’s thigh—it was all too much and not nearly enough at the same time.
“You’re driving me crazy,” Evan gasped between kisses, his voice ragged with need.
Jay pulled back just enough to smirk at him, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “That’s the idea,” he said before leaning back in, kissing Evan’s neck, his jaw, working his way lower. His hands slid down Evan’s sides, brushing the sensitive skin under his belly, making Evan shiver with anticipation.
Jay paused for a moment, his lips just barely brushing against the swell of Evan’s stomach. He glanced up, catching Evan’s gaze with a teasing smile. “You’re so hot like this,” he whispered. “So sexy. I can’t get enough of you.”
Evan’s breath hitched, his body arching instinctively into Jay’s touch despite the weight of his belly. “God, Jay,” he muttered, his voice low and thick with need. “I want you.”
Jay grinned, his hands roaming lower, his touch both teasing and full of promise. “Then let me give you what you want.”
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gothamite-rambler · 3 days
Bruce Wayne sends a text to all his sons (including Duke). The text message read: Clark and Diana are busy for once, want to get chicken wings together??
The batsons are sure this has a double meaning, but what? They aren't in the same areas either, but Bruce knew they were in Gotham.
Dick: Has he been kidnapped?
Tim: This has gotta be code for something.
Damian: Has the day arrived, he's lost his mind? Oh God! No!
Jason: Is he about to kill himself?!
Duke: Whoo party! I've always wanted this and my new fam?!
He sends the address a few minutes later with this part: Sorry, forgot to saw what wing place. They're on me and you can get dessert.
Dick: Get dessert?!
Tim: Am I on trouble?
Damian: What does that mean?!
Jason: This has got to be a suicidr last meal.
Duke: Dessert too? Yes! Although... I hope this means he's doing better mentally.
The men all make it to the wing restaurant where Bruce is waiting for them while reading a book on how to handle clinical depression as man. He sees them and is happy. They all sit there, the wings arrive, but they're confused.
Duke (speaking up while eating incredibly spicy wings): I'll ask, Bruce what gives why did you invite us here? I'm not complaining, but suicide and them worrying if they're in trouble came up a lot on the text thread we had.
Bruce: What I'm not suicidal... I'm insanely depressed but I mean that comes with this job and this life but no I'm not suicidal and none of you are in trouble I just wanted to have a fun dinner with you guys.
Jason: Did you find out you have a tumor or something?
Duke: I think I get it you've been feeling kind of lonely lately and you just wanted to spend time with your boys me included thanks for that and so you invited us out to your usual wing party that you have with Clark and Diana. There's no deeper meaning here you just fell lonely it's cool dude we understand. Right, guys?
Duke kicks Dick under the table for him to speak up.
Dick: He's right but for just surprised that she wanted to do it.
Bruce nods.
Bruce: I feel like we've never had a moment like this and I just wanted to hang out with the guys Barbara, Stephanie and Cass will get on my case about this later but I... Love all of you. There I said it, you guys can quote me on that I won't deny it.
Tim (shrugging): Okay... Um thanks dad. Wow this feels kind of weird we really haven't done this in a while.
Jason: Yeah.
Damian: You even got me cauliflower wings cause remembered I'm vegetarian?
Bruce: Of course why do you think I got you all the specific flavors you wanted? That's how well I know all of you so eat up and again if you guys want dessert we can get that too.
Duke: Thanks, man.
Dick: Yeah, thanks dad. We love you too.
Bruce: Then I'm doing something right.
With that they eat their chicken (and cauliflower) wings and have a good night.
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spaghett-onaplate · 1 year
Once I have a job and some spare money I am sooo tempted to put $85 toward one of those rainbow parachutes you'd play with as a kid at school. I mean, the parachute has about 18 handles, I have roughly 10 friends with the whimsy to participate plus myself. Maybe???
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We all know the semi-canonical ‘all the Robins know to hide/duck inside of Batman’s cape, even as adults’ thing.
We also know that Danny ‘is LITERALLY a ghost’ Fenton sucks at remembering his own intangibility while ALSO forgetting to look ahead of him.
All I’m saying is, Danny Fenton (or Phantom, if you’d really like) would absolutely SLAM into Batman on accident while running on roof tops and Bruce ‘Brooding Instinct’ Wayne doesn’t even think twice about letting the kid hide and scanning around for danger before there’s a record scratch of ‘wait who tf is this?’ kicks in.
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electoons · 7 months
I love the college of winterhold. everyone there is casually deranged and there's like an alarming number of students and staff who threaten you immediately when they meet you. it's always one of the first questlines I do. which makes it even funnier when you get made the arch-mage of the college. I'm level 12 and got through this questline knowing exactly 3 spells. what do you mean you want me to lead the college. this school CANNOT be an accredited institution
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daily-odile · 4 months
AUGH I’d love to see more time looping odile if possible,,,,, how do you think she’d like; “devolve” over each of the acts as compared to Siffrin over time :O
ok im gonna be honest i did like portrait edits months ago and just never finished them. so here you go
act 3:
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act 5:
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yourlocalgrass · 6 months
I just realised I know the birthday Nightmare comes up on the exact day as the said character’s birthday but doesn’t the revival come almost like 5 days before their Birthday??
There hasn’t been any birthday Pop Quiz revival for Levi yet… it should have been here by now. I mean we can still wait until the last day and if it pops up or they’ve removed birthday revival events then… that’s the last of OM ever left that they’ve just removed.
Infact I’ve just realised the recent Birthday Pop Quizz revivals end 2 days before the character’s Birthday
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-Simeon’s Birthday is on February 10th
-The twins Birthday is on March 11th
So if we’re talking about Levi’s birthday revival here, it should have ended by now. And well, there you have it, there’s nothing yet. I mean just gotta wait and see…
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taraxacum-vulpes · 12 days
why is everyone pretending like cyberpunk edgerunners is good. the writing is so bad i hate it
#i'm rewatching it for the third time 😋#i remember seeing a post i think from demilypyro abt how 2077 was a shitty game that everyone forgot how bad it was because of the anime#and the anime is terrible#all of the reviews online call the ending sad but it's literally just 🧍‍♂️ okay so. big whoop.#which would've been great for like to explore the futility of doing jack shit in this world bc it can be taken from you like that#they did a good job of this in the first 6 episodes before the timeskip#but the timeskip ruins everything#and u have to balance how unsatisfying that kind of thing is w the reality of that's just how it is#but NO#it's SAD because EVERYONE DIED#we didn't get a chance to slow down with the characters and get an update post timeskip#and the timeskip negates everything interesting about lucy (my fave 4evr)#and it changes her from a strong independent character that's scary good at her job because she was a lab baby and trained since birth and#an archetype of character i like in cyberpunk (a character that looks sexy without sexualising themself or getting sexualized by others)#(and in context most people wear something similarly revealing regardless of gender or presentation and modesty is the outlier)#wait i take that back she does flirt with david in her introduction scene. but i think it was done tastefully to show that she's confident#in herself and her abilities. and not in like an i'm hot do what i want way. we see her in the same episode being genuine and vulnerable#on multiple occasions. and then it reveals she was just buying time for her group to ambush him#she's a really interesting and cool character guys i swear#but the timeskip takes that and turns her into a stay at home expecting mother damsel in distress wanting to settle down and start a family#and the domesticity is so disturbing bc its like. i guess she wants to leave the edgerunner life behind to live on the moon.#BUT THAT'S SO MUCH DIFFERENT THAN WHAT THEY DID HERE#she doesn't pass the bechdel test anymore suddenly. who is she#they mischaracterised my blorbo so bad#it's like their writing budget got slashed mid show.
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reopening the ask box is like... just finishing vacuuming shed cat hair, and then immediately going and petting said cat vigorously & watching with delight as So Much Fur sheds right back onto the floor
#knocked it down from 96 asks to 53 lets gooooo#i was gonna keep it closed for much longer but like. that was past me's opinion when they were way more stressed than usual#current me misses Conversing with the Masses! or something like that!#is it a smart decision? probably not!#between packing & comms i dont have much time#but keeping it closed felt so wrong... i dont like keep out signs....#absolutely unprompted#i forgot how time-consuming and difficult packing is#im too out of practice....#ive got all my sketchbooks and notebooks and paper and comics boxed up#Except my wof collection. im waiting for book 15 to be shipped before i box em all up. gotta keep things Together#but yes anyway sorry the box is Open for whatever your little heart desires#which is.... bad timing bc im gonna be chronically Offline tomorrow and probably a decent chunk of the next day#now if yall will excuse me im going to Attempt To Write Fanfic.#we'll see if i manage more than one sentence#i am doing. so much usps research for this shit its hilarious#like yes! i will read reddit threads! watch yt 'day in the life' videos! job listings! etc!#but hey now i know about casing and relays/loops and dps and flats and the difference between city and rural-#its fun to learn new things for writing!#i will be taking Liberties anyway! but at least they'll be a conscious decision yk yk#and if i ever post i can say 'hey i know this is inaccurate But its for the sake of the fic. im doing it on purpose! not outta ignorance!'#also i feel so so bad for cca's like... the work 'ethic' is so fucking inhumane are they ok-
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knaveofmogadore · 2 months
You ever wake up from a dream so fucked that you have to sit there for 10 minutes after waking to rewrite the ending so that you can move on with your day or are you normal
#messages from knave#i keep having these ongoing dreams about an alternate reality version of my life#mainly about my parents#like right after i lost my job i had a dream that they'd moved to another state on a whim#and just told me to either upend my entire life to move to florida with them or figure it out#and i ended up moving into a much shittier apartment before realizing 'wait i have a whole house' and moving back into my own house in NJ#and then last night i dreamed I'd visited them and spent a day with my nephews then we all went to a wrestling match#and then after almost being run over by my dad cause he started driving while i was getting into the car#we go back to their house and i take a fat nap only to wake up in the dream and discover that I've disturbed this thumbelina sized toddler#that my mom jad apparentky adopted and then completely forgot about. and we wtruggled to getbit comfortable again on its little ved#then it escaped as toddlers do and i went through a comedy of errors trying to find it only to find it seemingly plastic and lifeless#only for it to start going through rapid metamorphosis into an adult and running around my parents house#my dad and i tried to stop it from growing up becuase every transformation opened up a new pocket dimension or something#then the dream changed into something else as my brain slowly booted back up from a migraine back into reality and i woke up#but the visage of a polly pocket sized toddler being left behind in my adult sized bed really shook me for some reason#it was so small and it was on a teeny pink pillow and it had a little purple teddy it kept dropping#but now I'm thinking of the logitstics of actually raising a child you could step on and squash by accident#that must be nerve wracking like how did thumbelina make it to adulthood without being confibed to a single room or even a single table#cause my first instinct is to build a diarama on a table for them and never let them leave until they're old enough to dodge
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doodlingwren · 1 month
I am going on hiatus for a bit more. I really really hoped the stuff that have been going on lately were already "sorted out" but, uhm... they aren't. I need to take a bit more time offline once again, and try to work things out.
Thank you for your patience ❤
#EDIT: I've deactivated my IG for a bit because it wasn't helping at all. I'll be back there but I need time#wren text tag#somehow issues from mid July/early August have managed to get worse. Like I'm not even surprised bc I'm used to it but GIRL . What the fuck#“it's finally summer”+“can't wait to draw!” * gets 3 hiatus in a row * maybe drawing or summer isn't really meant to be 🤨🤔#I hate having to log-in to post a hiatus message and then dissapear again when I'm supposed to post my doodles n have fun#Feels like one of those jesters that appears at luncheon to entertain the royal court and then they go missing for the rest of the month#bc I'm trying very hard not to hide in my shell + having a bit more presence here to post my artwork#and somehow I fail at both like fucking heck. How can you be so bad at this.#but in short I won't be here to answer stuff and being silly or whatever people expect me to do#because if you're here for the silly stuff. MAN. I'm am sorry but I don't feel silly at all.#Somebody once said “the horrors are never ending yet I remain silly” but I forgot the “remain silly” part#And if you're here for drawings. I don't even have time and I don't feel like drawing at all. Idk which one is worse#The bakery hangs up the “closed today” so people know they have to go to buy bread somewhere else. Same here. But it won't last a day#idk why the bread analogy. Guess I'm a birb after all#this is also the closest thing to a vent post I will ever write and I managed to say nothing at all. Vagueposting about vent. Good job Wren#tw: vent#tagging in case somebody like me needs to have some tags filtered#the hiatus will go on also a bit longer because the last few weeks my mental health suffered a lot and I know my limit#also this post was queued. If I see I can still be active before publishing I will delete it otherwise see for yourself#also queue doesn't work ig like I programmed this for 9 pm hopefully it will be up by then and not any other random time
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